To Lead Us To Do What Is Holy and Good. 1. Birth of Jesus Christ 2. Death 3. Resurrection 4. Ascension

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No sir I don’t consider my work or activities as a What should our attitude when we participate in
burden.. Though sometimes I tend to complain but the liturgy?
at the end of the day I get to realize that I am made
Liturgy as God’s works, is neither rushed
to continue the mission that God has given to me
nor imposed, but done consciously, willingly
and that mission is to serve the people that is also
and deliberately, with reverence and
why I chose nursing. Also, having the opportunity to
do these works is already a blessing because and
iban ga wish nga araa sa akon nga part but didn’t How is work and prayer related in the Liturgy?
get the chance to do it.
Liturgy is work and prayer together, since work
THE LITURGY properly understood is cooperation with God to
build and create, and prayer is rest and renewal in
 “public work or work done on behalf of the
 Liturgy always referred to an organized VATICAN II: Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy
community. A work, then, done by an
individual or a group was a liturgy on behalf  Doesn’t present strict definition of liturgy
of the larger community. but offers several descriptions, each of
which illuminates a different aspect of this
 What work are we talking about?
activity of the church.
CHRISTIAN LITURGY 1. Catholic Liturgy is Trinitarian and Paschal
Liturgy is the official divine worship of the
In Christian tradition (iturgy) means the
participation of the people of God in “the work of
3 divine person: God the father,
God”. Through the liturgy Christ, our redeemer and
God the son and the Holy Spirit.
high priest, continues the work of our redemption
Paschal Mystery: the birth or life
in, with, and through his Church.
and death of Jesus Christ. (to save
Why should we participate in the works of God? humanity)
1. Birth of Jesus Christ
To lead us to do what is holy and good.
2. Death
SAINTS: Holy men and Women 3. Resurrection
4. Ascension
What happens to us when we celebrate the liturgy?
John 10:10 Worship means adoration and thanksgiving to the
father who is the creator; the source and goal of the
The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I liturgy; to Christ, by his own Paschal mystery, and to
came that they may have life and have it the Holy Spirit who prepares for the reception of
abundantly. Christ, recalls the mystery of Christ, makes present
In the liturgy, how do we participate in these the mystery of Christ, and the communion of the
wonderful works of the Triune God? Holy Spirit.

 In the New Testament, the word “liturgy” Works of the Holy Spirit: prepare Christ
refers not only to the celebration of divine To centrepiece of liturgical celebrations is the holy
worship (priest) but also to the eucharist (highest form of prayer); the other
proclamation of the Gospel (prophet) and liturgies for example, the celebrations of the
to active charity (kingly).

sacraments, devotion, blessings, processions, and

the liturgy of the hour, are ordered to it.

2. Catholic Liturgy is Ecclesial (means

Conscious, active and fruitful participation
of everyone.
3. Catholic liturgy is Sacramental
All things in the liturgy signify the sacred
e.g: Shell w/ water: baptism
Fire w/dove: sac. Of confirmation
Blood n body: eucharist
Cross: anointing of the sick
Ring: Matimony/marriage
Veil: Sacred order
Jar: anointing of the sick
4. Catholic Liturgy is Ethical
1. The liturgy related directly to moral life
2. St.Augustine said: “That we become
what we eat” if kan.on ta si kristo,
mamayo ta na tao. (body of christ)
3. All ministries in the church are
essentially ministries of presence

It must be preceded by evangelization, faith

and conversion. Its fruits in the lives of the
faithful; new life in the Spirit.

5. Catholic Liturgy is Eschatological

- the reign of God

 Importance of the liturgy
 Why does the liturgy have priority
in the life of the church and of the
The liturgy is the summit toward
which the activity of the church is
directed; it is also the fount from
which all her power flows.

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