Basic Defination of Validation Engineering

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Audit Trail: Audit trail must be Secure, Computer generated, time-stamped, and independent. It
record date and time of the operator entries and actions that create modify, or delete electronic

Active Server Page(ASP): Microsoft’s technology to enables HTML pages to be dynamic and
interactive by embedding scripts, i.e. either VBScript or JScript, Microsoft’s alternative of
JavaScript. Since the scripts in ASP pages (suffix .asp) are processed by the server, any browser
can work with ASP pages regardless of its support for the scripting language used therein. An
ASP Tutorial, ASP Developer Network, Lots of ASP Links.

CFR : Code of Federal Regulations

Computer system validation: Validation of entire system. It’s a validation of hardware,

software, procedure. {Its software testing in pharmaceutical company}


CLOSED SYSTEM: An environment in which system access is controlled by persons who are
responsible for the content of electronic records that are on the system.

OPEN SYSTEM: An environment in which system access is NOT controlled by persons who are
responsible for the content of electronic records that are on the system

Computer Validation life cycle: Planing and

Specification>design>Construction>Testing>Installation>Acceptance testing>Operation.

computer system :any programmable device including its software, hardware, peripherals,
procedures, users, interconnections and inputs for the electronic processing and output of
information used for reporting or control.

Core Dossier: companies choose CoreDossier over other systems:

It automates the entire regulatory publishing process

It is the only solution that transforms over 100 file formats to PDF while maintaining 100% page

It is the only solution that integrates with multiple repositories simultaneously

It can be implemented on one server, or multiple servers depending on need and scalability

It supports multiple simultaneous output formats (e.g., PDF, paper, CD-ROM, Web, etc.)
It has successfully published over 5,000 submissions, including some of the largest submissions
in the world

Documentum 4i: Documentum 4i is an enterprise-level document-management platform that can

handle any document type but is particularly well-suited to compound documents that have a
hierarchical structure. The product features a three-tier architecture

a choice of relational databases for storage;

the Documentum server providing the object layer;

Documentum or Web browser client.

Disaster recovery. Disaster Recovery Associates develop and provide business continuity
planning software, as well as maintaining the Disaster Recovery Directory. The product range
covers all phases, from business impact analysis to testing of the plan itself.

Desktop Client: End user initiates signing through a desktop client module that integrates out-of-
the-box with commonly used applications.

Document cycle :

(1)          Project Initial

(2)          SRS, FRS,URS

(3)          TDD/DS

(4)          Coding

(5)          IQ/OQ/PQ/USD

(6)          Maintenances

(7)          Retirement plan

DCM (Documentum Compliance Manager) 4.3: the Web Interface for DCM 4.3 includes:

Document Relationship Management

Manual Promotion of Controlled Content

DCM Reports

Issue To-Be Read Notifications

Issue Change Requests and Change Notices

Create and Edit DCM Routers

Developer studio: Are compiled, Can be written in different languages, such as Visual C++ and
Visual Basic, Can access local computer resources as well as the Developer Studio object model,
Can use arbitrary modal dialog boxes, Can directly read from or write to files on disk, using the
Win32 API, Can use early binding for better run-time performance, Can control another
application (.EXE)

Digital signature: an electronic signature based upon Cryptographic methods of originator

authentication, compared by using a set of rules and a set of parameters such that the identity of
the data can be verified.

EDMS (Engineering Data management Service): EDMS is a service of Software product that
work together to provide electronic system of document management. It has two client modes.

(1)          Desktop

(2)          WebTop( we use web top)

And the various application that it support is

(1)          One document management

(2)          Import management

(3)          Record manager

(4)          Web publisher

(5)          Business problem manager etc.

EDMS provides:

(1)          Typed integration with auto writing tools, Ms Words, Power point.

(2)          It has the ability to easily seen and capture existing document

(3)          It provides a power full workflow automation process associated with creating,
receiving, approving, distributing and archiving.

(4)          It allow full test servicing for user

(5)          It provides unlimited scalability for supporting thousands of users and billions of
(6)          It provides security on user and roles that protected valuable enterprise and contain
knowledge documents.

Electronic Signature: A computer data Compilation of any symbol or series of symbols executed,
adopted, or authorized by an individual to be the legally binding equivalent of the handwritten

End-to-end testing: It involves testing of a complete application enviournment in a situation that

mimics real-world use, such as interacting with a database. Using network communication, or
interacting with other hardware, application, or system if appropriate.

FDA compliances: The FDA compliance statements refer to the FDA limitations only.

Functional design specification (FDS): it provides the basic of the design of the system and its
used to verify and validate the system during testing , ensuring all the required functions are
present and that they are operate correctly .

Gap analysis: To conduct a Gap Analysis, one must identify Gaps, holes, and area of contention
where the application under Observation does not meets the standard requirements. An identified
Gap suggests that a functionality or process need further development, either by modifying,
improving or creating faulty / missing elements.

GCP (Good Clinical Practice):

-Centralized Laboratory

-Data Acquisition and Reporting

-Remove data Entry

-Case Report Form System

-Clinical Supply System

GLP (Good Laboratory system): management system that describes the organization and
condition of the quality, integrity and validation in which laboratory studies are conducted.

-Laboratory information management

-laboratory Robotics

-Toxicology System

-stability System

-Environment Impact
GMP (Good manufacturing Practice): management system that describes the organization and
condition of the quality, Safety and Efficacy for preparation of finished drug products.

-Manufacturing Execution

-maintenance management

-calibration management

-Facility management System

-Support Chain Planning

Installation Qualification (IQ): It confirms that software was installed successfully to the system
manufacture’s specifications for correct and reliable functioning. IQ confirms that
correct system components, products and software are installed, expected system parameters are
set, the needed file structures, directories, and data base are in place, the proper profile are set-up

LIMS (Labority Information management system): LIMS and lab data management information
into a single location to make your online search as quick, simple and easy as possible. Designed
especially for analytical lab includes researched development (R&D) labs, in-process testing
labs, Quality assurance (QA) labs and more .Versions/modules: “Limsophy”
which is now standard LIMS of AAC and designed for Window’s XX, oracle, MS-

Labware LIMS. LabWare LIMS is a full-featured Client/Server Laboratory Information

Management System (LIMS) integrated into the Windows environment. This architecture
combines the power and security of a typical server with the ease of use provided by the
Microsoft GUI. LabWare LIMS is one of the world’s first client configurable LIMS product,
providing an unparalleled degree of client involvement in adapting the software to their specific

Operation Qualification (OQ): It proves that system complies with the operational process
requirements and works as intended throughout its operational range. OQ confirms that the
system operates properly when working in its operational environment while applications are
running throughout the anticipated range of system input and other variables. Required SOPÃ
¢â‚¬â„¢s are ready and user have been trained.

Performance Qualification (PQ): PQ proves the system performs consistently as intended during
normal operational use and remains in compliance with regulatory and user expectations.

PQ /UAT summary report:

Summarizes the following:-

Testing environment

Testing performed

Test results

Limitations that could not be corrected

Unresolved errors

Each test script will be given a status of PASS or FAIL.

Perform a Periodic Evaluation:

Regulatory compliance dictates that GxP system must be validated and remain in a Validated
state. SPRI-05 states periodic reviews must be performed every 3 years from the last full
validation or the last periodic evaluation. Its done on validated system already in production

Periodic Evaluation Process:

Collect/assess available documentation

Prepare periodic review and evaluation reports

PDF Aqua: PDF aqua puts the power of controlling mission-critical documents back in your
hands by eliminating manual procedures and establishing a highly efficient electronic
environment with rules based security. With PDF aqua you can define view and/or print- time
document access & watermarking and the overlaying of document metadata onto document
headers, footers and body’s on-the-fly as the document is released from the document
base, ensuring that the document security settings always reflect the user’s permissions.

Quick Test Pro: The Quickest is developed with top quality presentations, content and videos
showing you exactly how to perform the features without guessing. Quick Test Professional
satisfies the needs of both technical and non-technical users. It enables you to deploy higher-
quality applications faster, cheaper, and with less risk.

Retirement Plan: A document that describes the overall strategy and responsible parties for
moving a computer system from operation status to inactive status.

Requirements traceability matrices: this is used to verify that all stated and derived requirement
are allocated to system component and other deliverable .the matrices is also used to determine
the source of requirements . Requirement traceability includes Tracing to thing other than
software that satisfied the requirements such as Capability, design element, manual operation test

Remediation plan: it’s a solution to bring back a system into compliance.

Retrospective Evaluation: To justify that the legacy system has undergone review, and that the
current systems supports data integrity.

SLC (Software Life Cycle): The life cycle begins when an Application is first conceived and
ends when it is no longer in use. It includes aspects such as initial concepts, requirements
analysis, functional design, internal design, documentation planning, test planning, coding,
document preparation, integration, testing, maintenance, updates, retesting, phase-out, and other

SQL*LIMS: software is a complete laboratory information management system which aids in

sample tracking, laboratory processes, workflow, data access, storage and regulatory compliance

Scripting language: A programming language designed specifically for Web site programming.
Examples include JavaScript and VBScript.

SOP (standard operating procedure): SOPs must be written specifically for the computer system
to describe restart/recover, security, source code maintenance, and row data storage, archive and
retrieval. Among the SOPs to be reviewed are those cover planning, requirement, design, code,
test, configuration management and quality assurance. It’s a step by step description for

Security : The sophisticated used of security, rustication such as Password authorization etc
allows system to use :

(1)          Different version of same document i.e. previous version of update file link to one
another and available for viewing.

(2)          Viewers can add notes to document or alter or create version.

(3)          Multiple component creation

(4)          Take different piece of diff files and put together as required in one web document.

(5)          Audit trail logging.

SDLC(Software Development Life Cycle):

(1)          concept and planning

(2)          requirement gathering

(3)          design

(4)          implementation
(5)          validation/test

(6)          maintenances

(7)          retirement

SOPs have u written :

Testing inputs and commands

Security testing

Stress testing

Backup and recovery

Startup shutdown and recovery

Archive process

SQL*LIMS: structured query Language *lab Information management System.

Types of validation: The two types of validation are:

Prospective validation: the validation of a new system as it is developed

Retrospective validation: the validation of an existing system

Test cases: A document which describe input action or event and expected response to determine
the future of an application is working correctly .it should contain particulars such as test case
Identifier, test case name , objectives , test conditions input data requirements ,steps and
expected results .

Test scripts: A document written to give detailed instructions for the setup, operation, and
evaluation of results for a given test for a specific module of the target system being tested under
the Test plan. Followings are include in Test Scripts:

Test description

Acceptance criteria

Expected and actual result

Initial and dates of execution

Name of testers and reviewers

Test Plan: a high level document that will describe the key elements associated with the testing
of a computer system. A software project test plan is a document that describes the objectives,
scopes, approach, and focus of a software testing effort.

Test Plan Execution:

Execute Test Scripts

Record each issue on a separate incident Form

Log all issue via an incident Log

Make appropriate changes

Re-test all modifications

Prepare/UAT summary report

Test Director: It’s a test management tools and it has many function like bug track and
reporting, manage all test cases, store all cases.

Technical design documentation (TDD): it is a document produced by the supplier prior to

software coding.

User Requirement Specifications (URS): A URS documents what the automation must or should
do. The focus of the URS must be on the requirements themselves and these should be uniquely
referenced by individual numbering and clearly highlighted within the document .Requirements
must be unambiguous and written in a technical language that is understood by both user and
supplier. The US is the foundation of a automation project and must support the design, testing,
installation and operation of a control and automation system throughout it life cycle.

Validation Master Plan: A high level document that describes how your company validates
equipment, processes, computers, methods and so on. Such a document is typically called
Validation Master Plan. It also includes information on who is responsible for what (by function,
not by person’s name). Such a document should be developed for corporate, departments or sites.

Validation summary Reports: it includes all the test results and summaries all the repots.

Validation process:

More than just testing

Overall QA Program

DEFINE the system

DESIGN the system

DEMONSTRATE performance of intended function and detection of errors.

DOCUMENT the system and the process

Validation lifecycle: URS (User Requirement Specification)>>> FDS

(Functional Design Specification)>>> HDS (Hardware Design Specification) / SDS

(Software Design Specification)>>>Engineering>>> IQ (Installation Qualification)>>> OQ

(Operational Qualification)>>> PQ (Performance Qualification)

Validation Facets : The validation efforts consists of 5 specific facets or processes, each alone ,
would not constitute a validation

The Validation Master Plan (VMP)

The Project Plan

Installation Qualification (IQ)

Operational Qualification (OQ)

Performance or Process Qualification (PQ)

VSR and VSD:

VSD (Validation Summary Document): it indicates what to do and who is going to do it.

VSR (Validation summary Report): it indicates what was done, who did it and what the results

The VSD and VSR documents are considered “Bookend Deliverables”

Workflow manager: The Workflow Manager helps you manage site workflow for your
organization. SiteMaker CMS users can efficiently communicate with one another, assign and
review tasks, and read important web page notes while authorized users can review and publish
web pages to the live site. Workflow Manager smoothly integrates disparate systems and
structures complex business processes into a unified framework.

21 CFR parts 11, 210/211: Highlights of the Final Rule The final rule provides criteria under
which FDA will consider electronic records to be equivalent to paper records, and electronic
signatures equivalent to traditional handwritten signatures
21 CFR part 11:

(1)          Security

(2)          Calculation

(3)          Environment monitory

(4)          Stability

(5)          Instrument interface

(6)          Audit


Computer System Validation – It’s More Than Just Testing


Computer System Validation is the technical discipline that Life Science companies use to
ensure that each Information Technology application fulfills its intended purpose.

Stringent quality requirements in FDA regulated industries impose the need for specific controls
and procedures throughout the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC).

Evidence that these controls and procedures have been followed and that they have resulted in
quality software (software that satisfies its requirements) must be documented correctly and

These documents must be capable of standing up to close scrutiny by trained inspectors since the
financial penalty for failing an audit can be extremely high. More importantly, a problem in a
Life Science software application that affects the production environment could result in serious
adverse consequences, including possible loss of life.

What is Computer System Validation and Why is it Important?

A key source document providing FDA guidance on the general topic of Validation is “General
Principles of Validation, Food and Drug Administration” from the Center for Drug Evaluation
and Research.

The definition of Validation in this document is:

Establishing documented evidence which provides a high degree of assurance that a
specific process will consistently produce a product meeting its predetermined
specification and quality attributes.
Validation is aimed at manufacturers of pharmaceuticals and medical devices who must
demonstrate that their processes produce consistent product quality.

It applies to all processes that fall under FDA regulation, including, but not limited to, computer

For example, Validation applies to pharmaceutical manufacturing processes which include

checking, cleaning, and documenting that all equipment used in manufacturing operates
according to predetermined specifications.

Computer System Validation (or Computerized System Validation as it sometimes called in the
literature) is the result of applying the above definition to a Computer System:
Establishing documented evidence which provides a high degree of assurance that
a Computer System will consistently produce results that meet its predetermined
specification and quality attributes.

Note: a “Computer System” in the Life Sciences sector is more than computer hardware and
software. It also includes the equipment and instruments linked to the system (if any) as well as
the trained staff that operate the system and/or equipment using Standard Operating Procedures
(SOPs) and manuals.

the FDA definition of Validation is an umbrella term that is broader than the way the term
validation is commonly used in the IT industry.

In the IT industry, validation usually refers to performing tests of software against its
requirements . A related term in the IT world is verification, which usually refers to Inspections,
Walkthroughs, and other reviews and activities aimed at ensuring that the results of successive
steps in the software development cycle correctly embrace the intentions of the previous step .

FDA Validation of computer systems includes all of these activities with a key focus on
producing documented evidence that will be readily available for inspection by the FDA. So
testing in the sense of executing the software is only one of multiple techniques used in
Computer System Validation.


Validation FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions about Validation)

Q: When do I need to validate my systems?
A: Validation is required when your system (computer system, equipment, process, or method) is
used in a GxP process or used to make decisions about the quality of the product. In addition, if
the system is used to generate information for submissions to regulatory bodies like the FDA, the
system needs to be validated.
Q: How does validation add value to my system?
Validation adds value to systems by demonstrating that the system will perform as expected.
Validation also removes the risk of regulatory non-compliance.

Q: Do I need to validate my computer system?

A: Computer system validation is required for systems used to store electronic records, according
to FDA 21 CFR Part 11.10(a) and Annex 11 Paragraph 4.

Q: Where do I find the rules for validating pharmaceutical manufacturing processes and
A: Guidelines for validation for pharmaceutical manufacturing are in FDA 21 CFR 211.

Q: What federal rules are in place regulating Quality Systems?

A: Quality System regulation is located in FDA 21 CFR 820.

Q: Why are there so many documents?

A: Proper documentation is required to demonstrate that the system was tested, including
validation planning, protocol execution, and quality review. From a regulatory auditor’s point of
view, if you don’t document what you did, you didn’t do it.

Q: Am I allowed to change a validated system?

A: Changing validated systems requires Change Control to ensure that there are no unexpected
or unrecorded changes to the system.

Q: What is GAMP?
A: GAMP is an acronym for Good Automated Manufacturing Practices. GAMP contains a
collection of industry best practices for validation.

Q: What is ICH?
A: ICH is an acronym for the International Conference on Harmonization of Technical
Requirements for Registration of Pharmaceuticals for Human Use. ICH is a collaboration of
regulatory authorities from the United States, Europe, Japan, and members of the pharmaceutical
industry. ICH also issues industry best practices for validation.

Q: Can you tell me if my systems need to be validated?

A: Yes. Ofni Systems performs compliance assessments, or we can train your staff to do your
own gap analysis.

Q: Do you do validations?
Yes. Ofni Systems is an industry-recognized leader in computer validation.

Q: Do you have tools to facilitate our validation process?

A: Yes. The FastVal Validation Document Generator can improve the quality of your validation
documentation and help you complete validation projects in 70% less time than traditional
validation methods.

Validation Master Plans

Validation Master Plans discuss validation activities across an entire site or within an
organization. The Validation Master Plan is a summary of validation strategy. The purpose of the
Validation Master Plan is to document the compliance requirements for the site and to ensure
that sufficient resources are available for validation projects.

Sometimes Validation Master Plans are written to cover specific departmental validation
activities or the validation process for a specific type of system (for example, all programmable
logic controllers (PLCs) within a manufacturing process). These master plans describe the
specific validation process for that group or system type. Master plans are written to assist an
organization with validation strategy or to provide control over a specific process.

The Validation Master Plan is different from a validation procedure (SOP), which describes the
specific process for performing validation activities. When plans are written specifically for a
single validation project, they are referred to as Validation Plans. Sometimes master plans are
named for their function area, such as a Site Validation Master Plan, Pharmaceutical Validation
Master Plan, or Software Master Plan.

Validation Master Plan Examples

The Validation Master Plan includes:

 Systems, equipment, methods, facilities, etc., that are in the scope of the plan
 Current validation status for the systems within the project scope
 Compliance requirements for validation, including how the validated state will be maintained
 Schedule of validation activities

Validation Master Plans can also include:

 Required validation deliverables

 Validation documentation format
 Current validation procedures and policies
 General validation risk mitigation strategy

Validation Master Plans should be approved by the head of Site Quality, plus other senior
department heads as appropriate. Senior management approval is necessary for Validation
Master Plans because their support is essential for the success of the plan.

