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Compensation Workbench (CWB) Family Pack J To

Enhancements and Clarifications (Doc ID 303198.1) Bottom

Applies to:
Oracle Advanced Benefits - Version to [Release 11.5]
Oracle Advanced Benefits
Information in this document applies to any platform.

Human Resources Management System

Compensation Workbench
Family Pack J Enhancements and Clarifications

Creation Date: 09-Dec-2004
Last Updated: 20-Jul-2009

Table of Contents
Global Plan Structures
Task-Oriented User Interface
Employee Statements
New Compensation Administrator’s Homepage
Single Person Participation Process
Partial Post Process Run
Refresh Batch Process
Data Freezing
Extended Functionality to Personalization By Plan
Compensation Workbench Manager Reports
Audit History for Managers
Compensation Workbench Access
Custom Columns
Compensation Workbench Flexfields
Global Employee Names
Downloading to Excel
History Configuration
New Worksheet and Budget Information
Expanded Hierarchy Options
Data Sharing Across Plans
Approval Mode
Supplying A Salary Change Reason
Budgeting Methods
Filtering Promotion Reasons
Worksheet Recall
Worksheet Employee Search Capabilities
Allocation Wizard Modifications
Worksheet Views
Workflow Notifications
Rate Level Compensation Category
Standard Rate Mins and Maxes
Rate Formatting/Suppressions of Decimals
Capturing Grant Price with Stock Option Element Entry
Managers Ability to Switch Manager
Employee Eligibility Page Changes
Disabling of Reporting Groups
Temporarily Disabled Functionality
Related Documents

HRMS Family Pack J incorporated significant changes to Compensation Workbench.  These
changes are focused in three areas: globalization, improved usability, and improved online
performance.  To accomplish this, the underlying architecture of Compensation Workbench was
overhauled, including major changes to the schema.  Functional descriptions of these changes are
described below.  Functional and technical details are also available in the HRMS Family Pack J
About Document on Metalink.

All Oracle Standard and Advanced Benefits customers using the 11i data model and who are on
HRMS Family Pack J or later may implement any of the new Compensation Workbench global
plan structures and may use the new features described in this document. The information in this
document applies to both Oracle Applications Release 11i and Release 12 customers.
Highlighted new and improved features:

 New user interface with step-based tasks for easier navigation

 New underlying data structure including storage of summary information
 Ability to compensate a global workforce on one worksheet
 Ability to allocate salary, bonus, and stock on one worksheet
 Ability to rate performance, award compensation, and promote on one worksheet
 Ability to define a single budget for a global workforce and for multiple compensation
 Improved online performance
 Advanced hierarchy capabilities
 New compensation administrators user interface
 Extended ability to configure the worksheet and budget sheet
 New download utility, including user selected columns
 New audit trail report
 New manager feedback report
 Configurable employee statements or letters

Global Plan Structures

Using new “Group” and “Local” plan concepts, Compensation Workbench now better supports
multiple currencies and allows budgeting and allocating across business groups and between plan
types within the same compensation cycle.

A group plan groups together local plans, uses a single budget, and defines the common
corporate currency of all local plans associated with it.
A local plan is linked to a group plan.  A local plan without a designated group plan acts as its
own group plan.  Local plans have their own defined currency, do not have budgets, and may be
in the same or different business group than the group plan.

A group option is the child of a group plan and is used for global component or global
combination plans.  Budgets may be maintained at the group option level.  Options defined for a
group plan are displayed on the same worksheet within Compensation Workbench.  Group
options may also be referred to as group components.  
A local option is a child of a group option and may optionally be the child of a local plan.  All
rates, except budget rates, may be defined at the local option level.  Eligibility may also be
defined at this level.  Local options may also be referred to as local components.  
Compensation Workbench supports the four global plan structures described below.  Each of the
following plan structures can be global (multiple business groups, currencies, plan types) or
stand-alone (single business group, currency, plan type).
1.      Basic Plan
A basic global plan groups together local plans of the same plan type.  Local plans may be in the
same or different business group and have the same or different currency than the global plan. 
Each local plan may have the same or different currency.  
For example, a global basic plan structure might be defined for a global salary increase plan
whose currency is USD and includes local plans for the US, the UK and CA, each defined in its
local currency.  Using this plan structure, the budget would be set at the global plan level and
would then get distributed between each local plan in its local currency.

The stand-alone plan closely resembles the Compensation Workbench plan structure used prior
to HRMS Family Pack J, except that now, all plans have a global and local pairing.  A single
plan acts as the global and local plan and a single type of compensation is awarded within a
single business group.  
For example, a global salary increase plan whose currency is USD would also act as its own
local plan.  Only salary increases may be awarded in USD within the business group that the
group/local plan is defined.  A single budget is defined for this plan.
2.      Component Plan
The component plan structure allows for plans that also use components.  For global component
plans, local plans may be in the same or different business group and may have the same or
different currency than the global plan.  Each local plan may have the same or different
currency.   Global and local plans and global and local options (components) must all be of the
same plan type.  A component plan may have up to four options (components) that are of the
same compensation type.
For example, a global salary increase plan whose currency is USD may include local plans for
the US, the UK and CA each defined in its own local currency, and may also be based on two
different components – cost of living and performance.  Using this plan structure, the budget
would be set at the global plan level and would then get distributed between each local plan in its
local currency.  Managers would then allocate compensation between each component.  

For stand-alone component plans, the local plan acts as its own global plan and all components
(up to four) must be in the same business group, use the same currency, and consist of the same
plan type as the global/local plan.

3.      Combination Plan

Combining the global basic and global component plan structures, a global combination plan
structure enables budgets to be issued for plans in multiple business groups and currencies and
comprising different types of compensation.  Global and local plans and global and local options
may be of different plan types.  This structure enables different types of compensation to be
allocated at the same time and on a single worksheet.  A plan may have up to four components
whether they are the same or different compensation types.
For example, a global focal review plan whose currency is USD may include local plans for the
US, UK and CA each defined in its own local currency, and may also include global and local
components for salary increases, bonuses, and stock option awards.  For each global component,
separate budgets are issued that are then dispersed between the components at the local level.  

A stand-alone combination plan enables a single budget to be issued across different plan types
within the same business group, all using the same currency.  For example, in a US business
group, a budget in US Dollars may be issued for a focal review plan that includes salary increase,
bonuses, and stock option awards all in US Dollars.  

Sample setups and administration steps for each of the plan structures described are available on
Note 301158.1 - Compensation Workbench Stand-Alone Plan Sample Setup
Note 301160.1 - Compensation Workbench Global Basic Plan Sample Setup
Note 301163.1 - Compensation Workbench Global Combination Plan Sample Setup
Note 302084.1 - Compensation Workbench Global Component Plan Sample Setup

Task-Oriented User Interface

The Compensation Workbench user interface is restructured to support user-defined tasks.  This
task structure gives managers a better understanding of what actions need to be taken, the order
in which they should be done, the access level of each task, the status of the task, and the last
update date associated with the task.  
Tasks replace the former tabs that appeared on the top of each page, as well as the worksheet
groups that appeared on the worksheet.  Previously, you set up worksheet groups on the Plan
Definition form to allocate compensation, rate performance, and change jobs and/or to promote. 
Now you define separate tasks where managers may do the following.  For previously defined
plans, tasks are automatically created based on your prior plan definition.

1. Budget (New)
2. Allocate Compensation
3. Rate Performance
4. Promote or Change Jobs
5. Other/Flexfields
6. Manage Approvals (New)
7. Review and Submit  (New)
8. Employee Statements (New)

Budget task
This has essentially the same functionality as the previous Budget tab.  This task need not be
defined for plans that do not use budgets.  This task now requires managers to select the
budgeting method upon first entering the task.  ‘Issuing a Budget’ is now known as ‘Publishing a

Allocate Compensation task

This has the same functionality as the Allocate Compensation worksheet group.  This task takes
managers to a default compensation allocation page with compensation related summary.  You
can personalization the details table to add 100+ predefined columns, hide any existing columns,
rename column headings, or reorder columns.

