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City-State of Tyr Additional Content

About this Document documents. If no explanation is given for the

content it was not included in the final
This document is based on digital documents document. Editing for basic grammar and
provided by Walter. M Baas. Posted with spelling was applied to some sections. For
permission from Walter Baas and Gary more about the City-State of Tyr, Walter Baas,
Watkins. Compiled by Robert Adducci and Gary Watkins listen to Episode 13 of the
( Bone, Stone, & Obsidian podcast featuring
The following content is content that was Gary Watkins.
cut or has differences from the original
turnover documents for the City-State of Tyr 2/bone-stone-and-obsidian-episode-13-city-
accessory as written by Walter M. Baas and state-of-tyr-walter-bass-memorial-featuring-
Gary Watkins. Some were from the turnover gary-s-watkins/
document while others were in secondary

describes notable personages (currently

Introduction Story Cuts: living and recently deceased), intriguing
locations, and adventure hooks for those
Cut after the paragraph that starts with “A wishing to explore the city's intrigues.
silver and two ceramics…” Additional tips are included for DMs
“He smiled then like a zhackal and said, "Yes, yes. interested in setting up a campaign in or
These things and more shall I show you; the around the city-state of Tyr. Remember to
splendor of the ziggurat, the luxury of the noble watch your back or your "mantle of freedom"
quarters, and the mysteries of the city below if you may soon become a funeral shroud.
dare. But first we go to the stadium."”
Chapter 2: Environs of Tyr
The following was the last paragraph.
“I shook my head in disbelief as he turned and The 3rd paragraph in the chapter was altered.
walked down the thronged street before me. A The following is the original text:
market in the stadium? What other bizarre things The area west of Tyr is largely unsettled.
did this trip hold in store for me? A beggar pawed Locals call it "the poison land". A defensive
at me, rousing me from my thoughts. I cuffed him hedge of deadly a'nor plants and smokebrush
on the side of the head and strode on to learn of this encircles the perimeter of the lower node of
strange, unusual city: Tyr” the walled city (that area that houses the
About this supplement: templars' quarters and king's gardens). The
toxic hedge, known as "the barrier", wards the
The following was cut from the middle of the area near the grand gate, through which
paragraph: valuable iron shipments pass from the mine.
“Look closely herein at the way Tyrian's live - A buffer of azure burrgrass extends 20 feet
-- and die. Explore the dark corners in the city, between the barrier and the road approaching
journey to UnderTyr, and travel the hidden the grand gate. Azure burrgrass, golden
ways of the hills and plains that surround it. smokebrush, and the deadly A'nor plant were
Examine the powers that be who, with a natural choices for the barrier because of their
dagger thrust or a mumbled word, determine malevolent qualities. (See the Monstrous
the path Tyr follows. This supplement Compendium [tm] entry for Plants,

City-State of Tyr Additional Content 1

Poisonous in the appendix for descriptions of half of the house where his pets are kept when
these plants and their defensive properties.) not working. The living area is contained
Under Kalak the barrier served two purposes: wholly on the second floor and is divided into
first, to hinder anyone from entering the city a bedroom and a modest cooking/dining
on foot except at the three major gates; area.
secondly, to give Kalak a tremendous source
of power to fuel his defiling magics. Korl Marlik

Native Farming Plants Of The Tyr Region, Male Dwarf Thief, Chaotic Neutral
“Wheat” was cut, but cotton was still AC 5 (leather + Dex) Str 16
included. Movement 9 Dex 17
Level 5 Con 16
Hit Points 29 Int 14
THAC0 18 Wis 15
Chapter 3: The City of Tyr No.of Attacks 1 Cha 13
Dmg: by weapon
Korl's Exterminating Service Proficiencies: club, short sword, sling, animal
Just inside the stadium gate on the west side handling (14), animal training: baazrag (15),
of the thoroughfare, a two story adobe set snares (16).
building can be seen with a large dead lizard Thief Skills: PP 60%, OL 65%, F/RT 55%, MS
painted next to the doorway. This is the home 50%, HIS 50%, DN 15%, CW 50%, RL 0%.
of Korl's Exterminating Service. Korl, a semi- Psionic Summary: PSPs 35; Wild Talent ---
retired dwarven thief, lives here with his Animate Shadow (PS Wis -3; Cost-
pets/servants, twelve baazrags (see --7+3/round)
Monstrous Compendium [tm] description at
end of this book). The stout little lizards are Korl is a quiet fellow who always thinks
specially trained to hunt and kill household before speaking, even about trivial matters,
pests such as insects or gecko lizards. which creates awkward pauses in dialogue.
Korl charges from 2 ceramic pieces to 3 He continuously mutters to himself and his
silvers depending on the size of the job. His pets as he works, giving the impression of a
services are most often sought by nobles and dullard. In truth, he is quite clever and uses
merchants to rid their residences or others' perceptions of him to advantage.
businesses of vermin. As a sideline, Korl also Because of his seemingly inoffensive nature,
will buy untamed baazrags for 1 sp, which he Korl is often left alone or ignored while he
then trains and sells for as much as 5 sp. If works, enabling him to pocket small items
someone already has a pet baazrag and without being noticed. He does not steal
simply wants it trained, the fee is generally 2 frequently, nor does he take especially
to 3 sp. The dwarf no longer practices valuable or distinctive items and up till now
thieving as a profession, but will occasionally has been able to avoid discovery. He has no
help himself to a trinket or two from an interest in adventuring. Apart from his
employer's premises if the opportunity business and an occasional brew at the happy
presents itself. dwarf, Korl leads an otherwise unremarkable
The building that he lives in and works out existence.
of consists of a small office with a bone chair
and table as its only furnishings, a hall with a The Weeping Wyvern
stairway ascending to the top floor, and a
large common room that takes up the rear Under Shadow Square There is an
establishment called “The Weeping Widow”,

