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Book One: Student Questions and Case studies/Scenarios

CHC33015 Certificate III in Individual Support

(Ageing, Home and Community)

Student Name:

Student ID No:

 CHCCCS015 Provide individualised support

 CHCCCS023 Support independence and well being
 CHCCOM005 Communicate and work in health or community services
 CHCDIV001 Work with diverse people
 CHCLEG001 Work legally and ethically
 HLTAAP001 Recognise healthy body systems
Unit Code and  HLTWHS002 Follow safe work practices for direct client care
 CHCAGE001 Facilitate the empowerment of older people
 CHCAGE005 Provide support to people living with dementia
 CHCCCS011 Meet personal support needs
 CHCPAL001 Deliver care services using a palliative approach
 CHCCCS025 Support relationships with carers and families
 CHCHCS001 Provide home and community support services

Due Date of
Actual Submission
Extension date: ❑ Not Applicable

© Australasian Lawrence Aged Care College Pty. Ltd. T/AS ALACC Health College Australia
Level 1/169 Plenty Road, Preston, VIC 3072
t (03) 9480 4445 / (03) 9484 5081 m 0404 000 993 w website:
ABN: 49 122 509 602 CRICOS NO: 02933E RTO 21872 Page 1 of 125

CHC33015 Certificate III in Individual Support (Ageing, Home and Community)
Student Questions and Case Studies/Scenarios

❑ Student ❑ Case Study/ ❑ Observations ❑ Oral ❑ Other

Questions scenarios questions
Type of
assessment [Tick]


Nature of Assessment

❑ Summative Assessment or ❑ Formative Assessment

❑ Purpose
❑ Context
❑ Evidence gathering method
❑ Location

❑ I acknowledge that I have submitted all assessments in this unit of competency and they are my
own work.
❑ I have not copied any of my answers from others. I have read ALACC plagiarism policy and
agreed to abide by this policy.
❑ Other if any:
Student Signature


Assessment ❑ 1 ❑ 2❑ ❑ 3 ❑ 4 ❑ Other

Assessor comments: [Tick]

❑ I have discussed…

Students Comments:
❑ Assessor have discussed..


Assessor Comments:

Final Assessment
❑ C / NYC

© Australasian Lawrence Aged Care College Pty. Ltd. T/AS ALACC Health College Australia
Level 1/169 Plenty Road, Preston, VIC 3072
t (03) 9480 4445 / (03) 9484 5081 m 0404 000 993 w website:
ABN: 49 122 509 602 CRICOS NO: 02933E RTO 21872 Page 2 of 125

CHC33015 Certificate III in Individual Support (Ageing, Home and Community)
Student Questions and Case Studies/Scenarios

❑ I declare that I have received a fair, valid, reliable and sufficient feedback for my performance.

❑ I have received the feedback and outcome of the assessment: ❑ Yes ❑ No


Student ID Date

Student feedback:

Student Signature


I have ensured that this assessment [Tick]

❑ Complies with the assessment requirements of the relevant training package or VET accredited
course; and have conducted in accordance with the Principles of Assessment
❑ Fair
❑ Flexible
❑ Reliable

❑ And Rules of Evidence gathering,

❑ Valid
❑ Sufficient,
❑ Authentic
❑ Current
Feedback provided to the student [Tick] ❑ Yes ❑ No
Re-assessment Required [Tick] ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Not Applicable
Reassessment evidences collated [Tick] ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Not Applicable

Assessor Name: Signature: Date:

© Australasian Lawrence Aged Care College Pty. Ltd. T/AS ALACC Health College Australia
Level 1/169 Plenty Road, Preston, VIC 3072
t (03) 9480 4445 / (03) 9484 5081 m 0404 000 993 w website:
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CHC33015 Certificate III in Individual Support (Ageing, Home and Community)
Student Questions and Case Studies/Scenarios


All material in this course is,

unless otherwise stated, the property of ALACC Health College, Australia . Copyright and
other intellectual property laws protect these materials.

Reproduction or retransmission of the materials, in whole or in part, in any manner,

without the prior written consent of the copyright holder, is a violation of copyright law.

Users MUST not distribute such copies to others, whether or not in electronic form,
whether or not for a charge or other consideration

© Australasian Lawrence Aged Care College Pty. Ltd. T/AS ALACC Health College Australia
Level 1/169 Plenty Road, Preston, VIC 3072
t (03) 9480 4445 / (03) 9484 5081 m 0404 000 993 w website:
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CHC33015 Certificate III in Individual Support (Ageing, Home and Community)
Student Questions and Case Studies/Scenarios


Introduction ..................................................................................................................................................... 6

CHCCCS015 Provide Individualised Support ........................................................................................................ 13

CHCCCS023 Support independence and wellbeing ............................................................................................... 23

CHCCOM005 Communicate and work in health or community services ................................................................... 32

CHCDIV001 Work with diverse people ................................................................................................................ 39

CHCLEG001 Work legally and ethically ............................................................................................................... 48

HLTAAP001 Recognise healthy body systems ...................................................................................................... 53

HLTWHS002 Follow safe work practices for direct client care ................................................................................. 65

CHCAGE001 Facilitate the empowerment of older people ...................................................................................... 73

CHCAGE005 Provide support to people living with dementia .................................................................................. 82

CHCCCS011 Meet personal support needs .......................................................................................................... 91

CHCPAL001 Deliver care services using a palliative approach .............................................................................. 100

CHCCCS025 Support relationships with carers and families ................................................................................. 111

CHCHCS001 Provide home and community support services ............................................................................... 122

© Australasian Lawrence Aged Care College Pty. Ltd. T/AS ALACC Health College Australia
Level 1/169 Plenty Road, Preston, VIC 3072
t (03) 9480 4445 / (03) 9484 5081 m 0404 000 993 w website:
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CHC33015 Certificate III in Individual Support (Ageing, Home and Community)
Student Questions and Case Studies/Scenarios


This Student Learning and Assessment Record Book 1 consist of formative and summative assessments based
on CHC33015 Certificate III in Individual Support (Ageing, Home and Community) qualification from the CHC
Community Services Training Package.

The Assessment tasks are mapped to the competency standards and designed for all learners to complete. As a
Certificate III learner, the student is required to be deemed competent in all the units of competency
comprising the CHC33015 Certificate III in Individual Support (Ageing, Home and Community) qualification.

Formative Assessment is undertaken in the class room in the form of Multiple choice /True and False questions.
Formative assessment provides developmental feedback to the learner on his/her current understanding or

Summative Assessment is the final assessment of the learner achievement which may lead to awarding of a
formal qualification.
For CHC33015 Certificate III in Individual Support (Ageing, Home and Community) qualification, summative
assessments include:
• Assessment 1: Student Questions (SLAR Book 1)
• Assessment 2: Case studies/Scenarios (SLAR Book 1)
• Assessment 3: Workplace Observation (SLAR Book 2)
• Assessment 4: Oral questions (Post placement)

These assessments give the student an opportunity to demonstrate adequate knowledge and skills as outlined
in the evidence guidelines stated within the Training package.
Students may seek assistance from a trainer if: the assessment is not clearly understood, if experiencing
understanding and comprehension of the questions; if unable to complete the assessment and require
Assessment assistance may include (but is not limited to):
• One-on-one sessions with the trainer at a negotiated time.
• Additional resource material will be provided as needed to complete the assessment, e.g., books, audio
visual aids, access to internet and websites etc.

It is important that you do not lose this booklet, as without it you cannot
complete your qualification.


© Australasian Lawrence Aged Care College Pty. Ltd. T/AS ALACC Health College Australia
Level 1/169 Plenty Road, Preston, VIC 3072
t (03) 9480 4445 / (03) 9484 5081 m 0404 000 993 w website:
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CHC33015 Certificate III in Individual Support (Ageing, Home and Community)
Student Questions and Case Studies/Scenarios

Context of Assessment

(Purpose, Target Group, Methods, Outcomes)

This Assessment Resource consists of summative assessment(s) for students who are enrolled in CHC33015
Certificate III in Individual Support (Ageing, Home and Community) qualification comprising the following units of

CHCCCS015 Provide individualised support

CHCCCS023 Support independence and well being
CHCCOM005 Communicate and work in health or community services
CHCDIV001 Work with diverse people
CHCLEG001 Work legally and ethically
HLTAAP001 Recognise healthy body systems
HLTWHS002 Follow safe work practices for direct client care
CHCAGE001 Facilitate the empowerment of older people
CHCAGE005 Provide support to people living with dementia
CHCCCS011 Meet personal support needs
Deliver care services using a palliative approach
CHCCCS025 Support relationships with carers and families
CHCHCS001 Provide home and community support services
The CHC33015 Certificate III in Individual Support (Ageing, Home and Community) qualification comprises of 13
Units of competency including:
- 7 Core Units of Competency
- 6 Elective Units of Competency
Explanation of common terms used in Assessment Tasks :
• List = Simple dot point list
• Describe = Full outline of the issue, own words & referencing if appropriate
• Explain/discuss = Give reasonable argument to support the answer in your own words
• Demonstrate = Present, show or illustrate through example or action
• Observation = A passive or interactive means of determining how/why a task is undertaken (either in
workplace/ simulation environment)
• Formative Assessment= Formative assessment provides developmental feedback to the learner on his/her
current understanding or skills.
• Summative Assessment= Summative Assessment is the final assessment of the learner achievement which
may lead to awarding of a formal qualification. This will include Student Questions, Case study/ Scenarios and
This Student Learning and Assessment Record (SLAR) Book 1 consists of Assessment 1- Student Questions
(open book) and Assessment 2- Case study/Scenarios (open book) which is knowledge based assessment for
the individual units in this course.

Additionally, the students are also required to complete Assessment 3-Workplace Observation in Student Learning
and Assessment Record (SLAR Book 2) and Assessment 4 – Oral questions (Post placement).

The Workplace observation involves tasks and activities which students are expected to undertake at the
simulated work environment and/or workplace. The purpose is to assess the skills of students and a record is
maintained in the Student Learning and Assessment Record (SLAR) Book 2.

Please note:
The students will be required to satisfactorily complete Assessments 1, 2,3 and 4 to be deemed Competent in
each Unit of competency comprising the course.
Please see Recording & Reporting Requirements for more details.

© Australasian Lawrence Aged Care College Pty. Ltd. T/AS ALACC Health College Australia
Level 1/169 Plenty Road, Preston, VIC 3072
t (03) 9480 4445 / (03) 9484 5081 m 0404 000 993 w website:
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CHC33015 Certificate III in Individual Support (Ageing, Home and Community)
Student Questions and Case Studies/Scenarios


Reasonable Adjustments

It should be noted that the assessor should account for reasonable adjustments to ensure that all students are
treated equally in the assessment process.
This may mean Assessors may need to:
• Ensure learning materials & methods are easily accessible & understood
• Adapt the physical environment and equipment
• Make adjustments to the procedures for conducting assessment
• Make adjustment to the evidence gathering.
These adjustments should not alter the expected standard or outcome of performance specified within the unit of

Range & Conditions

Assessor Qualification:
Required to hold a TAE40110 OR equivalent.

ALACC Health College, Australia
Workplace Environment
Simulated Learning Environment
ALACC library or computer facility
Other premises such as Students own home or Public Library.
The Assessor will advise the student of the timeframe and due date required for completion of each assessment.
(See Student Instructions for details)
The questions and case studies can be completed after the theory class is undertaken for the specific unit of
The student will be required to complete theory components of this assessment task before undertaking
observation tasks in the workplace. However, there are questions that can be completed during practical
Final Result:
The student’s final result for the unit is determined when they have successfully completed Assessments 1 and 2
and demonstrate competency in and application of the required skills and knowledge in Assessment 3 and 4.

Materials and Resources

Materials and resources required by the Assessor:

Assessment tool and Model answers, refer to individual assessments for details

Materials and resources required by the Student:

Please refer to individual assessments for details

Assessor Intervention

Assessor intervention needs to be considered, as too much support provided may indicate that the competency
has not been demonstrated independently by the student.

Where work health and safety issues present, the assessor should follow the relevant organisation’s policy &

The student may seek clarification from the assessor to assist with completion of the questions and case

Assessor intervention may include: verbal prompts & sequential questioning.

© Australasian Lawrence Aged Care College Pty. Ltd. T/AS ALACC Health College Australia
Level 1/169 Plenty Road, Preston, VIC 3072
t (03) 9480 4445 / (03) 9484 5081 m 0404 000 993 w website:
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CHC33015 Certificate III in Individual Support (Ageing, Home and Community)
Student Questions and Case Studies/Scenarios


The students should ensure that the responses submitted is their own original work, with appropriate
acknowledgment of the author or source. Plagiarism will result in the responses being marked as Not
Please refer to the ALACC Plagiarism policy here:
You can also access the policy at ALACC website

Re-assessment and Appeals

Re-assessment: In the event that the student responses are deemed as not satisfactory they will be provided an
opportunity for correction. If re-correction is required on more than one occasion, this may result in re-
assessment. The student will be required to meet the Course Manager and Director of Studies to discuss these

A student can request to reconsider an assessment decision made by the college in accordance with the ALACC
complaints and appeals policy. All appeals are managed by the Director of Studies.
Please refer to the ALACC Complaints and appeals policy here:
You can also access the policy at ALACC website

Recording and Reporting Requirements

In Accordance with ALACC Assessment Policy the assessor must:

• Record the assessment outcome in the Student’s “Training Plan and Summary of Competencies Achieved” in
Student Learning and Assessment Record Book 1.
• Maintain records of the assessment procedure, evidence collected and the outcome
• Provide signed and dated assessment outcomes to the Administrative Assistant of competencies achieved for
each unit
• Maintain the confidentiality of the assessment outcome
Assessment Result formats to be used by Assessors when making a judgement on competency
CT Credit • In Accordance with ALACC Assessment Policy (provide the link or Policy number)
Transfer the assessor must:
• Apply for Credit transfer on the appropriate form from reception.
• The student must attach the evidence of unit(s) completed with the application
• Record the assessment outcome in the Student’s “Training Plan and Summary
of Competencies Achieved”
• Maintain records of the assessment procedure, evidence collected and the
outcome to be kept on student file.
• Maintain the confidentiality of the assessment outcome
• The student to be given a copy of the credit transfer assessment. Reference
RPL Recognised The process where credit can be given towards a course based on skills attained through
Prior Learning employment and/or life skills. Current competence needs to be demonstrated. Evidence
is required Reference policy

A result given when a student formally withdraws from a unit.

WD The student is required to request for withdrawal in writing and within the time frame set
No Penalty
by ALACC Reference policy

SC Student has demonstrated the necessary knowledge and skills for each task.

Not Student cannot demonstrate the necessary knowledge and skills for each task and
NSC Satisfactorily therefore requires further assistance to support the identified gaps.
Completed The course managers will organise with the student re-Assessment to be undertaken.

Student has demonstrated the necessary knowledge and skills for and the ability to apply
C Competent
them by completing the set assessments.