Rate Performance task

Similar to the Allocate Compensation task, this task takes managers to a performance appraisal
page including rating and ranking information and a related summary.  Results of ranking are
stored in the per_assignment_extra_info table.  Results of the performance are stored in the
ben_transaction table.  The performance rating can originate from the core HR system.  The
Compensation Workbench post process updates the core HR system with new performance

Promote or Change Jobs task

Similar to the Allocate Compensation task, this task takes managers to a promotion related page
and includes a related summary.  Managers can change an employee’s Job, Grade, Position,
Group, SCL, and Assignment Flexfields.  Results are stored in the ben_transaction table.

Other/Flexfields task
Compensation Workbench allows you to define up to 30 Flexfields, which managers can define
for employees.  Flexfield definitions allow you to select from free form text, a poplist, or List of
Value related widgets.  You may want to use this task when managers need to provide non-
default values for each employee.  Results are stored in the ben_cwb_person_info table for
reporting purposes.  This task has no summary table.

Combined tasks
This is a new task with Family Pack J allowing you to include any available seeded columns on
any worksheet regardless of the task type.  For example, you may include compensation related
columns with performance, promotion, and flexfield related columns in the same table. 
However, only a single summary table can exist, so you must choose a task with the most
appropriate summary section for the detail table.
Manage Approvals task
This task is new with Family Pack J, although the functionality available with this task is similar
to that in previous releases.  This task enables higher-level managers to approve the allocations
of their lower-level managers.  Prior to Family Pack J, managers reviewed and approved
allocations (and submitted allocations for approval) as a combined activity.  Now, submitting for
approval is removed from this task and is made a separate task (see Review and Submit task). 
This task does not appear for managers with no direct reporting managers below them.
The Approval Overview page displays the Submit and Approval statuses of all lower-level
managers’ worksheets.  The Submit Status is that of the lower-level manager and may be
‘Submit’ or ‘Not Submitted’.  The Approval Status reflects the action the higher-level manage
takes on a lower-level manager’s worksheet whether it is ‘Approved’, ‘Rejected’, or ‘Processed’
(when compensation is posted).  It also displays each lower-level manager’s access level and due
date.  From the overview page, higher-level managers can view the details of each lower-level
manager’s worksheet by clicking a Review icon.  Managers may also approve the worksheets of
lower-level managers individually or they may approve all worksheets at one time.  Approving a
worksheet prevents lower-level managers from making additional updates.  
The Review icon takes managers to the Manager Review page, which may be divided into four
summary regions depending on the group plan selected on the homepage.  The regions are
Compensation Summary, Performance Summary, Job Changes Summary, and a generic
summary.  The Compensation Summary displays information such as total employees eligible
and receiving compensation, total eligible salaries, total budget amount, total allocated, and
average allocation per employee.  A currency switcher is also available to display the
Compensation Summary in a preferred or corporate currency.  The Performance and Job
Changes Summaries display each performance rating and job change reason, respectively, and
the number of employees assigned to each.  From the Manager Review page, higher-level
managers can access the lower-level manager’s worksheet in order to make any necessary

Review and Submit task

This task allows managers to review a summary of their entire organization’s compensation
allocations and submit it for approval.  Prior to Family Pack J, this task was combined with the
Approval task.

Employee Statements task

This is a new feature with Family Pack J.  After final approval is obtained, line managers can
create employee statements to help communicate the compensation award to their employees. 
These statements use XLM publisher accompanied with Document Management and are 100%
configurable.  Employee statements are Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) files that
managers may generate and may print.  More information on how to configure an employee
statement is available on Metalink Note 311702.1.

Tasks are defined at the global plan level only.  Any or all of the above tasks may be attached to
a global plan in any order.  The order in which you attach them determines the order in which
Compensation Workbench displays them to managers.  You can configure task names so that
they are understandable and appropriate for your organization.

Task Access
Site level access to each task may also be set to Full Access, No Access (no one has access, but
the task is displayed on the homepage), Hidden (task is not displayed on the homepage), or Read
Only (managers may access the task, but cannot perform any transactions).  Administrators can
also control a manager’s access to a specific task using the Employee Administration pages. 
Please note that if a manager’s access is more restrictive than a task’s access, then all tasks
automatically appear with manager’s access level.  The most restrictive access level always takes
Homepage Display
A manager’s Compensation Workbench homepage displays the following information for each
global plan whose availability period is open.

 Global plan name and period (this is the review period in which the employee earned the
 List of defined tasks
o Manager’s access level
o Date the task was last updated
o Status of the task (‘Not Started’, ‘In Progress’, ‘Complete’).  You may choose to
display the status with an icon (default display) or with text. This column is added
by Personalization.

In addition, the homepage continues to display manager notifications, links to Compensation

Workbench reports, the switch manager poplist, and a container to add custom links such as
training material, documentation, or company policies.
You can set the new profile “BEN: CWB Home Plans Displayed” to limit the number of plans
displayed on the homepage before table navigation links appear.

Employee Statements/Letters

After the compensation cycle is approved and posted, managers can print a professional looking
statement or letter to communicate a compensation award to an employee.  Statements can be
printed for selected employees.  Statements can also be saved in .pdf format and can then be
emailed to employees.

Steps to configure employee statements follow:

1. Use MS Word or Wordpad to create an .rtf template that contains variables where data is
2. Register this document through the Document Management pages in the professional
3. Add a task for the Employee Statement to the Group Plan.
4. Run the participation process.
5. Use the Plan Administration Page to link the template file to the Group Plan.

Instructions on how to configure employee statements is available in Metalink Note 311702.1.

New Compensation Administrator’s Homepage
Compensation Workbench administrator’s have a new page for employee and manager
administration.  You can no longer use the Person Life Events form, as it is now disabled for
Compensation Workbench plan administration.  Compensation administrators may monitor
compensation allocations mid-cycle, run the participation process for a single person with the
click of a button, change salary and assignment information, obtain summary reports for a
completed compensation cycle, review feedback from managers about their experience with
Compensation Workbench, and maintain compensation plans, all online. The Compensation
Workbench administrator’s page looks the same as a line manager’s homepage except that it
displays all the compensation plans whose availability periods are current, and has an additional
container on the homepage called Administration.

You grant access to the HR Professional responsibility to those you wish to have super-user
access in Compensation Workbench.  Regional, departmental, and other types of administration
security access can be obtained using User Defined Security Profiles.  See Configuring,
Reporting, and System Administration in Oracle HRMS (note 214791.1) in Metalink.
The Administration container contains the following links to make the administrator’s job easier.

 Progress Report
 Employee Administration
 Post Process Run Reports
 Manager Feedback
 Plan Administration

Progress Report
Administrators may obtain a progress report for any global plan.  Prior to Family Pack J, this
report was available only through a concurrent process.  That report is no longer available.  The
Progress Report can now be accessed for any plan after the group compensation process is run,
during the allocation period, or after the compensation post-process is run.  The report displays
data dynamically based on real-time data.
The report is organized into the following sections and provides the following information.

 Manager Status – Summary of all tasks for all managers showing how many are
complete, in progress or not started; number of worksheets submitted or not submitted;
number or worksheets approved, pending approval, rejected, processed; summary of
manager access levels.
 Employee Event Status – Group and local plan names, life event names, and number of
life events started, processed, and backed-out.
 Employee Eligibility Status – Local plan (and option names) and number of employees
eligible and not eligible.
 Worksheet Rate Summary – For all eligible employees, local plan (and option names)
and a total of all worksheet amounts, number of employees with compensation, total
eligible salaries, total compensation, etc.
 Budget Rate Summary – For all local plans (and options), eligible employee count,
manager count, total worksheet budget, currency or units of awards.
 Performance Rating Summary – Employee count and percentage of total of each rating
 Assignment Change Summary - Employee count and percentage of total of each
assignment change reason.
 Post Process Results – Summary of Element Entry postings, Salary or Pay postings,
Assignment Change or Performance postings.

Employee Administration
Administrators can maintain employee assignment and salary information via the Employee
Administration page.  The single person participation process can also be run for an employee
from this page.  (See Single Person Participation Process section that follows.)
From the search page, administrators may query any employee by name, employee number or
email address.  If more than one employee is found, the administrator can then identify and select
the correct employee to whom changes are to be made.  Upon selecting an employee, all group
plans for which the employee was processed successfully are displayed (including historical
plans that are no longer available to managers).  In addition, the group plan name, local plan
name, period, eligibility, life event status, run date of the participation process, and an icon for
Details are also displayed. Click on the Details icon to proceed to the Administration Details
The Administration Details page is organized into three tabs – Employee Information, Manager
Information, and Audit History.  Those who are not managers do not have data in the Manager
Information tab.  

