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A Thesis Proposal
Presented to the Faculty of
Polomolok, South Cotabato

In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the Degree of
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
Major in Marketing Management



December 2020

Chapter I



Marketing is a business term that experts have defined in dozens of different

ways. In fact, even at company level people may perceive the term differently. Basically,

it is a management process through which products and services move from concept to

the customer. It includes identification of a product, determining demand, deciding on its

price, and selecting distribution channels. It also includes developing and implementing

a promotional strategy. (

Moreover, consumer Buying Behavior refers to the actions taken (both on and

offline) by consumers before buying a product or service. This process may include

consulting search engines, engaging with social media posts, or a variety of other

actions. It is valuable for businesses to understand this process because it helps

businesses better tailor their marketing initiatives to the marketing efforts that have

successfully influenced consumers to buy in the past. (

Notre Dame-Siena College of Polomolok is a school in Polomolok, South

Cotabato, Philippines. It started as Notre Dame of Polomolok (NDP) but changed its

name to Notre Dame-Siena College of Polomolok from the opening of its college

department in 2004. Notre Dame-Siena College of Polomolok has been a member of

the Notre Dame Educational Association, a group of Notre Dame Schools in the

Philippines under the patronage of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The college offers a

complete pre-school, grade school, and high school education and a

selected college education programs. Notre Dame-Siena College of Polomolok, Service

Education Department is already operating sixteen years now. It is noticeable that the

number of the college enrollees is quite low comparing to the other colleges operating in

the municipality of Polomolok. The number of enrollees for the Academic Year 2017-

2018 is 23, for the AY: 2018-2019 is 54, for AY: 2019-2020 is 155 and for this AY: 2020-

2021 there are 156 enrollees.

Thus this study will focus on the influence of advertisement and consumer buying

behavior. The researcher is interested to look into the relationship of advertisement on

consumer buying behavior to the first year students of Notre Dame Siena College of


Statement of the Problem

This study aims to describe the significant relationship of influence of

advertisement on consumer buying behavior of first year students of Notre Dame-Siena

College of Polomolok.

1. What is the level of influence of advertisement to the first year college students of

ND-SCP in terms of:

1.1 printed advertising; and

1.2 non-printed advertising

2. What is the status of Consumer buying behavior of first year college of ND-SCP in

terms of:

2.1 economic determinants

2.2 psychological determinants

2.3 sociological determinants

3. Is there any significant relationship between influence of advertisement and

consumer buying behavior of first year college students of ND-SCP?

Null Hypothesis

The influence of advertisement to the respondents does not have any significant

relationship on their buying behavior.

Theoretical Framework

This study was anchored on Hitesh Bhasin’s 5 advertising theory. This theory

explained that advertising has numerous objectives which includes communicating with

potential customers as well as persuading them to adopt a particular product or develop

a preference towards the product for repeat purchase which ultimately results

in brand loyalty. Advertising Theory or theories therefore try to explain how and why

advertising is effective in influencing behaviors and accomplishing its objectives. The 5

advertising theory: 1) the mediation of reality- Ads are effective when steered with

other media and setting which they are entrenched. 2) Shifting loyalties- Ads know

how to play upon and replicate clashed loyalties that keep on changing. 3) The magic

of meaning- This explains how ads are used in infusing the meaning of the products to

the users in addition to selling. 4) The hidden message-Ads are used in manipulating

and unconsciously misleading the public. 5) Imitative desire- Ads have a way of

playing upon consumer’s tendency to want what other people also

wish. (

Another theory incorporated to the consumer buying behavior was created by

Martin Fishbein and Icek Ajzen in the late 1960s, the Theory of Reasoned Action

centers its analysis on the importance of pre-existing attitudes in the decision-making

process. The core of the theory posits that consumers act on behavior based on their

intention to create or receive a particular outcome. In this analysis, consumers are

rational actors who choose to act in their best interests. According to the theory,

specificity is critical in the decision-making process. A consumer only takes a specific

action when there is an equally specific result expected. From the time the consumer

decides to act to the time the action is completed, the consumer retains the ability to

change his or her mind and decide on a different course of action.


Conceptual Framework

Figure 1 on page 5 shows the schematic presentation of the conceptual

framework of the study.

