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Question 1: . They are conducting a wide _____of surveys throughout Viet Nam.
A. collection B. range C. selection D. group
Question 2: John paid $20 for his meal,_____he had thought it would cost
A. not much as B. not so much as C. less as D. not so many as
Question 3: Make sure you__________your assignment before you go to bed
A. have B. do C. take D. make
do assignment: lam bai tap lon
Question 4: Peter was ejected after committing five personal_____in water sport game yesterday.
A. mistakes B. faults C. fouls D. errors
Question 5: Toxic chemicals in the air and land have driven many species to the_____of extinction.
A. tip B. edge C. verge D. border
Question 6: She ran_____an interesting article about fashion while she was reading the newspaper.
A. after B. across C. away D. out
Question 7: We went away on holiday last week, but it rained day_____day_____.
A. in/on B. in/out: ngày qua ngày C. out/in D. in/up
Question 8: In the past, British children were frequently encouraged to try_____ their performing skills for
the benefit of adults.
A. on B. out C. up D. over
Question 9: She built a high wall round her garden__________
A. in order that her fruit not be stolen B. to enable people not taking her fruit
C. so that her fruit would be stolen D. to prevent her fruit from being stolen
Question 10: I try to be friendly but it is hard to_____some of my colleagues.
A. get on with B. watch out for C. come up with D. stand in for
Question 11: I was in two_____about taking the flat because it is very good but the rent was rather high.
A. heads B. minds: đứng giữa sự lựa chọn của 2 thứ..(phân vân) C. hands D.
be in two minds about Ving: phan van
Question 12: Of all the factors affecting agricultural yields, weather is the one_____the most
A. that influences farmers B. farmers that is influences
C. why farmers influence it D. it influences farmers
Question 13: John_____knowledge from many of his life experiences to his work.
A. approved B. accomplished C. appreciated D. applied
apply st to st: ap dung cai gi vao cai gi
Question 14: The robbers made_____with $2,000 from die store.
A. away B. down C. up D. off
make off with: bo tron cung cai gi
Question 15: _____90 percent of Asia's people live in the eastern and southern parts of the continent,
which contain some of the most_____regions in the world.
A. Most/thick-populated B. Most/thickly-populated
C. Almost/thick-populated D. Almost/thickly-populated
Question 16: I have been looking for this book for months, and_____I have found it
A. in the end B. in time C. at the end D. at present
Question 17: There's a lot more to Willie than one would think: still waters run_____.
A. deep B. deeply C. deepness D. depth
Question 18: The ideas_____to nothing because I couldn't afford to do it
A. went B. came C. turned D. changed
Question 19: You can always_____Ann to give you sound advice.
A. bank of B. bank for C. bank at D. bank on
bank on sb: trong mong vao ai
Question 20: His emotional problems_____from the attitudes he encountered as a child, I think.
A. stem +from B. flourish C. root D. sprout
Question 21: The head teacher loves Literature. She_____significance to reading classical novels by
great writers like Charles Dickens or Leo Tolstoy.
A. admits B. attaches C. attributes D. plays
Question 22: They are getting married. They have just_____the news to their friends.
A. told B. informed C. broken <idioms> D. had
Question 23: The computer has had an enormous_____on the way we work.
A. alteration B. change C. impression D. influence
Question 24: We've lost everything. Still, there’s no point in complaining. We'll just have to try and
A. no bones about it B. a splash C. the best of a bad job D. a clean sweep
Question 25: In the future, the robot will not cost a(n) _____and a leg.
A. arm B. hand C. foot D. nail
Question 26: The African killer bees could not be handled safely, nor_____
A. their honey could be harvested B. harvested could their honey be
C. could not their honey be harvested D. could their honey be harvested
Question 27: Your argument_____ that Britain is still a great power, but this is no longer the case.
A. outlines B. presupposes C. concerns D. presents
Question 28: Our teacher told us that if we don't_____the environment, our grandchildren may not even
be able to carry on living.
A. look into B. look out for C. look after D. look for
Question 29: We are_____a survey to find out what our customers think of their local bus service.
A. conducting = carry out B. researching C. corresponding D. investigating
Question 30: In order to grow vegetable properly, gardeners must know _____
A. what the requirements for each vegetable are B. That the requirements for each vegetable
C. what are each vegetable's requirements. D. that is required by each vegetable.
Question 31: He was given a medal in_____of his service to the country.
A. gratitude B. recognition C. knowledge D. response
Question 32: Don't let all this praise go to your_____.
A. mind B. brain C. head D. mouth
Question 33: Six novels a year, you say? He's certainly a_____writer.
A. fruitful B. fertile C. virile D. prolific
Question 34: The company received _____ complaints about the quality of its products.
A. continual B. continued C. continuous D. continuing
Question 35: When Tet holiday comes, Vietnamese people often feel inclined to_____their houses.
A. do up B. do through C. do over D. do in
Question 36: Could you close the window? There is a bit of a_____.
A. current B. wind C. draught D. breeze
Question 37: Thousands of steel_____were used as the framework of the new office block.
A. beams B. girders C. stakes D. piles
Question 38: If I were you, I would take more_____in my work.
A. confidence B. pride C. dedication D. solution
Question 39: He set one alarm-clock for five o’clock and the other for five past so as to_____that he did
not oversleep.
A. assure B. ensure C. insure D. reassure
Question 40: When Tim was eating a cherry, he accidentally swallowed the_____.
A. nut B. stone hạt cứng C. seed D. core hạt (táo)
Question 41: Their eventual choice of house was_____by the time Peter would take to get to the office.
A. related B. consequent C. determined D. dependent
Question 42: His_____of the safety regulations really has resulted in a number of minor accidents.
A. disregard B. unfamiliarity C. carelessness D. inattention
Question 43: When he realized the police had spotted him, the man_____the exit as quickly as possible.
A. made off B. made for C. made out D. made up
Question 44: The government is thinking of bringing_____a law to make it compulsory for cyclists to wear
crash helmets.
A. on B. up C. in D. round
Question 45: Members of my family share the household chores; Dad is always willing to_____ a hand
with cooking and washing up.
A. give B. make C. put D. join
Question 46: David is a captain of the school basketball team, _____his father before him.
A. similar to B. just like C. such as D. as well as
Question 47: This house_____a non-profit organization.
A. belongs in B. belongs to thuộc về C. belongs for D. belongs at
Question 48: My father is very talented and kind-hearted. I always_____ him.
A. look for B. look like C. look after D. look up to
Question 49: He was arrested on the _____on the way to the airport
A. spot B. sport C. slot D. top
Question 50: She always turned her term paper in at the eleventh_____.
A. minute B. second C. hour vào phút chót,cuối D. time