Employee Information
For employees, samples of some of the changes that can be made are listed below.

 Employee information  - Salary basis, pay annualization factor

 Plan and Event Information – Plan name, availability period, life event name, occurred on
 Compensation information – Eligibility status, worksheet amount, eligible salary
 Performance – Performance rating, ranking
 Assignment Changes – Job, grade, changes reason
 Miscellaneous – Configured fields during plan design
 Employee Reassignment – Worksheet manager.  Also displays approval chain for any
changes to worksheet manager.

Placeholder Manager - A placeholder is a person that was not selected for processing as a result
of a cross business group relationship or Participation Process filtering (such as usage of a person
selection rule).  The person is a manager of an employee selected for processing.  The system
creates a placeholder record for the manager so that the manager can login to Compensation
Workbench, hold and issue a budget, and perform other managerial tasks.  The plan selection
page indicates placeholder managers.  Placeholder managers do not have data within the
Employee Information tab.

You can also run the Single Person Participation Process for an employee from this page.  See
Single Person Participation Process section that follows for more information.

Manager Information
For managers, samples of some of the changes that can be made on behalf of a manager for the
selected plan are listed below.

 Status – Manager plan access, approval status of worksheet

 Tasks – Task status, access, date of last update
 Compensation Allocation Summary – Worksheet budget amounts for directs and all
 Performance Rating Summary - Provides summary of performance ratings by type
 Assignment Change or Promotion summary – Provides total number of assignment or job
 Budget Summary – Total budget amount, reserve amount

Publishing Budgets
Publishing Budgets, formerly called Issuing Budgets, is simply making managers aware of their
budgets.  When using budgets, before opening Compensation Workbench to managers, you may
need to establish initial budget amounts.  To publish an initial budget anywhere within the
hierarchy, access the Administration Detail page of the manager you wish to budget, and on the
Manager Information tab, scroll to the bottom, and enter a ‘Budget on Worksheet (Published)’
value (may be a percentage or an amount depending on how you configured to store budgets). 
You must also enter the ‘Budget Publish Date’.  Upon Applying updates, the ‘Budget on
Worksheet Last Published On date’ is displayed.  If you are working with multiple components
or combination plans, you may need to repeat this process for each component.  Additionally,
you may need to establish Access for the manager by changing the Manager’s Task Access to
‘Full Access’.  Notifications are never sent when using the administration pages.  However, a
notification is sent when publishing budgets via the manager’s budgeting task.

Audit History
Administrators may view all changes made for a person through Compensation Workbench on
the Audit History tab.  Because multiple managers can make changes to a single person record, a
history of changes is needed.  The Audit History provides the following information.

 Audit Description
 Plan Name
 Old Value
 New Value
 Change Date
 Change Time
 Changed By

Post Process Run Reports

Compensation administrators can now view an online list of the Compensation Post Process runs
and access the Summary, Audit Log, and Error Reports generated by the post process.  Having
this information easily accessible makes it easy for compensation administrators to audit a
compensation cycle.
The Summary Report displays the parameters executed by the process, and a summary of the
employees evaluated, compensation life events open and closed, as well as the number of
employees who erred out.  The Audit Log provides a list of the people processed for a plan, the
compensation awarded, performance ratings, and assignment changes among other things.  The
Error Report lists any persons evaluated by the process that erred or warned and the
accompanying error message.  
Prior to Family Pack J, this data was only available through the concurrent manager.

Manager Feedback
Administrators now have access to a report that consolidates manager feedback for the
Compensation Workbench system.  Managers are prompted to optionally supply this information
upon submitting their work for approval.  Feedback can be used to improve future compensation
cycles and to make the entire process more effective and user friendly.  Additionally, this
mechanism can be used to measure manager complaints which may then be used to justify
enhancement requests to Oracle Support if warranted.
The report is available in the Administration container on the Administrators homepage.  Users
can run the report for any group plan to see how managers fared using Compensation
Workbench.  The report provides a summary region that provides the count of managers who
rated Compensation Workbench  (Excellent, Good, Poor and two configurable ratings
(configured using lookup type ‘BEN_CWB_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK’)) and the percentage of
managers who gave those ratings.  The same information is also provided in graphical format.  In
the details section of the report, users may view manager feedback by rating type or for all
ratings.  The report provides the following for the manager giving the feedback: date, time,
manager name, business group, rating (of Compensation Workbench), and comments.  Employee
number and email address can also be made available although they are hidden by default and
can be displayed using Self-Service Personalization.  You have the option to view only feedback
that includes comments.

Plan Administration
Compensation administrators can now update compensation plan design through the
administrator’s homepage.  
This makes it easy for compensation professionals to maintain compensation plans without
having to be knowledgeable about plan design setup.  A Plan Administration link is available in
the Administration container on the homepage.  
Administrators can select any group plan they want to update.  If a Global Combination or a
Global Component plan is selected, a plan hierarchy displays all components separately.  (No
hierarchy is displayed for Global Basic or Global Stand Alone plans.)  This allows users to view
and/or update the details of a specific compensation object.  
Some of the changes that can be made are as follows:

 Plan and Option names

 Plan status (Active, Inactive, Closed)
 Task types, names, sequences, and access levels
 Self-Service availability period
 Effective date of performance ratings or assignment changes
 Standard rate details
 Currency exchange Rates
 Hide Options/Components
 Rounding/Formatting Codes

Changes that cannot be made are as follows:

 Adding a new rate

 Rate calculation definitions
 Eligibility definitions
 Adding a New Local Plan
 Adding a New Option
 Adding a New Task
 Changing the Hierarchy Type Definition

NOTE:  Usage of this page for a plan is only possible after the Participation Process has run.  All
changes affect only the specific period and do not affect the original plan definition.  Plan
changes made here act as temporary overrides.  Changes made here are lost and overridden upon
subsequent runs of the batch Participation Process for the same plan and period.  Changes made
here are effective immediately.

Using the Administration page, you also have the ability to:

 See the entire hierarchy above an employee.

 See extended job information about an employee.
 Update performance information and ranking.
 Update promotion and assignment change information.
 Update Compensation Workbench Flexfield information.
 Refresh person data from the core HR system at any time.
 Update an employee’s Base Salary.
 Run the Participation Process for a single person (see Single Person Participation Process
 See a complete audit trail of all changes made in Compensation Workbench.
 Include new custom attributes.
 View pending eligibility changes made in (Self-Service) Compensation Workbench. 
Force approve pending changes.
 View pending worksheet manager changes made in (Self-Service) Compensation
Workbench.  Force approve pending changes.
 View when a manager was processed only as a 'Placeholder'.
 Personalize Administration pages

Single Person Participation Process

The participation process can now be run for an individual after the Group Compensation
process has already run for a plan.  The Single Person Participation Process determines the
person’s eligibility for the plan, their rates, as well as places the person in the correct position in
the supervisor (or position) hierarchy.  A person can be processed for the first time, or may be
reprocessed after already being found eligible for a plan and having a compensation life event in
“started” status.  This process is run from the Administrator’s page using the Employee
Administration link.

When processing a person, you first select the plan from list of all active global plans and their
plan period.  The person’s eligibility is evaluated as of the event date.  Please note though, this
process adds an employee to a manager’s worksheet, thus increasing the total eligible salary
amount used for the manager’s rollup up to the highest-level manager.  This may cause changes
to the budget of managers who have already set their budgets.  
Four different scenarios exist in which a person may be processed using Single Person
Participation Process.

