Olundarian Firearms

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Olundarian Firearms

Scrabbling in disparate caves, lost, bewildered, the system that is both easy to use and insert into your
early ancestors of man were scarcely differentiated setting, but also represents the multitudes of early
from the animals that they hunted. Until, one day, gunpowder weapons.
the sparks of the heavens descended; fire, radiant
in its purity and power, revolutionised their society Firearms
and made possible millennia of advancement. But
when the massed levies of Christendom grew All firearms are martial ranged weapons that deal
too comfortable in their dominance of terrestrial piercing damage (unless specified otherwise), and
warfare; when they had dominated a foreign land are available to all classes and subclasses proficient
and crushed an ancient faith by steel, by steed, and in them, as well as being capable of selection in
by fervor; what should descend from the east to the Weapon Master feat. Fighters, Paladins and
meet them? Cacophony—a bitter, acrid, oriental Rangers are all proficient in all types of firearms.
smoke, that coursed across the battlefield, and (Depending on their Oath, certain paladins may be
caused knights to be dismounted and pulped in unable to use certain types of firearms, or firearms
the blink of an eye–for the spark of nobility to at all–this should ultimately be based around
be crushed from a thousand paces by iron and your common sense, and your GM’s discretion.)
gunpowder. The age of fire had ended; and the age The Forge and Tempest cleric domains also gain
of the firearm had begun. proficiency in all firearms, as does the Valour
Gunpowder, in many ways, is a simple prospect; a Bard. Bards, Rogues, Sorcerers, Warlocks, and
massed assembly of sulfur, charcoal, and potassium Wizards are proficient in pistoles, and grant pistole
nitrate. However, these three compounds mixed proficiency when multi-classed into.
together have, over the span of the last seven When shooting a firearm, you may add your
hundred years in our own world, revolutionised Dexterity modifier to your attack roll, but not to your
the practice of warfare, influenced numerous damage roll—the firearm’s damage will contain a
assassinations, shaped the course of industry, and set modifier, which reflects reliable accuracy and
so much more besides. While many others have the average penetrative power of the bullet. This
attempted to implement systems that introduce modifier, however, is doubled on a critical hit. Not
gunpowder weapons into 5th Edition Dungeons only that, but unlike any other weapon in D&D,
& Dragons, I here present my own method—one firearms possess the capacity to achieve ‘exploding
that I feel illustrates both the power and unique damage’, reflecting the sheer power and destructive
properties of the musket in comparison to the innovation innate to their design. Whenever you
crossbow or the longbow, but also the weaknesses roll maximum damage on any dice when wielding
inherent to early gunpowder weapons that enabled a firearm (for instance, rolling 8 on the 1d8 you
the latter two to run alongside the former for roll when successfully attacking with a flintlock
hundreds of years. While it contains a number of pistol), you may then roll that dice again, and add
place names and terms from my own setting—the the result of the second roll to your overall damage.
world of Olundar, which I shall flesh out at a later If on this second roll you roll the maximum result
time—it is designed to be easily separated from again, you may keep rolling until you do not roll the
it, and provide both you and your players with a maximum result, and all these additional rolls are

Name Cost Damage Weight Properties
Long guns
Ammunition (range 50/100), heavy, inaccurate,
Handgun 80 gp 1d12 + 1 22 lb.
reload 10, smoky, two-handed
Ammunition (range 95/270), heavy,
Arquebusier 560 gp 1d10 + 9 20 lb.
reload 5, smoky, two-handed
Accurate, ammunition (range 300/440),
Istinggar 640 gp 1d10 + 9 16 lb.
reload 5, smoky, two-handed
Musket 610 gp 1d12 + 6 21 lb. Ammunition (range 250/700), reload 4, smoky, two-handed
Ammunition (range 90/240), one‑hand
Caspillon Horse Carbine 800 gp 1d10 + 8 16 lb.
reload, reload 2, two-handed
Ammunition (range 210, 450), armour‑piercing,
Scheppen Garrison Gun 650 gp 2d10 + 8 28 lb.
