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For Copies Contact Registrar Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belgaum Published by Registrar Visvesvaraya Techndlogical University, “Snana Sangam” Belgaum-590 018, Karnataka (© Copyright 2010-11, ‘THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF ENGINEERING / 087 opt ota 0614 82 os21 p22 TECHNOLOGY TITLE AND DURATION OF THE COURSE The couse sale called the degree cousin Bachar of Engheerng Tecnology Course, abbreviate. B.Tech The course shal be of four academic years duration doa kao sight somactere, each semecier having duration of 16 weeks For evening courses he contact hous ee oe salisiedby working extra ateroons of Saturdays and Sundays, ‘The calendr of vensin respect of th couse shall be ‘xo bythe Universi trom tn atime. ‘The examination nal the ej shal be conducted at ho endof each semester fra he eight semesters, ELIGIBILITY FOR ADMISSION (The Govornmentorders std tam tneto ne inthis ‘gard sha preva). ‘Admission to | year 1 semester Bachelor Degree in Engnesting/ Technology sallbocpento Be canes whotavo passed cond yar Pre Univers or andar er equvalent examination recognized by the Univer Ina to 08 21, the candidate shall nave secured not loss than forty five pereont (45%) mark in the sogregato wih Physics ana atonal as company Bees, ang wth any ena ofthe folowing sojecs, ‘narely, Chemis, o-Technalogy, Compute Sion, Biology and Electonics, Provided that the mininum marks forthe pupose of ‘ligoily shale forty percent 40%) noptona wits in case of candidates botonging fo SCIST and OBC ‘candidates rom Kamataa, 0823/0) 08230) Provided fret, the candidate shal have studed fd passed English as one the subecs (Per Annexure 3) ‘sino yon seri Bachelor Doge Enger Technology (sora En) salle ope st cris wo whos don ‘et ualesionas recognized Unvr w ‘ve ecued not ise han oy ve prcotage (16%) mmaris in the final year oxamoation (fh aa 2 Semesters) hfe sppropiats bane ol enghaerng Proved than abe of SCIST and OBC candles from Karnataka the minum mars fr get shal Dover pact) Provided ther a ae anda sokng tral nny shal also ces posebed bridge courses as Spodtesy we Univer. ‘Admission to Evening Course shell be open to a ‘andie 1) Who on the fit day ofthe term noted by the ‘Univers fr the yea of admission nasnotissthan sre nna cn ah ing teehnlony, in wien tha canto als eploma, ater paesing dlora couse. Explanation: Professional experience means employment on regda basis 1. InGavernnent, Goverment urdetaking Pubic Sector underskng, Corporation or . ina private company registered undor me Disctorate of Industrie and Commarea or ho Directorate o Smal Seale ndustios or ©. in Government, Government recognized ‘nations as tohecal tat Provided thatthe peed of approniceship undergone hal leo be tested a8 professional experione, I ponsoced bythe Board ef Appraniesship Training, Souther Region Chennai or by any Government, Goverment underating or Puble Sector underakng. p28 053 ops ona Provided further that omployment shall bein an ‘stablshmont suai within the urban agglomeration ‘fey nwnicn ho profesional nition stunted, ‘Those candidates who have passed a qualiying ‘examination other tan te PUT exarination of the Pro-Unwversty Education Board of Karnataka, of Engineering Diploma Examinations ofthe Board of ‘Tecarical Education of Kamataka, have to obtain gb conitcate fr seeking eenission BE Teen Degree Course trom visvoevaraya Technological ‘Unvorsiy Bolgaum o fom te Principal of concemed Engineering Colgeof Kamala Sato [ATTENDANCE REQUIREMENT ach somastris considered as aut athe candidate has to put ma minmum atlondance ofS In each Sujoc wih a provision of condonaton of 10% ofthe attendance by the Vie-Cancelor onthe epecte ‘ecommendatn ofthe Pina ofthe clogs where ‘he candidate f studying, showing some reasonable cause such as medical grounds, participation In UUniverty tovel spot, cata aces, senna, werkshops, paper proentaton, ae ‘Th bal for ho ealeuaton ofthe attendance shall be ‘ho number periods prescid by the Univer by 1s calendar of ovens. Fox host semester stent, thesame shallb reckonedrom he date of amision toe couse as por CET allotment ‘The students shal bo ivormed about the attendance ‘poston periodical by ho caege o atthe students ‘hall be cautioned fo mako up the shortage, The Principals ofthe flatod Calepos shall sub the et of sudonts who have deen detaned for shortage of atondance bythe end of he semester tothe Regsar (Graton) wih a copy tothe Registrar Provided that more omission by the cllege to norm ‘he student about he shortage af atensanes sha nat enti him fo appear fr sxamination. oss 0635 op 42 op4a op ‘ACandiate having shotage of atandance In one or ‘more aujocss shall have to epeat the whole semester land such candidates ell nt bo orm fo take ‘agmission fo net high serestes, ‘Such students shall ako readmission to the same maeor the subsequent acacoic yea. ‘Temporary Discontinuation of course: 'A student, who wishes to temporary dsconinue the ‘Course and continua tho eam subsequent, has 0 ‘hain rio ermision om the Unierty by applying ttvough the Principal. Such students Nave to take Feadmission to the same semostoriyear in the ‘siteequontacodoisyesr: Howeves the cna shall ‘omplate the course es par B62. INTERNAL ASSESSMENT MARKS. “Tere shal bea maximum of 25 Irtmal Assessment Mare in each thor ar practical paper. Fr seminar, the Iiemal sessment marks shall be 60 ‘Te Internal Assossment marks ina theory paper shall, ‘babagod ono tests gonerlyconductedat he endot B and 12 weeks of each eomste. An adlional test hay be conduetes for he deskeus students toe the Und ofthe semester to ge an opportunity to such ‘Sludons to improve their Ascosomon Marks, ‘Subject to he provisions of OB 413. The tat shall bo ‘rower a Bu Bocks wih pages stay rumbore, ‘Those blue books shal be kept n the custody of he Prins! ofthe Coleg unl aor ono month om the fate of announcement oft rest by the Univers. ‘nae cha be made avalato fo Universi autores for vertoaton as per the rections of the Registrar (Graken) Regia. Average ofthe batter mars obtained om any wo tests {hall be the Internal Assessment Mars fx ho relevant subect| {a candidate remains absent for all ho lnteral opas 084s par one nas Assossmant toss conducted, tho Itsna sessment Marks hab raked as forthe eject agains the Uniety Seat Nunbor (USN) ofthe canst nthe ‘mare shot ubmitod othe Univerty by the Papal ofthe Cotege Inthe caso ofa Practica, he IA marks shal be based ‘onthe laboratory joursreprsandone practical est. 1) ThetAmars for year Computer Aided Engineering [Drawing 8) 15 marks for class work (eketching ana Computer Aided engineering drawing). 