1. Normal Processing - The person was not been previously selected for this run.  A normal
participation process runs for this person as if the person was run through the batch
participation process.
2. Special Processing - The person cannot use normal processing because the person was
not a current employee as of the plan design freeze date (or life event occurred date if
freeze date is not present).  This can occur for newly hired employees or terminated
employees.  You must select a valid override date that is used for eligibility evaluation
and pulling employee data.
3. Reprocess - The person was previously processed by the system and has a 'started' life
event.  This process backs out and reprocesses the person from scratch.  Eligibility is re-
evaluated and rates are recalculated.  Any progress made within Compensation
Workbench for this person is lost.
4. Placeholder to Normal - The person was already processed as a manager only.  As a
manager, the person was not eligible for compensation, but at least one of his lower
employees was eligible.  A 'placeholder' record for the manager was created to allow the
manager to log into Compensation Workbench and perform his duties as a manager.  This
process converts the placeholder to an eligible employee.  This person now appears on
another manager's worksheet for compensation activities to begin.  Please note that this
process may result in loss of budget amounts previously issued to the manager within
Compensation Workbench.

Prior to Family Pack J, once the Participation Process: Compensation was run, individuals
joining an organization after the life event occurred on date of the plan could not be found
eligible and thus could not receive awards under the plan.  

Partial Post Process Run

The Compensation Post Process batch job can now be run for a portion of the population.  This
enables large organizations to process awards for teams that finish with the compensation
process earlier than others.  You can run the Partial Post Process for:

 Employees beneath a given manager

 Employees of a business group
 Combination of both

The post process batch job can be run multiple times for different populations.  Once an
employee is processed, the process ignores that employee during subsequent runs.  The
worksheet also locks rows to prevent updates to employees already processed.  Once a
manager’s entire team is processed, access to all tasks automatically changes to ‘Read Only’.

Even when partial processing is done, posting dates of the data are still determined by the dates
configured in plan design.  

 Compensation allocations (Salary Proposal Change Date or Element Entry Dates) – Uses
rate start date
 Assignment changes – Uses assignment change date
 Performance ratings – Uses performance date

Using the Plan Administration page, you can easily change the Assignment Change or
Performance Change dates for the Group Plan prior to running the Post Process or in between
runs of Partial Post Process.  Using a Rate Start Date of ‘Elections’ is strongly recommended
because it allows complete flexibility.  It uses the effective date parameter of the post process

Refresh Batch Process

With the new global plan structures, much more data is denormalized and is stored in
Compensation Workbench specific tables.  Sometimes, it is necessary to refresh these tables with
the most current data.  To do so, a new batch job is delivered called Compensation Workbench
Refresh Process.  The refresh process updates Compensation Workbench with the latest person
and assignment data.   If an effective date is supplied for the process, data is updated as of that
date.  If an effective date is not supplied, CWB uses a new freeze date that you can define for a

This process gives you the capability to refresh up to four separate areas simultaneously or
separately.  The refresh process can only be run after the participation process has run.  

The areas below can be refreshed are as follows:

1. Refresh Summary – Recalculates all summarized data.  The summarized data that is
stored in BEN_CWB_SUMMARY is the same data that appears at the top of the budget
sheet and worksheet pages.  If summary data becomes out of synch due do a manual
change in the database, you can run this process to correct the data.
2. Refresh Person Information.  Copies person and job related data from the HR Core
System into the BEN_CWB_PERSON_INFO table.  You can run this to update
Compensation Workbench with the latest Base Salary or Current Job information.
3. Refresh Plan Design – Copies plan design from the BEN Plan Design tables into
BEN_CWB_PL_DSGN table.  Selected attribution is stored in this table.  If you want to
make plan design changes after running the participation process, you should use the Plan
Administration pages and make the updates manually.
4. Consolidate Summary – A single summary amount may consist of multiple records due
to simultaneous updates in the system.  This process consolidates all summary totals into
a single row.  You do not need to run this process in conjunction with the Recalculation
process, as both processes consolidate automatically.
5. Initialize Rankings - Sets all values in the current Rank column to null. Note that this has
no impact on historical rankings that are stored in Person Extra Information.
6. Refresh Exchange Rate - Refreshes exchange rates if changes are made to exchange rates
after the participation batch process has been run. If exchange rates have been overridden
in Plan Administration then only Refresh Summary parameter should be set to Yes.

Data Freezing

With Family Pack J, Compensation Workbench can display person and assignment data as of a
specified date.  Data is frozen and displayed as of this date even if a person’s data changes.  You
set the date in the Enrollment Requirements Form using the Freeze Date field.  You can refresh
person and assignment data at any time using the new Compensation Workbench Refresh
Process.  You may want to schedule this process nightly so that Compensation Workbench
reflects close to real time data. 

Person and assignment related data is now denormalized into table

BEN_CWB_PERSON_INFO.  Upon running the Participation Process, a snapshot of person
related data is taken as of the Freeze Date.  This snapshot is used for the entire availability period
or until it is refreshed.

The Refresh Process only overwrites any prior data stored in the BEN_CWB_PERSON_INFO
table.  The process simply copies person and assignment information from the HR Core system
into the Compensation Workbench system for the existing population.  The Refresh Process does
NOT do the following:

 Honor changes made to the table through the Administration Pages

 Change any allocation or budget amounts or data entered by line manager
 Re-evaluate eligibility
 Change the population of people processed by the Participation Process  

Prior to Family Pack J, Compensation Workbench always displayed real time person and
assignment related data and immediately reflected data changes made in the Core HR System.

Extended Functionality to Personalization By Plan

Personalizing Additional Tables

Personalization By Plan allows separate configuration of layout for different plans (e.g.
displaying/hiding of table columns and renaming of column headings).  Formerly this
functionality only existed for a few select tables within Compensation Workbench.  Now,
functionality is extended to include many more tables, include Summary tables.  To invoke the
Personalization by Plan feature, set the appropriate system profiles for OA Framework
Personalization, and upon entering into Compensation Workbench, look for the link ‘Personalize
for Selected Compensation Plan’.     

Personalizing Read-Only Columns

Columns can now be made Read Only using Self-Service Personalization by plan.  This allows
for a company that has two global component plans, for example, where component A is
updateable and component B is fixed for plan 1, whereas all components (A, B, and C) are
updateable for plan 2.  Prior to Family Pack J, read only columns could not be personalized by
Changes made via Self-Service Personalization override standard framework personalization for
a selected compensation plan and task.  Overrides can be easily deleted using the Delete button.

Compensation Workbench Manager Report

Compensation Detail
Managers may view the details of a compensation plan in a single report.  The Compensation
Detail Report provides a summary of the employees receiving compensation under the plan,
details about their award, and assignment information.  The report results may also be easily
downloaded to a spreadsheet.  This report consolidates the Salary Detail, Bonus Detail and Stock
Details reports that were available prior to Family Pack J.
Plan Selection and Parameters
The user may select from a list of group plans to which they have Read Only or Full Access
privilege.  They may then select the parameters to define the report results.  Parameters that may
be set are: 

 Manager to whom employees report

 Employees to include (All or Direct Reports only)
 Date Range of Transactions – May include pending transactions or only historical
transactions within a specified period
 Amount Range – May choose from Amount in Converted Currency, Amount in Local
Currency, Base Salary, Eligible Salary, New Salary, or Percent of Eligible Salary; may
also specify the range amounts.
 Other  - May include only whole currencies and may choose to display each employee’s
supervisor hierarchy on each row

Report Results
The report provides a detailed look at each employee who received or is receiving compensation
under the plan.  A sample of the data displayed for each person follows.  In addition, to the list
below, assignment information can be displayed.  Report columns may be hidden and renamed
using Self-Service Personalization.

 Status/Date   
 Employee Number
 Employee Name   
 Business Group   
 Country   
 Hire Date   
 Worksheet Manager   
 Plan Name   
 Component (if applicable)   
 Compensation Amount   
 Units/Currency   
 Converted Amount   
 Conversion Currency   
 Conversion Exchange Rate   
 Eligible Salary   
 Amount as % of Eligible Salary   
 Base Salary   
 Stated Salary
 Base Salary Frequency   
 Total Compensation
 Recommended Value
 New Salary   
 Other Compensation
 Miscellaneous Rate Columns 1-3  
 Compensation Amount Limits
 Job
 Job Segments 1-3
 Position
 Organization
 Grade
 Grade Range Grade Mid Point Custom Columns 1-15 Manager Hierarchy Ranking
Rating Custom Columns 1-15 CPI Attributes 1-5 Email Address Recommended
RangeNote: There were significant enhancements made to the Compensation Detail
Report in HRMS11i.PF.K_RUP2. Please consult the RUP2 About Note 422918.1 for

Total Compensation

Managers and administrators may view and compare the results of different compensation plans
in one report.  The Total Compensation Report, available as a link in the Reporting container on
the Compensation Workbench homepage, displays up to six user-selected plans on one page. 
The report also has various parameters that users may set to individualize the report.

