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Philippine Politics and Governance

( GRADE 12 First Semester)

Lesson 2: Power
Lesson 3: States, Nation and Globalization

Prepared by:
Ms.Erika D. General

 What is power?
 Is power always positive? Negative? Both?
 What is the purpose of power?


 The ability to make, or  to influence the making of, 

Those binding decisions which are the essence of politics

 Power is the capacity or capability by which we are able to change the behavior of others
and from them we can get the things done according to our liking and if they do not act
likewise, then they can be punished.

Struggle for power

Distribution of power: how fair? How equal? How effective?

Balance of power: Great power, superpower, hyper power

Guide Question:
 We have many different definition of power. Based on the given definition what is the
best definition of power for you? Why?

Characteristics of power

 Power is the capacity to impose your will on others

 Power is relational and inter-relational
 It goes with situations and office
 It is backed by threat of severe deprivation
 Power is concerned with external influence
 Power is not something material
 Power keeps on fluctuating power is backed by sanctions
 It is always used for specific purpose
 Opposite interest are must for the use of power
Sources of power

 The people
 Constitution
 Parliamentary laws 
 Conventions
 Knowledge and capability
 Organization
 Social status

 Religious status
 Control over mass media
 Economic position

 Charismatic personality
 Faith
 Skill
 Authority
Three Dimensions of Power:
 The channels of power are the way in which power is enacted. They can perhaps more
readily be remembered as 'head, hands and heart'.
 Physical power
 Informational power
 Emotional power

Different forms of power

 Economic power-: it means ownership of means of


 Political power-: it is the power by which the

administrative decisions are taken and implemented and
those who disobey these decisions are punished. control
of, or influence on, the state, ability to make, or
influence, political decisions. 
 National power-: national power is the collective power
of a nation which includes economic, political, emotional and military power of a nation.
It is through the use of this power, a nation establish relation with other countries and
gets its will enforced on other nations.

In real life, “power over” is the prevalent kind of power

Its main characteristics:


(You have to have someone to have power over)



4. PROMOTIVE (Do it!) or PREVENTIVE (Don’t do it!)

5. BALANCED or UNBALANCED (“Absolute power corrupts absolutely” – Lord Acton).

Democracy associated with balanced power
5 principal forms of power

 FORCE – ability to detain and harm people and damage or confiscate their property to
compel them to obey your orders
 PERSUASION – ability to convince people to do what they otherwise would not have
done by invoking their own interests and common sense
 AUTHORITY – legitimate (just and lawful) power to control and direct people’s
 COERCION – controlling people by means of threatening use of force
 MANIPULATION – controlling people without threats, by persuading them about the
legitimacy of the existing power relationships, or by offering them benefits


CHARISMATIC*– based on the extraordinary personal qualities of a leader, or on the influence

of an idea or a cause

*from ancient Greek word “charisma”, meaning “gift”


 Power is produced by social cooperation. Ultimately, it is a collective product. We create

power by acting together. 

 The problem is that this product is usually appropriated by the few and used at the
expense of, or downright against, the many.

 How does the overuse and misuse of power affect to the people?

 What do you think are the consequences of overuse and misuse of power?

Activity: If given the chance

 If given a chance to assume government position, what would it be? How are you going
to exercise the power vested in you?


Fill the 3-2-1 chart:

3 things learned 2 most important facts still in 1 question remains in mind

Lesson 3: States, Nation and Globalization

____________ _______________ _______________ ____________


- From a Latin word stare which means “to stand” 

- Is a self-governing entity, a term that can be interchanged with the term country. 

- Is a community of persons, more or less numerous, permanently occupying a fixed territory, and
having an independent government organized for the political ends to which the great body of
inhabitants render habitual obedience. 

The United Arab Emirates

Abu Dhabi
  Ras al-Khaimah
Umm al-Qaiwain

Also known as population or inhabitants.

The number of the population must be numerous enough for self-sufficiency, able to
defend themselves and must be enough to govern and sustain the state.


The fixed space or portion of earth inhabited by the people of the state.

Refers to the institution or agency or instrumentalities through which the state maintains
social order, provide public services, and enforces binding decisions.

It is where the will of the state is formulated, expressed and realized.

Two Functions of government:




Constitute the bonds of society and are compulsory.

1. Keeping peace, order, and protection of persons and property
2. Securing civil relations of its inhabitants
3. Regulating property and determining liabilities for debt and crime.
4. Determining contractual rights, defining punishments of crimes
5. Administering justice and political duties
6. Defining the privileges and relations of citizens.

Are those undertaken to advance the general interests of the society like charity, trade,
and industry and public works


- Refers to the supreme and absolute power within its territorial boundaries.
- It is the authority the state exercise to exact obedience over its constituents.
INTERNAL SOVEREIGNTY- denotes the power of the State to control and govern its people.

