16.endorsement : Complete Mayhem Broke Out

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1. Regression 15.

2. Multivariate= involve two 16. Endorsement = an act of
or more variable giving one's public
quantities. approval or support to
3. conceivable deemphasize someone or something.
17. Curb = restrain or keep in
4. ascribed= attribute check.
something to (a cause)
18. Drowsy = sleepy and
5. insofar= to the extent that lethargic; half asleep
6. threefold= three times as 19. Liability = the state of
great or as numerous being responsible for
7. recurring meeting something, especially by
8. recurring= occurring again
20. Deemed = regard or consider
periodically or repeatedly
in a specified way
9. ample= enough or more 21. Snugly= in a comfortable,
than enough; plentiful
warm, and cozy or well-
10. tackle= make protected manner
determined efforts to deal 22. Plunges= jump or dive
with (a problem or difficult quickly and energetically.
task). 23. Dim = make or become
11. Mayhem = violent or damaging less bright or distinct
disorder; chaos. complete mayhem 24. Obligation = an act or
broke out
12. Scrutinize= inspect, examine course of action to which a
13. Slants = slope or lean in a person is morally or legally
particular direction; bound; a duty or
diverge or cause to commitment.
diverge from the vertical or 25. Hypnoses
horizontal 26. Summon = authoritatively or
14. Breathalyzer= a device urgently call on (someone)
used by police for to be present, especially
measuring the amount of as a defendant or witness
alcohol in a driver's breath. in a law court.
27. Depressant= 37. Spur = stimulate
28. Reflex = (of an action) 38. Excursion= a short journey or
performed without trip, especially one
conscious thought as an engaged in as a leisure
automatic response to a activity.
stimulus. 39. Excursion = a deviation
29. Idle= (of a person) from a regular pattern,
avoiding work; lazy path, or level of operation.
30. Convicted = having been 40. Ingrained= (of a habit, belief,
declared guilty of a or attitude) firmly fixed or
criminal offense by the established; difficult to
verdict of a jury or the change.
decision of a judge. 41. Solicit= ask for or try to
31. Liaise= establish a working obtain (something) from
relationship, typically in someone.
order to cooperate on a 42. Deprecated= express
matter of mutual concern disapproval of.
32. Triggers=cause (an event or 43. Stepwise= in a series of
situation) to happen or exist. distinct stages; not
33. Venture = dare to do something
or go somewhere that may be
dangerous or unpleasant. 44. Dispersion = the action or
34. Counterparts = a person or process of distributing
thing holding a position or things or people over a
performing a function that wide area.
corresponds to that of 45. Incentive= a thing that
another person or thing in motivates or encourages
another place. one to do something.
35. Counterpart = one of two 46. Reluctant= unwilling and
or more copies of a legal hesitant; disinclined.
document. 47. Confiscated= (of property)
36. Jurisdiction= the official taken or seized with
power to make legal authority.
decisions and judgments. 48. Competent= having the
necessary ability,

knowledge, or skill to do 62. Induce= succeed in
something successfully. persuading or influencing
49. Assimilate = take in (someone) to do
(information, ideas, or something.
culture) and understand 63. Futile= incapable of
fully producing any useful
50. Manifested= display or result; pointless.
show (a quality or feeling) 64. Inception= the
by one's acts or establishment or starting
appearance; demonstrate. point of an institution or
51. Benign= gentle; kindly. activity.
52. Tentative= 65. Disseminate= spread
53. Actuator = a device that causes a
(something, especially
machine or other device to
operate. information) widely.
54. Tentative= not certain or 66. Symposium= a conference
fixed; provisional. or meeting to discuss a
55. Imposter particular subject.
56. Synthesis= the
combination 67. Acquaintances= a person one
of ideas to form a theory or knows slightly, but who is
system not a close friend.
57. 68. Felony= a crime, typically
58. Distilled=(of a liquid) one involving violence,
having been purified by regarded as more serious
undergoing heating and than a misdemeanor, and
condensation. usually punishable by
59. Reconnaissance= military imprisonment for more
observation of a region to than one year or by death
locate an enemy or 69. Hostility= hostile behavior;
ascertain strategic unfriendliness or
features. opposition.
60. Pamphlet= booklet
70. Perpetrator= a person who
61. Primeval= of or resembling
carries out a harmful,
the earliest ages in the illegal, or immoral act.
history of the world.

71. Survivors= a person who
survives, especially a
person remaining alive
after an event in which
others have died.
72. Casualties= a person killed
or injured in a war or

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