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Theoretical Assumptions

Addiction is one of the prevalent concerns in studying computer games. Mark

Griffiths (Egenfeldt-Nielsen& Smith, 2004) did several studies about computer games
addiction since the mid-1990, his recent conclusion showed that there are computer
game players who play excessively but are not considered addict. The negative effects
of computer game addiction were not adverse and lethal compare to gambling and drug
addiction. While some focus on policies and steps in preventing addiction (Chee, F. &
Smith, R., 2007). In the philippines, the study of Nuqui (2007) showed that more than
half of his respondent admit that playing DOtA (Defense of the Ancient) is addictive. His
respondents also choose to play DOtA in computer shops or internet cafe.

In 2007, Chen and Park proposes research propositions in studying Multi-user

dimension and Massive Multiplayer Online games. They stated some propositions about
addiction in MUD (Multi-user dimension) and MMOG (Massive Multiplayer Online
games) by using Uses and Gratification Thoery and Flow theory. However, not all of
their propositions were applicable in this study.

The Uses and Gratification theory explains why the audiece is interested in
certain new communication media. The theory emphasizes the user’s satisfaction
change when the quality of new communication media become different. In addition,
they indicate that Social interaction was one of the important factors that cause
excessive usage of internet. Uses and Gratification theory suggested that MUD
addicted behaviors could result from entertainment, information, convenience and social
interaction. In line with these, the study will adopt the first proposition that Chen and
Park offer.

Proposition #1 “MUD addicts seek Social Interaction when they play MUD

Chen and Park define “Flow” in Flow theory as a common experience among
users when they are totally concentrated in certain activities. They identify some
characteristics of users that experience flow state. On the other hand, Csikzentmihalyi,
the one who first conceptualize the flow theory recommends the activities that have the
chance to have a Flow state. Those activities are those: have concrete goals with
manageable rules, make it possible to adjust the opportunities fir the action to our
capabilities, provide clear information on how we are doing and screen out and make
concentration possible. Thus, the research adopts the second proposition of Chen and
Park, which is:

Proposition #2 MMOG addicts seek for specific flow State in which games
difficulty level and their skills fit when they play any MMOG games.
In integrating the two theories to two different types of computer games, Interaction was
the salient factor. It is the important feature of computer games and it has positive
impacts to the game popularity. They identify two types of interaction. Personal and
Social interaction, the former refers to the interaction of the user and system, while the
latter accounts for the interaction of the system and two or more users. In this research,
the focus will be more on Social interaction.

Focusing on Social interaction, it has two main components- Communication tools and
Communication place.

“Online gamers must have a place to get together to in the virtual world” and the
internet capacity of the place is an important factor for gamers.”

Proposition #6 of Chen and Park can be used in this study. It states that “MUD players
are more likely to have optimal experience (Flow State) than MMOG players because
MUD has more centralized and reliable communication system.

They also emphasize entertainment as a factor in the proactive use of media. They
relate it to the concept of Media User’s enjoyment, which in turn produces the
immersion of people in a certain media.

In this study, the focus will be more on the Place of Communication where Social
Interaction take place as well as the entertainment on those places that the users’
derive from playing computer games will be explored.

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