1) 10 ars fortstin the same patra that of ‘hemaln examination eter fhe to tess) 8) Tho IA marks for other Drawings and Design Drawings oferedby varousbranchos shale baced ‘on he evaluation ofthe shoots end one tet nthe rato 60:40, ‘Te 1A marks in tho case of poets ang saminars in ‘he al yoar shal be Based onthe evaluation af the tnd of 8 semester by a conmitiee cosiing ofthe ead ofthe concemed Dopartnent and two senor Tacuty members ot Deparment, ne of wham ena bo the projet seminar guise. Theta st nerporaingcrecons any) oflA marks awarded to iho stents in tha Theory Practica Project werk Saminashallbodeplayecon te notice boar of ‘hecolege atleast seven days btorthe closure ofthe somosir anda ceites copy of th eam eal be sant Dy ne Prncpas othe Univesly Examination Sacton win tho stpulied dase. Ever page ofthe IA mare ‘sheo sallboath sonstues oft concerned Tacha Teachers, Head ofthe Deparnent ana Prep, ‘ny corectons or ovr wring of A marks shalboa the signature) of concorod Tesch) andin such cases the Hesdaf the Department shatlon every sheet eto ‘horumbarotcorecions and ate: hth his gntire, | 084.1040) 08.4:10(0) a4. 08412 opars 04.4 opts ons 085:1(0) 0851 (0) ‘Acandattaling to secure a miu ol 50% of the 1a mas (1225) n practical, 50% of mars in project ‘workshal not beige or he poeta eject nthe Unters examination For seminar, te minenu querer ofA marks shall be 4% otha mai, ‘Such candates as none n OB 4.10 shal pest the boratory werkojet work during he subsequent ‘somestra) and secure at leat tha rium marks preserve, For theory subjects, ther shal pct be any minum requremons of Armas. Improvement of Amrks shal ot be alowed a. Inthooy subjects and in LaboratoryrWorkshop/Seminar whero the Candidate has already secured the minimum required mars, |W marie of those candidates to whom 08 4.11 is nt separately tothe Rogistar 1A marks shall reach the Univoreity before the ‘commencement of examination. Aor the subrission ‘tora Assessment mars to the Urversty, ay quest for enange oA marks shall nt be consdored Under any creursances. ELIGIBILITY FOR PASSING Fora pass ina ery subjecrawing, the candidate hal eecura minimum of 35% of the maamum marks resorbed in the Unversity examnason and 407% of mark nb aggregate nui of Ho IA marks, Fora pessinaPractia/ProjaciVive-voce examination, {candidate shall seou @ minimum of 40% ofthe maximum marks prosorioed for the University Examination inte relevant Practical ProjaciVivesooe. TT 08 5.16) ops2 ops opsa opss 0556 For a passin Seminar, a cantata shal secure @ rivimum of 40% of the maximum marks presebe, The candidates who do nt sats he conden 085.1 shall deeredto have fad in hat subject ard may {eappear forthe University examination in the subsequont examinaion. Howover, the TA marks Awardod fo the canaidatels at fret ttarpt in tho cancemed theory subj will cariod onward Incase of PractcalPrject'Serinarreveadrrarks wile sen 8p eguations OB 4.10 (a 8b) and 0B 4.1 “The candidate who passes a subject of «semester a¢ ‘er 08 5.1 shal not be alowed appear orth sa ‘again, unless helshe ops or rejecton of rosuts as por 085.4,55,55,57258 cana may at his ose eos al pertormance ‘of asomesir (ncudngiA mais) othe ay rect te resutofhis perfomance Unvestyoxarnaton ota temas ony Providedthat hereestonis pemitedeni ence ding then couse o stay ‘The cancato who desires torjetthe pertormance as 2" OB 8.4 shal reject pertrmance nat th eects 1 the semester, ieepecive of whathar he eardesto has passed or fall in any subject. Howover, the ‘Wjecion of parma of somostor project results ‘hal not be ported ‘candidal, who desks to rojct to total parormarce ‘he semester including Ira Asossrent, has to {ake readmission rhe relevant semester Appian for such readmission ehall be set tothe Regietar ‘trough the Prcipal fCalege win 30 day rom he ‘tec the annourcarentr ne ests, Lal suoiesion ‘of eppleaton shal not be accepted for any reasons Feadmsson 9 Ft semester n such cases hal ot boconsidored as resh mssion a. tecanddst il Cantino to have the same University Seat Numb, wich was aloted erie, 0887 ons ones ‘The canto, who desires to reject only tho resus of Univertyexaminatonot @semaser anddoes rt Jose Feadmission, shall bo pormitd to re-appear for frarinatons ofall ho subjcts of ho semester the Subsequont oxaminations. Howover, the TA marks ‘baiodby he candidate mete rojoct somestr shal berolined Appeations or such eecon sha be sont tothe Rogsra(Evahution trough te Precip ofthe College witin 30 days rm te dato of announcement othe resus. Lato susmssin of apcatone shal not be aozopte or ary reasons. It roocton ofthe Uriversiy examination rsutsot ne taenterhappene be olan ca somostr cane fhallb alowedto take admision oth inmeciato not fren somesier However Fhe recto ofthe Unversity Tesut of even semesa, to carte shal rt be Slowed take admission he next od cams. ‘uch candidates who ot for election a nal year are gb fore svardofeassandaisinctonatnee.e/ Bech, degre vel, bt are not ogi fer to award otra, ‘candidate shal be decared 19 have completed the ‘course of 8/8. Tech, degre, provided the candidate has undergne the stipulated couse work al ight Semesirs a pr tho egulatons. 'MAXMMUM DURATION FOR COURSE COMPLETION candidate who has no ebisned th eit for thd ‘somesior aor a peved of ee academic yoars from ‘ho dle of feet admsson shall econo the cours, However, the canddae Is elgbe fr readision for fist year BEJB. Tech. in respective College ofthe ‘Unversty ane! se shal be alloted a Univeriy Seat ‘Number (USN) without any change inthe year of ‘admission inthe USN but the sera number of the Candidate shall tt with ic hundred (BXX) sei {ho same branch (mended and aprovedin £2 C. Res. No.2.4) vi 087 08731 ope ope. ‘The candidate shallconplte he course within period cf ig academic yearslrom tha cate oft admleion, faling which hese has fo lst the course. Provide thatthe candids act unde tral enty _chame shall compltethe course within a period of i ‘academic years fom the dato rt admission, ang whieh heshe as to isontine the couse. (Amended and spproved in 74% EC. (124-2008) Res, Noe) PROMOTION AND ELIGIBILITY FOR THE EXAMINATIONS Ther shal nt be any reateton fr promotion rom an 288 semester 'o ho ext even semaster, proved the ‘andes fled the atondarce equrement. candidate shalbeeigbeforpromaton roman even Semester tothe noxt od somostor (ft rent ‘scademie yer he candidate hat not aed n more ‘han four heads of posing othe medal proceaing ‘wo semosiorsandhas passedin athe sect ofl the stil lower somester examinations. A theory of ‘rata shallbe woatod as ahead of pacang Iustations 4.” candida ooking eiibiy 2° semester should ‘not have failed in mare sn 4 head of passing of stand sscond semestrs taken ogee. 1b Acandidate seeking eigbily 105° semester shoud ‘nave passed inal he subjects of 1" and semesirs and should ot have atedin mera han 46 heads of passing of third and fourth semactrs taken together, (© Acandiate soking elgbaty 107" semesir should have passed in all tho ejects up to sorostr and should not have fale n more then 4 hon of passing of 5" and 6" somesors taken ogehor. ELECTIVES, ‘Acandite sal ako one eleven 6 semester rom ‘Group A to alectves n 7" semester (one each Hm sez ope os8s 0810 op 101 os 102 op tos groups ®and'C) and wo oocvosin semester (one ‘aontam Groups D an}, Thee shalbeamiimum ‘tte eostves iste n every grup. ‘he minimum numbe of stunts obo rgistered for an leciveto be afore shall be not oss than tn. ‘A canditats shall exercte his option in respect he ‘tsctves and gitar forte same at the beginning of the concerned