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D17CE144 DCN

Aim :- To analyze network traffic using wire -Shark tool.

Hardware requirements: pc or laptop.

Software requirements: Wire shark tool

 Wireshark is a free and open source packet analyzer. It is

usedfor network troubleshooting, analysis , software and communications
protocol development, and education.
 Wireshark lets the user put network interface controllers into promiscuous mode (if
supported by the network interface controller), so they can see all the traffic visible on
that interface including unicast traffic not sent to that network interface controller's
MAC address. However, when capturing with a packet analyzer in promiscuous mode
on a port on a network switch, not all traffic through the switch is necessarily sent to
the port where the capture is done, so capturing in promiscuous mode is not
necessarily sufficient to see all network traffic. Port mirroring or various network
taps extend capture to any point on the network.
 Wire-shark will not warn when someone does strange things on your network that they are
not allowed to do.
 Wire-shark will not manipulate things on the network.

 wire-shark capture packets and examine their contents. :

D17CE144 DCN

 Contents of packets :

 Question and Answer

1. What is the use of Wire Shark?
 Wireshark is a free and open source packet analyzer. It is used for network
troubleshooting, analysis, software and communications protocol development, and
education. Originally named Ethereal, the project was renamed Wireshark in May
2006 due to trademark issues.

 Conclusion
 In this Practical we know about how to analyze packet using wire shark tool.

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