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Level 2 Lecture: Vision

Level 2
Teacher’s Guide


Published by G12 Editores

ISBN 1-932285-21-D

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All Rights Reserved © Copyright 2003

Made in Colombia

Printed in Colombia

I. The Power of a Vision
II. The Cellular Vision
III. Preparing to Lead a Cell
IV. Structure and Development of a Cell
V. Methodology of a Cell
VI. Strategies for Success
VII. Motivation for Cellular Growth
VIII. How to Solve Problems in the Cell
IX. How to Choose a Team of Leaders
X. Relationship between the Leaders and the Disciples


Welcome to School of Leaders

During my first seven years of training the church members for an effective ministerial job, I came to the
conclusion that there were some things which needed improvement. One of them was in the way we were
preparing our people. Though we were dedicated to give our Bible Institute students the best, we realized
that after two years these students left with a wealth of biblical knowledge but without any clue of how to
win people for Christ. I recall that after two years of having initiated the School of Leaders, I had a
meeting with three of the students from the School of Leaders and one who had received his preparation
through the Bible Institute asking them "How many cells do you have? And what is your occupation?".
One of the students responded, "I am in medical school and I have 90 cells." The other student replied, "I
am studying to be a dentist, and I have 45 cells. " The next student said, "I am studying medicine and I
have 25 cells". Later the one who supposingly had greater knowledge of the Bible because he had been at
the Bible Institute said, "I am an employee of a company and I have 3 cells".
That day I realized although the School of Leaders did not provide a wealth of information it did form
efficient leaders; reason being we decided to stay with the leadership school. The result is seen by the
fruit. Currently, we have more than 45.000 cells, as of January 2003, among men, women youth and
children who meet once a week in the city of Bogota.
Although this material was prepared to supply the need of apprenticeship for our church, Misión
Carismática Internacional, we received witness by the Holy Spirit to share it with the communities who
decided to implement the vision.
The material is not designed for the students to became theologians rather for them to have an effective
tool to make disciples and to implement the vision.
I must express my gratitude to the editorial team-in Bogota and Miami for their valuable assistance. All of
them have made it possible for this material to be a powerful tool in the hands of each student.

César Castellanos D.

Every believer, a leader.

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Level 2 Lecture: Vision

Lesson 1: The Power of a Vision

Teaching Objective
The student must understand what a "Vision" is, its characteristics, and the importance that it has in the

Student Objective
1. The student must be able to define the term vision.
2. The student must be able to explain the characteristics of a vision.
3. The student must be able to explain what the G12 vision is.

Biblical Foundation Reference

Habakkuk 2:2-3
Genesis 12:2

Corresponding Biblical Foundation

Philippians 4:8
Ezekiel 37:1-9
Matthew 28:18-20
John 15:16-17
Luke 14:25-33
Matthew 9:38

Key Verse
Habakkuk 2:2
“And the Lord answered me, and said, write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that
reads it.”

As soon as you begin to walk in the path of the Christian life, and become a disciple of Jesus Christ, by
following and practicing his teachings, a veil is lifted from your mind, your heart and your sight. Your
perception of life changes because God makes you a visionary.
When God created the world and placed within it a man, it was all a result of his matchless creativity. It
began with a vision of what he wanted, which in turn helped him to fulfill his heart's purpose. God first
had a vision of what he desired to establish in creation. This vision served to reach the purposes in his
heart, "We are God's masterpiece" (Ephesians 2:10).
In a like manner, He makes us into his image and likeness. The Lord gives us a creative capacity which
can only become effective in our lives and our labor within the church in the measure in which we dare to
be visionaries.
The vision determines everything. On the road towards success and throughout biblical history we notice
that God, in order to carry out his purposes, chooses a man whom He reveals His will so then He can
show him His plans. Then He surrounds this man with people who feel they can identify themselves with
him, and decide to support him in every thing he undertakes, thus becoming the force that moves the
The purpose of this lesson is to present clear guidelines regarding the idea of vision, and to find out the
importance of dreaming and undertaking great things for God. Letting the purpose God has designed for
your life set the course. At the same time, this lesson will allow you to know in detail the important
aspects of the vision, of your church in which you are involved with to serve the Lord, is led by

Development of the Subject

I. What is vision?
It is God's idea revealed to man's mind for him to execute it.
Everything that exists was originated by God's vision of creation. In transferring this ability to man,
the Lord desires for man to struggle to reach and execute his creative idea. The vision itself is what
has propelled outstanding leaders to forge ahead the destiny of a nation overcoming all kinds of
We have seen Vision ever since creation. It was God himself that utilized it to execute all things,
including his masterpiece: man. "Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, in our likeness,..."
(Genesis 1:26).
Vision means having a clear idea of what God wants me to do and what he expects it to be. It is
through faith that we enter into the spiritual realm and manage to receive the creative idea of the
vision, and bring it into the natural realm with the help of the Holy Spirit.

II. Characteristics of a God-given vision

The following characteristics of God's Vision, will help us to become involved in the fulfillment of His
A. It is the motivational force of outstanding leaders
God's vision makes conquerors. The real leader doesn't stop until he finds out the purpose of God
for his life and uses all his abilities in order to fulfill it.
Triumph is obtained when man decides to take charge of his thoughts and makes the effort to
have the mind of Christ, (Philippians 4:8).

Every believer, a leader.

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Level 2 Lecture: Vision

B. It is power that gives life

The vision implies to remain in the spiritual realm and from there, to observe what is desired in
the natural realm. Only like this can things be seen with the eyes of God and can they that are not,
be called as if they were .
That is how it occurred with the prophet Ezekiel when he had the vision of the dry bones it is
required to understand that the only way to achieve a special change in each of our lives and what
we endeavor is only achieved through divine intervention.
C. It can be reproduced by a successful leader
The vision the Lord Jesus Christ had was to redeem mankind from an assured condemnation.
Apart from Him, hope for man, did not exist. Jesus had the vision of saving us by paying a high
price by shedding his blood and dying on the cross of Calvary.
Our task is to adopt this vision and reproduce it in others, sharing the message of salvation
(Proverbs 24:11, Habakkuk 2:2-3).
III.Definition and identification of the vision
Up to now you have had an overview of what a vision is and what characteristics identify it as a vision
from God. It is important for you to know that the vision is related to leadership and ministry.
This is a specific vision: "To reach your city and the world for Christ, through the cellular system and
the model of the twelve, making each member of the church a qualified leader to reproduce God's
work. " CCD
IV. Process to the Core of the Vision
It is developed through the application of a specified process:
The vision is well developed by going through a process called the Ladder of Success. It comprises
the following steps, win, consolidate, disciple, and send.
A. Win
This is the stage of evangelism. The first step in the process is carried out in massive proportions
when done through the use of congregational meetings. Winning the lost for Christ is a task that
does not depend on our decision, but it is a request made by the Lord in the great commission
(Mathew 28:18-19).
Thanks to the disciples who began to fulfill this commandment. The news of salvation has reached
our day providing us rescue. Now, our responsibility is to continue this task (John 17:3, Proverbs
Winning souls is like an art that combines God's timing, the divine anointing and sensitivity to the
Holy Spirit.
B. Consolidate
This consists of preserving the fruit reached in the stage of winning. It is the care offered to the
new convert and constitutes an effective process to form disciples, just as the great commission
commands (Mathew 28:18-20, John 15:16-17).
During consolidation, the "newborn" reaffirms his personal decision for Jesus Christ. This happens
through the care he receives from the moment of his surrendering to him. It is a work that
demands dedication, commitment, and effort in order to see the new believers grow strong in their
faith (Galatians 4:19).
C. Disciple
In the development of the vision, one of the main objectives is to make a leader out of every
believer, someone capable of reproducing Christ's character in him and in others. This requires a
time that we call discipleship training which will ensure good preparation for every individual who
will win the lost and produce more leaders of positive influence.
This stage was established in the great commission: "...and teaching them to obey everything I
have commanded you.” (Mathew 28:20)
D. Send
Every person who has received theological and doctrinal training, and has captured the character
of Christ during the stage of discipleship, will be ready to reproduce himself in others and thus
fulfilling an evangelistic mission (Mathew 9:38).
During this process, the trained believer understands that he has to put his God given talents to
work since now they have been perfected during the discipleship sessions (Acts 6:31.

The vision is God's creative idea that He reveals in man's mind for him to execute it. It serves as an
engine to reach the noblest purposes in life. Our vision today is to win the world far Christ applying
strategies such as cell groups, leadership through the model of twelve, thus fulfilling the great
commission. We are all called to be visionaries and make God's purpose on earth, a reality.

1. Be willing to be a person of dreams, led by the Holy Spirit. Set goals and work to attain them in the
following areas of your life, spiritual, personal, family, ministerial, and secular.
2. Be determined to learn and apply, in a disciplined manner, the vision in which you are involved with.
Visualize yourself fulfilling the purposes of God for your life.

Verify that the student understands the meaning of vision within his ministry. Encourage them to set of
goals and strategies to reach them.

Every believer, a leader.

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Level 2 Lecture: Vision

1. Bibliographical
 Dream and you will win the world, by Cesar Castellanos D.
 Successful Leadership Through The Government of 12, by Cesar Castellanos Dominguez
2. Biblical
God caused Abraham to dream. He is a good example to use to accompany this lesson.

Student’s Assignment
Briefly, describe the process that you have lived within the vision and where you are in the process of
The Ladder Of Success.

Every believer, a leader.