© Australasian Lawrence Aged Care College Pty. Ltd. T/AS ALACC Health College Australia
Level 1/169 Plenty Road, Preston, VIC 3072
t (03) 9480 4445 / (03) 9484 5081 m 0404 000 993 w website:
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CHC33015 Certificate III in Individual Support (Ageing, Home and Community)
Student Questions and Case Studies/Scenarios

Student has not yet satisfactorily completed the set assessments and cannot
Not Yet demonstrate the skills and knowledge for each task.
Competent The student therefore requires further assistance to support the identified gaps and will
be required to undertake the Unit of Competency again.

For further information on record management and reporting requirements, refer to the following in the “Policies
and Procedures” manual:
• Records management
• Completions
• Backup and storage
• Statement of Attainment
• Information handling
• Student Access to Records

© Australasian Lawrence Aged Care College Pty. Ltd. T/AS ALACC Health College Australia
Level 1/169 Plenty Road, Preston, VIC 3072
t (03) 9480 4445 / (03) 9484 5081 m 0404 000 993 w website:
ABN: 49 122 509 602 CRICOS NO: 02933E RTO 21872 Page 10 of 125

CHC33015 Certificate III in Individual Support (Ageing, Home and Community)
Student Questions and Case Studies/Scenarios

Decision Making Rules

In accordance with ALACC Assessment Policy the assessor must:

• Estab lis h and oversee the evidence gathering process to ensure its validity , reliability,
fairness and flexibility
• Collect appropriate evide nce and assess this against the Elements, Performance Criteria,
Range Statement and Ev idence Guide in the relevant Units of Competency
• Evaluate evidence in ter ms of the four dimensions of competency task skills, task
management skills, contingency management skills and job/role environment skills
• Incorporate allowable adj ustments to the assessm ent procedu re without co mpromising the
integrity of the competencies
• Evaluate the evidence in terms of validity, cons istency, currency, equity, authe nticity and
• Consult and work with other staff in the assessme nt process
• Record details of evidence collect ed
• Make a judgement about competency based on the evidence and the relevant Unit[s] of

Guidelines for Assessors.

• Refer to model answers for assessing the stude nt responses.
• The model answers are provided as a reference only. The answers may vary based on
indiv idual experience and the assessors are required to take this into consideration and
make reasonable adjustm ents.
• If re-correction is required on more than one occasion, this may result in re -assessment.
The stude nt will be re quir ed to meet the Course Manager to discuss these de tails.

Specific Rules for individual Student Assessments

For the student to be deemed “Competent” in the Unit; the student will be required to provide evidence and
satisfactorily complete all three assessment requirements for the Unit of Competency as outlined below:

Assessment 1(Student Questions) and Assessment 2 (Case Study/Scenarios) in SLAR Book 1: -

addresses knowledge evidence of specific units
• All written questions must be answered to demonstrate good knowledge and understanding of the topic for
Satisfactory Completion (SC) of this assessment task.
• The student must sign the “Student Declaration” at the end of the Assessment.
• In the event the response to the specific question(s) is not adequate the student will be provided with an
opportunity to demonstrate further knowledge and understanding of topic. The assessor will contact the
student to discuss the details if needed.
• Satisfactory completion of this task will contribute to the final competency in the Unit.

Assessment 3 (Observation) in SLAR Book 2: addresses required performance evidence for specific
• Please refer to Assessor Instructions Section in Student Learning and Assessment Record Book 2 for details

Assessment 4: Oral Questions addresses required knowledge evidence for specific units
• All oral questions must be answered correctly for Satisfactory Completion (SC) of this assessment task.
• In the event the question is not answered correctly the student will be provided with an opportunity for re-
correction. The assessor will contact the student to discuss the details.
• Satisfactory completion of this task will contribute to the final competency in the Unit

To achieve Final competency:

For the student to be deemed “Competent” in the Unit/s; the student will be required to
satisfactorily complete all assessment requirements for the Unit of Competency including
Assessment 1 Student Questions, Assessment 2 – Case study/scenarios, Assessment 3 – Skills
Assessment/ Observations and Assessment 4 – Oral questions.

© Australasian Lawrence Aged Care College Pty. Ltd. T/AS ALACC Health College Australia
Level 1/169 Plenty Road, Preston, VIC 3072
t (03) 9480 4445 / (03) 9484 5081 m 0404 000 993 w website:
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CHC33015 Certificate III in Individual Support (Ageing, Home and Community)
Student Questions and Case Studies/Scenarios


Please read these instructions before commencing the assessment task
Please note Plagiarism will result in the responses being marked as Not Satisfactory
(Refer to Plagiarism policy available at
• This is an open book written assessment. The student is required to provide written responses in the space
provided after each question.
• For Assessment 1 and 2 (in SLAR Book 1), all responses must be written with a black or blue pen in a clear
and legible manner or typed (where relevant).
• After completing the Assessments 1 and 2, the student will be required to sign the “Student declaration”
(Assessment Cover sheet), declaring it is their own work.
• Students are required to keep a copy of their assessment before submitting to the Assessor for marking
• Incomplete and/or inadequate responses will be returned to the student for further completion.
• All questions must be completed thoroughly and comprehensively for Satisfactory Completion of this
assessment task.
• Satisfactory completion of all questions will contribute to the final ‘Competency’ in each individual Unit of
• Assessment assistance is available by appointment.

Please note: Multiple choice and True & False questions are a formative assessment in the same SLAR Book 1
and assist you to check your progress and understanding. The formative assessments will be completed during
class as an open book assessment.
Explanation of common terms used in Assessment Tasks :
• List = Simple dot point list
• Describe = Full outline of the issue, own words & referencing if appropriate
• Explain/Discuss = Give reasonable argument to support the answer in your own words
• Demonstrate = Present, show or illustrate through example or action
• Observation = A passive or interactive means of determining how/why a task is undertaken.
• Definition of Formative assessment
Formative Assessment= Formative assessment provides developmental feedback to the learner on his/her
current understanding or skills.
• Definition of Summative assessment
Summative Assessment= Summative Assessment is the final assessment of the learner achievement which may
lead to awarding of a formal qualification.
Required materials and equipment:
Black or blue pen, Computer/ Laptop, Internet, Wi-Fi (can be accessed at ALACC)

Resources required : Refer to Unit outline/s in ALACC Student Resource CD

Range and condition

• The student can complete this assessment task in a flexible manner either at ALACC Health College, Australia
or at any other premises according to your convenience.
• The Assessment 1 (Student Questions) and Assessment 2 (Case Study/scenarios) should be completed within
3-4 weeks of attending the theory and practical placement. Assessment 3 will be completed at work
placement and where relevant in simulated environment. (See SLAR Book 2 for details). Assessment 4 is
conducted during post placement sessions on completion of practical placement. In the event of any delays,
the student is to contact the Course Manager.

Assessor intervention:
• The student may seek clarification from the assessor to assist with completion of the task.
• Assessor intervention may include: verbal prompts & sequential questioning.

© Australasian Lawrence Aged Care College Pty. Ltd. T/AS ALACC Health College Australia
Level 1/169 Plenty Road, Preston, VIC 3072
t (03) 9480 4445 / (03) 9484 5081 m 0404 000 993 w website:
ABN: 49 122 509 602 CRICOS NO: 02933E RTO 21872 Page 12 of 125

Student Questions and Case Studies/Scenarios
CHCCCS015 Provide Individualised Support

CHCCCS015 Provide Individualised Support


This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to organise, provide and monitor support services within the
limits established by an individualised plan. The individualised plan refers to the support or service provision plan
developed for the individual accessing the service and may have many different names in different organisations.
This unit applies to workers who provide support under direct or indirect supervision in any community services or
health context.
The skills in this unit must be applied in accordance with Commonwealth and State/Territory legislation,
Australian/New Zealand standards and industry codes of practice.


There are no recommended pre-requisite units for this competency.


There are no possible co-requisite units for this competency.


Multiple choice questions PLEASE CIRCLE THE CORRECT ANSWER

a) Try to implement the aspect of the plan

regardless of your skills and knowledge
What would you do (as your duty of care) if part of
b) Seek appropriate support from another source to
a person’s individualised plan requires support with
help with the implementation of that aspect of
1 a task that is outside the scope of your own
the plan
knowledge, skills or job role?
c) Do nothing, let the person implement the part of
the plan alone
d) All of the above

a) Report the review requirements to a supervisor

What would you do (as a part of duty of care) if b) Implement changes without consulting a
2 there are aspects of a person’s plan that need to be supervisor
reviewed and maybe changed? c) Do nothing
d) All of the above

a) Gather feedback from the person

What action would you take to monitor support b) Gather feedback from family and carers
3 activities? c) Make observations
d) All of the above

a) Progress reports
b) Case notes
Written reports you give to a supervisor come in
4 c) Care plans
the form of:
d) All of the above
e) None of the above

a) Comply with the organisation’s reporting

b) Complete documentation according to
organisation policy and protocols
5 When completing documentation and reporting you c) Maintain documentation in a way that is
need to ensure that you: consistent with reporting requirements
d) File documentation in accordance with policy
and protocols
e) All of the above

© Australasian Lawrence Aged Care College Pty. Ltd. T/AS ALACC Health College Australia
Level 1/169 Plenty Road, Preston, VIC 3072
t (03) 9480 4445 / (03) 9484 5081 m 0404 000 993 w website:
ABN: 49 122 509 602 CRICOS NO: 02933E RTO 21872 Page 13 of 125

Student Questions and Case Studies/Scenarios
CHCCCS015 Provide Individualised Support
a) Client's strengths, interests, health and
emotional well being and self determination
6 Individualised planning is based upon: b) Doctor’s visiting requirements
c) Facilities available within the organisation
d) All the above
a) Supports skill development and/or
7 Adult education as a part of an individualised plan: b) Promotes a sense of freedom
c) Helps to overcome segregation
d) All of the above

1 a) Feedback from person, family, carers and

other interested people
8 Monitoring of support activities may include: 2 B) Observations
3 C) Requests
4 D) All of the above

a) To determine the level of client participation

b) To determine which aspects of the clients need to
Support activities that are being implemented as be reviewed
9 part of a person’s individualised plan should be c) To determine changes in client’s blood pressure
monitored to: and weight
d) Both a) and b)
e) Both a) and c)

a) Supervisor
From whom should you seek assistance when it is b) Manager
10 not possible to provide appropriate support to the c) Co-workers
aged person? d) Family
e) All of the above
a) Concise and complete information
b) Ensure it is signed (Signature, print name and
designation), Complete all details Date, time
Some report writing points that you need to keep in
11 c) Any errors should be indicated with a strike
mind when completing progress notes are:
through the error and initialled
d) Both a) and b)
e) All of the above
a) Report to the supervisor
When you are providing assistance to a person to
b) Take action under own level of responsibility
help maintain a safe and healthy environment,
12 c) Ignore the risk
what would you do if you identify situations of risk
d) Both a)and b)
or potential risk:
e) All of the above

© Australasian Lawrence Aged Care College Pty. Ltd. T/AS ALACC Health College Australia
Level 1/169 Plenty Road, Preston, VIC 3072
t (03) 9480 4445 / (03) 9484 5081 m 0404 000 993 w website:
ABN: 49 122 509 602 CRICOS NO: 02933E RTO 21872 Page 14 of 125

Student Questions and Case Studies/Scenarios
CHCCCS015 Provide Individualised Support



1. List three (3) tasks that you are required to do as part of your role.

2. Give two (2) examples of practices that support skills maintenance and development.

It is important that you ensure your clients are aware of their rights. Give four (4) examples of what
rights a client may have.

4. Outline a complaints procedure that may be in place within an organisation.

a) Give three (3) examples of the actions and activities that can support a client’s individualised plan.
b) Why is important to promote a client’s independence and their right to make their own decisions?

6. Why should you arrange support in line with organisation specifications?

© Australasian Lawrence Aged Care College Pty. Ltd. T/AS ALACC Health College Australia
Level 1/169 Plenty Road, Preston, VIC 3072
t (03) 9480 4445 / (03) 9484 5081 m 0404 000 993 w website:
ABN: 49 122 509 602 CRICOS NO: 02933E RTO 21872 Page 15 of 125

Student Questions and Case Studies/Scenarios
CHCCCS015 Provide Individualised Support

7. Why should all exchanges with clients be respectful and develop trust?

8. Why is it important to respect and include a client’s family and/or carer as part of the support team?

9. Why should you contribute to a safe and healthy environment? Give three (3) reasons.

List four (4) different ways in which you can maintain a clean and comfortable environment for your

11. How can you monitor your own work to ensure the required standard of support is maintained?

12. Why should you involve clients in discussions about how your support services are meeting their needs?

Why could it be beneficial to discuss reviews and changes of the individualised plan with both the client
and the supervisor?

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Student Questions and Case Studies/Scenarios
CHCCCS015 Provide Individualised Support

14. Briefly describe the following rationale and processes underpinning individualised support planning:

Principles of person centred practice

Strengths based practice

Active support

15. Give two (2) examples of the roles and responsibilities of the following different people and the
communication between them:
Carers and family

Person being supported

Heath professionals

Individual workers


16. Give four (4) examples of service delivery models relevant to the ageing and community services

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Student Questions and Case Studies/Scenarios
CHCCCS015 Provide Individualised Support

17. Briefly describe your understanding of the following legal and ethical requirements and their application
in an organisation:
Confidentiality and disclosure

The Aged care reforms and human rights approach


Mandatory reporting



Ellen is a 45-year old woman who lives in supported accommodation following a workplace accident that left her
with physical disabilities and an acquired brain injury.
Your role today, is to assist Ellen to get ready to attend a doctor’s appointment and then to go to lunch with a
Ellen is able to transfer from bed to chair and into her wheelchair using grab rails and bars. She uses a wheelchair
when she goes out of the house, as she has little strength in her legs and cannot walk without leaning very
heavily on supports. Her acquired brain injury has left her with some speech difficulties and word finding
difficulties. She also has difficulty in taking in large chunks of information all at once.
In order to help her get ready, you are to supervise her transfer from bed to wheelchair to shower chair. While
she showers independently, you are to prepare her chair and towels. Once she has completed showering you are
to assist her to choose appropriate clothing, help her to get dry, dressed and groomed and, finally, assist her to
prepare her breakfast.
(Source: The Australian Carer, by Helen Croft)

1 How would you confirm the procedures you are going to use in providing support to Ellen?

2 How would you encourage the client to actively participate in her care and identify her preferences where

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Student Questions and Case Studies/Scenarios
CHCCCS015 Provide Individualised Support

3 Why is important to meet the criteria stated by the plan, the client and the organisation, when providing care
to the client?

4 Give three (3) examples of equipment that you may be required to assemble to assist the client.

5 Give three (3) examples of how you can maintain dignity and privacy when providing support for the client.

An elderly client is adamant that they want to continue to make their own meals rather than have a worker come
in to do it. They have an unsteady hand and have previously burnt and cut themselves. You know that it is unsafe
for them to continue making their own meals but need to respect their wishes.

a) What is duty of care?

b) What is dignity of risk?