semester The candidate may be ported to oper chang of eect subject winin 18 ays tom te date of commencement of he semostor {spor bs calendar of ha Univers. ‘SEMINAR AND PROJECT Seminar topic shal be selected trom the emerging techni areas on Project wor at 8 semester shall be completed batch ‘iso, each baleh consisting of & maximum of four Candies. Vi yoceaxainatonnprejoctworkshallbe conducted baths. [AWARO OF CLASS AT SEMESTER LEVEL For tho award of First Clase with Distinction in @ eres, he carat shalhave secured notes than ‘or main aggregate Into ft atop and shall fave passed in al subjects none or more str Forte avardaf Fist Class ina somester examination, thecandiat shallaveeecxng nots han 60% but loss an TO% are in aggregate nist aerrpt and ‘hathavepasoedinal aipecetn one or more aes ‘A candles, who sures ina somesteress than 89% of arn aggregete ns ater and passes nl thesubjot ane ormore alors shat bo declared to have passed the semester examination in Second ass ont oats os 1.2 opin ona ontts 0812 op 121 AWARD OF CLASS AT DEGREE LEVEL ‘Tho Bachelor Dogo in Engncering/Techeley shal be awardedto the candidates who have passed al the Stipulated examinations from 1" to 6" semesters. However, decoration othe class ofthe dogo sal bs bused on the perfomance ofthe eandiate in fist tempt from 5 to 8 semester examination taken togomor. ‘Acandldate who has passedn al ubjecs of to 6 ‘serestr securing notes than 70% marks inthe es. ‘atomptof 5 to & semesters (akon togotr shal be eclaredtoo cgi forthe award of he BE. /B. Tech, gree in est ass wih dint. ‘Acandat who as passd ina subjocs of 1*1o 6 ‘somesior securngnotess han 60% buless than 70% ‘of mars in aggrogato in th tet attompt in 5° 6 ‘senestr xaminaons lon togatherchallbe declared ‘obo obi forthe avard ofthe B.E/ B.Tech. degree nF Cass. ‘candidate who has passed in all subjocs of 10 a ‘Semestor securing less than 60% i aggrogat inthe fst atomptin 5 to 8 semasters shal be doctored 0 be oligjbieforthe award! the BE. B.Tech, degre Second Cie ‘The marks secured by tho canddato a somaster exarnaion ater rejecting horesuts shel also be ken 3 at tlempt marks and shal bo considred forthe ‘ard of lasso! he Semestar! Degree bint or the fard ofan, AWARD OF PRIZES, MEDALS & RANKS, For the award of Pies and Meds, th condone Stpuated by the Donor may be considered eubect fo ‘ha proveions ofthe sates famed by the Unversity for such awards op 122 op 123 0B 13 ontas For award of ranks ln branch, 9 minimum of 10 ‘candidates should Have apecred inthe 8 semester ‘examination, Tha otal umber of anks aware shall ‘bo 70% of til number af candidates eppeared in 8° Serestor or 10 whichover isles in hat branch. For award of rank in a branch of Enginoering / ‘Tecanalgy, the aggregate marks secured by the ‘anddale tom 5° semester fo 6 semester shall be ‘coneiderea. A caraaate sal be alge for 2 rank at tho time of award of degree In each branch of Enginooring Technology provided te candidate Has pasted 1" 10 6" semester inal the subjects In festatompt only b. Has not repeatedirejected any of the lower ‘TRANSFER OF STUDENTS. “Tranter tutors rom one colegeto another clegs witin karnataka sate shal be pari ony at ho ‘ogiaing of hr, and seventh semestrs, sujet fo svalabily of seas witin th pormitodinaks in tespoctve Calepes and subjc othe prir approval ot ‘the University and he provisions of 872 Inthe cata of candtes tom Unverstes other than \VIU they should have passedinal th subjacts of 1"& 2 semester for admission fo 3° sorter and al funject off" to 4 semesters for admission 10 Semester andall ho subjects of 1106 semesters for ‘misono 7 somoster ‘The candidates sacking admision ftom Universes oer tan VTU shall have fo {apply for establishment of equivalence with precedbed fos as notiesby he VIU and 1 Obtain No Objection for admission trom the Lunwersybefre commencement oftrmas atid byt. op 1a2 08133 Trarst’olstusrts wtinheCalege fom oe brareh tbarter raat 3 enmest eal porte ah Be pr sproal tthe VU and sje ne Frovons made by he Govereon Kona AICTE me bel ee ‘he Unvely na er or ania pape (or oda ety rots ton Sra tie reser ene eos 1 aor (han of Cag) o wii Stee (change of branch). St = 1 ‘@uxpeso nox 919) on an ace sah 909 ¢ sus att a3 wm Ss HoT eve fy ee es +e mete e tele re sls {| o| | — [ava] epemmnitonnar tetas comes] Aa | Se] P| | a) | avn] — et iaeapro meneame omen | ese ‘erate mmc sects | Lea | salon |e] w| w | w | avon famnawronisen nena | mel sper te pe | pw pve Sag aaoa | eT a ‘Soreness | — favor | E separ ps] | = a a Seer | — aE ere epee Teena | ea if mm lala | oF sans m EEE ik om ois [3 ee {aLSAWaS TT ‘ONDIANIONG TVSULYNONAY [NOLIYNINYAS GN DNIEOVL JO AIKHOS: -— € ‘pete nsitmainin n “Zune smog ge19 nn nage wos eG Ne =e pr = Peter = pte «|u| pf cs TF = potas — waisanasa ojorsnc erera soca aN es al al Hoe fie fp pe al ala [a | ioat| 2] S| |2 [2] 2] & |@ [2 i ia afd ae | i He | fi] ififif stele] | i le |={5)[2/5(3|'(\|a ‘WALSINGS HA ‘ONDEENTONG'TVIULAWNONSY [NOLLYNINNYS GN SNTEOVL 30 STHOS het or eee lalafalala| é |als[sisiaa}i| is) 2} ahaha Be | ifi)i}ififiletels i ql i i | 3 Tine Gp Aa ey us a Reis | E Hf 4 F 2 nabs | Pras Dee nl Ma Seat Code "RE AERONAUTICAL ENGINEERING. ‘VII SEMESTER ‘SCHEME OF TEACHING AND EXAMINATION High Wace Da icine VGrompD) ‘ero Rese seit ‘ca ‘Nowe | Ov gusto isos afro €or fag Sone Ce 111 SEMESTER ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS-IIT SubCode —: 10MATSE Aerts 2s HrsWeck 06 Byam lows % BialHows 52 Exam Marke 100 PARE Unit: FOURIER SERIES Coaverpnce nd vergence finite sre postive terms, definition and lseatvecxmpes™ Fernie funtion, Dicer’ coitons, Foerster anetions ‘pao 2x an biped hl range Farr seis. Complex orm a ori Serie Praca aay (7 tours] Unit: FOURIER TRANSFORMS nie Fos tans Fore Sino se Cains fms poets vee store (tous) Unica: APPLICATIONS OF PDE ‘iis posible soln of ene dns wave and heat equations, 40 sims Laie equtiony te model separion fai, Sn ofallthese ouions wah speed omy conden, en sean ‘fone dietsoal wave equation. hours) Unic1V: CURVE FITTING AND OPTIMIZATION (Care fitingby he methdoflenst sisting eres te frm yo yeat'shnes; yea; yeas? Opinion Lin propane, aia Sermon o neat pograanig problem (LEP), Grp mead ed snp meta. hours Parte UnitV: NUMERICAL METHODS 1 Nnmericl Solution of lg mf icendetl eqns: Regul fa iethed, Newion-Ropson method Hentve mao ton of seme ‘anon: Gaal an Relation mao, Laget gen tla he ‘responding eigen ec y Raykighs poner meted (hous UnieVt; NUMERICAL METHODS 2 Pinte fences Forward and backward ieee, Newn's forward Inckward inerplaton formals. Divided diflrences = Newton's divided Uitocace fori, Lagange's npn fora nny pain fecmala ‘mera tain: Sapson's oni ce-ch and Wee's res (formed thou pret) (7 howe] ‘ivi: NUMERICAL METHODS 3 ‘Niner soles of PDE fine ircce apposition wo deve, ‘Numeral ion of 0 ditensonl Lal's eqntion, one dimension heatand wave ema 7 ours UniVII: DIFFERENCE EQUATIONS AND Z-TRANSFORMS Ditfacace eqn: Bask. definite, Zafer defon, snd Z- tenons, ding rain lina ae nine teens Tver -tanarn, plotnoZ anton oscvedifleeuce eqs (ehowes) Note ne cae of ustrative examples, questions ae nat to