Validation Plans (VP)
Validation Plans define the scope and goals of a validation project. The Validation Plan is
written at the start of the validation project (sometimes concurrently with the user requirement
specification) and is usually specific to a single validation project.

The collection of documents produced during a validation project is called a Validation Package.
Once the validation project is complete, all documents in the validation package should be stored
according to your site document control procedures.

Validation Plans are different than Validation Master Plans. Validation Plans are usually project
specific; Validation Master Plans govern validation activities for an entire organization or site.
Sometimes plans are also named for the applicable subject area, such as a Software Validation

Validation Plan Examples

A Validation Plan should include:

 Deliverables (documents) to be generated during the validation process

 Resources, departments, and personnel to participate in the validation project
 Time-lines for completing the validation project
 Acceptance criteria to confirm that the system meets defined requirements
 Compliance requirements for the system, including how the system will meet these

The plan should be written with an amount of detail that reflects system complexity.

The plans should be approved, at a minimum, by the System Owner and Quality Assurance.
Once approved, the plan should be retained according to your site document control procedures.

Frequently Asked Questions about Validation Plans

Q: What is the definition of Validation Plan?

A: The FDA uses the NIST definition: A management document describing the approach taken
for a project. The plan typically describes work to be done, resources required, methods to be
used, configuration management and quality assurance procedures to be followed, schedules to
be met, project organization, etc. Project in this context is a generic term. Some projects may
also need integration plans, security plans, test plans, quality assurance plans, etc. (See:
documentation plan, software development plan, test plan, software engineering.) In practice, the
validation plan describes how the validation project is going to be performed.

Q: Can I see an example of a validation plan?

A: We have a sample validation plan available for download.

Risk Assessments
In validation, Risk Assessment documents potential business and compliance risks associated
with a system and the strategies that will be used to mitagate those risks. Risk Assessments
justify allocation of validation resources and can streamline the testing process. They also serve
as a forum for users, developers, system owners, and quality to discuss the system which can
have other intangible benefits. 21 CFR 11 does not require risk assessments, but Annex 11 does
require a risk-management strategy.

Assigning risk should be a multi-disciplinary function. System owners, key end-users, system
developers, information technology, engineers, and Quality should all participate if they are
involved with the system. The Risk Assessment should be signed by the personnel who
participated in the assessment.

Risk Assessment Examples

There are many methods for Risk Assessment, but they generally all include rating risk for each
requirement in at least three specific categories:

 Criticality – How important a function is to system functionality. Low criticality means that the
system can continue to function relatively normally, even if the function is completely
compromised. High risk means that if the function is damaged, one of the primary functions of
the system cannot be accomplished.
 Detectability – The ease of detecting an issue arising with a particular function. It is more risky if
there is a low chance of detectability; high chances of detectability correspond to lower risk.
 Probability – The probability of an issue arising with a particular function. Low probability
means there is little chance that the function will fail; high probability means there is a high
chance that the function will fail.


User Requirements Specification

The User Requirements Specification describes the business needs for what users require from
the system. User Requirements Specifications are written early in the validation process,
typically before the system is created. They are written by the system owner and end-users, with
input from Quality Assurance. Requirements outlined in the URS are usually tested in the
Performance Qualification or User Acceptance Testing. User Requirements Specifications are
not intended to be a technical document; readers with only a general knowledge of the system
should be able to understand the requirements outlined in the URS.
The URS is generally a planning document, created when a business is planning on acquiring a
system and is trying to determine specific needs. When a system has already been created or
acquired, or for less complex systems, the user requirement specification can be combined with
thefunctional requirements document.

User Requirements Examples

Good requirements are objective and testable. For example:

 Screen A accepts production information, including Lot, Product Number, and Date.
 System B produces the Lab Summary Report.
 Twenty users can use System C concurrently without noticeable system delays.
 Screen D can print on-screen data to the printer.
 System E will be compliant with 21 CFR 11.

The URS should include:

 Introduction – including the scope of the system, key objectives for the project, and the
applicable regulatory concerns
 Program Requirements – the functions and workflow that the system must be able to perform
 Data Requirements – the type of information that a system must be able to process
 Life Cycle Requirements – including how the system will be maintain and users trained

For more examples and templates, see the User Requirements Specification Template.

Requirements are usually provided with a unique identifier, such as an ID#, to aid in traceability
throughout the validation process.

User Requirements Specifications should be signed by the system owner, key end-users, and
Quality. Once approved, the URS is retained according to your organization’s practices for
document retention.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Are User Requirements Specifications always required for validation?

A: When a system is being created, User Requirements Specifications are a valuable tool for
ensuring the system will do what users need it to do. In Retrospective Validation, where an
existing system is being validated, user requirements are equivalent to the Functional
Requirements: the two documents can be combined into a single document.

Functional Requirements
The Functional Requirements Specification documents the operations and activities that a system
must be able to perform.

Functional Requirements should include:

 Descriptions of data to be entered into the system

 Descriptions of operations performed by each screen
 Descriptions of work-flows performed by the system
 Descriptions of system reports or other outputs
 Who can enter the data into the system
 How the system meets applicable regulatory requirements

The Functional Requirements Specification is designed to be read by a general audience. Readers

should understand the system, but no particular technical knowledge should be required to
understand the document.

Rapid Functional Requirement Creation

Examples of Functional Requirements

Functional requirements should include functions performed by specific screens, outlines of

work-flows performed by the system, and other business or compliance requirements the system
must meet. Download an example functional requirements specification or use these quick
examples below.

Interface requirements

 Field 1 accepts numeric data entry.

 Field 2 only accepts dates before the current date.
 Screen 1 can print on-screen data to the printer.

Business Requirements

 Data must be entered before a request can be approved.

 Clicking the Approve button moves the request to the Approval Workflow.
 All personnel using the system will be trained according to internal SOP AA-101.

Regulatory/Compliance Requirements

 The database will have a functional audit trail.

 The system will limit access to authorized users.
 The spreadsheet can secure data with electronic signatures.

Security Requirements

 Members of the Data Entry group can enter requests but can not approve or delete requests.
 Members of the Managers group can enter or approve a request but can not delete requests.
 Members of the Administrators group cannot enter or approve requests but can delete

Depending on the system being described, different categories of requirements are appropriate.
System Owners, Key End-Users, Developers, Engineers, and Quality Assurance should all
participate in the requirement gathering process, as appropriate to the system.

Requirements outlined in the Functional Requirements Specification are usually tested in the
Operational Qualification.

Additional Comments

The Functional Requirements Specification describes what the system must do; how the system
does it is described in the Design Specification.

If a User Requirement Specification was written, all requirements outlined in the User
Requirement Specification should be addressed in the Functional Requirements Specification.

The Functional Requirements Specification should be signed by the System Owner and Quality
Assurance. If key end-users, developers, or engineers were involved with developing the
requirements, it may be appropriate to have them sign and approve the document as well.

Depending on the size and complexity of the program, the Functional Requirements
Specification document can be combined with either the user requirements specification or the
design specification.

Frequently Asked Questions about Functional Requirements

Q: What is the difference between a User Requirement Specification and the Functional
Requirement Specification?
A: User Requirements describe the end-user requirements for a system. Functional Requirements
describe what the system must do.

Q: Can I see an example of a functional specification?

A: We have a sample functional specification for an Excel spreadsheet available for download.

Design Specification
Design Specifications describe how a system performs the requirements outlined in the
Functional Requirements. Depending on the system, this can include instructions on testing
specific requirements, configuration settings, or review of functions or code. All requirements
outlined in the functional specification should be addressed; linking requirements between the
functional requirements and design specification is performed via the Traceability Matrix.

Design Specification Examples

Good requirements are objective and testable. Design Specifications may include:

 Specific inputs, including data types, to be entered into the system

 Calculations/code used to accomplish defined requirements
 Outputs generated from the system
 Explaining technical measures to ensure system security
 Identify how the system meets applicable regulatory requirements

For more examples and templates, see the FastVal Design Specification Template.

System Requirements and verification of the installation process are usually tested in the
Installation Qualification. Input, Processing, Output, and Security testing are usually tested in the
Operational Qualification.

Due to the extremely technical nature of most design documents, there is currently some
discussion in the industry about who needs to review the Design Specification. The Design
Specification is reviewed and approved, at minimum, by the System Owner, System Developer,
and Quality Assurance. Quality Assurance signs to ensure that the document complies with
appropriate regulations and that all requirements were successfully addressed, but they do not
necessarily need to review technical information.

Depending on the size and complexity of the program, the design specification may be combined
with the functional requirements document.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can I see an example of a Design Specification?

A: We have a sample design specification for an Excel spreadsheet available for download.

Test Protocols and Test Plans
In a validation project, Tests Plans or Test Protocols are used to demonstrate that a system meets
requirements previously established in specification, design, and configuration documents. Test
Plans document the general testing strategy; Test Protocols are the actual testing documents. In
many cases, the Test Plan and Test Protocol are combined into a separate document.

The Test Plan outlines the testing requirements and strategy. It should include the general
process for performing the testing, documenting evidence of testing and the process for handling
testing failures. The Test Plan may also include the types of testing, descriptions of environments
where testing will be performed, who is responsible for testing, equipment or testing that will be
used in testing, or other organizational requirements for testing.

Test Protocols describe the specific testing. Test Protocols are collections of Test Cases which
check a specific element of the system. Each test case should include the purpose of the test, any
pre-requisites that need to be done before testing, and the acceptance criteria for the test.

Each test case is made up of a series of test steps. Each step should include an instruction, an
expected result, and the actual result. The instructions should include enough detail so that a
tester can consistently perform the required testing activity. There should also be a place for the
tester to assess whether each step passes or fails.

The process of following the instructions and recording the results is called “executing” the
protocol. When executing test protocols, the tester should follow established Good
Documentation Practices. This includes using a compliant computer system to record the testing
results or documenting the results on paper and pen. Any discrepancy between the expected
result and the actual result should be tracked as a deviation. Deviations should be resolved before
validation is complete.

Software validation usually uses three specific testing protocols:

 Installation Qualifications (IQ) verify that systems are on machines suited to run the software,
that the system has been properly installed and that the configuration is correct. These
requirements are outlined in the Design Specification.
 Operational Qualifications (OQ) verify that systems perform as expected. The OQ tests
requirements outlined in the Functional Requirements.
 Performance Qualifications (PQ) verify that systems perform tasks in real-world conditions. The
PQ tests requirements outlined in the User Requirement Specification.

Engineering Validations sometimes use two additional testing protocols:

 Factory Acceptance Test (FAT) – Factory acceptance tests are an attempt to verify that the
equipment meets requirements outlined in the User Requirement Specification or Functional
Requirements. FATs are performed at the point of assembly. Customers will often ask to be
present for FAT, though the tests are usually performed by the manufacturer. Many companies
do not allow the company to ship the item without passing the factory acceptance test, and
some contractual payments are dependent upon the item passing FAT.
 User Acceptance Test (UAT) or Site Acceptance Test (SAT) – User and site acceptance tests
verify that the item performs as required by the User Requirement Specification or Functional
Requirements. Once an item passes UAT/SAT, it is ready for use, unless other contractual
arrangements are made between the user and the vendor.

Test Protocols should be approved before protocol execution. A copy of the unexecuted protocol
should be kept in the validation package. The unexecuted protocol should be approved by the
System Owner and Quality Assurance. The executed protocol should be signed by the tester and
reviewed by the system owner and Quality.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can I document test cases using MS Word or MS Excel?

A: When electronic systems are used to perform regulated processes (like the verification of
validation test protocols), they need to be compliant with 21 CFR 11. MS Word and MS Excel
do not, in their out-of-the-box state, have the necessary technological controls, like individual
user passwords or audit trails, required to be compliant with electronic records requirements such
as 21 CFR 11 or Annex 11.

Q: How does Ofni Systems document validation testing?

A: At Ofni Systems, we use FastVal to execute test protocols electronically. This allows us to
execute protocols to ensure requirement traceability and to generate the actual requirement
traceability document. Other organizations might use Excel spreadsheets to keep a table of
requirements, despite this being extremely difficult to maintain manually.


Installation Qualification
The Installation Qualification Protocol verifies the proper installation and configuration of a
System. This can include ensuring that necessary files have been loaded, equipment has been
installed, the necessary procedures have been approved, or the appropriate personnel have been
trained. The requirements to properly install the system were defined in the Design Specification.
Installation Qualification must be performed before completing the Operational Qualification or
Performance Qualification.

Depending on your needs and the complexity of the system, Installation Qualification can be
combined with Operational Qualification or Performance Qualification.

Installation Qualification protocols should be approved before protocol execution. A copy of the
unexecuted protocol should be kept in the validation package. The unexecuted protocol should
be approved by the System Owner and Quality Assurance. The executed protocol should be
signed by the tester and reviewed by the system owner and Quality.
Installation Qualification Examples

Installation Qualification might test:

 That the operating system has the appropriate processor, RAM, etc.
 That all files required to run the system are present
 That all documentation required to train system personnel has been approved

Each step of the qualification should include an instruction, an expected result, and the actual
result. Any discrepancy between the expected result and the actual result should be tracked as a
deviation. Deviations should be resolved before validation is complete.

For more examples, see our installation qualification template.

For an example of protocol execution, see our FastVal Electronic Protocol Execution.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is the definition of Installation Qualification?

A: The FDA definition of installation qualification is: Establishing confidence that process
equipment and ancillary systems are compliant with appropriate codes and approved design
intentions, and that manufacturer recommendations are suitably considered. In practice, the
installation qualification is the executed test protocol documenting that a system has the
necessary prerequisite conditions to function as expected.

Q: Can I see an example of an installation qualification?

A: We have a sample installation/operational qualification for an Excel spreadsheet available

Q: Can I execute installation qualification test cases using MS Word or MS Excel?

A: When electronic systems are used to perform regulated processes (like the verification of
validation test protocols), they need to be compliant with 21 CFR 11. MS Word and MS Excel
do not, in their out-of-the-box state, have the necessary technological controls, like individual
user passwords or audit trails, required to be compliant with electronic records requirements such
as 21 CFR 11 or Annex 11. Ofni Systems recommends that organizations do not perform
installation validation with non-compliant software like MS Word and MS Excel.

Q: How does Ofni Systems document validation testing?

A: At Ofni Systems, we use FastVal to execute test protocols electronically. This allows us to
execute protocols to ensure requirement traceability and to generate the actual requirement
traceability document. Other organizations might use Excel spreadsheets to keep a table of
requirements, despite this being extremely difficult to maintain manually.

Operational Qualification
The Operational Qualification Protocol is a collection of test cases used to verify the proper
functioning of a system. The operational qualification test requirements are defined in the
Functional Requirements Specification. Operational Qualification is usually performed before
the system is released for use.

Depending on your needs and the complexity of the system, Operation Qualification can be
combined with Installation Qualification or Performance Qualification.

Operational Qualifications should be approved before protocol execution. A copy of the

unexecuted protocol should be kept in the validation package. The unexecuted protocol should
be approved by the System Owner and Quality Assurance. The executed protocol should be
signed by the tester and reviewed by the system owner and Quality.

Operational Qualification Examples

For example, the operational qualification might test:

 That each screen accepts the appropriate data

 That an item can be moved through an entire workflow
 That system security has been properly implemented
 That all technological controls for compliance with 21 CFR 11 are functioning as expected

Each step of the qualification should include an instruction, an expected result, and the actual
result. Any discrepancy between the expected result and the actual result should be tracked as a
deviation. Deviations should be resolved before validation is complete.

For more examples, see our operational qualification template.

For an example of protocol execution, see our FastVal Electronic Protocol Execution.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is the definition of Operational Qualification?

A: The FDA definition of operational qualification is: Establishing confidence that process
equipment and sub-systems are capable of consistently operating within stated limits and
tolerances. In practice, the operational qualification is the executed test protocol documenting
that a system meets the defined functional requirements, or that the system does what it’s
supposed to do.

Q: Can I see an example of an operational qualification?

A: We have a sample installation/operational qualification for an Excel spreadsheet available
for download.
Q: Can I execute operational qualification test cases using MS Word or MS Excel?
A: When electronic systems are used to perform regulated processes (like the verification of
validation test protocols), they need to be compliant with 21 CFR 11. MS Word and MS Excel
do not, in their out-of-the-box state, have the necessary technological controls, like individual
user passwords or audit trails, required to be compliant with electronic records requirements such
as 21 CFR 11 or Annex 11. Ofni Systems recommends that organizations do not perform
operational validation with non-compliant software like MS Word and MS Excel.

Q: How does Ofni Systems document validation testing?

A: At Ofni Systems, we use FastVal to execute test protocols electronically. This allows us to
execute protocols to ensure requirement traceability and to generate the actual requirement
traceability document. Other organizations might use Excel spreadsheets to keep a table of
requirements, despite this being extremely difficult to maintain manually.


Performance Qualification
Performance Qualifications are a collection of test cases used to verify that a system performs as
expected under simulated real-world conditions. The performance qualification tests
requirements defined in the User Requirements Specification (or possibly the Functional
Requirements Specification). Sometimes the performance qualification is performed by power
users as the system is being released.

Depending on your needs and the complexity of the system, Performance Qualification can be
combined with Installation Qualification or Operational Qualification.

Performance Qualifications should be approved before protocol execution. A copy of the

unexecuted protocol should be kept in the validation package. The unexecuted protocol should
be approved by the System Owner and Quality Assurance. The executed protocol should be
signed by the tester and reviewed by the system owner and Quality.

Performance Qualification Examples

For example, a performance qualification might demonstrate:

 That a system can handle multiple users without significant system lag
 That when the system contains large quantities of data, queries are returned in a certain (short)
period of time
 That concurrent independent work-flows do not affect each other
 That a laboratory test correctly identifies a known material
 That a process was completed within defined system requirements
Each step of the qualification should include an instruction, an expected result, and the actual
result. Any discrepancy between the expected result and the actual result should be tracked as a
deviation. Deviations should be resolved before validation is complete.

For more examples, see our performance qualification template.

For an example of protocol execution, see our FastVal Electronic Protocol Execution.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is the definition of Performance Qualification?

A: The FDA definition of performance qualification is: Establishing confidence through
appropriate testing that the finished product or process produced by a specified process meets all
release requirements for functionality and safety and that procedures are effective and
reproducible. In practice, the performance qualification is the executed test protocol
documenting that a system meets the defined requirements to function in the production

Q: Can I execute performance qualification or combined qualification testing cases using

MS Word or MS Excel?
A: When electronic systems are used to perform regulated processes (like the verification of
validation test protocols), they need to be compliant with 21 CFR 11. MS Word and MS Excel
do not, in their out-of-the-box state, have the necessary technological controls, like individual
user passwords or audit trails, required to be compliant with electronic records requirements such
as 21 CFR 11 or Annex 11. Ofni Systems recommends that organizations do not do performance
validation with non-compliant software like MS Word.

Q: How does Ofni Systems document validation testing?

