Apan Research 2019

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Effects of Technology to Students’

Academic Performance

A Research Project Presented to the Faculty of

Araling Panlipunan and Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao Department
Mapandan National High School

In Partial Fulfilment of the

Requirements for the subject
Araling Panlipunan 10



February, 2019

Republic of the Philippines
Region I
Division I of Pangasinan
Mapandan, Pangasinan


This is to recommend the approval of the research project of (Ryza Lorraine

Caliwliw, Kenneth Cervas and Rona Joyce Parenia) entitled (Effects of Technology to
Students’ Academic Performance) which is being submitted in partial fulfillment of the
requirements in Araling Panlipunan 10.


Araling Panlipunan Teacher

Head Teacher III
AP/ESP Department


Principal IV


The researcher’s sincerest appreciation and warmest thanks are extended to all

individuals who have given their contributions to the success of this study:

To the Mapandan National High School as the locale of the study.

To Ma’am Monica Mae D. Paragas, Teacher I of the Araling Panlipunan

Department as the Araling Panlipunan teacher, who gave her support, guidance and

assistance throughout the preparation of this study

To the parents of the researcher who have given inspiration and moral support

throughout this endeavour.

Above all to the almighty GOD whom the researcher owe the success for

providing wisdom, fresh of supply grace, treasure to enrich their soul, and guidance to

have an excellent choice and a ripples blessing in effect.

The Researchers


As time passes by, technologies evolve into modern that help people in their

daily lifestyle to make it better and easier. In the four corners of a classroom, technology

inspires some students to study hard. They make it as an inspiration and they use it to

entertain themselves and to reduce stress that they have. Some students use technologies

abuse technologies by playing online games that can affect their performance in school.

We came up in this study to know the good and bad effects in students. The objective of

this study is to know the harmful and good effects of technologies, to inform other

students about the negative and positive effects of technology and to give solution for

those who exposed too much on technology.

This study has used qualitative research design through the survey method. The

subjects of this study are the students of Mapandan National High School who uses

technologies like cell phones, computers, and etcetera. The researchers prepared

questionnaire to collect the data for the study Effects of Technology Addiction to

Students’ Academic Performance.

Addiction obtained the highest effect that 32 out of 43 with a percentage of 80 %

agreed that they experience it, second is Poor sleep habits that 28 out of 43with a

percentage of 70% agreed and the last bad effect that obtain high score too is Stress that

17 out of 43 with a percentage of 42. 5% respondents agreed.

The good effects of using technologies you can learn useful skills through

technology obtained the highest effect that 22 out of 43 with a percentage of 55 % agreed

that they experience it, second is, Improves knowledge retention that 16 out of 43 with a

percentage of 40% agreed and the last good effect that obtain high score too is

Encourages individual learning that 15 out of 43 with a percentage of 37. 5% respondents


Time management obtained the highest resolution that 11 out of 43 with a

percentage of 25.58 % agreed that they need to do it for them to solve their addiction

problem, second is Family Time that 10 out of 43 with a percentage of 23.25% suggested

and the last resolution that obtain high score too is using gadgets properly that 9 out of 43

with a percentage of 20.93% respondents suggested.

Researchers conclude that the addiction in technologies can harm the academic

performance of the students. The better key to be a better student is to use technologies in

good way to get a high grades.

The researchers recommends that students need to have a family time with their

families even in just weekends and have a time management in using technology and

studying every weekdays, students must learn on how to multi-task efficiently.



Background of the Study

In the past centuries, people work with their own two hands and they live

with a healthy body. People were contented with what they have. Their hobbies were

playing outdoor games like “Tumbang preso” and other outdoor games that involve

physical activities. In the past centuries, they cannot read nor write.

But these past years, technologies were invented. Technologies help people

to be informed about the daily updates and to make relaxation and happiness. Everybody

who uses technology receives a big help because technologies obey easily and quickly.

Students are the most beneficial among the people who live in this world.