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Level 2 Lecture: Vision

Questionnaire for further study

1. In your own words define the meaning of vision.
Vision is where you foresee what should be the future and is already decided in your heart.
2. What do you think is the vision God has for your life and ministry?
I believe the vision that God has for my life is to be prosperous that I have a bright and wonderful future.
And for the ministry, is to be fruitful and solid, He envisioned that I will be a leader of leaders.
3. What are the characteristics of a God-given vision?
It is the motivational force of outstanding leaders. It is power that gives life, It can be reproduced by a
successful leader.

3. According to Philippians 4:8 why is it necessary to have Christ's mind in order to develop the
Yes, we should have one mind with Christ not only to develop the vision but to understand the vision. For
if you are not in unity with Christ how will you be able to do the work?

4. According to Proverbs 24:11 what is our duty as Christians?

To reproduce the vision to others, where we must share the Good News to other people and make them
part of the discipleship for them to do also the vision.

5. What is the G12 Vision?

To win souls and make disciples.
7. What are the steps in The Ladder Of Success?
Win - Consolidate - Disciple - Send
8. In Mathew 28:18-19 Jesus Requests us to do what?
To do the great commission and that is to make every believer the leader of leaders.

9. Our work as Christians is to continue the work Jesus began 2000 years ago. According to John 17:3
how can we do it?
By knowing Him, the true God, and Jesus Christ, the one Heavenly Father sent to earth.

10. What is to consolidate?

A process where we are serving them by preserving them until we win them. Preserving in a way we are
taking care and efforts until the day of harvest.

11. How can we reaffirm the new believer's personal decision far Christ?
By continuing and more intentional follow up to the new believer

12. Read Mathew 28:20a and define in your own words what it is to be a leader.
To be a leader is to be a servant. In order to encourage them to obey, we should be the number one who
do the commands.
13. How has God been dealing with your character in order for you to be successful?
If there is someone who is so intentional (aside from my leader) it is God. I’ve been dealing with things
lately, I’ve been belittling my self due to maybe I am just so tired of thinking that I always got the least
favor from Him but who am I to complain? Maybe I deserve this? But God is always reminding me that I
ought no take what I deserve but I ought to take what His grace delivers. It is all by His grace that I am
where exactly I am to be. And God never intended His child to be mediocre but to be excellent, and I
should do my best to the things he endowed me (work, ministry, family). My circumstance humbles me,
that’s why I should trust Him more.

Every believer, a leader.

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Level 2 Lecture: Vision

Lesson 2: Cellular Vision

Teaching Objective
The student must understand the importance of cell groups within this vision.

Student Objectives
1. The student must be able to explain the biblical foundation of cell groups.
2. The student must be able to explain what a cell group is.
3. The student must be able to explain the purpose of the cell.

Biblical Foundational Reference

Matthew 9:35-38

Corresponding Biblical Foundation

Acts 5:42
Acts 2:42
Acts 6:3-7
Matthew 9:10
Matthew 9:24-26
Acts 18:11

Key Verse
Matthew 9:35
"Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the good news of
the kingdom and healing every disease and sickness"

By becoming a follower of Jesus, every believer will be able to experience the importance of opening his
house in order to share the message of Christ and spread the gospel among his relatives, friends and
God has given a Vision in which the work done in homes is essential (cellular vision) as a basic strategy
to reach multitudes for Christ. This vision forms part of the anointing of multiplication given to the church
today, and has a clear biblical foundation.
Acts chapter 10 refers to the birth of the early church. It speaks of events that took place in Cornelius'
house. Cornelius was a gentile who got all his relatives together, his friends and acquaintances in his
home to hear the gospel through Peter. Since then, homes have become favorable places in which the
message of Christ can be spread, even miracles occurred in the name of Jesus, thus strengthening the
body of Christ.
The cellular vision, the main subject of this lesson allows you to understand the importance of opening
homes to share the gospel and put into practice the cellular model.
This vision produces a great numerical multiplication and spiritual growth for the church in our days. In
time it guarantees the richest blessings to reach the believers who decide to open their houses to host a
cell group.

Development of the Subject

I. What are cell groups?
They are "small groups of people who meet once a week, with the purpose of developing their
personal growth, centered on the word of God."
These groups are comprised of:
 The Host: The person who provides the location or home
 The Leader: The person trained to lead the cell
 The Timothy: The person who is the right hand of the leader
 The Participants: every active member and any person invited to the meeting
The cell groups are small teaching centers where the scriptures are taught in a simple and practical
way and where the participants are edified, including those who, week after week, are won for Christ.
This principle has been in existence since the time of the early church. The growth of the
congregations generated out of the cells.
“so the Word of God spread. The number of disciples in Jerusalem increased rapidly..." (Acts 6:71).
"You know that I have not hesitated to preach anything that would be helpful to you but have taught
you publicly and from house to house. I have declared to both Jews and Greeks that they must turn to
God in repentance and have faith in our Lord Jesus" (Acts 20:20-21).
II. Biblical records of cell groups
A. Jesus continually ministered in houses. (Matthew 9:10).
B. Jesus performed healings in houses. (Matthew 9:23-24).
C. Jesus used houses to train his twelve disciples. (Marks 9:33-35).
D. The Lord's Supper was held for the first time in a house. (Matthew 26:17-18).
E. The Holy Spirit was first poured out in a house. (Acts 2:2-4).
F. The Church was founded in the homes. (Acts 2:42).
III. The Importance of the Cellular Vision

Every believer, a leader.

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Level 2 Lecture: Vision

Take into account that opening the door of a home for a cell to take place means taking the ark of God
to that house, so that we can bring the light of the gospel to a whole neighborhood. When being
faithful in a few things (a cell), the Lord will put you in charge of many things.
A. The success of a church is in its cell groups
Success will be evident in the measure that the church stands firm in the cellular vision and
develops it to the fullest. This will show in both numerical and spiritual growth. The cellular vision
makes it easy to train and set in place the disciples that will be in charge of spreading the
message of Christ throughout the world.
B. Cell groups allow you to pastor one on one
Jesus always cared about reaching every person's need, so he developed his ministry by being in
touch with people, without being limited by a place (Mark 6:341. The cellular vision allows us to
act in the same way Jesus did. Even the simplest of believers can gather his family, and the cell
leader does a direct pastoral work with every person.
Pastoral work is developed in an easier way when the whole workload does not lie upon one
person only. When a pastor succeeds in getting the church involved in the cellular work, the
results are more effective and each member of the congregation feels good taken care of.
C. Cell groups are small groups that strengthen every person’s need
Evangelistic work is carried out within the cell since new persons are invited every week and can
be won for Christ. Besides that, the new believers are edified through the teaching of the word of
God, in order to become useful instruments when the cell group multiplies (1 Peter 5:10).
D. Cell groups are a way to supply every person’s need
The members of a congregation have not only spiritual needs but also emotional and material
needs. The cell groups contribute to meet the needs of its members in the same way as it used to
be in the early church (Acts 2:44-47).
A. Cell groups are a source of training for the twelve
The strategy of multiplication that works in parallel to the cell groups is made up of groups of 12
which are based on the model of Jesus, who chose 12 disciples to develop his ministry.
The cells are an effective source of training and a place where teams of 12 can be chosen. As you
meet with groups of people weekly, at a home, the office or in another place, eventually you will
be able to see who is most successful in bearing fruit. From those people attending your cells you
can make up the basic team of leaders who will support your ministry (Luke 6:12-17).

The cellular vision is one of God's strategies for the multiplication of the church in these days, is also
found in the early church. The cell groups are small groups of people who meet weekly to share the word
of God and to worship him. It is there where, every person is pastored and his needs are being met.
The cellular vision, along with the scriptural history of the first church, is God's strategy to multiply
today's church.

1. If you have not done it yet, start a cell group, keeping in mind that this equals to taking God's ark to
your home.
2. Get involved in the cellular vision, inviting your relatives, friends and neighbors weekly to take part in
the meeting.

Each objective must be consciously evaluated because of the significance of the topic of leadership. A
self-evaluation questionnaire or written report for review may be viable ways to go about. lt is necessary
for the student to fully understand the biblical foundation of the cells and the 4 steps of The Ladder Of

1. Bibliographical
 The book Dream and You Will Win the World by Pastor Cesar Castellanos. It deals with important
aspects that explain this subject well.
 Successful Leadership Through the Government of 12, by Cesar Castellanos Dominguez.

2. Biblical
The analysis of the book of Acts is essential for understanding and explaining the vision. The
instructor must study it with great depth. The biblical foundation of the vision must be explained
3. Methodological
The instructor must stir the students' interest enough to where they will become immersed in the
biblical foundation of the vision. Use visual aids to expound on the subject.

Student’s Assignment
Give a written account of your involvement in cell. If you belong to a cell, state where you meet and give
your cell leader's name. Also, tell how this cell has been helpful to you. If you don't attend a cell, explain

Questionnaire for further study

1. What is the strategy God gave us to reach the multitudes?

Every believer, a leader.

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Level 2 Lecture: Vision

To make every believer a leader of leaders - cell group. This is where a group of people meet once a
week to encourage and develop spiritual life.
2. According to Acts chapter 10 how did the church begin?
Acts chapter 10 refers to the birth of the early church. It speaks of events that took place in Cornelius'
house. Cornelius was a gentile who got all his relatives together, his friends and acquaintances in his
home to hear the gospel through Peter. Since then, homes have become favorable places in which the
message of Christ can be spread, even miracles occurred in the name of Jesus, thus strengthening the
body of Christ.
3. What do you think are the advantages of opening a house for a cell group?
The advantage is there is a possibility that you can win a family, and through a family we can reach
multitudes easily.