City-State of Tyr Additional Content 2

the turnover document says, “The Weeping shunned outside of work. Dauthur's business
Wyvern”. The map on page 94 still has “The is the dead and he fell no compunction
Weeping Wyvern” on #25. towards helping individuals along their way.
He frequently provides sleeping poisons for
Cutters' Chance the infirm or terminally ill. He also makes
charms to ward off spirits or the disgruntled
This shop caters to the gamblers of the city. dead. Strongly scented perfumes to douse the
Cutter, the proprietor, creates and designs newly dead are always in stock. Occasionally
items for games of chance. It is said that she Potion Fruit of Flesh to Stone are available. A
personally designed and built all of the large kiln is available those who cleanse their
gambling devices and tables within the dead by fire and a plot of land is available
renown Crystal Spider Gambling Hall. Her outside the city for those who wish their dead
favorite creations are stunning wheels of to be placed in the ground. In a society that
chance, elaborately adorned that spin almost cares little for the dead, Dauthur caters to
effortlessly. Her craft gained city wide nobles, visiting merchants, the religious and
attention when she created a huge multi- the superstitious. Rumors persists that he
colored spinning wheel for the arena. has, on occasion, provided a fresh elf or two
Commissioned by a famous jazst gladiator, to the "Hungry, Hungry Halfling" although
the wheel was only used once before being he vehemently denies these rumors.
banned. The bloody incident was enough for When dead bodies are found in the city a
Cutter to achieve infamous notoriety for her brief search of their bodies are made and the
art. body is stripped. A petition must be made at
Cutter will never willing create a the High Bureaus to reclaim the dead's
unbalance or illegal gambling tool. For a small possessions. If not claimed they become
fee she will instruct an individual in the art of property of the state. Locals are questioned
cheating. She considers this training as to the identity of the corpse. If someone
important to gamblers to recognize when recognizes the corpse, it is turned over to the
they are being cheated. identifying individual for disposal.
Sport darts (1 cp each), balanced z'tal Otherwise, templars or city guard will
throwing knives (4 bits each), multi-sided deposits the corpse in the a'nor fields outside
dice (1/4 bit per side) and stiff pulp gambling the city walls.
cards (5cp to one silver depending on the art
work) can all be found in Cutter's shop. The The Running Z'tals
female mul takes great pride in her craft, and
Ten to fifteen youths of various races make up
is always looking for new games of chance.
the running z'tals. The z'tals hire themselves
She will pay to learn new games of chance,
out as runners, couriers, and heralds.
but will always bet the informant a bit that
Commonly, messages can be delivered to any
she already knows the game, and she usually
location in the city, except the Warrens and
UnderTyr, for two bits. Packages or retrieval
of goods tends to run five bits to a ceramic
The Dead piece depending on the size and weight of the
This mortuary/crematorium known as "The item in question. The z'tals only work the
Dead" caters to those with dead and dying. daylight hours and will not enter the Warrens
Dauthur, the proprietor, guards his identity or the undercity. Furthermore, they limit
donning a full face leather mask while their services to the city proper and can not be
working. This old practice is to prevent being induced to leave Tyr for any reason.

City-State of Tyr Additional Content 3

Chapter 4: The Golden City and others that found a quick death at the end
of a trading guard's steel sword.
The Inner Circle Night Traders Ways
A high, stout wall surrounds the inner circle, Night Traders way has been used in the past
separating it from the outer circle where the by tradespersons to exchange gray and black
templars' quarters, high bureaus, and outer market goods and as a secret hiding place for
gardens lie. Among the buildings of the inner slaves when Kalak was confiscating workers
circle is a great hall from which the king may for the ziggurat. Some merchants still
enjoy the gladiatorial games or entertain large maintain storage areas for raw materials here,
groups of nobles, merchants, templars, and but such caches are almost always trapped or
others of import. The king's personal stables heavily guarded.
and carriage house fill two more of the
structures, and a separate building houses the The Vault of Auh
royal hunting cats, administered by the royal
reaver. Deep in the bowels of UnderTyr, deeper than
The two buildings clockwise from the the ancient city's ruins, lies the Vault of Auh.
barbican hold the king's bath and Ancient kings ruled Athas long before the
springhouse, respectively. The springhouse coming of the sorcerer-kings. When these
contains a freshwater spring that bubbles up kings died they were buried with great
into a small, tiled pool. reverence. Opulent final resting places,
Moving inward, another wall bounds the resembling traditional sepulchers or minor
king's inner garden which itself surrounds the palaces were quarried deep within Athasian
central tower. The lush carpet of verdant stone. Precious metals, jewelry, and objects of
grasses and stately faro trees that fill the art were entombed with the ancient kings.
garden seems oddly out of place in Tyr's arid These kings and queens took great pride in
landscape. The abundant foliage fills the area and held a reverent sense of duty to protect
right up to the walls of the golden tower. their lands and their people. Hence the spirits
of these protector kings and queens did not
pass on "into the gray" after death. The spirit
remains in the body to watch and protect the
Chapter 5: Under Tyr realm. These spirits are called meorties.
Although no grand-elf can ever remember
Merchants Maze
seeing an ancient king's spirit (much less an
Originally, the Merchants Maze was a walled ancient king), it is said that one such vault of
garden, with a hedge maze and topiary. In the ancients exists somewhere beneath
UnderTyr, the garden that once was a place of UnderTyr. The lost resting place is called the
leisure has become a den of conspiracy and Vault of Auh. No one knows the validity of
clandestine activities. The Maze is rumored to such rumors, but many have set out in search
contain a series of secret trade passages of the great wealth that is rumored to rest
between the warehouses of opposing trader there. Few have returned, though, and none
houses. The underground entrances to the successfully.
warehouses are said to be heavily guarded.
Tales of secret meetings, double-dealing and
subterfuge abound. These tales include
stories of those who became instantly wealthy