Technology helps students to explore information what they need to know about a

particular subject. They can use technology in projects and school works. It also allows

thinking actively about the information displayed on the technology called “computer.”

Technologies can harm students in many different ways. Technologies like

cell phone, computer, laptop, or any gadgets can have an effect on our brain and too

much using these technologies can cause addiction. Addiction is a mental disorder that

affects our brains. Being addicted to these technologies makes your future miserable.

Technologies can change the behavior of a student. If students used gadgets 10 hours a

day, it can affect the student’s daily lifestyle.

In the four corners of a classroom, technology inspires some students to

study hard. They make it as an inspiration and they use it to entertain themselves. Cell

phones, computers, and calculator are the examples of the technologies use of students to

make their performances become active and high. Cell phones inspire students to study

hard, why? because it helps students reduce stress and to reduce depressions who suffer

by one student or more. Computer helps students to get high performance. Computers are

used for the projects, designing, and presenting their reports in front of their professor.

Calculator is very useful and helpful to student because it can easily add, subtract,

multiply, and even divide the small and large number.

Today’s students were active when it comes to technology.

Statement of the Problem

The general problem of this study is to know the effects of technology on

academic performance of every student. Specific problem:

1. What are the harmful and good effects can a student get in using technology?

2. What situation students need to know if they are exposed on technology in a bad

or good way?

3. What could be the possible solution if exposed in technology like gadgets 8 hours

a day (using in unnecessary thing like online games, facebook, and etcetera)?

Objective of the Study

1. To know the harmful and good effects of technologies.

2. To inform students about the situations that causes too much use of technology.

3. To give solution for those who exposed too much on technology.

Scope and Limitation

This study focuses in the junior high school students (grade seven (7) - grade

ten (10)) to determine the beneficial value and effects of technologies to the academic

performance of students. We conducted survey questionnaires at the junior high school

students to get their opinions and presence of technology to their academic performance.

This study was conducted from S.Y. 2018-2019 at Mapandan National High School.

Significance of the Study

Research on the effects of technology on student achievement is essential

information for school leaders and policymakers. Administrators are responsible for

staying abreast of relevant research to ensure the best instructional methods are utilized to

maximize the academic success of students. Technology is now the primary basis for

information retrieval, study materials, and curriculum enhancements; which are all

components that contribute to student success (Chowdhury, 2010). As the world

continues promote, create, and support technology integration, educational systems must

continue to follow suit to keep students aware of the latest innovations and assistive

technologies that lead to student achievement. The significance of this study is to

provide evidence that technology affects the Students Academic Performance. This study

also helps the students on how to manage their time using technologies. The students

learn the proper usage of technologies to make their academic performance satisfy upon

their skills. This study shows that the students could use technologies during their school

activities and helps the younger generation to develop their skills in using technology.

Definition of Terms

Technology- refers to the methods, systems, and devices which are the result of scientific

knowledge being used for practical purposes.

Technology has many effects. It has helped develop more advanced economies

and has allowed the rise of a leisure class. Many technological processes produce

unwanted by-products known as pollution and deplete natural resources to the detriment

of Earth's environment. Innovations have always influenced the values of a society and

raised new questions of the ethics of technology.

Academic performance- Academic achievement represents performance outcomes that

indicate the extent to which a person has accomplished specific goals that were the focus

of activities in instructional environments, specifically in school, college, and university.

Technology is important but it can also affect the academic performance of a

student once the student became addicted in technology. Instead of going to school, the

students skip classes and technology can also change one student’s attitude that may

affect his/her academic performance.

Technology Addiction- Technology addiction, sometimes called internet addiction, is a

fairly new phenomenon. It’s often described as a serious problem involving the inability

to control use of various kinds of technology, in particular the Internet, smart phones,

tablets and social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

Now that it’s effortless to text and access the Web and social media from almost

anywhere, more of us are dependent on communicating via the tiny computers we carry

with us. So it’s no surprise that health experts are seeing a rise in addictive tendencies

that involve technology. 