4. What is a cell?
Cell is a group of people that meets once a week with a purpose of developing personal growth, centered
with the Word of God.

5. Who makes up the cell group?

 The Host: The person who provides the location or home
 The Leader: The person trained to lead the cell
 The Timothy: The person who is the right hand of the leader
 The Participants: every active member and any person invited to the meeting

6. According to Matthew 9:23-24 what characterized Jesus' ministry?

Healing to the people.

7. According to Acts 2:2-4 where was the Holy Spirit poured out for the first time?
The Holy Spirit was first poured out in a house.

8. Why is the cellular vision so important?

A. The success of a church is in its cell groups
B. Cell groups allow you to pastor one on one
C. Cell groups are small groups that strengthen every person’s need
D. Cell groups are a way to supply every person’s need
E. Cell groups are a source of training for the twelve

9. Read Acts 2:44-47 and describe in your own words the reason why the Lord added daily to those who
were being saved
Because we need to meet the needs of another member. Since being saved isn’t enough to grow but we
need to encourage one another and help their need the best way we can.

10. Where does the training of a team of twelve begin and why?
It begins with Jesus and His disciples. Why? It is to develop ministry.

11. What are the purposes of the cells?

The purposes are to pastor the need spiritually of one another, to develop their personal growth, to know
Christ more, and to multiply.

Every believer, a leader.

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Level 2 Lecture: Vision

Lesson 3: Preparation to Lead a Cell Group

Teaching Objective
The student must understand the need of getting trained as a leader of the cell group, and the areas in
which he needs to do so.

Student Objective
1. The student must be able to define the preparation needed for leadership.
2. The student must be able to explain the different areas where he needs to be trained.

Biblical Foundational Reference

2 Timothy 2:1-2 and 15

Corresponding Biblical Foundation

Luke 2:52
1 Thessalonians 5:23
1 Timothy 4:11-16
Ephesians 4:12-16
Philippians 3:8
1 Corinthians 6:19
Psalm 127:1
Proverbs 9:1
3 John 2
Proverbs 18:24
Ecclesiastes 9:4

Key Verse
2 Timothy 2:15
"Do your best to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly
dividing the word of truth."

We find ourselves living in times of many demands at a social level, and the church must be prepared to
effectively resist the attacks and challenges of the exterior world. Every believer should be fully
committed and should have a clear measure of responsibility to develop the task the Lord has entrusted
him to do. This demands solid and genuine preparation.
It is true that God has given us an anointing of multiplication and has revealed effective strategies to win
the world for Christ but this does not mean we can face the world in an improvised way. Throughout the
scriptures, we find that God challenges His chosen ones, His people, to prepare themselves to success.
This preparation embraces various areas of life (1 Thessalonians 5:23) it enables us to assume the
commitment of preaching the gospel and developing the vision received from God with authority.
It has been proven that the cellular system guarantees the success of church growth. This guarantee
comes out from the complete training of the leaders who will eventually be in charge of the cell group.
Since we are aware of the significance and the need for personal training, we have developed this lesson,
which spells out for you the important measures that you must take in order to obtain the necessary
authority to wisely lead a cell group and to achieve success in your life as a whole.

Development of the Subject

I. The concept of preparation
Preparation is the process through which we get ready to reach a specified purpose. It is the
intellectual, spiritual, and even physical disposition that allows us to fulfill a set task. The willingness
to be continually trained with clearly defined concepts is what guarantees success to a person in
everything he undertakes.
In the Bible there recorded the names of men and women who understood God's purpose for their
lives and who responded to his calling being constantly trained. The apostle Paul is an example of
someone who understood the significance of being trained in order to reach his goal in the Christian
life and carry out his task effectively.
"But what things were gain to me, these I have counted loss for Christ. But indeed I also count all
things loss for the excellence of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I suffered the loss
of all things and count them as rubbish that I may gain Christ" (Philippians 3:7-8)
II. Areas that need improvement
Just as our involvement in the vision is total, so should the preparation required by each person be.
The following areas are included;
 Spiritual
 Intellectual
 Emotional
 Physical
 Social
A. Spiritual Area
The pursuit of holiness is to be fully consecrated to God with the purpose of remaining in intimacy
with him.

Every believer, a leader.

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Level 2 Lecture: Vision

"You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being
corrupted by its deceitful desires; to be made new in the attitude of your minds; and to put on the
new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness" (Ephesians 4:22-24).
B. Intellectual Area
The leader of the cell group must endeavor to educate himself, acquiring knowledge through the
reading of the Bible and books that will edify him in every area. Training within the scope of the
intellect demands a renewal of the mind, which must be enriched, with the knowledge of the word
of God.
"Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of
your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God "s will is - his good, pleasing
perfect will" (Romans 12:2).
C. Emotional Area
This is one of the areas in which a person must be most prepared, since his firmness of character
and authority to lead others depends on his stability. It is I important for us to be willing for God
to establish in us a healthy self-esteem. lt will help us to get rid of roots of bitterness,
resentment, and emotional conflicts.
"Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice.
Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as Christ God forgave you"
(Ephesians 4:31-32).
D. Physical Area
Although many consider the spiritual area to be the only one that deserves our due attention, we
cannot forget that our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit and, therefore, we must prepare it and
keep it in good condition with regular exercises, continuous clinical examinations, and healthy
"Do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have
received from God? You are not your own" (1 Corinthians 6:19).
E. Social Area
The apostle Paul says that we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses; in other words,
society has its eyes fixed on us. That is she reason why we must be truly prepared to offer them
our best testimony. Being prepared socially suggests having an excellent relationship with our
relatives and cultivating friendships with people who edify us.
"As a prisoner for the Lord, then, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received.
Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort
to keep the unity of the spirit through the bond of peace" (Ephesians 4:1-3).

The cell groups are a great strategy for multiplication of the church at all levels, but its success resides
in the training of the person who is in charge of leading the cell group. His personal acquisition of
resources to strengthen every area of his life is fundamental, however without exception, every person
must receive training on the spiritual, intellectual, emotional, physical, and social level in order to achieve
complete success.

1. Examine your life and determine to what extent you are prepared to lead a cell group. Observe the
different areas of your life and strengthen those that are weak.
2. Organize your time in order to develop a training program. Set specific goals. Make sure every day
you do something that will bring you a step closer to each one of your goals.

Have the student make up a "preparation program" which will help him bring the discipline and the
edification that he needs in the areas mentioned.

1. Bibliographical
"Successful Leadership Through the Government of 12", by Cesar Castellanos Dominguez
2. Biblical
The correct biblical foundation needs to be thoroughly explained in this class.
3. Methodological
It is good to introduce this subject by the method of questions and answers in order to know the state
of your students in each area.

Student’s Assignment
Assess your personal preparation to lead a cell group from 1 to 5.
Area Assessment
Spiritual 3
Intellectual 3
Emotional 3
Physical 4
Social 3
Spiritual, Intellectual, Emotional, Physical and Social

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Notice: You, as the teacher, have to check this assignment and advice those whose preparation are low or
insufficient; or inform those that are immediate leaders in the class.

Questionnaire For Further Study

1. Read 2 Timothy 2:15 and do some research on the meaning of the word "diligent". Explain how you
could develop it in your life.
Personally, to develop it in my life I should be intentional in all the works I do, and to be intentional I
should have the integrity to do the duty first where in I have a clear conscience and the one who walk the

2. What is the concept of preparation?

Preparation is the process through which we get ready to reach a specified purpose. It is the
intellectual, spiritual, and even physical disposition that allows us to fulfill a set task. The willingness
to be continually trained with clearly defined concepts is what guarantees success to a person in
everything he undertakes.

3. According to the previous answer, what guarantees a person success in everything he undertakes?
The willingness to be continually trained with clearly defined concepts .

4. Search in the Bible for five examples of men or women who prepared themselves in order to fulfill
God's purpose:
Moses in leading the Israelites out of Egypt. Abraham in trusting God despite the age. Daniel in the lion’s
den. Apostle Paul, fought for the great commission. Jesus the Lord, who crucified in the cross for our

5. What are the areas, which we should be prepared in order to fulfill God's purpose?
The physical, Spiritual, emotional, intellectual, and social area.

6. According to Ephesians 4:22-24 what does spiritual preparation imply?

The pursuit of holiness is to be fully consecrated to God with the purpose of remaining in intimacy with

7. Explain, in your own words, what does intellectual preparation imply?

We should be intellectually prepared, the one who is more knowledgeable or acquired more in His Words
wherein we should know what we are implying to other people and make sure that it is the truth.

8. Where does God's preparation in our lives lead us?

It leads us to our personal growth not just an individual but also as a leader where we exemplify His
works through us.

9. According to Galatians 2:20 how do we acquire peace of mind?

By letting Him live in our life that we no longer control it -- abandoning our will with God’s will.

10. Which areas of your life do you think God must strengthen in order for you to appropriately handle a
cell group?
As of now my Spiritual area, since I am struggling with my devotional and prayer life, and I believe when
I am Spiritually okay everything follows. That’s why I am praying for God’s help to strengthen it so
that everything will just be smooth sailing because I am empowered by Him.

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Lesson 4: Development of a Cell

Teaching Objective
The student must understand the effective way of performing a cell meeting and understand its structure.

Student Objective
1. The student must be able to define what a cell meeting is.
2. The student must be able to explain the basic structure of a cell meeting.
3. The student must be able to explain the ten commandments of the cell group.

