Q4 English Week5 Las1

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Name: ____________________________________ Grade & Section: ___________

Subject: English 5 Teacher: ___________________ Score: ___________

Lesson : Quarter 4, Week 5, LAS 1

Activity Title : Problem-Solution Relationships
Learning Target: Write paragraphs showing problem-solution relationships
Reference(s) : MELC p. 136, Joy in Learning English 5 pp.222-225
LAS Writer : Mylene Joy C. Monticerp

Problem-solution writing first explains a problem and then proposes one or more
solutions to that problem. Often this type of writing requires more than one paragraph.
A problem paragraph describes and discusses a problem issue. The topic sentence
names the issue you will discuss. The supporting sentences show why this issue is a


Direction: From the story read, fill in the graphic organizer.

Jermel was going to watch for the first time a musical play Beauty and the
Beast at the Cultural Center of the Philippines (CCP) theater. The problem was that
Jermel didn’t know how much about the presentation. So, to solve his dilemma, he
took some action. First, he went to the library and read about musical plays. Then,
he borrowed a book in which he could read about the “Beauty and the Beast.” Little
did he know that his best friend’s aunt was a stage performer. So, he met her to
personally ask about the play. After accomplishing all of these, he confidently
watched the play with his friends and was very appreciative of the opportunity.

Activity 2: TEXT ME, WRITE ME!
Write a one-paragraph problem-and-solution text using ideas in the graphic


Joshua is doing his assignment due next

day. Suddenly, a power outage occurs.

Solution Solution
Joshua must sleep Joshua may
Joshua ought to
early and wake up discuss the
use candlelight
early to finish his assignment with
with care.
assignment. parents or anyone
who can help.


Joshua submits his assignment the next


Answer Key
Activity 1
Problem Solution
Jermel didn’t know how much about the He went to the library and read about
presentation. musical plays.
He borrowed a book in which he could
read about the “Beauty and the Beast.”
He met her aunt’s best friend and
personally ask about the play.

Activity 2
Joshua is doing his assignment due next day. Suddenly, a power outage occurs.
He ought to use candlelight with care. He must sleep early and wake up early to finish
his assignment. He may discuss the assignment with parents or anyone who can help.
He submits his assignment the next day.

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