A: At Ofni Systems, we use FastVal to execute test protocols electronically. This allows us to
execute protocols to ensure requirement traceability and to generate the actual requirement
traceability document. Other organizations might use Excel spreadsheets to keep a table of
requirements, despite this being extremely difficult to maintain manually.


Requirements Traceability Matrix

The Requirements Traceability Matrix (RTM) is a document that links requirements
throughout the validation process. The purpose of the Requirements Traceability Matrix is to
ensure that all requirements defined for a system are tested in the test protocols. The traceability
matrix is a tool both for the validation team, to ensure that requirements are not lost during the
validation project, and for auditors, to review the validation documentation.

The requirements traceability matrix is usually developed in concurrence with the initial list of
requirements (either the User Requirements Specification or Functional Requirements
Specification). As the Design Specifications and Test Protocols are developed, the traceability
matrix is updated to include the updated documents. Ideally, requirements should be traced to the
specific test step in the testing protocol in which they are tested.

Requirements Traceability Matrix Example

The traceability matrix can either reference the requirement identifiers (unique numbers for each
requirement)  or the actual requirement itself.  In the example shown below, requirements are
traced between a Functional Requirements Specification, Design Specification, and Operational

Functional Requirements Design Specifications Test Cases

The program will have a Each form will use fxn_Audit_Trail in the OQ, Test Case 3, Step 52:
functional audit trail. OnUpdate event procedure. Audit Trail Verification

For more examples, see our FastVal Traceability Matrix template.

In more complicated systems, the traceability matrix may include references to additional
documentation, including user requirements, risk assessments, etc.

The traceability matrix can be created and maintained in an automated tool, in an Excel
spreadsheet, or MS Word table.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Are traceability matrices required by the FDA and other regulatory bodies?
A: The United States Code of Federal Regulations does not specifically require a traceability
matrix, but creating a traceability matrix is recognized as a validation best practice. The FDA
General Principles of Software Validation state, “Software validation includes confirmation of
conformance to all software specifications and confirmation that all software requirements are
traceable to the system specifications (Page 7, Section 3.2).” Traceability matrices are also
mentioned in Annex 11, 4.4, which states, “User requirements should be traceable through the
life-cycle.” Not having a traceability matrix should not, in itself, cause an observation from an
FDA auditor, but would likely be cited as indication that a validation process did not follow
recognized industry practices for validation.

Q: How does Ofni Systems create their traceability matrices?

A: We use an automated traceability matrix utility to ensure requirement traceability and
generate the actual requirement traceability document. Other organizations might use Excel
spreadsheets to keep a table of requirements, despite this being extremely difficult to maintain

Test Protocol Deviations
When the actual results of a test step in a Test Protocol do not match the expected results, this is
called a Deviation.

Protocol Deviation Reporting

Deviation reports should include:

 Description – How the actual results differ from the expected results
 Root Cause – What caused the deviation
 Corrective Action – What changes were made to the testing protocol or the system to correct
the deviation

Deviations should be reviewed and the solution approved by the System Owner and Quality
Assurance. Deviations do not necessarily need to be separate documents, but a system should be
in place to ensure that all deviations are addressed before a validation project is resolved. An
organization’s control over their deviation process is often reflective of their Quality
organization as a whole; thus, regulatory auditors will often focus on the deviation process.

Deviation Management

Deviation Management is a central feature of the FastVal software. Deviations are captured in
real time, with associated screenshots and tester notes added to the record. Additional
information, such as as root cause and corrective actions, can be added as they are identified.
Deviation summaries are generated automatically, and tracking and metrics tools allow for
continual process improvement and enhanced Quality Control.


Validation Summary Report

Validation Summary Reports provide an overview of the entire validation project. Once the
summary report is signed, the validation project is considered to be complete. When regulatory
auditors review validation projects, they typically begin by reviewing the summary report.

When validation projects use multiple testing systems, some organizations will produce a testing
summary report for each test protocol, then summarize the project with a final Summary Report.

The amount of detail in the reports should reflect the relative complexity, business use, and
regulatory risk of the system. The report is often structured to mirror the validation plan that
initiated the project.

The report is reviewed and signed by the system owner and Quality.
The collection of documents produced during a validation project is called a Validation Package.
Once the validation project is complete, all validation packages should be stored according to
your site document control procedures. Summary reports should be approved by the System
Owner andQuality Assurance.

Validation Summary Examples

The validation summary report should include:

 A description of the validation project, including the project scope

 All test cases performed, including whether those test cases passed without issue
 All deviations reported, including how those deviations were resolved
 A statement whether the system met the defined requirements

For more examples, see our FastVal Validation Summary Report Template.

Frequently Asked Questions about Validation Summary Reports

Q: What is the definition of Validation Plan?

A: The National Institute of Cancer’s validation summary report definition is: A summary of all
planned activities, their success or failure, and any deviations from the expected results or plans
encountered. A satisfactory resolution should be provided to explain and resolve any deviations
encountered. This test summary report may be optional. Results of all testing activities may be
summarized in the Validation Summary Report rather than a separate summary for each testing
phase. In practice, the validation summary report describes how the activities described in
thevalidation plan were (or were not) accomplished.

Q: Can I see an example of a validation plan?

A: We have a sample validation summary report available for download.


Change Control for Validated Systems

Change Control is a general term describing the process of managing how changes are
introduced into a controlled System. Change control demonstrates to regulatory authorities that
validated systems remain under control during and after system changes. Change Control
systems are a favorite target of regulatory auditors because they vividly demonstrate an
organization’s capacity to control its systems.

Organizations need to explicitly define their processes for evaluating changes to validated
systems. There should be a well defined, multidisciplinary approach to considering the effects
from proposed changes. Some changes, such as adding a data field to a form or report may be
very minor; other changes, such as altering how a program stores and organizes data can be quite
extensive. Before changes are implemented, organizations should document the expected
outcomes of the changes and have an established plan to implement and test the change and
update any existing validation documentation. Part of defining the process for evaluating change
control should include the requirements for implementing minor, major and critical changes.
This allows the organization to focus proportionate validation resources to the change effort.

One useful tool to determine the extent of revalidation is Risk Assessment. By reviewing the
original validation requirements, and evaluating the new risks introduced through the changes to
the system, the Risk Assessment process can help determine which sections of the system will
need re-testing. If the risk assessment determines that the change is minor or does not affect the
system requirements, only limited testing, focused on the affected system object would be
required to demonstrate that the system has maintained its validated state. Major changes will
require additional re-validation and critical changes could trigger and entire re-validation of a

Typical Steps in a Change Control project are:

 Request the Change – The System Owner formally requests a change to the system.
 Assess the Impact of the Change – Before the change is made, the system owner and other key
stake holders, including Quality, determine how the change will affect the system.
 System Development in a Safe Environment – Changes should be initially made away from the
validated system. For computer systems, this can mean testing in a Sandbox environment. For
equipment, process or method validations, this usually means implementing the change during
a period when manufacturing has shut down.
 System Testing/Re-Validation – Before changes are accepted, the system is validated to ensure
system accuracy, reliability and consistent intended performance.
 Implementation of the Change – The changed system is released to the site and users are
trained on changes to the system. For computer systems, this means pushing the changes out to
general users. For equipment, process or method validation, this means introducing the system
into the larger production process.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Do I need to revalidate a system every time I make a change?

A: It depends on the scope of the change, the structure of the system and any new risks
introduced into the system. Changes to critical components of a system might require a complete
revalidation, but smaller changes might only require testing of the changes


Validation Terminology
A list of common validation terminology. A list of Frequently Asked Questions about validation
is also available.

Actual Result – What a system does when a particular action is performed

Deliverable – A tangible or intangible object produced as a result of project execution, as part of
an obligation. In validation projects, deliverables are usually documents.

Deviation – When a system does not act as expected

End-User – A person who uses the validated system

Expected Result – What a system should do when a particular action is performed

Protocol – A collection of Test Cases, used to document the testing of a system

Qualification – A testing protocol which designates that a system meets a particular collection
of requirements. An Installation Qualification ensures that a system has been properly installed.
An Operational Qualification demonstrates that a system functions as expected in a controlled
environment. A Performance Qualification verifies that a system works under real-life

Quality Assurance – Members of the organization who are tasked with ensuring the quality of
materials produced at that organization. GxP organizations are required to have robust and
independent Quality Assurance operations. Depending on the organization, this group may be
titled Quality Control or Quality Organization; other organizations have multiple groups
dedicated to quality with their own distinct missions.

Requirement – Something a system must be able to do

Retrospective Validation – Validation of an existing system. Retrospective validations are

usually performed in response to a new need for a system to be compliant or an identified gap in
GxP compliance.

Specification – A document outlining the requirements for a system. Specifications are usually
sub-divided into User Requirements Specifications, Functional Requirements, and Design

System – Object or process undergoing validation. In these pages, system is intended to be a

generic term, meaning computer system, equipment, method or process to be validated.

System Owner – The individual who is ultimately responsible for a system

Test Case – A documented procedure, used to test that a system meets a particular requirement
or collection of requirements

Test Plan – A general testing methodology established to ensure that a system meets
requirements. A Test Plan can also refer to the collection of protocols or qualifications used to
test and document that a system meets requirements.
Test Step – An individual line of a Test Case. Each Test Step should include instructions, an
expected result, and an actual result.

Traceability – The ability to ensure that requirements outlined in the specifications have been
tested. This is usually recorded in a Requirements Traceability Matrix.

Validation – A documented process, testing a system to demonstrate and ensure its accuracy,
reliability, and consistent intended performance

Validation Package – A collection of documents produced during a validation project

Common Validation Acronyms

CC – Change Control
DS – Design Specification
FAT – Factory Acceptance Testing
FS – Functional Specification
FRS – Functional Requirement Specification (See Functional Specification)
GCP – Good Clinical Practice, a collection of quality guidelines for clinical operations
GLP – Good Laboratory Practice, a collection of quality guidelines for pharmaceutical
laboratory operations
GMP – Good Manufacturing Practice, a collection of quality guidelines for pharmaceutical
manufacturing operations
GxP – An abbreviation combining GCP, GLP, and GMP. Sometimes also called cGxP, Current
Good Practices
IQ – Installation Qualification
IOPQ – Installation/Operational/Performance Qualification
IOQ – Installation/Operational Qualification
PQ – Performance Qualification
OPQ – Operational/Performance Qualification
OQ – Operational Qualification
RTM – Requirement Traceability Matrix
SAT – Site Acceptance Testing
SDS – Software Design Specification (See Design Specification)
Spec – Specification
TM – Traceability Matrix
UAT – User Acceptance Testing
URS – User Requirement Specification
VMP – Validation Master Plan
VP – Validation Plan

Computer System Validation (CSV)
Computer system validation (sometimes called computer validation or CSV) is the process of
documenting that a computer system meets a set of defined system requirements. Validation of
computer systems to ensure accuracy, reliability, consistent intended performance, and the ability
to discern invalid or altered records is a critical requirement of electronic record compliance, as
described in the FDA 21 CFR 11.10(a) and EMA Annex 11, Section 4.

Computer System Validation Services

Our computer system validation experts have validated computer programs for all types of FDA-
regulated businesses, including pharmaceutical and biologics manufacturers, medical device
manufacturers, clinical research organizations, and GLP laboratories.

 Software Validation – Computer systems validation services for SAP, LIMS, Salesforce,
Trackwise, and other business and laboratory data management systems
 Web Based Applications – Specialized validation services for web, cloud, and mobile
 MS Excel Spreadsheets – Spreadsheet security and compliance with 21 CFR 11
 MS Access Databases – Your internally-created databases made compliant with FDA

Computer System Validation Training

Ofni Systems has given computer validation presentations and training classes to organizations
like FOI Services, ISPE, IVT, and PDA.

 Computer System Validation – Scalable training classes on computer validation. Learn computer
system validation principles and ensure compliance.
 Spreadsheet Compliance and Validation – Online training classes that discuss specific validation
requirements for spreadsheet validation
 Review of Computer System Validation Documentation and Techniques – Web-based classes
that provide an overview of the validation process and best practices

Computer System Validation Resources

Additional computer system validation guidance and resources from Ofni Systems

 Validation Documents – A library of information about computer system validation plans,

functional specifications, and other validation documentation
 21 CFR 11.10(a) – Read about FDA computer system validation requirements with additional
commentary from Ofni Systems validation experts.
 FastVal – Control your validation process with Ofni Systems validation management system.
Additional Electronic Record Compliance Services

 Part 11 and Validation Assessments – Ofni Systems can review your electronic record
compliance or create audit checklists for your organization.
 Software Testing – Stress testing, challenge testing, load testing, and other specialized software
testing services for FDA-regulated businesses
 Data Migration – Migrate data from legacy systems and ensure accurate data transfer following
FDA guidelines.

Maximize the Benefits of Computer System Validation

Computer validation is more than a compliance requirement. Pharmaceutical computer system

validation is a unique opportunity for a business to examine their computer systems to maximize
effectiveness and enhance quality. Ofni Systems ensures that your validation project clearly
documents why your customers should share the high degree of confidence you hold in your
company and your systems, while scaling the project to your organizational validation
requirements and budget.


GxP and Compliance Auditing Services

As the FDA increases regulatory enforcement of 21 CFR 11, one of the most difficult things for
many companies is to know what their computer systems require to be in compliance. Ofni
Systems can quickly assess all of your software, databases, and computer systems and identify
what issues need to be addressed for compliance.

At Ofni Systems, we recognize that an FDA audit can be quite unsettling. However, we like to
think of an audit as another opportunity to add value to our clients’ business. Auditing allows
companies to review their internal and external compliance issues in an open and honest manner.
Ofni Systems can help you with all phases of auditing and ensure that you get the most reward
out of this valuable tool. Our auditors have worked with large and small companies, in all aspects
of FDA-regulated fields from clinical trials to medical devices to biological products to medical
imaging to generics.

Be Prepared for Compliance Audits

 Audit Checklists – Ofni Systems can develop tools to facilitate your system review and ensure
that your systems meet all applicable regulations.
 Gap Analysis – Before an FDA inspection or regulatory compliance audit, Ofni Systems can
review your internal and external quality systems against established industry and regulatory
standards and assess if your company’s actual practices meet those standards.
 Remediation Plans – If gap analysis identifies gaps, we can create a remediation plan to address
the findings.
 Compliance Training – Ofni Systems can also help training your employees to be proactive in
dealing with compliance issues.

Manage FDA Inspections and Compliance Audits

A well-managed audit allows you to maximize the value from the audit, as well as projecting
control over all of your Quality systems. Ofni Systems uses proprietary software to help manage
audits. Ofni Systems can:

 Track auditor requests and observations, including the status of auditor requests, responses to
observations and corrective actions.
 Facilitate communication between members of the audit team
 Produce status reports to monitor the on-going audit and your response to all audit

Audit Responses and Corrective Actions

Ofni Systems can recommend the appropriate responses to audit observations. We can help you
determine the appropriate corrective actions and help your company implement changes to your
quality systems.

Supplier Audits

Increasingly, FDA-regulated companies are being asked to verify the compliance of their
suppliers. Ofni Systems can assist you with all phases of supplier compliance audits.

If you supply FDA-regulated businesses, we can assess your systems and help you prepare for an
audit. Ofni Systems can review your systems and train your personnel to work as suppliers to
FDA-regulated companies. Ofni Systems will work to find the best way for your company to
meet all regulations applicable to your situation.

If you need your vendors audited, Ofni Systems can provide the expertise to conduct the audits.
We can conduct the entire audit independently or include your staff as subject matter experts. We
can provide any level of support required, from conducting a single audit to managing your
entire audit program.

Benefits of Using Ofni Systems for GxP Audits

 Experience with FDA and GxP requirements – Ofni Systems provides services to companies
subject to FDA regulations and are experienced with issues relating to compliance. We can
quickly and efficiently review your Quality and regulatory systems and determine if they meet all
of your business requirements and regulatory requirements.
 Audit Management Tools designed for GxP environments – Ofni system has proprietary tools,
designed to manage FDA inspections and audits.
 Improved Value to Your Quality Systems – Auditing increases the value of your systems and
improves the software development process.