The first box represents the independent variable which is advertisement used by

the school and the second box represents the dependent variable, the consumer buying


An advertisement (often shortened to advert or ad) is the promotion of a product,

brand or service to a viewership in order to attract interest, engagement and sales.

Advertisements come in many forms, from copy or Printed Advertisement to interactive


videos or apps or non-printed advertisements. A research by the Wharton School of

Business found that it is not what media you choose that is the secret to advertising

success. Success depends on getting enough time to the right audience for the correct

message. Newspapers, magazines, direct mail and yellow pages are among the print

advertising media. Forms of non-print media include radio, television and the Internet.

Mobile advertising, the newest addition, has furtted.

Consumer buying behavior refers to the study of customers and how they

behave while deciding to buy a product that satisfies their needs. It is a study of the

actions of the consumers that drive them to buy and use certain products. There are

three factors that's identified as determinants of consumer buying behavior namely;

economic determinants, psychological determinants and sociological determinants. The

economic determinant refers on the financial capacity of the consumer. The

psychological determinant is the perception of the consumer towards the school, while

the sociological determinant is the influence of the society to the consumer.

Independent Variables Dependent Variables

Influence of Consumer Buying

Advertisement Behavior

Significance of the Study

The researcher will provide knowledge about the correlation of the influence of

advertisement and consumer buying behavior of Mindanao OP-Siena Schools. The

study will be significant to the following sectors.

To Other Educational Institution, the results of this study will serve as basis in

improving the marketing strategy considering the consumer buying behavior.

To Notre Dame Siena College of Polomolok, its result could be useful to their

management especially. It could be a basis for school administrators in improving the

advertisement that will result to better consumer buying behavior.

To the Researchers, this study is relevant to their field of specialization:

Bachelor of Science in Business Administration major in Marketing Management

because, advertisement is the best way to market products. Thus, this study will help

the researchers understand the relationship and impact of advertisement to the

consumer buying behavior.

To the Future Researchers, this study will help and serve as a reference for the

future studies.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

The respondents of the study will be the first year college student of Notre Dame

Siena College of Polomolok (NDSCP). The data will be based on the structured

questionnaire answered by the respondents. The study will be conducted from


November 2020- December 2021. The study will be limited Notre Dame Siena College

of Polomolok ( NDSCP) level of influence of advertisement and buying behavior. The

respondents of the study will be the official enrolled first year college students of Notre

Dame Siena College of Polomolok AY 2020-2021. This study would like to know the

significant relationship between influence of advertisement and buying behavior.

Definition of Terms

Advertisement. Conceptually, this refers to the techniques and practices used to bring

products, services, opinions, or causes to public notice for the purpose of persuading

the public to respond in a certain way toward what is advertised. It is the promotion of a

product, brand or service to a viewership in order to attract interest, engagement and

sales. Advertisements come in many forms, from copy to interactive video, and have

evolved to become a crucial feature of the app marketplace. Operationally, this refers to

the independent variable of the study.

Consumer buying behavior- Consumer Buying Behavior refers to the actions taken by

consumers before buying a product or service. Operationally, this refers to the

dependent variable of the study.

Economic Determinants. Conceptually, this refers to the consumers’ financial capacity

or it is the personal income (individual's purchasing power), family income (total

purchasing power of the family), the future income expectations (expected increase or

decrease in availability of disposable income), and availability of liquid asset (asset,


which can be converted to cash). Operationally, this refers to one of the indicators in the

dependent variable use in the study.

Marketing- Conceptually, this refers to the action or business of promoting and selling

products or services, including market research and advertising. Operationally, this

refers to the marketing program used by Notre Dame-Siena College of Polomolok.

Non-printed Advertising. Conceptually, this refers to the advertisements that are

printed in hard copy in publications (newspapers, magazines, journals) likely to be read

by your target audience. Operationally, this refers to the one of the indicators of the

independent variable to be used in the conduct of the study.

Printed Advertising. Conceptually, this refers to the form of marketing that uses

physically printed media to reach customers on a broad scale. Ads are printed in hard

copy across different types of publications such as newspapers, magazines,, brochures,

or direct mail. Operationally, this refers to the one of the indicators of the independent

variable to be used in the conduct of the study.

Psychological determinants. Conceptually, this refers to the person's individual

characteristics, such as cognitions, beliefs and motivation that could potentially be

associated with. Operationally, this refers to the one of the indicators of the dependent

variable to be used in the conduct of the study.