es ‘TEXTBOOKS: 1 BS. Gal igh Engicesing Mathematis, Late ein, Karma Pairs 2. Emin Kreyrig Advicsd Engineering Mathes, Latest etic, Wiley Paetns REYERENCE BOOK: 1 BLY Ran, Higher Egintig Mote, Late in, Tia Me. Gre il Pasian 2 Por Oi Englnsing Mtemaics, CENGAGE Leaning Iii PuLidPblibers ‘MATERIAL SCIENCE AND METALLURGY SubCose = IOME!2A/IOMEI2A TAM as Mev Week : 4 samt 7 Tastiowe 2 Exar Mrte 100 PART-A unr. Cyst Sauce: BCC, FCC snd HCP Ste, condition nur aed omic packing factors, crystal imperfections -pint ine and surface Inyerectons Ato Dis: Phatamenon, Plc’ diftsn,es Metin dion 6 ours unrr-2 Mechanical Behaviour Sustain digram showing ductile aed brite ‘haviour fmt near nt on et lac ev ad pee, mechanical ropes in plas range, i engi fet yell sent ‘hiya ensestengh pes, Plt dtasan singlet by stip and wining. ‘sors unr. Fre: Type Type lan Type Creep: Description the phenomeon with examples. thse sages of ep, ‘ep open aes tenn, aie: Types iio ding with expen, Meshaiam of faige gue ropes, fatigue testing and SN nga, 7 Hears unr-« Solidicaon: Mechs of soliGeaton, Homage sd Heterogenous releton esta growth at etl states. Phe Diag Soldsolan Hume Reha eabainl an ines sol ato, intermedi ses, Gi pase le ‘Oia Par untr-s Mae Digan Casson ivan gr nvaig compte ‘udp bi ere ton cat oquerapan dcop ot pas sateatnof secant ai ct, Hos unrr-6 Hea ening of mca TTT curves cma song curs alin sad ‘ts pes malig, haeong, tempting. marenpering, uslenpering, ardent sures rerng tas is cabins, caring, iin, Man hdehing wasn aden, gs bring aumi-copper alloys. rH vuntr-7 Fons and on fous ae: Popes, Cmpoiton and wes of + Gh cast in, liebe SO en ad ste + Copper tly a bones ‘Ateinumaioe ALCALSGALZaalloys unr Compose Matias Defno,clasifaon, pes of tix mails & eifrcrct dient of podction of FRP sa MMIC avanags applica of amps rious ‘TEXT BOOKS: 1. eundation of Maerae Science and Engineering, Stith 4° ‘ion Metra Hil, 2009 2. Matern Scene Shackleford, Ae MK, Muraidhars, Pearson Pabesion 2007 REFERENCE BOOKS: 1 AnIntedetion o Mtallurgys Alan Cota, University es nda Crema Longman Pv. 17, ‘eincering Matera Sienee WR, PH, 1965 Phys Mealy Lat, Mr Pbleatons ‘Materials Scene sed Eaginering, VRaghsran PH, 2002 "lems of Materials Selene and Engineering, 1. VanVlck, ‘Aion: Wesley Edn 1998, 6, Malerls Scance and Engineering Wiliam D. Caister, hn iy Son In 5 Een, 201 1, The Slee and Hnginerng of Materials, Dood R. Asan a Pale Pins Conage Leaning. El, 28, MECHANICAL MEASUREMENTS AND METROLOGY SubCoe JOMESZUMOMERE TAs Pa WedWeek | 08 antes a ‘Belli 22 Baebes 10 Panta ovr ‘Standards of measurement: Definition and Objectives of metrology. ‘Sunda egal prope mete etl stand yn, Was lenght sualvisen of snd ina end star eltion of nbs (Numerical, lip gauges, Wengng phenome, nd Standards (4-41, M12), News pelea on baling o sp pages tous vNrra: System of Limits, Fis, Tolerance and Gauging: Defon of tran, Scion nase Pinpleoteteshangeaty dsc seb soir, adn staat concept fs snes ome terns accumlion of traneen, dition of tsps o fis an et sigan (S 9191963, gamete leranc,positnal-eranes, hole ‘sist ht ass sys casein of gaps, cone Fes ‘gangs (Tyler's eine), Wear lovance on gauges, Types of page ae plo ats ang, sep ans inl ging and ange ae 7 ows UNI: CComparatrs and Angular measurement: Inteducton to compartrs shrateristes, elssifeaion of comparators, mechanlal comparator Soto Miko, sigma compart linc, opt compart icp, Zs ul opine, ec td toni compart pie, EVD, poeumatc comparators, tack preser gages, rolex compart ‘Anglr measures, bee tro, site ities ee sn br, ‘Snecente, wot angle gage arc ing of anges climes unr: Interferometer and srew thread, year measerement:Inecfeomte, Interest, stalin Opt fiat, Temisloy af ew tc Iesuenent of mor dame, lor dmc, pc, sgl and eee danetrof sre teasby2-wie a -vie etd, best size wire, Tel ker sess aero emi of eat vrai PART uvrrs: Mersarements and measurement systems: Definiion, significance of Incsomemert, ensalied messremen stm, defnons and coc of ‘Sonar, sto cleo, esl entity, yates repeats, Tic oding feet stein esponedines da. rer in menureeat ‘hsufeaton of eros Tanedarers,wansfr efficiency, primary and Sccondary Uansducers, electrical, mechania,elecwenic Uansdocrs, ‘Svge flesh pe asa, 7 toes urs Inrmedate modifying and terminating devices: Mechanical systems, cen probes elect inrnedte malig devs, put city, Sco als an ly ian oie tnehnil abode xls, ollopaps, XY plots a i (6ous UNE: ‘Measurement of fore, argue and pressure: Pap, analytical bln, faten blanc, roving ring Torque measure, ray brake hyraic Spmmeneter Prete meatremens, primp, we of ele mens, rdgeran pgs Mctea gg, Pi Ege tts unr ‘Temperatare and strain meaturement: Resistance thermometers, ‘Germecup, hw of er cope nia sed for cnc, yee, ‘rayne Sn ese ra es nn hh, (ein pages gauge acy met of stan measurement. o7itowrs ‘IEXEBOOKS: |, Mechanical Measurements, Seckvith Marngoat nd Lin, Peon Eaton, 6 2006, 2 ngiwering Metrology, -K Jin, Kian Pais, 194, [RLBERENCEROOKS: 1. Englaering Merlo L. Gupta, Dia Ri Pb De 2. Mechanal Menurements, Ria Kaas Publishes, 1994 5 Indra tsramentatio, Ala, ey Daa Cengage sia Peeled 2002 4 Measrement Systems Applctons ad Design, met. Dein, ‘SE, Mera Hl Book Co . Matrigy & Meacerenent, Asn K.Bewoor& Vin A. Kaka “Tita Mer il Pvt Li, New-Del n BASIC THERMODYNAMICS SubCole = 10MERS lAMets as HevWeck 3 04 Bramtloes os Tealtiows_: 92 Exam Marks 109 PaRTA unr damental Concepts & Defitons: Themodyramics defo and sop, ‘Misrscopie and Macroscopic approaches. cme practi sppictons of ‘ainsringthmodjuai Systems Charset o syste Pound od ‘ont stface examples. Thermal popes afation ants, intensive and exeasive poyeriee. Themesjnansc syste plat ne ‘nga, path and proces, gusta proces, yl ed non-eyce precs ‘Themodyaanieeqiviam; denier, mechanic elite bere al hal ulti, chen equim, era f nada, ‘Temperate; can, les, ed pois nd mercenary onr-2 Work and Meat: Mechanics, dfiniion of work nd its limitations. Thermadyeami definition of Wek examples sgn omen. Dsplcren orks apart fast beni sata ofa ce bound expen for pacenet wor in ros process hogh pv dna, Sah werk eet wrk Otero wr Het detent den coment ‘eHow UNIr-3 i Law of Thermedynamics Joules exits mvs of et and ‘ork Statement of the Fan of thrice extension Fat toma -eyelieproseses, en, enya a rope, mos of ery pa ‘substan; dtm, wo-popey re, Specie het st concn vn, catalyse eat conta peste Extension of th Fat ao cond ‘olan ey stot Now ena quan inpartaptnenis funny process chasing and evoranon ct ves wd witha bestiafer Orie untr- ‘Sectnd Law of Thermodynamis: Devices converting bio won (na Uexmodnazmiceyele © namedaeieayle Therese Dirt et ‘agin; schema psa and leny, Devices converting wrk 0 Inatinatcomdynanic eet revered sa schemata ‘oetcents f petformce. Kevin = Plock st of te Seca ao ‘Thermodyamis; PAM T and PMD I, Cl sits of Soon lw of B ‘Thematic Equvancectthe wo sateen: Reese andieesble romans fcr hack cs nore roves hens Cot ele Corot icp. ‘7 Hous PARE uns Ey: Chri Steet, alicain tos revenilesc Eno nna oper tmp spy ico nseen cay. ‘opyasa quire tlre caatn fey wings ‘Suto envpy acorn vase tnd nara ney i tors ustt-6 Pare Sastamces: Pan PV grams lpi rfc is. Sab Coulee igo nie ofeeraiond apo, sree ‘Sporades fre siti abr cl nly ogo ose Latte. Dey rion (gat), FS 2d TES dg, epoca of ae pcre ese gems. tt thls anda e Tring pring nd ting ‘rious ontr-7 ‘Thermodynamic elatons Mel rn, Cass Clayzrns gion, Heap eqnon ef sana sry sed ena ncn a {cope cto sd prac gr cosy, pre et eet ‘lst pro ue, vento fb won hangin tral ee. ‘Ena and entopy nv usa oss, ‘tors UNIr-8 [eal ga str ¢ Ll ga itr; Dato’ es of pares ‘Atm sie rola cralaion of properties Analysis aus fore Real Gn ntedton, Viner W's Baton of ta, Van-er Sits contain eof al prope, La fconesponfing ses ‘Compe accompli ct ‘elowrs Data Handbooks: "Thermodynamic data hand book, Br. Nana 2, oper of Relea & Psychometric als sin IU), ‘De SS. Dana De SC Lala ita Pb. Pt La Deli 2008 1. scngowering Thermadyani ANarsUsivesiy Pr 308 2 asian Applied Thermodynamics PK Nag, 2946, Ta McGra Pa 2002 ‘Thermodynamics, An Enginerng Apyosc, Yunus A Cenegsd Mint &Boks, Tats MéGraw Hil pbenon, 2012 Honing Trays, Jos an GA Hon eh Fundameotls of Casscal Thermadynamics, Can Wen ant RE Soe, Wiley Eten. “Anintedoeton Thermodynamics VVC Ran Wy ssn 1953, [BK Venkann, Svat Be Wadanadag "Bask Thermodynamics, PAL, New Debi 2010 hee MECHANICS OF MATERIALS Sub Code + 10MES TAM 2s HesWeak 04 aa Hours os TealHows_: 92 Bam Maks 10 PAREA onira, Simple tres and Strain: nation, Stes, nin mechanical popes of materi, Liner clastic, Hook's Law and Feo’, See San "uation -betvouin eas fe Md zt ation and no eos tal Extension / Shortening of bt, brs wih cons sections varying se bars with continuously varying rss Sets (cca ad rectal, lng dc toc weigh, Principle ofsuper poston. OT Mewrr vunrra: ‘tres in Composite Section Volant trin, exrston for volunete Sain, htc constants, simple ser ses, sears emperor test (Gocfing compound bas). 6 Hrs ‘Compound Stress: Invotn, ae ses, ess on nll sss, incl ress and maximum she Sees, Mobs efor lan sss, 7 Hows UNI: Energy Methods: Work and strin energy. Stain energy in aban, Csitnis eo, Ent ath "Thick and Thin Cylinder Sessa hin ides, changes in cmc | fylindr (amet, length and vole). Thek liners Lane's extn (Compound yin no nla, ‘ettoure 1s PARED unrs: Banding Moment nd Shear Forein Beams inodicto, Type of beams, Inns and ein, ser feces nf tending rents, ful hh ‘enero nnshp betes seat fr eli aes Shea fee ‘bending momen digas fr diferent rams sujet cone Teds unify dbl ead (UL sory aying fad (UV) ad tuple orden peso beams Hrs UNIT6 Bending and Shear Stresesin Beams: adn, They file en, _assimptions in sinpl bending. Bening tes eqn eatoship betwen ‘ling tes als of carats lationship Between ending moment ‘ali ofcarmtiee. Moment caying ip af ecton Shearing tessa ‘a hres acte rectangle, mera Ian secon. (Coos steed Beams tia), (Hours Deflection of Reams: Intodston, Differential equation fr deletion. ution for dfn ope anda nent Dae prac eid fercanever ands opal bas pit ba UDL, UVL ad Compe Macy's etd ‘ettour, onrrs: "Torso f Cela Shale and Htc Sait of Colemns: Inodction. Pure enon, strsions devin of snl ations polar ‘lls trl gy stil of shat Power waste soi nd ello cul shafts (Coamns Ener thoy foil oud last ng columns. Deivation | u's oa for sous end coos, ination ale’ they Rankine’ Ferma tors ‘TEXTBOOKS: ‘Mechanis of Matera”, by RCHibiel, Pete Hall Pern au, 2008 2 Mechanics of materia”, anes Ger, hanson, Fit eon ‘Mechanics of aera St Unio, Feria Boor 8 Ras son 3° Ea TATA NEC Hl 208, ‘RNERENCE BOOKS: 1 Strength of Materia. Rats, Ths MC Hi, 2009 2 “Strength f Matera”, 5 5haikat, Vika pions Howse Pv Lid, 2, 3006 “Mechanies f Matera”, KN’ Ra: Ray Fist Paton, 2007 4 “Pginerng Mechanics Sod’, or ig, Pern nk, 2 Eso 1938 '. *Stengh of Materia” WA. Nah SB, Sess Oni Sexi, arth i 207 MANUFACTURING PROCESSES Sub Code ABS IAMake 2s His Week o am Hows % Toa Howes 2 Exam Marks 100 PARE A unit 6s (Casting Proce Introduction: Cony of Mautoctig roses ingran htion of Muctng pees cto Cong recs esa Vr of oops ded cing pon aves Lint f csp ater Defi, fncton, Meals ed pte, varius poten Alora: a inert Chon pens aa Inder: Detston Types fren mead ond Aves Ne Ths ests it 2 ori Sand Moulin Typ of ssn requirement of ase snd Types rote, Sand moult: Moulding sisting sn Nor aires) {eralieret sand mitre: Mend wd fr and mowing. Coes efnon, Ned snd Types Mthol aking ces. ints we Concept of Gating & Risa. Pricpe volved Ad types eting ad lei ofeasngs Bast vate Cig deste ees Units rites ‘Moning machles Jo yp; set Jolt & Squesze ype at Se sling Special mouldig Proce dof inportat moulding processes Cree an, Coe std, Dry sa, Sweep ma, CO, mal, Stl mo, Invent onl. Metal mouls Get i-inr csi, contig ating, Since Casting Shs casing Thtocstng nd conimapascasing process Unit cette. ‘Waldng ‘Welding proces Deiitn Pips, Chsiion Apion, Avan ‘Slintons of welling ‘Gas Welding: Princip; Oxy -Accyene welding, Renton in Gas wen, Finns cheaters Catron wering Fervor salted welig [Are Welling Fins Metal Are weling (MAW), Flu Sheed Met Ae ‘Welding ISMAWY) ae Gis Weng TIC & MIG) PARES nit: 6 tes Principles of soldering & braving: Paramus tveved & Meckaisn Diferetypor of Soldering & Dresing Methods Inspection Methods — Matos wt fps of eating an weld. Visa, Magnet rac, harass Urs adopt Ey omen Halbgagy meds flspeston it 7 Hes ‘Theory of meal cutting: Single pint ctig tol oneness, gems single pot enting too. Merchant's cee digrn aed amas, Est Marin son, Shea angen, Proenson Merchant's ls ‘ool wear tel fle oo i, fet of uti arate on to ie, “Too iter Ty's tollifeeuatn Probes lect, it: 7 Hire Calin tol mera: Desi ropes, pest cating eal arial HSS ‘aides, enemies, crams cting iis ei prope pes and ‘elton, Heat evra in met aig fats fletng heat enero Teton al wp, Mearremens ofl pepe Unit 06 Hes NoteTradionl Machining Proce: Pipe ned, qupment operation Ahdoplcans of LBM, Pais re Machining Eco cen meting. ‘han Machining, Ase jetting, Waterjet machin 18 ‘Tat Books 1." Weksop Tel’ Ha Chur Wt Lanl, Me Procter ‘2 ubishers Pvt Le, 208 2 "Prod Tectolgy, RK Jain, Kham Pubcon, 203, Reference Books 11 *Mbnfatrng Tecnology" Sop Klin Soun RSechni, Pearson Bdcaon As, Sh 2006 2, "Processand Mtl of Manufctring Roy Aine hE sn Bi. 2006 3 "Manfacting Sec’, Amita Gosh an Malik, Ais at West Pres, 203, 4. ‘Finda Mal Machina Mastin To’ Gxt, Meta 200, Scheme of examination: (One Questo 1 bes fom ex caper Stent ae to nse ay FIVE fullquesibasouto EIGHT qsons,coosngat east? gustons om pA {ht guests om pt COMPUTER AIDED MACHINE DRAWING SubCode + 1OMESGATOMEAGA 1AM 2s Hu Week: O4(1 HeTicory aud” Exam Hows rs Sh pti) ToutHows 1 2 Exam Macks 100, Inirodcton Review of phic ofthe sofa Review offs kth commands ndnaigion| commits Stating new ring she Shes, Ning ‘eng. Dring nt gi and snp. Hours PARTA unr: Secon of Sls: Sections of Pea, Pins, Cab Tons, Cones aaa Cyines esting only on te bast (No probe ot satin, Spheres and blow ads) Tue sap of eons, Orthographic Views: Conversion of petra views nto orthographic ceton of mplsmahine ars with owas ecioe (Bue dan Sundadscorvertions ae 0 fe flloed forthe dawings) Hien line enveions Psedece fies, ‘tours unr: "Taree Forms: Teed eminolgysotionl views of thea, 190 Metic ‘eral & Exteel BSW dna Eterm sq and Ace Seles tea, ‘merin Started, Fasteners Hexagon headed ol and wa with wer ase), square eat olan wih ar (sonBy) ape saver wing sd ols Wht neck angen sed ma, apr nd spt pit rocking, “utter sok hd scew, pub seen Allen sec UB Hours Pant unr: Keys Joints: Pally Tape ey, eatery, ibs and Wed iy Rivet Jin Single and dbl vet bp jin, bat ins Wi singe doable cover sep (Cin sd Zigzag. sing sap ead svt), te jit (Gocketandspge) Ankle jit (inj fortwo rods. OF Hours ne: Spit Meff conting, Posse type Mand cout. in bush type eile upline, Oda coupling nd wives coupling (Hooks Join) (sours parr-€ Assembly Drawings (art drawings should even) | Pham back PeestlBean) 2 Ram Brom Sty ave LLC. Bgl comestingvod 4 Screw jn Botte) Tiler fine 6 Machine ie oa Hed shape aaa ‘Tex Books 1. tArimeron Computer Aided Machine Drawing 2007, Polis 2. ‘Machine Drawing’, ND Bhat & VIM Panctat efersnce Bass: “A'Text Book of Computer Aled Mache Drawing’, S-Tymnbak Marty, CBS Paice, New Debi 2007 2, 'Machine Drawing”, KR. Gopal Kish, Subhash Pbliaon, 0 ‘Machine Drang with Awio CAD", Goss Pit & Gout (Ge, st aan rit Pearson Btn 2108 4. ‘Auto CAD 2006 for engacer and dene’ Shan choo, en ech00s ‘5. ‘Machine Drawing’, N. Sdleswar,F. Kamiah VS. Sst bls by Tau McGraw i 006 Nore: {ner sessment 25 Marks Alte shat should be dein hcl sing sofa Shc sie shou e ‘UAC Allsetsmustbe sabe atthe clothe cy aking pio ‘Scheme of Examination “Twoquestons oe fom each Pat, Par and Fac ‘Stat as toaner one question eh om Pat. Pat fr 2 aks ech Ad one quo rom Pato mar. fe PARTAL&29 = 20arks PARE 1x20 220 Marks FLUID MECHANICS SubCode + 1OMESSIVIOMEASB— TAMrks as Hed Week 4 Bam ours 3 Tealiows 92 Pam Mate 100 PaART-A Nn Properties of lis: noun, Typesof id, Props fut vse, Atematyrmie popes, sre tsi, capil, vapour pss ad eit ‘bars unre "lid Slats: Fires at point, Pac's law, pres vation a state Mi, abso, gouge, atonphri and vac presses inp mines an dient masters Toa ess and eter se ‘smesged plane sis oat, erica i plane races, ‘ire sce submerged ini, ‘07 Hours nina yoy on ed Knematc MOS Mra enn. rac al tans ei codons raat nny ano os mint ete itphexyeiney a eee. a nel tioning cy cy cen wc pl eten mn ‘rows unre ‘hid Dynami ntron euation of motion, Fu sequin of moto, Reroulseqvation rm fist pipes and ls frm Euler's equi, Tats of Bernoul's eqn. Hours Pane unre ind Flow Measurements: Veninutr,eieaet, pitts, veri ice, Notch adrectangubr chs, ‘nersonal Anas: net, dv quits, ines pyc ‘qumits, dimensional hmopeteey, Ralighs mebod, Buckingham there nena bers aid, pes of sides. 7 Howes Pow 1h pipes: Darcy *heay's Tong: on Teco ieee AS tei NIE hi amine lw and viscous effects Reyuok!'s ruber, excl Reyna’ ‘mbes anita trogheel pie Hagen Pisco ania ‘ow beteon pr and stationary ls ‘Hoare UNIS Flow ptimmersed bois: Dg, exression fri nd dg. bondary ser nc, glace suc cer thes redaction o compres ow: Velo of sonina fd Mach ab, ih cone, ropagton of prestare waves ly acompresible hi or Hoars ‘ext Books: 1 Pld Mechanics Osh K Kunin, RAM COCHEN, ELSEVIER, ‘sh ams 2d Mechanics, Dr. aa, RK als Publications 200, a Sub Code Biatioas 52 rere C Reteence asks: i Meh Coa 1997 2 uid Mechanles ($1 Unt, Yunus A. Cengl Joba M.Oinbsl 2d Ta McG Hl, 2008, ‘lu Mechanics, John FDoses, Jag and Gas anon ‘ASwaeld, Pesto Eaten Asn Se 26 44 ud Mecha and Mus Paver Engineering, Kuma DS Katia sad Sent, 2008 S. Pld Mechanics Mere, Ptr, Baie Scot Conpsg ing nyralies, aga Metopltan Book METTALOGRAPHY & MATERIAL TESTING LAB {OMELSTAMIOMELATA. TA.Morks 2s jsf Week OW eam Hears as Esam Marks 100 PART-A Preparation of specimen fr Mesllogipic examination of direst ‘apne mara Lctificsin of iortacuresof inc ts, tel el gy CI, SC oy, Brass, Bronze compos. eatement:Anealing naling, being antes of ste, Hance sai feat ented supe. ‘To sty the Wear characrsin af feos, noerons and compote tral fr dfleeat pares. [Non deccive est experimen is, (@) Urania etetion (0), Magnet ack detection (6) Dye peaeration tes. To say th dfs of Cast a Welded species, PART “Tae searantcemprenion ets neti tlic seinens ‘ning Univeral Testing Machine “Teron Test Bending Ton netic and oat species, "aod an Charpy Teste on M.S, Specie, Brnl, Rockwell aed Vickers Hades Pp Te, 2» Scheme of Examination: ‘ONE question om part: (ONE questo rm pt Vina Nak ‘taal SO Nore MECHANICAL MEASUREMENTS AND METROLOGY LABORATORY SubCode : 1OMELSTBNOMELATE TA Maris as ra Wek 08 antes ® YolHows : 2 sam Maks EA PART:A: MECHANICAL MEASUREMENTS Caltrain of Pres Gage Calta of Thenocouple Caltraion of VDT (Caltaon of Le ll Detsranation falco lacy ofa mise specimen ig stain ees PARE: METROLOGY Mensrements sing Optical Prot /Tolmake Misono. Messuremsnt af ale ting Sine Come Sina eve proacor ‘Mestrcnentfalgnnert ng Avoealinator/ Roller se eset of eating tol fees sing 2) Lathe tol Dynanser 1) Dritwet Dyan Messrs Soe ea Part sing Two wie Tee metal ‘Messer Ss rugs Using Tal Src Cong ‘Menorca f ger tnd rote ning gar oth srr Kew ooh mcometer Caan of Miron using slip euges 5. Measrement seg Opt Fats Scheme of Examination ‘ONE quistion rom part-A: 20 Mais ONEqustioefomput-B20Marks Viva Nene oss ‘Tole SOM Py FOUNDRY & FORGING LABORATORY Sub Code: IOMELSEA/IOELSKA IA Make HesWosk | 03 Exam Hows Tullow: 2 nam Marke lean Parra 1, Testing of Moulding sand and Core sand Preyrtn of pects ed condaton ofthe felling et "Congessio, Sinan Terie on Universal Sand Testing Machine, Pemeabliy tet (Core hares & Medals es, Sie Amis find Grin ist mero Base Sand (Chey cont eerminaton a Base Sand PaRr—B seo fey tl an te gspments, Peyton of meal ing two moding ons sng pens o wton ates (pi pater, Mc pte pater nd Core bes). Preprtn fae eating Alin or carn Desonsation ey) parc ‘A. Rerging Operations: 4) Cdeuaton feng te rw material equi doe mod, ‘Pring inne es feeds ivoving pst, ing ad ening operons Oto these tes ml, et oe model i tobe prepa by wig PoverHmme| ‘SchumefEsaminaon: One sion to beet fom PatA: 10mm ‘One question toe st fom eter Pat or Pac 2omuks Caleultion pt in ea fring mde compry ‘Cleaainn + Foadly = 05925—30 Maks Forging)” Modet Cakesaton + Fong = 08 925-20 Mas omting) "Model Via Weer Wats “etd Nr 2s MACHINE SHOP SubCode ¢ IOMELSSB/IOMELASS 1A Mais as His Wesk as Exam Hous @ Talis | 2 Exam Make 0 PaRr-a Proprio of thes mols on ae volving Plain wring, Taper ting, Septmig Tealcuting, acing, Kring, Dig, Bering Int Thad ‘ing and Bec aig. PaRT=B Cuting of V Groove! dovetail Rectang groove sing shape, Coting of Go Tenth ig Miling Machine Scheme of Examiaatin ‘ONE qustin fom part-A: SMa CONE qoaion rompar-D 10 Marks ‘iva Voie oars ‘Tals SOs 2% 1V SEMESTER ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS-1V SubCode = 1oMaTan tANeris Fa Hey Weck} oF Bam Hous % Tales | 52 Bam Maks 10, PARTA Uniete NUMERICAL METHODS -1 [Niner sain of eda feet egton of fst ok and int eye; Peas mod, Tales sees meta oid Euler mati, Runge atthe of orth order Mile nd Aden - Bef rior nel erecta maha (No devratons of fr). (ours) Unie: NUMERICAL METHODS -2 ‘america slatoa of sinltanous st rer onary eet equations: Pants mae, Range Kuta method af ort ader [imei ssuton of second oder eda aileretal equations: Part’ ‘thd, Range Katto and Milenio. [hours] Unie: Comples variables 1 Fincionof compe abl, Asli eto Catchy Rien tions Incaresan sad ol os, ropes of say antics ‘ey lee iy ated ines steam funton, stem nes, oa) Units Complex arabes 2 Conformal Tvnsfornations: Bilinear Transformations. Discsson of ‘rasformations: w=, wwe 22, Compe nega. Cachy ‘ere an Catena fool, (7 howe PARE Uni SPECIAL FUNCTIONS Salton of Lape epatonin cee anaphase and Legendre’ fea eqoatons, Sees soon of Boe’ erate ‘unto ending to Bese fencona fst kin Orton property of Bese Iino, Seretston of Lege’ fetal equine tLe pe rely Roger (tours UnieVIs PROBABILETY THEORY 1 Probability of am evet, enphrcl and axiomatic defnion, probity ‘sows wth st theory on a codon robs, mln thw Bye tower, (hous) LUnicV: PROBARILITY THEORY. 