2 In the scenario outlined above, What would you do? How would you balance the duty of care requirements
with the dignity of risk requirements?

3 Why is it important to find a balance between duty of care and dignity or risk when providing support to a

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Student Questions and Case Studies/Scenarios
CHCCCS015 Provide Individualised Support

Mr. Mesic is a 70-year old Croatian man who has arrived at your facility for admission. Mr. Mesic is accompanied
by his son as Mr. Mesic’s English is limited. His son tells you that Mr. Mesic often complains of a sore hip but you
are to ignore it as it is an old injury.
When you are helping Mr Mesic to unpack, you discover several bottles of pills. You ask Mr Mesic about them he
tells you they are ‘vitamins’.
(Source: The Australian Carer, by Helen Croft)

a) List three (3) examples of aspects within the individualised care plan that may need reviewing.
b) Why is it important to review these aspects of the individualised care plan regularly? PC 3.3

5 Identify a potential or actual risk in this scenario.

6 What are the risk management considerations and ways to respond to risks identified?

7 Identify additional care/support needs that Mr. Mesic may have due to limited ability to speak and understand
English. How will you respond to these needs?

8 Why is it important to refer and report signs of additional and unmet needs?

It is your first day at work. Your buddy asks you to make a resident’s bed. You found the resident on the floor in
his bathroom. He has a head injury and complains of severe pain.

9 List your organisation’s formal and informal reporting requirements for this incident.

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Student Questions and Case Studies/Scenarios
CHCCCS015 Provide Individualised Support

10 Why should you ensure you comply with your organisation’s reporting requirements? Give two (2) reasons.

11 What could happen if no standard sign of format was applied to your workplace documentation?

12 Who is responsible for filing documentation in your workplace?

13 How will you maintain confidentiality and privacy of the person in all dealings within the organisation policy
and protocols?

Student Declaration

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Signature: ____________________________________________________________ Date ________________

Student Feedback
Please provide your feedback for the following :
Did you find the questions relevant to the topic?

Did you find the question provided you with more knowledge and skills and understanding the specific topic?

Did you:
[ ] get support to complete this unit
[ ] the information provided in the classroom helpful
[ ] the learning resources were valuable in searching responses to the questions?

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CHCCCS015 Provide Individualised Support

Assessor Declaration

I declare that I have assessed this trainee in the above unit of competency.

I also declare that the assessment was fair, valid, reliable and consistent.

Name: _____________________________________________________________________________________

Signature: ____________________________________________________________ Date ________________

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Student Questions and Case Studies/Scenarios
CHCCCS023 Support independence and wellbeing

CHCCCS023 Support independence and wellbeing

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to provide individualised services in ways that support
independence, as well as, physical and emotional wellbeing.
This unit applies to workers in a range of community services contexts who provide frontline support services
within the context of an established individualised plan.
The skills in this unit must be applied in accordance with Commonwealth and State/Territory legislation,
Australian/New Zealand standards and industry codes of practice.


There are no recommended pre-requisite units for this competency.


There are no possible co-requisite units for this competency.


Multiple choice questions PLEASE CIRCLE THE CORRECT ANSWER

a) Confirm the person’s social and recreational preferences
b) Identify a possible social network appropriate for the
When working with a person to support them to person
1 engage in social networks and the wider c) Persuade them to join your favourite social network
community it is helpful to firstly: regardless of their preferences
d) Both a) and b)
a) Veterans/war widows
People that you are supporting may be: b) Older people
c) People with disabilities
d) All of the above
a) Encourage the person to attend social activities
involving their social networks
b) Encourage the person to attend social activities that
3 When supporting a person to engage in the wider would help develop their social networks
community you would: c) Persuade the client to attend social activities they have
no interest in
d) Both a) and b)
a) Advocates
b) Family and friends
4 Networks may include: c) Veteran’s/war widow organisations
d) Clergy and pastoral
e) All of the above
a) Dress and dietary observance
b) Festive observances
5 Cultural preferences may include: c) Need for interaction with cultural community
d) All of the above
e) None of the above
a) Avoid imposing your own attitudes regarding sexuality
If you were to be non-judgemental and respectful on others
6 of people’s individual differences you would: b) Respect different spiritual expressions of sexuality
c) Both a) and b)
d) None of the above
a) Ignore what you recognised
b) Refer the person you work with to an appropriate
7 What would you do if you recognised unmet person who is a specialist in this area
needs relating to sexuality and identity? c) Both a) and b)
d) Let the person deal with it by themselves

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Student Questions and Case Studies/Scenarios
CHCCCS023 Support independence and wellbeing

a) Comply with reporting requirements

When completing documentation, you must b) Complete documentation according to policy
8 ensure that you: c) Maintain and file documentation according to policy
d) All of the above
e) None of the above
a) Diet and exercise
b) Lifestyle and adequate rest
9 The basic requirements of good health include: c) Oral health and hygiene
d) All of the above


It is important to respect a person’s privacy, be

10 culturally sensitive and encourage a person’s True False
participation in cultural and spiritual practices.



1 List six (6) examples of aspects of a client’s wellbeing that may need to be supported.

In what ways can you recognise and respect social, cultural and spiritual differences? Give three (3)

3 Explain how you can avoid imposing your own values and attitudes on others.

Give three (3) examples of the ways that you have/can support a person to express their own identity and

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Student Questions and Case Studies/Scenarios
CHCCCS023 Support independence and wellbeing

5 Give five (5) examples of individual needs, including basic human needs.

Why is it important to consider the person’s individual needs, stage of life, development and strengths when
engaging in support activities?

Give three (3) examples of the different ways you can accommodate your clients’ expressions of their

a) Briefly describe the concept of self-actualisation.

8 b) Why is it important to support a client to identify and acknowledge their own strengths and self-care

Give three (3) examples of different ways that you can assist a client to identify opportunities to utilise their

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Student Questions and Case Studies/Scenarios
CHCCCS023 Support independence and wellbeing

Give three (3) examples of ways you can support clients in a way that allows them to self-manage their own
service delivery.

11 What are the basic requirements for good health (including mental health) for a person?

Give four (4) examples of the ways that you can promote and encourage daily living habits that will
contribute to your clients’ healthy lifestyle.

a) Why is important to support and assist clients to maintain a safe and healthy environment?
13 b) Outline three (3) different ways that you can support and assist clients to maintain a safe and
healthy environment.

a) What physical symptoms of pain and other variations might you notice in a client?
b) What should you look out for to determine if this pain is affecting their wellbeing?

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Student Questions and Case Studies/Scenarios
CHCCCS023 Support independence and wellbeing

a) If you notice that a client’s physical situation is affecting their wellbeing, how would you report it
according to organisation procedures?
b) Why is it important to report instances when a client’s physical health situation is beyond the scope
of your own role to a relevant person?

Give three (3) examples of the different ways you can communicate in a positive and supportive manner in
order to promote self-esteem and confidence.

a) Why should you use safe and predictable routines?

b) Give two (2) examples of different aspects of a safe and predictable routine.

Give an example of an aspect of supporting a client’s wellbeing that is outside of your scope of knowledge,
skills and/or job role. How did you handle this?

19 Give three (3) examples of cultural or financial issues that may impact your clients’ wellbeing.

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Student Questions and Case Studies/Scenarios
CHCCCS023 Support independence and wellbeing

a) Why is it important to identify risk and protective factors of clients in relation to mental health?
20 b) Give two (2) examples of risk factors of clients in relation to mental health.
c) Give two (2) examples of protective factors of clients in relation to mental health.

21 Briefly outline your understanding of the following:

Workplace standards

Aged Care Funding Instrument

Indicators of emotional concerns and issues that may impact on health and wellbeing

22 List three (3) factors that may enhance or inhibit human development across the lifespan.

What are the issues surrounding sexuality and sexual expression that you or your clients could face in a
residential setting?

Give an example where you have witnessed how community values and attitudes regarding
sexuality/ageing/disability has impacted a person you support.

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Student Questions and Case Studies/Scenarios
CHCCCS023 Support independence and wellbeing



An older gentleman you have been supporting has come to you to express his sexuality. He hasn’t
told his family or friends that he is homosexual but feels like now is the right time.

1 How would you handle this situation?

2 Why is important for your clients to express their identity and sexuality?

One of your clients doesn’t really get out of the house and is starting to get lonely. You think that they
could benefit from getting out of the house and socialising with others.

3 Give three (3) examples of the support services and resources that you may need to help your clients gain
access to.

You have a client that is becoming lonely. You think that if they participate in social activities it will
reduce this feeling of loneliness and will make them happier. You explore their existing and new
potential networks to identify social, cultural and spiritual activities that may be of interest to the
client and ask for their preferences.

4 What social activities may you suggest they participate in? Give three (3) examples.

5 What cultural and spiritual activities may you suggest they participate in? Give three (3) examples.

Give four (4) examples of the clients existing or potential new networks that you may explore to encourage
social, cultural and spiritual activities.

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Student Questions and Case Studies/Scenarios
CHCCCS023 Support independence and wellbeing


Last year Isabel, who is 78, suddenly lost her eyesight. However, after laser surgery she can now make out some
shapes and forms. She is mobile and values her independence, but now requires guidance to prevent falls. Susan,
one of her carers, often talks to her about her previous interests, which included playing a lot of sport. She now
pursues her interest in sports by listening to the radio. The carers are alert to her need to locate her headphones
for this purpose.
(Source: The Australian Carer, by Helen Croft)

7 What strategies would you ensure as a carer, to meet her emotional and psychological needs?

8 How will you support her to maintain an appropriate environment?

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I have read the plagiarism policy and declare that this is my own work.

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Student Feedback
Please provide your feedback for the following :
Did you find the questions relevant to the topic?

Did you find the question provided you with more knowledge and skills and understanding the specific topic?

Did you:
[ ] get support to complete this unit
[ ] the information provided in the classroom helpful
[ ] the learning resources were valuable in searching responses to the questions?

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Student Questions and Case Studies/Scenarios
CHCCCS023 Support independence and wellbeing


Assessor Declaration

I declare that I have assessed this trainee in the above unit of competency.

I also declare that the assessment was fair, valid, reliable and consistent.

Name: _____________________________________________________________________________________

Signature: ____________________________________________________________ Date ________________

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Student Questions and Case Studies/Scenarios
CHCCOM005 Communicate and work in health or community services
CHCCOM005 Communicate and work in health or community services

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to communicate effectively with clients, colleagues,
management and other industry providers.
This unit applies to a range of health and community service contexts where workers may communicate face-to-
face, in writing or using digital media and work with limited responsibility under direct or indirect supervision.


There are no recommended co-requisite units for this competency.


There are no recommended co-requisite units for this competency.


Multiple choice questions PLEASE CIRCLE THE CORRECT ANSWER

Facial expressions and body language are a) Verbal communication methods

b) Non-verbal communication methods
1 examples of:
c) Speaking
d) Listening

a) Make and keep eye contact

b) Match and mirror each other in posture
2 To help establish rapport with a person you could: c) Show disinterest
d) Both a) and b)

a) Refer to another colleague

If communication breaks down with a person you b) Refer to another service
3 could: c) Ignore the person’s opinion
d) Both a) and b)

a) Be regularly reviewed to ensure their

To ensure information is passed on to colleagues b) Not be regularly reviewed as this is never
4 and people using your services, channels of
c) Remain effective so that networks are
communication should:
maintained between people
d) Both a) and c)

a) Appropriate to the audience’s needs

When presenting information to a person or a b) Delivered within an appropriate timeframe
5 group of people, the information should be: c) Delivered in a hap-hazard sequence
d) Both a) and b)

a) Ignore the person’s feelings and emotions

If you were working with a person who showed b) Identify the areas of mistrust or conflict and
signs of anger and frustration, this could be a try to resolve them
6 c) Tell them they have an unreceptive attitude
barrier to communication. In this instance you
and that you can’t help them
could: d) All of the above

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Student Questions and Case Studies/Scenarios
CHCCOM005 Communicate and work in health or community services



a) What are the principles of effective communication?

b) List three (3) attributes of verbal and nonverbal communication that you may implement to enhance
understanding and demonstrate respect.

Reflect a situation at work where you have communicated service information to another person.
a) Give details of the communication and how you made the information clear so this could be
b) How you confirmed the person has understood you?
c) What requests you listened and responded to?

Give five (5) examples of medical terms that you are required to correctly use in written, verbal and digital

a) Who would you refer unresolved conflicts and issues impacting on achievement of employee,
employer and/or client rights and responsibilities?
b) What communication protocols apply in your interactions with them.

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Student Questions and Case Studies/Scenarios
CHCCOM005 Communicate and work in health or community services
Give an example of the following:

5 a) Early signs of potentially difficult or complicated situations

b) A potential cultural constraint to effective communication
How will you address these?

6 How can you comply with your legal and ethical responsibilities? Give two (2) examples of problems that
need to be reported to the supervisor?

7 Give six (6) examples of digital media used in community services and health sector. How will you ensure
they are used in an adequate manner?

A patient/client has visited your service to ask for assistance with a healthcare matter, for example, they
8 require additional medication or have requested to see a specific worker. They are displaying signs of
stress/agitation and have requested a quick response.
Provide an account of this below in a clear manner, for passing to the appropriate person.

9 Identify a change in your organisation that you could promote /model to improve work practices and

10 How can you ensure own skill and knowledge development?

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Student Questions and Case Studies/Scenarios
CHCCOM005 Communicate and work in health or community services

11 Briefly outline your understanding of the following legal and ethical considerations relating to communication:

Informed consent

Child protection including duty of care when the child is not the client, indicators of risk and adult

12 Give an example of when you will use the following communication techniques:
Open ended questions




13 What is the difference between motivational interviewing and coercive approach?

14 Why should you use collaboration over confrontation at work?

15 What is your understanding of rights based service delivery?

16 What is the importance of grammar, speed and pronunciation when using verbal communication?

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Student Questions and Case Studies/Scenarios
CHCCOM005 Communicate and work in health or community services

17 What sources of information are available in your workplace? Give two (2) examples.

Reflect on organisation’s structure and different models to support optimum client service. Briefly outline
your understanding of the
a) different roles and responsibilities of team
18 b) characteristics of multi – disciplinary teams and how they are used
c) relationships between different members of the health and community service workforces
d) role of support services


Mr. Bartolo is a hostel resident who has limited English. His first language is Italian. Usually he is able to get his
meaning across to carers because a number of carers speak Italian. On Tuesday, however, there were no Italian
speaking carers around and Mr Bartolo was becoming agitated. Sam, one of the carers on shift gave him a pencil
and paper and indicated he should draw what he wanted. Happily, Mr Bartolo drew a radio and headphones and
these were quickly provided for him, He was later seen humming away to the music on the radio.