Sociological determinant. . Conceptually, this refers to the influence of the society to

the consumer to buy or consume the product or services. Concerning the development,

structure, and functioning of human society. . Operationally, this refers to the one of the

indicators of the dependent variable to be used in the conduct of the study.


Chapter II


This chapter presents the significant readings of the researcher on the different

topics, which are found useful in the development of this study.

Printed Advertising.

According to a study of Grossman, James (2006), Printed advertising may be

pre-printed on printable paper sheets and leaving a printable field free of printed

advertising on each of the plurality of sheets. The partially-printed paper is distributed to

a plurality of users. Users access a website to confirm acquisition of the partially-printed

paper. The website records usage of the partially-printed paper and increases a credit

account associated with the user based on usage of the partially-printed paper. In an

alternate method, the printed advertisement is formatted for marginal printing on

printable paper sheets by a user's printer when a registered user downloads printed

information via the Internet. A website records printing of the advertising information

formatted for marginal printing and increases a credit account associated with the user

based on printing of the advertising information formatted for marginal printing.

Also, Dayag, Danilo T. (2008) conducted a study. One of the most ubiquitous

discourses is advertisements. When we watch TV in the comfort of our living rooms, we

are bombarded with ads; when we read a newspaper or magazine, somehow our

attention is distracted by one form of an ad or another. On our way to school or office,

we come across ads in various shapes or colors. Indeed, advertising, whether print,

broadcast, or any other type, is part of our everyday lives.

Also, according to Scott burton, et al. (2000) Using the no advertising exposure

condition as a baseline, exposure to the advertising sale flyer results in more than a 100

percent increase in the number of advertised products purchased and dollar amount

spent on promoted products.

. Cocoran and Keiran (2011) also asserted that printed advertisement has a

promotional function as medium to advertise a product. It implicitly persuades people to

create demand of product which is being advertised

According to Sabrina Bresciani (2017) Brand logos can provide affective

reactions before any promotional activity is carried out. This is particularly relevant for

start-ups that might not have the budget for branding grabs attention, makes

a strong first impression, is the foundation of your brand identity, is memorable,

separates you from competition, fosters brand loyalty, and is expected by your


In addition, in the Philippine market, numerous apparel brands exist and

customers are confronted with many choices. Many companies advertise their brand

aggressively so that it will be recalled and preferred over others. Although there are

various approaches to advertising, the use of endorsers to increase an advertisement’s

persuasiveness is very common. Most apparel brands use magazines and news paper

advertisements to promote and hire famous celebrities to endorse their products.

(Rodriguez, Karina, 2008)

Non-Printed Advertising

According to research conducted by Author links open overlay panel Ali

AbdallahAlalwan (2002) social media is being increasingly used as a platform to

conduct marketing and advertising activities. Organizations have spent a lot of time,

money, and resources on social media ads. However, there is always a challenge in

how organizations can design social media advertising to successfully attract customers

and motivate them to purchase their brands. Thus, this study aims to identify and test

the main factors related to social media advertising that could predict purchase

intention. The conceptual model was proposed based on three factors from the

extending Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT2)

(performance expectancy, hedonic motivation, and habit) along with interactivity, in

formativeness, and perceived relevance. The data was collected using a questionnaire

survey of 437 participants. The key results of structural equation modelling (SEM)

largely supported the current model’s validity and the significant impact of performance

expectancy, hedonic motivation, interactivity, in formativeness, and perceived relevance


on purchase intentions. This study will hopefully provide a number of theoretical and

practical guidelines on how marketers can effectively plan and implement their ads over

social media platforms.

Moreover, social network are online communities of people who typically share a

common interest or activity. They provide a variety of ways for user to interact with each

other---blogs, e-mail,-instant messaging and news feeds which contain information

about,or valuable to those in your network. They are powerful in their ability to facilitate

communication. Examples of social networking sites includes Face books and the

Professional networks, LinkedIn, Twitter, Google+, etc., In general, when user join a

social networking site they create a profile of themselves. The profile describe their

interest and activity. Once the profile is setup user connect with “friends”(other user)who

gave similar interest by searching the network, or inviting others to join. (Mr.S.Karthik,


Advertisers are enthusiastically integrating social media into their advertising

programs to drive digital engagement. For example, stating “digital engagement is key

to us,” sports brand Adidas recently announced it will focus its marketing efforts

exclusively on digital and social channels (McCarthy 2017). The effectiveness of such

digital engagement programs is usually assessed with social media monitoring tools

providing quantitative metrics, such as the number of likes, shares, comments, opens,

views, followers, or clicks, as indicators of level of engagement or valence of

engagement (positive or negative comments). Growth among these engagement

metrics is often thought to stem from creative execution of ads. With A/B testing, for

example, various colors, calls to action, background images, photos, and the like are

juxtaposed to examine which option best stimulates engagement (Scheinbaum 2016).

