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ee afeta-3 ge a seca sree Gt apm 2, oa ae aft waa anerd) are Got # eraen Bare aT er A, ae ora ae Spee, Boil, are eee ai aot & edt @ ay caer ova gar 1 ot aa (ureeart) st ga & fag 1 eeu 8 wefan & | onan A me atm tg aie apfrat Steel Sand Fa ade wt Seiftal oie cheecarel an sravieer we eres sel we 28 | ana % gum ond eat gate wa ea Fe a wrat, 3 tr-emal @ at wa & fra were oe a | afta (graf) 3 ero sefad a adit sites wa se ami a Ge Et aang TT esi & 2, agt cin GA 8 ofanga aH Seta ae f 1 sea (aise) ond 2 oferfee (wes) eS fe ach FA arent 2 font a fren @ amt & ak oft gO dae durecnall (aifafa cfm) wt fear eT weed & wet tS try wala 8 Peis ma € 23 Sa ait at nda, afee ahve a sein ad ares BT fh, Crea AS aaa | 4s. ade vitede @ Pesfhfta 2a steer, wot Fronts srpart (gaits) Frere A waa a (a) ora Ot She alk roe ara Hora eA waa dana aa & Pi wees ae A fem up Herta em ge 8 ware one At walftes seer aie eaees ae ti te) SH mere, ea a metas (bore) Bouma cas fften) Bere crear ca) @ From the graph, which one of the following can be concluded ? fe) On the average A earned more than B during this period. ) On the average B earned more than A during this period. fc) The earnings of A and B were equal during this period. (d) The earnings of A were less as compared to B during this period. (28-A) ‘o fill the tank completely ? fa} 10 minutes (©) 15 minutes Each of the six different faces of 2 cube has been coated with a different enlour ie., V, 1, B, G, ¥ and 0. Following information is given 1, Colours ¥, 0 and B are an adjacent faces. 2, Colours 1, G and ¥ are on adjacent faces, & Colours B, Gand Y are-on adjacent faces, 4. Colours ©, V and B are an adjacent faces, Which is the colour of the face opposite te the face coloured with 0? @ B (by ov i a1 85. Consider the following statements followed by ‘two conclusions = Statements: Soine men are great. Some men are wise, Conclusion 1: Men are either great or wise. Conclusion 11> Some men. are neither great nor wise, ‘Which one of the fallowing is correct ? (a) Only conclusion I is valid (b) Daily conclusion IT is valid (e) Both the conclusions are valid (4) Neither of the conclusions is valid Sindy wi si. fink Prat x aga are afte ft ven, Toe YW we oft A den Ht te PTA fis aire y vet act saipat Ht Feu, offer x vga ara cafe dem At Ae Pt 201 mu, Befefea a a eat font Prmren/Pepre St werent BE 1. Sh sired og] we cafe 1 con, feb after x agt ard safe Al dear At EH tl 2 mooted Aye den at ana a oe often et Boa get vent aga @, Ht frend wg) are eaferal oe sea et Tp el AS Ree rre ee oer ei a al eR GE, (@) aa (b) Hae 2 fe) a ste 2cet @ THLawe sz, 9 fa 7m ome (re) Fa ok Br ae 2000-2010 raft at saris Perea rane: 2000 2007 2010 at —> ye onda @, fafa 43 sar oF font faomren aw 2 fab Sorat H dem, ates eT BATS after serfita rar | (oy ya safe & den, ater eo a BT AR! afte enfia fam | ow wale ohn, aah Be TI aH a @ woah & dhe, ae ae Ba owe ft eat ta B-AQN-O-KYE (29-A) . dae At B feet at aw) srer-srem eT 20 otk 30 fame qn on gat #1 aR coi ae um ae ate Req ang, at eat at ht are eer A 3 fen eee eT? tay 10 fae toy a2 fie te) 15 Bee, ya) 25 Fre . won & 6: faite seal a a oe fo a, seta, V1, 8,6, ¥ ai oa tm mm aL favaferion aac fl me & : 1. ry otk Baer Fem HET 2. TLGsik yee wei 3. MB Gok veers west EY 4. 210, valk Brera Fee ee | mod A sas & spe see ms B wb) Vv G 1 . a ig me eet att oat ara fee me a freaal wt farm Sif : ae we cals Here ta EI Bo cafe gar He | Pract p, caftn an ah me Ba Ea gfgT a 1 footer 4 a wher oe ah 2? (ay eeret fred 1 aw ® (by aaa Preal naa = (o) @Ht fend ay & (a) Qt a ae oA fad du ae a uk far 56. Consider the following statements ; 68. The proportion of expenditure on various 1. Some claim to have seen UFOs items by two families A and B are represented (Unidentified Flying Objects). in the following Bar Charts 2 Life on other heavenly bodies is ie considered ta be a possibility. wa 3. Voyage to space is now an established 