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Course: Bahasa Inggris

Meeting: 3
Topics: 1). Subject-verb agreement, 2). Part of speech, 3), Tenses

Here is Questions for you to answer and Instructions to follow:

1. What do you know about English Grammar?

Answer : English grammar is the rule to arrange words to proper sentences.

2. Visit the link below and watch the video:

What is grammar (Khan Academy)

3. While watching the video, answer the following question:

Question: What is grammar? and What is it for?
Answer : According to the video, grammar is a set of conventions and rules that govern

4. What do you know about verb-agreement?

Answer : Verb-agreement refers to the fact that the subject and verb in sentence must agree in

5. Visit another link below and watch the video:

6. While watching the video, answer the question:

Questions: What is verb-agreement?
Answer : According to the video, verb-agreement is standard English grammar, it’s an
agreement that make sentences get along very well. And also when you match up the subject of a
sentence with a verb, it’s called ‘agreement’.

7. What do you know about tenses in English?

Answer : tenses are sentences that tell us about an action happen in many times, like past,
present, or future.

8. Visit another link below and watch the video:

After watching the video,

Describe the main differences between the simple, continuous, and perfect tenses
Answer : According to the video, simple tenses use simple verb (verb 1 for present simple, verb
2 for past simple, and ‘will or going to’ for future simple), continuous tenses use continuous
verb (be + verb+ing), perfect tenses use perfect verb (have + past participle)
Explain the difference between the verb tense forms and their actual meanings.
Answer : There are three types of verb tenses, they are past, present, and future. Past tense uses
past participle verb and it explains the past time that already happened. Present tense uses simple
verb and it explains what’s happening right now. Future tense is more complicated, it uses
simple verb but need something to make it future, like ‘will, be going to, or might’, future tense
tell us about the future.

9. Write 2 sentences using:

a. simple verb forms:
- He makes some noise in a class today
- I went to Manggar beach with my family

b. continuous verb forms:

- She is taking the online English course on youtube
- I was making blueberry cheese cake last week

c. perfect verb forms:

- My sister has played with her children for hours
- She had gotten new laptop before college time

d. perfect continuous verb forms:

- I’ve been staying at home for a half year
- My school-mates had been knowing me as a quite girl

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