According to Ralph B. McNeal, Jr. (2002) Extracurricular activities provide a

channel for reinforcing the lessons learned in the classroom, offering students the

opportunity to apply academic skills in a real-world context, and are thus considered

part of a well-rounded education.

David S. Evans (2012), states that non-printed advertising is provided by a series

of interlocking multisided platforms that facilitate the matching of advertisers and

consumers. These intermediaries increasingly make use of detailed individual data,

predictive methods, and matching algorithms to create more efficient matches between

consumers and advertisers.

According also to Dianna Mill (2013) the Findings indicate that future alumni

engagement strategies should address the following elements: Communication, loyalty,

and social professional interactions. The results of this study provide academic

programs with a sound process from which they can successfully launch

comprehensive data driven alumni engagement initiatives While

In the addition, the 2016 presidential contest is widely considered as the first

“social media election” in the Philippines. At the same time, it remains unclear if or how

social media helped Rodrigo Duterte mobilize voters to gain victory. There are three

main social media campaigning models: broadcast, grassroots, and self-actualizing.


Analysis of twenty million activities and 39,942 randomly sampled comments across the

official Facebook pages of key presidential candidates supports the grassroots model

as Duterte's profile was the most engaged, even if Duterte himself was not actively

engaged. Such inconsistencies raise the prospect that Duterte's online prominance was

fabricated by paid trolls and fake accounts. Instead, our analysis suggests that Duterte's

digital fanbase was, at least in part, a reflection of offline, grassroots political support. In

particular, data from an original survey of 621 respondents suggests that Duterte

supporters were not only aggressive in their support for Duterte online, they were also

more committed to him offline as well. These findings add to a growing literature on

social media and politics that seeks to understand the broader ecosystem of online

political discourse, rather than focusing on the actions and strategies of political

campaigns. They also underscore the fine line between fabricated support and genuine

political fervor. (Sinpeng, A et al. 2020)

Economic Determinants

According to Junja Prachi (2010), Economic Determinants are personal income

(individual’s purchasing power), family income (total purchasing power of the family),

the future income expectations (expected increase or decrease in availability of

disposable income), availability of liquid asset (asset, which can be converted to cash),

consumer market credit (if market conditions are good credit easily available) and social

class (effluent class, upper-middle class, middle class, etc.).

Moreover, impulse buying as an unplanned purchasing decision is influenced by

several factors. This study explores the relationship between store atmosphere and

impulse buying behavior (IBB). It also examines how demographic variables such as

age, gender, and education affect the relationship between store atmosphere and IBB.

Mall intercept technique was used to collect data from over seven hundred shoppers

from eighteen mega stores in Pakistan using self administered questioners. In order to

analyze the data and test the Hypothesis, Structure Equation Modeling (SEM) technique

was used. The results suggest that store atmosphere has positive relationship and

significant influence on IBB. Additionally, it reveals that only one demographic variable

i.e. age has substantial influence on IBB while other variables such as gender and

education bear insignificant relationship with IBB. Age moderates the relationship

between store atmosphere and IBB. This study is a valuable addition in the existing

literature and the findings of the study would be helpful in making different selling and

retailing decisions. From a managerial perspective, it is recommended that marketers

and the retail managers can considerably enrich the IBB through improving the store

environments. In contrast to the common studies that research the impact of store

atmospheres on IBB, this research mainly takes into account the demographic variables

as moderators. (Umair Akra, et al. (2010).

According to Mironova, M. V. (2019) Designing accessible courses is important

because it provides educational opportunities to all students. course is important to

improve your performance in a given career. In order to acquire more advanced and

better skills, many people today go for these professional courses. It further gives you

confidence along with basic information.

