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Pravin Dalal School of Entrepreneurship and Family Business Management

Programme MBA E&FB Year II, Trimester/IV,
Academic Year: 2021-22

Course: Implementation of Business Plan Date: ___________

Marks: 40
Time: 2.5 hrs

Final Examination (2020-2022 batch)

Instructions: Candidates should read carefully the instructions given in the question paper.


1. Make assumptions wherever necessary

Question 1 (40 marks)

Fresh from your MBA in family business management, you are contemplating to expand your
successful family business or diversify into an unrelated industry. You have presented the plan to
your family and investors and have received their approval.

Give a brief background of your family business and rationale for your expansion or
diversification strategy. Outline your business plan and the strategies to successfully implement
your business plan in detail.

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