Plan Selection Page

Users can select up to six plans (or options in plans) to display in the report.  The plan selection
page displays all plans (or options in plans) to which users have Read Only or Full Access.
Further, it only displays those plans that have standard rates which means performance or
promotion-only plans are not available for selection.  Separate rows are displayed for each
component of Global Combination and Global Component Plans.  Plans that appear on the home
page – any plan whose status is active and whose availability period is current – are selected by
default and may be de-selected by the user.  Plans may be sorted by plan name and by plan
period ending date.


The Total Compensation Report is configurable to the extent that users may choose the
parameters used to filter the data included.  The parameters that may be set are as follows: 

 Column Selection – Employee Country, Employee Job, Latest Performance Rating,

Latest Ranking, Eligible Salary, Amount as a percentage of Eligible Salary, Allocation
Amount, Currency, Base Salary and New Salary.  Any of these parameters may be
renamed or hidden by the Compensation administrator through Self-Service

 Currency Selection – Users may select the currency in which to display results.

 Employees to Include – Users may select employees by country, reporting manager, and
by all or only Direct Reports.

 Other – Users may set the number of maximum rows to display as well as to display only
whole numbers or integers.

Report results

The report provides a summary of the following data and totals the data in the detailed section of
the report.  The summary data can also be renamed or hidden using Self-Service Personalization.

 Eligible Employees

 Employees Receiving

 Percentage Receiving

 Total Eligible Salaries

 Total Allocated

 Average Amount Allocated

 Average Percentage of Eligible Salaries

The Details section of the report displays a row for each person who received awards in one or
more of the selected plans.  Each person’s country and job are displayed in addition to the
selected columns for each plan.  Each column heading can be sorted.

Note: As of HRMS Family Pack K RUP1, this report was renamed to Combined Plan View.

Employee Stock Option History

Managers and administrators now have access to a new report that displays stock option history
for current employees at the employee level and at a summary level (by criteria).  At both levels,
an estimate walk-away value is included that acts as a measure for retaining key employees and
helps determine which groups of employees that managers may need to concentrate on more
when awarding stock options.  

This Stock Option History Report is accessed from the Reporting section on the Compensation
Workbench homepage and displays all data for a single plan and plan period.  This report may
only be used if the customer has loaded the BEN_CWB_STOCK_OPTN_DTLS table, and if the
system profile BEN: CWB History Type Display is set to ‘Extended Stock Option History’.

The Employee Stock Option History Report is organized into two tabs.  

1. Employee Information – Managers may choose to view data for Direct Employees Only,
All Employees, or all the employees of a direct reporting manager.  When an employee
has more than one grant, summary information is displayed on the employee row which
can then be expanded to display rows for individual grants.  An Estimated Market Price
may also be entered to calculate the walk-away value that employees would forfeit were
they to terminate employment today.  The following details are displayed: Employee
Name, Shares Granted, Grant Price, Shares Vested, Shares Unvested, and Walk Away

1. Summary – Data is summarized for a subset of employees and the following information
is displayed: Summary group name, Shares Granted, Shares Vested, Shares Unvested,
Walk Away value, Total Employees, and Average Walk Away value.  In addition to an
Estimated Market Price, managers may select from various criteria to view a subset of
employees.  Based on selected criteria, stock option history is summarized for employees
who meet the selected criteria.  The same criteria that are available through the
Allocation Wizard Matrix are available for use in this report.  

The walk-away value in all areas of the report is calculated as follows: (Estimated Market Price-
Grant Price) * Unvested Shares.  The walk-away value is never less than zero.

Two new profiles are available that control the data displayed in the Stock Option History

1. BEN: CWB Estimated Market Price holds the estimate market price used to calculate the
walk-away value of stock option grants.  You can configure a price at the site level,
which acts as a default into the report.  However, once a manager changes the value, it is
saved for the manager.  

1. BEN: CWB Plan Context for Stock Option Reporting allows users to configure which
plan and period are used to obtain the employee related information that is used for
summarizing, such as Job or Performance Rating.  The selected plan is also used to
obtain the manager hierarchy.  The list of values displays all active global plans and plan
period combinations.  If profile is set, values in the report are generated based on the
profile.  If the profile is not set, the latest plan period (life event occurred date) less than
system date is used to generate the report.

Summary By Directs

This new report is accessed from the Compensation Allocations Worksheet.  It summarizes
compensation information for each manager’s direct reports.  Managers can filter report results
by Country or Job, for example.  This report enables managers to verify that allocations have
been distributed in a fair manner across all direct reports.

Audit History for Managers


Managers may now review changes that are made through Compensation Workbench.  Because
multiple managers can make changes to a single employee, a record of change is needed.  For
example, when a manager’s budget amount changes, the manager or administrator can review
the Audit History to see the changes made to that manager’s organization or for a specific

The Audit History report uses Audit Types to track changes made through Compensation
Workbench.  Audit Types are defined in the Lookup Type ‘BEN_CWB_AUDIT_TYPE’ and
must be enabled and have a current effective date.  The audit record is fired when a triggering
event occurs.  Below is a sample of some of the Audit Types tracked.  

 Update Compensation Amount

 Update Eligible Salary

 Update Stated Salary

 Update Recommended Amount

 Update Eligibility Status

 Update Budget Amount (Budget for Direct Reports)

 Update Performance Rating

When the compensation participation runs, one audit record (Compensation Event Begins) is
automatically created for each person processed.  During the run of this process, all other change
events are withheld so that no other Audit Types are triggered.  

Line managers run the Audit History report for a specific plan and plan period and access the
report via a link on the Allocation task.  The link can be renamed or hidden through Self-Service
Personalization. Administrators run the report for a specific plan, plan period, and a specific
employee, and access the report from the Compensation Workbench Administration Page.

When running the report, the user is presented with several poplists.  The poplists let the user
select the following.

 Period or date range for which to display changes

 Employees to include (Direct Employees only or a Selected Employee)

 Display changes made by himself or a Selected Person

The following information is displayed: Employee Name, Audit Description (from the Lookup
Table), Plan/Option/Component affected, Old Value, New Value, Change Date, Change Time,
and Changed By person (Logged On Person).  

If using the Switch Manager feature and running this report, only employees that fall under the
hierarchy of the manager you are acting as are displayed.  While switched, managers cannot see
changes made by managers above them, or employees outside of their own hierarchy.  This
report stamps the Login User on all rows of the report.  The population you see is based on
whom you are switched to.  Please keep in mind though that you will see changes made by

  Compensation Workbench Access

Controlling Access to Compensation Workbench

There are three levels of access to Compensation Workbench - Manager Plan Level, Manager
Task Level, and Site Task Level.  Each level is controlled by one of the following codes, listed
from the most secure to least secure.  If access at any of these levels contradicts each other, the
most secure access code prevails. 

 Hidden - Task does not appear on the Compensation Workbench homepage.

 No Access - Task is visible, but no one has access to it.  The Go To Task icon is disabled.

 Read Only - Tasks are accessible, but no updates are allowed.  Managers may not
approve or reject any transactions or submit any changes.

 Full Access - Managers may perform any transaction.

Manager’s Plan Level Access

Higher-level managers can control a lower-level manager's access to a plan from the Change
Access page.  Administrators may do the same on the Employee Administration page; however,
line managers may override plan level access set by an administrator.  Administrators can revoke
a line manager’s ability to override an access level change.  You may also hide the Change
Access link from line managers using Self-Service Personalization.  ‘Hidden’ is not available for
Manager’s Plan Level Access.

Site Level Access to a Task Within a Plan

Users can control access to a task within a plan for all line managers and administrators using the
Plan Administration link from the Administrator’s page or the Plan Definition form in the
professional user interface.  This level of access is not available to Line Mangers.

Manager's Access to a Task within a Plan    

Administrators can control access to a task within a plan for all line managers using the
Employee Administration link from the Administrator’s page.  This level of access is not
available to Line Mangers.

