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Can you name 4 methods of seed dispersal?

Write the method of seed dispersal of each plant below:

Swan Plant




Horse chestnut

Sycamore (cây sung)


Burr grass

Match each phrases with the appropriate seed
dispersal methods
1. Seeds are light, dry and small
2. Animals collect seeds and bury them.
Sometimes they forgot where they have
buried them and seeds begin to grow
3. Seeds are contained in a fruit which is juicy,
fragrant or have bright color
4. The seeds are big, waterproof and can float
5. The seed has wings or hair which act like
6. The seedpods dries out and bursts in the
sunny day then the seeds are scattered
7. The seed has tiny hooks which help it to
attach to the animal fur

a. Seeds are dispersed by animal

b. Seeds are dispersed by wind
c. Seeds are dispersed by water
d. Explosive seed dispersal method

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