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Ι1 Inadequate Personal 21 Inadequate system Design 31 Inadequate ινοτΚ òtanda rds
Fitness . consideration of human . Lack of standards for
. Restricted ταηοe of body factors / ergonomics practiceS/rUles
moVement . Standards, SpecificationS and . Inadequate enforcement of
. ViSion/ hearin9 touch, smeΙl /or design criteria \Λ,οτκ StandardS
or other Sensory def]ciency . constructionmonitorin9 . Improper evaluation of
. Fears and phobias . ASSesSment of operational exposures and needs for
. SΙοι^ι reaction time readiness proper job execution
. ι4emory failure . Improper Design controls
. Injury / ιιΙηeSS . EValuation of changes
. PeTSon Unfit for job 32 Inadequate proceduIeS
22 Inadequate Purchasing
. . Ροοτ vvritten job instructions
Inadequate Standards οτ . Inadequate policy, procedure,
12 Physical / Mental stress Specifications οη requisitionS instructionS practices οτ
. Fatigue due to task load οτ . Inadequate research οη
9uidelin eS
duration, lack of rest
mate rialS/eqipment
. ΙnadeqUate reference
. Fati9ue due to sensory Ιnadequatecontractor docUments, directiveS and
oVerload Selection guidance publication
. Exposure to health hazards
or enVironmental extremeS 23 Inadequate Maintθnance
. Drugs and/or alcohol . Preventiνe assessment of
. needS 33 Inadequate supervision
Extreme judgment /decision
demandS . Lubrication and preνentiνe . Inadequate monitoring of
. Routine, monotony, demand maintenance
compliance οτ initial operation
for uneventful Vi9iIance . communication of UncIear οτ confIictinq
. "Ι.4eanjngless "or "degrading" maintenance needS
aS5i9nment of re5ponSibility
actiVities . ι4onitoring of maintenance Improper or insufficient
. Poor judgment interValS
. Scheduling of ιΛ/οτκ Inadequate vνork planning or
. EXamination of units programming
13 Inadequate knoι,vled9e . Maintenance ιγοτκ execution . Lack of supervisory/
management job knoτr'{ledge
. Inadequate initial training 24 Inadequate ΤοοΙs / . Inadequate matchin9 of
. Inadequate initial instruction Eq υ ip'τre nt indiVidual qualiflcation5 and
. Inadequate update training . job / task requirements
. Ιnadequateorientation Improperidentification,
. Inadequateperformance
. MiSunderstooddirectionS handling or Storage of
meaSurement οτ incorrect
. Ιnadequate identification of performance feedback
haZardous materials
14 Inadequate skills . Needs aSsessment, Incorrect
. Lack of experience use, breakdo\Δrn
. 34 Inadequate communication
Inadequate practice . HUman factors / erqonomics . Inadequate briefing,
1nfrequentperformance conSideration
. Lack of coachιng . AVailability or adjustment .
inStructionS, οτ orientation
Unclear οτ confliCting
/repair/maintenance insιructions or ι.γοτκ standards
. Removaι and replacement of . Unclear οτ conflicting
15 Inadequaιe Motivation unSuitable itemS
. Ροοτ Performance Standards . Equipment failure .
reporting relationShipS
. Improper performance is
Ιnadequate communication of
StandardS for implementation
tolerated 25 Inadequate ΙrνοτΚ
. Proper performance iS Enι,irünmeni
punished ΗαΖατdοιιò EnVironment
. Lack of incentives lnadeouaτe AιmosoherΞ ιιαòκ 35 Unforeseen / BeYond
. Ιmproper attempt to save οr O2,'F,amabIe / Ýxplos,'ve1 Control
time or effort ΟßΙγ / SΙippery Surface Abuse or V]isuse that iS
. ΙnadeqUatediScipline confined Space intentional / unintentional
. Ιnappropriate peer pressure Inadequate Lighting or , Natural Phenomena /
. Ιmproper SuperViòory γeητßιατßοη disasters
exampΙe . lνeather Extremes . Sabotage / Horseplay
. Ιnadequate identification and . other Unforeseen οτ External
eValuation of Ιο5s expoSureS EVents
. other Inadequate conditionS

ReV Ο/]αη 2011 Page 1 of 1

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