Biblical Foundational Reference

Acts 2:42
Acts 5:42

Corresponding Biblical FoundatiON

1 Peter 5:10
Psalm 133:1-3
Colossians 3:16
2 Timothy 2:16 and 3:17
James 15:16
1 Corinthians 13:2-3
John 15:2
Hebrews 12:14
Romans 15:20
Philippians 2:14

Key Verse
Acts 2:42
“They devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to

A determining factor for the success of the cellular vision is the training every leader must have in the
different areas of his life, but besides this preparation, a specific structure to carry out the cell meeting is
required, so that nothing interferes with its success.
God is a God of order and he asks that we do everything in an orderly way. "But everything should be
done in a fitting and orderly way" (1 Corinthians 14:40). The scriptures also say, "And whatever you do,
whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus..." (Colossians 3:17).
This makes us aware that our commitment should be far from improvisation. It is necessary to take care
of certain guidelines that were observed in the early church.
This lesson deals precisely with the structure and development of the cell so that you become an expert
with developing your work as a leader in the meetings. It speaks about taking advantage of the available
time, as well as the commandments, which help you have a successful cell.

Development of the Subject

I. The cell
Remember that the cell group is made up of a group of people who meet once a week in order to edify
each other through the study of the word of God and worship. These meetings may be held at houses,
at offices or at a particular place where the group feels comfortable and can share without
An important aspect in the cellular work is perseverance, for it enables the group to get strengthened
and succeed in multiplying itself, because the cell must contribute to the growth of the church.
Perseverance must be evident in studying the word, in fellowship, testimonies and prayer (Acts 2:42).
The cell is a bridge between people and the congregation; in which every member receives greater
attention. Every one is evangelized, consolidated and edified, in order to get perfected and
strengthened in their relationship with God and the knowledge of his word:
"And the God of all grace… will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast" (1 Peter
II. Structure for each cell meeting
First, consider that the attendance in each cell must be from 6 to 12 persons, and the meeting must
last one hour. The leader should arrive ten or twenty minutes prior to the beginning of the meeting in
order to prepare the atmosphere together with the host.
Time can be structured as follows:
A. Welcome (10 minutes)
During this time, the leader has to stir up interest for the meeting. People can briefly greet each
other; welcome the new ones, listen to a short testimony, and emphasize what a blessing it is to
be gathered together (Psalm 133:1-31.
B. Worship (10 minutes)
This time should contribute in preparing the hearts for the topic that will be presented that day
(Colossians 3:16b).
C. Word: Exposition of the topic (30 minutes)

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The leader must be self-confident, and demonstrate that he has genuinely prepared himself to
handle the topic and transmit it to the group. He must lay out the teaching with simplicity and use
a clear language, which will impact those in attendance (2 Timothy 2:16).
D. Work (5 minutes)
During this period of time, the leader could present illustrations to help give a practical sense to
the teaching, encouraging every person to apply immediately what has been learned, in their daily
life (2 Timothy 3:17).
E. Final Activities (5 minutes)
Make good use of the closing time, worshiping God with the offerings praying for the needs of
those who are present, and focusing your interest on the new ones (James 5:16b).
With this structure, it is possible to achieve good results during the cell meeting.
Avoid making the following mistakes:
 Allowing someone who is not authorized to lead the cell.
 Ministering deliverance or laying on of hands.
 Allowing those in attendance to take over, causing the leader to lose control of the meeting.
 Allowing discussions
 Neglecting the new person or any member.
 Using more time than what was allotted (1 hour).
 Frequently changing the place, day or time of the meeting.
F. Commandments of the cell groups
1. Love the cellular vision
Loving what we have or do removes all doubts and prepares the way for success. If we do not
love the cellular work, we will never see the results this vision brings about (1 Corinthians
2. Do not deviate from the cellular vision
Turning aside from the vision is very easy and it can go unnoticed. That is the reason why it is
very important to be faithful to the established principles and to persevere in them until the
expected results are achieved.
3. Do not allow your cell group to be fruitless
The cells must play an evangelistic role, that is, every member has the responsibility of going
out to look for people and invite them to the meeting, so that those persons are won for Christ
(John 15:2).
4. Meet once a week
During the days before the meeting, the host, the leader, and the rest of the members of the
group must devote themselves to visit neighbors, relatives, friends, and acquaintances in order
to invite them to the meeting, so that they can be in contact every week.
5. The cell group must assist in family restoration
Every family in the world has crisis, and the cell must be prepared to assist in these needs. In
the cells we struggle to restore the relationships between children and parents, wife and
husband, etc.
6. Make of each member a leader
Every person who comes to the cell group, regardless of his or her position, must be seen as a
potential leader, someone who, after achieving spiritual development, will be an instrument in
God's hands.
7. Keep watch over the holiness of the group
When sin is allowed, tolerated, or consented to, the cell begins to decline. We have to be
radically opposed to sin, and never trust a cell group to someone who has a double life
because the leader's guarantee is his testimony, and this starts at home. (Hebrews 12:14)
8. Do not work on somebody else's foundation
The members of every cell must be faithful to their own group. They are not allowed to attend
different meetings, since this may bring confusion and affect the required process of training.
Leaders must fight to win souls that will be part of their group, without seeking others who
already have a leader (Romans 15:20).

9. Do not allow murmuring within the cell group

When a cell stagnates, gossip, complaints, criticism and backbiting may arise in the group. We
cannot allow anyone to speak bad about another member, the pastor, the leader, or the church.
It is necessary to be radical with the gossipers within the cell (Philippians 2:14).
10. Work on goals strategically
Both the leader and the members of the group must have specific goals of growth, which imply
effort and require God's supernatural power. These goals must be precise and have the
purpose of multiplication.

The cellular vision is a guarantee for success of church multiplication, yet it is conditional to the structure
and development of the weekly meetings. If indeed we follow the guidelines to have the meetings within
one hour, and if we keep in mind the commandments of the cell groups, undoubtedly we will be

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1. If you have not yet joined a cell or decided to develop one yourself, in accordance wit the guidelines
given in this lesson, the time has come for you to do so and watch and see the positive changes that
will occur
2. Examine the ten commandments of the cell groups and take note of the ones that you are failing in as
it relates to the cell group you belong to. Meet with your leader and come up with some practical
suggestions in order to overcome the weaknesses.

Evaluation may be carried out through the assessment of the cell that you attend caused by the execution
of specific suggestions to attain better results.

1. Bibliographical
Successful Leadership Through the Government of 12, by Cesar Castellanos Dominguez

2. Biblical
Explain the biblical foundation of the cellular work and its effectiveness in the primitive church
3. Methodological
It is recommended to do of a role-play representation of a cell group, in order to determine the way in
which they are being carried out and then to develop the contents of this lesson through a clear and
precise exposition.

Student’s Assignment
Make it your personal goal to open a cell group.

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Questionnaire for Further Study

1. What does God ask us to do according to 1 Corinthians 14:40?
2. For what purpose do people meet once a week?
3. According to 1 Peter 5:10b what does God do with the lives of the people in a cell group?
4. What should be the average attendance of a cell group?
5. List the structure of the cell group:
6. At what point in the cell group should you awaken interest for the meeting?
7. What mistakes can be made during the development of a cell meeting?
8. Name and explain three (3) commandments of the cell group
9, Read Hebrews 12:14 and name what we must obtain in our cell group.
10. What should we avoid according to Philippians 2:14?
11. Review the commandments of the cell groups and list the ones that you are failing in and what you
should do to improve.

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Lesson 5: The Methodology of a cell group

Teaching Objective
The student must acquire the ability to win, retain and train the members of his cell group.

Student Objectives
1. The student must be able to explain the effective way of evangelizing in the cell.
2. The student must be able to explain the effective way of retaining the persons who have been
3. The student must be able to explain the effective way of training the members of the cell.

Biblical Foundational Reference

Acts 4:12-16

Corresponding Biblical Foundation

Acts 6:7
Mark 6:39-40
Acts 10:24
Exodus 18:21
Ephesians 4:15-16
John 4:7-15
John 4:25-29

Key Verse
Acts 4:12
"Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we
must be saved."

The effect of the cell is far-reaching both, at the evangelistic level and the believer's edification. The
projected growth of a church can be attained in a fast and solid manner when the leader, the host and all
the members commit in the task of seeing the group multiply; taking into account the methodological
process that clearly points to the specific objectives with each of the members of the cell.
The objectives mentioned refer to the fulfillment of the stages included in the vision such as, winning,
retaining the fruit, and edifying the believers in order to be sent out.
The structure of the cell offers the guideline for carrying out the meeting and taking advantage of that
time will enable us fulfill that task.
Throughout this lesson you will learn how to use a method that has been perfected over time, and has
rendered awesome results, in the achievement of the goals related to the cellular vision.