In addition, it is not possible to increase the economic and social well-being, to

live healthy and strong for working properly unless a society can be fedan adequate and

balanced. An adequate and balanced dietis not only essential requirement for the vital

activities of individuals but also it is a basic condition for the development of the whole

society. To ensure adequate and balanced diet, consumers need to consume animal

foods is inevitable. Also, one of the most important requirements for a healthy and

balanced diet should be around 40-50% animal originated of daily consumed protein

(Gogus,1986; Gokalp, 1986). Meral UZUNÖZ1, (2010)

Micheal S. McPearson (1999) also states that by subsidizing a college education

and covering most of its costs, the government drives prices higher, increasing the

overall price for students—and taxpayers. Making college more affordable involves a

structural change to get the government out of higher ed and a commitment from

colleges to control costs. quality free education will equip all children and give them the

ability to compete fairly for life opportunities

According to a study of Mohammad Naquibur Rahman, et al (2011) The impact

of advertisement can be seen very clearly in various ways on Saudi consumers in the

Kingdom. The impact of the investigate of modern advertisement on Saudi consumers

and how it influences the purchase behavior of consumers. This outlines the challenges

and given rise to the new business economic order giving a boost to the sale and

purchase in the indigenous market as internet, and mobile facilities are available.

Furthermore, this highlighted that a new global culture with a new socio-economic setup

has cropped up with set up of preference and options that could cater to global taste

requirement and outlook.


In addition, According to Lukluk Argita Munif (2013), Advertising provides

economic value to society in many ways. It enhances buyer decision making by

providing information and by supporting brand names. It provides an efficient means for

firms to communicate with their customers. Such a function is particularly important in

the introduction of new products.

Psychological Determinants

A study cited by Jenny Gallagher (2015) Media and advertising in the 21st

century are unavoidable to consumers. Many research studies have examined the

profound effects of advertising and its influence on shifting attitudes, evoking emotions,

and modifying lifestyle choices. Not only does advertising play a significant role in the

consumption of goods and services, it also has the ability to activate social identities by

providing cues to consumers about who they are and what they should be.

Advertising plays a major role in modern life. It shapes the attitudes of the society

and the individual and inevitably influences customer behaviour. The customer has to

contend with a huge amount of information and be able to make a choice, draw

conclusions and make important decisions. The most important task for a business

advertising itself is to present its product in such a manner that the whole environment

around the buyer turns into a positive emotional stimulus. The main goal of advertising a

certain product or service is to attract the customer’s attention and analyse the impact of

advertising on customer behaviour, which is determined by a multitude of aspects,


although the psychological-cognitive, emotional and behavioural-ones play the most

important role. (Sandra Jakštienė et al. (2011)

According to Simonson et al., (2012) Career guidance helps learners understand

their strengths and weaknesses and then match them with their skills and interests so

that they can get the best suitable career choice. The main purpose of career guidance

is for learners to make educational, training and occupational choices. Choosing a

career is one of the most important decisions you will make in life. It's about so much

more than deciding what you will do to make a living. Many people don't put enough

effort into choosing occupations or pick them for the wrong reasons.

According to a study by Flynn (2016), Students had the option of evaluating each

professor concurrently during the course, or waiting until the course ended. Students

were allowed to change their minds before the evaluations were finalized at the end of

the course.

In addition, Skepticism towards TV advertisements targeted at children may drive

prudent parents to limit their children’s exposure to these commercials. Parental

mediation strategies are among the approaches parents resort to in restricting their

children’s TV viewing. This correlational study investigated Filipino parents’ attitudes

towards TV advertising and the controls parents imposed on their children’s television

viewing. The study hypothesized those parental attitudes towards TV advertising

correlate with parental controls on their children’s TV viewing. Two hundred fifty parent-

child dyads participated in a face-to-face survey conducted in early 2011 among urban

middle-income households in Cebu City, Philippines. The results show that on average,

parents maintained a moderately negative attitude towards TV advertising. Majority of


the parent’s restricted their children’s TV viewing, mostly by scheduling and limiting the

TV viewing times to prioritize study and sleeping hours. However, there are no

significant correlations between the scores of parents’ attitudes towards TV advertising

and the controls they impose on their children’s TV viewing. The study concludes that

parental controls over their children’s TV viewing are due to reasons other than the

parents’ evaluation of the undesirable impact of TV advertising. The results of this study

identify implications to policy makers, marketers, advertisers, children’s advocacy

groups, academicians and parents. Keywords: Social Science, TV advertising, parents’

attitudes, parental controls, descriptive-correlational design, Philippines. (James Arnold