heavy, reload 5, special, two-handed
Accurate, ammunition (range 230/470),
Xaphan Hellish Lancer 890 gp 1d12 + 8 18 lb.
armour‑piercing, reload 4, two-handed
Jezzail 750 gp 1d10 + 9 19 lb. Accurate, ammunition (600/1,100), reload 6, two-handed
Ammunition (400/675), armour‑piercing, heavy,
Cettebanghari 1,340 gp 4d6 + 4 29 lb.
reload 4, smoky, special, two-handed
Flintlock 120 gp 1d8 + 5 2 lb. Ammunition (range 40/100), light, reload 4, smoky
Ammunition (range 20/60), inaccurate,
Bolkustani Scatterpistol 340 gp 3d4 + 3 5 lb.
reload 5, smoky, spreading
Ammunition (range 70/190), light, one‑hand
Caspillon Cavalry Flankpistol 460 gp 1d8 + 6 2 lb.
reload, opportune, reload 1
Empress Anne Pistole 540 gp 1d8 + 7 2 lb. Ammunition (range 45/110), light, opportune, reload 2
Ammunition (range 20/40), light, one‑hand
Gambler's Hold 310 gp 1d6 + 3 1/4 lb.
reload, opportune, reload 1, special
Accurate, ammunition (range 100/310),
Duelling Pistol 740–790 gp 1d10 + 6 3 lb.
armour‑piercing, light, reload 3
Ammunition (range 30/60), heavy, inaccurate,
Blunderbusse 60 gp 1d10 + 3 24 lb.
reload 6, smoky, spreading, two‑handed
Ammunition (range 40/80), reload 8*,
Coachgun 410 gp 1d12 + 4 21 lb.
special, spreading, two‑handed
Ammunition (range 10/20), armour‑piercing, one‑hand
Coatsweeper 540 gp 1d10 + 5 22 lb.
reload, opportune, light, reload 3, spreading
Accurate, ammunition (range 40/80), armour‑piercing,
The Night's Cacophony 610 gp 1d12 + 3 19 lb.
opportune, reload 4, special, spreading, two-handed
Gunsmith’s tools 40 gp — 5 1/2 lb. —

added to your total and overall damage. All firearms a crossbow or bow. In addition, the mechanical
additionally have the ‘Discharge’ property (seen intricacy of such weapons means that if you fail to
below in ‘New Properties’). treat them properly, their failure can prove uniquely
If a character elects to gain a firearm as part annoying. If you roll a natural 1 when shooting a
of their starting character equipment, they may firearm, your gun is considered to have Misfired.
begin with either a handgun, a flintlock pistole, or Clearing a Misfire requires you spend an action
a blunderbusse, along with twenty shots worth of cleaning out the spent powder and burned paper,
regular powder and ten uses of lead or iron shot. before you can load and fire it again. In certain
(This equipment option is available to Fighters, conditions, the likelihood of your weapon misfiring
Paladins, and angers, replacing their default ranged increases significantly–most commonly, in rain,
weapon option.) Additionally, all pistoles may be wind, or unsteady conditions. Refer to the following
fired at targets within 5 feet of you without suffering table for some of the conditions that are most likely
disadvantage, as is the case for other ranged to increase your Misfire Range.
weapons (and all other guns). Misfire Range Increases
Note. Even if they somehow gained proficiency Increase Conditions
with one, rogues may never use a shotgun for +1 Moderate rain, steady natural wind, one level of
Sneak Attack. exhaustion, being on uneven ground, being frightened
and having the subject of your fright be visible to you.
