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Everyone desires to be confident and satisfied, but why is this so challenging to attain?

We do a lot of things to be satisfied, to find the happiness that we all seek, and yet we still can't
find it. Therefore, how should we find happiness?

Insecurity and discrimination are a major obstacle to happiness. An insecure person has
no confidence in his or her own value and one or more of his or her abilities; lacks confidence or
fear that the present positive state will be momentary and will end up losing or distress him or
her by "causing the problem" in the future. On the other hand, discrimination means unjustified
treatment of an individual for who he or she is or for having certain features.. You may have
been discriminated against if you were treated differently to others just because of who you are
or because you possess certain characteristics. This has a negative effect on our view and
treatment of others. Keep in mind that the appearance of the world is determined by the
spectator. It is entirely up to us whether we will be optimistic, who ignores negative vibes and
enjoy life to the fullest, or pessimistic, who always look at the negative side of a thing and
ignores beauty inside it. So, in the end, the happiness has been all over us, it might not be so
challenging to find as we always assumed, but rather we tend to overlook it, and it was our

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