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Proving by


A fundamental strategy for

solving mathematical problems
What is a proposition?
⚫ A proposition is a statement which can be proved to be true or false.

True Any proposition

Proposition or must be either true or false!
➢ “4 is an even number.” True
➢ “In a triangle, the three interior angles always add to 180°.” True
➢ “Mt. Fuji is the highest mountain in the world.” False
➢ “A hamburger is the most delicious food.” Not a proposition
What is Proof by contradiction?
⚫ Proof by contradiction is a method of proving that
a proposition is true.
⚫ If you assume that the proposition is false and arrive at
a contradiction, it is shown that the proposition is true.

False Contradiction!

Problem 1

⚫ Show that any triangle has an angle greater than 𝟔𝟎°.

Examples of triangles


35° 65° 90° 45° 60° 20°
Proof of Problem 1
⚫ First, we assume that all the angles of a triangle are less than 𝟔𝟎°.
⚫ Of course, the sum of angles of a triangle must be 180°.
⚫ Now, it doesn’t hold because of our initial statement that all the
angles of a triangle are less than 60°.
⚫ We arrived at a contradiction. So, our assumption is false.
⚫ Therefore, we say that each triangle has an angle greater than 𝟔𝟎°.

Since 𝐴, 𝐵 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝐶 < 60°,
𝐴 + 𝐵 + 𝐶 < 180°.
B C Contradiction!
Proof of Problem 1
Any triangle has an angle
greater than 60°.
(All the angles of a triangle
are less than 60°)

(because the sum of angles
of a triangle must be 180°.)

Any triangle has an angle

greater than 60°. True
Problem 2 (Which chest has the treasure?)
⚫ There are 3 chests, exactly one of which has treasure.

Chest A Chest B Chest C

⚫ On each chest there is a statement, exactly one of which is true.

Chest A: The treasure is in this chest.
Chest B: The treasure is not in this chest.
Chest C: The treasure is not in Chest A.
Solution (Case 1)
⚫ First, we assume that the treasure is in Chest A.

Chest A Chest B Chest C

Chest A: The treasure is in this chest. True

Chest B: The treasure is not in this chest. True
Chest C: The treasure is not in Chest A. False
⚫ This is contradictory to the condition that there is exactly one statement
which is true.
⚫ So, our assumption is false. Therefore, the treasure is not in Chest A.
Solution (Case 2)
⚫ Next, we assume that the treasure is in Chest B.

Chest A Chest B Chest C

Chest A: The treasure is in this chest. False

Chest B: The treasure is not in this chest. False
Chest C: The treasure is not in Chest A. True

⚫ This is not contradictory to any condition.

⚫ So, there is a possibility that our assumption is true.
Solution (Case 3)
⚫ Finally, we assume that the treasure is in Chest C.

Chest A Chest B Chest C

Chest A: The treasure is in this chest. False

Chest B: The treasure is not in this chest. True
Chest C: The treasure is not in Chest A. True
⚫ This is contradictory to the condition that there is exactly one statement
which is true.
⚫ So, our assumption is false. Therefore, the treasure is not in Chest C.

⚫ By Case 1 and 3, we see that the treasure is not in Chest A and C.

⚫ So, it is shown that the treasure is in Chest B.

Chest A Chest B Chest C

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