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Media and Information Literacy

Activity #2
Deconstructing Media Message: Print Advertisement


1. Read the directions carefully.

2. Rename this file using the following format before submitting your work:
Strand, Grade Level & Section_ Surname_ First name
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1. Choose ONE print advertisement that you want to deconstruct the media languages.


2. Use the following prompts given below to analyze your chosen print advertisement.
Assess how meaning is generated by codes and media languages to deconstruct the

For mobile user/s (Type the brand here) MILO

The use of technical codes: Camera angle, framing and focus.

The use symbolic codes: color, dress or actions of characters or any iconic symbols.
The use of written codes: caption, language style
Target audience: Consider age, gender, location, and class/lifestyle
Content and Purpose: The brand-main message

Uses of technical codes: Camera angle, framing and focus.

The Milo’s print advertisement used eye leveled camera angle and it refers
to the level of the camera which is placed at the same height as the eyes of the
characters. Additionally, the camera man used is wide shot to capture them all
in one frame so basically it focuses on the character and the real meaning of the
advertisement. Thus the print advertisement above shows how active and sporty

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persons and also the lighting of that one was attentively great.

Uses of symbolic codes color, dress or actions of characters or any iconic


My chosen print advertisement above used the color green background to

delineate their product specifically Milo. They used sportswear because the
Milo is an energy drink and it shows that their product is giving energy and
being competitive in every game or daily activities also it shows the entire
image having different kinds of sports. Also, it shows the anniversary year.

Uses of written codes: caption, language style

My chosen print advertisement above used the color green background to

delineate their product specifically Milo. They used sportswear because the
Milo drink was an energy drink shows that their product giving energy and
being competitive in every game or daily activities also it shows the entire
image having different kinds of sports. Also, it shows the anniversary year.

Target audience: Consider age, gender, location, and class/lifestyle

The target audience that used in Milo’s Print Advertisement was a varsity
player in every kind of sports because Milo is an energy drink so those people
are being used to emphasize the purpose of their product. Boys and girls were

Content and purpose

The brand’s main message in the Milo’s print advertisement was

showing Milo is a prodigious energy drink for everyone, especially for the
varsity people or sporty people. It really helps them in their competition and
also to every people to give the energy every day.

Media and Information Literacy/rmvillaganas/fdrobles2020

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