This chapter presents about the effects of Technology which include the Benefits

and Harmful Effects in Academic Performance of students, Solutions, some literature

about Effects of Technology and some Related Studies associated with the effects of

technology in every student’s Academic performance

Benefits of Technology

The 21st technology tools can positively influence the student learning process and

outcomes, students use technology for learning, work and leisure activities. Computer

allows for better student time on task and the students show increased attentiveness

through use of technology. Also, the students are more likely to be engaged in learning

during interactive multimedia technology. Another benefit is computer use as a tool for

more instruction for the student. Computers can provide that individual instruction that

students need.

Previous articles conclude that by using online tutorials students tend to get higher

scores effectively (Sasser, 1991) this study was conducted in the state of Florida. The

researchers use the scores to identify the difference of scores when students get online

tutorials while other students are not obligated to use tutorials. The result of their survey

shows that the students who learn on online sources got the high scores over the students

who did not use online tutorials.

Computer programs, such as Power Point presentations, allow for easier note

taking by the student. The computer helps students with spelling and grammar. Current

technology lets students produce spreadsheets, multimedia reports, graphics, timelines

and many other technological concepts that were extremely difficult before computers

were invented. Students in today’s world have almost everything at their fingertips.

Students can obtain information from anywhere in the world. (Article by Vonda Button,


Improves engagement, Technology provides choices to make learning more fun;

students are expected to be more interested in the subjects they are studying. Technology

can encourage the students to learn about the subject, that traditional lecturing cannot do.

Encourages individual learning, students can now easily understand every lesson,

technology gives the student to have an access on learning the lessons online if they

cannot understand it at school, it also helps the disabled student to study individual if they

cannot go to school anymore, there are now many ways to study not just by attending at

school, but a student that cannot afford to go to school every day, technology will be the

one that will help them. Students can learn useful life skills through technology, By using

technology in the classroom, students can develop skills essential for the 21st century.

Students can gain the skills they will need to be successful in the future. Modern learning

Is all about typing, searching, and code it in a computer. The more that a student use

technology the higher possibility for them to always be aware of their lessons and also

surroundings. It will add to their motivation and learning and always being creative and

active at class (web anywhere, benefits of using technology, 2016)

Harmful Effects of Technology

The use of Communication now through Social Media is rapidly increasing.

Students tend to use gadgets like phone, laptop or a computer longer than to study their

lessons. The negative effect shows that gadgets destroy the mindset of a person that

should be learning this time, the student who chooses to use phone only to surf on

internet for own benefit got a lower grades on academic performance and sleepless nights

than those who choose to study over phone. (D.K. Wentworth, J.H. Middleton /

Computers & Education 78 (2014) 306-311)

Some researchers survey a large amount of students to know if there is a bad

effect of technology on academic performance of students. They found out that variety of

students show the negative effect of technology. In a qualitative study with Taiwanese

students as its sample, reported that sleep deprivation is the result of heavy use of internet

return with low grades (Chou, 2001). Another researcher found that students this day are

a heavy user of internet that causes them a low grade and low learning satisfaction than

non-heavy users (Chen and Peng, 2008). Researcher focused on surveying college

students to know the relationship between the video game usage and grade point average

(GPA). He reported “an inverse trend in GPA and daily video game usage; as the total

time increased, GPA decreased” (Anand, 2007, pg. 555) and again another researcher

found that Facebook users spend less time on studying, but for some reason 79% of these

students did not agree that they spends more time on Facebook than reading lessons

because it didn’t interfere in their academic performance. However the researcher

disregard the complains of the students and focused on what they are doing during vacant

hours and how many hours they spend on Facebook and studying, after that researcher

found a negative correlation between time spent on Facebook and grades (Karpinski and

Duberstein (cited in Ohio State University, 2009) ).