City-State of Tyr Additional Content 4

Chapter 6: Psionics and Magic precognition Devotions: combat mind, know
location, spirit sense.
in Tyr Mandalis is supported by entrants who
perform their work with passionless
The Order efficiency. One of the more active operatives
T'Sk'Kux'Kt is a thri-kreen: T'Sk'Kux'Kt.
Like all thri-kreen, T'Sk'Kux'Kt feels the
Male Thri-Kreen Psionicist, Neutral instinct to hunt most keenly. This has
AC 1 (Natural + Dex) Str 14 influenced his psionic development, guiding
Movement 18 Dex 19 him toward more predatory and combat
Level 22 Con 17 oriented devotions and sciences. When not
Hit Points 69 Int 15 serving The Order, the mantis master often
THAC0 10 Wis 20 journeys out into the desert for long periods
No.of Attacks 5 or 2 Cha 12 of time. Sometimes these journeys have
Dmg: 1d4(x4)/1d4+1+paralysis or 1d6+3 (+3 specific objectives such as hunting or
staff spear) + 1d4+1+paralysis travelling to another city on a personal
Proficiencies: Spear, chatkcha, dagger, light errand. Other times he wanders simply to
crossbow, scimitar, club, throwing axe, speak maintain a keen edge on his skills.
common (16), harness subconscious (19), T'Sk'Kux'Kt firmly believes that the mind is
meditative focus (21), rejuvenation (19), clearest and most accessible during the
psionic detection (16), tracking (20), water catharsis of physical deprivation or pain.
find (15). These treks, therefore, serve to reinvigorate
his spirit and prevent him from becoming soft
Psionic Summary: PSPs 347; Defense Modes and lazy.
--- intellect fortress, mental barrier, mind T'Sk'Kux'Kt is a deadly foe in combat,
blank, thought shield, tower of iron will. possessing an arsenal of psionic and physical
Telepathy --- Sciences: domination, mass attacks which he often combines through the
domination, mindlink, psionic blast use of his split personality science. If using
Devotions: contact, ego whip, false sensory claws and bite, he gets five attacks per round.
input, id insinuation, identity penetration, With the spear he uses his natural jumping
invincible foes, psychic messenger, truthear. ability for the initial attack, doubling the
Psychokinetic --- Sciences: detonate, spear's damage on a successful strike.
disintegrate, telekinesis Devotions: Subsequent attacks usually involve a
concentrate water, control body, control spear/bite combination. His psionics allow
flames, control wind, inertial barrier, him to hold his own against larger numbers,
molecular agitation, soften. Psychometabolic to attack at range, or to surprise enemies from
--- Sciences: energy containment, life draining concealment. If things go badly for the mantis
Devotions: body control, chameleon power, man, his psychoportive talents enable him to
double pain, strength of the land. escape without a problem. Besides his
Metapsionic --- Sciences: psychic surgery, magical staff-spear, T'Sk'Kux'Kt possesses an
split personality Devotions: convergence, amulet vs. undead (8th level of use) and a
psychic drain, stasis field, wrench. wand of negation (21 c.).
Psychoportation --- Sciences: teleport,
teleport other Devotions: dimensional door,
dimension walk, teleport object, time/space
anchor. Clairsentient --- Sciences:

City-State of Tyr Additional Content 5

Chapter 7: Personalities Gaanon and Rikus were too much alike to be
friends in the arena so they became rivals.
They faced each other three times. Rikus won
twice, the second time seriously wounding
Half-Giant Male Gladiator Gaanon. The third time they faced one
12th‑Level another Gaanon was denied his revenge,
Neutral when Rikus attacked Kalak instead of him.
Str 23 Int 08 Gaanon joined with Rikus following the
Dex 13 Wis 10 revolt and helped lead the attack against the
Con 19 Cha 12 armies of Urik. He was an inspiring sight,
hp: 185 simultaneously fighting three opponents.
AC: 5 Gaanon was a victim of the wars and never
#AT: 3/2 or 5/2 with specialization returned to his favorite city to enjoy the
THAC0: 9 wondrous life he so desired.
Dmg: by weapon + strength Appearance: Gaanon's a beast, especially
Weapon Proficiencies: All, Specialized with with his hairy body and long unbound hair.
Battle Axe, Weighted Pike, Cahulaks, Datchi With a height twice that of a human and
Club, Two-handed sword, Weighted weighing over 1500 pounds Gaanon should
Throwing Net, Gouge. be considered a "giant" among half-giants.
Non-weapon proficiencies: Armor Role‑playing: Strong and fair. Gaanon's
Optimization, Blind Fighting, Endurance, training as a templar guard and as a gladiator
Heat Protection, Weapon Improvisation. has provided him with powerful tools for
Equipment: Leather armor, obsidian battle survival. He understands that bureaucracy is
axe, net of giant hair. necessary for a city to exist, but does not
understand bureaucracy itself. He is a fine
Background: Gaanon was raised and trustworthy companion in a fight.
somewhere along the Estuary of the Forked
Tongue near Grak's pool. He travelled
extensively with his father when he was Ktandeo
young and was duly impressed during his Editors Note: Ktandeo was mistakenly called
first visit to Tyr. The city fascinated him --- so a halfling in the Psionic Artifacts of Athas
much to see, so much to do, unlike home. book, that mistake might have been avoided
When he was old enough to travel alone, if this stat block had been published
Gaanon returned to Tyr to seek employment.
He found work as a templar's bodyguard and Human Male Preserver Mage
was very happy with his lot. Things changed 13th Level
one night when a friend and co-worker of Neutral Good
Gaanon's was slain by the templar. In a fit of Str 12 Int 17
rage, Gaanon attacked the bureaucrat, Dex 13 Wis 15
seeking to avenge his friend's death. He Con 10 Cha 11
failed. The templar, in an unusual show of hp: 31
mercy, did not slay him outright, but instead AC: 10
sold him into gladiatorial slavery. Gaanon #AT: 1
used his superior strength and fighting skills THAC0: 16
to good effect in the arena and made quite a Dmg: by weapon or by spell.
name for himself. Weapon Proficiencies: Dagger, darts, staff.

