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Quarantine Collections

BY Abhirup Roy

“Life is precious and to breathe is the biggest magic on earth”

What You Get In this PDF :

This PDF is an outcome of my collective thoughts and readings. Studying magic and
mentalism is what has kept me motivated in this time of global Lockdown.

This PDF does not offer something revolutionary or groundbreaking, but it's a
collection of ideas put together that can be perfected by anyone who reads it, I feel
for mentalism or any creative art form sky can't be the limit there are galaxies to
deepen the searches.

I welcome and appreciate any criticism about this PDF.

I am sharing one of my marked effects (Impromptu Pin Guess) and a few other
effects which I am working on in this time of nothingness.

Please write your feedback, questions or criticism at –


Hi, I am Abhirup once again, this is a pdf that is form heart and it will be long, so
skip directly to the effect if you want but if you have time please go through the
background. It has some of my realizations of this quarantine phrase which I feel is
evolving me as a human, making me more mature and responsible towards

I don’t know how to structure this pdf as I am going through mixed emotions and
feelings on the 15th day of this global lockdown when the world is facing this crisis,
in an exemplary pandemic world faced in human history.

When the death figures rising daily, hospitals collapsing and when human
civilization is under threat, what keeps us going is a ray of hope and I am writing
this pdf to document that hope, to document a part of me, which is afraid to
visualize how small human existence is but in the flip side certain things astonish
me how humongous human hopes can be so powerful to battle this global
pandemic, Don’t you think it’s magic!!

Maybe down the line in years to come people will forget this nightmare pandemic
but what will go on are memories--memories of the fight, Struggle and winning.
I am writing this to the magic community as feeling privileged as a human being to
know/learn magic and mentalism every single day, as someone rightly said “With
great Powers comes great responsibility”.

Being magician or mentalist the biggest power to touch lives on a daily basis. I do
feel sad but we all are limited with our limited resources. I am writing this with a
hope to touch just one person who will start this chain of spreading humanity as a
point and hence resonating even to a larger audience.

Let Humanity win this time and time and time to come

Abhirup Roy

8th April, 2020

Effect 1 - Impromptu PIN GUESS :

This is my take on the Impromptu Pin Reveal Plot.

I would try to make this PDF short, to the point and entertaining at the same time.

Before you go further let me mention few of my thoughts for PIN Guess which I feel are must for every
impromptu PIN Reveal, and after reading more than dozen PIN Guess routines available on market I
started my quest of searching a perfect pin guess which will have features like:

 Totally impromptu pin guess

 A relevant plot
 Zero memory works
 Spectator never says or write any digit of the pin code
 100% bang on all the times
 Less memory work for spectator
 Practical to perform

Being said that I feel from the mentalist point of view for an impromptu PIN guess, a reference point to
start is needed and I feel in this PDF you will get an insight of my take on that reference point that I took
to reveal the PIN code.

I would outline a brief presentational idea and will reveal how to perform it on detailed Presentation
and Explanation Section:

Also since these plots are hard to explain in words I would also include an Video link at the end of this
PDF , also while reading this PDF Please take time to go through the bold and highlighted lines for
better understanding.


(Imagine walking up to a spectator who is sitting with a group of friends Mentalist introduces himself
and starts to perform)

Performer: Can I have a seat here .I am a mentalist by profession and I seemingly read minds of people
would you mind if I try an experiment with you thoughts.

(Spectator Agrees)

So if you would imagine yourself as a backend banker for one of the most repudiated bank and you have
given a chance to generate an ATM PIN for one of your premium client, now you being a first timer I
would guide you breaking, the PIN code making process for you.
Once the code is made without funny business mentalist reveals the PIN Code , spectator Never says
or write any digit of the pin code.

Detailed Presentation And Explanation (Read the Bold Brackets):

(Imagine walking up to a spectator who is sitting with a group of friends Mentalist introduces himself
and starts to perform)

Performer: Can I have a seat here .I am a mentalist by profession and I seemingly read minds of people
would you mind if I try an experiment with you thoughts.

(Spectator Agrees)

So if you would imagine yourself as a backend banker for one of the most repudiated banks and you
have given a chance to generate an ATM PIN for one of your premium clients, now you being a first
timer I would guide you, breaking the PIN code making process for you.

