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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VIII
Division of Samar
District of San Sebastian
San Sebastian, Samar

Water, Sanitation and Hygiene in School (WInS) IMPLEMENTATION PLAN

S.Y. 2020-2021


A. School Development
 Coordinate with the District
 Teachers
 Organize the Nurse, Physical Facilities
 WinS Coordinator
1. Creation of WINS School’s Technical Coordinator, SDRRMO,
 Stakeholders
Technical Working Working Group (TWG) to Gulayan sa Paaralan 1st Week of July TWG is organized
 Parents
Group monitor and assist the Coordinator, and the
 Learners
WinS implementation in School Head
 Integrate program in AIP
 Tap support from  Teachers
 Install rainwater
2. Building/Reha stakeholders  WinS Coordinator
catchment in school to
bilitation of  Coordinate with other  Stakeholders Installed/Repaired
ensure water supply Whole year round
Rainwater internal stakeholders  Parents Rainwater Catchment
especially during
Catchment  Seek budgetary  Students System
Systems allocation from school

3. Regular Cleaning  Spearhead in monitoring the  SSG Officers
and Maintenance of regular cleaning and  YES-O
Water Supply maintenance of water  Class Officers  Clean and
Facilities  Monitor of water supply June 2020-July functional water
quality  Utilize SSG Officers, and 2021 supply
other concerned clubs in  Teachers
monitoring the program  Students/Parents

4. Monthly Search for  Monitor the regular  Conduct Monthly  SSG Officers
 Clean comfort
Most Maintained maintenance of Evaluation for:  YES-O Officers
June 2020-July rooms
Restroom/ Toilet/ cleanliness of toilets and  Most  Teachers
Handwashing Areas handwashing areas Maintained  Students/Parents 2021  Well-
Toilet  WinS Coordinator maintained and
 Most Clean  School Nurse functional
Handwashing Area Handwashing
5. Weekly Monitoring  Monitor the practice  Conduct weekly  SSG Officers
of Classroom with and impose the proper evaluation of waste  Teachers
 MRF is properly
proper waste waste segregation and disposal and waste  YES-O Whole School Year
Segregation waste disposal in every segregation of each  Students/Parents
Practice class class  Teachers

 Encourage  Give award of citation  Breeding grounds

beautification of to classes with well-  SSG Officers for mosquitoes are
6. Quarterly Awarding landscapes and maintained landscape  YES-O Whole School Year eliminated
of Certificate for cleanliness classroom and backyards during  Teachers  Well-kept
Most Maintained backyards through quarterly Recognition  YECS landscape and
Landscape/ regular monitoring program  Students/Parents backyards
Classroom Yards

B. Student Development
1. WinS Corner  Encourage every  Coordinate with the school
advisory class to head and class advisers to  School Head  Rest Area in every
provide private private area or partition Advisory classroom
partition or Rest area inside each classroom for  SSG Officers is evident
within the classroom rest of students  YES-O
with emergency kits  Have each grade level  District Nurse June 2020-July 2021
and other sanitary coordinator adopt and  Teachers
essentials especially include in their checklist for  Students
for students suffering class evaluation the
from illness and  Wins corner or Class
menstrual pains Rest area.
2. Semestral Drill on Proper  School Head
Waste segregation and  Demonstrate proper  WinS Coordinator
 Conduct a drill on Proper Well-labelled trash bins are
Disposal Waste segregation  Teachers
waste segregation and evident and garbage are
and waste disposal  YES-O Twice a School Year properly segregated
waste disposal
 Earth-savers club
 STEP Officers
 SSG Officers
 Teachers
 Students
 Put up a Bulletin Board for Awareness of Student on
Wins Corner in the school Reproductive health and
3. Information Advocacy of Promote the advocacy on covered walk  School Head Hygiene education is raised
Reproductive health and Reproductive Health and Hygiene  Coordinate with District  WinS Coordinator Whole School Year
Hygiene Education Nurse and Guidance  SPG
Counselor for the conduct  Students
of Symposium on
Reproductive Health and
Hygiene Education
4. Deworming of all students  Coordinate with and assist  School Head
Deworm all students semi- the School Nurse on her  WinS Coordinator All students are dewormed
annually subject to DOH conduct of Deworming  School Nurse Twice a School Year
recommendations  Teachers

5. Proper Handwashing Drill  WinS Coordinator
 SSG Officers
lead students in demonstrating  Conduct of Handwashing  Junior Health Twice a School Year Every student can perform
proper handwashing Drill Guardians Club proper handwashing drill
 School Nurse
 Teachers
 Students

C. Community Service/ Outreach Program

1. Community Clean-up  Extend clean-up services  Coordinate with the YES-O  SSG Officers
Drive to community to foster Club for the conduct of  Yes-O Street clean-up is done
partnership with the Clean-up Drive Twice a year
 Students routinely

Prepared by: Noted by:


SBM WInS Coordinator School Head


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