City-State of Tyr Additional Content 6

Non-weapon proficiencies: Ancient History, of the rear booths of the shop. He prefers this
Ancient Languages, Direction Sense, Local location due to a secret entrance to UnderTyr,
History, Modern Languages: Elvish, Halfling, hidden beneath one of the stone benches.
Psionic Detection, Reading/Writing,
Religion, Somatic Concealment, Spellcraft, Sacha and Wyan
Weather Sense.
Equipment: Rod of Absorption (appears Former Champions of Raajat
as a cane with a pommel of polished obsidian, Chaotic Evil
3 levels stored, can absorb 21 more). Stats: N/A
Background: Born to a poor merchant AC: 10
family, Ktandeo spent most of his early years #AT: 1 (bite)
working for his father trying to earn enough THAC0: 20
money to feed the family. Ktandeo exhibited Dmg: 1d2 (bite) or by psionics
a strong affinity for magic at an early age, and
his father discreetly contacted the Veiled Psionic Summary: Level of psionic powers
Alliance to gain information how he should unknown.
proceed. Ktandeo studied hard and quickly
rose in the ranks of the preserver mages. Background: Sacha of Arala, Curse of the
Previous to Kalak's death, Ktandeo was Kobolds and Lord Wyan Bodach, Pixie Blight
allied with Sadira, and aided in her and Agis's were former chieftains who took part in
escape when they were pursued by templars. Raajat's bloody war of cleansing to rid the
He took them to UnderTyr and the Crimson world of the nonhuman races. Sacha and
Shrine, where he had hoped they would find Wyan later allied with Kalak in conquering
safety. Alas, Agis was unable to enter the Tyr. Sacha the Beastly is the progenitor of the
shrine and Ktandeo died in the battle against noble Mericles line, of which Tithian is
the templars. His final words were to warn descended.
Sadira against her attraction to defiler magic. At the onset of the great war, Raajat
Appearance: Tall and robust, Ktandeo has assembled his champions at the Steeple of
proud features, a hook nose, and a long mane Crystals high within the Pristine Tower. Here
of white hair. His dark brown eyes display Raajat empowered his champions to carry out
ancient wisdom, as they peer out from his will. The champions, infused with Raajat's
beneath his white brow. Ktandeo is never power, were invincible. Nearing the end of
without his obsidian pommeled cane, that is the conflict, Raajat decided that he alone
the focus for his spells. would be the only sorcerer-king at the war's
Role playing: A veteran of Shadow Square, end. The others would have to relinquish the
Ktandeo moves freely between the best and powers given them. Many of the champions
worst parts of town. He is awkward around denied Raajat, rebelling instead. Using their
noble personages, because of his personal terrible powers they forced him to create the
disdain for conspicuous consumption. He Dragon. Sacha and Wyan opposed the revolt
possesses an excellent memory, which has and were beheaded as punishment.
aided him in mentally mapping many parts of Appearance: The two living, disembodied
UnderTyr. He is an invaluable ally in heads create a gruesome image on first sight.
contacting the Veiled Alliance, as well as a The skin of their missing neck is gathered and
terrible adversary if crossed. stitched under the jawline. Both have long
Ktandeo's base of operation is the Drunken coarse hair tied in a topknot. Though
Giant wineshop, off of Shadow Square. If weathered with age, both still feel as warm as
contacted there, Ktandeo will be found in one the living to the touch. Both have a fondness

City-State of Tyr Additional Content 7

for warm blood which is their sole form of Equipment: Steel scimitar, hand crossbow,
nutrition. quiver of 20 bolts.
Wyan has piercing gray eyes, sallow skin Psionic Summary: PSPs 56; Wild Talent ---
and sunken features. Its lips are leathery and Sensitivity to Psychic Impressions (PS Wis-4;
peel back revealing a sinister grin. Wyan has Cost --- 12+2/round)
broken, yellowed teeth and smells of the Background: "Land and Blood" is the
dead. credo of the Minthur family. The mid-level
Sacha's face is grotesquely bloated. The noble house is very ambitiously attempting to
cheeks and facial features are distorted and seize the surrounding lands and plantations.
puffy. Sacha's gray eyes appear as little more Land is food, food is money, money is power.
than dark narrow slits. It's broken teeth match The Minthur estate is neither the largest nor
the color of its eyes. the most important of the Tyrian plantations,
Role-playing: Whoa all that trust the but you would not think that when speaking
former champions. The only allegiance Sacha with Trevalis Minthur. Trevalis still demands
and Wyan possess is to self preservation. The to be called "Senator" even though the senate
two will quickly side with the more powerful was disbanded to make way for the Council
force in a conflict. They have no regard for of Advisors. Trevalis maintains that the noble
morality and will betray associates and foes landowners should control Tyr. For without
alike. the land owners, the city would starve.
The two possess caustic personalities and Trevalis is a man of little patience. Trevalis
openly speak their wicked thoughts. Quick to believes strict punishment is necessary for a
anger or accuse they are glib to the point of strong family. He has followed in his father's
self destruction. Which may be their demise footsteps and has not spared the rod on any
as they were last seen in possession of Borys of his children. Rumors abound that Trevalis
the Dragon. beating slaves to death for disobeying him.
Trevalis' rage is not a topic for open
Senator Trevalis Minthur discussion with the Minthur family.
Appearance: With a stern countenance
Human Male Noble and wiry frame, Trevalis Minthur possesses
10th‑Level all the warmth and charm of a silk wyrm. He
Neutral Evil dresses ostentatiously, flaunting his wealth
Str 10 Int 17 and position whenever possible. He walks
Dex 12 Wis 16 with a slight limp, which he hates to be
Con 14 Cha 09 reminded of. It is said he acquired the
hp: 30 disability when a supporting strap for a
AC: 10 howdah he was riding in broke and he fell
#AT: 1 from the vehicle, badly twisting his leg. It is
THAC0: 16 also said that he had the inix he rode on killed
Dmg: by weapon and the artisan who built the howdah
Proficiencies: Bard's friend, widow's knife, assassinated after the incident.
scimitar, hand crossbow. Role‑playing: Senator Minthur can be a
Non-weapon proficiencies: Agriculture, deadly adversary should the PCs cross his
Animal Handling, Appraising, Bargain, path. His arrogant and evil nature make him
Bureaucracy, Etiquette, Heat Protection, a wonderful focal point for any conflict. He
Heraldry, Land-based Riding (Crodlu), Local will go to any end to realize his dark
History, Reading/Writing. ambitions and cares nothing for anyone