Question[1]: What are the main job duties and responsibilities of validation engineer employee?
Answer[1]: validation engineer responsibilities are to analyze validation test data to determine
whether systems or processes have met validation criteria or to identify root causes of production
problems; develop validation master plans, process flow diagrams, test cases, or standard
operating procedures; identify deviations from established product or process standards and
provide recommendations for resolving deviations; participate in internal or external training
programs to maintain knowledge of validation principles, industry trends, or novel technologies;
prepare, maintain, or review validation and compliance documentation, such as engineering
change notices, schematics, or protocols; study product characteristics or customer requirements
and confer with management to determine validation objectives and standards; assist in training
equipment operators or other staff on validation protocols and standard operating procedures;
conduct validation or qualification tests of new or existing processes, equipment, or software in
accordance with internal protocols or external standards; coordinate the implementation or
scheduling of validation testing with affected departments and personnel; create, populate, or
maintain databases for tracking validation activities, test results, or validated systems; design
validation study features, such as sampling, testing, or analytical methodologies; draw samples
of raw materials, or intermediate and finished products for validation testing; prepare detailed
reports or design statements based on results of validation and qualification tests or reviews of
procedures and protocols; resolve testing problems by modifying testing methods or revising test
objectives and standards; conduct audits of validation or performance qualification processes to
ensure compliance with internal or regulatory requirements; direct validation activities, such as
protocol creation or testing; prepare validation or performance qualification protocols for new or
modified manufacturing processes, systems, or equipment for pharmaceutical, electronics, or
other types of production; procure or devise automated lab validation test stations or other test
fixtures and equipment; communicate with regulatory agencies regarding compliance
documentation or validation results; maintain validation test equipment.
Question[2]: What are the skills required for validation engineer employee in order to success in
his work?
Answer[2]: Giving full attention to what other people are saying, taking time to understand the
points being made, asking questions as appropriate, and not interrupting at inappropriate times,
Understanding written sentences and paragraphs in work related documents, Using scientific
rules and methods to solve problems, Using logic and reasoning to identify the strengths and
weaknesses of alternative solutions, conclusions or approaches to problems, Talking to others to
convey information effectively.
Question[3]: describe the abilities you have in order to work with us as validation engineer?
Answer[3]: I have the ability to listen to and understand information and ideas presented through
spoken words and sentences, read and understand information and ideas presented in writing, apply
general rules to specific problems to produce answers that make sense, communicate information and
ideas in speaking so others will understand, communicate information and ideas in writing so others will
Question[4]: What are the knowledge elements you obtained from your education, training and
work experience would support your validation engineer career?
Answer[4]: The Knowledge of the practical application of engineering science and technology. This
includes applying principles, techniques, procedures, and equipment to the design and production of
various goods and services, raw materials, production processes, quality control, costs, and other
techniques for maximizing the effective manufacture and distribution of goods, arithmetic, algebra,
geometry, calculus, statistics, and their applications, the structure and content of the English language
including the meaning and spelling of words, rules of composition, and grammar, circuit boards,
processors, chips, electronic equipment, and computer hardware and software, including applications
and programming.
Question[5]: How would you describe (needed validation engineer or your) work style?
Answer[5]: My work style matching exactlty what cashier job requires by: being honest and ethical,
being careful about detail and thorough in completing work tasks, analyzing information and using logic
to address work-related issues and problems, being reliable, responsible, and dependable, and fulfilling
obligations, being pleasant with others on the job and displaying a good-natured, cooperative attitude.
Process Validation  – Interview Questions & Answers
Sr.No. Interview Questions & Answers
What is process validation?
EMA Definition “documented evidence that the process, operated within
established parameters, can perform effectively and reproducibly to produce a
medicinal product meeting its predetermined specifications and quality attributes.”
USFDA Definition “The collection and evaluation of data, from the process
design stage throughout
production, which establishes scientific evidence
that a process is capable of consistently delivering
quality  product.”
Which is the latest guidance document for process validation published by USFDA?
Process Validation: General Principles and Practices, (published on Jan.2011)
3. According to regulatory guidelines (USFDA), what are the stages of process validation?
Process validation involves a series of activities taking place over the lifecycle of
the product and process. There are three stages for process validation activities.
Stage 1 – Process Design: The commercial manufacturing process is defined
during this stage based on knowledge gained through development and scale-up
Stage 2 – Process Qualification: During this stage, the process design is evaluated
to determine if the process is capable of reproducible commercial manufacturing.
Stage 3 – Continued Process Verification: Ongoing assurance is gained during
routine production that the process remains in a state of control.
How many batches to be considered for process validation?
The EMA draft guideline states “a minimum of
three consecutive batches”, with justification to
be provided (there are some exceptions to this
4. statement).
The US FDA guidance states that the number of batches must be sufficient to
provide statistical confidence of the process. It is a subtle, but important
distinction in the approaches.
Explain the strategy for industrial process validation of solid dosage forms?
·       The use of different lots of raw materials should be included. i.e., active drug
substance and major excipients.
·       Batches should be run in succession and on different days and shifts (the
latter condition, if appropriate).
·       Batches should be manufactured in the equipment and facilities designated
5. for eventual commercial production.
·       Critical process variables should be set within their operating ranges and
should not exceed their upper and lower control limits during process operation.
Output responses should be well within finished product specifications.
·       Failure to meet the requirements of the Validation protocol with respect to
process input and output control should be subjected to process requalification
What is Validation Protocol?
A written plan of actions stating how process validation will be conducted; it will
specify who will conduct the various tasks and define testing parameters; sampling
6. plans, testing methods and specifications; will specify product characteristics, and
equipment to be used. It must specify the minimum number of batches to be used
for validation studies; it must specify the acceptance criteria and who will
sign/approve! Disapprove the conclusions derived from such a scientific study.
7. What should be the content of process validation protocol?
1. General information
2. Objective
3. Background/Pre validation Activities,
Summary of development and tech
transfer (from R&D or another Site)
activities to justify in-process testing and
controls; any Previous validations.
4. List of equipment and their qualification
5. Facilities qualification
6. Process flow charts
7. Manufacturing procedure narrative
8. List of critical processing parameters and
critical excipients
9. Sampling, tests and specifications
10. Acceptance criteria
In- process validation studies what should be the blend sample size?
1x – 3x dosage unit range on case to case basis. As per USFDA guidance,
sampling size can be increased from 1x –10x with adequate scientific justification.
According to USFDA guidance how many sampling points should be considered for
collecting blend samples?
At least 10 sampling locations to be considered to represent potential areas of poor
In tumbling blenders (ex: V-blenders, double cones, or drum mixers),samples
9. should be selected from at least two depths along the axis of blender.
At least 20 locations are recommended to adequately validate connective blenders
(ex: ribbon blender)
What will be the reason of within location variance of blend data?
Inadequacy of blend mix, sampling error or agglomeration
10. What is the difference between EMA & US guideline on process validation?
Definition “documented evidence that the
Definition “the collection and evaluation of
process, operated within established
parameters, can perform effectively and
from the process design stage
reproducibly to produce a
medicinal product meeting its
production, which establishes scientific
evidence that a process is capable of
specifications  and quality attributes.”
consistently delivering quality product.”
The EMA draft guideline states “a minimum
of The US FDA guidance states that the
three consecutive batches”, with number of batches must be sufficient to
justification to provide statistical confidence of the
be provided (there are some exceptions process. It is a subtle, but important
to this distinction in the approaches.
The EMA draft
encourages the use of the product The US FDA guidance emphases
development documenting the development phase as
activities, but is less prescriptive on part of PV.
US FDA approach does not place high
emphasis on CPV, and requires all three
The EMA guideline specifically allows the
stages of process validation to be fully
use of CPV to replace traditional validation
addressed, regardless of whether
contemporary or traditional methods are
The US FDA guidance considers equipment The EMA guideline sees process as
and independent
process design, as well as equipment from equipment and facility. Currently,
qualification the EMA still relies on Annex 15 of the
as part of the overall process validation GMP guide for
effort. instruction on equipment qualification.
Why hopper challenge study is performing during process validation?
11. To evaluate effect of vibrations during compression on blend uniformity, hopper
study shall be carried out.
What are the critical process variables in coating?
Pan RPM, inlet & exhaust temperature, spray rate, gun distance and air pressure.
Why blending is a critical parameter in tablet manufacturing?
Less blending will result in non-uniform distribution of drug and poor flow
whereas more blending will result in de-mixing leading to non-uniform
distribution of drug and increase in disintegration time.
What are the critical parameters to be checked during dry mixing?
14. Mixing time and mixing speed
What are the critical parameters to be checked during binder preparation and addition?
15. Amount of binder solution and mixing time
What the major variables in tablet compression?
16. Speed of machine, and hopper level are the major variables.
17. What is the revalidation criteria for process validation?
1. Change in formulation, procedure or quality of pharmaceutical ingredients.
2. Change of equipment, addition of new equipment and major
breakdowns/maintenance, which affect the performance of equipment.
3. Major change of process, parameters.
4. Change in manufacturing site.
5. On appearance of negative quality trends.
6. On appearance of new findings based on current knowledge.
7. Batch size change
What are the benefits of process validation?
·       Consistent through output.
·       Reduction in rejections and reworks.
·       Reduction in utility cost.
·       Avoidance of capital expenditures.
·       Fewer complaints about process related failure.
·       Reduced testing process and finished goods.
·       More rapid and accurate investigations into process deviation.
·       More rapid and reliable start-up of new equipment.
·       Easier scale-up from development work.
·       Easier maintenance of equipment.
·       Improve employee awareness of processes.
What are the common variables in the manufacturing of tablets?
· Particle size of the drug substance
· Bulk density of drug substance/excipients
· Powder load in granulator
· Amount & concentration of binder
19. · Mixer speed & mixing timings
· Granulation moisture content
· Milling conditions
· Lubricant blending times
· Tablet hardness
· Coating solution spray rate
20. What is the action plan if a test failure observed during process validation?
Any test during process validation shall investigate to determine the case of
failure. Where the case of failure is not obvious, it may useful to us an
investigation procedure to ensure that all the possible areas of potential failure are
covered. Once the case of the process validation failure has been identified, the
failure shall classified into the following categories.
Type I: where the failure can be attributed to an occurrence which is not intrinsic
to the process for example, an equipment failure raw material that it can be agreed
to complete the validation exercise substituting another batch for the one that
failed.This investigation and the subsequent action shall be included in the
validation report.
Type II: where the failure may be attribute failure or where the investigation is
inconclusive than the validation exercise has failed. In this case the validation
terms decide and justify the course of action to be taken, recording its justification
and recommendations.
This decision shall consider:
·       Re-testing – if investigation of the analytical results supports the decision.
·       Introduction a change in operation parameters, process steps.
·       Changing the process equipment or the procedure for using the equipment.
·       Suspension of the process validation exercise until further technical
evaluation and/or development has been carried out.
·       Changing the sampling regime.
·       Review of historical data.
·       Change of the process validation acceptance criteria.
·       Change to an analytical procedure.

Computer System Validation

Introduction and Regulatory Requirements

Computers are widely used during development and manufacturing of drugs and medical
devices. Proper functioning and performance of software and computer systems play a major role
in obtaining consistency, reliability and accuracy of data.Therefore, computer system validation
(CSV) should be part of any good development and manufacturing practice. It is also requested
by FDA regulations and guidelines through the overall requirement that “equipment must be
suitable for it’s intended use”.

Specific requirements for computers can be found in section 211.68 of the US cGMP regulations

 Automatic, mechanical, or electronic equipment or other types of equipment, including

computers, or related systems that will perform a function satisfactorily, may be used in the
manufacture, processing, packing, and holding of a drug product. If such equipment is so used, it
shall be routinely calibrated, inspected, or checked according to a written program designed to
assure proper performance. Written records of those calibration checks and inspections shall be
 Appropriate controls shall be exercised over computer or related systems to assure that changes
in master production and control records or other records are instituted only by authorized
 Input to and output from the computer or related system of formulas or other records or data
shall be checked for accuracy
 The degree and frequency of input/output verification shall be based on the complexity and
reliability of the computer or related system
 A backup file of data entered into the computer or related system shall be maintained except
where certain data, such as calculations performed in connection with laboratory analysis, are
eliminated by computerization or other automated processes. In such instances a written record
of the program shall be maintained along with appropriate validation data.
 Hard copy or alternative systems, such as duplicates, tapes, or microfilm, shall be designed to
assure that backup data are exact and complete and that it is secure from alteration,
inadvertent erasures, or loss shall be maintained

The FDA has developed several specific guidance documents on using computers for other FDA
regulated areas. Most detailed is the Industry Guide: General Principal of Software Validation:
(2). It deals with development and validation of software used in medical devices. More recently
the FDA has released a draft guidance ob using computers in clinical studies (3). The guidance
states FDA’s expectations related to computer systems and to electronic records generated during
clinical studies.

Specific requirements for computers and electronic records and signatures are also defined in
FDA’s regulations 21 CFR Part 11 on electronic Records and Signatures (4). This regulation
applies to all FDA regulated areas and has specific requirements to ensure trustworthy, integrity
and reliability of records generated, evaluated, transmitted and archived by computer systems. In
2003 the FDA published a guidance on scope and applications of 21 CFR Part 11 (5). In this
document the FDA promoted the concept of risk based validation

.By far the most detailed and most specific official document that has ever been developed on
using computers in regulated areas is the “Good Practices Guide on Using Computers in GxP
Environments.” (6). It has been developed by inspectors for inspectors of the Pharmaceutical
Inspection Convention Scheme (PIC/S) but is also quite useful for the industry. It has more than
50 pages and includes a six page checklist recommended to be used by for inspectors.

Because of their importance, computer validation issues have been addressed by several industry
organizations and private authors:

 The Good Automated Manufacturing Practices Forum (GAMP) has developed guidelines for
computer validation (7).
 Huber has published a validation reference books for the validation of computerized analytical
and networked systems (8).
 The Parenteral Drug Association (PDA) has developed a technical paper on the validation of
laboratory data acquisition system (9)

All these guidelines and publications follow a couple of principles:

 Validation of computer systems is not a one time event. It starts with the definition of the
product or project and setting user requirement specifications and cover the vendor selection
process, installation, initial operation, going use, and change control and system retirement.
 All publications refer to some kind of life cycle model with a formal change control procedure
being an important part of the whole process.
 There are no detailed instructions on what should be tested. All guidelines refer to risk
assessment for the extent of validation
While in the past computer validation was more focused on functions of single user computer
systems, recently the focus is on network infrastructure, networked systems and on security,
authenticity and integrity of data acquired and evaluated by computer systems (10). With the
increasing use of Internet and e-mail communications the validation of web-based applications
also gets more important. Labcompliance recently published a package entitled Internet Quality
and Compliance.

Scope of the Tutorial

This tutorial will guide IT personnel , QA managers, operational managers and users of computer
hardware and software through the entire high level validation process from writing
specifications and vendor qualification to installation and initial and on-going operation.

It covers

 Qualification of computer hardware with peripherals and accessories like printers and disk
 Validation of software loaded on a computer, which is used to control equipments, to capture
raw data, to process the data and to print and store. Software typically includes operating
systems, standard applications software and software written by of for a specific user.*
 Development of documentation as required by regulations.

Risk assessment and risk based validation will be discussed for all validation phases to optimize
validation efforts vs. costs for systems with different impact and risk on product quality. This is
especially important since the FDA has been using and supporting the risk based approaches for
compliance as part of the 21st century drug cGMP Initiative

One of the main purposes of this primer is to answer the key question regarding validation: How
much validation is needed and how much is sufficient for a specific computer system? This
primer gives a good overview and lists major validation steps and tasks but for an in depth
understanding and for easy implementation readers are recommended to read further references,
for example the SOPs and validation examples as included in the Computer System Validation
Package from Labcompliance.

Validation Overview

Validation of computer systems is not a once off event. Annex 11 of the European GMP
directive is very clear about this: Validation should be considered as part of the complete life
cycle of a computer system. This cycle includes the stages of planning, specification,
programming, testing, commissioning, documentation, operation, monitoring and modifying”.

For new systems validation starts when a user department has a need for a new computer system
and thinks about how the system can solve an existing problem. For an existing system it starts
when the system owner gets the task of bringing the system into a validated state. Validation
ends when the system is retired and all-important quality data is successfully migrated to the new
system. Important steps in between are validation planning, defining user requirements,
functional specifications, design specifications, validation during development, vendor
assessment for purchased systems, installation, initial and ongoing testing and change control. In
other words, computer systems should be validated during the entire life of the system.

Because of the complexity and the long time span of computer validation the process is typically
broken down into life cycle phases. Several life cycle models have been described in literature.
One model that is frequently used is the V-model as shown in figure 1.

Figure 1. V-Lifecycle model

This model comprises of User Requirement Specifications (URS), Functional Specifications

(FS), Design Specifications (DS), development and testing of code, Installation Qualification
(IQ), Operational Qualification (OQ) and Performance Qualification (PQ).

The V-Model as described above is quite good if the validation process also includes software
development. However, it does not address some very important steps, for example, vendor
assessment. It also looks quite complex for true commercial off the shelf system with no code
development for customization. Phases like design specification or code development and code
testing are not necessary. For such systems the 4Q model is recommended with just four phases:
design qualification (DQ), installation qualification (IQ), operational qualification (OQ),
performance qualification (PQ). The process is illustrated in Figure 2.

Figure 2. 4Q Lifecycle model

Both the 4Q and the V-model do not address the retirement phase. The 4Q model is also not
suitable when systems need to be configured for specific applications or when additional
software is required that is not included in the standard product and is developed by the user’s
firm or by a 3rd party. xxx In this case a life cycle model that combines system development and
system integration is preferred. An example is shown in figure 3.

Figure 3. System Integration combined with system development

User representatives define User or System Requirement Specifications (URS, SRS). If there is
no vendor that offers a commercial system the software needs to be developed and validated by
following the steps on the left side of the diagram. Programmers develop functional
specifications, design specifications and the code and perform testing in all development phases
under supervision of the quality assurance.
When commercial systems are available either the SRS or a special Request for Proposal (RFP)
is sent to one or more vendors (see right site of the diagram). Vendors either respond to each
requirement or with a set of functional specifications of a system that is most suitable for the
user’s requirements. Users compare the vendor’s responses with their own requirements. If none
of the vendors meet all user requirements, the requirements may be adjusted to the best fit or
additional software is written to fulfill the user requirements following the development cycle on
the left side of the diagram. The vendor that best meets the user’s technical and business
requirements is selected and qualified.

The extent of validation depends on the complexity of the computer system. The extent of
validation at the user’s site also depends on the widespread use of the same software product and
version. The more a standard software is used and the less customization made for such software
the less testing is required by individual users. GAMP has developed software categories based
on the level of customization. In total there are five categories. Category one and two define
operating systems and firmware of automated systems. In the context of this primer only
categories three to five are of interest. They are described in Table 1. Each computer system
should be associated to one of the three categories.

Category Description

Standard software package. No customization.

Examples: MS Word (without VBA scripts). Computer controlled spectrophotometers.

Standard software package. Customization of configuration.

GAMP 4 LIMS, Excel spreadsheet application where formulae and/or input data are linked to specific
Networked data systems.

Custom software package. Either all software or a part or the complete package has been
GAMP 5 developed for a specific user and application.
Examples: Add-ons to GAMP Categories 3 and 4, Excel® with VBA scripts.

Validation Master Plan and Project Plan

All validation activities should be described in a validation master plan which should provide a
framework for thorough and consistent validation. A validation master plan is officially required
by Annex 15 to the European GMP directive. FDA regulations and guidelines don’t mandate a
validation master plan, however, inspectors want to know what the company’s approach towards
validation is. The validation master plan is an ideal tool to communicate this approach both
internally and to inspectors. It also ensures consistent implementation of validation practices and
makes validation activities much more efficient. In case there are any questions as to why things
have been done or not done, the validation master plan should give the answer.

Within an organization a validation master plan can be developed for

 multiple sites
 single sites
 single locations
 single system categories
 department categories, e.g., for development departments

Computer Validation master plans should include:

1. Introduction with a scope of the plan, e.g., sites, systems, processes

2. Responsibilities by function
3. Related documents, e.g., risk management plans
4. Products/processes to be validated and/or qualified
5. Validation approach, e.g., system life cycle approach
6. Risk management approach with examples of risk categories and recommended validation tasks
for different categories
7. Vendor management
8. Steps for Computer System Validation with examples on type and extent of testing, for example,
for IQ, OQ and PQ
9. Handling existing computer systems
10. Validation of Macros and spreadsheet calculations
11. Qualification of network infrastructure
12. Configuration management and change control procedures and templates
13. Back-up and recovery
14. Error handling and corrective actions
15. Requalification criteria
16. Contingency planning and disaster recovery
17. Maintenance and support
18. System retirement
19. Training plans (e.g., system operation, compliance)
20. Validation deliverables and other documentation
21. Templates and references to SOPs2
22. Glossary

For larger projects a detailed individual validation project plan should be developed. An example
would be implementing a Laboratory Information Management (LIMS) System or networked
chromatographic data system. This plan is derived from the validation master plan using the
principles and templates of the master plan. It formalizes qualification and validation and
outlines what is to be done in order to get a specific system into compliance. For inspectors it is a
first indication on which control a department has over a specific computer system and it also
gives a first impression of the validation quality.

A validation project plan should include sections on

 Scope of the system, what it includes, what it doesn’t include.

 System description
 Validation approach
 Assumptions, limitations and exclusions
 Responsibilities
 Risk assessment
 Risk based test strategy and approach for validation steps, e.g., DQ, IQ,OQ, PQ
 Ongoing performance control
 Configuration management and change control
 Handling system security * Data back-up and recovery
 Contingency planning
 Error handling
 References to other documents
 Timeline and deliverables for each phase

Design Qualification and Specifications

“Design qualification (DQ) defines the functional and operational specifications of the
instrument and details the conscious decisions in the selection of the supplier “(8). DQ should
ensure that computer systems have all the necessary functions and performance criteria that will
enable them to be successfully implemented for the intended application and to meet business
requirements. Errors in DQ can have a tremendous technical and business impact, and therefore a
sufficient amount of time and resources should be invested in the DQ phase. For example, setting
wrong functional specifications can substantially increase the workload for OQ testing, adding
missing functions at a later stage will be much more expensive than including them in the initial
specifications and selecting a vendor with insufficient support capability can decrease instrument
up-time with a negative business impact.