+2 Heavy rain, strong or magically produced wind, two
Conditions and Misfires levels of exhaustion, being on wildly uneven ground
Unlike other ranged weapons, the nature of a (the deck of a ship in a storm), being poisoned.
firearm’s lock mechanism means that unfortunate +3 Torrential rain, levels of wind equivalent to a hurricane,
three levels of exhaustion, suffering from the blinded
weather or poor circumstances can put a damper
on your violent plans far more easily than it might
Adapting to Other Settings These conditions do not stack; you only consider
Much of the content in this document is written with the
homebrew setting of Olundar in mind. Presented here is a the highest. For instance, if you were standing in
brief overview of some of the setting-specific nomenclature: if an area of moderate rain and you were poisoned,
you wish to adapt this content to your own setting, you may you gain +2 to your Misfire Range, meaning your
wish to replace these Olundarian cultures and locales with firearm would misfire on a natural roll of 1, 2 or 3.
analagous ones from your own world. The only way to increase your Misfire Range beyond
• Bolkustan is a collective of dwarven mercantile and
4 is if you have four or more levels of exhaustion,
manufacturing centres, located high in the Ardannas
Mountains. The Scatterpistol thus proves useful for at which point the Misfire Range becomes equal
travelling caravans, providing a large quantity of shot and to your levels of exhaustion regardless of other
noise to deter the large mountain beasts they come across circumstances.
on the path.
• The Glorious Republique of Caspillon is a large, dominant
empire in the centre of Caspillon, renowned for its Ammunition
equestrian tradition and the strength of its cavalry. Thus, In order to fire a firearm, you must have both
innovations in firearms are often made with cavalry in
mind, and both the Carbine and Flankpistol are made with powder and shot that are applicable to your weapon.
portability and ease of reloading in mind. Shot is required for pistoles and long guns; pellets
• The Empress Anne Pistole is named for a former Empress of are required for shotguns. Stone shot is much
Caspillon—deified as part of the Republique's state religion, more commonly available than any other shot, but
The Round, she had a prominent love of hunting, and thus when firing with stone shot, you ignore any damage
many big game hunters carry such a gun as a backup.
increase that might come as the result of a critical
• The Scheppen Garrison Gun was first forged in the rapidly
industrialising Confederation of Talmar, who utilised early hit. The same is true when firing with cut powder—
models in order to snipe off prominent leaders of zealous if you are firing with both cut powder and stone
warbands and deter raiding parties during The Age of shot, you both ignore critical hit bonuses and may
Barbarism. The design has since proliferated throughout the not add your gun’s modifier to your damage roll. Of
numerous walled cities of the continent, and is commonly all the weapons, firearms prove the easiest to make
used to deter large companies of bandits, besieging forces,
and zealous warbands.
silver ammunition for, and thus, although expensive,
• The Hellish Lancer, the highest evolution of the musket form such ammunition is also listed.
in contemporary society, came about as a result of numerous
devilish nobles being sucked to The Base Plane as a result of Ammunition
the literal power vacuum created by the death of Asmodeus Type Cost Weight
as part of the Sundering of the Heavens. The gun's power, Silver shot (5) 3 gp 1/2 lb.
accuracy and penetrative capability are matched only by its
Stone shot (20) 1 gp 4 lb.
cost—devilish traits, one and all.
• Palandris, the site of the vast majority of flashpowder in the Lead/iron shot (10) 1 gp 1/2 lb.
known world, is a bizarre continent, the land mass of which Pellets (10) 2 gp 1/2 lb.
changes seemingly on the distant, strange whims of a truly Powder, uncut (20) 4 gp 1/4 lb.
odd creature. Thus, finding flashpowder has proven greatly Powder, cut (20) 1 gp 1/4 lb.
difficult, and many Olundarian nations scrabble to attain
a power base in the foreign land and achieve a monopoly Of course, the vast majority of individuals simply
over the stuff. cast their own bullets instead. Casting your own
• Frÿisain are large, bull-headed people from the continent of bullets requires proficiency in either Smith’s Tools
Palandris, with a monopoly over flashpowder and a form of
aggressive paganism that asserts their superiority over all or Gunsmith’s Tools, and requires actually having
other races. Negotiations with them are interesting. the relevant tools to hand, along with a sufficient
quantity of metal that you wish to cast them from.