1. What can you do to ensure appropriate communication strategies are implemented?

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Student Questions and Case Studies/Scenarios
CHCCOM005 Communicate and work in health or community services
Negin is a 70 year old woman who experienced a stroke three months ago. She now has left side paralysis, with
limited mobility in her left leg and no use of her left arm. Her speech and cognitive abilities are intact. Negin is
obese and is at risk of diabetes. Her high blood pressure is being managed with medication. She speaks Persian
and some English. Negin lives with her 50 year daughter, Amira. On a recent visit to Negin’s home you noticed
that her health may have deteriorated, there was little food in the house that was appropriate for a diabetic and
the house was not tidy or clean. You have a trusting relationship with her. On being asked about the changes in
her condition she starts crying.

2. What communication techniques can you use to maintain constructive interaction?


You work as a team leader in an aged care facility. This morning the chef came and discussed some of
his concerns with you regarding the food handling practices of some staff members.
He has also indicated that basic food safety information has been compiled to make the staff aware of
their food safety responsibilities. A notice was posted on the staff notice board regarding a short
1. meeting to discuss food safety issues and provide information. However, some concerned staff members
have indicated that they are too busy to attend and that food safety agenda is not relevant to their
direct work role. You decided to discuss the matter with individual carers.
What steps will you take to facilitate discussions with your team?

On discussion with the night staff members you found that they were not aware of the meeting and
assumed it was not applicable to them as the notice did not specify this. They were happy to come at a
2. time that does not interrupt their routine as a night shift worker.

What can you do to prevent miscommunication between staff in future?

Student Declaration

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CHCCOM005 Communicate and work in health or community services
I have read the plagiarism policy and declare that this is my own work.

Name: _____________________________________________________________________________________

Signature: ____________________________________________________________ Date ________________

Student Feedback
Please provide your feedback for the following :
Did you find the questions relevant to the topic?

Did you find the question provided you with more knowledge and skills and understanding the specific topic?

Did you:
[ ] get support to complete this unit
[ ] the information provided in the classroom helpful
[ ] the learning resources were valuable in searching responses to the questions?


Assessor Declaration

I declare that I have assessed this trainee in the above unit of competency.

I also declare that the assessment was fair, valid, reliable and consistent.

Name: _____________________________________________________________________________________

Signature: ____________________________________________________________ Date ________________

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Student Questions and Case Studies/Scenarios
CHCDIV001 Work with diverse people
CHCDIV001 Work with diverse people


This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to work respectfully with people from diverse
social and cultural groups and situations, including Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people.
This unit applies to all workers.


There are no recommended pre-requisite units for this competency.


There are no possible co-requisite units for this competency.


Multiple choice questions PLEASE CIRCLE THE CORRECT ANSWER

a) Not important who you direct your

questions and comments to
b) Important to face and speak in the first
person directly to the
When using an interpreter to communicate with a
patient/resident/client, not the interpreter
person you may be in contact with as part of your
1 c) Important to direct all questions to the
work role, it is:
interpreter and speak about the
patient/resident/client as though they were
not present
d) All of the above

a) Deny the person the service or care

b) Tell the person she will have to wait for a
If no female staff member is available for a woman
female staff member
who is to receive a medical consultation, what is a
2 c) Offer the option that the husband or
possible acceptable alternative?
female nurse be present
d) None of the above

a) Tell the person that “prayers will never

b) Allow room for prayers even if you do not
believe in them yourself
If you are not a religious person but work with
3 c) Tell the person that there is no time for
people of different religions, you must:
d) Only allow the person to pray in their own
time away from work

Speaking to a person in their language is an a) Non verbal communication

example of: b) Written communication
c) Sign language
d) Verbal communication

A letter, note, email, or using a pen and note pad a) Non verbal communication
to write messages to a person are examples of: b) Written communication
c) Sign language
d) Verbal communication

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Student Questions and Case Studies/Scenarios
CHCDIV001 Work with diverse people

a) Are very eager to talk with you

If you walk into a room to talk to a person and they
b) Are very happy
6 turn their back on you, fold their arms and hunch
c) May not wish to communicate with you
their shoulders they are indicating that they:
d) All of the above

a) Effective relationships
b) Mutual trust
7 Constructive communication can help to develop:
c) Confidence
d) All of the above

a) When assisting clients after their consent,

b) To show empathy when communicating
8 It would be appropriate to have physical contact with a client who is depressed or suffering
with a person you worked with: from grief or loss
c) When the client is aggressive
d) Both a) and b)

a) Identify issues that may cause conflict and

Make an effort to sensitively resolve
differences, taking account of cultural
Some of the steps that you will take to resolve b) Seek assistance when required and
cross-cultural misunderstandings include: address any difficulties with appropriate
c) Ignore own emotions and carry the
designated tasks as usual
d) Both a) and b)

a) There can be confidentiality issues within a

small community
b) Every bilingual person has the ability to be
The ethnicity of an interpreter for a person is an interpreter or a translator
10 c) The interpreter will maintain neutrality,
important because:
respect confidentiality, interpret faithfully
and remain flexible
d) Both a) and c)

Some people may have different dietary

a) Ask the client
requirements, preferences for eating implements
b) Check the dietary plan, care plan
11 and preferences for where food is eaten compared
c) Make your own choices
to what you are familiar with. The best way to
d) Both a) and b)
check on a person’s dietary requirements is:

a) Respect and courtesy

b) More formal approach for the older woman
The main difference in the way you would greet and an informal approach for the young
12 (for the first time) an older woman compared with boy
a ten-year-old boy: c) Use of Humour when communicating with
the ten-year-old
d) All of the above

a) When physical contact by opposite gender

not considered appropriate
It would NOT be appropriate to have physical b) When client is watching TV
contact with a person when c) When the client is suffering from grief and
d) All of the above

a) Cross cultural work teams

b) Cross cultural employee representation on
committees and inclusion in decision-
A strategy to eliminate bias and discrimination in
14 making
work environment may include:
c) Workplace free of culturally insensitive
literature, posters, signage
d) All of the above

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Student Questions and Case Studies/Scenarios
CHCDIV001 Work with diverse people

Gender is a major issue in cross-culture care. If a True False

15 man comes from a male dominant society you
would try to provide him with a female carer.

It is not important to show respect for cultural True False

16 diversity when interacting with people. They
should conform to be like you.

It is important to try to resolve any cross-cultural True False

misunderstandings if they arise.

Difficulties or misunderstandings may occur True False

between people because of cultural differences.



Undertake a structured process to reflect on own perspectives on diversity:

1 a) What are some of your own social and cultural perspectives and biases?
b) What factors do you feel have played a part in these?

2 Reflect on your own ability to work inclusively and with understanding of others.
What are your limitations in terms of self and social awareness? What support will you require?

3 Based on your appreciation of diversity and inclusiveness in Australia, how might you develop positive
workplace and professional relationships?

4 What is an emotional safety and how can it be created?

5 What issues do you need to consider regarding respect for diversity in communication with others?

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CHCDIV001 Work with diverse people

6 How can you use verbal and non-verbal communication to establish rapport and facilitate the exchange of

Choose three of the following barriers to communication. How would you tackle them?

➢ Lack of training and/or experience

➢ Confidence issues and/or low morale
7 ➢ Cultural and language issues
➢ Negative attitudes
➢ No incentives or recognition
➢ Work overload
➢ Personal issues

8 What are some common causes of communication misunderstandings? How can these be addressed?

9 What model can you use to resolve conflicts? Outline the process below.

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Student Questions and Case Studies/Scenarios
CHCDIV001 Work with diverse people
Choose three of the following conflicts and explain how you would deal with them:

➢ Closed or unreceptive attitudes

➢ Mistrust or misunderstanding of people, organisations, systems and/or processes
➢ Emotional states, such as fear, anger and frustration
10 ➢ Mistrust and conflict
➢ Support
➢ Interpersonal conflict
➢ Intragroup conflict

a) Briefly outline your understanding of the following concepts:

- Cultural awareness
- Cultural safety
11 - Cultural competence
- Diversity
b) How do these impact on your work role?

Cultural awareness

Cultural safety

Cultural competence


12 How do the political, social, economic and cultural features of diversity in Australia impact different work
areas and life?

13 Briefly outline the impact of the following legal and ethical considerations (international, national,
state/territory) when working with diversity:
Discrimination (age, disability, racial, sex)

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Student Questions and Case Studies/Scenarios
CHCDIV001 Work with diverse people
Universal declaration of Human Rights

Relationship between human needs and human rights

Give two (2) examples of frameworks/approaches or instruments used in your workplace to meet legal and
14 ethical considerations for working with diversity.
What are the consequences of breaches of legal and ethical considerations for working with diversity?

15 What are the social, political and economic issues affecting Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people?

16 Reflect on the impact of your own culture and western systems and structures on Aboriginal and/or Torres
Strait Islander people and their engagement with services.

17 Briefly outline your understanding of the potential needs of marginalised groups, including:
Protective factors

Physical, mental and emotional health issues/care needs

Impact of discrimination, trauma, exclusion and negative attitudes

18 How can picture resources/ imagery support individuals and organisations to embrace and respond to

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CHCDIV001 Work with diverse people

19 What is the impact of influences and changing cultural practices on the diverse communities that make up
Australian society?

List five (5) of the many factors of cultural diversity that you need to be able to accept as a basis for
effective work place and professional relationships.

What is the impact of cultural practices and experiences on:

• personal behaviour,
21 • interpersonal relationships,
• perception and
• social expectations of others

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Maria and Claudia, two Filipino nurses, worked in different departments at a large hospital. Both spoke excellent
English and were very experienced in their work. However, during a nursing supervisor’s meeting held to discuss
departmental problems and issues, both of their supervisors seemed to find similar “faults” in their working
styles? They each complained that, though neither Maria nor Claudia seemed “lazy” or unwilling to work, neither
ever took any initiative or made any suggestions regarding how to facilitate work in their departments. They
simply carried out their work “to the letter” — never doing any more or any less than they had been instructed to
do. Neither woman seemed to fit in with the other nurses in their departments. They never seemed to joke with
the others but always remained somewhat formal and distant. The other nurses also resented the fact that they
only did exactly what they were told to do and never seemed to “see” or “act upon” other things that needed to be
done. At lunch, they rarely sat with others from their departments, but sat together chatting and laughing in their
own language. Sometimes they would look up at someone from their department, say something to one another,
and laugh! This made their co-workers feel uncomfortable because they were sure they were talking about them.
How could these two nurses be trusted? How could they be promoted when they never did any more than they
were told?
(Source: J. Bailey Learner Resources)

Why didn’t either Claudia or a) They were lazy.

Maria seem to be willing to b) They were afraid to make mistakes
1 take any initiative in their c) They did not want to show any disrespect to their supervisors
work? d) They felt that, as foreigners, it was better to let those more familiar
with the system use their judgment in making any changes

a) Filipino society tends to be more formal than Australian society,

b) These nurses really don’t understand as much English as they
What might have been the pretend to and may not understand the jokes and chatter of the
2 reason for these nurses other nurses in their departments.
formality with co-workers? c) They are snobby and would rather socialize amongst themselves.
d) They don’t feel comfortable with the other nurses in their

Why might the two Filipino a) Speaking a “foreign” or “second” language to one who shares your
nurses choose to sit with one native language often feels “unnatural” and strange.
another at lunch and speak b) They don’t want the other nurses to hear or understand what they
3 their own language when are saying.
they are perfectly fluent in c) They get tired of speaking a foreign language all day.
English? d) They like being different and excluding themselves from the group.
a) Call them in and explain that they do not seem to be “pulling their
What might be the weight.”
supervisor’s best way to b) Explain that they (the supervisors) would welcome any suggestions
handle the problems they about how to improve on the way that work is performed or the
4 have and encourage these carrying out of any additional duties that these nurses might think
otherwise good workers to ought to be done.
take more initiative in their c) Try not to hire nurses who are culturally different from the majority
work? of nurses in the department.
d) Give them a poor work evaluation.


You have recently been joined be a new colleague. He is from a different cultural and linguistic background, and
you are aware that in his country of origin he held quite a senior position in education. There are tensions
between him and the rest of the team. You do not understand why he treats you and your female colleagues in a
certain way. He appears not to understand how your workplace functions.

What personal and organisational strategies can you use to help create better mutual understanding and
working relationships?

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Student Declaration

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Student Feedback
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Did you find the questions relevant to the topic?

Did you find the question provided you with more knowledge and skills and understanding the specific topic?

Did you:
[ ] get support to complete this unit
[ ] the information provided in the classroom helpful
[ ] the learning resources were valuable in searching responses to the questions?


Assessor Declaration

I declare that I have assessed this trainee in the above unit of competency.

I also declare that the assessment was fair, valid, reliable and consistent.

Name: _____________________________________________________________________________________

Signature: ____________________________________________________________ Date ________________

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Student Questions and Case Studies/Scenarios
CHCLEG001 Work legally and ethically
CHCLEG001 Work legally and ethically


This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to identify and work within the legal and ethical
frameworks that apply to an individual job role.
This unit applies to community services and health workers who play a proactive role in identifying
and meeting their legal and ethical responsibilities.


There are no recommended pre-requisite units for this competency.


There are no possible co-requisite units for this competency.


Multiple choice questions PLEASE CIRCLE THE CORRECT ANSWER

a) Fulfil duty of care responsibilities

b) Accept responsibility for your actions
1 When working with people you should:
c) Maintain confidentiality at all times
d) All of the above

a) Formal and documented guidelines

Depending on the size of the organisation/service
b) Non-existent
provider you work for, policies, procedure and
2 c) Informal practices and guidelines
protocols may be:
d) Both a) and c)

a) Sometimes
When do you protect the rights of a person when
b) Always
3 delivering services?
c) Never
d) Weekly

a) Creation of a client orientated culture

b) Respect for individual differences
c) Working regardless of individual differences
4 Principles of access and equity may include:
d) Both a) and b)
e) Both a) and c)

True or false questions----- - PLEASE CIRCLE THE CORRECT ANSWER

1 Whenever possible, you should always seek the True False

agreement of the client prior to providing services

Services are only provided to some people

2 depending on their culture, beliefs and attitudes. True False

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Student Questions and Case Studies/Scenarios
CHCLEG001 Work legally and ethically


1 Briefly outline your understanding of the following legal and ethical considerations for people working in the
community services and health context:
Codes of conduct

Continuing professional education

Practice standards

Practitioner /client boundaries

Policy frameworks

Records management

Industrial relations legislation

2 Give two (2) examples of legislation relevant to your area of work. Outline the objectives and key
components involved.

3 Outline the common legal and ethical issues relevant to healthcare. How will you respond to these issues
within the context of your own work role?

4 What are your legal rights and responsibilities? What sources of information can you access in relation to
your legal requirements?

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Student Questions and Case Studies/Scenarios
CHCLEG001 Work legally and ethically

5 Imagine you have discovered that a colleague has leaked details about a famous patient to the press,
concerning the details of their condition and their treatment. How would you proceed in this scenario?

Name an ethical issue or dilemma that you may be involved in at the workplace. How did you deal with this,
in terms of who you discussed it with?

7 Give an example of an effective problem solving techniques that can be implemented when exposed to
competing value systems?