50% fact. : Pood 50% From the above statements, it may be Other coneluded that items (a) UFOs are heavenly bodies 30% tb) UFOs are sent from other heavenly er badies er ak (c) Some living species in other heavenly 20% Eau badies are more intelligent than man Education ere (a) Nothing definite can be said about the : UFOs Family A Family B Total expenditure: ‘Total expenditure : 57. If ABC x DEED = ABCABC; where A, B, C, D © 20,000 per month © 1,00,000 per manth and E are different digits, what are the values of Pant eT From these charts, we can conehude that (a) De4E tb) DaQE=1 (a) Family A spent more money on faod D=,8 than Pamily 3. (@) Del, Es (b) Family B spent more. money on food 58. Year-wise variation of the price of a certain than Family A. commodity is shown in the following graph : (c) Family A and Family B spent che same amount on food (d) The expenditure on food by Family A and Farnily Bcannot be compared 19801980 2000 2010 60. Usha runs faster than Kamala, Pritt runs Years—> slower than Swati, Swati runs slower than Kamala. Who is the slowest runner ? ‘The price of the commodity in the year 1990 fa) Kamain {a} must have been ¥ 10 (a) must have been 7 12/- ey Pet fc) must have beon anywhere between fo) Swati # 10- and © 20/ (a) is higher than that in the year 1901 (a) Usha B-AQN-O-KYB (30-4) ding Bieoe Or . This a6 not 56. Frafefirn sect o fran cra: 1 ee eH wros (saftgra aga aaa) Bie ww ae ete 2. at write feel a ates A ate ard} are 2 1 8, stafter ser ora ee eas sem BE are wei 3, ay frend fraser st amar @ ‘fe uro wie five & UPO au ariteia fra & Sat ara stauatiteta fardt a8 arch pe Bhatia age 8 afte agar & uro & ait # He vf Bitar ea 8 aa HE eT af ABC x DEED = ABCABC; 3&1 A, B, C, D ait Efim sis §, ft pat Ba wa am Ee fal by te} ‘ae ral &) ) (a 57. at 19904 ary oft fre (a) Bawa © 10 eft eft (by serra & 194. te) ent (eo) are enor atte 204 ate wet ot xa eh (as Gach at 1991 Ft tea Bakes & B-AON-O-KYB. (31-4) se. a whan, aot B, ga fata nal x fag Te ae ar aie feafafum eaten (an ade) 3 frefta fear ra & 105 we =a] 50% ara werd 60% ara 30%. aA Tbe | 30% ‘ar ‘faan ofan A ofter B ga ad - gaat = 20,000 oft ATE ® 1,900,000 fet are 7B afent 3, em ay fret free oat 8 fe iar ad wre ogni n after Bt arta after we farm 1 fem BS are vend water aH ote caftrs ae Rear | uftan a ait gan B 4 ere card ve era af ad 1 afar a ait often Bom Gro ad we fare my re Al gern ai A) sr ae (a) tb) to @ om, emer d aa dedi 2; if, cafe a ay Oot 2; ear, waren @ he ded t | wae aft aha chad 8? a) ST by Sifa fo eate @ = Directions for the following 7 (seven) items : Read the following four passages and answer the ‘terns that fallow. Your answers to these items should be based on the passages only. Passage -1 India has suffered from persistent high inflation, Increase in administered prices, demand and supply imbalances, imported inflation aggravated by rupee depreciation, and speculation — have combined to keep high inflation going. If there is an element common to ali of them, it is that many of them are the autcomes of economic reforms. India’s vulnerability to the effects of changes in international prices has inereased with trade liberalisation. The effort to reduce subsidies has resulted in a continuous increase in the prices of commodities that are adininistered. 1. What is the most logical, rational and crucial message that is implied in the above passage 7 Under the present circumstances, India should completely avoid all trade liberalisation policies and all subsidies, Due to its peculiar socio-economic situation, India is not yet ready for trade liberalisation process, There is no solution in sight for the problems of continuing poverty and inflation in India in the near future. fal iby te) td} Ecunomie reforms can often create a high inflation economy. Passage -2 No Right is absolute, exclusive or inviolable ‘The Right of personal property, similarly, has to bbe perceived in the larger context of its assumed