Site Level Access to a Plan

Site level access to a plan is controlled via the Plan Administration page using the group plan
status code.  This enables compensation administrators to review the results of the participation
process before allowing line managers to see or have access to a plan.  The status codes mean the

 Active - Both line manager and administrator responsibilities see the plan.

 Inactive - Only the administrator responsibility sees the plan.

 Closed or Pending - Neither the line manager nor administrator responsibilities see the

Simplification of Plan Access Codes

If a user wants to change the value of one an access code, it can easily be changed using the new
lookup code BEN_WS_ACC.  The seeded values are:


 HD Hidden

 RO Read Only

 UP Full Access

 NA No Access

 Only the Manager Task Level and the Site Task Level allow the value of HD.  

New Notification for Change of Access to Plan

Managers now receive a notification when their access level changes.  The notification includes
the old and new access levels, the person making the request, the date of the request, as well as
manager comments.  Notifications are not sent if this change is made from the Administration

Custom Columns

20 Custom Columns are introduced in Family Pack J (or later) that can be added to the
worksheet for purposes of grouping data for the Matrix and reporting. 

Steps to configure Custom Columns are as follows:


1. A programmer writes PL/SQL code to retrieve the values for a custom column.  This
code is then added to the custom column hook.  This procedure is seeded blank and is
called ben_cwb_custom_person_pkg.  There are 20 separate functions within it for each
corresponding custom column.  These are called get_custom_segment1 (thru 20). 

Note: If you have applied 11i.HRMS_PF.KRUP1 or later, you can follow the steps in Metalink
Note: 405761.1 - What Are Dynamic Columns and How Do We Configure Them?  Further
enhancements to Dynamic Columns functionality were also included in 11i.HRMS.PF.K.RUP2.
For details please consult Note 422918.1.

2. Compile the package on the database.  Upon running the Participation Process or the
Person Refresh process, this logic is executed.

2. Configure the worksheet through Personalization to rename the column heading

appropriately and include that column as displayed into any worksheet.  

2. Configure the Compensation Detail report columns to include the custom column, if

2. Configure the Downloads to have proper column heading names (see Downloads to
Excel using WebADI).

2. Configure the correct grouping name for use in the Allocation Wizard Matrix, Summary
By Directs Report, and the Stock Option History Report.  Only custom columns 1-6 can
be used as criteria for grouping.  To do this, access Lookup Type
BEN_CWB_MATRIX_COLUMN_CRITERIA and rename the Custom Column to the
appropriate name.  

There are certain limitations of Custom Columns.  


 Values are fetched only in batch (Participation Process or Refresh Process).

 Values are fixed (display only) in Compensation Workbench.  Values cannot be supplied
or modified by a Compensation Workbench manager. (Compensation Workbench
Flexfields can be used for this).  However, the Custom Column values may be changed
within the Employee Administration page. 

 There is a maximum of ten alphanumeric custom columns (Custom1-10) and ten numeric
columns (Custom 11-20).

 If you have applied HR_PF.K RUP1 and Patch 5473373 - Compensation Workbench:
Family Pack K RUP Supplemental Patch 5), you can also use the  CPI attributes 1-30 of
the descriptive flexfield (DFF) ‘Additional CWB Person Information’, when defining
custom columns. See next topic for more setup details.

 Numeric columns are not formatted when displayed.  Numeric columns are not subject to
the Currency Conversion. (Use Miscellaneous Rates for this.)

 Numeric Custom Columns are not available to the Budget Page.  (Use Miscellaneous
Rates for this.)

 The same custom column should not be used for different items across plans because not
all tables allow Personalization By Plan.  Doing so makes it difficult to rename column
headings appropriately.

 Only columns 1-15 can be downloaded to a spreadsheet. (To enable the 16-20, please
consult Metalink Note: 418893.1.)

Values of these Custom Columns are stored in table BEN_CWB_PERSON_INFO.  

Compensation Workbench Flexfield Attributes

Thirty (30) Flexfield segments can be configured for use on the Worksheet Detail Table. These
are attributes (also called CPI attributes) of the descriptive flexfield (DFF) ‘Additional CWB
Person Information’, and can be defined using the System Administrator responsibility.  These
flexfield segments allow managers to enter values (free form entry, poplist, or LOV) within
Compensation Workbench. 

Steps to configure Flexfield attributes follow:

1. Define the Flexfield as you normally would.  If a Poplist or LOV is desired, define the
appropriate table query.  Use only the Global context for the flexfield definition and
disable all others.  Hide the context and do not make any mandatory.

1. Include and rename the columns on the worksheet using Personalization by Plan.  

1. Include and rename the columns on the Compensation Detail report using Personalization
by Plan.  

1. Configure the correct grouping name for use in the Allocation Wizard Matrix, Summary
By Directs Report, and the Stock Option History Report.  To do this, access Lookup Type
BEN_CWB_MATRIX_COLUMN_CRITERIA and rename the Custom Column with the
appropriate name.

1. Compensation Workbench flexfield segments (or CPI attributes) 1 - 30 can also be

downloaded to a spreadsheet.

1. If you have applied HR_PF.K RUP1 and Patch 5473373 - Compensation Workbench:
Family Pack K RUP Supplemental Patch 5), you can also use these CPI attributes when
defining custom columns.

There are certain limitations of Flexfields.

1. Only Compensation Workbench flexfield CPI attributes 1-6 can be used as grouping
criteria on the Allocation Matrix, Summary by Directs report, and the Stock Option
History report.  

1. You cannot default a value into these flexfields. (Use Custom Columns for this).

1. You should not use multiple Contexts when defining flexfield. This significantly
complicates the user’s experience within Compensation Workbench.  Use only the Global
context for the flexfield definition and disable all others.  Hide the context and do not
make any mandatory.

Flexfield values are stored in table BEN_CWB_PERSON_INFO.  

Flexfields previously used for Enrollment Opportunities are no longer used. You will need to
redefine these using the Compensation Workbench Flexfield attributes.


Global Employee Names

In a global organization, foreign employee names may cause problems for a line manager.  For
example, a manager in the United Kingdom may have Japanese employees, but may not be able
to read Japanese characters.  With Family Pack J, Compensation Workbench enables you to use
names in a ‘corporate standard ’ format in place of foreign characters.  To use this feature,
employee names must exist in the ‘corporate standard’ format somewhere within the database.  

Steps to configure the use the ‘corporate standard’ format in Compensation Workbench follows:

1. A programmer writes PL/SQL code to retrieve employee names in the ‘corporate

standard’ format.  This code is then added to the custom column hook.  This procedure is
seeded blank and is called ben_cwb_custom_person_pkg.get_custom_name.  Standard
names should appear with the Last Name first for logical sorting within Compensation

1. Compile the package on the database.  Upon running the Participation Process or the
Person Refresh process, this logic is executed.

1. Set the system profile ‘HR: Display Person Name’ at the site level to ‘Custom Name’.

The custom name does not appear on the Compensation Workbench homepage; however, it does
appear on all pages that the user has Plan context.

Downloading to Excel

Compensation Workbench data downloads to MS Excel has changed significantly.  With Family
Pack J, to download data, you must first install and properly configure WEBADI.  We
recommended that you install WEBADI level BNE.C RUP 6 or later.  No other tools can be used
to download data from Compensation Workbench.  

The default download of the worksheet is based on personalizations you have made.  Users can
now download the budget sheet and various online Compensation Workbench reports.  Using the
Custom Download option, users can select which columns to download and change heading
names.  There is also enhanced security to downloading and uploading data to and from
Compensation Workbench.   The downloaded file includes the manager's name, download date,
plan name, as well as instructions on how to upload the worksheet back into Compensation
Workbench.  When uploading, the system flags rows that have changed.  In the event that a
problem occurs while uploading the worksheet, the system produces an error message.

There are a few limitations with downloading data from Compensation Workbench.

 Compensation Workbench flexfields are not downloadable with FPJ.  They can be
downloaded with HRMS Family Pack K.

 Limited cell calculations.  (In the worksheet, managers can enter the allocation %,
amount, or new salary and the other values are automatically calculated.  When
downloaded, managers can only enter values in the allocation amounts column.  The %
and new salary are automatically calculated based on the entered value.)