Estrelloso Nogra( 2012))

Sociological Determinants

According to MSc. Semra Bujari (2013) Consumer behavior belongs within the

scope of delicate issues in theoretical marketing concepts of marketing. The main

reason for such treatment of specific issues derives from human individuality in the

decision making process for purchasing. From the complexity of human nature, arise

challenges in their efforts to look at the internal motives of consumers, their

psychological elements and conditions, the internal psychological determinants of

behavior, but also the influence of culture, social class, family, lifestyle, as external

sociological determinants, regardless of the particular autonomous characteristics of

being socially exposed to certain environmental impacts that are undoubtedly of great

importance to one’s behavior as a consumer. On the other hand, there is a series of

hidden motifs for which their oversight is necessary because they are crucial to the

decision-making process. Having this in mind, the researchers focused their objectives

on analyzing the determinants of consumer behavior in the decision-making process to

be marketed.

Moreover, Social advertising uses information about consumers' peers, including

peer affiliations with a brand, product, organization, etc., to target ads and contextualize

their display. This approach can increase ad efficacy for two main reasons: peers'

affiliations reflect unobserved consumer characteristics, which are correlated along the

social network; and the inclusion of social cues (i.e., peers' association with a brand)

alongside ads affect responses via social influence processes. For these reasons,

responses may be increased when multiple social signals are presented with ads, and

when ads are affiliated with peers who are strong, rather than weak, ties. (eytan bakshy,

dean eckles, rong yang, itamar rosenm (2010).

We conduct two very large field experiments that identify the effect of social cues

on consumer responses to ads, measured in terms of ad clicks and the formation of

connections with the advertised entity. In the first experiment, we randomize the number

of social cues present in word-of-mouth advertising, and measure how responses

increase as a function of the number of cues. The second experiment examines the

effect of augmenting traditional ad units with a minimal social cue (i.e., displaying a

peer's affiliation below an ad in light grey text). On average, this cue causes significant

increases in ad performance. Using a measurement of tie strength based on the total

amount of communication between subjects and their peers, we show that these

influence effects are greatest for strong ties. Our work has implications for ad

optimization, user interface design, and central questions in social science research.

According to J. H. Meyer (1998) alumni plays an active role in voluntary

programs like mentoring students in their areas of expertise. An effective alumni

network assures the alumni as a significant stakeholder by making them actively

participate in the institution's developmental activities. Alumni serve many valuable

roles, such as helping to build and grow an institution's brand through word-of-mouth

marketing. For instance, positive posts on social media can create buzz and increase

application rates. Colleges also rely on alumni to provide mentoring, internships, and

career opportunities to students.

According also to Adina-Petruta Pavel, (2012 Advertising promote social

messages and life style through illustrating the position of ideal consumer and stimulate

social action toward purchase of that product. Advertising spending also creates

positive impression about a brand in the minds of the consumers. Catholic schools

place a strong emphasis on the social and emotional well-being of students, teaching

fundamental skills necessary for wellbeing and life effectiveness. These skills improve

the quality of learning and life of young people and the communities in which they learn

and grow

According to Hornik and Jacob (2010), Groups that influence the choice of

consumers are typically sorted into workgroups, shopping groups, friendship groups,

and families. Upbringing also plays a role in career formation. If your parents were

uneducated or always struggling to get by financially, you may decide you're never

going to be in the same position. This may prompt you to pursue a vastly different

career path, looking for stable, high-earning jobs.


According also to Hamid and Rashid (2013) Advertising promote social

messages and life style through illustrating the position of ideal consumer and stimulate

social action toward purchase of that product. Advertising spending also creates

positive impression about a brand in the minds of the consumers. Advertisements also

help the consumers to make decisions regarding which product and service to buy. With

the help of advertisements, a consumer gets the best possible options.

Lastly, according to patricia besana (2018), there are 67 million social media

users in the Philippines. That is 70.28% of the country’s population! Imagine your

business being seen by half of that count and the potential conversions you can have.