Financial difficulties: Even students this day have financial difficulties, because

they are trying to save money every day from their allowance for them to buy new

gadgets like phones, laptops and TV’s for them to have a new gadget that they can share

through social media showing how every student loves changes in this country. Health

problems: Students let down being healthy when they are focused on technology, They

forgot to have a nice 8 hour sleep every day, forgot to have a dental check, and other

issues. Relationship issues: When a student choose a gadget than having a

communication talk with the family, that is the start of not being too close with the

family, no one cares what others would do, and always sharing your problems in the

social media like it is your diary than having a serious talk with parents, taking the time

away from your parents, family, and friends just to keep update online, impression that

others are not important, and this can be damaging to healthy relationships.

Mental health symptoms: Excessive Use of Technology by Students can lead them

to Mental Health Problems like stress, depression, and fatigue., not sleeping early or

disturbed sleep can lead to being fatigue of that person; stress may be related to the

nonstop updates of Students life, like a continues quiz, assignments, projects and

practicum that you feel your mind would blow in any minute : depression can come from

not taking enough time to unwind as well as a lack of personal connection in life.

(Solutions-Recovery, Normal vs. Healthy, 2018)

Ways to Avoid Excessive use of Technology

This 21st Century seems only evolves on the world of Technology, being glued to

the screen of Smartphone is as intertwined without our daily lives as breathing. There are

ways to avoid excessive use of technology; your quality of sleep is significantly affected

by night-time use of Smartphone, laptops, and tablets. A simple message or phone call

can send your mind into a tailspin of thoughts even if your mind needs to step down and

rest. Put your phone away from you or you can just silent your phone for no notifications,

create your own technology schedule, you should focus your task on productivity, instead

of spending much time on scrolling your newsfeed, it is better if you have a designated

time-slot for your gadgets (Douglas, Ways to avoid excessive use of Technology, 2017).

Finding other methods of entertainment and relaxation is essential, and it also

means strictly limiting engagement with electronics devices. Examples include:

Avoid use of all social media sites, or limit focus to a single site and check in for a brief

time once per day, students must obey this for them to benefit from it, the more that they

follow this rule the higher the possibility of being a mentally and physically healthy,

because when you limit the use of technology you can now take care of yourself, you can

exercise, eat healthy foods and maintain proper diet, and lastly you can have a nice eight

hour sleep. Have an electronics-free day every week, Sunday is the best day to avoid

electronic because there are many activities in this day: you can go to church every

morning to pray in God, Have a Family Date or Trip Together, and a nice communication

with your family and friends. Notice when boundaries start to slip and implement

check-ins with an accountability partner to put them back in place, you should know

when your limits start to slip for you to stop it early and not to do worse things and you

need a partner too for the both of you to remind each other if you are already slipping on

your limits for you to stop it and do it again like in a first time. (Solutions-Recovery,

Comprehensive Treatment, 2018)

The Positive and Negative Effects on Student Achievement

Technology is the technical means people use to improve their surroundings.

People use technology to improve their ability to do work. Classrooms around the world

have implemented many forms of technology to enhance student interest and

achievement. The NCTM Position Statement (1996) states: "Research and experience

have clearly demonstrated the potential of calculators to enhance students' learning in

mathematics. The cognitive gain in number sense, conceptual development, and

visualization can empower and motivate students to engage in true mathematical

problems solving at a level previously denied to all but the most talented. The calculator

is an essential tool for all students in mathematics. "

Technology can be seen in many forms. From the basic four function calculator or

graphing calculator to assistive technology for students with learning disabilities.

"Technology is a major catalyst for increasing learning" (lsernhagen, 1999, 30).

Much has been written about how to use technology to increase student

achievement. A number of new technologies are emerging to support and enhance

learning in our schools. Many of these technologies are not used to replace traditional

teaching methods, but instead used as simple methodologies to enhance student learning.

Various studies have sought to determine the effects of the use of technology on

student achievement. Studies have found both positive and negative effects of technology

on student achievement. The ideal goal for educators is to implement technology in the

classroom and see definite positive effects on student achievement.