(Reference point for the spectator to start)

 Imagine in your mind holding up your hand and drop an amount of finger, once the spectator
settles on a particular amount of finger standing give a clear instruction of adding 1 to it, hence
getting the first number of the pin code.
 With the new number add 2 to get the second number
 With the second number less 1 to get the third number
 And Add 2 with the third number to get the fourth number of the Pin Code

Seemed Complicated!!!!! I Know let’s see an Example:

 For demonstration purposes say the amount of fingers spectator hold up in their mind is 3
(Imagine in your mind holding up your hand and drop an amount of finger, once the spectator
settles on a particular amount of finger standing give a clear instruction of adding 1 to it, hence
getting the first number of the pin code.) which is 4
 (With the new number add 2 to get the second number) which is 6
 (With the second number less 1 to get the third number) which is 5
 (And Add 2 with the third number to get the Fourth number of the Code) which is 7

And if you now see all the BOLD Numbers in the above bullet explanations you will see the random
generated PIN Code is 4657.

If you follow the above procedure as a reference point you will get 4 outs because we have 5 fingers in
one hand and adding 1 with their imaginary fingers hold up number will always restrict your spectator
to go for the below outs.

 2435
 3546
 4657
 5768

How easily we get down to four outcomes.

Explanation (The reveal of the choosen codes) :

So before I go further I would like to tell you that I will be including a video link for some other advanced
ways to reveal the PIN Code that the spectator is thinking.

Once your spectator have created the number in their mind it will always fall into the above mentioned
four outcomes, easiest way to reveal that number is to have Four way out system, you can do this by
using a multiple out envelope or purse for different outcomes now ask you spectator to name the
number that they have inside their mind.

Once they say the number you just reach into the correct compartment of your envelop or your multiple
out purse side and grab the correct prediction.

Now For those who want to do this totally impromptu it's very easy too:

You Have Four numbers and you have to fish for the one that you spectator is thinking it's always one in
four chance to hit but wait we will make it even simpler.

Ask your spectator the first question ” Is the number sequence have number three in it”

If they say “yes”

You are instantly down to 2435 and 3546 now you can use the best elimination process, say they are
thinking of 3546 ask them to keep repeat the number 2435 over and over again in their head if they
react that’s their number if they don't you already know 3546 is the number.

Same goes with the second part of the revelation you are asking the same question” Is the number
sequence have number three in it”

If they say “No”

You are instantly down to 2 outcomes that are 4657 and 5768 reveal it again with the same standard
method that I mentioned for the above, say they are thinking of 4657 ask them to keep repeat the
number 4657 over and over again in their head, if they react which in this case it is they will react. If they
don’t other one is the chosen number.

Video Link for some revelation techniques and performance which you can incorporate to make it
look even more impressive:

Click on the above link to view the YouTube video or copy paste the link on any browser to view

Effect 2: Impromptu Index:

The Impromptu index concept that I am working on for quite some time now. The
Presentation goes like this.

After the formal exchange of words with your participant. You take the card out
from the card case and hand it to your participant; they are to go through the
deck and hand it back to you which you eventually put in the card case let the
participant hold.

(Here you give a logical explanation like - since they went through the card now
exactly they know which card is where based on their photographic memory and
this is an experiment to test it.)

Now, you tell it was last evening that you took this deck and removed a card.

You then ask your spectator to generate a random card inside their head and the
card they name is the card that is missing from the Deck and is inside your pocket,
solidifying the story that you said.

Even they can re-Confirm by checking the deck.


I will try to explain this effect breaking it down.

Set-Up :

A minor setup is a need that you can do even in a performance environment. This
can be done with any regular borrowed deck.
First thing is to identify the suit that you want to force to your participant for
explanation purposes I would go with clubs, now mix the Deck thoroughly as you
need to take some cards out from the deck to make the index.
Inside any of your pocket make a continuous index for 5 high club cards (the
pocket index used here will be 5 of clubs, 6 Six of clubs, 7 of clubs, 8 of clubs and 9
of clubs) the cards will be in order as the face of the 5 of clubs will touch your
body followed by 6 Six of clubs,7 of clubs, 8 of clubs and 9 of clubs.
So that when you reach inside your pocket to pull a card you can have a correct
card coming out because you will have a reference.

The same setup can be done inside your jacket pocket.