(It might be a good idea to make an Intelligence
(Investigation) check ahead of time, to detect
any impurities or problems in the metal, before
willy‑nilly shoving it into a mould.) A great many
soldiers, especially in the beginnings of gunpowder
usage, cast their own bullets—doing so is, in effect,
the process of just making a small metal ball, and
so is much more time and resource-efficient than
trying to fletch and make your own arrows. If you
do cast bullets, you can craft them with the only
real costs involved being your time, the coal, the
tools, and the metal—however, doing so puts the
quality of the bullets into your own hands, rather
than assuming they are of a shootable quality by
default, as is the case with bullets you buy. Having
a particularly bad roll when casting would allow
your DM to justify attacks made with that bullet to
suffer disadvantage; a d20 attack roll of 1 might
mean you damage your gun when trying to fire so
obviously shoddy a bullet. However, most of the
time, your proficiency in the Tools alone would
justify you being able to tell a bad bullet from a unless your opponent is behind any form of cover,
good one. Reference the following table below for a you always have advantage when making ranged
breakdown on the requisite time involved, and DC weapon attacks against targets within half the
required, for casting or making different bullet types. weapon’s effective range (rounded down).
(Note that all of these types require either Smith’s Armour Piercing. The rounds this weapon fires
or Gunsmith’s Tools, apart from Stone Shot, which are engineered, either by velocity or shaping, to
requires Mason’s Tools.) pierce substantially thick plate. When firing this
weapon, you make shots against targets wearing
Casting Ammunition medium or heavy armour at advantage, and it also
Type DC for casting Time to make 5 shots ignores any resistances granted by armour.
Stone shot 10 3 hours Discharge. The loud discharge of a controlled
Pellets 13 1 hour explosion, in a world where gunpowder, although
Lead/iron shot 15 2 hours on the rise, is still a new and feared innovation, is
Buck and ball 17 3 hours often more than sufficient to turn back advancing
Silver shot 20 4 hours foes who are unused to being around such weapons.
Whenever you fire a gun, all opponents within 50
Buck and Ball feet who are not immune to the frightened condition
Buck and Ball consists of a small quantity of must make a Wisdom saving throw, against a DC
buckshot, held in the same cartridge as a musket equal to 8 + the firearm’s damage. (Even if you do
ball. It, in effect, allows rifles to function as slightly not hit anything, you must roll the damage dice
ineffective shotguns. Buck and Ball may only be to determine this DC.) Those that fail become
used in a long gun, and using it halves the long frightened of you, and will take the Dash action on
gun’s effective and maximum ranges; however, it each of their turns in order to move as far away
also grants said gun the Spreading property. from you as possible. Once the target succeeds on
their saving throw, they cannot be frightened by the
Fine Powder and Shot
Discharge property for another 24 hours. Note that
Unlike with arrows and crossbow bolts, where
enemies that are proficient in more than one type of
a +1 piece of ammunition will likely either be
firearm make their saving throw against this feature
magical or mastercrafted, flashpowder can prove
with advantage. At your GM’s discretion, those who
itself superior (or inferior) based upon the relative
are particularly unused to firearms (such as forest
quality and sourcing. The ‘average’ powder, as is
folk, animals, or remote villagers) might be forced to
listed prior, is still mostly flashpowder, but will
make theirs at disadvantage. Similarly, at your GM’s
likely be cut and intermingled with saltpeter, coal,
discretion, those who make their career around
graphite, or other substances to change its colour
firearms (musketeers, drilled soldiers, gunsmiths,
for certain markets, increase its longevity, render
etc) may not be affected by this feature at all. Those
it more water-resistant, or any number of other
that are frightened by this feature may repeat their
matters. Pure, uncut Palandrian flashpowder, when
saving throw at the end of each of their turns, and
fired, grants +1 to your weapon’s attack and damage
are no longer frightened on a success—once they
rolls, and the bullets naturally have enough surface
have moved more than 400 feet away from you, they
area to enable all forms of enchantment. Naturally,
are also no longer frightened. If you are setting your
pure Palandrian flashpowder of any form costs
campaign in a period of Olundar approximately
significantly more in Olundar than any other kind
400–600 years after the Sundering, the ubiquity of
of powder, owing to frÿisain monopolisation and
firearms means this feature no longer applies.