2 Random variables (scree and continous), probability density fnction, ‘imate ent incon. robs ston - inom nd Poison ‘Stibutns; Espenenal nd noma ston, (hous) Uni Vil: SAMPLING THEORY Spin, Sampling dtibtos, stander est yet for meas, ‘fee ln fr ns, det tebe. Cs -Sue dabon esto goes [hous] “ext ok: 1.” BS.Geewa Higher Engnecing Mathematics, Latestdon, Kaona Pale 2. Ervinkrestig Advanced Enginering Mather, Late, ‘Wiey Pablo. Reference Book Tr" BY Ramat, Higher Bagicsiog Mathis, Lats edn, Tita Me Gr Hi Pains 21, ler \. O'Neil Egeerng Maem, CENGAGE Leming na APPLIED THERMODYNAMICS SubCode MEAS TAMis 2 HevWeek 08 Bam Hows i Toate: 52 xa Marks 10 PARTA vit Combustion hemodynamics: Thea Sochiomeicnranderes foreman fre Masala atleast Exh sans [AY Frat, Energy bos fr een econ, eahaly of formato, nays itr ext of coms, Combustion fie, abate low tempest ‘eHow nt: (Gar power yl: A tna yes: Cart, Oto, Dis Dal ad Sting tel PV ad TS digrms, desorption efi nd mean efesve resis, Compan of Ot, Din an alec, ‘Hours Unit TLC Hagin: Testing of two stokes ow stoke SI and CI engines for fevformance Reled manera pclens, eat bla, Metaring Meio, ‘Wilian'sne me Swinging eld yore, Mase est. 6 Hours Unit 4: Vapour Power Cycles: Comet vapour power ys davbcks as aefeence jl Spl anne cys, desertion nga ale erpromaace compari of Cat and Ranney. sec of presses npestire ‘anne cjleprfermance Acta vapourpower ys, el pct ‘generis Relies pean dol oe waters, Rehest enki oe. 7 Hoars PARTE Units: Reciprocating Compressors: Operation of sage stage secigrcating Cerner, woe np ough PV dg nd sey sate say Now nals Eft of clewance an omer fie, Adi, eral {ed methane etcicces. Mulstape enmpresor ain in wrk. ona ‘mre res, in colng, nnn wor foramen, Unit 6 (Gs urine ad Jt proplion: Cision of Gas bins, nae | je eee gs urine eel. Atntager an dadvntge of se ye Metts tolnprove ra licen, Jet propels and Roskt ropa, ‘rH nit? Refrigeration: Vipar compression reign tm esciion, aly efigrting apc, per ee, of vetigeston, COP Retguant ond tir Sse poet. Aes wien, eed Camot jl, reversed Brayton cele, Vga asein eigen system, seat eigen, 6 Hours i Psychrometry: Atmosphere sit aml peycnometc prope: Dry bib temper, wet blbeaprati, dew pit tempest patil presi, specie an eave hamish elton between ho ct sd ‘Haitian enperstsConsmcton sng wee pycruete ta. Aono ri posses Hein, cotng, dehamadiinganhniiin. ‘Ais nating of ci, Sure and Waters comdnening 7 ows ata Hand Book: 4L- Thermoynomie ata hand book, BT Nagin 2 Properties of Refrigerant & Pyehometri (abs & Chars int Unis), 8S Banat DS. Lari, ila Pu. Prt. Lit Deh, 2008 ‘Text ook 1 Bae and applied Teermodymamics, PK Na, 2B, Tas McGrew 2. Applied Mhermadymamie, Raj Lau Pubcon ‘Applied Mhermodymamis BAC Vain, Sa Wo ‘New Dati 2010 wag PU Reference Books 1 Thermodynamics, An engineering approsch, Yan, A. Cengl and Min! A Bois, 6B, Tat McGraw Hl fu, Co, 200, 2 Fundarena of Cai Thermadyeamis, CJ. Van Wyen and RE Sonn Wey stn KINEMATICS OF MACHINES Hind Week + OF Exam Howe a Tou Hows_: 52 Exam Marks 100 PART-A, unr: Inirodetion: Deion Linkor cement kinetic pairs Dep of resom, (Ghar ersrion wit drivin Kismat cain Mcans,Satie, incall Ching ee neste: nvr of oer br nin; Sing fier ‘aul china Deb der each ‘owes vuntra: Mechanisms: Quick retin motion mechansms-Drag lak mechanism, ‘Whiowoh mechanism an Crank an sete ever Mesh. Sait line moon mecharvms Peabelr' mechan and Robe’ » ‘metani, Inmet Mion mechanisms Gener wel mech and Rec aod Prechonsm Toggles, ator, Akerman ering seems | ‘Hours unr: ‘Velocity and Acceleration Ansys of Mechanisms (Graphical Methods) \Velosity and acceleration analysis of Four Bar mechanism, sider rk ‘mechanism nd Simple Mectnsns vec pogo Relive vee od ‘colon of pres in cero nk rele veloc an dere ‘fondo Prices on spats. Corn compan of asletion. ‘Angular vlc and angular colerion of ks velo of bing 17 Hours onrr: ‘elosty Analy byInstntanons Center Methods Dfnion, Kennedy's Theo, Deeratono neste gl velo wing nto ot seth ‘icin’ Construction: Analysis of voc and acceleration f single der srankmehanin 6 Hours PART-B unr: ‘Velocity and Aceteraton Anas of Mechanbns (Anaya! Method Asis of orb hint src chin tng nyl xenon (Use of comple algae and vectra) 6 Hours Spur Gears: Gesteilgy, of ering, Cacti five wn, Patho conte. Arc of ent, Contact ra fs, ela, eel nd wos ars Incfrnce ia volte gx. Maths of vit interes, ck fh Comparsoa of volun cada eth, Pe Maiiaon UNIT: Gear Train Spl atin Compound paris frig spect ein, Epicytic ger tin, Alsi nd tla neds fii eb ea af peg tran Toh ng acon inlet es, ‘7 Hoare unrrs: Cams: Types of ems, Types of followers, Displcenent, Vloity and ‘Acetone carve fr cam pail, Disc ean with epoca ler ving haifa, roles foe allower Dic eam withoniling aller follower Follower motions tcaiing SHM, Uniform vloity, uniform secretion andrea and Cyl oon ‘eHow a “Text Books 1. Theory of Machines, Ratan aa McGrail Fubihing Company 2 Theory of Machines", Sadhu Singh, Pearson Eduction (Sigapore) Pt Lid dan Bench Now Del, Ea 206 Reference Books: I. theory of Machines & Mochi. Vckr, GR. Pennock, LE pt Samay teeter Shree ELEMENTS OF AERONAUTICS Sub Cade OABAS 1AM 2s Hrd Wek oe Bam Hours a ‘To Howes S Bm Mae 100 nit 6 es Historical Devlopmentsin Aeronautical Actes: Ealy air vebcin: Balloons, Biplanes and Monoplanes, Helicopter: Develpentin arya srt nator erates aad ea fropuon verte yes ‘es Aleralt Configurations: ‘wing airplane and cc factions; Airfoil, wings and ter shapes units (ses Princes of Atmospheric Hight Phyl popes nd sac ot atop: The Standard Armor, ‘Tempra, Pres nd Alte elton, Mach am, ohn of hoy ot snag Mane, Coen of abt ed cont Unies 6 is Introduction o Space Fight: Inoductcn to bai cones he upper storpber, Dirt estos, [gang's enon, Ott equtin, Space veil tjectrie-some bai ‘ones Reps Lawe of planetary motion 2 mare Unis (61. Alrrat tructares and Aieraft Matera General typ of entracton, monaco sem-nonscoque and geodesic ston pla wing and lage race. Metal Sad wow alc ‘ahaa fr aia pplication nits ones Alera Power Plants Bsc eas soa piston, boro an je engines, Ue af propia jets for dst potion, Comprave mis; Pacis of peaon of okt, ‘yp of okets and peal spleen, Explorton nt space it? 6s Airerat Systems: Mechaneal Description of fecal systems nd the components: Hysais, Prout, Oxygen tom Env Cote Syn an Poel Ste 6 ts igh Control System, Alrft