I recommend you to do a setup of all the cards in the same pocket because once
the cards are named by the spectator you pull out the card from the pocket
handing it to the spectator, casually palming the rest 4 cards adding it to the deck
in the guise of taking all the cards out and handing it to the spectator so when
they check they will see only single cards Is missing(also after adding the palmed
cards casually give the cards a mix so that 4 stack cards get distributed across the

Mechanics of card Forcing:

Now after your spectator casually goes through and puts the card inside the deck.
Ask the participant to name any suit that the like -(here there is an equivoque in
play, to nail the club suit.) You can use any suit as per your preference. This is just
an example:
I will outline a basic equivoque that you can try, to nail the suit bang on-
Ask your spectator to imagine a deck of card and to take out either “red cards” or
“black cards” if they take out the “red cards” red is already eliminated and you go
on with your standard presentation with black cards, and if they say “black cards”
just proceed with “black cards”
Once you are down to “black cards” proceed by saying black has two suits clubs
and spades and the participant is to imagine handing one of the suits to the
mentalist (you) now if they hands you spades spectator is left with Clubs and we
can move with that and if they hand you clubs again you are good to go.

After you are down to suit which is clubs, in this case, ask your spectator to keep
the clubs in mind as we will come to this in a moment.

There are some of the great works done by many notable magicians and
mentalists in the field of equivoque I will add them in the credits section.

Now forcing the number:

I recommend forcing the suit first and then the number as it will create a false
memory of no process card generating even though a mind process is involved in
the suit forcing.

For the number, it’s very easy because you are asking them to name value of a
card, not the suit just the value, what it does it that it removes the picture cards
and the aces and you are down to 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 of which your pocket index
has 5, 6,7,8,9 of clubs so ideally if you ask someone in random to name-value it
will fall within your pocket indexed cards.
If they say a low value just ask them to jump to a different higher value and they
will land on to any of the pocket indexed cards.
Once your spectator lands on one of your force cards then you ask them to add
the thought of suit with it and go for the favorable a climax.

Again I am telling this is an effect that you can jazz on with a solid safely net with
lets index cards that you can keep track of.

Effect 3 - Openly Predicted:
One of the effects that obsessed me for years is a solution to open prediction,
utilization cards but I could never find a possible solution to it even till today.

The effect that I am outlining here is an alternative to achieve a similar kind of


So as the effect goes you start with an envelope which is introduced even before
you start the effect that is in full view of the spectator and just one single card
inside the envelope.

Now proceed by handing your spectator a deck of card which they can Shuffle not
once but twice now after the shuffling is done it's time to test the coincidence. Let
your participant take the deck and deal the cards face up one at a time on to the
table until they hit the first picture card, let's say the first picture card that they
stop at is Jack of clubs and is a perfect match with the tabled prediction that was
there for the entire time.

A created co-incidence that will happen every single time even after shuffling a
Deck of cards not once but twice.

· Only one card is used as an open prediction

· Can be done with a regular deck

· Principal itself can be utilized into other applications than a card deck

Before you start reading the explanation I would like to make certain things clear.
The principle that I am utilizing in this effect is not mine and I claim no originality.
It’s only the premise and the plot that I have come up with.

I first learned this principle from one of the books of Theodore Annemann, who is
an absolute legend please check some of his materials for solid mentalism effects.

Explanation :

Again I would try to break the explanation part into segments.


So to set the deck up what you need is first remove the 2 jokers or any extra cards
that are present, you should ideally have a 52 card deck.

For setup take that 52 card deck take out 12 picture cards.

Now put 11 picture cards at the bottom of the Deck and the force card will be
second from the top.

Let's take an example considering the Deck is a face-down when holding in

dealers grip from the top the second cards is Jack of clubs which is the force card
followed by regular cards and at the bottom rest of the 11 picture cards.

Face up version of how the deck will look.

How this works:

After the Deck is set up in this position you just need to have another jack of clubs
for your open prediction from a different deck, which is set aside face down even
before the effect starts.

Now give your set up deck to your participants and let him give two riffle Shuffles
(for this effect to work two Riffle shuffles are needed after the setup).

After that when he starts dealing with the face-down cards onto the table one at
a time face up, automatically the first picture card that the participant will hit will
be your force card jack of clubs.

This method will work every single time with two riffle shuffles (perfect or
imperfect riffle shuffles does not matter but mandatory two riffle shuffles are
needed to make this work).

And as an added layer what can be done is to add one non-picture card after you
11 picture card stack which is at the bottom.

Two shuffles can be disguised under the presentation.

You can perform this effect with a regular deck with card cull.

Please look at some of our other affects you can buy:

 Beyond Heaven by Abhirup Roy (Living-dead test+image files

provided) (Instant Download)

 Cyborg System By Satabdo Sengupta (only for android users) Pdf

& Video Explanation (Instant Download)


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