trade influence; you may find it cheaper if you shop
Inaccurate. The sheer heft or unfortunate
on Palandris itself. Of course, magical powder, shot,
mechanical nature of this firearm mean that you
and guns all exist, of varying kinds and properties—
cannot hope to fire it with any hope of accuracy,
but these shall need to be discovered as the games
unless you take your time. Unless you have spent
progress. (The guns themselves are treated as
your main action on the round before steadying and
normal ranged weapons, and thus can be found
aiming this weapon, you will make this roll with
with enchantments ranging from +1 to +3. However,
disadvantage. Unless it is through magical means,
as the technology for firearms has existed for far
this disadvantage cannot be negated via gained
less time than the art of bow-making or crossbow
advantage, as it is inherent to the weapon.
manufacture, the number of these weapons your
One-Hand Reload. Some element of this
players find should be significantly reduced.)
weapon’s construction—usually the chamber,
Do note also that, despite them being ammunition,
flashpan, or stock—allows it to be easily flipped,
poison cannot be applied to bullets.
manipulated, and reloaded with a single hand. If you
are holding something in your other hand–i.e, reins,
New Properties a shield, a secondary weapon–its reload time is as
Many firearms have special properties related to written. If you use a second hand, the gun’s reload
their use, described here. time is reduced by 1.
Accurate. Within its effective range, this firearm Opportune. An element of this gun’s
is capable of staggering pinpoint accuracy. As long construction—most usually, the hammer or trigger
as you are firing within the weapon’s effective range, loop—makes it easy to draw and fire quickly in close

proximity, in response to a flanking or withdrawing reload time of 4; thus, the listed Reload time reflects
foe. Even if you are not holding this gun, providing loading both.
that it is loaded, you may fire it as part of an Scheppen Garrison Gun. This gun, being a
opportunity attack. When firing in this way, you do heavy-bore musket designed for static defence,
not have disadvantage on the weapon attack. requires a Strength of 13 or higher for you to fire
Reload. This property refers to the number of it while standing. It has no Strength requirement if
rounds required to return the gun to a firing state, you fire it while prone.
by resupplying powder, shot, and resetting the The Night’s Cacophony. Whenever this weapon
mechanism. Reloading a weapon is considered fires, it leaves a 15-foot cone of smoke in the
to take an action—and you must make the Reload direction you fired towards. This area is considered
action on a number of turns equal to the weapon’s heavily obscured.
Reload quality before the weapon is considered
fireable again. Do note that you may sheathe the Modifications
gun and make the Reload action on later turns
after making other actions—you are not required to Bayonet. A blade attached to the end of either a
make all the Reload stages all at once. A number of long gun or a shotgun, the bayonet allows you to
subclass features and feats, most notably the Gun attack someone as if you were holding either a
Expert feat (detailed below), have aspects that can dagger (2 gp) or a shortsword (11 gp) without taking
help you reduce or minimise the Reload property of any penalty or needing to drop the gun. If you are
your proficient firearms. wielding a bayonet and you take the Dash action,
Smoky. The crude construction of this weapon’s you may also make an attack with the bayonet as a
flash-pan means that the usually manageable bonus action.
amount of black powder diffusion puffs up in a Double-Barrel. Both long guns and pistoles
distracting way whenever this gun is fired. The 5 by can be modified to add another barrel (with the
5 ft. space you take up, as well as the space directly exception of the Scatterpistol, as it technically fires
in front of you, becomes filled with smoke—all pellets and not bullets.) Doing so doubles the cost
ranged attacks both you make out of this area and and the Reload property, but it allows another round
that others make into it are made at disadvantage. of equal power to be fired before needing to reload.