8 Give an example of a situation where work practices could be improved to meet legal and ethical

9 Why is it important to pro-actively share feedback with colleagues and supervisors?

What are your organisation's policies, protocols and procedures for your job role and how do you personally
contribute to the review of these?

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Student Questions and Case Studies/Scenarios
CHCLEG001 Work legally and ethically


You are a care worker who supports older people who live independently in the community. One of the people you
support is a man named Jack. You assist jack with cooking, cleaning, gardening, home maintenance and also help
him with his weekly shopping. You have been working with Jack since his wife died over a year ago and have
developed a good relationship with him. Jack quiet often shares personal information and discusses current affairs
with you over a cup of tea.

Recently Jack has mentioned how the oldest of his three children has been visiting him on a more regular basis
and the last time he visited he enquired about Jack’s will and if it was up-to-date and in order. Jack told him that it
was, however he hasn’t looked at his will for many years. He did not want his son to think that his monetary
situation wasn’t up to date. Jack’s wife was the person who looked after all of the household finances and since her
funeral he hasn’t maintained the documentation. Jack also mentioned that he is suspicious of his son as he has
recently gone through a divorce, wants to know what his inheritance might be or if he’s able to borrow some
money and was a little scared when he turned up late one evening after he had been drinking.

The last time you visited Jack, he mentioned to you that he really should get around to putting his affairs in order.
He wants to gather all of the information regarding share certificates, wills, house titles, life and property
insurance policies, health fund details and birth and marriage certificates, have them in one place and have the
help of somebody to ensure that everything is in order. Because he trusts you so much and you are not a family
member, he asked you to be his power of attorney and organize his affairs.

Although you are flattered that Jack trusts you enough to ask such a request, you know that it would not be ethical
practice if you were to become his POA. You would like to help him find an organisation or a person who would be
able to assist Jack to support his rights, help him protect his interests and what he is entitled to, but you are also
conscious that you don’t want to hurt his feelings.

As a care worker what would you do in this situation:

1 Outline Jack’s rights that you need to protect when delivering services.

2 Outline the potential ethical issues and dilemmas you may have in this situation and the steps you would take
to report them to an appropriate person.

3 Outline how you would demonstrate effective application of guidelines and legal requirements relating to
disclosure and confidentiality.

4 Outline how you would demonstrate awareness of your personal values and attitudes to ensure non-
judgemental practice.

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CHCLEG001 Work legally and ethically

5 Describe the potential conflict of interest that may arise from being in this situation and outline how you
would avoid or address it if arises.

Student Declaration

I have read the plagiarism policy and declare that this is my own work.

Name: _____________________________________________________________________________________

Signature: ____________________________________________________________ Date ________________

Student Feedback
Please provide your feedback for the following:
Did you find the questions relevant to the topic?

Did you find the question provided you with more knowledge and skills and understanding the specific topic?

Did you:
[ ] get support to complete this unit
[ ] the information provided in the classroom helpful
[ ] the learning resources were valuable in searching responses to the questions?


Assessor Declaration

I declare that I have assessed this trainee in the above unit of competency.

I also declare that the assessment was fair, valid, reliable and consistent.

Name: _____________________________________________________________________________________

Signature: ____________________________________________________________ Date ________________

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Student Questions and Case Studies/Scenarios
HLTAAP001 Recognise healthy body systems
HLTAAP001 Recognise healthy body systems


This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to work with basic information about the human body and to
recognise and promote ways to maintain healthy functioning of the body.
This unit applies to any worker who needs to use and interpret information that includes references to client
anatomy and physiology.
The skills in this unit must be applied in accordance with Commonwealth and State/Territory legislation,
Australian/New Zealand standards and industry codes of practice.


There are no recommended pre-requisite units for this competency.


There are no possible co-requisite units for this competency.


Multiple choice questions PLEASE CIRCLE THE CORRECT ANSWER

a. eye
1. The auditory nerve is associated with the:
b. skin
c. ear
d. nose
a. eye
2. The olfactory nerve is associated with:
b. skin
c. ear
d. nose
a. eye
3. The optic nerve is associated with:
b. skin
c. ear
d. nose


4. The skin is covered by nerve endings. True False

5. Spinal nerves are able to repair themselves after True False

being damaged.



1 Match the following words to their definition
Food undergoes chemical and mechanical digestion
A. Mouth

B. Stomach Externally visible part of the oral canal

Extracts salt and water from solid wastes before they are
C. The Colon
excreted from the body

D. Caecum Marks the beginning of the large intestine

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HLTAAP001 Recognise healthy body systems
Located at the junction of the stomach and the small
E. The Duodenum
Final portion of the small intestine, leads into the large
F. The Ileum
2 Why do we get sick?

3 What is osteoporosis and how common is it?

4 What is colorectal cancer?

5 How would you assess that your client is at risk for eye disease?

6 Define the following:




7 List four (4) functions of the integumentary system.

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HLTAAP001 Recognise healthy body systems
8 List the medical term for the following bones:

Thigh bone: Collar bone: Shoulder blade:

9 List three (3) functions of the muscular tissue.

10 List four (4) main types of tissue and their function.

11 What are the three (3) main types of blood cells?

12 What is ANS? Give three (3) examples of processes this controls.

13 List two (2) organs that produce hormones and for each give an example of hormone produced.

a. List the two (2) hormones of the female reproductive system and briefly describe their function.
b. What effects does aging have on reproductive hormones?

15 What are four (4) primary tastes detected by tongue?

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HLTAAP001 Recognise healthy body systems
16 Describe the function of the following parts of the ear:

Middle ear:

Inner ear:

Outer ear:

17 How is the sense of hearing related to maintaining equilibrium?

18 How the human body translates an odour in the air to a perception of smell?

19 What are the Basic principles of a healthy diet?

20 What is lymph? Describe the function of the lymphatic system.

21 Briefly describe the basic structure and functions of the immune system.

22 What are the benefits of health promotion and maintenance?

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HLTAAP001 Recognise healthy body systems

23 Give five (5) examples of the factors affecting nutrition in the elderly? Explain your answer.

24 Give two (2) examples of factors that contribute to maintenance of human body.

Why is it important to share information about healthy functioning of the body? How might you share
information about healthy functioning of the body to clients?

Give an example of how relationships between two or more different body systems affect and support health
functioning? You may use flowcharts or diagrams to present your evaluation.

27 How does the body maintain homeostasis? Which body systems are involved?

Give three (3) examples of processes, conditions and/or resources required for healthy functioning of the
human body.

29 Briefly outline your understanding of the following aspects of body regulation:

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Maintenance of body temperature

Fluid and electrolyte (including Ph) balance

Elimination of wastes from the body

Maintenance of blood pressure

Protection from infection

Physical activity – passive and active

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Student Questions and Case Studies/Scenarios
HLTAAP001 Recognise healthy body systems


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Student Questions and Case Studies/Scenarios
HLTAAP001 Recognise healthy body systems

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I also declare that the assessment was fair, valid, reliable and consistent.

Name: _____________________________________________________________________________________

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Student Questions and Case Studies/Scenarios
HLTWHS002 Follow safe work practices for direct client care
HLTWHS002 Follow safe work practices for direct client care


This unit describes the skills and knowledge required for a worker to participate in safe work practices
to ensure their own health and safety, and that of others in work environments that involve caring
directly for clients. It has a focus on maintaining safety of the worker, the people being supported
and other community members.
This unit applies to all workers who require knowledge of workplace health and safety (WHS) to carry
out their own work, in both centre-based and home-based service provision.


There are no recommended pre-requisite units for this competency.


There are no possible co-requisite units for this competency.


Multiple choice questions PLEASE CIRCLE THE CORRECT ANSWER

a) Something with the potential to cause disease or
When delivering home care and community care, injury to people or damage to property
aged care and disability services you need to be b) Something which you don’t have to worry about
1 aware of hazards that may be present in a work when working
situation. A hazard is: c) Something which only occurs in the manufacturing
d) All of the above
a) Use of equipment
b) Poor work design
2 Hazards arise from:
c) Inappropriate systems
d) All of the above
a) The library
Where would you find information about the threats
b) Incident Reports
3 of risk and people related factors?
c) Care plans
d) Both b) and c)
a) Visually e.g. WHS video
Work instructions could be given to you in what b) Verbally
types of formats? c) Written
d) All of the above
a) Never
When should you follow workplace procedures for
b) Whenever necessary
5 dealing with incidents, fire and/or hazardous
c) When you have time
d) Any time other than during your lunch break

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Student Questions and Case Studies/Scenarios
HLTWHS002 Follow safe work practices for direct client care


1 Identify three (3) separate procedures that must be followed for the health and safety of your employees.

a) Define a hazard.
2 b) Give four (4) examples of hazards that are common in aged care or home and community support
c) What are your workplace procedures for hazard identification?

a) What is a risk?
3 b) Give three (3) examples of client related risk factors or behaviours of concern in your work
c) What reporting protocols are you required to follow in relation to these?

What reporting and recording requirements are you required to follow in your workplace in relation to
hazards and risks?

List three (3) organisational procedures that you would use to minimise risk in your daily/new work

What is considered to be an incident?

What procedures must you follow in the work environment in the event of an incident and/or injuries?

Outline your understanding of the musculoskeletal system and give an example of how you can minimise
injury to self and clients.

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Student Questions and Case Studies/Scenarios
HLTWHS002 Follow safe work practices for direct client care

8 Give three (3) examples of a manual handling hazards associated with individual support activities.

9 Give an example of a procedure for minimising and controlling the risk associated with manual handling.

10 a) What are the common sources of infection risk in the home based environment?
b) What means will you implement to minimise transfer of infectious diseases?

11 What are standard precautions? Give four (4) examples.

Identify a situation in which you would be required to apply additional infection control procedures.
Why is it needed?
What would you do?

Give four (4) examples of WHS issues which may be raised by workers with designated personnel. Who
are the designated personnel in your workplace?

What types of inspection are carried out in your workplace? How are you expected to follow up on areas of

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Student Questions and Case Studies/Scenarios
HLTWHS002 Follow safe work practices for direct client care
How can you contribute to the development and implementation of safe workplace policies and

Give three (3) examples of ways to maintain currency of safe work practices (in relation to workplace
systems, equipment and processes) as a part of your own role?

Give two (2) examples of signs of stress and fatigue. Why should stress and fatigue be reported at the
earliest opportunity?

Identify the primary purposes of workplace debriefing sessions. Which measures may be agreed during
incident debriefing sessions?

List the current state/ territory WHS legislation that impacts on workplace regulations, codes of practice
and industry standards. What are the current WHS authorities in your state/territory?

Give three (3) examples of rights and responsibilities of employees when it comes to work health and

Give three (3) examples of the employer’s rights and responsibilities regarding work health and safety in
the workplace.

22 Give an example of an emergency procedure that you be required to follow in your workplace.

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Student Questions and Case Studies/Scenarios
HLTWHS002 Follow safe work practices for direct client care
23 Briefly outline your understanding of the following aspects of basic home fire safety.

High risk groups

Behaviour that can contribute to fire injury and fatalities.

Smoke alarm placement, installation and maintenance

24 What do the following symbols stand for:

© Australasian Lawrence Aged Care College Pty. Ltd. T/AS ALACC Health College Australia
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Student Questions and Case Studies/Scenarios
HLTWHS002 Follow safe work practices for direct client care

ASESSMENT 2 Case study and Scenarios


Every time Tom cooks he seems to become ill with a stomach upset. Why could this be? How can he avoid
1 getting ill when he cooks?

Sophie seems to catch every sniffle and sneeze that is going in the building. Why could this be? How can she
avoid catching everything?

Andrew has caught head lice three times this year so far and is sure he is getting them from work, as each
3 time he has caught them he has been doing overtime at another residential home. How could this be? What
can he do to tackle this issue?


Rachel is a resident in a high-care facility. She is a paraplegic with extensive personal care needs. Rachel is very
overweight and needs three carers to undertake all transfers and handling. Even with three carers undertaking
the manual handling, there have been difficulties with Rachel- particularly when inexperienced or agency carers
are involved in the transfer or mobilisation.

(Source: The Australian Carer, by Helen Croft)

4 What will be your approach to the manual handling problems presented by Rachel?

5 What would you do if you noticed that the hoist was broken? Who would you contact and how?


Janice is a part-time carer at a facility that is trialling different staffing arrangements. For Janice this has meant
that the majority of her work is made up of short shifts- with one team member short for the last hour of the
shift. Janice finds that this has increased the workload and placed a lot of pressure on her and other members of
the team. Generally, her team works well together and cooperates to deal with the designated tasks. However,
she feels that her clients are missing out on the type of quality time she was able to spend with them before the
shift trialling commenced. When walking quickly down the corridor to urgently assist another carer to turn a
resident, Janice observed that one of the smoke alarms had partially pulled away from the ceiling.

(Source: The Australian Carer, by Helen Croft)

6 What should Janice do?

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Student Questions and Case Studies/Scenarios
HLTWHS002 Follow safe work practices for direct client care

7 Comment on potential duty of care issues for Janice and her facility.

8 What priority should Janice give to dealing with the potentially damaged smoke alarm?

9 List the steps she should take to remedy the situation.


You are working with another colleague, who is continually checking their mobile phone. You say: “I don’t think
we are allowed to have our mobile phones on when we are working.”
Your colleague who has been employed longer than you, states that:”It is okay, I am only checking my
messages” and proceeds to assist you in applying a hoist to move a client from the bed to a chair.
In the middle of this move your colleague’s mobile phone beeps and she stops watching what she is doing and
grabs her phone. In that instant the hoist moves and the client yells loudly because they think they are going to
You can see the supervisor making her way towards you; your work colleague quickly says to you, “Please don’t
mention the phone, this supervisor has already told me off, say it was just the client getting nervy and blame the

(Source: The Australian Carer, by Helen Croft)

1 10 What would you do?

Student Declaration

© Australasian Lawrence Aged Care College Pty. Ltd. T/AS ALACC Health College Australia
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Student Questions and Case Studies/Scenarios
HLTWHS002 Follow safe work practices for direct client care

I have read the plagiarism policy and declare that this is my own work.

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Student Feedback
Please provide your feedback for the following :
Did you find the questions relevant to the topic?

Did you find the question provided you with more knowledge and skills and understanding the specific topic?

Did you:
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[ ] the information provided in the classroom helpful
[ ] the learning resources were valuable in searching responses to the questions?


Assessor Declaration

I declare that I have assessed this trainee in the above unit of competency.

I also declare that the assessment was fair, valid, reliable and consistent.

Name: _____________________________________________________________________________________

Signature: ____________________________________________________________ Date ________________

© Australasian Lawrence Aged Care College Pty. Ltd. T/AS ALACC Health College Australia
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Student Questions and Case Studies/Scenarios
CHCAGE001 Facilitate the empowerment of older people
CHCAGE001 Facilitate the empowerment of older people


This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to respond to the goals and aspirations of older
people and provide support services in a manner that focuses on improving health outcomes and
quality of life, using a person-centred approach. This unit applies to support workers in residential or
community contexts.


