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Pulwama Attack (Fourth War between Pak and India)

Ever since the Partition of British India in 1947, Pakistan and India have been archrivals.
The most disputed border between the two countries runs through the Himalayan territory
of Kashmir, which both countries claim as their own. India and Pakistan have fought
three wars in the last 70 years, two of which, in 1947 and 1965, were over
Kashmir.February marked a turning point in the long-standing conflict, as tensions
between the two nuclear-armed countries rose to crisis point .

On February 14 Pulwama Attack on Indian Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) which left 44
dead after just few minutes a statement was given by Indian army that this attack was by Jaish-e-
Mohammad an Organization that was banned already due to its terror Activities and a state of
revenge came into being in overall India the same case the Indian officials straightly blamed
Pakistan for this attack without any proof and at that time there was elections Atmosphere so
political statements also took hype and the statements by Mr Modi were Alarming for Pakistan
as he gave threat to Pakistan that they will attack in Pakistan and that another surgical strike is
needed this whole atmosphere created a lot of pressure all over the world as the both countries
were nuclear capable and many times they have threaten each other for use of nuclear missiles
against each other one of his statement are ““If our neighbor thinks by causing such
destruction they can weaken India then its intentions will never be served. 130 crore
Indians will give a befitting reply to every such conspiracy and attack”. This all created war
hysteria between Pakistan and India so on this side of the border Pakistan armed forces were
ready due to expected intervention by its neighbor so Pakistan air force increased its patrolling
all over the Indian border to deal with any potential danger. On Feb 17 India placed a 200% tariff
on Pakistani goods then On Feb 21Indian government threatens to divert river waters that
flows downstream to Pakistan. On Feb 26 Indian air force violated Pakistani airspace and
claimed that it destroyed terror camps of Jaish-e-Mohammad near balakot in KPK which
was later on denied by Pakistan Army ISPR official Asif Ghafoor he provided all the
justification on whole issue and announced that all international media can check the area
and they can see that there is no collateral damage and no one got dead in all this incident
and claimed that Pakistani fighter jets followed the Indian planes that they claimed were
mirage 2000 and that the jets hastily offloaded their payload in open .

Pakistan army made a statement that the India must wait for their surprise it will come
and it would be a strong one against what India has done today. This all created war
hysteria and Pakistan increased its military presence all over the Indian border and
increased its patrolling. These all activities badly affected the Businesses on both sides
due to instability many investors took their money out and the foreign investors stopped
investing and the whole situation turned out like it was a fourth war between Indian and
Pakistan many brother countries like Qatar and Saudi Arabia showed keen interest for
playing their role to make the situation normal as well as the white house warned both
countries to resolve this issue by talk while Pakistan was ready for peace talk with India
but on Feb 27 Pakistan airforce striked 6 open targets in Indian occupied Kashmir these
all strikes were near military installations. Just this all was to remind that Pakistan has
the capability to strike within India while on return the Indian jets from Srinagar base
followed Pakistani aircrafts and once again violated Pakistan airspace but this time
Pakistan airforce shot down two Indian MIG-21 jets and claimed to have captured one of
the Indian pilot named as abhinandan later on Mar 1.As peace gesture, Prime Minister of
Pakistan, Imran khan, announced to release the captured Indian pilot Wing Commander,

Pakistan closed its Airspace for India which Resulted in huge loss for the Airlines of India and
finally they suspended many of their routes for unexpected time just India wasn’t affected many
days Pakistan stock exchange showed a large loss figures that affected our already weak
economy drastically so at the end both countries started peace talks and this all war hysteria left
both countries affected and both countries gained only “LOSS”nothing more.

Feedback: This essay is more of an account of the whole incident that took place on the 27 th of February and the
events leading up to it. There is no real original content here. Maybe you could have opted for a topic which can be
summed up in the word limit of this competition. Also try to make the Headline more captivating.

Marks: 10/20.

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