Development of the Subject

I. Effective methodology
The Methodology of this vision will show the best way to attain excellent results. The actual
procedures contribute to optimize the resources available.
The cellular vision has projects itself as a preferred strategy that is used throughout the world
because results were obtained from the methodology which was designed by the vision itself. It
shows the steps for winning a person to Christ and helping to developed them into a true disciple with
the ability to reproduce himself in others.
It is a simple methodology but effective. It requires attention and commitment. The disciples devoted
themselves to spreading the gospel, taking into account Jesus' teachings and his method, " the
word of God spread. The number of disciples in Jerusalem increased rapidly, and a large number of
priests became obedient to the faith" (Acts 6:7).
II. Methodological suggestions
With clear reasons to get involved in the vision, consider the following suggestions in order to fulfill
the stages of the process in every weekly meeting:
A. How to win?
There are several well-known methods of evangelism, but what is important to remember is that
the cells become a useful opportunity to reach others for Christ. In John chapter 4 we find the
story of Jesus and the Samaritan woman, which is a very practical strategy of evangelism by
which we can learn the following steps to evangelize;
1. Break the ice (John 4:7)
Taking advantage of an opportunity or a conversation.
Keep focusing the message despite the objections (John 4:9)
As a rule, people have arguments to deviate the message. Be prepared.
Make a list of the most common objections in order to refute them under the light of the word,
without entering into discrepancies.
2. Detect the person's need (John 4:10)
Every person has a real need. Sometimes people tend to hide them, when the message of the
Gospel is being shared. Find it out and offer a solution that is centered in the person of Jesus
3. Create an atmosphere of expectation (John 4:10-15_

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The idea is to encourage the person to listen. Generate expectation speaking on topics
associated with the person's need then steer the conversation to alternatives, which are
interesting for the listener.
4. Speak about Christ (John 4:05-26)
In the evangelistic process, Jesus Christ is and must always be the main theme of
conversation. Introduce him as the only way of salvation, the only way to get to the Father and
receive His blessings,
5. Lead the person to accepting Jesus (John 4:27-20)
Victory is obtained when the person recognizes his sinful condition, declares his need for
Christ, and invites him to enter into his heart. The conversation must lead him to make this
decision, although the surrender is voluntary.
B. How to retain the fruit? – consolidation
When the person accepts Jesus as his Savior and Lord, our task has just begun, because the true
results come out when this new believer reaffirms his decision during the stage called
Here are some ways in order to do an effective work of consolidation through the cell:
 Call the members regularly especially the new ones.
 Visit the persons at their homes or work places.
 Take care of the disciples' needs, and pray for them.
 Encourage the people to attend a cell meeting and the church.
 Encourage the people to attend the encounter-God retreat and post-encounters.
Notice: Encourage your students to attend a Consolidation Course.
C. How to edify
Edification consists of nourishing the members of the cell groups, especially the new ones, by
teachings of the word that spiritually strengthen and help them to know the Father, the Son, and
the Holy Spirit in a better way.

The methodology is a set of procedures that help us to attain the goals inherent to the cellular vision, The
work of winning, keeping and building the souls are successfully made when we respect the established
parameters, which are common to every ministry and leadership, but it is only when we are convinced of
the vision that we become submerged in it that the methods become effective.

1. Establish a plan of evangelism with your fellow disciples. Keep in mind the guidelines found in the
passage about Jesus and the Samaritan woman. This plan must include the names of relatives and
friends who are non-believers.
2. Increase your study of the consolidation process, referring to the appropriate handbook.

The teacher should ask the students to write a paper about what they have retained from this lesson thus

1. Bibliographical
 The master plan of evangelization, by Robert Coleman
 The Ladder of Success, by pastor Cesar Castellanos
 Consolidation, an effective process for making disciples, by Pastor Claudia Fajardo.
2. Biblical
The book of Acts provides examples of evangelism that will help you to understand the effective way to
do this job.
In order to disciple, it is necessary that every leader develop a constant, in depth study of the word of
God. Every suggestion, in this respect, will be of value for your students.

3. Methodological
The method of conference–workshop may be used; to aid in sharing interesting experiences. It will be
used by your students to break the ice and to win souls.

Describe the growth of a person you have won, retained, and edified. How did you do it based on what
you have learned from this class?

Questionnaire for Further Study

1. What is methodology?

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2. Read Mark 16:17-18 and explain in your own words why cell groups are the best strategy to act like
Jesus did?
3. According to Exodus 18:21 what do you think are the characteristics a leader should have in order to
lead the cell group?
4. Analyze John chapter 4 and mention the strategic steps Jesus used in this case.
5. According to what you have learned in this lesson, how can you retain the fruit in your cell group?
6. How do you perform a good work of consolidation?

7. What does edification consist of?

8. According to Hebrews 6:1-2 when is a good edification given?

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Lesson 6: Strategies for Success

Teaching Objective
The student must understand that in order to have success in the cell a proper strategy has to be

Student Objectives
1. The student must be able to explain the biblical foundation of the strategies for success.
2. The student must be able to define the strategy that he will implement in his work with the cell group.

Biblical Foundational Reference

Joshua 1:1-9

Corresponding Biblical Foundation

1 Corinthians 9:24
John 12:24
Joshua 1:10-18
Joshua 6:1-20
John 6:63;
John 14:15-17
Psalm 104:30
Acts 2:2-4

Key Verse
Joshua 1:9
"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the
Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”

We know that there is no one in the world who does not desire to be successful. No one has been born
with the desire to fail and consequently prepares for it. In the midst of the processes of life, man has a
thought that drives him to be in good conditions and to obtain the best results in everything he does,
The desire for success is something inherent in the very spirit of man, but in order to attain it, it is
necessary to act strategically.
The cellular vision is in itself a strategy that offers the church success by solidifying multiplication, But in
order to implement the vision successfully some processes and behaviors need to be followed.
The bible tells the story of many men who heard God's calling to carry out a specific task, and who
reached extraordinary success because they didn't act according to their own opinion but always listened
to the voice of God revealing the steps they should take.
This lesson offers the cell leader the conviction that success is destined to him. God has already defined
the strategies for him to obtain success within the ministry entrusted to him.

Development of the Subject

I. What is a strategy?
It is a set of rules designed to accomplish a specific goal. In addition it allows the best surrendering of
man's ability.
Strategy leads to obtaining success in any venue. As a rule, the term is used within the military, to
provide the army of a nation the confidence to counterattack the enemy forces.
We can translate this concept into the spiritual realm, by understanding that the believer must act
according to God's strategy to fight against Satan (Ephesians 6:10-18).
Its design consists of elaborating work plans and taking advantage of resources to obtain a goal.
II. How to be a successful person
A strategy will bring about results in the person who is certain of obtaining success. The cellular
vision is designed for men and women, who are willing to renew their minds, visualize a victorious life
and channel all their efforts to attain it.
"Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as
to get the prize" (1 Corinthians 9:24).
The apostle Paul compares the Christian life with an athletic race, of having to struggle to obtain the
best prize. This is possible through the following steps:
A. Declare that success is for you
God has prepared things in such a way that success is attainable by everyone. He, in his absolute
sovereignty, has decided to make you successful and for this you must fill yourself with a genuine
faith; you should think as a conqueror.
Take hold of success and risk experiencing the unknown, which can give a positive turn to your
life, saying as Paul said "...forgetting what is behind and pressing toward what is ahead"
(Philippians 3:13b)
B. Be Persevering
Insist in a process until you obtain the set goal. This implies that you remain firm, overcoming the
obstacles and challenging the attacks, while remaining focused on the objective. To persevere
means needing to die, as the seed, to bear fruit.

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"I tell you the truth, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single
seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds" (John 12:24).
Persevering causes us to withstand any trial and to wait for God's precise specific timing to see
the blessing. If we do not see the fruit in a month, or two, or in a year, we can't lose heart. We
must have the certainty that the blessing is there. Many want to obtain success without
experiencing any trials, but the only thing that gives a person the size of a leader is to maintain
firm in the midst of adversity.
C. Have dreams
Only the person who has defined and noble dreams will be able to see his life reach a pinnacle of
success. He will become an example for the rest of the people. If you have a big dream, you will
be able to change the history of a whole nation, just as many determined men have; who dared to
believe God.
To dream implies that there is a firm commitment in knowing God's thoughts and using all your
strength combined with a good dose of faith for the dream to come true.
"Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith..." (Hebrews 12:21
III. Look for God's strategy
A successful person is the one who is attentive to the voice of God in order to receive His best
strategy. Joshua is a clear example of how to carry out this process.
After having been selected by God to replace Moses as the leader to guide Israel to the promised land
(Joshua chapter 1l Joshua had to face an obstacle, a huge hindrance before reaching success in his
mission: Observe what Joshua does regarding the Jericho walls (Joshua chapter 6).
1. He stops to listen to God's voice (Joshua 6:2).
2. He remembers the promise God made him (Joshua 6:2).
3. He receives the strategy from God (Joshua 6:3-5).
4. He organizes the people according to God's instructions (Joshua 6:6-11).
5. He carries out the strategy as God indicated (Joshua 6:12-16).
Obtaining the strategy from God demands the hard work of prayer and reading the word.
"Do not let this book of the law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night, so that you may
be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful" (Joshua 1:8).
When God gives us an assignment and reveals to us the strategy in order to perform it, (in this case
the vision in itself, the cells, and the groups of twelve) we need to remain in a close relationship with
him and encourage our people to get involved also (Joshua 1:16-17).

Success is associated with a strategy that allows man to take advantage to maximize his human abilities
and his work in cellular vision. It comes directly from God as it happened with Joshua when he guided the
people towards the Promised Land.
The divine strategy has the touch of the Holy Spirit that we must have a genuine relationship with
because without him the cellular success will never be evident.

1. From now on, you must enter into a new dimension in your life which is the dimension of success,
because it has been designed for you. Renounce conformity and mediocrity and begin to dream doing
something big for God.
2. Identify any obstacles that are preventing you from walking along the path to success, and look for
one of God's strategies in order to overcome it, doing as Joshua did.

Have the student write and define the strategy for his cell group in accordance with the concepts
explained in class. Closely review this work.