City-State of Tyr Additional Content 8

outside of the Minthur clan, and little enough mysterious fire broke out in which his uncle
for those within it other than himself. perished. The death was ruled an "accident"
and Turax began his agrarian empire.
Senator Turax Appearance: Turax has been referred to as
a "meorty" by his former fellow senators.
Human Male Noble While it is true that his physical appearance
14th‑Level does resemble the ancient undead, Turax is
Lawful Evil still alive and kicking. His face and body seem
Str 08 Int 18 to be corrupted and twisted by the same evil
Dex 07 Wis 15 that racks his mind. The iron in his voice and
Con 09 Cha 05 grip convey the power and determination
hp: 41 inherent in this man.
AC: 10 Role‑playing: Turax is driven by two
#AT: 1 overriding factors: 1) An abiding lust for
THAC0: 14 power and control and 2) a devout hatred for
Dmg: by weapon the Veiled Alliance, whom he still holds
Proficiencies: Widow's Knife, Short Sword, responsible for the deaths of his parents. He
Hand Crossbow, Dagger, Club. wields tremendous influence in the council
Non-weapon proficiencies: Agriculture, and in the wheat trade in Tyr. Any Veiled
Animal Handling, Appraising, Bargaining, Alliance PCs that attract his attention will find
Brewing, Cooking, Heraldry, Herbalism, him to be a persistent, far-reaching enemy. By
Land-based Riding (Crodlu), Local History, the same token, imaginative PCs may be able
Reading/Writing, Weather Sense. to use Turax's hatred of and spite for the
Equipment: Ring of Mind Shielding, steel alliance to their advantage, receiving funds
short sword, hand crossbow, quiver of 20 and aid from the old tyrant for alleged
bolts, obsidian dagger. information on the activities of the despised
Background: Senator Turax is one of the alliance. In doing so, however, they may come
few Tyrians who thought of Kalak as a friend, under the scrutiny of the real Veiled Alliance,
in the Athasian definition. In years of dealings a group that takes a narrow view of those who
Turax could always trust Kalak to say or take bring trouble to its members.
exactly what was good for the sorcerer-king
and Tyr. There might be political intrigue or
subterfuge involved, but that was neatly Verrasi of Minthur
buried below the surface. Although Kalak
Human Male Trader
barely knew Turax existed, Turax thought
fondly of his king every day.
Chaotic Evil
Turax never knew his parents. They were
Str 13 Int 15
killed in a violent exchange between templars
Dex 17 Wis 12
and Veiled Alliance members when he was
Con 15 Cha 06
three. A drunken uncle took up residence and
hp: 25
managed the estate in his family's absence.
AC: 08 (breastplate)
The uncle's drunken raves terrorified him.
#AT: 1
When Turax turned fifteen and could inherit
THAC0: 18
the family lands he bought his uncle a cask of
Dmg: by weapon
his favorite fermented beverage. Sometime
Proficiencies: Scimitar, Hand Crossbow.
that night, after his uncle had succumbed to
Non-weapon proficiencies: Appraising,
the intoxicating effects of the alcohol, a
Bargain, Bureaucracy, Gaming, Land-based

City-State of Tyr Additional Content 9

Riding (crodlu), Local History, Str 11 Int 13
Reading/Writing. Dex 09 Wis 14
Equipment: Steel scimitar, hand crossbow, Con 09 Cha 17
quiver with 20 bolts. hp: 24
Background: For all the good that wealth AC: 05
can produce, it can also produce evil. The #AT: 1
family Minthur is the latter. Verrasi is the THAC0: 17
product of an angry father who taught his son Dmg: 1d8 (metal sword)
that money is love and vise versa. As a child Weapon Proficiencies: Dagger, Long Sword,
Verrasi saw little of his parents but on Widow's Knife, Light Crossbow.
occasion received lavish gifts from his father. Non-weapon proficiencies: Agriculture,
This was the Senator's way of reassuring Ancient History, Bargaining, Etiquette, Heat
Verrasi that he was still family. Verrasi Protection, Local History, Reading/Writing,
accepted this as the way of the world. Weaving.
Now an adult, Verrasi disdains all but the Equipment: Cloak of Smoke and Fire, steel
most opulent and expensive things money long sword, light crossbow, quiver with 20
can buy. He is literally incapable of bolts.
compassion, love, or any other positive Psionic Summary: PSPs 57; Wild Talent ---
emotion. The only time he becomes emotional Combat Mind (PS Int-4; Cost --- 5+4/round)
is when he sees that his personal coffers are Background: A successful senator and
running low, then a low panic sets in as his landowner, Vildeen's world was turned
obsession for wealth overrides his ability to upside down during the slave revolt. His
reason. Verrasi is most dangerous when house and senatorial career were dealt a
encountered in this state of mind. major blow from which he is still recovering.
Appearance: Verrasi possesses a very Vildeen feels that this is a temporary setback,
athletic physique. He stands just over five feet and is in the process of rebuilding his contacts
in height and his long braided auburn hair is and alliances.
frequently tied in a neat topknot. In Following the "liberation" of Tyr, Vildeen
appearance Verrasi is considered a handsome fought for the senate to take control of the
young nobleman. That is until he opens his city. He led a group of senators who believed
mouth, for he has inherited a tongue as sharp that they were meant to rule because they
as a sword. His every word is as vile as jankz were better bred, better educated, and richer
poison. that the general populace. Vildeen claimed
Role‑playing: Verrasi has all of the charm that the amount of land and personal
of a sand storm. He is always abrasive and accumulated wealth owned by an individual
verbally examines the faults of the people he should dictate one's position in the new
deals with in addition to the faults of his government. His proposals were soundly
pathetic surroundings. Verrasi only operates defeated. Vildeen refused to be a part of the
from a position of advantage. Players' dissolution of the senate to make way for a
patience will be tested sorely in any new council. He left the chambers vowing
encounters with Verrasi of Minthur. that one day the masses would come begging
the nobility to return and run the
Senator Vildeen Tyranthi government.
Appearance: Senator Vildeen, an older
Human Male Noble man with a shaven head, carries himself like
10th‑Level a man filled with confidence and power.His
Lawful Neutral dress is refined, but not ostentatious. He

