Conventional Teaching and Learning Approach Is No Longer Suited For The Learner

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Family Background - A teacher's capacity to educate students is also influenced by variables in the

student's family. Teachers and principals are unanimous in their belief that what happens at home has
an impact on a student's ability to learn. Separation, single parenthood, poverty, abuse, and of other
difficulties are all issues that students face on a daily basis and bring to school works. Another
impediment to students' learning is the inability of some parents to read or write. Some teachers and
principals make an effort to engage with children who come from less than ideal home situations, but
they can only go so far – especially when parents are unwilling to collaborate with the schools in order
to provide for their children's basic needs. Under social distance policies, home visits may be conducted
by subject teachers or a cluster learning coordinator for students lacking available learning facilitators at
home. Establishing good supportive relationship with students and their families is critical, especially
when teaching from a distance. Continuing this program will immensely benefit the teachers, parents,
and students as a team. I believe students and their families who learn and think in different ways will
most likely require more regular check-ins so I will make some interventions like assisting learners in
developing effective learning techniques or routines-based intervention to help learners with
limitations. Teachers conduct a routine-based inquiry to learn about what a family does on a regular
day. For instance, a student might not work on his module because he needs to look for his younger
brother because his parents are away from home.

Communication - According to our school reports, there is no infrastructure in place to facilitate efficient
interactions between students, personnel, and faculty. Furthermore, an increase in student behavior
events occurs as a result of a significant communication gap that exists between students and their
teachers. Mobile and web educational monitoring system enhances connection by timely reports and
updates via internet, text message, and chat messages to keep the learners, parents and stakeholders
informed throughout each step of the journey to create relationships and drive better engagement. In
order to better understand the concerns of parents and children in connection to COVID-19, seek
clarification about their preferred delivery channels and mode of interaction, as well as the type of
assistance that parents and learners believe is necessary for them to be safe and to achieve success in
school. It is possible to actualize the outcomes of such consultations to adapt communication and
connection strategies, guaranteeing that they are suitable and meaningful and that they meet the
expectations of parents.

Assessing academic performance - Schools are struggling to handle information effectively, resulting in
unending delays in making choices based on thorough assessment of the situation. In order to analyze
attendance, schoolwork, grades, and other student outcomes and anticipate student achievement,
dashboard reporting and intelligent analytics are valuable indications for teachers. The use of data
analytics will assist schools in identifying students who are at risk of failing and in allocating resources to
increase accomplishment and success. If you're doing some of your schoolwork online through a class
website, keeping track of it may be a breeze. By allowing learners to register in to the website, you will
be able to see who has signed in, when, and how often (once you have visited the website page's log
data). Some areas of the course can be locked until students finish a quiz or other online activity in this
sort of online learning environment. This will, of course, show how far the students have progressed. If I
were to make a suggestion, I would adapt St. Paul University Philippines' monitoring system, in which
students can simply tap their identification cards on a monitor, and the monitor will display their grades,
subjects, financial obligations, and any other information that the school offers.

Since remote learning is mostly reliant on the utilization of digital technology, such as e-mail, online
courses and websites for video conferencing, the dilemma has underlined the necessity to promote
digital literacy by educators. While using digital technologies is an essential aspect of the technical skills
that educators are required to have, many teachers still lack the knowledge, skills, and resources
necessary to create high-quality online learning content due to the lack of ICT support, facilities, or
opportunity. In the same way, not all educators believe in the use of technology in the teaching-learning
process and the lack of professional growth to prepare teachers. Sometimes, educators over the age 60
who didn't grow up with computers and who think it's too late or unnecessary to learn digital abilities.
There are tech pioneers in every school. Create a digital literacy focal committee to proactively direct
and inspire innovation while boosting recognition of digital literacies across the school by harnessing
their interest and expertise. Recommend doing an evaluation to identify who in your school is already
incorporating digital literacy into their curriculum. Multidisciplinary planning has been demonstrated to
promote cross-curricular learning, maximize resources across academic boundaries and develop teacher
sense of teamwork.


If you know how to manage your time yet still disregard important obligations, you may struggle with
procrastination. People frequently misinterpret laziness for terrible time management, although
procrastinating can occur for a variety of reasons, including anxiety, stress, uncertainty, and indifference.
Just when students have missed the deadline for submitting their coursework. And to help learners
about the matter we teachers must set reasonable expectations for how long it will take you to
complete certain activities. They should assess their commitments and examine how they
will complement with what they really spend each day and assist them in making attainable objectives
for themselves. It is not possible to give their all to every responsibility, and doing so would result in you
being less successful in their attempts. If I were to propose for an intervention, I will develop a
counselling unit that will provide brief individual counselling to assist students in managing their time
and coping with several commitments.

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