Elects! Sytem, Aircraft Inrunens, Navigation System, Conemnicaon Stn ‘Tat Books: 1." Attson,.D, “avotucion Fight McGrail 1995 2 LaltGptand De OP Shara: Fumento Ppt VoL Vol 1 Hilsyan Books, 208, Reference: Tr Kenode, AC “Right witht Formule, McCraw Hi, 197 2 Koes, Miche! Jand Radon Janer Toston to Alc Basic Scene, Eon, Maca McGrail, 19, 3 Remote AC, "Mechanics of Fah Reedy RH Demand Dr Phibon,LPE, Pearson Eucaton, 208, ‘Scheme of Examination: ‘Ove Question 1 best fm ach Stents have to sve ay FIVE FULLQUESTIONS out of EIGHT etn cing ast T WO gts Frm Part A and TWO qoesins rm Pat ‘V SEMESTER MANAGEMENT & ENTREPRENEURSHIP SubCode + IOALSE TA Masts as HivWosk 06 amos ry ‘TaatHows 2 Bran 1m PART=A MANAGEMENT vuntr-1 MANAGEMENT: Introduction - Meaning - nate and chants of Mangement, Scope al incon eas of anagem - Management 2 science at of profession = Management & Adnaistation = Roles of Mamgenant, Levels of Masgenent Development of Mangenent Though - sly manag apace Moan manager pecs i i “oars tue, importance and pep pling proces bjs "Types of plas (Meaning Only) - Deion making lnprtance of ling ‘pia planing & planing pees Hic fps. 6 ours vuvrr-3 ORGANIZING AND STAPFING: Nature and purpose of organization Pincpesol iain Typ eanzain-Deprtentation Commies (Centon Vs Deccan of aon. an espslit Span of| Sento MBO wd MBE (Mowing Oy) Neue aningtanc of taline— Process of Slt & Retest re ‘Hoare onrr-4 DIRECTING & CONTROLLING: Meaning and nate of directing Lestessip spe, Moulin Theos, Communication» Meaning sd lnpotne - coordina, easing and importance se Techies of Co “Ontinston,Meoning an ep in coatling = Eset of oud coael ‘ysem: Methuen cone Gn i) "Hows PARED ENTREPRENEURSHIP unr. ENTREPRENEUR: Meaning of Eaeprencur Evoluion of the Concept Finis ofan Eierener, peso Gane, Earners ra (iat. Concept of Entrepencustip- Evolution of Eatepencushi, Development of Easrensuni: Skis neoprene ros Role | M ‘aueprenears in Economie Development nuoeecurip i Barr. srepreaewship im india, ours SMALL SCALE INDUSTRIES: Dein; Characteristics: Neo ad ‘oni Obes Spe oben Bac vce Ala {4551 Seprosr nt 8G ply dS Disc Pl {15S Creme Soper rang yar pn lagu eaten, ‘vnzane, haem on Seto WTOCAT Supe gest eX Goverment 1, Ming Na spr: Ojetos sons “Types cry Inna Ty Doation Ot) aan ues INSTITUTIONAL SUPPORT: Dirt Schenes TECKSOK. KIADD: SSIDCSKSIMG DIC Sige Want Agcy SENSI SIDBLRS "ows usr PREPARATION OF PROJECT Meaning of Pot: oes eco: jst Sct, Pret Report Ned an tna epert Cone rit Gc: Pain Comin or jects ero Ati Eo Pj Report Pj pal ein ss ponies Me Piy Satya Ry Sy Pad Feit Sinty@ i Py Say, Hears ‘eat Books: 1.” Prints of Management —.Chpti PN Rely Tata Me 2. Dynamic of trprenerat Development & Mansgenent Vast Desi Hiaya ble Haare 3. Elreprnership Development -Pomina. M Chath Sol Business Entree Peron aca 2005 (289). lamentals- Conceps, Application, Skill Development - Robes Laser Thoms 2. Eatreprenearship Development $8 Kank -S Chand & Co 3. Mamgeneat Sipe Robins - Reon Eston = 174 INTRODUCTION TO COMPOSITE MATERIALS SubCale 1 104882 TaManis 2s Hed Week 04 xs Hours @ Tom Hows 52 Exam Maris 109 Pant A Unie. co Intracton To Composite Materia Definition clasieton and caress of composite materials — hroas ‘ope, ated Matis ater Unit tes ier iteiforced Pate Proesing: Tay upangeuring faetng roses -opn an chved meld poses hand {apo echmiues secu nnte bogmolig,podoton roses ft ‘ag olig vit, ‘Advanced Processing Techniques and Applicaton Of Composites: Filament winding arson, planing ter forint, injection ing, nid cdng Welding, Asbo, Acres, pce Phare Elect andl ais eceaonal on Sportsmen, fat poet of sorption, ars units, Fabrication OF Compt Structures: Caingmctning dling, neta fences dates ond, ‘omic desig ant manasa, ol, ication npn. 6s Pare vais Macre-Mechaneal Behavior of Lamina: Siesta lon for an ono ami Reston on cast cnsans- Songs anc ins and Flue hors or orton (6 tes Unit tes ‘Mier- Mechanical Bebvir of Lami Determination of elt constants of mixtures, waasformation of ‘torts co mechan bso analy ad expel deterinaton ‘tier Cnt “ rT it, MacroMechancal Behavior a Laminate: ‘Chas plate hor. Sess nl ris variton i nate Resa forces sedi momeats AB & Dimes Steaphan aia Unit. cote Metal Matix Composites: Reefrement materi pes, casters sd selene met Appian ons “Text ook: 1. Compas Sena Engtng KKChiv Spige Veg, 1938 2. RM Joc," Mecano Copa Mateal McGraw Hi New You 1973 Reference: 1 MeingScmaiz, Compost mates ook” Mra Hl Book Cony: 18 2 Induction © Compost rat, Hull and Clyne, Cambie University res, 2d Bon 199, 3 Foming Metal nook, 9h eon, ASM fandbok, VIS. 1988, PHT, 4 Mechanics ofcomparitery Arr Kae, CRC Pres 2002, DYNAMICS OF MACHINERY SubCode + 10083 Taxis 2s HevWeak 08 am Hous % Pialtiows +52 xan Maia 100 PaRTA vi, 6H, ‘Sie Pore Analysis: State oc atts Ito: Stic eu uitrinn of vo a thee fe meer, Mts with no ftes ed ‘emus, Fee body gras, principle a itl work, St ce aay a fear tar mechanism anda cank echanisnwith wih ton, ita, 6s Dynamic Force Analysis D'Alene pice latia font ete ” Dynan fore aalss of four mechani nd dr can ech Dymmially equate systems. Tumiag men diagrams anywhere, Fistton of Energy: Determination of =o yes Unit ox es rion and Bl Deve Definon Types tn hws etn, Pion inpivt and collarbeaigs. Bee dives: lat bi dive, rai of il enon, ‘eta eso, power tansited. vie ee Balancing of Rotating Mass: tai and dynam aaning, Baling of Single ting mas by blacing mace st lane leet pla, ‘alacing of sever tating mney alain mses nae lan aa lire panes nits tes lancng of Reciprocating Mase: Incr fet of rank sn coming ro single yine engine, balancing inal yd lin cagine pinay 8 Stcony forces, Vsype engine; Rada expine~ Dic nd reverse crak wait. 6s Governors: Typesof governs: fre srlyisof ora Harel one. ‘Conaling foe, sb, ese bccn fo i a vue, tes Gyroscope: Veta reesettion of angle ion, Gyre sep, [eto gyeoepic cole on sip, plane di, nro say oo ‘whl ad fr ws nies, 6 es Alpi of CAMS: Any angoncam wid arora Cle ‘ee cam operating ft iced nd ale floers,Undreating Cas “eat Books: 1. Thea of Machines Sasha Singh, Person Eduction at eon, 207, 2, Theowy of Machines: Ratan SS. Tata MeCraw Hl Publishing Company Li Ne Deli, 2 sion, 2006, 1. "Thcory of Machines by Thomas Bevan CBS Pion 1984, 2. Design of Machinery by Rater L Note, Mera Hil, 20) 3 Mechanisms and Dynamics of Machinery by J. Stns, Scitech Pubitons, Cheon 202 4. Dysaniceofmaehiey by 1B. K: Das PLS. May, Scheme of examin ‘pe Qstin we st romeachunit Stents have to msvr sy FIVE «qos oof EIGHT queso chearing tea 2 ests a pat Aad 2qwestns om par AERODYNAMICS ~1 SubCode —: 10AKS4 TANnks os HevWek 08 xan Hour a ‘tHows 52 Beam Marks 109 Unit He, Review o Base Fi Mechanics Continuity, enti sener eqn, ni nies invis and ‘seus ows compre, Mac amber eg Unit 2, tr Deseripton of Hail Motion [Baron Lagrangian depos, contol vane ppoach to ony aed !aoentam tos ples, seni sete sgl oy, ‘erty celina nto, ely pt a glenhp ete ‘tem foil Characters Fame codicil seston geometry sd wing patos ‘sometry, aerodyamic feces and moment, conte of pes presse ‘efficient, callin of aif it dey rom mee ace see

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