This smoke dissipates after 1 round, or until strong Alternately, when firing a gun with both barrels
winds blow upon it–whichever happens sooner. loaded, you may choose to fire both barrels at the
Spreading. When you fire this gun at an opponent, same time—make the same attack roll, but if it hits,
it will also hit whichever targets are in the squares double the attack’s damage.
directly to the left and right of them. The same Ever-Lantern. A small box attached to the side
attack roll applies for all (potentially) three targets. of a long gun or shotgun, the ever-lantern consists
of a series of glass lenses that have been enchanted
with a continual flame spell. A true ever-lantern
Special Weapons costs between 1,500 and 3,200 gp, depending on
Weapons with special rules are described here. quality, and provides bright light in a cone for 80
Cettebanghari. This gun, forged by Jeravadist feet, and dim light in a cone for 40 feet beyond that.
monks in the Path of the Highest Stance, functions You may open or close the box the lenses are stored
in effect as a portable cannon, complete with a in as a bonus action, covering or exposing the light
breech-loading system to aid in faster reloading. It as is needed. For a 50% increase in cost, you can
gun requires a Strength of 13 or higher in order for have a tighter-lens version of this lantern, which
it to be fired. functions much as laser pointers do in our own
Gambler’s Hold. Owing to the conveniently word—creating a precise beam of coloured light that
small size of this well-machined firearm, you have is useless as a source of light, but allows you to fire
advantage on Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) checks with advantage so long as your target is within half
made to hide it on your person. of your weapon’s effective range.
Coachgun. This weapon is usually made of very Numerous mundane ‘ever-lanterns’ also exist,
dark oak, forged from a good quality iron, and which are oil-fuelled, cost 12 gp, and function much
is commonly the steady long arm of coachmen as a bullseye lantern does (see page 152 of the
or horse-riding deliverers and messengers who Player’s Handbook.)
negotiate treacherous passages of land. Similarly, Fergussian Breech. A Falrian innovation, this
it has also become the oft-used weapon of the alternate means of loading the long gun, instead of
highwaymen who waylay them, and passing placing the powder and shot in through the barrel
travellers. The coachgun’s dual barrels are and ramming it into position, involves unscrewing
separated by a flint mechanism that allows just the trigger, winding it down a screw thread, loading
one barrel to be reloaded and fired at a time; when in the powder and shot through the top, and then
firing the gun, you may choose to fire either one screwing the trigger in place again. Along with
barrel, or both barrels. If you fire both, you make allowing you to reload the long gun in a prone
a single attack roll, but, if that attack hits, it deals position (guns without this feature can only be
2d12 + 8 damage to the target. Both barrels have a reloaded whilst standing), this feature also reduces
the weapon’s reload property to one quarter of what

it was. Long guns with this modification cost 50%
more than their usual cost. Only long guns may
Gunsmiths’ Tools
benefit from this modification. Gunsmiths’ Tools are a newly added form of
Rifling. A series of helical grooves carved into artisan’s tools, which can aid in allowing the
the barrel, the addition of rifling—although highly experimentative tinkerers who make this newly
labour-intensive and thus expensive—enables emerging form of warfare their speciality to alter
much greater accuracy at a variety of ranges. Guns and repair guns of any kind. As specified earlier in
with this modification double their effective and this document, Gunsmiths’ Tools can be used to
maximum ranges. Guns with basic rifling (which cast shot, but they also have a number of other uses.
provides only the range extension) cost twice that Components. Gunsmiths’ Tools include a
of the regular gun—however, if you are willing to wooden carrying case, several jars of specialist
spend three times the cost of the gun, you may fit it oil, numerous screws, cleaning rods and cloths,
with advanced rifling, which also grants the gun the and other tools for carving wood handles or
Accurate quality (if it doesn’t have it already). inlaying filigree.
Scope. A largely gnomish innovation, the scope Arcana and History. Although magical guns
(in effect, a telescope with crosshairs added) are a somewhat rarer sight than other varieties of
doubles both the effective and maximum range of weapon, a comprehensive understanding of their
the gun. A scope costs roughly 2,000 gp (assuming function allows you to determine the magical from
you can find someone who even makes them.) the eccentric, as well as establishing historical
Shotgunnes cannot have scopes attached to them provenance, place of origin, and numerous other
(or rather, they can, but gain no benefit.) aspects of any piece you happen to gain access to.