Steps for design specification normally include:

 Description of the task the computer system is expected to perform

 Description of the intended use of the system
 Description of the intended environment
 Includes network environment)
 Preliminary selection of the system requirement specifications, functional specifications and
 Vendor assessment
 Final selection of the system requirement specifications and functional specification * Final
selection and supplier
 Development and documentation of final system specifications

System requirement specifications (SRS) or user requirement specifications (URS) are usually
written by user representatives. The vendor’s specification sheets can be used as guidelines.
However, it is not recommended to simply writing up the vendor’s specifications because
typically commercial software has more functions than the user ever will need. On the other hand
there should be documented evidence that the system performs all specified functions and
compliance to the specifications must be verified later on in the process during operational
qualification and performance qualification. Specifying too many functions will significantly
increase the workload for OQ. The development of requirement specifications should follow a
well documented procedure. Most important is to involve representatives of all user departments
in this process.
User requirements should have a couple of key attributes. They should be:

 Necessary. Unnecessary functions will increase development, validation, support and

maintenance costs.
 Complete. Adding missing functions at a later stage will be much more expensive than including
them initially.
 Feasible. Specified functions that can not be implemented will delay the project.
 Accurate. Inaccurately specified functions will not solve the application’s problem.
 Unambiguous to avoid guessing and wrong interpretation by the developer.
 Specific to avoid wrong interpretation by the developer.
 Testable. Functions that are not testable can not be validated.
 Uniquely identified. This helps to link specifications to test cases.

Functional specifications answer the question: what functions does the system need to comply
with users requirements. They are normally written by the developer of the system and should be
reviewed by the user.

Design specifications are also written by the developer. They answer the question: how does the
system implement specified functions. They should be formally reviewed by a team of
developers under the supervision of QA.

Vendor Assessment

Validation of software and computerized systems covers the complete lifecycle of the products
which includes validation during design and development. When software and computer systems
are purchased from vendors, the user is still responsible for the overall validation.

FDA’s guide on Principles of Software Validation states this very clearly: “Where the software is
developed by someone other than the device manufacturer (e.g., off-the-shelf software) the
software developer may not be directly responsible for compliance with FDA regulations. In that
case, the party with regulatory responsibility (i.e., the device manufacturer) needs to assess the
adequacy of the off-the-shelf software developer’s activities and determine what additional
efforts are needed to establish that the software is validated for the device manufacturer’s
intended use”.

The objective of vendor qualification is to get assurance that the vendor’s products development
and manufacturing practices meet the requirements of the user’s firm for quality. For software
development this usually means that the software is developed and validated following
documented procedures.

Vendor assessment should answer the questions: “What type of assurance do you have that the
software has been validated during development” or “How can you be sure that the software
vendor did follow a quality assurance program?” Depending on the risk and impact on (drug)
product quality answers can be derived from
1. Documentation of experience with the vendor
Experience may come from the product under consideration or from other products.
2. External references
Useful if there is no experience within the vendor within your company
3. Assessment checklists (mail audits)
Use checklists available within your company, through public organizations, e.g., PDA and from
private authors.
4. 3rd party audits
Gives an independent assessment of the quality system and/or product development
5. Direct vendor audits
Gives a good picture on the vendors quality system and software development and validation

Assessment cost increase from 1 to 5 and the final procedure should be based on justified and
documented risk assessment. Such risk assessment include two parts:

1. Product risk
2. Vendor risk

Factors for product risk include

 System complexity
 Number of systems to be purchased
 Maturity of the system
 Level of networking
 Influence on other systems, e.g., through networks
 Impact of the system on drug quality
 Impact of the system on business continuity
 Level of customization

Factors for vendor risk include

 Size of company
 Company history
 Future outlook
 Representation in target industry, e.g., Pharma
 Experience with the vendor

Risk factors are estimated for the computer system (product) and the vendor and entered in table
like in figure 4.

Figure 4. Vendor Risk vs. Product Risk

Most critical is the red area with high product and high vendor risk. This scenario would require
a vendor audit either through the user firm or through a trusted 3rd party. On the other hand
green areas could be handled by a one to two page document describing who the vendor and why
you did select the vendor.

Vendors in the yellow area could be assessed through mail audits supported by good internal or
external references. Results of the vendor audits should be documented following a standardized
ranking scheme. An example is shown in Table 2.

The results of the vendor assessment and any vendor audit should be well communicated within
a company to avoid duplication of audits of the same vendor by different departments or sites.
This can be achieved by developing a company wide repository with entries of all vendor
assessment activities. The whole process of vendor assessment and audits should be controlled
by documented procedures.

Rating Meaning Interpretation

3 Excellent Vendor procedures and practices are above average

2 Adequate Vendor procedures and practices are about average

1 Poor Vendor procedures and practices are below average and need to be improved

0 Unsatisfactory Vendor procedures and practices are unacceptable

N/A Not Applicable Question is not applicable to the type of function or service

Installation Qualification

Installation qualification establishes that the computer system is received as designed and
specified, that it is properly installed in the selected environment, and that this environment is
suitable for the operation and use of the instrument. The list below includes steps as
recommended before and during installation.

Before installation

 Obtain manufacturer’s recommendations for installation site requirements.

 Check the site for the fulfillment of the manufacturer’s recommendations (utilities such as
electricity, water and gases and environmental conditions such as humidity, temperature,
vibration level and dust).

During installation

 Compare computer hardware and software, as received, with purchase order (including
software, accessories, spare parts)
 Check documentation for completeness (operating manuals, maintenance instructions, standard
operating procedures for testing, safety and validation certificates)
 Check computer hardware and peripherals for any damage
 Install hardware (computer, peripherals, network devices, cables)
 Install software on computer following the manufacturer’s recommendation
 Verify correct software installation, e.g., are all files accurately copies on the computer hard
disk. Utilities to do this should be included in the software itself.
 Make back-up copy of software
 Configure network devices and peripherals, e.g. printers and equipment modules
 Identify and make a list with a description of all hardware, include drawings where appropriate,
e.g., for networked data systems.
 Make a list with a description of all software installed on the computer
 Store configuration settings either electronically or on paper
 List equipment manuals and SOPs
 Prepare an installation report

Installation and installation qualification (IQ) of larger commercial system is normally

performed by a supplier’s representative. Both the suppliers representative and a representative
of the user’s form should sign off the IQ documents.

Operational Qualification

“Operational qualification(OQ) is the process of demonstrating that a computer system will

function according to its functional specifications in the selected environment (

Before OQ testing is done, one should always consider what the computer system will be used
for. There must a clear link between testing as part of OQ and requirement specifications as
developed in DQ phase. Testing may be quite extensive if the computer system is complex and if
there is little or no information from the supplier on what tests have been performed at the
supplier’s site. Extent of testing should be based on a justified and documented risk assessment.
Criteria are

 Impact on product quality

 Impact on business continuity
 Complexity of system
 Information from the vendor on type of tests and test environment
 Level of customization

Most extensive tests are necessary if the system has been developed for a specific user. In this
case the user should test all functions. For commercial off-the-shelf systems that come with a
validation certificate, only tests should be done of functions that are highly critical for the
operation or that can be influenced by the environment. Examples are data acquisition over
relatively long distance from analytical instruments at high acquisition rate. Specific user
configurations should also be tested, for example correct settings of IP addresses of network
devices should be verified through connectivity testing.

Based on the risk factors above a system risk factor should be estimated. Extent of testing should
be defined for each risk level in a risk management master plan or in the ‘risk’ section of the
validation master plan. An example is shown in the table below. The level of customization is
expressed through the GAMP Categories 3, 4, or 5. Category three is a standard software without
customization and configuration setting. Category 4 is a configurable system and Category 5 a
fully customized system. Extent of testing increases from the left lower site (low risk, standard
system) to the right upper site (high risk, full customization).


Test critical standard

Test critical functions. Test critical standard functions. functions.
High risk Link tests to Test all non standard functions Test all non standard
requirements. Link tests to requirements functions
Link tests to requirements.

Test critical standard

Test all critical standard and non functions.
Test critical functions. standard functions Test all non standard
Link tests to requirements. functions
Link tests to requirements.

Test critical non standard

Low risk No testing Test critical non standard functions

Proper functioning of back-up and recovery and security functions like access control to the
computer system and to data should also be tested.. Full OQ test should be performed before the
system is used initially and at regular intervals, e.g., for chromatographic data systems about
once a year and after major system updates. Partial OQ tests should be performed after minor
system updates.

Tests should be quantitative. This means inspectors would not only expect a test protocol with
test items and pass/fail information but also expected results, acceptance criteria and actual
results. An example for a test protocol template is shown in figure 8.

Tests should be linked to requirement specifications through a test traceability matrix. A

template for such a matrix is the table below should help to easily find a test protocol for a
specific test requirement.

The matrix can be documented on paper format but for larger projects it is recommended to use
electronic document management systems. This can range from simple Word tables to data bases
and software specifically developed for managing traceability matrices.

Requirement Number Requirement Test ID

1.1 Example 1 4.1, 4.3

1.2 Example 2 1.2

1.3 Example 3 3.1

1.4 Example 4 3.1, 4.1

Performance Qualification

“Performance Qualification (PQ) is the process of demonstrating that a system consistently

performs according to a specification appropriate for its routine use”.Important here is the word
‘consistently’. Important for consistent computer system performance are regular preventive
maintenance, e.g., removal of temporary files and making changes to a system in a controlled
manner and regular testing.

In practice, PQ can mean testing the system with the entire application. For a computerized
analytical system this can mean, for example, running system suitability testing, where critical
key system performance characteristics are measured and compared with documented, preset

PQ activities normally can include

 Complete system test to proof that the application works as intended. For example for a
computerized analytical system this can mean running a well characterized sample through the
system and compare the results with a result previously obtained.
 Regression testing: reprocessing of data files and compare the result with previous result
 Regular removal of temporary files
 Regular virus scan
 Auditing computer systems

Most efficient is to use software for automated regression testing. The software runs typical data
sets through a series of applications and calculates and stores the final result using processing
parameters as defined by the user. During regression testing the data are processed again and
results are compared with previously recorded results. Normally such tests don’t take more than
five minutes but give assurance that they key functions of the system work as intended.

Configuration Management and Change Control

Any changes to specifications, programming codes or computer hardware should follow written
procedures and be documented. Changes may be initiated because errors have been found in the
program or because additional or different software functions or hardware may be desirable.
Requests for changes should be submitted by users and authorized by the user’s supervisor or
department manager. For initiation, authorization and documentation of changes forms should be
used. An example is shown in figure 5.
Figure 5: Change Request Form

Most important is that changes should follow standard procedures for initiation, authorization,
implementing, testing and documenting. All activities should be planned in the validation project
plan and documented in the validation report.

After any changes the program should be tested. Full testing should be done for the part of the
program that has been changed and regression testing should be done for the entire program.

Validation Report and other Documents

Validation Report

When the validation project is completed a validation summary report should be generated by the
system owner. The report documents the outcome of the validation project. The validation report
should mirror the validation project plan and should include:

 A brief description of the system.

 identification of the system and all software versions that were tested.
 Description of hardware used.
 Major project activities.
 Listing of test protocols, test results and conclusions.
 Statement on system status prior to release.
 List of all major or critical issues and deviations with risk assessment and corrective actions. *
Statement that all tasks have been performed as defined in the project plan.
 Statement that validation has been performed according to the documented procedures.
 Listing of all deliverables.
 Final approval or rejection statement.

The validation report should be reviewed, approved and signed by QA and the system owner.

Standard Operating Procedures

Validation activities should be performed according to written procedures. Generic procedures

should be taken from the corporate SOP list. System specific procedures should be developed for
the system to be validated. Labcompliance has examples for most of the procedures. They are
indicated by S-Numbers (S-xxx) in the list below and are either included in the Computer
System Validation Package, or can be ordered from the labcompliance SOP website.

Procedures should be available under the same or a similar title as follows:

1. Training for GxP, 21 CFR Part 11 and Computer Validation (S-125).

2. Risk Assessment for Systems Used in GxP Environments (S-134).
3. Validation of Commercial Off-the-Shelf (COTS) Computer Systems (S-271).
4. Validation of Macro Programs and Other Application Software (S-263).
5. Risk-Based Validation of Computer Systems (S-252).
6. Development of User Requirement Specifications for Computers (S-253).
7. Quality Assessment of Software and Computer System Suppliers (S-274).
8. Auditing Software Suppliers: Preparation, Conduct, Follow-up (S-273).
9. Development and Maintenance of Test Scripts for Equipment Hardware, Software and Systems
10. Handling of Problems with Software and Computer Systems.
11. Data Back-Up and Restore (S-317).
12. Disaster Recovery of Computer Systems (S-319).
13. Archiving and Retrieval of GMP Data and Other Documents (S-162).
14. Access Control to Computer Systems and Data (S-320).
15. Configuration Management and Version Control of Software (S-259).
16. Change Control of Software and Computer Systems (S-262).
17. Revalidation of Software and Computer Systems (S-260).
18. Retention and Archiving of Electronic Records (S-315).
19. Qualification of PC Clients (S-289).
20. Retirement of Computer Systems (S-261). 21. Review of Computer Systems.
21. Auditing Computer Systems (S-272)


Checklists should help to verify that validation tasks are identified and performed. However,
some validation tasks are specific for specific systems. Therefore going through checklists does
not mean that everything is covered for each system nor does it mean that all checklist items are
applicable for every system. Labcompliance has examples for checklists related to computer
system validation. They are indicated by E-Numbers (E-xxx) in the list below and are either
included in the Computer System Validation Package, or can be ordered from the labcompliance
Examples website.

Examples are checklists for:

1. Commercial Off-the-Shelf Computer Systems (E-160).

2. Assessment of Software Vendors (E-255).
3. User Requirement Specifications for Software and Computer Systems (E-153).

Templates and Validation Examples

Templates are useful to effectively follow and document validation tasks and results. Validation
examples help to get adequate information on how to conduct validation and to prepare
deliverables. Labcompliance has templates and examples for validation tasks. They are indicated
by E-Numbers (E-xxx) in the list below and are either included in the Computer System
Validation Package: or can be ordered from the labcompliance Examples website.

Such documentation can include templates/examples for:

1. Requirement Specifications for Chromatographic Data Systems (E-255).

2. Requirement Specifications for Excel Applications (E-268).
3. User Requirement Specifications – 20 Good/Bad Examples (E-308).
4. Computer System and Network Identification (E-326).
5. Template/Examples: Test Protocol For Excel™ Spreadsheet Application (with traceability matrix):
Includes 12 test scripts examples for functional testing, boundary testing, out of range testing
and test traceability matrices: tests vs. specifications, specifications vs. test cases and test
summary sheet (E-358).
6. Testing of Authorized System Access (E-362).
7. MD5 Checksum File Integrity Check Software with Validation Documentation: DQ, IQ, OQ, PQ (E-

General Principles of Software Validation

This guidance outlines general validation principles that the Food and Drug Administration
(FDA) considers to be applicable to the validation of medical device software or the validation of
software used to design, develop, or manufacture medical devices. This final guidance document,
Version 2.0, supersedes the draft document,General Principles of Software Validation, Version
1.1, dated June 9, 1997.


This guidance describes how certain provisions of the medical device Quality System regulation
apply to software and the agency’s current approach to evaluating a software validation system.
For example, this document lists elements that are acceptable to the FDA for the validation of
software; however, it does not list all of the activities and tasks that must, in all instances, be
used to comply with the law.

The scope of this guidance is somewhat broader than the scope of validation in the strictest
definition of that term. Planning, verification, testing, traceability, configuration management,
and many other aspects of good software engineering discussed in this guidance are important
activities that together help to support a final conclusion that software is validated.

This guidance recommends an integration of software life cycle management and risk
management activities. Based on the intended use and the safety risk associated with the
software to be developed, the software developer should determine the specific approach, the
combination of techniques to be used, and the level of effort to be applied. While this guidance
does not recommend any specific life cycle model or any specific technique or method, it does
recommend that software validation and verification activities be conducted throughout the
entire software life cycle.

Where the software is developed by someone other than the device manufacturer (e.g., off-the-
shelf software) the software developer may not be directly responsible for compliance with FDA
regulations. In that case, the party with regulatory responsibility (i.e., the device manufacturer)
needs to assess the adequacy of the off-the-shelf software developer’s activities and determine
what additional efforts are needed to establish that the software is validated for the device
manufacturer’s intended use.


This guidance applies to:

 Software used as a component, part, or accessory of a medical device;

 Software that is itself a medical device (e.g., blood establishment software);
 Software used in the production of a device (e.g., programmable logic controllers in
manufacturing equipment); and
 Software used in implementation of the device manufacturer’s quality system (e.g., software
that records and maintains the device history record).

This document is based on generally recognized software validation principles and, therefore,
can be applied to any software. For FDA purposes, this guidance applies to any software related
to a regulated medical device, as defined by Section 201(h) of the Federal Food, Drug, and
Cosmetic Act (the Act) and by current FDA software and regulatory policy. This document does
not specifically identify which software is or is not regulated.


This guidance provides useful information and recommendations to the following individuals:

 Persons subject to the medical device Quality System regulation

 Persons responsible for the design, development, or production of medical device software
 Persons responsible for the design, development, production, or procurement of automated
tools used for the design, development, or manufacture of medical devices or software tools
used to implement the quality system itself
 FDA Investigators
 FDA Compliance Officers
 FDA Scientific Reviewers


We believe we should consider the least burdensome approach in all areas of medical device
regulation. This guidance reflects our careful review of the relevant scientific and legal
requirements and what we believe is the least burdensome way for you to comply with those
requirements. However, if you believe that an alternative approach would be less burdensome,
please contact us so we can consider your point of view. You may send your written comments
to the contact person listed in the preface to this guidance or to the CDRH
Ombudsman.Comprehensive information on CDRH’s Ombudsman, including ways to contact
him, can be found on the Internet.


The FDA’s analysis of 3140 medical device recalls conducted between 1992 and 1998 reveals
that 242 of them (7.7%) are attributable to software failures. Of those software related recalls,
192 (or 79%) were caused by software defects that were introduced when changes were made to
the software after its initial production and distribution. Software validation and other related
good software engineering practices discussed in this guidance are a principal means of avoiding
such defects and resultant recalls.

Software validation is a requirement of the Quality System regulation, which was published in
the Federal Register on October 7, 1996 and took effect on June 1, 1997. (See Title 21 Code of
Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 820, and 61 Federal Register (FR) 52602, respectively.)
Validation requirements apply to software used as components in medical devices, to software
that is itself a medical device, and to software used in production of the device or in
implementation of the device manufacturer’s quality system.

