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Answer sheet - Writing

Student’s Name: Nguyễn Quốc Anh

Part 1

Dear daddy,

I am so excited to hear that your family of old friends will be visiting my family
this weekend. It seems to me that you are having troubles preparing for your
friend’s family, doesn’t it? Don’t worry, I’ll help you out. I have planned some
outdoor activities in my yard. First of all, I think you pay attention to the meals.
Do you have a recommendation on any good dishes? For example, noodle soup
or rice noodles. Mom will be taking care of this. Besides, you should prepare
some dessert and drink for them. Second, it’s about entertainment. I still left at
home a few interesting board-game that may attract the kids or even their
parents: It can be poher, chess - It’s up to you. This will keep them relaxed
through out the visit. The last but not least, there will be a live soccer, are not
going to miss it, are you? Anyway, that’s the best I could think of now, if you
need more help, I will alwaysbe at your disposal. Best wishes.
Part 2

People frequently claim that hobbies are very significant for career expansion
in the next few years. In this essay, I will debate this statement and give my

Though it is commonly believed that success only comes to those who work as
hard as they can, it is not true. Calming meaningfully or following a
supplementary hobby outside work can make you more productive and lead to
better career growth. A study conducted by an assistant professor of
psychology at New Jersey State University shows that your performance at
work might shoot up by 19% to 35% when you have a hobby. So, the trick to
doing your best at work is being aware that there is more to life than just work.

Not only can a hobby unleash your creativity and passion, but it can also
connect you with like-minded people who enrich you in different ways. The
experiences you share with them can contribute to your work-life and make
you a bigger success. And the best part is that your hobby can be unrelated to
your work, as long as it involves a certain skill and is enjoyable enough to
indulge in regularly.

Thanks to the above study’s marks, companies like Apple understand the
importance of hobbies and interests and are encouraging their employees to
pursue the same and share their handiwork with colleagues. The praise and
recognition not only give their self-esteem and confidence a big push, but the
employees also end up becoming more productive, focused, and accurate with
their work. Plus, the voluntary pursuit of a hobby makes you happier and
relaxed, giving you breathing space you need to be more state-of-the-art and
expectant. And that’s exactly what you need to scale greater heights in your

In conclusion, we engage in jobs we enjoy, because it helps us get things done

quickly and pursue our passions.
For examiner only
Organization Providing the
and Overall
Vocabulary and required
Mark written Impression Total(/10)
(/2) development Information
structure on style (/2)
(/2) (/2)
Part 1
Part 2

[End page]

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