City-State of Tyr Additional Content 10

never goes into public without his favorite fill their ranks. It is for these recruits that this
black and red cloak (cloak of smoke and fire). kit is intended.
Role‑playing: Vildeen is mildly paranoid, Role: The role of a templar is that of a civil
especially when it concerns rebels, servant, mediator, or administrator. They
revolutionaries, and freed ex-slaves. He feels oversee Tyr's most important civic functions:
that anyone not directly aligned with him iron mining, water distribution, food
must be a member of an unnamed group production, etc. A templar owes allegiance to
plotting conspiracy against him. He demands his immediate supervisors (usually higher
to be called "Senator" although the senate is ranking templars), the Council of Advisors,
defunct. and King Tithian. Additionally, templars
often sell their influence and favors to
interested nobles or tradesmen. See the
Chapter 8: Campaigning in Templars section in Chapter 1 for more
Tyr Secondary Skills: Any.
Weapon Proficiencies: Any allowed for
Kits: the character's primary class.
One note worth mentioning is that the Nonweapon Proficiencies: Bonuses:
turnover document says “Dragoman”. The Bureaucracy, Reading/Writing Common.
print version has them as “Draqoman”. Suggested: Etiquette, Heraldry, Information
Gathering*, Intimidation*, Local History.
* - denotes proficiencies from The
Tyrian Templar Kit Complete Thief's Handbook [tm].
Skill Progression: Skills that allow a
Editor’s Note: Compare vs a Tyrian Templar templar to extort, blackmail, or otherwise
Kit in the Dark Sun Netbook in the 90’s! manipulate others to further himself are always sought after. Similarly, skills related
_Netbook.pdf to a templar's particular bureau classification
are very helpful.
Description: Templars are the civil Equipment: Any.
authorities of a city-state. They administer Special Benefits: Characters with this kit
the will of the sorcerer-king and/or Council gain the special abilities for templars noted on
and enforce the laws of the city. Standard p.34 of the Dark Sun [tm] Rules Book. The
templars also have spellcasting abilities character's level in his main class is used in
granted through their affiliation with a place of templar level.
sorcerer-king. Tyrian templars have Special Hindrances: A templar belongs to
irrevocably lost that ability with the passing a rigidly hierarchical organization and must
of Kalak, however, they still possess their obey the commands of any templar that
other class related abilities and perks outranks him. Many Tyrians still despise and
excepting dominion over slaves. Tyr no fear templars and may attack a vulnerable
longer permits slavery. Since the death of character without provocation. The
Kalak, many templars have left to serve other underhanded corruption that rules a
sorcerer-kings (or died trying), while others templar's daily life gains him many enemies,
have been killed by enemies or ambitious both within and outside of the organization.
underlings. The Tyrian templars have begun A templar must always watch his back.
recruiting others from within the city-state to Races: Human, Dwarf, Elf, Half-elf.

City-State of Tyr Additional Content 11

Cross-Worlds Campaign Characters in turn! She then called him to her, wrapped
a glowing rope about him, and vanished in a
Some DM enjoys "crossing over" between
sulphurous blast of fire and smoke, never to
worlds with player. Remember to keep game
be seen again.
balance in mind when this occurs. Prohibit
Many now hunt the monsters, some to rid
large amounts of iron or other precious
the city of the creatures, others to capture
material from entering the world of Athas.
them for the arena. Will you be among them?
The DM has final ruling on a player desiring
For the DM: These appearances have
to play a character class that does exist
occurred because someone, maybe Thanik, is
naturally on Athas. If the character is allowed,
using the summon extraplanar monster
restrict absurdities. A swashbuckler or
psionic science, (followed by a hasty teleport).
paladin could wind up on Athas, but most
Using retrospection or interrogation of one of
would think they were mad or crazed from
the invading monsters, if one can be caught,
the desert heat. Few would believe their
will reveal the appearance of the culprit to the
stories and fewer would trade or associate
characters. It is then up to them to find the
with them. Some character race no longer
evildoer and bring him to justice. The
exist on Athas. Unless listed in a future
Council, merchants, and nobles will be most
supplement they are restricted from play in
grateful to whomever ends the terror. It is up
to the DM as to what form the characters'
reward may take.
Adventures Editor’s Note: In the complete turnover copy
There were only 5 adventures included in the there are different adventures so the ones
original turnover document. There was also a included seem like they were added later.
separate file that had other adventure ideas Here are a few that were separate.
included below.
Stranger Things/Monsters Among us Arena Training
Strange creatures, alien to Athas, have A warrior in need of training will certainly
appeared in Tyr on several occasions in the find it here. A character who flaunts his
last few weeks. No one seems to know from money or steel weapons may find themselves
whence they came or how they got to Tyr. privy to a private tutoring session, during
One such creature appeared as a floating which they might be beaten within an inch of
sphere with a large central eye and several their life. An unscrupulous gladiator may
smaller eyes thrust out from the body on then demand a weapon or a substantial
stalks or appendages of some sort. Its seems amount of money to spare the life of the
to cast spells through its eyes. The creature training character.
floated through the city wreaking havoc on The players may be hired to go to the
any who crossed its path. It even turned a training area by a noble or wealthy merchant
templar to stone! The monster left the city in for any of the following reasons: 1) the
the direction of the badlands and the Ringing merchant may have heard that a gladiator
Mountains. Another night, a winged woman plans to throw his next match, and has asked
appeared at the elven bridge. When a group the PCs to substantiate the rumor; 2) the
of men from the market attempted to attack merchant may have bet a substantial amount
the fiend, she fixed her gaze upon one of their of money on a gladiator, and they are worried
number, a half-giant, and ordered him to about foul play before the match; 3) the
defend her. To the surprise of everyone, the merchant may wish a gladiator to throw a
half-giant turned on his fellows and slew each match, and has sent the PCs to bribe or

City-State of Tyr Additional Content 12

otherwise convince the gladiator to do so; 4) a Monsters
series of "accidents" could have befallen some
up and coming gladiators, and the players are Originally included but cut the Raaig and
sent to investigate. Meorty which were included in the Terrors
Beyond Tyr (which Walter was not credited,
Ziggurat of Death or did Gary write them?) and 3 new plant
Mutilated corpses have recently appeared in types, Plants, Poisonous: A'nor Plant, Azure
Tyr. These corpses were first attributed to the Burrgrass, Golden Smokebrush.
possibility of a band of renegade halflings or The Raaig’s and Meorty and included here as
a thri-kreen dinner-raiding party. More they’re significantly different from the
recently, evidence of a clan of Belgoi has published material.
surfaced. The Belgoi were used as slaves by
Kalak during the building of the pyramid. It
is possible that as many as a dozen were
accidently released with the other slaves
following Kalak's death. Their presence
represents a real and present threat to the
citizens of Tyr. Their insatiable desire to feast
on living creatures makes them second only
to defilers in the destruction they may cause.

