2019 P6

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FERNVALE PRIMARY SCHOOL PRIMARY 6 BOOKLIST FOR YEAR 2019 Pe Name of student: Textbooks/Workbooks _ Subject Title Of Book ‘Tiek | Prices S.Totals English Language Primary 6 STELLAR Readers (To be ssued through EL Teacher TC English Listening Comprehension & Oral PS (Rev Edn) ‘Marchal C ests &Trensformetion Primary 6 (2E) ‘Marshall C 16.25 Mathematics iy Pals Are Here I Maths Pups Book 6A GEG) Marshall C ‘My Pals Are Here Maths Pupifs Book 65 (366) Marshall C ‘My Pals Are Here ! Maths Workbook 6A 3d) [Marshall —— Marshall C __ 248 Science My Pals Are Herel Science P5&6 Texibook-interactions (9d) Marshall 525 Social Studies | Social Studies - Inquiring Into Our Word Textbook PBA. ‘Marshal ‘Social Studies - Inquiring Into Our Word Textbook P68 Marshall ig Into Our World Activity Book PEA Marshall ma ee ing into Our Werld Activity Book PB First 2.95 Physical ‘AnActive and Healthy Me Primary 6 (Revised Editon) NEWT Chie Education | 275) 2.75 Education Music Fist Steps To Music Primary 6 Textbook (nd Ealion) Star Pub 5:10] 5.10 Higher Chinese | For HCL pupils only = Languege (HCL) | Hisher Chinese For Primary Schools Textbook 6A @ Marshall “Higher Chinese For Primary Schools Textbook 68 @ 7 Marshall C Higher Chinese For Primary Schools Acivty Book 6A (Rev Ed) Marshall C Higher Chinese For Primary Schools Activity Book 68 (Rev Ed) @ Marshall C 3.00] 10.75 ‘Chinese Language | Not reqd for HCL pupils (cu ‘Chinese Language For Primary Schools Textbook 6A (Rev Ea) @ Marshal 2a Language For Primary Schools Textbook 68 (Rev Ed). Marshall 275i [ Chinese Language For Primary Schools Atviy Book 6A Rev Ed) @ Marshall 275 CGhinese Language For Primary Schools Actviy Book 68 (Rev Ed) @ Marshall C 275) _ 11.10 ‘Gharaciar and | Character and Ctzzenship Education (Chinese) Textbook PS @ Marshall 5.0 Citizenship (CL) __[ Character and Ctizenship Education (Chinese) Activity Book P6 @ Marshall C [4.55] 636| Higher Malay Higher Malay Language for Pri Schools (Mekar| Coursebook 6A 6 Marshall C 1.95 Language (ML) | Higher Malay Language for Pri Schools(Mekar) Coursebook 6 [Marshall 1.95| 3.0] ‘Malay Language | Malay Language for Pri Schools (eka) Textbook 6A@ [[Mershall 1 uy [Ralay Language for Pri Schools (Mekat) Textbook 6B. Marshal 6 2: Malay Language For Pri Schoo's(Wekar Acivty Book 6A (RevEd) @ a ee Naty Language For Pr Schot (ela) Acti Back 68 (Revd) @ Nasa 240 __ 8.70 Gharacler and | Characier and Citizenship Education Malay) Tedbook PS @ Marshall C 5.00 Giizenship (ML) _[ Character and Cizenship Education (Malay) Actly Book PE: Marshall C 4.55] 6.85 Higher Tami Higher Tamil Language for Pri Schools(Tamilosa) Course Marshall 2.05 Language (HTL) | Higher Tami Language for Pr Schools Tamfossi) Course [marsha 7.80] 3.85 “Tamil Language | Tamil Lanquace for Pi Schoo's Tamilosal Textbook GA @ Marshall 4.95 my "Tamil -anguage for Pri Schools (Tamiosal) Textbook 6B @ | Marshall 180] “Tamil Language For Ph Schools (Tamiosal) Workbook 6A (Rev Ed) @ | Marshall ¢ 275 “Tamil Language For Ph Schools (Tamilosal) Workbook 68 (Rev Ed) Marshall 250 “Tamil Language For Ph Schools (Tamifosa)- Student Resder GA Bk 1-4 ‘Marshall C 320 “Tamil Language For Pr Schools (Tamosai- Student Reader 6B Bk 1-4 ‘Marshall 320 15.40 ‘Characier and | Character and Ciizenship Education Tamil) Texbook PS Marshall 509 Citizenship (TL)__[ Character and Citizenship Education (Tamil) Activty Book PS @ ‘Marshall C 1.55] 6.65 ‘Character and | For NTIL & Exempted Mother Tongue Pupils Only Citizenship (EL) [Character and Ctizenship Education (English) Textbook PB® arshallC 50) (Character and Gtizenship Education (English) Activity Book PS. Marshall 155| 655 Reference Enalsh PSLE Revision Guide (2€9) (UP $19.15) ‘Marsnall 75:30 ‘Optionalitems | Maihs PSLE Revision Guide (3d) (UIP $19.25) Marshall 15.40 6 Thinking Math-Conquer Problem Sum (Based on Latest MOE Syllabus] | Onsponge 12.85 Marshall C 15.00 Chinese PSLE Revision Guide 2€¢) PSLE 4X7 (=H Marshall C 10.20 ‘Chinese Oral Exam Guide For PSLE Dis Marshall 2.10) Maloy PSLE Oral Exam Guide Marshall 2:15|_ 67.10 Total For Section A (Textbooks & Workbooks) Remar 1) Patents ae stony encouraged to purchase hough schoo bookshop oF pre-e Via ou webate: wa paeTebockstores com to enue core extn of Books, 2) you are purchase fram te boskshop win the bookis please ick nay te toms requred, Pos ‘lease dos athe schol boskshep within week of purchase wh ths BookIs 3nd fica eit, Please note that tems Io be exchanged ae tbe In oginal tonaton. 2) Pree sate ie neue of GST (GST Reg No, 195505950R).NFY tarde or tm pce Not Fes Yet {8 @ denotes boos al year used by MOE in year 2018 noe that ito purchasad ae non refndabl. For exchanges, FERNVALE PRIMARY SCHOOL PRIMARY 6 STATIONERY LIST FOR YEAR 2019 i Exarcine Books 8 Siler (Compulsory tems) General_ —— = ‘Recommended Quantity (Do not need to purchas EVES Pupils Diary 2013) 1 EVPSAS Single Lino Exorcaa Book SC) FVPS Exam Pad. ivo Note Bock [EVPS 820 Subject File Pinid-Enalish 5 Colour Plastic Der Er —— "Ad Management Ele P18 Pink EL Cone EVES 890 Sublect Fils (D Blue} Atnths ' Colour Plastic Dvir -Maths [Math Instrument Set-Maths Casio Scientific Calculator (FXS8SG PLUS) (or any model sporoved for use in PSLE) VPS 82D Subject File (Green)-Scienco [5 Colour Plastic i ‘AB 6OP Nalure Study “Science (C-Shage Transearent Folder Music Yamaha Recorder Music “Thermometer ‘Ad Whiteboard Set ‘Sub Total er EVES As Hela Sars Exercas Book VPS Chine [EVES SY ee Earns ‘5 Colour Plastic Dvdr (Chinese) [eee te je Line Evereise Book (FSC) ‘82D Subject File (Orange)-Malay ala ‘Sub Total Fapilanquane — [EVES 620 Sita Fle Wale Ton '5 Colour Plastic Divider (Tami) "AB Blue Note Book ‘Sub Total Pentel Paint Marker Medium 4 Shim Gold 7 ‘Ad Sketch Bk with Sticker Label -Orange Zebra Name Pen - Black Sub Total ‘otal amount of purchase for all sections = Website Launch Date: 10/1/20 Home Deir Peete puchace nine st wu paciicbooksteres com, Paynent via VISA, MASTERCARD, Debit Cacs. Davey Charge of 11.80 apples, Self Collection ‘Yu ae welcome to place your order anne vi or webste: wanepaiicookstoes com. Callecon can be done at the school on spulated dates gven on the website ‘You are strongly encourage to preorder to avoid long queue and enjoy shorter wag time, Payment equted upon order via ISA MASTERCARD / Debt Cars. ticn Ses ‘You may purchase tom te sero! bockshop on he dats ested Blow, Poase lake noe tat her may be long queve we longerwaitng time tobe expected Paya Modes aceple : Cash, Visa Mastercard Debt Care, NTUC (Back to Schoo) & COAG Vouener. “Prease rote that we Pave coae0d cheque payments wih ofc! fom 1 Jan 2018. “e/i02018 [Tox [Pt only =] zainore | Tho | Acevale ILaWe THORS | Wed | PY on sorzo%s [en | a ueveds Al Loves a TEOTE |r [Prone Pavel ATL zarrira0t8 | Thu_|P3aPA ‘Aol ‘Atevels [2ariva0ie | Fi | PSP. FAS Ont zrriamate | Thu _[ At Levels arryanie [Mon [Pi &P2 FAS Only he _[ Aor AU = ‘Operaing Hous Man-F 6.00 19 3.00pm excep on 00/1/2018 ©.00 3.COpm ‘Sales of Tentooks le ONLY aval in echool ‘Books supped by Paci Bookstores Pe Lid, Te 6559 2268 Emalt salesqpacticbookstres.com

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