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Choose the letter of the correct answer.

a secondary story or stories embedded in the main
a. Flashback
b. Allegory
c. Frame Story
d. Foreshadowing

to show or indicate beforehand; prefigure
a. Dramatic Irony
b. Flashback
c. Foreshadowing
d. Symbolism
3. a foot of two syllables, a short followed by a long
in quantitative meter, or an unstressed followed by a
stressed in accentual meter, as in Come live / with
me / and be / my love
a. Iamb
b. Flashback
c. Foot
d. Satire

4. logical interconnection; overall sense or

a. Rhetoric
b. Aphorism
c. Allegory
d. Coherence

5. irony in which a person says or writes one thing

and means another, or uses words to convey a
meaning that is the opposite of the literal meaning
a. Alliteration
b. Dramatic Irony
c. Verbal Irony
d. Situational Irony

II. True or False

vowel sounds are repeated; examples: light of sight
 → Assonance

True False

an adjective used in the predicate, especially with a
copulative verb and attributive to the subject, as in
He is dead, or attributive to the direct object, as in It
made him sick
Subordinate Clause
True False

3. a clause that can stand alone as a sentence,

containing a subject and a predicate with a finite
verb, as I was there in the sentence I was there when
he arrived
Extended Metaphor
True False
4.expressed or written in the native language of a
place, as literary works
True False

a variety of a language that is distinguished from
other varieties of the same language by features of
phonology, grammar, and vocabulary, and by its use
by a group of speakers who are set off from others
geographically or socially
True False

III. Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. irony that is inherent in speeches or a
situation of a drama and is understood by
the audience but not grasped by the
characters in the play.
A. Blank Verse
B. Dramatic Irony
C. Gerund Phrase
D. Rhyme Scheme

unrhymed verse, especially the unrhymed
iambic pentameter most frequently used in
English dramatic, epic, and reflective verse
A. Blank Verse
B. Dramatic Irony
C. Gerund Phrase
D. Rhyme Scheme

verse that does not follow a fixed metrical
A. Blank Verse
B. Dramatic Irony
C. Gerund Phrase
D.Free Verse

will begin with a gerund, an ing word, and will
include other modifiers and/or objects. Gerund
phrases always function as nouns, so they will
be subjects, subject complements, or objects in
the sentence
A. Blank Verse
B. Dramatic Irony
C. Gerund Phrase
D. Rhyme Scheme

5. the pattern of rhymes used in a poem, usually

marked by letters to symbolize correspondences,
as rhyme royal, ababbcc
A. Blank Verse
B. Dramatic Irony
C. Gerund Phrase
D. Rhyme Scheme

IV. Find the linking verb in the following

1. We were early for the show.
A. were b. we c. early
2. The bottle is half empty.
a. the b. is c. empty
3. The girl’s hair was tied in a ponytail.
a. was b. in c. a

4. The surface of the table is sticky.

a. The b. is c. sticky
5. I am the only one with a white coat.
a. with b. I c. am
B. Complete the sentences with the correct verb to
1. Sam _____ a dog.
a. are b. is c. am

2. We ____ family.
a. are b. is c. am

3. _____ you ready?

a. is b. are c. they

4. I ___ optimist.
a. is b. are c. am

5.It _____ very big.

a. is b. are c. am

V. Find the word on each row that rhymes on the

word on the left.
1. throw alive giant low
2. sale cell whale real
3. great life plate wonder
4. bounce announce enjoy true
5. traded foot behind skated

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