Shooting Stick. Very commonly just a stick with Investigation. You glean numerous observations
a crook in the top that can also be used to add some about the owner of a gun from the gun itself; its
rural chic to a rambling outfit, a solid shooting stick condition, accessories, pattern of reloading, etc.
can be ‘deployed’ (i.e., stuck in the ground) with You can similarly gain a great deal of information
relative ease, and the benefits it has to shooting from crime scenes where a firearm was involved
a long gun can be remarkable. On your turn, you owing to your knowledge of them; the distance of
may spend 10 feet of your movement to plant the the shooter from the victim, the calibre of bullet, the
stick firmly on the ground. If you do so and do not powder load and type, etc.
move before taking your next shot with a long gun, Repair. With access to your tools, you can
said shot gains a +1 bonus to attack and damage. restore 10 hit points to a damaged firearm for each
After shooting, you may freely move again, without hour of work.
needing to spend extra movement to ‘un-stick’ Gunsmiths’ Tools
yourself. A shooting stick costs nothing if you build Activity DC
it yourself, and maybe at most 8 copper pieces if you Clean and maintain a gun; add a simple accessory to a 10
shop around for a nice one. simple gun
Wheellock. Not so much a modification as an Fully repair a damaged gun; add a simple accessory to a 15
older and more expensive way of doing things, complicated gun, or vice versa
the wheellock method relies on an internal gear Restore a broken gun to operation; add a complicated 20
accessory to a complicated gun
mechanism to align and spark the flint necessary to
ignite the priming powder. Because of this, it adds
2 to the Reload property (the extra time needed to Gun Expert Feat
wind up the mechanism)—however, owing to the While the technology of flashpowder weapons
finer quality of craft and tighter fit of parts, it adds may be relatively new to Olundar itself, its
+1 to the gun’s attack rolls, and rain of any severity popularity and spread on the neighbouring
does not increase your Misfire Range. Wheellock continent of Palandris—a bizarre and ever-shifting
guns cost 50% more than the cost of a flintlock landscape that is the source of the vast majority
version of the same gun. (All guns are assumed to of flashpowder in the known world—means that
be flintlock or matchlock.) there are a wide variety of tutors and wandering
mercenaries available in Olundar to enable those
who have a fascination with the new method of
warfare to learn how to use it most effectively. This

feat thus reflects your mastery of guns to a higher quick actions of the form; or perhaps you were a
level than your martial contemporaries—or, at least, simple pikeman of the line, who one day found in
your capacity to mitigate the worst of their failures. his enemy’s hands a complex and foreign weapon
he intuitively took to like no other.
• The reload time of all gunpowder weapons you
handle is reduced by a number equal to your Powder-Charged Mind
proficiency modifier (minimum of 2). If this At 3rd level, you gain proficiency in Gunsmith’s
reduces a weapon’s reload time either to or below Tools and Tinker’s Tools.
0, then the weapon is merely considered a loading In addition, you may choose to gain fluency and
weapon for you. If it reduces it to below 0 and proficiency from a number of languages or skills
you have the Extra Attack feature, you may attack equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum of 1).
using the same gun twice on your turn–but only
ever a maximum of twice on a single turn. If this Braced For The Line
would ever cause the firearm’s Reload property to At 3rd level, the Reload property of all firearms you
become -5, you may attack as many times with it handle is reduced by an amount equal to either your
on your turn as you are able to. Dexterity or Intelligence modifier (your choice).
• Only conditions that would cause your Misfire In addition, choose one of the following benefits:
Range to be increased by +3 or more will increase Pistoleer. As a reaction to an enemy moving
your Misfire Range. within 15 feet of you, if you have a loaded pistol on
• You may clear Misfires using either a bonus action your person, you may draw and fire it at said enemy.
or an action. Doing so requires you to also have relevant supplies
• If you have one or more loaded pistols on your of powder and shot, if the gun is not already loaded–
person and you fire a gun on your turn, you may if it isn’t loaded, you load it as part of the reaction.
draw and fire a pistol as a free action at the end of Rifleman. You reduce the Reload property of any
your turn. long gun you wield by an amount equal to your
• Opportunity attacks you make with pistols can be proficiency bonus, as well as your Dexterity/
made with advantage. Intelligence modifier. If you already have the Gun
Expert feat (or gain it later), you instead may add
your Dexterity modifier to the damage of any attacks
Fighter Subclass: Musketeer you make with a long gun.