Unless specifically exempted in a classification regulation, any medical device software product
developed after June 1, 1997, regardless of its device class, is subject to applicable design control
provisions. (See of 21 CFR §820.30.) This requirement includes the completion of current
development projects, all new development projects, and all changes made to existing medical
device software. Specific requirements for validation of device software are found in 21 CFR
§820.30(g). Other design controls, such as planning, input, verification, and reviews, are required
for medical device software. (See 21 CFR §820.30.) The corresponding documented results from
these activities can provide additional support for a conclusion that medical device software is

Any software used to automate any part of the device production process or any part of the
quality system must be validated for its intended use, as required by 21 CFR §820.70(i). This
requirement applies to any software used to automate device design, testing, component
acceptance, manufacturing, labeling, packaging, distribution, complaint handling, or to automate
any other aspect of the quality system.

In addition, computer systems used to create, modify, and maintain electronic records and to
manage electronic signatures are also subject to the validation requirements. (See 21 CFR
§11.10(a).) Such computer systems must be validated to ensure accuracy, reliability, consistent
intended performance, and the ability to discern invalid or altered records.

Software for the above applications may be developed in-house or under contract. However,
software is frequently purchased off-the-shelf for a particular intended use. All production and/or
quality system software, even if purchased off-the-shelf, should have documented requirements
that fully define its intended use, and information against which testing results and other
evidence can be compared, to show that the software is validated for its intended use.

The use of off-the-shelf software in automated medical devices and in automated manufacturing
and quality system operations is increasing. Off-the-shelf software may have many capabilities,
only a few of which are needed by the device manufacturer. Device manufacturers are
responsible for the adequacy of the software used in their devices, and used to produce devices.
When device manufacturers purchase “off-the-shelf” software, they must ensure that it will
perform as intended in their chosen application. For off-the-shelf software used in manufacturing
or in the quality system, additional guidance is included in Section 6.3 of this document. For
device software, additional useful information may be found in FDA’s Guidance for Industry,
FDA Reviewers, and Compliance on Off-The-Shelf Software Use in Medical Devices.


This document addresses Quality System regulation issues that involve the implementation of
software validation. It provides guidance for the management and control of the software
validation process. The management and control of the software validation process should not be
confused with any other validation requirements, such as process validation for an automated
manufacturing process.

Device manufacturers may use the same procedures and records for compliance with quality
system and design control requirements, as well as for pre-market submissions to FDA. This
document does not cover any specific safety or efficacy issues related to software validation.
Design issues and documentation requirements for pre-market submissions of regulated software
are not addressed by this document. Specific issues related to safety and efficacy, and the
documentation required in pre-market submissions, should be addressed to the Office of Device
Evaluation (ODE), Center for Devices and Radiological Health (CDRH) or to the Office of
Blood Research and Review, Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER). See the
references in Appendix A for applicable FDA guidance documents for pre-market submissions.


Many people have asked for specific guidance on what FDA expects them to do to ensure
compliance with the Quality System regulation with regard to software validation. Information
on software validation presented in this document is not new. Validation of software, using the
principles and tasks listed in Sections 4 and 5, has been conducted in many segments of the
software industry for well over 20 years.

Due to the great variety of medical devices, processes, and manufacturing facilities, it is not
possible to state in one document all of the specific validation elements that are applicable.
However, a general application of several broad concepts can be used successfully as guidance
for software validation. These broad concepts provide an acceptable framework for building a
comprehensive approach to software validation. Additional specific information is available
from many of the references listed in Appendix A.


Unless defined in the Quality System regulation, or otherwise specified below, all other terms
used in this guidance are as defined in the current edition of the FDA Glossary of Computerized
System and Software Development Terminology.

The medical device Quality System regulation (21 CFR 820.3(k)) defines “establish” to mean
“define, document, and implement.” Where it appears in this guidance, the words “establish” and
“established” should be interpreted to have this same meaning.

Some definitions found in the medical device Quality System regulation can be confusing when
compared to commonly used terminology in the software industry. Examples are requirements,
specification, verification, and validation.

3.1.1 Requirements and Specifications

While the Quality System regulation states that design input requirements must be documented,
and that specified requirements must be verified, the regulation does not further clarify the
distinction between the terms “requirement” and “specification.” A requirement can be any
need or expectation for a system or for its software. Requirements reflect the stated or implied
needs of the customer, and may be market-based, contractual, or statutory, as well as an
organization’s internal requirements. There can be many different kinds of requirements (e.g.,
design, functional, implementation, interface, performance, or physical requirements). Software
requirements are typically derived from the system requirements for those aspects of system
functionality that have been allocated to software. Software requirements are typically stated in
functional terms and are defined, refined, and updated as a development project progresses.
Success in accurately and completely documenting software requirements is a crucial factor in
successful validation of the resulting software.

A specification is defined as “a document that states requirements.” (See 21 CFR §820.3(y).) It

may refer to or include drawings, patterns, or other relevant documents and usually indicates the
means and the criteria whereby conformity with the requirement can be checked. There are many
different kinds of written specifications, e.g., system requirements specification, software
requirements specification, software design specification, software test specification, software
integration specification, etc. All of these documents establish “specified requirements” and are
design outputs for which various forms of verification are necessary.

3.1.2 Verification and Validation

The Quality System regulation is harmonized with ISO 8402:1994, which treats “verification”
and “validation” as separate and distinct terms. On the other hand, many software engineering
journal articles and textbooks use the terms “verification” and “validation” interchangeably, or in
some cases refer to software “verification, validation, and testing (VV&T)” as if it is a single
concept, with no distinction among the three terms.

Software verification provides objective evidence that the design outputs of a particular phase
of the software development life cycle meet all of the specified requirements for that phase.
Software verification looks for consistency, completeness, and correctness of the software and its
supporting documentation, as it is being developed, and provides support for a subsequent
conclusion that software is validated. Software testing is one of many verification activities
intended to confirm that software development output meets its input requirements. Other
verification activities include various static and dynamic analyses, code and document
inspections, walkthroughs, and other techniques.

Software validation is a part of the design validation for a finished device, but is not separately
defined in the Quality System regulation. For purposes of this guidance, FDA considers software
validation to be “confirmation by examination and provision of objective evidence that
software specifications conform to user needs and intended uses, and that the particular
requirements implemented through software can be consistently fulfilled.” In practice,
software validation activities may occur both during, as well as at the end of the software
development life cycle to ensure that all requirements have been fulfilled. Since software is
usually part of a larger hardware system, the validation of software typically includes evidence
that all software requirements have been implemented correctly and completely and are traceable
to system requirements. A conclusion that software is validated is highly dependent upon
comprehensive software testing, inspections, analyses, and other verification tasks performed at
each stage of the software development life cycle. Testing of device software functionality in a
simulated use environment, and user site testing are typically included as components of an
overall design validation program for a software automated device.

Software verification and validation are difficult because a developer cannot test forever, and it
is hard to know how much evidence is enough. In large measure, software validation is a matter
of developing a “level of confidence” that the device meets all requirements and user
expectations for the software automated functions and features of the device. Measures such as
defects found in specifications documents, estimates of defects remaining, testing coverage, and
other techniques are all used to develop an acceptable level of confidence before shipping the
product. The level of confidence, and therefore the level of software validation, verification, and
testing effort needed, will vary depending upon the safety risk (hazard) posed by the automated
functions of the device. Additional guidance regarding safety risk management for software may
be found in Section 4 of FDA’s Guidance for the Content of Pre-market Submissions for
Software Contained in Medical Devices, and in the international standards ISO/IEC 14971-1 and
IEC 60601-1-4 referenced in Appendix A.

3.1.3 IQ/OQ/PQ

For many years, both FDA and regulated industry have attempted to understand and define
software validation within the context of process validation terminology. For example, industry
documents and other FDA validation guidance sometimes describe user site software validation
in terms of installation qualification (IQ), operational qualification (OQ) and performance
qualification (PQ). Definitions of these terms and additional information regarding IQ/OQ/PQ
may be found in FDA’s Guideline on General Principles of Process Validation, dated May 11,
1987, and in FDA’s Glossary of Computerized System and Software Development Terminology,
dated August 1995.

While IQ/OQ/PQ terminology has served its purpose well and is one of many legitimate ways to
organize software validation tasks at the user site, this terminology may not be well understood
among many software professionals, and it is not used elsewhere in this document. However,
both FDA personnel and device manufacturers need to be aware of these differences in
terminology as they ask for and provide information regarding software validation.


The decision to implement system functionality using software is one that is typically made
during system design. Software requirements are typically derived from the overall system
requirements and design for those aspects in the system that are to be implemented using
software. There are user needs and intended uses for a finished device, but users typically do not
specify whether those requirements are to be met by hardware, software, or some combination of
both. Therefore, software validation must be considered within the context of the overall design
validation for the system.

A documented requirements specification represents the user’s needs and intended uses from
which the product is developed. A primary goal of software validation is to then demonstrate that
all completed software products comply with all documented software and system requirements.
The correctness and completeness of both the system requirements and the software
requirements should be addressed as part of the design validation process for the device.
Software validation includes confirmation of conformance to all software specifications and
confirmation that all software requirements are traceable to the system specifications.
Confirmation is an important part of the overall design validation to ensure that all aspects of the
medical device conform to user needs and intended uses.


While software shares many of the same engineering tasks as hardware, it has some very
important differences. For example:
 The vast majority of software problems are traceable to errors made during the design and
development process. While the quality of a hardware product is highly dependent on design,
development and manufacture, the quality of a software product is dependent primarily on
design and development with a minimum concern for software manufacture. Software
manufacturing consists of reproduction that can be easily verified. It is not difficult to
manufacture thousands of program copies that function exactly the same as the original; the
difficulty comes in getting the original program to meet all specifications.One of the most
significant features of software is branching, i.e., the ability to execute alternative series of
commands, based on differing inputs. This feature is a major contributing factor for another
characteristic of software – its complexity. Even short programs can be very complex and
difficult to fully understand.
 Typically, testing alone cannot fully verify that software is complete and correct. In addition to
testing, other verification techniques and a structured and documented development process
should be combined to ensure a comprehensive validation approach.
 Unlike hardware, software is not a physical entity and does not wear out. In fact, software may
improve with age, as latent defects are discovered and removed. However, as software is
constantly updated and changed, such improvements are sometimes countered by new defects
introduced into the software during the change.
 Unlike some hardware failures, software failures occur without advanced warning. The
software’s branching that allows it to follow differing paths during execution, may hide some
latent defects until long after a software product has been introduced into the marketplace.
 Another related characteristic of software is the speed and ease with which it can be changed.
This factor can cause both software and non-software professionals to believe that software
problems can be corrected easily. Combined with a lack of understanding of software, it can
lead managers to believe that tightly controlled engineering is not needed as much for software
as it is for hardware. In fact, the opposite is true.Because of its complexity, the development
process for software should be even more tightly controlled than for hardware, in order to
prevent problems that cannot be easily detected later in the development process.
 Seemingly insignificant changes in software code can create unexpected and very significant
problems elsewhere in the software program. The software development process should be
sufficiently well planned, controlled, and documented to detect and correct unexpected results
from software changes.
 Given the high demand for software professionals and the highly mobile workforce, the
software personnel who make maintenance changes to software may not have been involved in
the original software development. Therefore, accurate and thorough documentation is
 Historically, software components have not been as frequently standardized and
interchangeable as hardware components. However, medical device software developers are
beginning to use component-based development tools and techniques. Object-oriented
methodologies and the use of off-the-shelf software components hold promise for faster and
less expensive software development. However, component-based approaches require very
careful attention during integration. Prior to integration, time is needed to fully define and
develop reusable software code and to fully understand the behavior of off-the-shelf

For these and other reasons, software engineering needs an even greater level of
managerial scrutiny and control than does hardware engineering.

Software validation is a critical tool used to assure the quality of device software and software
automated operations. Software validation can increase the usability and reliability of the device,
resulting in decreased failure rates, fewer recalls and corrective actions, less risk to patients and
users, and reduced liability to device manufacturers. Software validation can also reduce long
term costs by making it easier and less costly to reliably modify software and revalidate software
changes. Software maintenance can represent a very large percentage of the total cost of software
over its entire life cycle. An established comprehensive software validation process helps to
reduce the long-term cost of software by reducing the cost of validation for each subsequent
release of the software.


Design reviews are documented, comprehensive, and systematic examinations of a design to

evaluate the adequacy of the design requirements, to evaluate the capability of the design to meet
these requirements, and to identify problems. While there may be many informal technical
reviews that occur within the development team during a software project, a formal design
review is more structured and includes participation from others outside the development team.
Formal design reviews may reference or include results from other formal and informal reviews.
Design reviews may be conducted separately for the software, after the software is integrated
with the hardware into the system, or both. Design reviews should include examination of
development plans, requirements specifications, design specifications, testing plans and
procedures, all other documents and activities associated with the project, verification results
from each stage of the defined life cycle, and validation results for the overall device.

Design review is a primary tool for managing and evaluating development projects. For example,
formal design reviews allow management to confirm that all goals defined in the software
validation plan have been achieved. The Quality System regulation requires that at least one
formal design review be conducted during the device design process. However, it is
recommended that multiple design reviews be conducted (e.g., at the end of each software life
cycle activity, in preparation for proceeding to the next activity). Formal design review is
especially important at or near the end of the requirements activity, before major resources have
been committed to specific design solutions. Problems found at this point can be resolved more
easily, save time and money, and reduce the likelihood of missing a critical issue.

Answers to some key questions should be documented during formal design reviews. These

 Have the appropriate tasks and expected results, outputs, or products been established for each
software life cycle activity?
 Do the tasks and expected results, outputs, or products of each software life cycle activity:
o Comply with the requirements of other software life cycle activities in terms of
correctness, completeness, consistency, and accuracy?
o Satisfy the standards, practices, and conventions of that activity?
o Establish a proper basis for initiating tasks for the next software life cycle activity?

This section lists the general principles that should be considered for the validation of software.


A documented software requirements specification provides a baseline for both validation and
verification. The software validation process cannot be completed without an established
software requirements specification (Ref: 21 CFR 820.3(z) and (aa) and 820.30(f) and (g)).


Software quality assurance needs to focus on preventing the introduction of defects into the
software development process and not on trying to “test quality into” the software code after it is
written. Software testing is very limited in its ability to surface all latent defects in software code.
For example, the complexity of most software prevents it from being exhaustively tested.
Software testing is a necessary activity. However, in most cases software testing by itself is
not sufficient to establish confidence that the software is fit for its intended use. In order to
establish that confidence, software developers should use a mixture of methods and techniques to
prevent software errors and to detect software errors that do occur. The “best mix” of methods
depends on many factors including the development environment, application, size of project,
language, and risk.


To build a case that the software is validated requires time and effort. Preparation for software
validation should begin early, i.e., during design and development planning and design input.
The final conclusion that the software is validated should be based on evidence collected from
planned efforts conducted throughout the software lifecycle.


Software validation takes place within the environment of an established software life cycle. The
software life cycle contains software engineering tasks and documentation necessary to support
the software validation effort. In addition, the software life cycle contains specific verification
and validation tasks that are appropriate for the intended use of the software. This guidance does
not recommend any particular life cycle models – only that they should be selected and used for
a software development project.

4.5. PLANS

The software validation process is defined and controlled through the use of a plan. The software
validation plan defines “what” is to be accomplished through the software validation effort.
Software validation plans are a significant quality system tool. Software validation plans specify
areas such as scope, approach, resources, schedules and the types and extent of activities, tasks,
and work items.


The software validation process is executed through the use of procedures. These procedures
establish “how” to conduct the software validation effort. The procedures should identify the
specific actions or sequence of actions that must be taken to complete individual validation
activities, tasks, and work items.


Due to the complexity of software, a seemingly small local change may have a significant global
system impact. When any change (even a small change) is made to the software, the validation
status of the software needs to be re-established. Whenever software is changed, a validation
analysis should be conducted not just for validation of the individual change, but also to
determine the extent and impact of that change on the entire software system. Based on this
analysis, the software developer should then conduct an appropriate level of software regression
testing to show that unchanged but vulnerable portions of the system have not been adversely
affected. Design controls and appropriate regression testing provide the confidence that the
software is validated after a software change.


Validation coverage should be based on the software’s complexity and safety risk – not on firm
size or resource constraints. The selection of validation activities, tasks, and work items should
be commensurate with the complexity of the software design and the risk associated with the use
of the software for the specified intended use. For lower risk devices, only baseline validation
activities may be conducted. As the risk increases additional validation activities should be added
to cover the additional risk. Validation documentation should be sufficient to demonstrate that all
software validation plans and procedures have been completed successfully.


Validation activities should be conducted using the basic quality assurance precept of
“independence of review.” Self-validation is extremely difficult. When possible, an independent
evaluation is always better, especially for higher risk applications. Some firms contract out for a
third-party independent verification and validation, but this solution may not always be feasible.
Another approach is to assign internal staff members that are not involved in a particular design
or its implementation, but who have sufficient knowledge to evaluate the project and conduct the
verification and validation activities. Smaller firms may need to be creative in how tasks are
organized and assigned in order to maintain internal independence of review.

Specific implementation of these software validation principles may be quite different from one
application to another. The device manufacturer has flexibility in choosing how to apply these
validation principles, but retains ultimate responsibility for demonstrating that the software has
been validated.

Software is designed, developed, validated, and regulated in a wide spectrum of environments,

and for a wide variety of devices with varying levels of risk. FDA regulated medical device
applications include software that:

 Is a component, part, or accessory of a medical device;

 Is itself a medical device; or
 Is used in manufacturing, design and development, or other parts of the quality system.

In each environment, software components from many sources may be used to create the
application (e.g., in-house developed software, off-the-shelf software, contract software,
shareware). In addition, software components come in many different forms (e.g., application
software, operating systems, compilers, debuggers, configuration management tools, and many
more). The validation of software in these environments can be a complex undertaking;
therefore, it is appropriate that all of these software validation principles be considered when
designing the software validation process. The resultant software validation process should be
commensurate with the safety risk associated with the system, device, or process.

Software validation activities and tasks may be dispersed, occurring at different locations and
being conducted by different organizations. However, regardless of the distribution of tasks,
contractual relations, source of components, or the development environment, the device
manufacturer or specification developer retains ultimate responsibility for ensuring that the
software is validated.


Software validation is accomplished through a series of activities and tasks that are planned and
executed at various stages of the software development life cycle. These tasks may be one time
occurrences or may be iterated many times, depending on the life cycle model used and the
scope of changes made as the software project progresses.


This guidance does not recommend the use of any specific software life cycle model. Software
developers should establish a software life cycle model that is appropriate for their product and
organization. The software life cycle model that is selected should cover the software from its
birth to its retirement. Activities in a typical software life cycle model include the following:

 Quality Planning
 System Requirements Definition
 Detailed Software Requirements Specification
 Software Design Specification
 Construction or Coding
 Testing
 Installation
 Operation and Support
 Maintenance
 Retirement

Verification, testing, and other tasks that support software validation occur during each of these
activities. A life cycle model organizes these software development activities in various ways
and provides a framework for monitoring and controlling the software development project.
Several software life cycle models (e.g., waterfall, spiral, rapid prototyping, incremental
development, etc.) are defined in FDA’s Glossary of Computerized System and Software
Development Terminology, dated August 1995. These and many other life cycle models are
described in various references listed in Appendix A.