There are no recommended co-requisite units for this competency.


There are no recommended co-requisite units for this competency.


Multiple choice questions: PLEASE CIRCLE THE CORRECT ANSWER

a) Live in residential aged care environments

When working within the aged care sector you may b) Live in the community
1 be working with older people who: c) May not yet use aged care services but are
considering it
d) All of the above

a) Take into account the physical changes of the

2 When delivering aged care services you need to: b) Already be a user of aged care services yourself
c) Recognise the person’s interests and life
d) Both a) and c)
a) Do nothing and let the person try to deal with
the situation on their own
What would you do if an older person’s rights are
3 not being upheld? b) Try to remedy the situation yourself
c) Report the situation to an appropriate person
d) Both a) and b)
a) From various physical indicators such as
bruising, broken bones, burns, etc.
b) From various behavioural indicators such as
When working with older people, how would you be wandering, emotional outbursts, withdrawal etc.
4 able to see signs of elder abuse? c) Indicators from the family/care giver e.g. not
paying bills, not providing basic items in terms
of toiletries, clothing, etc.
d) All of the above
a) Report the situation to an appropriate person
b) Let the person work through their grief alone
When you are supporting an older person who is
5 experiencing loss and grief what can you do? c) Provide the person with information where they
can receive relevant support services
d) Both a) and c)

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Student Questions and Case Studies/Scenarios
CHCAGE001 Facilitate the empowerment of older people
a) Department of Veteran Affairs
DVA stands for : b) Department of Victorian affairs
c) Department of Veteran Access
d) Drugs, Violence and Alcohol

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Student Questions and Case Studies/Scenarios
CHCAGE001 Facilitate the empowerment of older people

When working with older people you need to

7 work in a way that minimises the effects of True False
stereotypical attitudes on the person.



1 What is active listening and how can it promote empowerment, trust and goodwill?

2 What does the Equal Opportunity Act say about aged care providers and people’s social, cultural and spiritual

3 Give three (3) examples each of social enablers and disablers that may impact on health outcomes and
quality of life.

4 Who will you need to discuss responsibilities for client’s care with? Give two examples from your experience
of responsibilities that a client has agreed to take.

5 How would you identify services that could help to empower an older person living at home?

6 Give two (2) examples of ways to support the older person to express their own identity and preferences.
How can you do so without imposing your own values and attitudes?

7 How can you ensure that preferences are not overlooked, misunderstood or miscommunicated?

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Student Questions and Case Studies/Scenarios
CHCAGE001 Facilitate the empowerment of older people

8 Why is it essential to provide services according to organisational policies, procedures and duty of care

9 Name five (5) rights that you will need to assist an older person to understand.

10 How will you assist the older person to understand the complaints mechanism of the organisation?

11 How will you deliver services ensuring the rights of the older person are upheld?

12 How would you respond if you witnessed or knew an older person's rights were being violated?

13 What is reablement and what is involved?

a) List three (3) examples of the physiological and psychological changes associated with the ageing process
including, sexuality and gender issues.
14 b) Briefly (one short sentence) describe what impact each has on the ability to undertake activities.
c) What strategies will you implement to meet their care needs and assist with common problems associated
with ageing?

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Student Questions and Case Studies/Scenarios
CHCAGE001 Facilitate the empowerment of older people

15 What strategies can older people adopt to lead a healthy lifestyle?

16 Name four (4) modifications and four (4) aids that can help assist clients with independent living.

17 What are the potential risks or situations of risk associated with ageing? What different communication
methods can you use to help elderly people identify situations of risk?

18 Briefly outline your understanding of following aspects of the structure and profile of aged care sector:

Residential aged care sector

Home and Community support sector

Relevant agencies and referral networks for support services

19 What are the key contemporary issues facing older people and their carer/s in the community?

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Student Questions and Case Studies/Scenarios
CHCAGE001 Facilitate the empowerment of older people

20 Give three (3) examples of attitudes, stereotypes and false beliefs associated with ageing.

21 Briefly describe the impact of social devaluation on an individual’s life. How can it be addressed?

22 How can an organisation demonstrate commitment to the philosophy of 'positive, active and healthy ageing’?

23 Briefly outline your understanding of the following:

Rights based approach

Consumer directed care

Code of practice (legal and ethical considerations)

a) Define empowerment and disempowerment.

24 b) Give two (2) examples of strategies to empower an older person and/or their advocate/s to exercise their

25 How can your own personal attitudes impact on working with older people?

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Student Questions and Case Studies/Scenarios
CHCAGE001 Facilitate the empowerment of older people

© Australasian Lawrence Aged Care College Pty. Ltd. T/AS ALACC Health College Australia
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Student Questions and Case Studies/Scenarios
CHCAGE001 Facilitate the empowerment of older people


Clarice is an 82-year-old lady who has diabetes, very low vision and has stress related incontinence. She is,
however, determined to maintain as much independence as possible within her hostel environment. Although she
has been advised not to use toilet unaided because of the likelihood of a fall and subsequent mobility loss, Clarice
still persists in using the toilet unaided.

(Source: The Australian Carer, by Helen Croft)

1 What strategies should be used to help the resident (Clarice) adapt to the physical and emotional changes
related to incontinence?

2 How should the philosophy of positive ageing for Clarice be demonstrated in this situation?


Roberto and Maria are an Italian couple in their early 80s with English as their second language. They live in the
home they built 45 years ago. Roberto has an early onset dementia while Maria is starting to find her mobility
chronically affected by arthritis. Both Roberto and Maria have coped with their conditions to date but it is clear to
their daughters that Maria is under increasing physical and emotional pressure to manage their daily living tasks
and monitor Roberto. Both daughters have suggested to Maria and Roberto that they seek assistance through
referral from the medical centre’s community nurse. Maria in particular is reluctant to take this course of action.

(Source: The Australian Carer, by Helen Croft)

3 Discuss what support services might be available to Roberto and Maria – both in short term and long term.

4 What actions will you take to support their right to make a decision about their medical treatment?

© Australasian Lawrence Aged Care College Pty. Ltd. T/AS ALACC Health College Australia
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Student Questions and Case Studies/Scenarios
CHCAGE001 Facilitate the empowerment of older people

Student Declaration

I have read the plagiarism policy and declare that this is my own work.

Name: _____________________________________________________________________________________

Signature: ____________________________________________________________ Date ________________

Student Feedback
Please provide your feedback for the following:
Did you find the questions relevant to the topic?

Did you find the question provided you with more knowledge and skills and understanding the specific topic?

Did you:
[ ] get support to complete this unit
[ ] the information provided in the classroom helpful
[ ] the learning resources were valuable in searching responses to the questions?


Assessor Declaration

I declare that I have assessed this trainee in the above unit of competency.

I also declare that the assessment was fair, valid, reliable and consistent.

Name: _____________________________________________________________________________________

Signature: ____________________________________________________________ Date ________________

© Australasian Lawrence Aged Care College Pty. Ltd. T/AS ALACC Health College Australia
Level 1/169 Plenty Road, Preston, VIC 3072
t (03) 9480 4445 / (03) 9484 5081 m 0404 000 993 w website:
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Student Questions and Case Studies/Scenarios
CHCAGE005 Provide support to people living with dementia
CHCAGE005 Provide support to people living with dementia


This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to provide person-centred care and support to people living
with dementia. It involves following and contributing to an established individual plan.This unit applies to workers
in a residential or community context, including family homes. Work performed requires some discretion and
judgement and may be carried out under regular direct or indirect supervision.
The skills in this unit must be applied in accordance with Commonwealth and State/Territory legislation,
Australian/New Zealand standards and industry codes of practice


There are no recommended pre-requisite units for this competency.


There are no possible co-requisite units for this competency.


Multiple choice questions: PLEASE CIRCLE THE CORRECT ANSWER

a) Address individual needs for a familiar stable

When supporting people affected by dementia
b) Change the person’s environment daily
1 it is important to:
c) Be aware of the impacts of the person’s
d) Both a) and c)

a) The enhancement of self esteem and pleasure in

Advantages of encouraging people affected by
dementia to take part in meaningful activity
2 b) Minimise boredom
c) Distract or eliminate symptoms of dementia
d) All of the above

When you want to find out information relating a) Spouse

to people’s reminiscences and routines who b) Family
could you ask? c) Friends
d) All of the above

a) Should be planned, implemented and then

reviewed to ensure maximum effectiveness and
Strategies which minimise the impact of
highlight required changes
4 behaviours of concern:
b) Do not need to be planned
c) Should follow after team discussion
d) Both a) and c)

a) Monitor your own stress levels

b) Use appropriate self care strategies and seek
If you work with people who are affected by
5 support if required
dementia it is important to:
c) Continue working even when you are unable to
d) Both a) and b)

© Australasian Lawrence Aged Care College Pty. Ltd. T/AS ALACC Health College Australia
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Student Questions and Case Studies/Scenarios
CHCAGE005 Provide support to people living with dementia

a) loss of recent memories, visual memories and

The symptoms of damage to the temporal
other memories
lobe that you may describe to the
6 b) loss of meaning of words and language
family/carers to help them understand the
c) Planning, organising and decision making
impact of Alzheimer’s disease include:
d) Both a) and b)


Family carers and significant others will look to

you for support and guidance in relating to True False
dementia, its impact on a person and some
approaches to providing care:


Briefly outline the current research on Dementia in Australia and the areas been investigated. (Refer to
1 for up to date information)

2 Briefly describe the following manifestations of dementia and list two(2) symptoms for each disease :

Alzheimer’s disease

Vascular dementia or multi-infarct dementia

Lewy bodies

Excessive alcohol intake or Korsakoff’s Syndrome

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Student Questions and Case Studies/Scenarios
CHCAGE005 Provide support to people living with dementia
Fronto temporal lobar degeneration (FLTD) including Pick’s disease

Huntington’s disease

Parkinson’s disease

Younger onset dementia

3 .Briefly describe your understanding of dementia as a progressive neurological condition.

Describe the following pathological features of dementia

• amyloid plaques
• neurofibrillary tangles
• loss of connection between cells and cell death

5 List the four (4) different indicators/symptoms of dementia.

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Student Questions and Case Studies/Scenarios
CHCAGE005 Provide support to people living with dementia
a) List eight (8) examples of the potential impact on the person with dementia, their family and significant
b) How can you help to address these?

7 List five (5) support strategies that exist in Australia for carers and dementia patients.

8 How will you apply person centred approaches to all interactions with the person living with dementia?

What can you find out from an individualised plan or care plan? (Give examples of the kind of information

10 How would you respond if you witnessed or knew an older person's rights were being violated?

List two (2) signs / indicators of physical, financial, emotional and sexual abuse of an aged client and what
you will do about it.

12 How can you communicate with dementia patients? What strategies can you employ?

© Australasian Lawrence Aged Care College Pty. Ltd. T/AS ALACC Health College Australia
Level 1/169 Plenty Road, Preston, VIC 3072
t (03) 9480 4445 / (03) 9484 5081 m 0404 000 993 w website:
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Student Questions and Case Studies/Scenarios
CHCAGE005 Provide support to people living with dementia

13 How will you gain cooperation and provide reassurance to the person using reality orientation?

Give three (3) examples of validation strategies that may be implemented to relieve distress and agitation in
the person.

15 What is the importance of activities for a person living with dementia?

Create a list of ten suitable activities for someone who has limited mobility, dementia and lives in a
residential care home.

What are the key points to consider when organising activities for a person with dementia? Give four (4)

18 What are some of the common risks associated with dementia patients?

Give four (4) examples of environmental strategies you would use to ensure the safety and comfort of the

© Australasian Lawrence Aged Care College Pty. Ltd. T/AS ALACC Health College Australia
Level 1/169 Plenty Road, Preston, VIC 3072
t (03) 9480 4445 / (03) 9484 5081 m 0404 000 993 w website:
ABN: 49 122 509 602 CRICOS NO: 02933E RTO 21872 Page 86 of 125

Student Questions and Case Studies/Scenarios
CHCAGE005 Provide support to people living with dementia

What information can you gather from family carers and significant others to help meet the care needs of
dementia patients?

List four (4) types of behaviours of concern displayed by a resident with dementia and who would you refer
these behaviours to?

Give an example of potential triggers for behaviours of concern that you have learned to be aware of with a
person who you work/have worked with who suffers from dementia.

23 Briefly explain the needs driven behaviour model.

What types of matters might you discuss at a team discussion for someone with dementia? Create a draft
agenda for such a meeting.

Outline five (5) psychosocial strategies and their methodology that may used for de-escalation of behaviours
of concern.

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Student Questions and Case Studies/Scenarios
CHCAGE005 Provide support to people living with dementia

26 Why is it essential to evaluate implemented strategies with support planning team?



Mr Henderson is 82 years old. He has lived at home with his wife for the past 53 years. His medical history includes
high blood pressure, osteoarthritis (with occasional flare-ups), some loss of vision and moderate dementia caused by
multiple small strokes.
Mr Henderson was a policeman for 30 years, then retired and did some work for a security company on and off for 10
years. He was always handy around the house and loved working in their garden with his wife. He used to walk about
5 kilometres every day for exercise and played golf well into his seventies.
Other hobbies included playing cards, watching television and reading. Mr and Mrs. Henderson have had a wonderful
53- year marriage. They attend church regularly and Mr Henderson had a very good singing voice.
Mr Henderson is still fairly fit and has good muscle strength for a man of his age. He can communicate in most
situations in short sentences and single words, but very slowly. He seems able to understand most verbal
communication if it is presented clearly, simply and with eye contact.
Sometimes it is necessary to touch him gently to get and maintain his attention. He enjoys singing and will participate
in some activities like carpet bowls and mini- golf. He goes for short walks with his wife, when the weather is pleasant
and has a hearty appetite.
Mr. Henderson recognises his wife and his children by name. He recognises his grandchildren, but not their names. He
is able to actively participate in his showering, dressing, grooming, with quite a lot of help and encouragement.
Mr. Henderson is mostly continent during the day, with prompting, and has regular bowel habits. He has a wonderful
sense of humour and excellent hearing.
Mr Henderson now lives in Bonnie Gardens aged Care Facility, a 48- bed facility which has both high and low level care
residents. At night there is one Registered Nurse (RN) and one other person on the roster.
Documentation is good and there is good communication between the staff. Over the past week there has been a
change in the night time behaviour of Mr. Henderson.
On four different nights he has been getting up some time between 1am and 3am, urinating on the floor next to his
bed then walking out into the passage and up towards the staff area, calling out in a loud voice for his wife. When staff
has gone down the passage to approach him, he has become extremely agitated and physically and verbally
aggressive towards them, physically hurting one of the staff by punching her.
This staff member is now off work with bruised ribs. Other staff is now somewhat afraid of him, but wants to help him
if they can. His wife visits him everyday in the afternoon and the children have devised a roster to enable one of them
to be with him some time each day.
(Source: Living with Dementia, Alzheimer’s Australia)

1 What is the behaviour of concern?

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Student Questions and Case Studies/Scenarios
CHCAGE005 Provide support to people living with dementia

2 What strategies may be implemented to de-escalate/manage his behaviour?

3 When would the strategies need to be reviewed?

4 What reporting requirements will you have to adhere to?

5 How can you complete, maintain and store documentation?

6 What activities would you encourage Mr Henderson to undertake to enhance his overall well-being?

7 What self care strategies would you implement for your own safety?

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CHCAGE005 Provide support to people living with dementia
Student Declaration

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Student Feedback
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Did you find the questions relevant to the topic?