1. Bibliographical
Successful Leadership Through the Government of 12, by Cesar Castellanos Dominguez
2. Biblical
It is necessary to study the book of Joshua in great depth since it is the biblical foundation for this
lesson. Study the historical context of the book, its purpose, its main teachings and the content of the
book itself in order to develop a secure knowledge of the book.
3. Methodological
Wake up an interest for them to desire to know and extract the teachings of the book of Joshua.

Students’ Assignment
According to what we have studied in class and following each step, write a strategy you would like to
put into practice when you open your cell group.

Questionnaire for Further Study

1. What was the strategy God revealed to Joshua according to Joshua 1:1-9?

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2. According to what you studied in this lesson, what is a strategy?

3. What does a strategy lead to?
4. What does the design of a strategy consist of?
5. How can we become people of success?
6. Read carefully Joshua chapter 6 and answer: how do you find a strategy of God?
7. What is the role of the Holy Spirit within a strategy?
8. According to John 6:63 what does the Holy Spirit do in our lives?
9. Why should we not ignore the Holy Spirit?
10. Read Acts 2:2-4 and, in your own words, make a brief comparison between the influence of the
Holy Spirit in the early church and in modern times.
11. What personal strategy has God revealed to you for your life?

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Lesson 7: Motivation for the Cellular Growth

Teaching Objective
The student must understand the significance of the motivation within ministerial work.

Student Objective
1. The student must be able to define what that motivation is,
2. The student must be able to describe the strategy used by Nehemiah in order to encourage the people
for rebuilding the walls.

Biblical Foundational Reference

Nehemiah 2:17-20

Corresponding Biblical Foundation

Nehemiah 3:1-32
Isaiah 58:13-14
Job 13:15
Numbers 14:8-9
Proverbs 29:25
Colossians 3:16

Key Verse
Nehemiah 2:18
"I also told them about the gracious hand of my God upon me and what the king had said to me. They
replied, «let us start rebuilding.» so they began this good work."

One of the secrets to reaching our goals, at a personal, spiritual or ministerial level, is to have a constant
motivation to do the job.
Motivation comes from God. Our authorities, relatives, friends, and co-workers represent the support that
stimulates us to continue working until we reach the proposed objectives,
Throughout biblical history, we discovered the way God encouraged his chosen ones to undertake
important tasks and how these leaders dedicated themselves to pass on the same motivation on to the
people. Joshua and Nehemiah are two great examples.
Reaching the desired numbers through multiplication and spiritual strengthening of the congregation
depends on the degree of motivation that the leader has for him and for the rest of the people,
This lesson brings an understanding about the importance of motivation as an essential factor for success.
Here, we discover the advantages of genuine motivation as seen in Nehemiah, emphasizing the
significance of having the correct attitude as leaders, enable the fulfillment of our objectives,

Development of the Subject

I. What is motivation?
It is a set of factors; conscious or unconscious that determine an act or behavior. It is what
encourages an individual to move and work in order to reach a goal.
The motivation is internal when the thrust comes from within. It has to do with the personal desire to
reach something, Motivation is external when the impulses come from second or third parties such as;
our parents, friends, teachers, leaders, etc., who try to encourage us to do a specific task.
In the cellular vision, motivation is essential among leaders’ disciples and co-workers. "Therefore
encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing" (1 Thessalonians 5:11).
II. Motivation and the correct attitude of the leader
We will be able to encourage others only if we adopt the correct attitude in the midst of
circumstances that we face every day. The leader who is prepared to face adversity is the one who
has the ability to encourage others to go on with the cellular work.
The man who has the correct attitude knows what direction he will take. He fosters the spirit of a
conqueror and knows that optimism transforms adverse circumstances.
The motivation and the correct attitude of the leader are evident in the following situations:
A. Facing adversity
The common tendency of people is to get discouraged when an adverse situation comes that is
least expected , In moments of adversity be mindful that he who comes to comfort you will not
bring discouraging words,
A correct attitude, in spite of adversity, is the one Job had, even when, so suddenly, he lost
everything (Job 13:15).

B. Facing negativism
Every winner must learn to move not according circumstances, but according to what God has
already said in his word. Acts of negativism are like a poisoned arrow producing uncertainty.
Every leader that has a triumphant attitude knows the power of the word.
The story of Joshua and Caleb is quite inspiring, in that, we can clearly see that when the ten
spies were sent to inspect the promised land, most of them returned with a negative report
(Numbers 14:8-9) but the ones who acted with a spirit of faith conquered the promised land.
C. Facing fear

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Fear, the most powerful enemy that every person, wishing to triumph, must face. Anyone who has
let fear take control of his life will not be able to begin, with the basic steps that lead towards
success. Fear appears to be one of the most determinant causes of failure, and its specific mission
is to make people turn aside from the purpose for which God sent them to the world (Proverbs
D. Facing stress
Stress comes because of excess work, lack of rest, or not having a clear vision or purpose for
your life, thus causing frustration. In order for a leader to avoid this, he must strategically focus
on his purpose, without mistaking activity with productivity. Clear goals and a healthy mind
saturated with the word of God and prayer help overcome this situation (Colossians 3:16).
III. Nehemiah: a great example as a motivator
Nehemiah illustrates the way in which a leader obtains healthy motivation and the ability to encourage
others to do the work of God. The first four chapters of his book are challenging; they teach us the
strategies he used to encourage his people, defy his enemies, and achieve the objective of rebuilding
the walls of Jerusalem.
Even when the attacks of the adversaries continued throughout the execution of the assignment,
Nehemiah always maintained a correct attitude, so the people would not get discouraged. What he did
before the adverse situation is summed up in the following steps:
A. Detect the abnormal situation and set up a solution
Being captive in a foreign land, Nehemiah gets to know that his people are in great trouble and
disgrace, and that the wall of Jerusalem has broken down (Nehemiah 1:3). When he uncovers this
problem he believes that the solution is in asking permission to rebuild the wall and to look for the
resources to get it done. He encourages the people to do it: «you see the trouble we are in, how
Jerusalem lies in ruins, and its gates have been burned with fire: come, let us rebuild the wall of
Jerusalem, and we will no longer be in disgrace» (Nehemiah 2:17).
B. Involve the whole team in the job
One of the advantages of the cellular vision is that it is a job done by a team. This breaks the
structure of the traditional church where all the responsibilities and commitments fell exclusively
on the senior pastor. In this vision, everyone plays an important role in problem solving which is a
crucial component. "They replied, «let us start rebuilding. » so they began this good work"
(Nehemiah 2:18b).
C. Visualize the future blessings as an agent of motivation
When we have clear goals, they become the driving that impulses to struggle beyond the
circumstances: "...and we will no longer be in disgrace... The God of heaven will give us success"
(Nehemiah 2:17 and 20).
D. Do a vigorous and organized work
The leader must be prepared for the job he is going to carry out. When Nehemiah's people dared
to build, their leader already had a work plan which allowed them to build the wall in just 52 days
(Nehemiah 3:1-32).
E. Always remember the rhema word from Good
For the purpose to be fulfilled, the Lord gives every person a specific word for his life, his
ministry and the church in general. This rhema word is an element to encourage the leader and
the disciples. Its purpose is to prevent those from losing heart during the development of the
cellular vision (Nehemiah 2:18).

The great results of multiplication throughout the development of the cellular vision take place because of
the leader's motivation and of all those who are involved in the job.
Motivation is what encourages us to make an effort above the circumstances. This leads us to have the
correct attitude according to the purposes of God, as Nehemiah did with the people in order to rebuild the
walls of Jerusalem.

1. Examine the areas in which a person must assume correct attitudes in order to be triumphant. Then,
examine your own attitudes and be willing to change those, which get out of your control.
2. Purpose in your heart to become an excellent motivator for your family, for your work team, and
purpose to be a person who is always led by the spirit of faith.

Quiz the student to see if they understand the strategy God gave to Nehemiah.

1. Bibliographical
 Hand me another brick, by Charles R. Swindoll.
 Successful Leadership Through The Government of 12, by Cesar Castellanos Dominguez
2. Biblical
As was the case in the previous lesson, the study and analysis of the book of Nehemiah are important
for the development of the subject. Study the historical context of the book, its purpose, its main
teachings and the notable depths of the book in order to know it well.
3. Methodological
Lead the bible study emphasizing:

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 The significance of motivation in the process of the strategy and its implementation.
 The direct relationship between this subject and the vision of the ministry.

Students’ Assignment
Write down the reasons that you have been discouraged. Then tell how you found motivation again.

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Questionnaire For Further Study

1. In your own words describe what motivation means to you.
2. Why do you need constant motivation as a major factor to achieve our goals?
3. Make a research using the Bible and find three examples of people who motivated their teams to
attain their objectives.
4. Explain the difference between internal motivation and external motivation.
5. Who is in charge of assuming the correct attitude in motivation? Why?
6. Do you think there is an incorrect attitude in your motivation? If so, what would you do to correct it?

7. According to Job 13:15 how did Job face adversity?

8. Read the first 4 chapters of Nehemiah and name some of the strategies he used to achieve his goal.
9. What do you think are the advantages for involving the whole team in the strategy?
10. Define haw you would do a vigorous and organized work.
11. According to Nehemiah 2:18 why did the people set their hands to do the work?
12. One of the steps Nehemiah used to begin his work was a rhema word from God. What are the
rhema words and the strategy that God has revealed to you?

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Lesson 8: How to Solve Problems in the Cell Groups

Teaching Objective
The student must acquire the ability to solve problems that may arise in the development of the ministry

Student Objectives
1. The student must be able to explain the parameters to resolve a problem.
2. The student must be able to thoroughly explain how to solve a problem.