The cause of chivalry, the grace of élan, and the Shotgunner. If you make an attack using a
continuous existence of the old guard has come shotgun against a target within 15 feet of you, you
increasingly to be called into question in the automatically push the target back 5 feet, so long as
flame and thunder of gunpowder’s introduction to they are not Size Large or Larger. In addition, they
Olundarian warfare. However, a combination of must also make a Strength saving throw against
potent domestic magic and a trade monopoly by its a DC equal to 8+ your Dexterity modifier+ your
continent of origin have prevented as widespread proficiency bonus. On a failure, they are pushed
an effect on the surface of conventional warfare back a further 5 feet, and fall prone.
as might otherwise be expected. In the hands of
regular soldiers, the pike or longbow still proves Quick-Draw
far more cost-effective and easy to teach; and, the At 7th level, you may add your Intelligence modifier
pragmatic nature of the firearm’s continual inability to your initiative rolls. If you rolled either the highest
to perform under poor conditions, the technical or second-highest initiative, you may automatically
training required in its repair, and the laborious draw and fire a loaded pistol you have on your
process involved in reloading, lead the vast majority person at the top of the combat round, even if you
of militias, armed forces, and private mercenary would normally be surprised.
companies to abandon the firearm as a tool of
warfare. A relatively competent battlefield mage Nimble-Finger
or cleric can achieve superior results to a typical At 10th level, you may reduce the Reload property
gunman, with the advantage of greater versatility of all guns that you wield by an amount equal to
and supportive benefits to surrounding infantry. either your Dexterity or Intelligence modifier (the
However, those few among soldiers of fortune or one you didn’t choose at 3rd level). If this feature, or
a noble house’s guards that do prove themselves a mixture of your subclass features and something
to excel with these rare and potent weapons are else like the Gun Expert feat, would reduce the
as gold or diamonds themselves to those in need Reload property of any gun you wield to -3, you no
of firepower–and, often, successful contracts will longer consider that gun a loading weapon, and
involve true musketeers being paid as such. You you may instead attack with it on your turn as many
would do well to consider how your character times as you can.
achieved their training–perhaps they were a noble’s
Master Of Terrain And Sight
seventh son, too detached to live without profession
At 15th level, you have learned to utilise the world
but too respected to take up blade or bow; perhaps
and its intricately random outcroppings to your
you were a nimble urchin of the streets, adopted
advantage. If you fire down at a target from a higher
by a prominent inventor, and taught the required
altitude, your firearm’s effective and total ranges are
both increased by 5 feet for every 30 feet you are disadvantage on attack rolls until the end of their
above sea level. next turn. Furthermore, if they were concentrating
In addition, targets cannot avoid that which they on a spell, they make their Concentration check to
cannot predict. If you fire at a target from outside maintain it against your gunshot at disadvantage.
your firearm’s effective range, you may add your
Intelligence modifier to your weapon’s attack roll.
Bringer of Change, Symbol of Tradition’s This document was written by Alasdair Goudie, and typeset
by Ben Woodley using InDesign templates by Nathanaël Roux
Demise (https://www.barkalotdesigns.com).
At 18th level, your attacks with firearms, regardless Dungeons & Dragons, D&D and all other Wizards
of whether the firearm, shot, or powder is of the Coast product names, and their respective logos
magical or not, ignore any and all resistances to are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast in the USA and
piercing damage. other countries.
All illustrations used are public domain:
In addition, if you hit an opponent with a gunshot • Eugène Delacroix, La liberté guidant le peuple
that does more than its average damage, you may • Alex de Andreis, Cavalier in an Interior Holding a Musket
force your opponent to make a Constitution saving • John Trumbull, The Death of General Montgomery in the
throw against a DC equal to 8+ your proficiency Attack on Quebec, December 31, 1775
modifier+ your Dexterity modifier. If they fail, • Aert Schouman, Resting Hunter with Musket and
Partridge by a Tree
their movement speed is halved and they have


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