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[ ] the learning resources were valuable in searching responses to the questions?


Assessor Declaration

I declare that I have assessed this trainee in the above unit of competency.

I also declare that the assessment was fair, valid, reliable and consistent.

Name: _____________________________________________________________________________________

Signature: ____________________________________________________________ Date ________________

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Student Questions and Case Studies/Scenarios
CHCCCS011 Meet personal support needs
CHCCCS011 Meet personal support needs


This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to determine and respond to an individual’s physical personal
support needs and to support activities of daily living.
This unit applies to workers who provide support to people according to an established individualised plan in any
community services context. Work performed requires some discretion and judgement and may be carried out
under regular direct or indirect supervision.
The skills in this unit must be applied in accordance with Commonwealth and State/Territory legislation,
Australian/New Zealand standards and industry codes of practice.


There are no recommended co-requisite units for this competency.


There are no recommended co-requisite units for this competency.


Multiple choice questions PLEASE CIRCLE THE CORRECT ANSWER

a) A stand alone personal care plan
In order to provide support to meet a person’s
b) Personal care aspects embedded in a wider
care needs you need to have an understanding of
1. individualised plan
their support requirements. The person’s care
c) Personal care aspects of the person’s neighbour
needs are included in a personal care support
d) Both a) and b)
plan which may include:

It is important to provide support to a person and a) Confirm procedures with the person
involve them in the decision making as much as b) Confirm how much the client can participate in
2. possible. What can you do to encourage helping to meet his/her needs
participation from the person you are providing c) Confirm the person’s preferences
support to? d) All of the above
a)12 months
How often should a client’s toothbrush be b) 3 months
changed? c) A Month
d) 6 months
a) Embarrassment
b) Fear
c) Disempowerment
When providing personal care, the potential
4. d) Humiliation
impact on the client may include:
e) Discomfort
f) From a to e
g) None of the above


It is not recommended that you provide the

5. person with information to enable them to meet True False
their own personal needs.

6. Dentures should be cleaned with tooth paste. True False

Personal support context may include:

• People living in a residential care
7. environment True False
• People living in the community
• Students in schools
• Involvement of carer

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Student Questions and Case Studies/Scenarios
CHCCCS011 Meet personal support needs
Reports may be made verbally (by telephone,
8. face-to-face) or non-verbally (written) in the True False
form of progress reports, case notes, hazard and
incident reports and care plans


Use the words in the table below to complete the following sentence.
Aids, support, change
Changes in a person’s health or _____________ requirements may also mean a ___________ is required
in the processes and __________that are used.


a) Give an example of how you could confirm personal support requirements of a client.
1. b) Why should you check personal preferences for support tasks with clients?

What will you do if you identify requirements outside of scope of own role and/or are not qualified to operate
an equipment?

3. Why do you need to consider the impact of care for clients?

4. Give an example of specific cultural needs of a client.

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Student Questions and Case Studies/Scenarios
CHCCCS011 Meet personal support needs

5. List six (6) situations of personal safety and security risks may be associated with provision of care for the
client when providing personal care support.

6. How will you maximise client participation when supporting with personal needs? Why do you need to do this?

7. Explain how you would determine and confirm the client’s level of participation in meeting their own personal
care needs?

8. Identify three different types of information a client may need to help them meet their own care needs. Where
would you source each from?

a) Identify a process, aid or appliance that could be used when caring for a client.
9. b) List the safe-use specifications and for each, suggest a negative consequence of failing to use the
equipment safely.

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Student Questions and Case Studies/Scenarios
CHCCCS011 Meet personal support needs

10. Give an example of a risk associated with the the provision of personal support and technical support
activities. How will you address this risk?

11. Give an example of a routine difficulty during support routines and how will you respond to it?

12. Give three (3) examples of variations/ changes in the person’s health or personal support requirements that
need to be reported to the supervisor.

How exactly would you report a concern to a supervisor? Why should you address difficulties in providing care
with clients and supervisors?

Identify a possible change that could be made to a process or aid used in your workplace. Suggest three ways in
which you could identify this particular need.

Give an example of how will you maintain

15. • confidentiality
• privacy and
• dignity of the person?

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Student Questions and Case Studies/Scenarios
CHCCCS011 Meet personal support needs
a) Why do you need to comply with the organisation’s reporting requirements?
b) What could happen if no standard style or format was applied to workplace documentation?

17. Give an example of the filing system used in your workplace.

Briefly outline different contexts for provision of personal support and impacts on the way services are provided .

19. List the role and responsibilities of the personal support providers and workers.

20. Briefly describe how the following legal and ethical requirements related to the provision of personal support are
applied in an organisation and individual practices:

Work health and safety, including manual handling

Briefly outline the basics of:

a. 0body hygiene
b. grooming
21. c. oral hygiene
d. human body system

22. What can you do to ensure a safe and comfortable environment for you and the client (according to standards
set by your organisation) when assisting with:

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Student Questions and Case Studies/Scenarios
CHCCCS011 Meet personal support needs
Showering and Shaving:

Bed bath:


Mobility and transfer:

Toileting and continence management:

Give six (6) examples of the infection control procedures that need to be implemented when
assisting with personal support requirements.



Louise is a support worker who helps Wei Wu with her shower. Wei Wu’s support plan indicates she needs help to get into
the shower and sit on the shower chair. She can wash most of her body herself, but needs help to wash her feet and she
needs to be reminded about washing properly elsewhere. The support plan indicates the worker should remain in the
bathroom and supervise Wei Wu while she showers, then help her out of the shower and dry her feet and legs. (Source:
The Australian Care, By Helen Croft)

1. List the tasks the worker needs to do to help Wei Wu with showering (include equipment, environment and
communication in your answer)

2. Describe, in your own words, how the worker could ensure she respects Wei Wu’s privacy and dignity and help to put
her at ease while she is in the shower. (include cultural sensitivities in your answer)

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Student Questions and Case Studies/Scenarios
CHCCCS011 Meet personal support needs

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Student Questions and Case Studies/Scenarios
CHCCCS011 Meet personal support needs


You have been able to get Mr. Johnston to open his mouth and you take out his partial upper denture which has metal
wires. You notice the metal wire is broken. When you look at Mr. Johnston’s mouth, you see the part of the mouth where
the partial denture has been is red and sore. When you brush his teeth his gums begin to bleed.
(Source: The Australian Care, By Helen Croft)

3. What should you do about this?

4. What else should you look for and report?

5. What could happen to Mr. Johnston if his oral health gets worse?

Student Declaration

I have read the plagiarism policy and declare that this is my own work.

Name: _____________________________________________________________________________________

Signature: ____________________________________________________________ Date ________________

Student Feedback
Please provide your feedback for the following :
Did you find the questions relevant to the topic?

Did you find the question provided you with more knowledge and skills and understanding the specific topic?

Did you:
[ ] get support to complete this unit
[ ] the information provided in the classroom helpful
[ ] the learning resources were valuable in searching responses to the questions?


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Student Questions and Case Studies/Scenarios
CHCCCS011 Meet personal support needs
Assessor Declaration

I declare that I have assessed this trainee in the above unit of competency.

I also declare that the assessment was fair, valid, reliable and consistent.

Name: _____________________________________________________________________________________

Signature: ____________________________________________________________ Date ________________

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Student Questions and Case Studies/Scenarios
CHCPAL001 Deliver care services using a palliative approach

CHCPAL001 Deliver care services using a palliative approach


This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to care for people with life-threatening or life-
limiting illness and/or normal ageing process within a palliative approach.
This unit applies to workers in a residential or community context. Work performed requires some
discretion and judgement and is carried out under regular direct or indirect supervision.


There are no recommended co-requisite units for this competency.


There are no recommended co-requisite units for this competency.


Multiple choice questions PLEASE CIRCLE THE CORRECT ANSWER

a) A negative attitude towards dying and death
The underlying philosophy of a palliative b) A positive attitude towards dying and death
1 approach is: c) An open attitude towards dying and death
d) Both b) and c)
a) In a judgmental way as you may not agree with
the person’s beliefs
You should always support the person and
b) In an open and non-judgmental way
2 his/her carer/s to discuss issues:
c) Only at certain times of the day
d) You should not encourage people to talk about
their issues
a) Try to cope anyway
If a person has further needs and issues that are b) Do nothing
out of your scope of responsibility and skills you
3 c) Refer the needs to an appropriate member of the care
team according to protocols

d) Refer the needs to anyone regardless of their role
a) A diary
An advanced care directive is sometimes called: b) A living will
c) An autobiography
d) Case notes
Who would be appointed to make personal and a) The carer
lifestyle decisions for an adult with an impaired b) A guardian
capacity? c) The children
a) d) None of the above
a) Regularly check for any changes to the care plan
b) Provide a supportive environment to the person
While following a person’s end-of-life care receiving palliative care and their
6 strategies, it is important that you: carers/family
c) Consider the person’s preferences and maintain
P their dignity
d) All of the above
a) Document observations and report to member of
When you are with a person in palliative care and care team
7 you observe symptoms of pain you need to: b) Implement strategies to promote comfort
PC c) Leave the person in pain alone
d) Both a) and b)

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Student Questions and Case Studies/Scenarios
CHCPAL001 Deliver care services using a palliative approach

a) Accept the need for bereavement care and

What should you do when you acknowledge the support from others
potential impact of your personal responses on
b) Discuss any issues with your supervisor
8 yourself and on others as a result of experiencing
grief/loss? c) Continue to work and ignore the emotions you
are feeling
d) Both a) and b)

a) A range of emotions that may be demonstrated or

displayed as a response to the process of loss and
grief, for example:
b) crying and feelings of sadness
9 Own emotional responses may include:
c) poor concentration
d) fear, anger, silence which may appear singularly or
together and prolong the worker's own grief
e) All of the above


An advanced care directive becomes effective in

1 situations where the person no longer has capacity True False
to make legal decisions:

The person’s care plan will outline end-of-life

decisions that you will need to comply with. It is
important that you have ongoing discussions with
2 relevant people to ensure that the person’s and/or True False
family’s wishes are up-to-date.
A person in palliative care has the right to choose
3 True False
the location of their end of life care.

The effectiveness of strategies to provide comfort

4 to a person in palliative care should be regularly True False
evaluated and documented.
An example of the impact on carers may include
5 changing nature of carer's role and True False
grief due to multiple losses.
Ethical issues may include:
Decisions regarding medical treatment
6 True False
Conflict that may occur in relation to personal
values and decisions made by or for the client

Use the words below to complete the following sentence.

7Refuse, consent, treatment
An advanced care directive contains instructions that ___ to, or ____ _the use of specified medical .

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Student Questions and Case Studies/Scenarios
CHCPAL001 Deliver care services using a palliative approach


1 Briefly describe your understanding of the philosophy, principals, benefits and scope of palliative care. EK 1

a) Give three (3) examples of matters that need to be addressed in holistic care to meet the needs of
people dealing with a life threatening or life limiting illness?
2 b) What is the emotional impact of diagnosis?
c) Why is it important to recognise the holistic needs of the person extending over time, not just end-
of -life?

a) Why is it essential to communicate with the person or carers/family in relation to the person’s
3 quality of life, pain and comfort?
b) What communication skills will you use?
c) How will you report these concerns?

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Student Questions and Case Studies/Scenarios
CHCPAL001 Deliver care services using a palliative approach

Give three (3) examples of the ways of involving and showing respect for family members during the care

What external changes might result in a change in condition of the client? How can you determine their
preferences for care?

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Student Questions and Case Studies/Scenarios
CHCPAL001 Deliver care services using a palliative approach

How will you ensure a non-judgemental approach to ensure the person’s lifestyle, social, spiritual and cultural
choices and needs are supported and documented in a care plan?

7 What is an Advanced Care Directive and in what situation will it be used?

8 How should changing needs and issues be reported and documented at the end of life?

What impact might the client's end-of-life needs have on the carer? If a carer is experiencing stress, who
should they be reported to?

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Student Questions and Case Studies/Scenarios
CHCPAL001 Deliver care services using a palliative approach

10 How can carers support elderly individuals to make choices about suitable end-of-life locations?

11 What is the palliative care team's role in observing and documenting pain and other symptoms in clients?

12 Give three (3) examples of strategies that can be implemented to manage pain and promote comfort.

13 How do you know if the strategies you are employing in palliative care are effective?

What are some of the misconceptions associated with approaches to pain relief and comfort? Give three (3)
examples and clear up the myths.

15 Why is it important to regularly check the care plan when following end-of- life care strategies?

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Student Questions and Case Studies/Scenarios
CHCPAL001 Deliver care services using a palliative approach

16 What support systems need to be in place for clients, families, carer, and families? Give three (3) examples.

17 Why are hydration and nutrition requirements a divisive issue and what may affect decisions?

18 How will you maintain dignity of the person during end-of-life care and immediately after death?

What would you do when you notice signs of the person’s imminent death/deterioration? Give two examples
of such signs.

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Student Questions and Case Studies/Scenarios
CHCPAL001 Deliver care services using a palliative approach

20 What is debriefing? Who should be debriefed and in what situation?

21 What are your organisation's policies and procedures for managing emotional responses and ethical issues?

What emotional responses to death and dying may exist and how might these be dealt with through support

23 Give an example of an ethical issue may have to be raised with the supervisor or other appropriate person?

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Student Questions and Case Studies/Scenarios
CHCPAL001 Deliver care services using a palliative approach

24 a) What are the stages of loss and grief?

b) Identify three (3) strategies that may be used to limit the impact of personal responses on self.

25 Name four (4) types of support available for care home staff who are experiencing bereavement.

Give four (4) examples of how you can work effectively with your team members to achieve the principles of
palliative approach in your workplace.

What are your organisation’s policies, protocols and practices in relation to providing a palliative approach and
palliative care?

What communication strategies can be implemented in palliative care to empower, build trust , show empathy
and/or demonstrate support ?