legitimacy. The Right of personal property should unite she principle of liberty with that of equality, and both with the principle of ‘cooperation. BLAQN-O-KYB (32 62, In the light of the argument in the above passage, which one of the following statements is the most convincing explanation ? (a of personal property is a Right duly supported by statutes and scriptures Personal property is a theft and an instrument of exploitation, The Right of personal property is therefore violative af economic justice. The Right of personal property is violative of distributive justice and negates the prineiple of cooperation. The comprehensive idea of econemic justice demands that the Right of exch erson to acquisition of property has to bbe reconeiled with that of ethers, (hb) e @ Passnge~3 ‘The conflict between man and State is as old as State history. Although attempts have beet made for centuries to bring about a proper adjustment between the competing claims of State and the individual, the solution seems to be still far off. This i primarily because af the dynamic nature of human socioty where old values and ideas constantly yield place to new ‘ones. It is obvious that if individuals are allowed to have absolute freedom of speech and action, ‘the result wauld be chaos, ruin and anarchy. 63, The author's viewpoint can be best summed up in which of the fallowing statements ? ia) The conflict between the claims of State and individual remains unresolved, fb) Anarchy and chaos are the obvious results of democratic traditions. fe) Old values, ideas and traditions persist despite the dynamic nature of human society. () Constitutional guarantee of freedom of speech is not in the interest of saciety, Ay ding w: Thin 48 “HOE: Arcrbeatiara 2 (aera) semi & fore Fe: ronstian em witedat at wey oi sae afd air} aaet weaial & see Gey a meat & saree set shaet gx otbedat or ef omentic BF arte uted -1 ana ara Fa agen a ner om tt | fafa fi i afg, ath atte gi A onigers, wo wager a wen gf arakia gach, oh wean — oy ae fae Fa pela a a, va? | aie a ah i arf en cae ae 8, at ae ag & f& ea a ad one que & ohm #1 saeetiegte Studi a acena a sera & af Ha qian (arifafeay am seem & arava 3 aft 8 1 rer el en eH vere a ue ee sega ot imal F fea a ee feta #1 61. tee vitebe a araftisa werfin aria, asker ove meget wiger 1 8? ta) dig sileafiedl a, ana st gt we & aman, sortase ot siferal wa aH suer 3 war wig oneft faire arnfiesafis fafa a aro, Ura anf sarnite zertecr Ft ‘tioar & fore dare 3a 8 1 (oy free wer Hone @ aaa eben ed ce laa dle 1 snes ger me sa aeAfy ant rdleeeen ser Bt THe EL oy a aneea - 2 até oft afirer oor, soma ott orgecketa mat | yet oe, safes eerfh & aaftert wt aedt efter dua aye eee HF Ran or are 1 safsara aefe & often 0, cada fargra a7 aan % fagrs & ore, ate art ar wets & Rrars & aa aaa get afte | B-AQN-O-KYB (33- 62, Sehr chee F faq ot ah H areim 4, fuafatigg @ @ aan we eer aa oie favererag erecta * to after wea ar otftean, efafia se vial go falter, safe, oe Satie satire 2 | dor Shere eet TH SR Tet ae aT seem ® | aa. eafe ain an afar onfites sant a Je F | vefreia aac apr saftreme ete ey aT secita & gat sean & fagra # ze a anfée =a ar cans faen ea arr win warat @ fin acne satin a aeafy sia a afr ai, qed ie amie ane & aftr aria anateangl cat | wires - 3. ara we tr ee ey ef ee A TT & fee fe rea an efter | sete afat @ oe safes @ afserdt ard a afta creer wart a sae we 8, feegq wana and Mh ay vata atm 8 ae erm: vata 8 wife mma wert ft ele afte & Fred qo apa oth Rend) 9 Pree ae pai aft fart st eam fen 8 ae ee 8 aft eaftall wi dior otk ard aa ft fatty wae ¢ at ng, a gear shen sreraeat, Bera Wa aaTerem 4 eae # | 63, Pefafea aed] oa stem wwe, cee & afte a safer ameter wage aon ta we ah ef aa & de dat aL in TT starrer atenaifies, er i cen aera fe) Ra Fara Fi oofaie api a area gra ges feral seed eT eh ‘ id) am Ra (ter aie pis) A waar aed sare & fea a ae BI teh a) iby A)

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