EXTERNAL SOVEREIGNTY- denotes freedom of a state from external control


- Has space or territory which has internationally recognized boundaries.

- Has people who live thereon n ongoing basis.
- Has economic activity and an organized economy.
- Has the power of social engineering, such as education.
- Has a transportation system for moving goods or services.
- Has a government which provided public services and police power.
The Social Contract

The voluntary agreement among individuals

by which, according to any of various
theories, as of Hobbes, Locke, or Rousseau,
organized society is brought into being and
invested with the right to secure mutual
protection and welfare or to regulate the
relations among its members.

an agreement for mutual benefit between an

individual or group and the government or
community as a whole

What is Eminent Domain?

- a right of a government to take private property for public use by virtue of the superior
dominion of the sovereign power over all lands within its jurisdiction
- Eminent domain, land acquisition, compulsory purchase, resumption,
resumption/compulsory acquisition, or expropriation is the power of a state, provincial, or
national government to take private property for public use. It does not include the power
to take and transfer ownership of private property from one property owner to another
private property owner without a valid public purpose.

The power of the state to impose charges upon persons, property, occupation, and others as may
be defined by law in order to defray government expenses.

TAX- lifeblood of government

UNIFORM TAXATION- persons or things belonging to the same class shall be taxed at the
same rate.

EQUITABLE TAXATION- tax burden must be imposed according to the taxpayers capacity to

PROGRESSIVE TAXATION- as the resource of the taxpayers becomes higher his rates
likewise increase.

Commonly defined as cultural entities– groupings of people bound together by shared

values and traditions.

Nation share common language, religion, history, and usually occupy the same
geographical area

A nation is a community of people organized around the idea of self-determination.


A community whose members share feelings of fraternity, substantial distinctiveness and

exclusivity as well as beliefs in a common ancestry and continuous genealogy.(Tamir)
Nation vs. state

Nations States
Arabs Iran
Latino Mexico
Jews Israel
Palestinians UK
Quebecois South Korea
Kurds USA

The elements of State and Nation are different:

The State has four elements—population, territory, government, and sovereignty. In the
absence of even one element, a State cannot be really a State. A state is always
characterized by all these four elements.

A nation is a group of people who have a strong sense of unity and common
consciousness. Common territory, common race, common religion, common language,
common history, common culture and common political aspirations are the elements
which help the formation of a nation, and yet none of these is an absolutely essential

State is a Political Organization while Nation is a social, cultural, psychological, emotional

and political unity:

The State is a political organization which fulfills the security and welfare needs of its
people. It is concerned with external human actions. It is a legal entity.

A Nation is a united unit of population which is full of emotional, spiritual and

psychological bonds. A nation has little to do with the physical needs of the people.

Possession of a Definite Territory is essential for the State but not for a Nation:

It is essential for each State to possess a fixed territory. It is the physical element of the
State. State is a territorial entity.

But for a nation territory is not an essential requirement. A nation can survive even
without a fixed territory. Love of a common motherland acts as a source of unity. For
example, before 1948 the Jews were a nation even though they had no fixed territory of
their own. When, in 1948, they secured a definite and defined territory, they established
the State of Israel.

Sovereignty is essential for State but not for Nation:

Sovereignty is an essential element of the State. It is the soul of the State. In the absence
of sovereignty, the State loses its existence. It is the element of sovereignty which makes
the state different from all other associations of the people.

It is not essential for a nation to possess sovereignty. The basic requirement of a nation is
the strong bonds of emotional unity among its people which develop due to several
common social cultural elements.

Nation can be wider than the State:

The State is limited to a fixed territory. Its boundaries can increase or decrease but the
process of change is always very complex.

However a nation may or may not remain within the bounds of a fixed territory. Nation is
a community based on common ethnicity, history and traditions and aspirations.
Obviously its boundaries can easily extend beyond.

Nation is more stable than State:

A nation is more stable than the State. When sovereignty ends, the State dies.

A nation can survive even without sovereignty. For example, after their defeat in the
World War II, both Germany and Japan lost their sovereign statuses and outside powers
began to control them. They ceased to exist as States. But as nations they continued to
live as nations, which after some months regained their sovereign statuses and became
sovereign independent states.

Write basic information about the three concepts by fulfilling the diagram.



Describes as the emergence of “borderless world”

Also known as Global industrialism

Is a process of forging international political , economic, religious, and socio-cultural


Globalization is the interconnection of nation-states.

Globalization is concerned with the relationships of countries of the world

Is the interaction of and integration among people, companies, and governments of

different states

Is an international industrial and financial business structure.

It’s advent has been principally driven by technology

Is the process of interaction and integration of every landscape in the planet, these
landscape include technoscapes (technology), finanscapes (economics), ethnoscapes
(culture and social life), and ideoscapes (ideas)

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