City-State of Tyr Additional Content 13

CLIMATE/TERRAIN: Any/Crypts Meorties acquire the psychoportative
FREQUENCY: Very Rare powers above as well as the psionic defenses
ORGANIZATION: Solitary noted even if they were not psionic in life. If
ACTIVITY CYCLE: Constant a meorty had psionics originally, take the
higher PSP total of the two. Any living
psionic talents are useable in its undead
ALIGNMENT: Lawful Neutral status. Meorties are immune to any psionic
NO. APPEARING: 1 powers requiring contact.
ARMOR CLASS: 0 Combat: Meorties attack as they did in
MOVEMENT: 12 life. They are tireless and can run and fight
HIT DICE: As in life indefinitely. A meorty will attack anyone
THAC0: As in life who enters its crypt, thinking them to be
NO. OF ATTACKS: As in life thieves. Any character who successfully
DAMAGE/ATTACK: As in life steals from a meorty will be tracked down by
the spirit and killed. The meorty does this
with its special dream travel ability. This
SIZE: As in life power enables the meorty to concentrate on
MORALE: Fearless (20) the image of anyone or anything that it has
LEVEL/XP VALUE: Variable seen (this includes intruders or objects of its
PSIONIC SUMMARY: treasure) and scry their location. It then
Level Dis/Sci/Dev Attack/Defense Score PSPs teleports to that spot and attempts to slay its
1 1/1/3 -/MB,TW =Int 100 adversary and take back its treasure, if
Psychoportation Sciences: teleport; Devotions: applicable.
dimensional door, dream travel (unique - see Habitat/Society: Each meorty is driven by
below), time/space anchor. a compulsion to enforce the ancient laws of its
kingdom. These laws may not make sense to
Meorties are ancient kings charged in afterlife contemporary individuals and, thus, may be
to enforce the laws of their ancient kingdoms. violated unintentionally. Many local customs
They reside in the secret crypts containing have arisen from these forgotten laws and
huge amounts of treasure and venture forth should be observed to avoid arousing a
only to avenge violations of the ancient laws meorty. The meorty itself neither knows of or
governing their long- forgotten kingdoms. cares about modern laws and customs.
They are outfitted as in life and maintain Ecology: Meorties are thousands of years
all abilities, skills, and knowledge that they old and may be human, elf, dwarf, giant, or
possessed when alive. Meorties appear as halfling in origin. They can speak and are
they did in life save that their skin has a grey great sources of historical information, but
cast to it. They can only be hit by weapons of rarely converse unless it is to advise its victim
+1 or greater enchantment. of his crime just before it brings its weapon
down on the unfortunate's head.

City-State of Tyr Additional Content 14

CLIMATE/TERRAIN: Any/ Holy Places no longer exist. What's more, their powerful
FREQUENCY: Very Rare faith strengthens and fortifies their place of
ORGANIZATION: Group worship so that it suffers the effects of age
ACTIVITY CYCLE: Constant only slowly and is protected by the raaigs
own energy containment field. Individuals
granted admission into the raaig's sanctuary
ALIGNMENT: Any are also granted the same protection.
NO. APPEARING: 1-20 Combat: Raaigs only attack in defense and
ARMOR CLASS: 0 then only until their opponent leaves the
sacred area they guard. These spirits often
HIT DICE: As in life
THAC0: As in life
possess powerfully enchanted weapons and
NO. OF ATTACKS: As in life armor, and can call upon any of the skills or
DAMAGE/ATTACK: As in life special abilities they possessed in life. Raaigs
SPECIAL ATTACKS: As in life can only be hit by +1 magic weapons or better.
SPECIAL DEFENSES: As in life The psionic powers listed above are gained
MAGIC RESISTANCE: 50% in addition to any the raaig possessed in life.
SIZE: As in life Previous psionic powers are still useable by
MORALE: Fearless (20) the raaig. Due to their single-minded
LEVEL/XP VALUE: Variable devotion, raaigs are immune to any psionic
powers that require contact.
Level Dis/Sci/Dev Attack/Defense Score PSPs
5 2/3/10 -/MB,MBr,TW =Int 200
Habitat/Society: Eternal guardians, raaigs
Psychometabolic: Sciences: complete healing, will only allow creatures to enter their holy
energy containment (always on, no cost); sanctums if the creature's moral character is
Devotions: body equilibrium, cell adjustment, in keeping with the teachings and beliefs of
double pain, heightened senses, their long-lost deity. Others are turned away.
immovability (always on, no cost). They seldom speak, and then only to those
who meet their moral standards and
Clairsentience: Sciences: aura sight (always somehow prove themselves to be
on, no cost); Devotions: all round vision, exceptionally worthy. Very rarely a raaig will
combat mind (always on, no cost), danger use its cell adjustment power to aid such
sense, spirit sense. individuals.
Ecology: Raaigs are thousands of years old,
even older than Meorties, and may be human,
Raaigs, also called crimson knights in Tyr, are elf, dwarf, giant, or halfling in origin. Their
the oldest of undead. Appearing as faith sustains them through unlife. A candle
incorporeal spirits with glowing red eyes, burns in each raaig's holy place. The candle
they guard their ancient holy places: shrines, is linked to the raaig's existence and faith and
sacred groves and grottos, etc. They often cannot be extinguished by any means short of
wear ancient armor although their armor the raaig's death. Most raaigs were high level
class remains constant regardless of armor fighters or priests in life. Priest raaigs no
worn. Raaigs are sustained by their longer possess their spells.
unwavering faith in their ancient gods which