Various Types of Technology That Increase a Student's Ability to Do Work

Technology is not just a device to make a classroom come more alive, but can

also come in the form of "Assistive Technology." An Assistive Technology Device is any

item, piece of equipment, or product system that is used to increase, maintain, or improve

functional capabilities of students with disabilities (Riley, Beard and Strain, 2001, 47).

Assistive Technology is available for students with disabilities as well as students

who don't have identifiable disabilities. This type of technology can promote positive

student achievement for those students that lack the basic mathematical skills.

Technology has proven to increase student achievement. In an article by Charles

F. Kiehl and B. Ann Harper of SUNY Brockport, hand-held calculators were the main

focus. The article provided advantages and disadvantages on the use of the calculator in

the classroom. Some educators are afraid that children will not learn the basic

mathematical skills and will become dependent on the calculator to perform those

operations (Kiehl and Harper, 2001, 18). This article relates to the current study by

giving a framework on the advantages and disadvantages of using technology in the

classroom. Are we actually helping students by providing them with calculators to

enhance student achievement or are we replacing the learning process with a hand-held

device? The article focuses on the various techniques that teachers could use to improve a

student’s understanding of the mathematical content. Calculators should be used to

enable students to perform operations more quickly and accurately. Educators can find

many things to do with the calculators. Some activities can become less appealing if the

calculator is absent. The calculator itself Computers seem to be the big craze of the

century. Computers are in almost every classroom around the world, whether at each

students desk or at least at every teachers desk. In the James Kulik Study (1994), the

researcher used a technique called meta-analysis to aggregate the findings from more

than 500 individual studies of computer-based instruction. Computer based instruction

individualizes the educational process to accommodate the needs, interests, and learning

styles of each student (Kulik, 1994, 4).



This chapter includes the information concerning the research design, materials,

methods and procedure used in conducting the research study.

Conceptual Paradigm



Bad Effects Using Improves Students

Technologies Performance

Fast Development of
Technological Aspects

Technology can change our life directly in either enhancement or distraction.

With the help of technology, students can progress their own pace and can become an

active participant to receive information. It offers an opportunity to the students to

accommodate different learning styles and motivate them to self-improvement and self-

learning. It benefits both strong and weak students with their particular demands.

It also helps the students to create a presentation that presents all the information

gathered. It can advance the learning process of students by making it faster, cheaper and


Too much addiction on technology is one of the biggest problem student’s suffer,

because this is the reason why student’s academic performance decrease slowly. Getting

addicted on technology can only cause the students to sleep late and this factor causes the

change in their academic performance. According to Mayo Clinic, lack of sleep can

affect body’s immune system and more likely to get sick after being exposed to a virus,

such as a common cold virus, it can also affect how fast the body recover if you do get


Fast development of technology affects why people change habit in their house

especially in school. They are not contented on what they have that cause them to explore

different things to improve this human being. With technology, works of people can

easily do, but they need to be careful not to use technology in bad ways.

Research Design

This study has used qualitative research design through the survey method. The

subjects of this study are the students of Mapandan National High School who uses

technologies like cell phones, computers, tablets and etcetera. The researchers prepared

questionnaires to collect the data for the study Effects of Technology to Students’

Academic Performance.


Gathering of Data

The study used a Probability Sampling Method. It is a method of sampling that

utilizes some form of random selection. In order to have a random selection method, the

researchers set up some process or procedure that assures that the different units in our

population have equal probabilities of being chosen and the researchers also use Stratified

Sampling, it refers to a type of sampling method. With stratified sampling, the

researchers divide the population into separate groups, called strata.

The population was the Junior High School Students of Mapandan National High

School where it totals: 2,246. The population was divided into four (4) groups: Grade

seven (7), Grade eight (8), Grade nine (9), and Grade ten (10) and there are two percent

(2%) from each group where chosen to answer the surveys.

Table 1: Number of Sample of the Study

Groups Number Of Population Number of Samples

Grade 7 619 ×2=12
Grade 8 523 ×2=10
Grade 9 597 ×2=11
Grade 10 507 ×2=10
TOTAL: 2,246 43

The study used survey questionnaires, to determine the situations students face

causing them to use too much of technology determining if it has a bad or good effect on

their academic performance. The survey questionnaire has been tested on the sample of

the study which is 43.