1. I tried to phone but the line was constantly __________

A. occupied B. engaged C. used D. full
2. You’ll have to buy some new shoes as these are __________.
A. used up B. wasted away C. worn out D. gone off
3. It is usually better not to __________things, in case they are not returned.
A. lose B. offer C. borrow D. lend
4. My application for a trading license was __________.
A. held down B. turned down C. put down D. let down
5. Will you __________the children while I’m out?
A. pay attention to B. care about C. look after D. look out
6. I watched the cat __________the tree.
A. climbed B. climb C. had climbed D. was climbing
7. Angie warned __________anyone what she had told me.
A. that I didn’t tell B. that I told not C. me to tell not D. me not to tell
8. This film is really sad. I think __________.
A. I’m going to cry B. I’ll cry C. I cry D. I’m crying
9. Don’t worry, it’s just a difficult stage. She’ll __________it.
A. get on with it B. get through to C. get up to D. grow out of
10. As I waited on the pavement ( lề đường ), a black Mercedes __________beside me.
A. pulled up B. pulled down C. pulled off D. pulled through
11. .................... is a real health hazard.
A. Stupidity B. SturdinessC. Animosity D. Obesity beo phi
12. The old lady was becoming incresingly affected by ...............
A. senility B. masculinity C. virility D. chivalry hiep si
13. His ............ excuses invariably exasperated the manager
A. feeble B. frail C. robust D. wealthy
14. I don't ........... to be a genius but I am not stupid either.
A. permit B. agree C. compare D. claim
15. Smoking can be .............. to your health.
A. delightful B. harmless C. detrimental co hai D. indifferent
16. People ............. their spending power when prices rise.
A. increase B. curtail cat giam C. prolong D. think
17. He became an outlaw by .................. the law
A. defying coi thuong B. observing C. sticking to D. abiding by
18. ..................... is a punishable offense.
A. Hunting B. Poaching san trom C. Jogging D. Boxing
19. Marian was a beautiful ..................... young lady.
A. corpulent: beo B. gaunt :hip C. slender :manh khanh D. bony: xuong

20. Don't trust him; he's cruel, ...................... and unscrupulous

A. loving B. slack C. treacherous phan boi D. trustworthy

2.People have been concerning with their hair since ancient times. In 1500 B.C., the Assyrians,
inhabiting the area known today as Northern Iraq, were the World’s first truly(true) hair stylists.
Their skills at cutting, curling(uon), layering and dyeing hair were known through the Middle East.
In fact, they were obsessing(obsessed) with their hair, which was oiled, perfumed, and tinted. A
fashionable courtier wore his hair cut in neat geometric layers. Kings, soldiers and noblemen had
their hair curl(curled) with a fire-heated iron bar, probably the world’s first curling iron. So
important was hair styling in Assyria which(that) law dictated certain types of hair styles according
to a person’s position and employment. Facial hair was also important. Men grew beards down
from(down to) their chests and had them clipped in layers. High-rank(high ranking) women in
both Egypt and Assyria wore fake beards during official court business to show their equal
authority with men.
As the Assyrians, the early Greeks liked long, scented, curly hair. Fair hair was favored over
dark, so those who were not “ natural blonds” lightened or reddened their hair with soaps and
bleaches. The Romans, on the other hand, favored dark hair for men for high social or
politics(political) rank. Early Saxon men were neither blonds nor brunets but dyed their hair and
beards blue, red, green, and orange.
Since(Over) the centuries, societies have combed, curled, waved, powdered, dyed, cut, coiffed,
and sculpted their hair, or someone else’s during times of wig crazes. Churches and lawmakers
have sometimes tried to put a stop to the humans obsession with hair, but with few(little)
->success ko dem dc //success. It seems hair styling is here to stay, and the future will likely
prove no exception.

