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1. The winner of the competition was ___ the drawing-room.

a. on
b. in
c. at
2. Everybody sat ___ the floor, but Mr. Spencer sat ___ a chair ___ the corner.
a. over - in - on
b. about - on - at
c. on - on – in
3. The judge poured champagne ___ the glass.
a. into
b. on
c. inside
4. The elderly lady was always ___ home ___ night.
a. at - at
b. in - at
c. into-inside
5. Adriana used to swim ___ the sea and sunbathe ___ the sand.
a. on -at
b. on - in
c. in – on
6. During the week I get up early ___ the morning and go to bed late ___ night. But
normally ___ weekends I sleep until midday.
a. on - at - at
b. in - at - on
c. in - in – at
7. Peter lives ___ Sunset Avenue, now, but he lived ___ 109, Pasadena Street ___ 1980.
a. on - at - in
b. in - at - on
c. on - at – on
8. He was born ___ 8:15 ___ the morning ___ June, 18th, 1928
a. in - on - at
b. at - in - on
c. on - on – in
9. The hanging light is ___ the table.
a. in
b. over
c. at
10. "I'm staying ___ the Metropolitan Hotel. It's ___ Sunset Blvd.. ___ Hollywood ".
a. at - in - on
b. in - on - at
c. at - on – in
11. Thomas was born ___ January 9th ___ Buenos Aires.
a. in - on
b. on - in
c. at – on
12. He's arriving from Europe ___ Wednesday.
a. at
b. on
c. of

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