Describing Process Text - Aneke Latuluma

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Writing 2

Home work

Describing Process

Name: Aneke Latuluma

Class: 2B

Reg. No: 2001020019

Indonesia is a country rich in culture. Each region has its characteristics in various
matters, including marital affairs. Diversity is what makes this nation very rich and diverse.
Similarly, Ambon also has customs at the wedding ceremony. The ceremony, in general, is
almost similar to the traditional ceremonies of other regions. The following are the stages of
customary marriage originating from Ambon.
When the couple in a relationship has agreed to continue the relationship to the marriage
level, the man will immediately tell his parents his wish. After that, parents will hold a family
gathering to discuss the wish. The conversation will also discuss the right time to meet at the
home of the woman's family. Once the time is agreed, the letter is will be sent to the woman's
family sent by an envoy.
Once the woman's family has received the letter and the parents have known of their
child's desire to marry, the parents will make a family meeting to discuss when the right time to
receive a male family guest is. The agreement then delivered to the man's family in the form of a
letter sent by the envoy.
By the agreement of the time, meet the family of man in the family home women.
Arriving at the girl's family home, the male family spokesman would make small talk as an
introduction to convey the primary purpose of the arrival: to ask for the daughter.
The second stage is "delivering clothes", there would be an event called "masuk minta
nona" (marriage proposal) event. The female family spokesperson will serve the male family's
entire conversation with subtle language in this event. In a polite speech, a spokeswoman for the
woman's family will discuss the conditions that the men must meet, for example, dowry.
At the time, the two families both relied on the agility of speaking from each
spokesperson. At that time, both parties will determine the time of marriage. This marriage's
timing must be precise because the people of Ambon believe that the right time dramatically
affects the perpetuation of a couple's household ark.
Two days before the wedding day, both parties must pass the inter-wedding ceremony. At
first, the male family delivered a female wedding dress called a mustiza dress or basumpa shirt
delivered by a jujaro (girl), accompanied by a mother called “Mata Ina”.
The women's family replied by delivering a set of men's wedding clothes, namely
trousers and “baniang”, which the bridegroom will wear at the wedding. This event's meaning is
that husband and wife have each other's responsibilities one day after marriage.
Usually the male family completes the mating outfit with a bottle of wine and a cake
(which is made by itself), as a doho-doho or souvenir to a female family.
The next stage is the long-awaited day. A close family escorts the bridegroom in the
wedding dress to the bride-to-be's family home with the music “toto buang”. “Toto buang” is a
type of traditional music in Ambon Island, usually used when implementing wedding parties and
other traditional Ambon events.
The wedding ceremony aims to bring the bride-to-be, be confirmed religiously, and in
government, as a legitimate husband and wife. In this event, the male family brought a mating
treasure in the form of a thread and a drop of water and "sopi" and a wooden (roll) white cloth.
This mating treasure is different for each country in Maluku. This property must be paid in full
so that it does not become a debt in the future.
After being legalized as husband and wife, the bridal party headed to the woman's family
to perform the party and hand over the marital property. Along the way, Tifa and toto buang
were hit with talus signifying excitement and a sign there was a party.
After carrying out all the women's home activities, the male family spokesman asked
themselves and the daughter to continue the wedding party at the groom's family home. When
asking for themselves, the woman's family usually feels moved, not even infrequently until she
sheds tears because they feel that now their daughter belongs to the man's family, who will next
stay at her husband's house.
After asking for it, the bridal party accompanied by toto buang music to towards the
men's house while having fun. When they arrive at the house's front, the wife will start with a
“Basu Kaki” Event. Basu Kaki or wash feet sign the wife should abandon all bad old habits
before entering the male family home. The event washed the wife's feet, performed by one of the
husband's unmarried sister. After washing their feet, it is time for the wife to enter the house to
start a new life.
The basu kaki event continued with the event eating with “Racing Plates”. It called a
racing plate because the dining table has arranged five white dinner plates (arranged layered).
The number five indicates that the Nusaniwe State people belong to Uli Lima's group (the
alliance of five). The white color means the heart of a clean, white and sincere man's family who
has received a daughter as part of a family member. Now she must be served as their child.
Eating racing plates can also be interpreted as a sign of social status and the ability of the
man's family who is carrying out the wedding party Masuk Minta.
After enjoying The Racing Plate Meal, the peak or end of Kawin Masuk Minta's entire
ceremony is the Dendang Badendang event, a singing event interspersed with raw reply poems.
Accompanied by the sound of tifa, the guests began to sing while rocking and holding hands.
Each side demonstrates the ability to process the word reciprocated poems until satisfied and
sometimes continued with katreji dance. That is a manifestation of Ambon people's joy from
Nusaniwe State during the implementation of the traditional wedding ceremony, Ambon.

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