 Worksheet is downloaded in the local currency only


 No user interface exists to rename columns

 Numeric and currency amounts are not formatted

 Encrypted security key information is displayed in spreadsheet

Compensation Workbench downloads use the following interface codes:

 BEN_CWB_WRK_SHT_INTF - Worksheet

 BEN_CWB_BGT_SHT_INTF – Budget Page

 BEN_CWB_COMP_DTL_REPT_INTF – Compensation Detail Report

 BEN_CWB_PP_AUDLOG_REPT_INTF – Post Process Audit Log Report

 BEN_CWB_SUMM_DIR_REP_INTF – Summary By Directs Report

If you have problem downloading large worksheets, increase the value for system profile ‘BEN:
CWB Download Expire Seconds’.


History Configuration

Groups of historical data appear on the compensation history page organized by tabs.  Any of
these groups may be hidden via Self-Service Personalization.  These groups are:

 Salary History

 Bonus History

 Stock Option History

 Other Compensation History

 Ranking History

 Performance Rating History

 Job History

Salary History requires you to use HR Salary Proposals.  All salary data history for an employee
is automatically displayed in Salary History.  The Compensation Category defined on Individual
Compensation Distribution or Compensation Workbench Standard Rates, determines under
which history group the element falls - Bonus, Stock Option, or Other Compensation History.

You can grandfather elements not used in Compensation Workbench to show Element Entries in
compensation history that are not already linked to a Standard Rate.  Steps to do so follow.

1. Define a dummy plan type called CWB History Plan Type.  (Define required fields with
most appropriate values.)

1. Define a dummy plan called CWB History Plan and link it to the above plan type. 
(Provide required fields with most appropriate values.)

1. For each Element Entry you want to display in history, define a Standard Rate with an
Activity Type of CWB Additional History Elements.  This rate must have the element
entry and input value defined.  Use a calculation method of ‘No Standard Value Used’. 
Define the Compensation Category as Bonus, Stock Option, or Other Compensation so
the system can determine the appropriate history grouping.  

Prior to Family Pack J, the Compensation Category was defined on the Plan Type to determine
the history grouping.

New Worksheet and Budget Information

Some changes are made to budget sheet and worksheet columns in Compensation Workbench.

Worksheet Summary – You can now personalize all Compensation Workbench Rates (e.g. CWB
Miscellaneous Rate) on the worksheet compensation summary table.

Worksheet Detail – You can personalize the worksheet with the following new columns.

 Country

 Units

 Currency

 Custom Attribute 1-15

 Assignment Attribute 6-30

The following columns are removed from the worksheet.

 Person Attribute 1-5 (replaced with Custom Columns)

Budget Detail - You can personalize the budget sheet with the following new columns.

 Currency

 Units
The following column is removed from the budget sheet.

 % of Budget

Expanded Hierarchy Options

Prior to Family Pack J, the hierarchy used to define the employees that fell onto a manager’s
worksheets, the budget roll down, and the approval chain could only be defined using the
Supervisor or Position hierarchy.  With Family Pack J, you can define the hierarchy based on any

Two new options for ‘Hierarchy Type’:

1. AME Transaction - You select an AME definition to define your hierarchy.  During
processing, each employee is tested against the AME definition and the ‘Next Approver’
is used as the worksheet manager for the employee.  You must ensure though that there is
only one ‘Next Approver’ when defining your AME definition.  For more information,
see the AME documentation.  

1. Rule – Fast Formula can be used to define the hierarchy.  During processing, each
employee is processed by the formula.  The formula returns the PERSON_ID of the
manager that is responsible for allocating compensation.  Use Rule Type of ‘Manager
Hierarchy’ when defining this rule.  Ensure that you build a hierarchy that has no breaks,
no self relationships, and no recursive relationships (A reports to B, and B reports to A). 
For an example of this formula, see the Oracle FastFormula Reference Guide for
Standard and Advanced Benefits on Metalink.

Data Sharing Across Plans

Performance ratings and assignment changes (job, position, grade, and group) can now cross
group plans.  A manager can view or update the value for a person in one plan and see it
reflected in another plan, as there is a single data source.  To configure this, access the Plan
Enrollment Requirements form for all plans between which data should be shared.  On the
Timing tab > Performance alternate region and give each plan the same value for the New
Ratings Become Effective field (to share performance ratings) and the Assignment Changes
Become Effective field (to share proposed job, proposed position, proposed grade, or proposed
group).  Ranking automatically crosses plans.

Prior to Family Pack J, performance ratings and assignment changes made within a plan were not
available to other plans available during the same period.  For example, performance ratings
given with a bonus plan could not be displayed in a separate salary plan.

Approval Mode

You can now control when managers can submit their worksheets to the next level for approval. 
You configure the approval mode on the Plan Enrollment Requirements form > Timing tab >
Miscellaneous alternate region.  You can choose between two approval modes.

1. Submission at any time – Managers can submit their worksheets at any time given that
they have full access to the task and none of the worksheets of their direct reports has a
Rejected status.

1. Submission only after approved – In addition to the above limitations, managers must
approve the worksheets of all of lower managers before submitting their own. 
Additionally, managers may not approve a lower manager’s worksheet until the lower
manager submits it.  

Prior to Family Pack J, the approval mode was configured via a site level system profile.

Supplying A Salary Change Reason

You may now define a common Salary Change Reason that is supplied to the Salary Proposal
Page upon running the Post Process.  This can be configured for the salary change or for the
components of the salary change.

To define a reason for the salary change, access the Enrollment Requirements form.  On the
Timing tab > Miscellaneous alternate regions, select a Salary Change Reason.  To define a
reason for a salary component, access the Option Definition form and supply a ‘Salary

Budgeting Methods

Now, when managers enter their budget sheets for the first time, they are asked to select a
Budgeting Method.  Managers now have the option to hold the entire budget amount themselves
(in addition to budgeting to all employees or distributing to direct reports only).  This method
prevents lower managers from actually getting a budget, but allows them to view the amount
budgeted by higher managers on the lower managers’ worksheets.

Prior to Family Pack J, managers could only Budget to All Employees or to Distribute to Direct
Reports Only.  

Filtering Promotion Reasons

You can now limit the values that appear in the Change Reason poplist associated with a
promotion or assignment change.  To configure these values, query the lookup type
‘EMP_ASSIGN_REASON’ and enter a lookup code that contains ‘CWB’ within it.  If none of
the codes have ‘CWB’ within it, all values are displayed in Compensation Workbench.

Worksheet Recall

A manager can now recall a worksheet after having submitted it for approval.  If a manager
accidentally submits a worksheet or wants to make changes to the worksheet after it has been
submitted, the manager can easily retrieve it.  Worksheets can be recalled as long as the higher-
level manager has not taken any action on the worksheet.  Once the higher-level manager
approves it, submits it to the next level, or the post process has run, a worksheet can no longer be
recalled.  Previously, the higher-level manager had to reject the worksheet in order for the lower
manager to get it back.  

As long as the higher-level manager has not taken any action on the worksheet, the lower-level
manager has access to a recall button on the Submit Page.  Upon recalling a worksheet, a
notification is sent to the higher-level manager.  Lower-level managers may not prevent this
notification from being sent.

When a worksheet is recalled, the Submit task on the manager’s homepage returns to an “In
Progress” status and full access is given.  

Worksheet Employee Search Capabilities

You may use the Find Name field on the Worksheet to search for a specific employee.  A search
capability makes it fast and easy for managers to locate a specific employee anywhere beneath
them in the hierarchy.  This is especially useful for high-level managers who have many
employees beneath them.  

You search for an employee by fully or partially entering the employee’s first or last name. 
Upon submitting, the View switchers automatically revert back to All Countries and All
Employees to search the manager’s entire population.  The search displays the page of the
worksheet where that specific employee’s name exists and highlights the selected row in blue. 
The employee’s row does not appear at the top of the page.  An error appears if the employee’s
name is not found.

Allocation Wizard Modifications

Consolidation of Distribution Methods

Allocation Wizard Distribution methods of ‘Distribute an Equal Amount’ and ‘Distribute an

Equal Percent’ have been consolidated into a new method called ‘Distribute Equally using
Allocation Calculator’.  Both amounts and percents can now be distributed using this method. 
Upon entering an amount or percent and proceeding to the next page, the wizard displays the
total budget amount and percent of eligible salaries for each manager using.  This enables
managers to view the results before actually issuing the budget.