Biblical Foundational Reference

James 1:2-7

Corresponding Biblical Foundation

Joshua chapter 7
Matthew 8:23-27
Philippians 4:13
1 Peter 1:7
Luke 22:28
Romans 5:4

Key Verse
James 1:5-6
"If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it
will be given to him. But when he asks, he must believe and not doubt, because he who doubts is like a
wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind".

Throughout the history of Christianity we see men who were willing to do the work God entrusted to
them; but they had to confront diverse types of problems and difficulties that appeared along the way and
the enemy utilizes them as strategies to cause them to fall.
The cellular vision has no problems in itself, because God has given it to us with all the necessary steps
to be implemented for success. However, situations can arise which might affect the work and impede the
fulfillment of the goals set. ,
We all must be prepared to detect those problems and find the solution on time. If we dare to defy all the
attacks that come against the vision, and if we decide to be part of the solution instead of the problem, we
will have the victory and we will listen to the voice of Jesus saying, "You are those who have stood by me
in my trials. And I confer on you a kingdom, just as my father conferred one on me" (Luke 22:28-291.
This lesson teaches what some of the common problems are that exist in cellular work and reveals ways
to resolve them.

Development of the Subject

I. Problems that may affect the cell group
Keep in mind that a cell group is made up of people; therefore, an abnormal situation of anyone of
them can affect the whole group.
Problems can come up in the cells when the established directives for the cell's development are not
being properly fulfilled, specifically when the ten commandments of the cells are being broken,
resulting to the cause of personal and ministerial stagnation.
Summing up, we can list the following problems as the most common:
 Lack of commitment.
 Monotony in the development of the meetings.
 Spiritual coldness/lukewarm.
 Hidden sin.
 Demonic manifestations.
 Lack of vision and projection.
 Murmuring.
II. Weaknesses of character
When a person's character weakens, the leadership that is being developed is strongly influenced and
even his successes lack meaning.
Everyone who is filled with the spirit of God will reflect it in their character and give testimony baring
the fruit of the Holy Spirit: "But the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness,
faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law" (Galatians 5:22-23).
This fruit is what gives the necessary wisdom to confront problems and solve them according to
divine direction. Trials and difficult situations strengthen the character of each person removing self-
reliance and placing all confidence totally on God.
The leaders of the cell groups can attain the very best position while facing adverse situations,
because of the following:
A. God molds our character
A leader who has no character is as dangerous as a weapon in a child's hand.
God has to do a profound and deep work in us, molding us so that we can fulfill the mission
assigned to us. Moses is a clear example of a leader whose character was molded by God, who

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took him to the desert for 40 years because of the work He was being prepared for (Numbers
B. Intense work on the part of every person is required
True leadership requires effort and patience in order to see the desired fruit; if we do not get
discouraged, the results will be extraordinary. David worked with people who required much
strength of character, but out of them, he obtained the best army (1 Samuel 22:1-2).
C. There is a relationship between self control and decisions making
The strength or weakness of character depends on every person's self-control understanding it as
the ability and skill to control the emotions in a positive manner. It is this characteristic that helps
us make the correct decision in any personal or ministerial situation (2 Timothy 1:7).
D. We fight for a goal: perfection
A leader today, must be willing to let his character be molded by the Lord, and must have a goal
of perfection. God does not expect us to be close to perfection, but expects total perfection, which
means absolute spiritual maturity. (Matthew 5:48)
IV. Parameters for solving problems
In Joshua chapter 7 we find the story of Achan's sin that brought about God's wrath against the people
of Israel. Joshua's behavior in a conflicting situation gives us the steps that help to resolve problems:
A. Intercession
Avoid the mistake of acting in your own strength or trusting in your own ability. Searching for
divine direction and for strategic revelation from God is a reflection of spiritual maturity. (Joshua
B. Revelation
Every time we genuinely seek God's direction, he reveals something specific to us about the
problem, indicating the appropriate way to proceed in its solution (Joshua 7:13-15).
C. Obedience
It is useless to have the certainty that God has spoken to us if we're not willing to carry out his
leading. What helped Joshua and the people of Israel overcome a conflicting situation was the
assurance of acting according to the divine instructions (Joshua 7:16-18).
D. Consult the leaders
The Lord has placed us under authority, if we respect that authority and let our leader help us we
will have the wisdom to solve our personal problems and the ones that arise in the cells. The
leader, because of his testimony will gain the trust of his disciples to confide in him regarding
situations that they are involved in or have been involved. [Joshua 7: 19-21).

There are problems which tend to be common within the cell groups that the leader and the members
must act upon with prudence and wisdom.
If the problems are handled according to the divine parameters, the cell group will help to reach maturity
in the development of the cellular vision.

Make a comparative chart of the way you used to face difficult situations before studying this lesson.
Write the suggestions of how you would do it now with the knowledge of the appropriate parameters.
Notice the development of your weekly meeting. Be discerning. In so doing, if you detect anything
questionable that needs to be exposed, remember Joshua's example and act accordingly.

A constant work by the instructor is required in order to clarify doubts that may present themselves
during group work.

1. Biblical
You can explain the context of the passage of Joshua chapter 7, which is the biblical foundation of the
2. Methodological
A work in groups, with specific situations and conclusions directed by the instructor, will be
appropriate for this lesson.

Students’ Assignment
Detect what conflict exists in your personal and ministerial life. Then, according to your experience
device a plan of action that will produce the solution.
Note: Pray for the problems that the students are confronting.

Questionnaire For Further Study

1. What problems have you had to face in your cell group?
2. How did you solve those problems?

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3. According to what we have studied in this lesson, why do we have to face the problems in the cell
4. According to Galatians 5:22-23 what is the fruit of the Holy Spirit?
5. Name two aspects that can best help us reach the ultimate solution for our problems.
6. According to 1 Samuel 22:1-2 what did David do with every person?

7. Read Joshua chapter 7 carefully, and list the parameters Joshua took account of in order to solve the
8. According to the previous point, have you thought about using these directives in your own cell
9. Which do you think have been your mistakes?
10. How can you solve those mistakes?
Lesson 9: How to Choose a Team Leader

Teaching Objective
The student must understand what guidelines Joshua followed in order to choose a team of twelve.

Student Objectives
1. The student must be able to explain the significance of teamwork.
2. The student must be able to explain the guidelines for choosing a team of twelve.

Biblical Foundational Reference

2 Timothy 1:7
Luke 6:12-16

Corresponding Biblical Foundation

Matthew 16;17-18
Mark 1:16-18
John 1:35-42
John 20:21-22
1 Corinthians 12:11-12
Matthew 20:28
Jeremiah 18:6
Job 10:9
Luke 2:28

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Key Verse
2 Timothy 2:2
"And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable men who
will also be qualified to teach others".

The implementation of the cellular vision demands on counting on a well-trained leadership. The vision
does away with the traditional schemes of leadership (which is centered only on one person). It gives the
opportunity for every person, who has gone through the process of restoration and training, to be part of
a work team.
The Lord Jesus Christ gave us the best example of teamwork by forming a group of twelve men, into
whom he poured his character, training them to become his coworkers during his earthly ministry. Now, if
he, being the Son of God gave so much importance to teamwork, why shouldn't we?
It took Jesus three and a half years to train twelve men. He dug deep into their lives, molding their
character, converting them to be competent to continue with the vision that God had given them: the
salvation of the world.
Nowadays, we highlight the significance of teamwork, just as Jesus did, applying the strategy of the
model of the twelve to reach the full development of the vision.
This lesson will give you some suggestions on how to form a good team that will work well.

Development of the Subject

I. The importance of teamwork
Teamwork is imperative, especially within the church, because it facilitates the growth, causing it to
be continuous and solid. It allows diverse functions within the same body and all the while focused on
a common objective.
°All these are the work of one and the same spirit, and he gives them to each one, just as he
determines. The body is a unit, though it is made up of many parts; and though all its parts are many,
they form one body. So it is with Christ" (1 Corinthians 12:11-12).
When we work as a team;
 The effort is shared.
 It guarantees the continuity of the work.
 The work is not detained.
 Motivation perseveres, since some encourage others.
 Multiplication is faster.
 The gifts and talents of each person are appreciated.
II. Team work appreciates each person
During his life of ministry, the Lord Jesus took into account each person not by what they appeared to
be but by the potential he knew existed in each of them. When choosing his twelve disciples, Jesus
implanted his character in them and granted them spiritual authority to do the evangelistic work
throughout the nations of the earth (John 20:21-22).
The church of Christ is not a building made of bricks, with carpeted floors, etc. Instead, it is made of
people from every culture, race, and social class. Our task consists of winning them and working
carefully with them, just as Jesus did with his disciples (Matthew 16:17-18; 1 Peter 2:5).
Each person is a leader
When making up a team, always consider that the key to success is that each person around us
becomes a leader with the ability to guide others. Jesus chose twelve persons whom he saw had great
leadership potentials.
(Luke 6:12-16; 2 Timothy 2:2)
The secret is in the Twelve
The model of the twelve has always been in God's heart, and this number symbolizes government and
authority. Jesus did not choose eleven or thirteen people; he selected twelve who were in charge of
going on with the spreading of his vision throughout the world. With teams of twelve people, we begin
to restore God's altar in the world.
There is something supernatural about the teams of twelve (Matthew 10:1).
As a principle this strategy is defined as:
"A revolutionary model of leadership that consists of the head of a ministry selecting twelve people in
order to reproduce his character and authority in them in order to develop the vision of the church,
thus facilitating multiplication. These twelve persons select another twelve, and these select another
twelve to do in them what the leader has done in their lives."
Today through the twelve we can do as Jesus did, constructing a building with human stones.
III. We must do what Jesus did:
A. Win them in prayer
The Lord remained an entire night praying for those who would make up his team, and the
following day he devoted himself to choosing them. We must first conquer the team in the spiritual
realm so that then we can see it in the natural realm (Luke 6:12).
B. Select faithful men
Faithfulness must be a characteristic that stands out in the members of our team, so that we can
entrust to them the vision that we have received from God. Paul said to Timothy that he should
entrust the work to suitable people, implying that faithfulness is very important, Jesus considered
faithfulness while choosing his team. (Mark 1:16-20).

