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Tenths & hundredths:

How many tenths or hundredths are colored in the picture below? Write in words, fractions and decimal numbers for the
shaded part
Match each digits to the decimal place value

5 4 8.3 5
Decimal point Hundred Tenth Ten One Hundredth

Using blue pen to underline the tenths and and using red line to underline hundredths in each decimal number:

152.35 45.157 36.553 4255.038 845.966 100.001 9999.99


1. Name 2 things which can move (transport) the pollen from flower to another

2. Anther is a part of a flower that contains pollen

Stigma is a part of a flower that receives pollen

Name each organ of these flower (1,2,3)

3. _________________is the act of transferring pollen grains from (male anther) one flower to another (female
4. _________________ is the sweet liquid inside a flower that provides food for birds or insects

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