Projects Good
Researching Information for Research Paper Good
Tutorial for Practicum Good
Applications that helps in their study Good
To ease their boredom Good
To relieve their stress Good
To escape their problems Bad
To communicate with their friends Good
Videos for Individual Learning Good
This question let the students answer freely, and the table above shows their

answers that used to explain the results and finding of the study.

To determine the good and bad effects of technology addiction on student’s

academic performance that they experience as shown in the table below. The survey

questionnaire has been tested on the sample of the study which is 43. There are choices in

two (2) questions and one (1) question that needs to answer by themselves, They can

answer two (2) times at the same question, after answering the survey it needs to tally to

know what are the largest number of activity that affects the student’s performance.

Table 2: Good and Bad Effects of Technology to be Tallied

Obesity Improves Engagement
Depression Improves Knowledge Retention
Poor Sleep Habits Encourages Individual Learning
Lack of Privacy Encourages Collaboration
Stress Can Learn Useful Skills through Technology
Loss of Hearing or Eyesight

This table shows the examples of technology effects on student’s academic

performance and this is used to explain the results and findings of the study.

Statistical Tools Employed in the Study

Graphical Method. The data gathered was organized and represented using and tables.

Percentage Analysis. Is the method to represent raw streams of data as a percentage (a

part in 100 - percent) for better understanding of collected data. In this method the

percentages are used to represent relationship percentages and can also be used to

compare similar terms. .

Percetage = (No.of response) / (Total No.of reponses)×100



This chapter presents the results and findings of this study including its

comprehensive analysis and interpretation.

The study was conducted at Mapandan National High School. The results

indicated the bad effects, good effects, and resolution of technology addiction on

student’s academic performance

Table 3: Bad Effects of Technology

Number of Number of who

BAD EFFECTS Percentage
Sample Study responded
Obesity 43 1 2.5 %
Depression 43 6 15 %
Poor Sleep Habits 43 28 70 %
Lack of Privacy 43 7 17.5 %
Stress 43 17 42.5 %
Addiction 43 32 80 %
Loss of Hearing or Eyesight 43 14 35 %

Graph 1: Bad Effects of Technology

Table 3 and Graph 1 shows the accurate and clear presentation of Bad effects of

Technology on student’s academic performance. Addiction obtained the highest effect

that 32 out of 43 with a percentage of 80 % agreed that they experienced it, second is

Poor sleep habits that 28 out of 43with a percentage of 70% agreed and the last bad effect

Obesity Depression Poor Sleep Lack of Stress Addiction Loss of
Habits Privacy Hearing or

Number of Sample Study Number of who responded

Improves Improves Encourages Encourages Can Learn Useful
Engagement Knowledge Individual Learning Collaboration Skills through
Retention Technology

Number of Sample Study Number of who responded

that obtain high score too is Stress that 17 out of 43 with a percentage of 42. 5%

respondents agreed.

Table 4: Good Effects of Technology

Number of Number of who

Sample Study responded
Improves Engagement 43 7 17.5 %
Improves Knowledge
43 16 40 %
Encourages Individual
43 15 37.5 %
Encourages Collaboration
43 6 15 %
Can Learn Useful Skills
43 22 55 %
through Technology

Graph 2: Good Effects of Technology

Table 4 and Graph 2 shows the accurate and clear presentation of Good effects of

Technology on student’s academic performance. Can Learn useful skills through

technology obtained the highest effect that 22 out of 43 with a percentage of 55 % agreed

that they experienced it, second is, Improves knowledge retention that 16 out of 43 with a

Stop Using Gadgets Family Time Sports Use Properly Time Management

Number of Sample Study Number of who responded

percentage of 40% agreed and the last good effect that obtain high score too is

Encourages individual learning that 15 out of 43 with a percentage of 37. 5% respondents


