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Birla Institute of Technology & Science, Pilani

K. K. Birla Goa Campus

Second Semester 2020 - 21
Course Handout (Part II)
In addition to the Part-I (General Handout for all courses appended to the time table) this portion gives further specific details
regarding the course.
Course ID: CS F212, Course Title: Database Systems
Class Timings: Mon, Wed 11:00 - 11:50 AM, Fri 5:00 - 5:50 PM, Lab Timings: Friday, 9:00 - 11:00 AM
Instructor-In-charge: Dr. Swati Agarwal (, Office: D- 163
Lab Instructor: Dr. Tanmay Tulsidas Verlekar, Office: D-157

1. Prerequisites: None.
2. Course Objectives and Scope
The scope of the course is Database System concepts and major application areas. The objective is to understand various
data models and to develop the relational model of database including the rigorous practice of query language, SQL. The
emphasis is to apply the concepts to wide range of applications.
3. Text Books
T1. Hector G Molina, Jeffrey D.Ullman and Jennifer Widom. ”Database Systems – The Complete Book ”. Pearson Educa-
tion, 2008.
4. Reference Books
R1. Avi Silberschatz and Henry F. Korth and S. Sudarshan. ”Database System Concepts”. Sixth Edition. McGraw-Hill.
ISBN 0-07-352332-1
R2. Elmasri, Navathe. ”Fundamentals of Database Systems”. Pearson Education, 2002
R3. Raghu Ramakrishnan and Johannes Gehrke. ”Database Management System”. 3rd Ed, McGraw-Hill, 2002
5. Course Plan Some part of the course (pre and post midsem) will be conducted in flipped mode where students will be
provided the video lectures and the doubts clearing sessions will be conducted in live classes. Additionally, some content will
be provided in the form of lab worksheets/reading material. The content may be a part of the exam syllabus and students
need to study that to do practice lab exercises.

Lecture Plan
Lecture Module Topics Reference
1 - Introduction and Overview course handout
1-2 I Overview of Database Systems, File system versus Database R3: Ch 1, R1: Ch 1
System, Structure of Database System and its users,
Database Design, Database applications.
3-9 II ER model, Enhanced E-R model R3: Ch 2, T1: Ch 4, R1:
Ch 2, R2: Ch 4
10-13 III Relational model concepts, The relational algebra and ex- R3: Ch 3, T1: Ch 4, R1:
tended relational algebra operations, Formation of queries, Ch 3
Modification of the database, views.
14-18 IV SQL: Queries and Constraints, Integrity and Security: Do- R3: Ch 5, T1: Ch 6, R1:
main Constraints, Referential integrity , Triggers in SQL, Ch 4, 6
Security and authorization in SQL
19-22 V Relational-Database Design: Pitfalls in relational-database R1: Ch 7, R3: Ch 19,
design, Functional dependencies, Decomposition, normal T1: Ch 3
forms, Normalization techniques.
23-25 VI Indexing: Sequential and multi-level indexing. B-Tree, B+ R3: Ch 8, 9, T1: Ch 11,
Tree, dynamic indexing 13, R1: Ch 11, 12
26-28 VII Query processing and optimization: Rules and evaluation R1: Ch 13, 14
29-31 VIII Transaction Management: states, ACID, concurrent execu- R3: Ch 16, T1: Ch 19,
tion, serializability, recoverability, rollbacks R1: Ch 15
32-34 IX Concurrency Control: locking protocols, deadlocks, lock R3: Ch 17, T1: Ch 18,
modes, time stamp based locks, consistency R1: Ch 16
35-38 X Crash Recovery: data access, recovery and atomicity, com- R3: Ch 18, R1: Ch 17
mits, checkpoints, logging
6. Evaluation Scheme

S.No. Component Weightage Date Time Remarks

1 Midsem Lab Exam 10% Feb 26 9:00-11:00 AM Closed book
2 Mid-sem Exam 35% Mar 03 11:00-12:30 AM Open book
3 Compre Lab Exam 15% Apr 23 9:00-11:00 AM Closed Book
4 End-sem Exam 40% May 08 9:00-11:00 AM Open book

7. Office Hours: Saturday, 9:00- 9:50 AM.

8. Notice: All notices concerning this course will be displayed on the News forum of Quanta/Moodle/Photon server. Keep an
eye on ID/ARC notices as well.
9. Course Material: All slides used in the class will be updated on Quanta/Moodle. However, for problem solving, applica-
tions, and in-class discussion, please refer to the class notes/video lectures.
10. Malpractice Regulations
• Any student or team of students found involved in malpractice during lab exams will be awarded negative marks equal
to the weightage of that component.
• Any student or team of students found involved in malpractice during midsem or endsem exams will be reported directly
to the AUGSD with a recommendation of NC grade.
• Any student or group of students found involved in malpractice repeatedly more than once across all courses will be
reported to the Disciplinary Committee for further action.
• The degree of malpractice (the size of the solution involved or the number of students involved) will not be considered
as mitigating evidence. Failure on the part of instructor(s) to detect malpractice at or before the time of evaluation
may not prevent sanctions later on.
• The decision of punishment at course-level will be taken by Instructor In-charge.
11. Make-up Policy
• Make-up shall be granted only in genuine cases based on individual’s need and circumstances and must be approved
by the Instruction Division.
• No marks will be awarded without make-up for that component.
• No make-up for evaluated lab components or lab exam under any condition.

Instructor In-charge
Dr. Swati Agarwal

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