Part 3. Complete each sentence with one suitable particle or preposition. Write your
answer in the box provided.
1. Just say you need me and l am ___on____ hand.<san sang>
2. The bank manager has advised us to leave our papers in the safe just
___for_____safekeeping.<voi muc dich…>
3. A shelf fell on my head and knocked me____out____.
4. Julian always talks loudly and shows___off______.<khoe khoang>
5. You were right after all ____about_______the result of the election.<dung ve…>
6. I came ______across_____one of your novels in a second-hand bookshop.<tinh co gap>
7. Are you still __under_____ an illusion that Ms Spike will agree to your conditions.<ao tuong>
8. News gets ____round___ very fast in this town. (lan truyen thong tin)
9. Mr Deacon next door had a very serious operation. Apparently, it’s a miracle he pulled
____through___. <vuot qua con bao benh>
10. In some cultures, people wear jewelry to ward ____off___ evil spirits. <xua duoi>
Your answers:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Part 4. Write the correct form of the words given in the brackets. Write your answers in the
spaces provided below.
The RNLI (Royal National Lifeboat Institution) is an organization (1)…independent………
(DEPEND) of the government control, dedicated to saving lives at sea. The RNLI has an active
fleet of several hundred of lifeboats around the length and (2)……breath……..(BROAD) of
Britain’s coastline.
Since it was founded in 1824, the RNLI has had an extremely (3)………significant…….(SIGNIFY)
impact on maritime safety, saving over 130, 000 lives.
Because the RNLI is not funded by the government, it relies on the (4) …goodwill…….(GOOD) of
the public to cover its costs, its income coming from membership fees and (5)……
charitiable……….(CHARITY) donations. Some people have raised (6)………objections…..
(OBJECT) to this, saying that such (7)……invaluable………(VALUE) service should be
government - funded.
The lifeboat crews are almost all volunteers. They are generally (8)………
known/acknowledged…..(KNOW) by the British people as being (9)……exemplary…….
(EXAMPLE) in their (10)……selflessness (vô tư,ich ki)………(SELF), frequently putting their lives
at risk to save others.

Your answers:
1. 6.
2. 7.
3. 8.
4. 9.
5. 10.
Part 1: Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet
to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.(10pts)
Do you ever wish you were more optimistic, someone who always (1) ............. to be
successful? Having someone around who always fears the worst isn't really a lot of (2) …...... -
we all know someone who sees a single cloud on a sunny day and says, 'It looks like rain.' But if
you catch yourself thinking such things, it's important to do something about it.
You can change your view of life, according to psychologist. It only takes a little…(3)….., and
you'll find life more rewarding as a..(4)................ . .Optimism, they say, is partly about self-
respect and confidence but it's also a more positive way of looking at life and all it has to (5)
………….. . Optimists are more (6) ............. to start new projects and are generally more
prepared to take risks.
Upbringing is obviously very important in forming your (7) ………..... to the world. Some
people are brought up to depend too much on others and grow up forever blaming other people
when anything (8)……..... wrong. Most optimists, on the (9) ……….. hand, have been brought up
not to (10)….... failure as the end of the world - they just get on with their lives.
1. A. counted B. expected C. felt D. waited
2. A. amusement B. play C. enjoyment D. fun
3. A. energy B. effort C. work D. effect
4. A. result B. reason C. purpose D. product
5. A. supply B. suggest C. offer D. propose
6. A. possible B. likely C. hopeful D. welcome
7. A. opinion B. attitude +to C. view D. position
8 A. goes B. falls C. comes D. turns
9. A. opposite B. others C. other D. far
10 A. regard B. respect C. suppose D. think

Part 2: Fill each blank with ONE suitable word. Write your answers in the numbered blanks
provided below the passage.
Until recently, teenagers have been hooked on television. Parents have worried that their children
are becoming fat, (1)……cough……potatoes, and teenagers seem to have preferred watching
TV (2)……to…….almost any other activity in the home. Except perhaps sleeping. But no more!
According to the latest statistics, teenagers have (3)…gone…… TV and are turning off in
droves. Given the choice (4)……between…….TV and the internet, it is clear what most teens
prefer. The internet (5)…answer/meet/fulfil………an interactive, social need that TV doesn’t.
Teenagers at a loose (6)…end…… their bedrooms can hang (7)…out……..with their mates in
cyberspace. As websites such as My space have (8)……taken……off, teenagers have been only
(9)…too…….eager to join in their millions and spend hours a day - and night online. We’re
witnessing the birth of the generation of the “Keyboard potato”, for (10)……one/want……of a
better expression.
Your answers:

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