Table 5: Resolution on Technology Addiction

Number of Number of who
Sample Study responded
Stop Using Gadgets 5 11.62 %
Family Time 10 23. 25 %
Sports 8 18.60 %
Use Properly 9 20.93 %
Time Management 11 25.58 %

Graph 3: Resolution on Technology Addiction

Table 5 and Graph 3 show the accurate and clear presentation of Resolution on

Technology Addiction on student’s academic performance. Time management obtained

the highest resolution that 11 out of 43 with a percentage of 25.58 % agreed that they

need to do it for them to solve their addiction problem, second is Family Time that 10 out

of 43 with a percentage of 23.25% suggested and the last resolution that obtain high score

too is Using gadgets properly that 9 out of 43 with a percentage of 20.93% respondents


Table 6: Situations that causes students to use too much Technology

Projects Good 5 3.87%
Researching Information for 5 3.87%
Research Paper
Tutorial for Practicum Good 4 2.32%

Applications that help in their

Good 6 6.97%

To ease their boredom Good 4 2.32%

To relieve their stress Good 5 3.87%
To escape their problems Bad 4 2.32%
To communicate with their friends Good 6 6.97%
Videos for Individual Learning Good 4 2.32%

Table 6 shows the accurate and clear presentation of Situations that causes

students to use too much Technology on student’s academic performance. Applications

that help in their study and to communicate with their friends got the highest response

with six (6) respondents each and a percentage of 6.97%; projects, researching

information for research paper and to relieve stress got the second highest response with

five (5) respondents each and a percentage of 3.87; tutorial for practicum, to ease

boredom, to escape problems and watch videos for individual learning got the lowest

response with four (4) respondents each with a percentage of 2.32%. To summarize it all

Good effects got the highest response with a percentage of 97.68% and Bad effects got

the lowest response with a percentage of 2.32%



This chapter summarized the findings, Conclusion and Recommendations of the study.


After performing investigations through survey, the researchers had finally come

up with the answer to the problems. Students academic performance get affected because

of too much use of technology, they get addicted to technology because of its

applications that’s too entertaining to all types of people, they just want to scroll down,

click and capture all the time than read history, science, math and all of their subjects,

because books are just for learning that they thought of using it only at school and not at

their own houses because for them, books are just for learning that they cannot compare it

to their phones and other sorts of technology that gives them much satisfaction and

entertainment. Also they know that they are in the 21st century so that it is not bad for

them to use their phones too much than books, but because of this study, the researchers

also conducted a survey on students on how they will resolve their addiction to gadgets,

majority of them suggested that they will just make their own time management, morning

is for class, afternoon is for all the assignments and projects, and in the evening they can

use their phones freely as they want, it all depends on the students on how they perform

their own time management, second resolution that works for all is having a family time,

having a funny conversation with their family and bonding with them in any places is

much better because family gives you comfort, love and a heart-warming advice to solve

your own problems than technology that gives you too many thoughts and letting your

mind and creativity fade away that results to students not having a originality of work.


Based from the results accomplished throughout the study, the following conclusions are


1. Addiction on technology is the real problem that students encounter in their academic

performance, they are aware of the consequences but they still use it as much as they

want even if it affects their studies, despite of the disadvantages is that they can still learn

useful skills through technology, they can learn how to dance, sing, act, cook and many


2. This study helps the students to know if they are in a good effect or bad effect of using

technology, good effects still got the highest response so it concludes that technology

helps them in their academic performance. The results always depend on what situations

students face.

3. Having a balanced time management and family time is the only useful way to help

them get out of too much use of technology and get started on focusing in their academic

performance without any hindrance in their mind and creativity.


Based on the results of the study, the use of technology is not bad at all, The

results always depend on what situations students face, you can use technology if you

want to learn a thing that you don’t know but you need to remember that technology

takes away your creativity so be careful and wise on using this technology.

The researchers recommends that students need to have a family time with their

families even in just weekends and have a time management in using technology and

studying every weekdays, students must learn on how to multi-task efficiently.