This is why businesses are incorporating the use of social media marketing. If you aren’t

using it the right way, then you are a few steps behind other businesses. Whether you

an entrepreneur, business owner, leader, decision-maker or a person who is interested

in starting up their own business soon, this article may be a good read. Here are some

of the reasons why Social Media Marketing is needed by every business in the


Chapter III


This chapter presents the research design, research locale, research

respondents and sampling procedure, instrumentation, data gathering and statistical


Research Design

This study will utilize a combination of descriptive quantitative and correlation

research design. Through a survey questionnaire, the researchers would like to know

the perceptions of the first year college students on the influence of advertisement on

consumer buying behavior.

Research Locale

This study will be conducted at Notre Dame Siena College of Polomolok.. The

school is run by the Dominican Sisters of St. Catherine of Siena and is a member of

the Notre Dame Educational Association (NDEA). At present, NDSCP provides basic

and higher education programs. Its basic education department includes the Senior

High School (SHS) program, offering Academic, Technical-Vocational-Livelihood

(TVL), and Arts and Design strands. For college students, the institution has degree

courses in the areas of Teacher Education, Business, and Information Technology.

Respondents of the Study

Respondents of the study will be the first year college students who are officially

enrolled at Notre Dame Siena College of Polomolok (NDSCP) AY 2020-2021.

Sampling Techniques

Purposive sampling technique will be used in the determination of respondents.

There will be 156 officially enrolled first year college students. Descriptive statistics will

be used to come up with the respondent’s perceptions regarding with the influence of

advertisement to their buying behavior. Inferential statistics specifically the pearson-r

correlation coefficient will be used to describe the relationship between the influence of

advertisement and the consumer’s buying behavior.

Research Instrumentation

To gather the needed data, the researcher will use a structured questionnaire

adapted questionnaire developed by the researchers. In seeking to assess condition

and status of the effects of advertisement on consumer buying behavior of first year

college students of NDSCP. Structured questionnaire is a document that consists of a

set of standardized questions with a fixed scheme, which specifies the exact wording

and order of the questions, for gathering information from respondents.

Validity and Reliability of Questionnaire

Since the instruments used were adapted, they were subjected to validation to

validation by experts for further comments and suggestions to ensure validity. This will

be done to suit the questionnaire to the environment where the study will be conducted.

These will be presented to group of persons by virtue of their expertise and qualification.

The validators will be given copies of the instrument with an attached content validation


The evaluators will rate the instrument based on the following set of criteria: 1)

the clarity and appropriateness of the language used to the expected respondents; 2)

the presentation and organization which determined whether the items of the

questionnaire were well-organized that they entirely covered what was intended for, 3)

appropriateness or suitability of the items for the topic investigated; 4) adequacy of

items per category which determine the number of question per area is respectively

enough of the question needed of the research; 5) attainment of the purpose which was

constructed and lastly; 6) the scale and evaluation rating system which determine scale

adapted is appropriate for items.

After its validation, the said questionnaires were ready for the reproduction of the

suggestions or recommendation of the validators and were ready for the reproduction of

the final copies.

To ensure reliability, the researcher consistently used the said instrument to

gather the needed data.

Data Gathering Procedure

Upon the retrieval of the instrument, the researcher will tally the answers base on

manual scoring to determine the profile of the respondents, status of the influence of

advertisement, and the consumer buying behavior of first year college students of

NDSCP as variables of the study.

After the permit has been approved by the school president, the researcher will

personally administer the questionnaire to the subjects and will be retrieved right after

they will answer the questionnaire. The data will be gathered and consolidated. The

consolidated date will be referred to the statistician for analysis.

Data Analysis

Upon the retrieval of the instrument, the researcher will tally the answers based

on manual scoring to determine the effects of advertisement to the buying behavior of

the students.

To determine the Influence of Advertisement and The consumer buying behavior

of first year students of NDSCP the options were, 5-Strongly Agree; 4-Agree; 3-Neutral;

2-Disagree; and 1- Strongly Disagree. Typically, the highest score on the scale

determine the status of the influence of advertisement and the consumer buying

behavior of first year college students of NDSCP.

To analyze the influence of advertisement, the researcher will prepare the

following indicators: Entertainment, familiarity, social imaging, spending, buying

motives, consumer preferences, purchase intention, buying habits and consumer habits.

The same will be done to analyze the consumer buying behavior of first year college

students of NDSCP. After which the researcher will interpret the results, and with the

help statisticians, tables will be made.

