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Integrated Philosophy Learning (IPL) Test series

Test 1 - Western :- Plato and Aristotle

Indian :- Buddhism , Jainism , charvaka,

Test 2 - western - Empiricism (Locke, Berkeley, Hume) , Kant , Hegel,

Indian - Nyâya- Vaiúesika , Sâmkhya , Mimansa

Test 3 - western :- Moore, Russell and Early Wittgenstein: Atomism , Logical Positivism

Indian :- Schools of Vedânta (Shankar, Ramanuj , Madhvachar ,Nimbark ,vallabh, chaitanya

Test 4 - Western :- Later Wittgenstein , Phenomenology (Husserl) , Existentialism

(Kierkegaard, Sartre, Heidegger) , Quine and Strawson ,

Indian :- Aurobindo , Yoga

Test 5 - Socio-political :- Social and Political Ideals: Equality, Justice, Liberty. Sovereignty:
Austin, Bodin, Laski, Kautilya. Individual and State: Rights; Duties and Accountability.
Multiculturalism. Crime and Punishment: Corruption, Mass Violence, Genocide, Capital
Punishment. Development and Social Progress. Gender Discrimination: Female Foeticide,
Land and Property Rights; Empowernment

Religion :- Reason , revelation , faith. Truth. Nature of Religious Language: Analogical and
Symbolic; Cognitivist and Noncognitive. Notions of God: Attributes; Relation to Man and
the World. (Indian and Western). Proofs for the Existence of God , problem of evil

Test -6 Western :- Kant , LW , Empiricism (Locke , Berekeley , hume )

Indian :- Buddhism , Jainism charvaka , Madvachar,

Religion :- Proofs of Existence of God & critique, Soul , immortality, Rebirth & liberation , Religious
experience nature and object , Religious Pluralism and the Problem of Absolute Truth, Religion &
morality , nature of religious languag Forms of Government: Monarchy; Theocracy and Democracy.
Political Ideologies: Anarchism; Marxism and Socialism. Humanism; Secularism;

Test - 7 Indian + Western + sociopolitical + Philosophy Religion (IPL Test)****

Test - 8 Indian + Western + sociopolitical + Philosophy Religion (IPL Test)****

Test - 9 Full length UPSC based Paper 1

Test - 10 Full length UPSC based Paper 2

Test 11 - Full length paper 1 & paper 2 both in same day in 2 shifts

Test 12 - Full length Paper 1 & Paper 2 both in same day in 2 shifts

Features of Integrated Philosophy Learning (IPL) Test series

1- Build holistic approach to attempt philosophy paper

2- Integrated syllabus based Tests

3- Interlinking of concepts help student to fetch more marks

4- Logical & Rational development in answers

5- Live discussion (Bilingual) of paper by Dharmendra sir

Duration :- 3 months

Structure :- 6 sectional test ( Integrated Approach)

2 Integrated Philosophy Learning Test ( IPL ***)

2 Paper 1 & Paper 2 Full length mock test

2 UPSC based Both paper in same day

Total 12 test paper included in the Test series with comprehensively coverage of Syllabus
with integrated concept approach.

Special features :-

1. Student will get updated notes of philosophy paper 1 & 2

2. Test series is launched under the guidance of Dharmendra Sir

3. Live Question & Answer discussion after each test

4. Dharmendra sir will guide students on innovative answer writing approach

5. Available for Both Hindi & English Medium

Price - 14000/-

Note :- IPL test consist of questions which are interlinked with each section of syllabus.

Example -: There is lot of inter-elation between Jainism , buddhism , Nyaya veseshika ,

Kant , in Paper 2 of philosophy of religion. So questions based on common concept.

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