Chapter 5 Forum #8

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Name: Barrent Caspean Gil M.

In what ways did Noli Me Tangere contribute to the formation of Filipino national consciousness?

Doctor Jose P. Rizal wrote the novel Noli Me Tangere to let the Filipino know that it is not right to be
treated unfairly by the Spaniards in our own country and inspired reader to fight for our freedom, we
must learn how to fight for what is right. we should fight for our freedom. the novel did not only
awaken sleeping Filipino awareness, but also established the grounds for aspiring to be
independence. It was the only way that encourage Andres Bonifacio and other heroes fight for our
rights and freedom in our country against the abuse of the government of Spaniards.


By: Ronica Valdeavilla, June 8, 2018

Rizal had been very vocal against the Spanish government, but in a peaceful and progressive
manner. For him, “the pen was mightier than the sword.” And through his writings, he exposed the
corruption and wrongdoings of government officials as well as the Spanish friars. While in Barcelona,
Rizal contributed essays, poems, allegories, and editorials to the Spanish newspaper, La Solidaridad.
Most of his writings, both in his essays and editorials, centered on individual rights and freedom,
specifically for the Filipino people. As part of his reforms, he even called for the inclusion of the
Philippines to become a province of Spain. But, among his beast works, two novels stood out from
the rest – Noli Me Tángere (Touch Me Not) and El Filibusterismo (The Reign of the Greed). In both
novels, Rizal harshly criticized the Spanish colonial rule in the country and exposed the ills of
Philippine society at the time. And because he wrote about the injustices and brutalities of the
Spaniards in the country, the authorities banned Filipinos from reading the controversial books. Yet
they were not able to ban it completely. As more Filipinos read the books, their eyes opened to the
truth that they were suffering unspeakable abuses at the hands of the friars. These two novels by
Rizal, now considered his literary masterpieces, are said to have indirectly sparked the Philippine

Noli Me Tangere gave us courage, it was the seed that gave us the thought to halt
being uninformed and it stirred our require for independency and opportunity.
Rizal's composing was made to fuel the developing patriotism that will help the Filipinos break free
from the shackles of mishandle by the Spanish government. Dr. Jose P. Rizal had
been exceptionally vocal against the Spanish government, but in a quiet and dynamic way, he
exposes all wrongdoings of Spanish government through his writing because for him the pen was
mightier than the sword.
All this issue is very hard to predict why most of the writings of Rizal not that common when we back
to the past it’s so hard for us to accept the truth that we are under the management of those greedy
people. But somehow, we are now learning the possibility that they contributed a lot also specially to
our history and what we stand right now all then rights and foundation as a Filipino people. Now even
we are poor we are not afraid to face it because we know that we really did fight and secure our rights
in the past. Otherwise, we also give honor for Rizal for being brave and courageous even he suffers
more than what we felt right now.

Knowing that this situation is Highly embarks with us, genuinely inherit the glorious past. Our
government right now is adopting the states of process and all the wrong doings and false the same
mistake again. That’s why most of the Filipino, people, adult and child are poor, poorer than before.
Yes, we learn and develop a lot right know but the standard of the government is like before, we
really don’t know what’s the reason behind but as we can see? the moment that you are poor the
more you make poorer how sad is that, but yeah we are our freedom but this freedom is not enough
we need more power to have sustainable life.

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