City-State of Tyr Additional Content 15

Plants, Poisonous

A'nor Azure Golden

Plant Burrgrass Smokebrush
CLIMATE/TERRAIN: Tablelands Tablelands Tablelands
FREQUENCY: Rare Rare Rare
ORGANIZATION: Solitary Solitary Solitary
DIET: Carnivore Carnivore Carnivore
INTELLIGENCE: Non (0) Non (0) Non (0)
ALIGNMENT: Neutral Neutral Neutral
HIT DICE: 1 1 2
THAC0: Nil Nil Nil
SPECIAL ATTACKS: Poison See Below See Below
SIZE: S (2' area) S (2' area) S (2' area)
MORALE: Nil Nil Nil

A'nor Plant unaware they are infected until the onset of

The deadly a'nor plant grows in the dry sandy symptoms. The spores thrive on the victim's
rich supply of body moisture, growing and
areas of the tablelands of Athas. A small
spreading throughout the body cavity.
flowering plant, the a'nor stem sprouts three
Within a period of hours (2-5,1d4+1), the
branches which themselves bear three violet
victim's skin turns an ashen gray and he is
leaves of a velvet appearance. Such branch
racked with raging fever. As the spores
groupings appear every 4-6" along the plant's
spread, an infected individual loses one point
2' stem. The plants are typically cultivated by
from each of his ability scores every hour.
men for use as a barrier or deterrent to thieves
and intruders. In such cases, beds of multiple When a score reaches zero, the victim may no
longer use that ability. The a'nor plant
plants will be encountered covering tens to
hundreds of square feet. saturates the victim within 24 hours and a
new bed of tiny a'nor plants sprouts from the
The purple a'nor plant is highly poisonous carcass. Slow poison spells will reduce the
to the touch. Thousands of slaves died during ability loss to one point per day. Neutralize
the planting of the A'nor fields in Tyr. The poison and heal will negate the poison. An
a'nor plant uses spores to reproduce. These individual must successfully save versus
spores cover all parts of the plant. Anyone or poison each round they are in contact with the
anything that comes into contact with the a'nor plant in order to avoid the effects of the
plant picks up the spores. The microscopic plant's poisonous spores. The a'nor takes
spores assail the victim via pores and damage from all attacks normally, but anyone
breathing passages. Often the victim is coming into physical contact or standing

City-State of Tyr Additional Content 16

within 5' of a disturbed plant must save Golden Smokebrush
against the a'nor's poison spores.
Appearing as a small bush with a wrinkled
stem, the foliage of the smokebrush consists
Azure Burrgrass
not of leaves, per se, but golden feathery
Azure burrgrass is a spiny, low spreading tendrils that wave in the slightest breeze and
grass with tiny barbed thistles covering its create the appearance that gives the plant its
blades. The thorny, thistled foliage can only name. Even when healthy, the plant appears
be consumed by the hardiest creatures of Tyr. dry and withered. This unappetizing, dead
Humanoids who ingest the dark blue thistle appearance is one of its natural defenses from
must save versus poison or suffer the effects grazing animals. When the plant is burned, it
of an I-class poison. The onset of the poison gives off toxic fumes. These fumes act as a L-
occurs in two to twelve minutes, and the class poison if inhaled or brought into contact
victim takes 30/15 points of damage, with the skin. Onset occurs in two to eight
depending on whether or not a successful minutes, and the victim takes 10/0 points of
save is made (see AD&D 2nd Ed. DMG p. 73). damage, depending on whether a save is
Thri-kreen are unaffected by the poisonous made. The tough, stringy stem of a golden
nature of the plant, but find the thorny burrs smokebrush makes it difficult to cut or
difficult to digest. No experience is awarded uproot, but it has no special defenses against
for the destruction of azure burrgrass as it attacks and, in fact, suffers a -4 penalty on
easily can be avoided or destroyed through saves vs. fire or flame. No experience is
any normal means and presents no threat awarded for destroying a golden
unless ingested. smokebrush.

City-State of Tyr Additional Content 17

Information Sources Files 31. "Aztec", The Mexican National Exhibit,
Denver Museum of Natural History
One file is “Information Sources” and lists the 32. Everyday Life of Medieval Travellers, by
usual DS and generic sources. One is of Marjorie Rowling, Dorset Press, England
interest. “ 7. "Rock of Bral" Spelljammer
Module “ Illustration Art Requests
Editor’s Note: Can anyone identify what this Illustration list: In Walt’s files there was an
reference would be from? illustration list of 24 illustrations. A few of
them were obviously not included based on
their description and lack of associated art,
Information Sources but are not interesting. One interesting note is
1. Dark Sun Rules Book as follows:
2. Dark Sun Wanderer's Journal 13.Daria's Plot (page 36) - Quarter page,
3. Dark Sun maps close up of map with dagger plunged into line
4. "A Little Knowledge" Introductory between Altaruk and Walis. The hand
Adventure grasping the dagger bears a ring set with a
5. Dragon Magazine black stone oval. Two "eyes" (dots) look out
6. The Complete Psionics Handbook from the oval (symbol of House Tsalaxa).
7. "Rock of Bral" Spelljammer Module [Rough sketch provided by author.]
8. "Veiled Alliance" Supplement Also of note that the map in the image
9. "Dune Traders" Supplement says, “Altruck” instead of Altaruk
10. "Valley of Dust and Fire" Sourcebook There were poster map and map keys
11. Dragon Kings Hardcover included some locations that are not included,
12. Monstrous Compendiums (1, 2, but without a map to associate them with
Forgotten Realms and Dark Sun they’re not of use. Additionally there were
Appendices) keyed areas for an Under Tyr map.
13. Prism Pentad Novels (1st three)
14. "The Outcast" by Simon Hawke
15. The Complete Bard Handbook
16. The Complete Cleric Handbook
17. The Complete Fighter Handbook
18. The Complete Thief Handbook
19. The Complete Wizard Handbook
20. The 2nd Ed. AD&D Player's Handbook
21. The 2nd ED. AD&D DM's Guide
22. The Tome of Magic
23. "Freedom" Module
24. "Road to Urik" Module
25. "The Asticlean Gambit" Module
26. The Complete Gladiator Handbook
27. AD&D Trading Cards
28. The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Minerals
ed. Dr. Alan Woolley, Gallery Books c.
29. Troy Denning
30. Tim Brown

City-State of Tyr Additional Content 18

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