For each of the software life cycle activities, there are certain “typical” tasks that support a
conclusion that the software is validated. However, the specific tasks to be performed, their order
of performance, and the iteration and timing of their performance will be dictated by the specific
software life cycle model that is selected and the safety risk associated with the software
application. For very low risk applications, certain tasks may not be needed at all. However, the
software developer should at least consider each of these tasks and should define and document
which tasks are or are not appropriate for their specific application. The following discussion is
generic and is not intended to prescribe any particular software life cycle model or any particular
order in which tasks are to be performed.

5.2.1. Quality Planning

Design and development planning should culminate in a plan that identifies necessary tasks,
procedures for anomaly reporting and resolution, necessary resources, and management review
requirements, including formal design reviews. A software life cycle model and associated
activities should be identified, as well as those tasks necessary for each software life cycle
activity. The plan should include:

 The specific tasks for each life cycle activity;

 Enumeration of important quality factors (e.g., reliability, maintainability, and usability);
 Methods and procedures for each task;
 Task acceptance criteria;
 Criteria for defining and documenting outputs in terms that will allow evaluation of their
conformance to input requirements;
 Inputs for each task;
 Outputs from each task;
 Roles, resources, and responsibilities for each task;
 Risks and assumptions; and
 Documentation of user needs.

Management must identify and provide the appropriate software development environment and
resources. (See 21 CFR §820.20(b)(1) and (2).) Typically, each task requires personnel as well as
physical resources. The plan should identify the personnel, the facility and equipment resources
for each task, and the role that risk (hazard) management will play. A configuration management
plan should be developed that will guide and control multiple parallel development activities and
ensure proper communications and documentation. Controls are necessary to ensure positive and
correct correspondence among all approved versions of the specifications documents, source
code, object code, and test suites that comprise a software system. The controls also should
ensure accurate identification of, and access to, the currently approved versions.

Procedures should be created for reporting and resolving software anomalies found through
validation or other activities. Management should identify the reports and specify the contents,
format, and responsible organizational elements for each report. Procedures also are necessary
for the review and approval of software development results, including the responsible
organizational elements for such reviews and approvals.

Typical Tasks – Quality Planning

 Risk (Hazard) Management Plan

 Configuration Management Plan
 Software Quality Assurance Plan
 – Software Verification and Validation Plan
 Verification and Validation Tasks, and Acceptance Criteria
 Schedule and Resource Allocation (for software verification and validation activities)
 Reporting Requirements

 – Formal Design Review Requirements

 – Other Technical Review Requirements

 Problem Reporting and Resolution Procedures

 Other Support Activities

5.2.2. Requirements

Requirements development includes the identification, analysis, and documentation of

information about the device and its intended use. Areas of special importance include allocation
of system functions to hardware/software, operating conditions, user characteristics, potential
hazards, and anticipated tasks. In addition, the requirements should state clearly the intended use
of the software.

The software requirements specification document should contain a written definition of the
software functions. It is not possible to validate software without predetermined and documented
software requirements. Typical software requirements specify the following:

 All software system inputs;

 All software system outputs;
 All functions that the software system will perform;
 All performance requirements that the software will meet, (e.g., data throughput, reliability, and
 The definition of all external and user interfaces, as well as any internal software-to-system
 How users will interact with the system;
 What constitutes an error and how errors should be handled;
 Required response times;
 The intended operating environment for the software, if this is a design constraint (e.g.,
hardware platform, operating system);
 All ranges, limits, defaults, and specific values that the software will accept; and
 All safety related requirements, specifications, features, or functions that will be implemented in

Software safety requirements are derived from a technical risk management process that is
closely integrated with the system requirements development process. Software requirement
specifications should identify clearly the potential hazards that can result from a software failure
in the system as well as any safety requirements to be implemented in software. The
consequences of software failure should be evaluated, along with means of mitigating such
failures (e.g., hardware mitigation, defensive programming, etc.). From this analysis, it should be
possible to identify the most appropriate measures necessary to prevent harm.

The Quality System regulation requires a mechanism for addressing incomplete, ambiguous, or
conflicting requirements. (See 21 CFR 820.30(c).) Each requirement (e.g., hardware, software,
user, operator interface, and safety) identified in the software requirements specification should
be evaluated for accuracy, completeness, consistency, testability, correctness, and clarity. For
example, software requirements should be evaluated to verify that:

 There are no internal inconsistencies among requirements;

 All of the performance requirements for the system have been spelled out;
 Fault tolerance, safety, and security requirements are complete and correct;
 Allocation of software functions is accurate and complete;
 Software requirements are appropriate for the system hazards; and
 All requirements are expressed in terms that are measurable or objectively verifiable.

A software requirements traceability analysis should be conducted to trace software requirements

to (and from) system requirements and to risk analysis results. In addition to any other analyses
and documentation used to verify software requirements, a formal design review is
recommended to confirm that requirements are fully specified and appropriate before extensive
software design efforts begin. Requirements can be approved and released incrementally, but
care should be taken that interactions and interfaces among software (and hardware)
requirements are properly reviewed, analyzed, and controlled.

Typical Tasks – Requirements

 Preliminary Risk Analysis

 Traceability Analysis
 – Software Requirements to System Requirements (and vice versa)
 – Software Requirements to Risk Analysis

 Description of User Characteristics

 Listing of Characteristics and Limitations of Primary and Secondary Memory
 Software Requirements Evaluation
 Software User Interface Requirements Analysis
 System Test Plan Generation
 Acceptance Test Plan Generation
 Ambiguity Review or Analysis

5.2.3. Design

In the design process, the software requirements specification is translated into a logical and
physical representation of the software to be implemented. The software design specification is a
description of what the software should do and how it should do it. Due to complexity of the
project or to enable persons with varying levels of technical responsibilities to clearly understand
design information, the design specification may contain both a high level summary of the
design and detailed design information. The completed software design specification constrains
the programmer/coder to stay within the intent of the agreed upon requirements and design. A
complete software design specification will relieve the programmer from the need to make ad
hoc design decisions.

The software design needs to address human factors. Use error caused by designs that are either
overly complex or contrary to users’ intuitive expectations for operation is one of the most
persistent and critical problems encountered by FDA. Frequently, the design of the software is a
factor in such use errors. Human factors engineering should be woven into the entire design and
development process, including the device design requirements, analyses, and tests. Device
safety and usability issues should be considered when developing flowcharts, state diagrams,
prototyping tools, and test plans. Also, task and function analyses, risk analyses, prototype tests
and reviews, and full usability tests should be performed. Participants from the user population
should be included when applying these methodologies.

The software design specification should include:

 Software requirements specification, including predetermined criteria for acceptance of the

 Software risk analysis;
 Development procedures and coding guidelines (or other programming procedures);
 Systems documentation (e.g., a narrative or a context diagram) that describes the systems
context in which the program is intended to function, including the relationship of hardware,
software, and the physical environment;
 Hardware to be used;
 Parameters to be measured or recorded;
 Logical structure (including control logic) and logical processing steps (e.g., algorithms);
 Data structures and data flow diagrams;
 Definitions of variables (control and data) and description of where they are used;
 Error, alarm, and warning messages;
 Supporting software (e.g., operating systems, drivers, other application software);
 Communication links (links among internal modules of the software, links with the supporting
software, links with the hardware, and links with the user);
 Security measures (both physical and logical security); and
 Any additional constraints not identified in the above elements.

The first four of the elements noted above usually are separate pre-existing documents that are
included by reference in the software design specification. Software requirements specification
was discussed in the preceding section, as was software risk analysis. Written development
procedures serve as a guide to the organization, and written programming procedures serve as a
guide to individual programmers. As software cannot be validated without knowledge of the
context in which it is intended to function, systems documentation is referenced. If some of the
above elements are not included in the software, it may be helpful to future reviewers and
maintainers of the software if that is clearly stated (e.g., There are no error messages in this

The activities that occur during software design have several purposes. Software design
evaluations are conducted to determine if the design is complete, correct, consistent,
unambiguous, feasible, and maintainable. Appropriate consideration of software architecture
(e.g., modular structure) during design can reduce the magnitude of future validation efforts
when software changes are needed. Software design evaluations may include analyses of control
flow, data flow, complexity, timing, sizing, memory allocation, criticality analysis, and many
other aspects of the design. A traceability analysis should be conducted to verify that the
software design implements all of the software requirements. As a technique for identifying
where requirements are not sufficient, the traceability analysis should also verify that all aspects
of the design are traceable to software requirements. An analysis of communication links should
be conducted to evaluate the proposed design with respect to hardware, user, and related
software requirements. The software risk analysis should be re-examined to determine whether
any additional hazards have been identified and whether any new hazards have been introduced
by the design.

At the end of the software design activity, a Formal Design Review should be conducted to
verify that the design is correct, consistent, complete, accurate, and testable, before moving to
implement the design. Portions of the design can be approved and released incrementally for
implementation; but care should be taken that interactions and communication links among
various elements are properly reviewed, analyzed, and controlled.

Most software development models will be iterative. This is likely to result in several versions of
both the software requirement specification and the software design specification. All approved
versions should be archived and controlled in accordance with established configuration
management procedures.

Typical Tasks – Design

 Updated Software Risk Analysis

 Traceability Analysis – Design Specification to Software Requirements (and vice versa)
 Software Design Evaluation
 Design Communication Link Analysis
 Module Test Plan Generation
 Integration Test Plan Generation
 Test Design Generation (module, integration, system, and acceptance)

5.2.4. Construction or Coding

Software may be constructed either by coding (i.e., programming) or by assembling together

previously coded software components (e.g., from code libraries, off-the-shelf software, etc.) for
use in a new application. Coding is the software activity where the detailed design specification
is implemented as source code. Coding is the lowest level of abstraction for the software
development process. It is the last stage in decomposition of the software requirements where
module specifications are translated into a programming language.

Coding usually involves the use of a high-level programming language, but may also entail the
use of assembly language (or microcode) for time-critical operations. The source code may be
either compiled or interpreted for use on a target hardware platform. Decisions on the selection
of programming languages and software build tools (assemblers, linkers, and compilers) should
include consideration of the impact on subsequent quality evaluation tasks (e.g., availability of
debugging and testing tools for the chosen language). Some compilers offer optional levels and
commands for error checking to assist in debugging the code. Different levels of error checking
may be used throughout the coding process, and warnings or other messages from the compiler
may or may not be recorded. However, at the end of the coding and debugging process, the most
rigorous level of error checking is normally used to document what compilation errors still
remain in the software. If the most rigorous level of error checking is not used for final
translation of the source code, then justification for use of the less rigorous translation error
checking should be documented. Also, for the final compilation, there should be documentation
of the compilation process and its outcome, including any warnings or other messages from the
compiler and their resolution, or justification for the decision to leave issues unresolved.

Firms frequently adopt specific coding guidelines that establish quality policies and procedures
related to the software coding process. Source code should be evaluated to verify its compliance
with specified coding guidelines. Such guidelines should include coding conventions regarding
clarity, style, complexity management, and commenting. Code comments should provide useful
and descriptive information for a module, including expected inputs and outputs, variables
referenced, expected data types, and operations to be performed. Source code should also be
evaluated to verify its compliance with the corresponding detailed design specification. Modules
ready for integration and test should have documentation of compliance with coding guidelines
and any other applicable quality policies and procedures.

Source code evaluations are often implemented as code inspections and code walkthroughs. Such
static analyses provide a very effective means to detect errors before execution of the code. They
allow for examination of each error in isolation and can also help in focusing later dynamic
testing of the software. Firms may use manual (desk) checking with appropriate controls to
ensure consistency and independence. Source code evaluations should be extended to
verification of internal linkages between modules and layers (horizontal and vertical interfaces),
and compliance with their design specifications. Documentation of the procedures used and the
results of source code evaluations should be maintained as part of design verification.

A source code traceability analysis is an important tool to verify that all code is linked to
established specifications and established test procedures. A source code traceability analysis
should be conducted and documented to verify that:

 Each element of the software design specification has been implemented in code;
 Modules and functions implemented in code can be traced back to an element in the software
design specification and to the risk analysis;
 Tests for modules and functions can be traced back to an element in the software design
specification and to the risk analysis; and
 Tests for modules and functions can be traced to source code for the same modules and

Typical Tasks – Construction or Coding

 Traceability Analyses
 – Source Code to Design Specification (and vice versa)
 – Test Cases to Source Code and to Design Specification

 Source Code and Source Code Documentation Evaluation

 Source Code Interface Analysis
 Test Procedure and Test Case Generation (module, integration, system, and acceptance)

5.2.5. Testing by the Software Developer

Software testing entails running software products under known conditions with defined inputs
and documented outcomes that can be compared to their predefined expectations. It is a time
consuming, difficult, and imperfect activity. As such, it requires early planning in order to be
effective and efficient.

Test plans and test cases should be created as early in the software development process as
feasible. They should identify the schedules, environments, resources (personnel, tools, etc.),
methodologies, cases (inputs, procedures, outputs, expected results), documentation, and
reporting criteria. The magnitude of effort to be applied throughout the testing process can be
linked to complexity, criticality, reliability, and/or safety issues (e.g., requiring functions or
modules that produce critical outcomes to be challenged with intensive testing of their fault
tolerance features). Descriptions of categories of software and software testing effort appear in
the literature, for example:

 NIST Special Publication 500-235, Structured Testing: A Testing Methodology Using the
Cyclomatic Complexity Metric;
 NUREG/CR-6293, Verification and Validation Guidelines for High Integrity Systems; and
 IEEE Computer Society Press, Handbook of Software Reliability Engineering.
Software test plans should identify the particular tasks to be conducted at each stage of
development and include justification of the level of effort represented by their corresponding
completion criteria.

Software testing has limitations that must be recognized and considered when planning the
testing of a particular software product. Except for the simplest of programs, software cannot be
exhaustively tested. Generally it is not feasible to test a software product with all possible inputs,
nor is it possible to test all possible data processing paths that can occur during program
execution. There is no one type of testing or testing methodology that can ensure a particular
software product has been thoroughly tested. Testing of all program functionality does not mean
all of the program has been tested. Testing of all of a program’s code does not mean all
necessary functionality is present in the program. Testing of all program functionality and all
program code does not mean the program is 100% correct! Software testing that finds no errors
should not be interpreted to mean that errors do not exist in the software product; it may mean
the testing was superficial.

An essential element of a software test case is the expected result. It is the key detail that permits
objective evaluation of the actual test result. This necessary testing information is obtained from
the corresponding, predefined definition or specification. A software specification document
must identify what, when, how, why, etc., is to be achieved with an engineering (i.e., measurable
or objectively verifiable) level of detail in order for it to be confirmed through testing. The real
effort of effective software testing lies in the definition of what is to be tested rather than in the
performance of the test.

A software testing process should be based on principles that foster effective examinations of a
software product. Applicable software testing tenets include:

 The expected test outcome is predefined;

 A good test case has a high probability of exposing an error;
 A successful test is one that finds an error;
 There is independence from coding;
 Both application (user) and software (programming) expertise are employed;
 Testers use different tools from coders;
 Examining only the usual case is insufficient;
 Test documentation permits its reuse and an independent confirmation of the pass/fail status of
a test outcome during subsequent review.

Once the prerequisite tasks (e.g., code inspection) have been successfully completed, software
testing begins. It starts with unit level testing and concludes with system level testing. There may
be a distinct integration level of testing. A software product should be challenged with test cases
based on its internal structure and with test cases based on its external specification. These tests
should provide a thorough and rigorous examination of the software product’s compliance with
its functional, performance, and interface definitions and requirements.

Code-based testing is also known as structural testing or “white-box” testing. It identifies test
cases based on knowledge obtained from the source code, detailed design specification, and
other development documents. These test cases challenge the control decisions made by the
program; and the program’s data structures including configuration tables. Structural testing can
identify “dead” code that is never executed when the program is run. Structural testing is
accomplished primarily with unit (module) level testing, but can be extended to other levels of
software testing.

The level of structural testing can be evaluated using metrics that are designed to show what
percentage of the software structure has been evaluated during structural testing. These metrics
are typically referred to as “coverage” and are a measure of completeness with respect to test
selection criteria. The amount of structural coverage should be commensurate with the level of
risk posed by the software. Use of the term “coverage” usually means 100% coverage. For
example, if a testing program has achieved “statement coverage,” it means that 100% of the
statements in the software have been executed at least once. Common structural coverage metrics

 Statement Coverage – This criteria requires sufficient test cases for each program statement to
be executed at least once; however, its achievement is insufficient to provide confidence in a
software product’s behavior.
 Decision (Branch) Coverage – This criteria requires sufficient test cases for each program
decision or branch to be executed so that each possible outcome occurs at least once. It is
considered to be a minimum level of coverage for most software products, but decision
coverage alone is insufficient for high-integrity applications.
 Condition Coverage – This criteria requires sufficient test cases for each condition in a program
decision to take on all possible outcomes at least once. It differs from branch coverage only
when multiple conditions must be evaluated to reach a decision.
 Multi-Condition Coverage – This criteria requires sufficient test cases to exercise all possible
combinations of conditions in a program decision.
 Loop Coverage – This criteria requires sufficient test cases for all program loops to be executed
for zero, one, two, and many iterations covering initialization, typical running and termination
(boundary) conditions.
 Path Coverage – This criteria requires sufficient test cases for each feasible path, basis path,
etc., from start to exit of a defined program segment, to be executed at least once. Because of
the very large number of possible paths through a software program, path coverage is generally
not achievable. The amount of path coverage is normally established based on the risk or
criticality of the software under test.
 Data Flow Coverage – This criteria requires sufficient test cases for each feasible data flow to be
executed at least once. A number of data flow testing strategies are available.

Definition-based or specification-based testing is also known as functional testing or “black-box”

testing. It identifies test cases based on the definition of what the software product (whether it be
a unit (module) or a complete program) is intended to do. These test cases challenge the intended
use or functionality of a program, and the program’s internal and external interfaces. Functional
testing can be applied at all levels of software testing, from unit to system level testing.

The following types of functional software testing involve generally increasing levels of effort:
 Normal Case – Testing with usual inputs is necessary. However, testing a software product only
with expected, valid inputs does not thoroughly test that software product. By itself, normal
case testing cannot provide sufficient confidence in the dependability of the software product.
 Output Forcing – Choosing test inputs to ensure that selected (or all) software outputs are
generated by testing.
 Robustness – Software testing should demonstrate that a software product behaves correctly
when given unexpected, invalid inputs. Methods for identifying a sufficient set of such test cases
include Equivalence Class Partitioning, Boundary Value Analysis, and Special Case Identification
(Error Guessing). While important and necessary, these techniques do not ensure that all of the
most appropriate challenges to a software product have been identified for testing.
 Combinations of Inputs – The functional testing methods identified above all emphasize
individual or single test inputs. Most software products operate with multiple inputs under their
conditions of use. Thorough software product testing should consider the combinations of
inputs a software unit or system may encounter during operation. Error guessing can be
extended to identify combinations of inputs, but it is an ad hoc technique. Cause-effect graphing
is one functional software testing technique that systematically identifies combinations of inputs
to a software product for inclusion in test cases.