Criteria Matrix Modifications

 Budget and summary information are added.  Managers can now model budgets and
allocations based on criteria and see how it affects the budget.

 The matrix has a new layout.  Previously, the matrix was displayed as a true matrix with
columns and rows.   The new layout utilizes an HGrid format and reduces horizontal
scrolling.  You can now easily identify the Total Employees, Eligible Salaries, and Total
Amount Utilized for each combination of criteria.

 In the Budget Allocation Wizard (only), managers can now push employee specific
amounts that constitute the manager’s budget to lower managers’ worksheets.  This
allows lower-level manager to see exactly how their budgets were derived - by seeing
amounts used for each employee.  


When using the matrix for the budget only, managers can select a new checkbox to
‘populate employee worksheet targets’ for lower level managers. Employees meeting the
selected criteria will have a 'Target' column on the worksheet populated with the amount
used for each employee when the determining budget.  This allows managers to see
exactly how their budgets were derived and acts as a guideline when awarding

You can also now select whether the matrix calculations are based on the % of eligible
salary or per employee amount you enter. Generally, for monetary plans such as bonus
and salary increases, you should select '% of Eligible Salaries', and for non-monetary
plans such as stock options plans, you should use 'Per Employee Amount'.

Worksheet Views

Managers can now filter the worksheet to show each of the entire team of their direct reports. 
Managers can also filter the worksheet by country (if multiple countries are present).  Prior to
Family Pack J, managers were only able to filter the worksheet to show direct reports only or all

Workflow Notifications

Workflow notifications are revamped to include more meaningful content, provide an easy link
into Compensation Workbench, enable personalization of the content, and provide a consistent
look with Compensation Workbench.

The following events trigger notifications within Compensation Workbench.

 Publishing a Budget – FYI notification is sent to lower managers receiving a budget.

 Submitting for Approval – FYI notification is sent to manager one level up.

 Recalling Your Worksheet - FYI notification is sent to the approving manager.

 Rejecting the Worksheet – FYI notification is sent to the manager whose worksheet is
being rejected.

 Manager’s Change of Access – FYI notification is sent to the manager whose access is

 Request for Reassignment – Action required notification (AME defined) is sent to the
manager one level up from the initiating manager or is auto approved.

 Request for Eligibility Change – Action required notification (AME defined) is sent to
the manager one level up from the initiating manager.

None of the transactions performed within the Administration pages trigger notifications.

Rate Level Compensation Category

When defining Compensation Workbench Standard Rates for certain global plan structures, you
must define a new field called Compensation Category on the Processing Information tab.  You
may select between Salary Change, Bonus, Stock Option, Other, Combination Plan*, and Option
Level Component.  This list is not extensible.  Defining this field is very important because the
worksheet, history page, and Post Process batch job use the Compensation Category to determine
the type of compensation being awarded under the plan.  For example, if ‘New Salary’ column is
not automatically calculated on the worksheet, then it is probably because this value is not
properly defined.

For Basic Plans, when defining Standard Rates with the Activity Type of CWB Worksheet
Amount or an Additional History Element, you must provide a Compensation Category of Salary
Change, Bonus, Stock Option, or Other.  

For Component Plans, the plan level CWB Worksheet Amount Standard Rate must have a
Compensation Category of Salary Change, Bonus, Stock Option, or Other.  The option level
CWB Worksheet Amount Standard Rate should be defined with Option Level Component.

For Combination Plans, you do not define a plan level CWB Worksheet Amount Standard Rate. 
The option level CWB Worksheet Amount Standard Rates should be defined with a
compensation category of Salary Change, Bonus, Stock Option, or Other.

* Combination Plan will likely never be used.  This same list of values is used in defining the
Plan Type where Combination Plan is used.

Standard Rate Mins and Maxes

You can now have null values in the Min, Max, Increment, and Default fields of the Standard
Rates used by Compensation Workbench.  This allows you to display all amounts as blank upon
managers first entering into Compensation Workbench.  This also makes it easier for managers
to track employees receiving zero amount allocations versus employees overlooked during the
allocation process.

Rate Formatting/Suppressions of Decimals

Any of the Compensation Workbench rates can now be formatted to display only whole
amounts.  Fractional amounts can be rounded and suppressed.  To configure the suppression of
fractional amounts, use a Standard Rate Rounding Code that is equal to or greater than ‘Round to
Nearest One’.  Rounding codes less than that, such as ‘Round to Nearest Hundredth’, continue to
display amounts with decimal places equal to that defined for the currency.

Capturing Grant Price with Stock Option Element Entry

Prior to Family Pack J, Grant Price was delivered as a Standard Rate Activity Type and had its
own associated element entry.  With Family Pack J, grant information of any type (Grant Price,
Vesting Schedule, Expire Date, Lot Number, etc.) can be captured in the same element entry as a
separate input value.

Instructions on how to capture grant information in the same element entry as a separate input
are available in Metalink Note 312412.1.

Managers Ability to Switch Manager


Line Managers can now switch managers too.  Prior to Family Pack J, this feature was only
available to compensation administrators through the HR Professional responsibility.  A manager
to whom another manager may switch is limited to the user’s security profile within the selected
responsibility.  Thus, managers can generally only switch to managers beneath them in the
hierarchy.  The Switch Manager poplist remembers the last twenty managers switched to.

Employee Eligibility Page Changes

The layout of the eligibility page is changed to make it easier to change an employee?s
eligibility.  This page is now structured similar to the worksheet so managers can easily
determine eligibility and request a change.  For components or combination plans, the eligibility
page displays all eligibility codes side-by-side.  There is also a new feature to drill into more
information (including pending changes).  Like always, requests for eligibility changes call the
workflow engine for proper approvals.

Disabling of Reporting Groups

With Family Pack J, the Group Plan concept replaces the function of Reporting Groups in
Compensation Workbench.  Group Plans allow you to link multiple plans (across business
groups) into a single unit.  Reporting Groups no longer have any functionality within
Compensation Workbench.  Plans previously defined in reporting groups appear as separate
plans on the Compensation Workbench homepage.

There are several advantages of using Group Plans over Reporting Groups.
All employees in all business groups reporting to a manager can appear in the same worksheet
table without requiring managers.

Salary, Bonus, and Stock awards can be allocated in the same worksheet table.

All plans can have a single budget, even those that cross business groups.

Prior to Family Pack J, plans defined in a Reporting Group appeared as a single plan selection on
the Compensation Workbench homepage.  Managers had to switch between plans using the Plan
Switcher to budget and allocate awards.  Each plan also required a separate budget.

If you formerly used Reporting Groups to group multiple types of compensation plans such as
Salary, Bonus, Stock, and Salary plans for purposes of easy switching, you may want to
configure your plans to be Combination Plans which allow allocation of all three compensation
types in the same worksheet table (See Global Plan Structures).  

Temporarily Disabled Functionality


The following functionality is temporarily disabled in Family Pack J.  Functionality of these
items will be reestablished in Family Pack K.

 Approval Notification

 Allocation Wizard Recommended Amount Distribution Method

 Compensation By Year Report


Related Documents

Configuring, Reporting and System Administration in Oracle HRMS (Metalink Note 214791.1)

Oracle Web Applications Desktop Integrator for Oracle Applications Release 11, Windows
Configuration Guide February 2002 (Metalink Note 177073.1)

Oracle Approvals Management (AME) Developers Guide (R11i10) (Metalink Note 289927.1)

Using Oracle FastFormula Release 11i (Metalink Note 223280.1)

Information On Document Manager In HRMS (Metalink Note 298011.1)

How to set up Employee Statements for use in Compensation Workbench (Metalink Note

How to set up extra input values for a Compensation Workbench stock option element (Metalink
Note 312412.1)

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Oracle Corporation. All other product and service names mentioned may be trademarks of their
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Disclaimer: This document is provided for information purposes only and the contents hereof are
subject to change without notice. Oracle Corporation does not warrant that this document is
error-free, nor does it provide any other warranties or conditions, whether expressed orally or
implied in law, including implied warranties and conditions of merchantability or fitness for a
particular purpose. Oracle Corporation specifically disclaims any liability with respect to this
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