Server - and - Client - Configuration - Guide - EPDOC-X127-en-500 538

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Changing passwords for Station-based security

The passwords for the ENGR, SUPV, and MNGR security levels are predefined. The default passwords are:
• engr, for the ENGR security level
• supv, for the SUPV security level
• mngr, for the MNGR security level
For security reasons, it is good practice to change these passwords. The passwords need to be changed for each
Station in your system.
When changing the passwords, consider:
• Passwords are case-sensitive.
• The scope of the password change on a Console Station includes Console Extension Stations, and the scope
of the password change on a Console includes all its Console Stations and Console Extension Stations.

To change a Station password for ENGR, SUPV, or MNGR

1 Log on to the Experion server with a Windows account that belongs to the Product Administrator group.
2 Open the Experion Command Prompt window.

To run Experion commands, you must be a member of the Product Administrators group. If you want to do
engineering tasks, you must be a member of the Local Engineers group.
You must run Experion commands from the Experion command prompt and not the standard Windows command
prompt, otherwise you will not see the output from the command and the command will fail.

3 Type paswrd.
4 If you are changing password(s) for a:
• Flex Station, specify the Flex Station number as follows: Fnn
• Console Station, specify the Console Station number as follows: Cnn
• Console, specify the Console number as follows: Snn
where nn is the number of the Flex Station/Console Station/Console for which you want to change the
5 Type the number for the security level for which you want to change the password:
1 for SUPV

2 for ENGR
3 for MNGR
6 Type the new password. The password can be either 5 or 6 alphanumeric characters.
7 Type Q (for quit).

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“paswrd” on page 1026


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