The researchers recommend to use the findings of the study not just to the

students but also to all people

Since using too much of technology that students academic performance get

affected, the researchers recommends that this study will be introduced to public. Since it

is proven and tested on students it has advantage than scrolling and searching for



Diane Wentworth and June H. Middleton (2014) Technology use and academic

performance available at


rformance accessed last February 10, 2019

Shanice A. Douglas (2017). 4 Ways to Avoid Excessive Technology Use available at


use_us_592f0274e4b017b267edff62 accessed last February 11, 2019

Technology Addiction available at https://www.solutions-recovery.com/co-occurring-

disorders/technology-addiction/ accessed last February 13, 2019


Tally Records


Obesity 43 1
Depression 43 46
Poor Sleep Habits 43 28
Lack of Privacy 43 7
Stress 43 17
Addiction 43 32
Loss of Hearing or Eyesight 43 14
Improves Engagement 43 7

Improves Knowledge Retention 43 16

Encourages Individual Learning 43 15

Encourages Collaboration 43 6
Can Learn Useful Skills through Technology 43 22

Table and Graphs

Table 3: Bad Effects of Technology

Number of Number of who

BAD EFFECTS Percentage
Sample Study responded
Obesity 43 1 2.5 %
Depression 43 6 15 %
Poor Sleep Habits 43 28 70 %

Lack of Privacy 43 7 17.5 %
45 Stress 43 17 42.5 %
40 Addiction 43 32 80 %
30 of Hearing or Eyesight 43 14 35 %
Obesity Depression Poor Sleep Lack of Stress Addiction Loss of
Habits Privacy Hearing or

Number of Sample Study Number of who responded

Graph 1: Bad Effects of Technology

Improves Improves Encourages Encourages Can Learn Useful
Engagement Knowledge Individual Learning Collaboration Skills through
Retention Technology

Number of Sample Study Number of who responded

Table 4: Good Effects of Technology

Number of Number of who

Sample Study responded
Improves Engagement 43 7 17.5 %
Improves Knowledge
43 16 40 %
Encourages Individual
43 15 37.5 %
Encourages Collaboration
43 6 15 %
Can Learn Useful Skills
43 22 55 %
through Technology

Graph 2: Good Effects of Technology

Stop Using Gadgets Family Time Sports Use Properly Time Management

Number of Sample Study Number of who responded

Table 5: Resolution on Technology Addiction
Number of Number of who
Sample Study responded
Stop Using Gadgets 5 11.62 %
Family Time 10 23. 25 %
Sports 8 18.60 %
Use Properly 9 20.93 %
Time Management 11 25.58 %

Graph 3: Resolution on Technology Addiction

Table 6: Situations that causes students to use too much Technology
Projects Good 5 3.87%
Researching Information for 5 3.87%
Research Paper
Tutorial for Practicum Good 4 2.32%

Applications that help in their

Good 6 6.97%

To ease their boredom Good 4 2.32%

To relieve their stress Good 5 3.87%
To escape their problems Bad 4 2.32%
To communicate with their friends Good 6 6.97%
Videos for Individual Learning Good 4 2.32%

Curriculum Vitae

NAME: Ryza Lorraine G. Caliwliw

AGE: 16 years old

BIRTHDAY: September 29, 2002


Rosa G. Caliwliw
Lorenzo S. Caliwliw



Central Pangasinan Adventist School (2008-2015)


Mapandan National High School (2015 up to the present)

Curriculum Vitae

NAME: Rona Joyce O. Parenia

AGE: 16 years old

BIRTHDAY: January 16, 2003


Vina Parenia

Roberto Parenia



Baloling Elementary School (2010-2015)


Mapandan National High School (2015 up to the present)

Curriculum Vitae

NAME: Kenneth A. Cervas

AGE: 16 years old

BIRTHDAY: October 19 2002


Eddie Z. Cervas

Edna A. Cervas



Pias Elementary School (2010-2015)


Mapandan National High School (2015 up to the present)


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