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C. Choose people who long to serve the Lord

Willingness to serve is another characteristic that stands out in someone who is part of a team of
twelve. The disciples of Jesus were always willing to serve him in everything. They were moved
by their love for God, and by the very example of their master (John 1:35-42; Matthew 20:28).
D. Select men that have a teachable heart
The vision can only be developed by men and women who are willing to go through a process that
will transform their character and their way of thinking in every area of their lives. lt will enable
them to be useful vessels in the ministry. Everyone should see themselves as clay in God's hands
for him to mold them according to his purposes (Jeremiah 18:6b; Job 10:9).
E. Choose people able to be proven
The great leaders stand out in the midst of trial and adversity. They are prepared and
strengthened in the fire. Through these different situations you can know the heart of the
disciples; during this time you can see if they have a faithful heart, because it will surfaces (Luke

The vision is guaranteed to succeed because the whole team has an opportunity to work and serve. This
breaks down the limitations of the traditional system which functions and responsibilities are centered
upon one person.
Jesus gave us the best example of leadership and teamwork by choosing twelve men, to whom He
dedicated the necessary amount of time to form them with the authority to spread his vision in the whole

1. If, currently you are not part of a team of twelve concern yourself to acquire the necessary merits to
be considered. So you can become someone who spreads and share the vision completely,
2. If you are already part of a team, begin to win souls with dedication and form each person the same
way Jesus did with His team of twelve.

Students’ Assignment
Read and study 1 Chronicles 12, and explain the characteristics of David's group.

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Questions for Further Study

1. What did Jesus do in Luke 6: 12-16?
2. What is the importance of a team of leaders?
3. According to your opinion, what would have happened to the ministry of Jesus if he had not chosen
4. Read 1 Corinthians 12:11-12 and answer according to the verse: what the importance of teamwork is?
5. Name 2 benefits of working as a team.
6. What did Jesus do before choosing his twelve disciples?
7. List and explain three guidelines we must take in account to choose a team.
8. According to the guidelines previously mentioned, do you believe you still need to develop any of
them in your life as a disciple?
9. Read Jeremiah 18:6b have you been a person with a teachable heart that God can mold?
10. What do you still need to work on to become an excellent leader?
11. In your own opinion, do you think the trials in our lives have any significance?

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Lesson 10: The Relationship between the Leader and His Disciples

Teaching Objective
The student must understand the basic guidelines in order to maintain a good relationship within a team of

Student Objective
The student must be able to explain each one of the guidelines to maintain a good relationship in a team
of leaders.

Biblical Foundational Reference

John 17:6-26

Corresponding Biblical Foundation

John 17:21-23
John 15:5
Philippians 3:8, 15-16
1 Corinthians 9:19
1 Corinthians 3:6
Matthew 11:30
Acts 5:14, 5:16
2 Corinthians 11:5-6

Key Verse
John 17:12
"While I was with them, I protected them and kept them safe by that name you gave me. None has been
lost except the one doomed to destruction so that Scripture would be fulfilled".

The cellular vision and the model of the twelve are based on relationships between the leader and his
disciples. Jesus established this principle by his example of relationship with the apostles.
Since the very moment Jesus chose his disciples, he gave special attention to spending time with them,
with the purpose of knowing them better, training them, and allowing them to fully know him.
The success of Jesus' ministry is established in the disposition he always had to remain in permanent
contact with the father through prayer, and for the constant, unconditional friendship and fellowship he
had with the disciples. It was for this reason that they could drink of the spirit dwelling in Jesus and count
on enough authority to continue with the vision.
The Lord and his disciples shared the same feelings. This unity became a testimony to the world (John
The same spirit of unity that reigned between Jesus and his disciples is the same spirit that must
characterize the leaders, disciples, and colleagues nowadays.
The subject of this lesson will give you some guidelines in order to obtain it.

Development of the Subject

I. The importance of unity
Unity of thoughts, feelings and commitments are the characteristics that reflect the solidity of a team.
For instance, victory for a soccer team is based on the cohesion of criteria and actions among all the
players and their trainer at the time of facing their opponent. Jesus said:
“I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit;
apart from me you can do nothing" (John 15:5).
Likewise, in the cellular vision, the disciples cannot do anything if they are not in touch with their
leader; and the leader will not be able to reach the proposed goals if he does not have support from
his team.
Being in unity and in agreement, shows spiritual maturity. (Philippians 3:15-16)
II. Forming the best ones: The leader’s responsibility
The leader must maintain an excellent relationship with his disciples, valuing them as persons and
taking care of their needs. This will encourage them to grow. The following factors are very
important in reaching this goal:
A. Teach them to grow
The disciples grow in grace, knowledge, and spiritual authority through the teaching that the
leader imparts to them. The leader must train the members of the group with the same care with
which a father feeds his children. He must possess a permanent motivation for the growth, and
must be himself an example.
"What is more, I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing
Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them rubbish, that I may
gain Christ" (Philippians 3:8).
B. Form Exemplary Leaders
The outstanding leaders and disciples are the ones who raise outstanding churches. Initially,
people come to church "rough" but the leader has the commitment to mold them and smooth them
like an instrument in God's hands.
Paul cared so much that he changed his position to achieve people's transformation.

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"Though I am free and belong to no man, I make myself a slave to everyone, to win as many as
possible"(1 Corinthians 9:19).
The leader must be willing to serve his disciples. Whoever is not willing to serve, cannot be
C. Lead to Success
It is the leader who gives direction to the disciples to become conscious that success is not
destined for a few, but for everyone who fights to attain it.
Leading a team of disciples towards success means guiding them to win others through
collaboration, avoiding jealousy and competition. Paul teaches that some preach while others
gather, but God gives the growth.
"I planted the seed Apollos watered it, but God made it grow" (1 Corinthians 3:6).
D. Teach Them Spiritual Discipline
The greatest dimension of growth in a group happens at the spiritual Ievel. The leader has to grow
to such a degree that he will then teach those disciplines, passing them to the ones around him.
God's disciplines are not oppressive, because they do not produce slavery, but absolute freedom.
"For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” (Matthew 11:30)
E. Create an Environment to Attract Others
The environment, in which the leader and his disciples move, must be full of such motivation that
others desire to get involved under that leadership. The leader and his team must have resources
and strategies to facilitate their personal and ministerial projections.
"Nevertheless, more and more men and women believed in the Lord and were added to their
number" (Acts 5:14).
F. Challenge Them With a Grand Model of Growth
The cellular vision and the model of the twelve do not allow the structure of conformity. The
leader should relate with his disciples through great challenges, and ambitious goals, which will
allow him to explore the immeasurable potential of each person.
The most excellent leadership is found in the leader who moves with great spiritual authority:
"Crowds gathered also from the towns around Jerusalem, bringing their sick and those tormented
by evil spirits, and all of them were healed" (Acts 5:16).
An excellent leadership is characterized by how the leader implements the vision. There is no
leadership without vision likewise there is no vision without leadership. The apostle Paul fully
dominated the vision of Jesus,
"But I do not think I am in the least inferior to those «super-apostles.» I may not be a trained
speaker, but I do have knowledge. We have made this perfectly clear to you in every way" (2
Corinthians 11:5-6).
In addition, the disciples must know that a high leadership is the ability to reproduce himself in
others. The vision in which you are involved has a defined anointing of multiplication.

The cellular vision and the model of twelve are based on relationships between leaders and disciples. The
successful leader, in the model of the twelve, is the one who is able to show solid fruit, which is evident
in the ones who have believed from his example, testimony, and teachings.

Examine where you are with your leader and disciple according to the outline of forming the best ones.

Evaluate the comprehension of this topic with a quiz.

1. Bibliographical
Successful Leadership Through the Government of 12, by Cesar Castellanos Dominguez
2. Biblical
Study the biblical foundation of each item and explain it in thoroughly.
3. Methodological
Start the class by means of questions and answers to learn the actual condition of the students.

Students’ Assignment
Do you have disciples which are people you have won for Christ and are in the process of training? If the
answer is yes, write how your relationship is with the in accordance to what you studied. If you have no
disciples, explain why.

Questionnaire For Further Study

1. What do you think was the success of Jesus' ministry?
2. According to John 17:21-23 what was the main characteristic in the relationship between Jesus and
his disciples?

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3. Why is unity important within a team? Find a scripture...
4. According to point number 2, what is our responsibility as leaders?
5. Read 1 Corinthians 9:19 what are the guidelines used to train leaders of excellence?
6. What are your strong qualities as a leader? Which ones would you like your disciples to develop?
7. What mistakes have you done during your leadership and would like your disciples to avoid?
8. Do you think there are things in the relationship between you and your leader that should change?
Which ones are they?
9. What would you do in order to obtain an excellent relationship with your leader and disciples?

Every believer, a leader.

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