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Student Questions and Case Studies/Scenarios
CHCPAL001 Deliver care services using a palliative approach


It has been difficult gaining information about Mr Malek’s health and social background. His weak heart condition has
been diagnosed along with emphysema and he is not expected to live more than three months. However, because
of language difficulties and little family contact with the nursing home, insufficient information is available to the
palliative care team. Malek’s English is not good but carers are able to encourage him to take his medicine and to
participate in his personal care routine. Mr. Malek doesn’t eat much and almost ignores meat – in spite of the fact
that he has not been reported as a vegetarian. He spends a lot of time praying – and gets upset when his illness
prevents him kneeling and bowing his forehead to the ground. He has no family to visit him except one son who
arranged admission to the home visits occasionally and is to be contacted if his father’s health deteriorates.
(Source: The Australian Carer, by Helen Croft)

1 What strategies will you implement to meet his spiritual/cultural needs?

2 List two (2) external organisations that you may refer to assist in their process and meet his needs.

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Student Questions and Case Studies/Scenarios
CHCPAL001 Deliver care services using a palliative approach

Student Declaration

I have read the plagiarism policy and declare that this is my own work.

Name: _____________________________________________________________________________________

Signature: ____________________________________________________________ Date ________________

Student Feedback
Please provide your feedback for the following :
Did you find the questions relevant to the topic?

Did you find the question provided you with more knowledge and skills and understanding the specific topic?

Did you:
[ ] get support to complete this unit
[ ] the information provided in the classroom helpful
[ ] the learning resources were valuable in searching responses to the questions?


Assessor Declaration

I declare that I have assessed this trainee in the above unit of competency.

I also declare that the assessment was fair, valid, reliable and consistent.

Name: _____________________________________________________________________________________

Signature: ____________________________________________________________ Date ________________

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Student Questions and Case Studies/Scenarios
CHCCCS025 Support relationships with carers and families

CHCCCS025 Support relationships with carers and families


This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to work positively with the carers and families of people using
the service based on an understanding of their support needs.
This unit applies to workers across a range of community services contexts.
The skills in this unit must be applied in accordance with Commonwealth and State/Territory legislation,
Australian/New Zealand standards and industry codes of practice.


There are no recommended co-requisite units for this competency.


There are no recommended co-requisite units for this competency.


a) List five (5) different family patterns and family structures that may exist.
b) How do these impact on an individual?

2 How will you assess the role and importance of carers and family members for the person?

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Student Questions and Case Studies/Scenarios
CHCCCS025 Support relationships with carers and families

How will you acknowledge, recognise and support carer’s relationship with, and knowledge about, the person
with support needs? Give two (2) examples.

4 What useful knowledge might the carer have about the person with support needs? List four (4) examples.

a) List two (2) examples of knowledge and skills of the carer that complement your role as a worker?
b) How will you determine what the carer knows?

a) Give three (3) examples of transitions that may occur during a family life cycle.
6 b) Give an example of a positive impact these transitions can have on the care relationships.
c) Give an example of a negative impact these transitions can have on the care relationships.

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Student Questions and Case Studies/Scenarios
CHCCCS025 Support relationships with carers and families

a) Give an example of a potential change to a care relationship.

b) How can you assess this change?
c) What potential risks (including physical and psychological harm) to the carer could be associated
with this change?

a) Give an example of strategy that can be implemented to maximise positive effects of change and
8 transition?
How will you support the person, carer family to identify and use this strategy?

Give an example of how you may support a carer, family member or friend to maximise their support and
involvement in a person’s life.

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Student Questions and Case Studies/Scenarios
CHCCCS025 Support relationships with carers and families

List three (3) examples of how you can respect the confidentiality and privacy of the carer, as well as the
person with support needs.

a) List three (3) examples of services required by the carer to support the care relationship with the
11 person?
b) How will you identify and respond to the carer’s need for these services?

a) Give three (3) examples of issues that may impact on the physical and emotional health and
wellbeing of the carer.
b) What impact can these issues have on the carer?
c) How will you identify and respond to these issues?

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Student Questions and Case Studies/Scenarios
CHCCCS025 Support relationships with carers and families

You will be required to provide carers and families with information about carer support services and
organisations. Give three (3) examples of the carer support services/ organisations that available for them.

14 Give three (3) examples of the following aspects of caring in Australia:

Key primary care groups:

Statistics and facts about primary carers in the current Australian context:

Reasons for caring:

Issues related to cultural difference in the caring role:

List two (2) examples of myths, attitudes, stereotypes or false beliefs associated with caring.

16 Briefly describe the following pathways into service settings

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Student Questions and Case Studies/Scenarios
CHCCCS025 Support relationships with carers and families
Community Aged Care Packages (CACP):

Home and Community Care (HACC) Program:

Extended Age Care in the Home (EACH):

National Respite for Carers Program (NRCP):

As family and health circumstances change for the client and the carers, there may be a need to consider
17 placement in a residential setting such as a hostel or nursing home.
Give an example of an implication of residential placement for carers, families and friends.

18 List two (2) examples of rights, roles and responsibilities of different people in the care relationship, includin

The person
Role Rights Responsibilities

Family members and friends (Carers and support persons)

Role Rights

Support worker
Role Rights

19 List two (2) examples of organisation policies and procedures in relation to carers and families.

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Student Questions and Case Studies/Scenarios
CHCCCS025 Support relationships with carers and families

Briefly describe how the following legal and ethical requirements for working with carers and families are
applied in your organisation or individual practice:

Work role boundaries – responsibilities and limitations

Jim is a 67 years old HACC client with Asperger’s syndrome. He lives with his brother Phil in an independent unit.
Phil cares for Jim in his daily activities and looks after organising his medical and other appointments. Phil plays a
key role in facilitating communication during all these appointments. Jim trusts his brother and is usually calm and
cooperative when Phil is present. Phil treats Jim as an individual and ensures that Jim’s needs and preferences are
met. Jim feels comfortable in sharing his thoughts with Phil and usually doesn’t cooperate with a support worker
unless Phil is present.
You have been appointed by your organisation to provide support services to Jim. Your supervisor informs you that
Jim’s care plan has been modified as part of a recent interview with him. Your supervisor asks you to update the
home based copy of the care plan. When you attempt to remove and replace items from the care plan, Phil
becomes upset as he believes he understands his brothers needs better.

1 How does Phil’s support of contributes to Jim’s sense of self-worth and fulfilment?

2 How will you identify Phil’s role in meeting his support needs?

3 How can Phil assist you in your role as a support worker?

4 How will you demonstrate respect for Phil’s role as a carer working within professional boundaries?

© Australasian Lawrence Aged Care College Pty. Ltd. T/AS ALACC Health College Australia
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Student Questions and Case Studies/Scenarios
CHCCCS025 Support relationships with carers and families

5 Identify Phil’s needs as a carer that may have an impact on Jim.

6 Research on the legislation and organisation policies that will direct your work role.

You ask Phil about his response to the change in the care plan. Phil confides in you that he has been feeling very
tired and cannot sleep well. His lack of sleep is also effecting his efficiency at work. He wanted to take a break but
has never left Jim alone and is worried if Jim will be able to cope. He feels that he will be continually thinking
about Jim even if he took a break. He asks you about the possible options and insists that Jim should not know
that he is considering to take a break as Jim can become very distressed and feel that he is responsible for Phil’s
health issues. You feel Phil needs support and professional medical attention to address his emerging health
concerns. However, Phil is reluctant to seek any support.

7 How will you support Phil while maintaining confidentiality and privacy?

8 Identify the carer support organisations and resources available in your local area.

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Student Questions and Case Studies/Scenarios
CHCCCS025 Support relationships with carers and families
Mr. Alberto is 70 years old man with Alzheimer’s dementia and has mild hypertension. He has no other
comorbidities and is independent with his mobility. His wife Mrs. Alberto is 65 years old and his primary carer. Mrs.
Alberto was involved in development of her husband’s care plan and has a support worker assist her to manage
her husband’s ADLs. Mr. Alberto is heavily dependent on his wife to get around the house and keep social

Mrs. Alberto is undergoing a knee replacement surgery. Since she needs to go into rehabilitation for a month,
respite care has been organised for Mr. Alberto. Mr. Alberto has a very specific routine and gets very upset if it is
disrupted. This is resulting in Mrs. Alberto being extremely anxious and emotional about not being available to
care for him. She is highly stressed and this would possibly hamper her recovery from the surgery. This might put
her at an increased risk of wanting to discharge early from the hospital and would not give enough time for her
own recovery.

How will you participate in planning activities for Mr. Alberto whilst Mrs. Alberto is undergoing her treatment
in hospital and rehab?

2 How will you ensure that you provide support to Mr. Alberto in a manner that respects and includes his wife
as part of the care team?

3 Based on the scenario above, identify three (3) carer issues that may have an impact on Mrs. Alberto and
need to be reported to the supervisor.

Suggest solutions that recognise and support Mr. and Mrs. Alberto’s strengths, their care relationship and her
existing knowledge of his care needs.

Mrs. Alberto has been discharged and has come back home. Mr. Alberto has also been discharged from the
respite care. You as a carer have noticed that Mrs. Alberto has not reached her premorbid state yet. She walks
with a four wheel frame and is not as independent as previously. She still needs regular physiotherapy, GP and
hospital appointments, adequate rest to manage her pain and recovery post-surgery. She now needs help with
her personal hygiene, household cleaning, shopping and therefore, not capable to look after her husband.
However, she is worried about the quality of the care that would be provided to Mr. Alberto. Therefore, she is
reluctant to receive any support and is adamant on caring for her husband herself.
Mr. and Mrs. Alberto have two children who are supportive and live nearby. They have young families and work
full time. Mrs. Alberto stated that they keep in touch on a daily basis and visit every weekend. She also has
supportive neighbours who would be happy to help.

5 Identify the negative impact of Mrs. Alberto’s role on her own needs and preferences.

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Student Questions and Case Studies/Scenarios
CHCCCS025 Support relationships with carers and families
6 Identify two (2) factors that could lead to changes in care relationship.

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Student Questions and Case Studies/Scenarios
CHCCCS025 Support relationships with carers and families

Student Declaration

I have read the plagiarism policy and declare that this is my own work.

Name: _____________________________________________________________________________________

Signature: ____________________________________________________________ Date ________________

Student Feedback
Please provide your feedback for the following :
Did you find the questions relevant to the topic?

Did you find the question provided you with more knowledge and skills and understanding the specific topic?

Did you:
[ ] get support to complete this unit
[ ] the information provided in the classroom helpful
[ ] the learning resources were valuable in searching responses to the questions?


Assessor Declaration

I declare that I have assessed this trainee in the above unit of competency.

I also declare that the assessment was fair, valid, reliable and consistent.

Name: _____________________________________________________________________________________

Signature: ____________________________________________________________ Date ________________

© Australasian Lawrence Aged Care College Pty. Ltd. T/AS ALACC Health College Australia
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Student Questions and Case Studies/Scenarios
CHCHCS001 Provide home and community support services
CHCHCS001 Provide home and community support services

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to work in a home support environment and community
settings with individuals, family members, staff, visitors, suppliers and others to meet established work
This unit applies to workers in a community services context. Work performed requires some discretion and
judgement and is carried out under regular direct or indirect supervision.


There are no recommended co-requisite units for this competency.


There are no recommended co-requisite units for this competency.



1 What equipment/resources and documents will you be required to prepare for the home visit or any
contingencies? Give two (2) examples each.

Why is it important to communicate with the person to provide information, clarify purpose of visit and
confirm the person’s consent?

3 Give two (2) examples communication skills that you will implement to assist a person to express any issues
or concerns in relation to the home visit or other matters?

4 How can you engage appropriately with others in the place of residence? What sort of things should you be
aware of when engaging different people?

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Student Questions and Case Studies/Scenarios
CHCHCS001 Provide home and community support services
5 Give an example of a strategy you can use for negotiating how to best implement the work plan to suit your
clients within organisation procedures.

Give an example of an ethical dilemma that you may encounter when working in home care setting. How will
you deal with this situation?

7 List the relevant HACC Standards (Community Care Common Standards). What is the purpose of
accreditation processes and quality improvement practice in the HACC sector?

8 Give three (3) examples of the policies and programs you will be required to follow when working for an
organisation that provides support services in the home and community care setting.

Pat is 70 years old and lives independently at her home after retirement. She has macular degeneration and
recently suffered from a major stroke. After a period of rehabilitation, her mobility, motor skills and overall health
has improved, but her vision and speech have been impaired. Due to her macular degeneration it is difficult for
her to see fine detail, read, drive and recognise faces. Pat’s son and daughter in law have made arrangements
with your organisation to assign a support worker to meet her complex care needs during the week days and
they care for her during the weekends.

1 Your supervisor has assigned you the role to assist Pat with her care needs . How will you confirm your role
and responsibilities?

2 You reach at Pat’s apartment and press the intercom, waiting for Pat to reply. What protocols will you follow
to assure the client of bonafide identity?

© Australasian Lawrence Aged Care College Pty. Ltd. T/AS ALACC Health College Australia
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Student Questions and Case Studies/Scenarios
CHCHCS001 Provide home and community support services

You notice that Pat’s bedroom appears to be cluttered due to a shelf of classic video cassettes. When you
check with her , Pat indicates that she does not have a video cassette player but she still wants to keep the
3 her collection. Pat also tells you about her pug Ginger and how her pet has helped her cope with her vision
impairment. She mentions that she doesn’t like anyone bringing in any treats for her dog without asking her.
How will you demonstrate respect for the fact that your work setting is your client’s home and personal

She also tells you that she has her friend Benetta visit her once a month on a Wednesday and she does not
want you to provide any support services whilst she has visitors at home. She specifically mentions that she
4 has always been an independent woman and can cope without you. Her care plan states that she should
receive support services every day during the week.
What practices will you follow to negotiate with Pat and implement the work plan to suit her care needs and
other preferences?

You observe that Pat’s behaviour has changed over the last one month. It appears that she no longer has
visitors on Wednesday. She is usually very tired and looks depressed during the week and does not take
much interest in her personal hygiene, her environment and any social activities. But on Fridays, she is
5 usually more cooperative with her daily hygiene, gives you instructions regarding domestic cleaning and
usually does some baking. She tells you that she is baking for her grandchildren who come to visit her during
the weekend. You are concerned about her behaviour during the week and feel she doesn’t want to share her
concerns with the family.
What will you do?

Based on your observations and reports, your supervisors have facilitated a review of her care plan. Pat was
included in the discussion and she shared her concern that she misses her social engagements after her
6 friend moved into a residential aged care. Her friend Benetta also took her to the church and for shopping at
the local stores. Due to her vision she can no longer travel alone. It was agreed that her support services will
now include assistance with Transport.
Identify the documentation that needs to be completed in relation to service support and travel?

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Student Questions and Case Studies/Scenarios
CHCHCS001 Provide home and community support services
Student Declaration

I have read the plagiarism policy and declare that this is my own work.


Signature: ____________________________________________________________ Date


Student Feedback
Please provide your feedback for the following :
Did you find the questions relevant to the topic?

Did you find the question provided you with more knowledge and skills and understanding the specific topic?

Did you:
[ ] get support to complete this unit
[ ] the information provided in the classroom helpful
[ ] the learning resources were valuable in searching responses to the questions?


Assessor Declaration

I declare that I have assessed this trainee in the above unit of competency.

I also declare that the assessment was fair, valid, reliable and consistent.

Name: _____________________________________________________________________________________

Signature: ____________________________________________________________ Date ________________

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