Functional and structural software test case identification techniques provide specific inputs for
testing, rather than random test inputs. One weakness of these techniques is the difficulty in
linking structural and functional test completion criteria to a software product’s reliability.
Advanced software testing methods, such as statistical testing, can be employed to provide
further assurance that a software product is dependable. Statistical testing uses randomly
generated test data from defined distributions based on an operational profile (e.g., expected use,
hazardous use, or malicious use of the software product). Large amounts of test data are
generated and can be targeted to cover particular areas or concerns, providing an increased
possibility of identifying individual and multiple rare operating conditions that were not
anticipated by either the software product’s designers or its testers. Statistical testing also
provides high structural coverage. It does require a stable software product. Thus, structural and
functional testing are prerequisites for statistical testing of a software product.

Another aspect of software testing is the testing of software changes. Changes occur frequently
during software development. These changes are the result of 1) debugging that finds an error
and it is corrected, 2) new or changed requirements (“requirements creep”), and 3) modified
designs as more effective or efficient implementations are found. Once a software product has
been baselined (approved), any change to that product should have its own “mini life cycle,”
including testing. Testing of a changed software product requires additional effort. Not only
should it demonstrate that the change was implemented correctly, testing should also
demonstrate that the change did not adversely impact other parts of the software product.
Regression analysis and testing are employed to provide assurance that a change has not created
problems elsewhere in the software product. Regression analysis is the determination of the
impact of a change based on review of the relevant documentation (e.g., software requirements
specification, software design specification, source code, test plans, test cases, test scripts, etc.)
in order to identify the necessary regression tests to be run. Regression testing is the rerunning of
test cases that a program has previously executed correctly and comparing the current result to
the previous result in order to detect unintended effects of a software change. Regression
analysis and regression testing should also be employed when using integration methods to build
a software product to ensure that newly integrated modules do not adversely impact the operation
of previously integrated modules.

In order to provide a thorough and rigorous examination of a software product, development

testing is typically organized into levels. As an example, a software product’s testing can be
organized into unit, integration, and system levels of testing.

1. Unit (module or component) level testing focuses on the early examination of sub-program
functionality and ensures that functionality not visible at the system level is examined by testing.
Unit testing ensures that quality software units are furnished for integration into the finished
software product.
2. Integration level testing focuses on the transfer of data and control across a program’s internal
and external interfaces. External interfaces are those with other software (including operating
system software), system hardware, and the users and can be described as communications
3. System level testing demonstrates that all specified functionality exists and that the software
product is trustworthy. This testing verifies the as-built program’s functionality and performance
with respect to the requirements for the software product as exhibited on the specified
operating platform(s). System level software testing addresses functional concerns and the
following elements of a device’s software that are related to the intended use(s):

 Performance issues (e.g., response times, reliability measurements);

 Responses to stress conditions, e.g., behavior under maximum load, continuous use;
 Operation of internal and external security features;
 Effectiveness of recovery procedures, including disaster recovery;
 Usability;
 Compatibility with other software products;
 Behavior in each of the defined hardware configurations; and
 Accuracy of documentation.

Control measures (e.g., a traceability analysis) should be used to ensure that the intended
coverage is achieved.

System level testing also exhibits the software product’s behavior in the intended operating
environment. The location of such testing is dependent upon the software developer’s ability to
produce the target operating environment(s). Depending upon the circumstances, simulation
and/or testing at (potential) customer locations may be utilized. Test plans should identify the
controls needed to ensure that the intended coverage is achieved and that proper documentation
is prepared when planned system level testing is conducted at sites not directly controlled by the
software developer. Also, for a software product that is a medical device or a component of a
medical device that is to be used on humans prior to FDA clearance, testing involving human
subjects may require an Investigational Device Exemption (IDE) or Institutional Review Board
(IRB) approval.

Test procedures, test data, and test results should be documented in a manner permitting
objective pass/fail decisions to be reached. They should also be suitable for review and objective
decision making subsequent to running the test, and they should be suitable for use in any
subsequent regression testing. Errors detected during testing should be logged, classified,
reviewed, and resolved prior to release of the software. Software error data that is collected and
analyzed during a development life cycle may be used to determine the suitability of the software
product for release for commercial distribution. Test reports should comply with the
requirements of the corresponding test plans.

Software products that perform useful functions in medical devices or their production are often
complex. Software testing tools are frequently used to ensure consistency, thoroughness, and
efficiency in the testing of such software products and to fulfill the requirements of the planned
testing activities. These tools may include supporting software built in-house to facilitate unit
(module) testing and subsequent integration testing (e.g., drivers and stubs) as well as
commercial software testing tools. Such tools should have a degree of quality no less than the
software product they are used to develop. Appropriate documentation providing evidence of the
validation of these software tools for their intended use should be maintained (see section 6 of
this guidance).

Typical Tasks – Testing by the Software Developer

 Test Planning
 Structural Test Case Identification
 Functional Test Case Identification
 Traceability Analysis – Testing
o – Unit (Module) Tests to Detailed Design
o – Integration Tests to High Level Design
o – System Tests to Software Requirements
 Unit (Module) Test Execution
 Integration Test Execution
 Functional Test Execution
 System Test Execution
 Acceptance Test Execution
 Test Results Evaluation
 Error Evaluation/Resolution
 Final Test Report

5.2.6. User Site Testing

Testing at the user site is an essential part of software validation. The Quality System regulation
requires installation and inspection procedures (including testing where appropriate) as well as
documentation of inspection and testing to demonstrate proper installation. (See 21 CFR
§820.170.) Likewise, manufacturing equipment must meet specified requirements, and
automated systems must be validated for their intended use. (See 21 CFR §820.70(g) and 21
CFR §820.70(i) respectively.)

Terminology regarding user site testing can be confusing. Terms such as beta test, site validation,
user acceptance test, installation verification, and installation testing have all been used to
describe user site testing. For purposes of this guidance, the term “user site testing” encompasses
all of these and any other testing that takes place outside of the developer’s controlled
environment. This testing should take place at a user’s site with the actual hardware and software
that will be part of the installed system configuration. The testing is accomplished through either
actual or simulated use of the software being tested within the context in which it is intended to

Guidance contained here is general in nature and is applicable to any user site testing. However,
in some areas (e.g., blood establishment systems) there may be specific site validation issues that
need to be considered in the planning of user site testing. Test planners should check with the
FDA Center(s) with the corresponding product jurisdiction to determine whether there are any
additional regulatory requirements for user site testing.

User site testing should follow a pre-defined written plan with a formal summary of testing and a
record of formal acceptance. Documented evidence of all testing procedures, test input data, and
test results should be retained.

There should be evidence that hardware and software are installed and configured as specified.
Measures should ensure that all system components are exercised during the testing and that the
versions of these components are those specified. The testing plan should specify testing
throughout the full range of operating conditions and should specify continuation for a sufficient
time to allow the system to encounter a wide spectrum of conditions and events in an effort to
detect any latent faults that are not apparent during more normal activities.

Some of the evaluations that have been performed earlier by the software developer at the
developer’s site should be repeated at the site of actual use. These may include tests for a high
volume of data, heavy loads or stresses, security, fault testing (avoidance, detection, tolerance,
and recovery), error messages, and implementation of safety requirements. The developer may
be able to furnish the user with some of the test data sets to be used for this purpose.

In addition to an evaluation of the system’s ability to properly perform its intended functions,
there should be an evaluation of the ability of the users of the system to understand and correctly
interface with it. Operators should be able to perform the intended functions and respond in an
appropriate and timely manner to all alarms, warnings, and error messages.

During user site testing, records should be maintained of both proper system performance and
any system failures that are encountered. The revision of the system to compensate for faults
detected during this user site testing should follow the same procedures and controls as for any
other software change.

The developers of the software may or may not be involved in the user site testing. If the
developers are involved, they may seamlessly carry over to the user’s site the last portions of
design-level systems testing. If the developers are not involved, it is all the more important that
the user have persons who understand the importance of careful test planning, the definition of
expected test results, and the recording of all test outputs.

Typical Tasks – User Site Testing

 Acceptance Test Execution
 Test Results Evaluation
 Error Evaluation/Resolution
 Final Test Report

5.2.7. Maintenance and Software Changes

As applied to software, the term maintenance does not mean the same as when applied to
hardware. The operational maintenance of hardware and software are different because their
failure/error mechanisms are different. Hardware maintenance typically includes preventive
hardware maintenance actions, component replacement, and corrective changes. Software
maintenance includes corrective, perfective, and adaptive maintenance but does not include
preventive maintenance actions or software component replacement.

Changes made to correct errors and faults in the software are corrective maintenance. Changes
made to the software to improve the performance, maintainability, or other attributes of the
software system are perfective maintenance. Software changes to make the software system
usable in a changed environment are adaptive maintenance.

When changes are made to a software system, either during initial development or during post
release maintenance, sufficient regression analysis and testing should be conducted to
demonstrate that portions of the software not involved in the change were not adversely
impacted. This is in addition to testing that evaluates the correctness of the implemented

The specific validation effort necessary for each software change is determined by the type of
change, the development products affected, and the impact of those products on the operation of
the software. Careful and complete documentation of the design structure and interrelationships
of various modules, interfaces, etc., can limit the validation effort needed when a change is
made. The level of effort needed to fully validate a change is also dependent upon the degree to
which validation of the original software was documented and archived. For example, test
documentation, test cases, and results of previous verification and validation testing need to be
archived if they are to be available for performing subsequent regression testing. Failure to
archive this information for later use can significantly increase the level of effort and expense of
revalidating the software after a change is made.

In addition to software verification and validation tasks that are part of the standard software
development process, the following additional maintenance tasks should be addressed:

 Software Validation Plan Revision – For software that was previously validated, the existing
software validation plan should be revised to support the validation of the revised software. If
no previous software validation plan exists, such a plan should be established to support the
validation of the revised software.
 Anomaly Evaluation – Software organizations frequently maintain documentation, such as
software problem reports that describe software anomalies discovered and the specific
corrective action taken to fix each anomaly. Too often, however, mistakes are repeated because
software developers do not take the next step to determine the root causes of problems and
make the process and procedural changes needed to avoid recurrence of the problem. Software
anomalies should be evaluated in terms of their severity and their effects on system operation
and safety, but they should also be treated as symptoms of process deficiencies in the quality
system. A root cause analysis of anomalies can identify specific quality system deficiencies.
Where trends are identified (e.g., recurrence of similar software anomalies), appropriate
corrective and preventive actions must be implemented and documented to avoid further
recurrence of similar quality problems. (See 21 CFR 820.100.)
 Problem Identification and Resolution Tracking – All problems discovered during maintenance
of the software should be documented. The resolution of each problem should be tracked to
ensure it is fixed, for historical reference, and for trending.
 Proposed Change Assessment – All proposed modifications, enhancements, or additions should
be assessed to determine the effect each change would have on the system. This information
should determine the extent to which verification and/or validation tasks need to be iterated.
 Task Iteration – For approved software changes, all necessary verification and validation tasks
should be performed to ensure that planned changes are implemented correctly, all
documentation is complete and up to date, and no unacceptable changes have occurred in
software performance.
 Documentation Updating – Documentation should be carefully reviewed to determine which
documents have been impacted by a change. All approved documents (e.g., specifications, test
procedures, user manuals, etc.) that have been affected should be updated in accordance with
configuration management procedures. Specifications should be updated before any
maintenance and software changes are made.



The Quality System regulation requires that “when computers or automated data processing
systems are used as part of production or the quality system, the [device] manufacturer shall
validate computer software for its intended use according to an established protocol.” (See 21
CFR §820.70(i)). This has been a regulatory requirement of FDA’s medical device Good
Manufacturing Practice (GMP) regulations since 1978.

In addition to the above validation requirement, computer systems that implement part of a
device manufacturer’s production processes or quality system (or that are used to create and
maintain records required by any other FDA regulation) are subject to the Electronic Records;
Electronic Signatures regulation. (See 21 CFR Part 11.) This regulation establishes additional
security, data integrity, and validation requirements when records are created or maintained
electronically. These additional Part 11 requirements should be carefully considered and
included in system requirements and software requirements for any automated record `keeping
systems. System validation and software validation should demonstrate that all Part 11
requirements have been met.

Computers and automated equipment are used extensively throughout all aspects of medical
device design, laboratory testing and analysis, product inspection and acceptance, production and
process control, environmental controls, packaging, labeling, traceability, document control,
complaint management, and many other aspects of the quality system. Increasingly, automated
plant floor operations can involve extensive use of embedded systems in:

 programmable logic controllers;

 digital function controllers;
 statistical process control;
 supervisory control and data acquisition;
 robotics;
 human-machine interfaces;
 input/output devices; and
 computer operating systems.

Software tools are frequently used to design, build, and test the software that goes into an
automated medical device. Many other commercial software applications, such as word
processors, spreadsheets, databases, and flowcharting software are used to implement the quality
system. All of these applications are subject to the requirement for software validation, but the
validation approach used for each application can vary widely.

Whether production or quality system software is developed in-house by the device

manufacturer, developed by a contractor, or purchased off-the-shelf, it should be developed
using the basic principles outlined elsewhere in this guidance. The device manufacturer has
latitude and flexibility in defining how validation of that software will be accomplished, but
validation should be a key consideration in deciding how and by whom the software will be
developed or from whom it will be purchased. The software developer defines a life cycle model.
Validation is typically supported by:

 verifications of the outputs from each stage of that software development life cycle; and
 checking for proper operation of the finished software in the device manufacturer’s intended
use environment.


The level of validation effort should be commensurate with the risk posed by the automated
operation. In addition to risk other factors, such as the complexity of the process software and the
degree to which the device manufacturer is dependent upon that automated process to produce a
safe and effective device, determine the nature and extent of testing needed as part of the
validation effort. Documented requirements and risk analysis of the automated process help to
define the scope of the evidence needed to show that the software is validated for its intended
use. For example, an automated milling machine may require very little testing if the device
manufacturer can show that the output of the operation is subsequently fully verified against the
specification before release. On the other hand, extensive testing may be needed for:

 a plant-wide electronic record and electronic signature system;

 an automated controller for a sterilization cycle; or
 automated test equipment used for inspection and acceptance of finished circuit boards in a
life-sustaining / life-supporting device.
Numerous commercial software applications may be used as part of the quality system (e.g., a
spreadsheet or statistical package used for quality system calculations, a graphics package used
for trend analysis, or a commercial database used for recording device history records or for
complaint management). The extent of validation evidence needed for such software depends on
the device manufacturer’s documented intended use of that software. For example, a device
manufacturer who chooses not to use all the vendor-supplied capabilities of the software only
needs to validate those functions that will be used and for which the device manufacturer is
dependent upon the software results as part of production or the quality system. However, high
risk applications should not be running in the same operating environment with non-validated
software functions, even if those software functions are not used. Risk mitigation techniques
such as memory partitioning or other approaches to resource protection may need to be
considered when high risk applications and lower risk applications are to be used in the same
operating environment. When software is upgraded or any changes are made to the software, the
device manufacturer should consider how those changes may impact the “used portions” of the
software and must reconfirm the validation of those portions of the software that are used. (See
21 CFR §820.70(i).)


A very important key to software validation is a documented user requirements specification that

 the “intended use” of the software or automated equipment; and

 The extent to which the device manufacturer is dependent upon that software or equipment for
production of a quality medical device.

The device manufacturer (user) needs to define the expected operating environment including
any required hardware and software configurations, software versions, utilities, etc. The user also
needs to:

 document requirements for system performance, quality, error handling, startup, shutdown,
security, etc.;
 identify any safety related functions or features, such as sensors, alarms, interlocks, logical
processing steps, or command sequences; and
 define objective criteria for determining acceptable performance.

The validation must be conducted in accordance with a documented protocol, and the validation
results must also be documented. (See 21 CFR §820.70(i).) Test cases should be documented
that will exercise the system to challenge its performance against the pre-determined criteria,
especially for its most critical parameters. Test cases should address error and alarm conditions,
startup, shutdown, all applicable user functions and operator controls, potential operator errors,
maximum and minimum ranges of allowed values, and stress conditions applicable to the
intended use of the equipment. The test cases should be executed and the results should be
recorded and evaluated to determine whether the results support a conclusion that the software is
validated for its intended use.
A device manufacturer may conduct a validation using their own personnel or may depend on a
third party such as the equipment/software vendor or a consultant. In any case, the device
manufacturer retains the ultimate responsibility for ensuring that the production and quality
system software:

 is validated according to a written procedure for the particular intended use; and
 will perform as intended in the chosen application.

The device manufacturer should have documentation including:

 defined user requirements;

 validation protocol used;
 acceptance criteria;
 test cases and results; and
 a validation summary

that objectively confirms that the software is validated for its intended use.


Most of the automated equipment and systems used by device manufacturers are supplied by
third-party vendors and are purchased off-the-shelf (OTS). The device manufacturer is
responsible for ensuring that the product development methodologies used by the OTS software
developer are appropriate and sufficient for the device manufacturer’s intended use of that OTS
software. For OTS software and equipment, the device manufacturer may or may not have access
to the vendor’s software validation documentation. If the vendor can provide information about
their system requirements, software requirements, validation process, and the results of their
validation, the medical device manufacturer can use that information as a beginning point for
their required validation documentation. The vendor’s life cycle documentation, such as testing
protocols and results, source code, design specification, and requirements specification, can be
useful in establishing that the software has been validated. However, such documentation is
frequently not available from commercial equipment vendors, or the vendor may refuse to share
their proprietary information.

Where possible and depending upon the device risk involved, the device manufacturer should
consider auditing the vendor’s design and development methodologies used in the construction
of the OTS software and should assess the development and validation documentation generated
for the OTS software. Such audits can be conducted by the device manufacturer or by a qualified
third party. The audit should demonstrate that the vendor’s procedures for and results of the
verification and validation activities performed the OTS software are appropriate and sufficient
for the safety and effectiveness requirements of the medical device to be produced using that

Some vendors who are not accustomed to operating in a regulated environment may not have a
documented life cycle process that can support the device manufacturer’s validation requirement.
Other vendors may not permit an audit. Where necessary validation information is not available
from the vendor, the device manufacturer will need to perform sufficient system level “black
box” testing to establish that the software meets their “user needs and intended uses.” For many
applications black box testing alone is not sufficient. Depending upon the risk of the device
produced, the role of the OTS software in the process, the ability to audit the vendor, and the
sufficiency of vendor-supplied information, the use of OTS software or equipment may or may
not be appropriate, especially if there are suitable alternatives available. The device manufacturer
should also consider the implications (if any) for continued maintenance and support of the OTS
software should the vendor terminate their support.

For some off-the-shelf software development tools, such as software compilers, linkers, editors,
and operating systems, exhaustive black-box testing by the device manufacturer may be
impractical. Without such testing – a key element of the validation effort – it may not be possible
to validate these software tools. However, their proper operation may be satisfactorily inferred
by other means. For example, compilers are frequently certified by independent third-party
testing, and commercial software products may have “bug lists”, system requirements and other
operational information available from the vendor that can be compared to the device
manufacturer’s intended use to help focus the “black-box” testing effort. Off-the-shelf operating
systems need not be validated as a separate program. However, system-level validation testing of
the application software should address all the operating system services used, including
maximum loading conditions, file operations, handling of system error conditions, and memory
constraints that may be applicable to the intended use of the application program.

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