Statistical Treatment

The statistical tools will be used in the interpretation of the data included

frequency counts and percentages.


Frequency count will be used to tally the responses of the respondents to items

in the instrument for both the organizational climate and teachers’ performance.

Percentage will be used to determine the lowest and highest status

organizational climate and teachers’ performance.

Pearson’s correlation coefficient will be used by the researchers to measure the

statistical relationship of the influence of advertisement and consumer buying behavior

of first year college students of Notre Dame-Siena College of Polomolok.

Chapter IV


This chapter presents and analyzes the data gathered in the study. The various

results are presented in the succeeding tables with corresponding discussions and


Table 1.1

The Influence of Advertisement on Consumer Buying

Behavior of First Year College Students

Printed Advertisement

Statements 5 4 3 2 1 Total
1. I am familiar with ND-Siena College of
Polomolok because of the flyers given to 0.64 1.03 1.60 0.15 0.01 3.42 Agree
the students.
2. I am familiar with ND-Siena College of
Polomolok because of the brochures Agree
given to the students. 0.64 1.87 1.21 - - 3.72

3. I am familiar with ND-Siena College of

Polomolok because of the board signage Agree
(tarpaulin) posted around the 1.19 2.08 0.69 -.03 - 3.98
4. I am familiar with ND-Siena College of
Polomolok because of the uniforms, Agree
apparels, and souvenir items given to the 1.63 1.72 0.73 - - 4.08
5. I am familiar with ND-Siena College of
Polomolok because of its school name 1.60 2.00 0.54 - - 4.14 Agree
and logo.
6. I am familiar with ND- Siena College of
Polomolok because of the school paper Agree
given to the students. 1.51 1.49 0.94 0.03 - 3.96

7. I am familiar with ND-Siena College of

Polomolok because of the school Agree
magazines give to students. 1.41 1.21 1.00 0.17 - 3.78

Weighted Mean 3.87 Agree

Strongly Disagree =1.00-1.80
Disagree =1.81-2.60
Neutral =2.61-3.40
Agree =3.41-4.20
Strongly Agree =4.21-5.00

Table 1.1 shows the influence of advertisement on consumer buying behavior of

first year college students in terms of printed advertisement. This means that the

college students agreed that the printed advertisement on flyers given to the students

were one of the tools that made them aware of the school’s offering. According to Scott

burton, et al.(2000) Using the no advertising exposure condition as a baseline, exposure

to the advertising sale flyer results in more than a 100 percent increase in the number of

advertised products purchased and dollar amount spent on promoted products. While,

the highest mean shows in statement number five with a mean score of 4.14. This

shows that students are aware of the name and logo of Notre Dame Siena College of

Polomolok. According to Sabrina Bresciani (2017) Brand logos can provide affective

reactions before any promotional activity is carried out. This is particularly relevant for

start-ups that might not have the budget for branding activities.

With an average mean score of 3.87 or described as agree on the influence of

advertisement on consumer buying behavior of first year college student in terms of

Printed advertisement. This means that the school administration is doing well in

advertising and marketing the school by using Printed advertisement such as

magazines tarpaulins and school papers. Cocoran and Keiran (2011) asserted that

printed advertisement has a promotional function as medium to advertise a product. It

implicitly persuades people to create demand of product which is being advertised.


Table 1.2
The Influence of Advertisement on Consumer Buying
Behavior of First Year College Students
Non-Printed Advertisement

Statements 5 4 3 2 1 Total Description

1. I am familiar with ND-Siena College of

Polomolok because of the school activities 2.40 1.72 0.23 - 0.01 4.37 Strongly Agree
implemented every year.
2. I am familiar with ND-Siena College of
Strongly Agree
Polomolok because of the social media ads 2.50 1.38 0.46 - - 4.35
like facebook, instagram, and twitter.
3. I am familiar with ND-Siena College of
Polomolok because of the promotional video 1.19 1.95 0.77 - 0.02 3.92
that can be seen in youtube.
4. I am familiar with ND-Siena College of
Polomolok because of the information drive 1.38 1.74 0.87 - - 3.99
or “recoreda” implemented by the school
during the pandemic.
5. I am familiar with ND-Siena College of
Polomolok because of the contribution of the 1.35 2.05 0.65 - - 4.05
school during the pandemic.
6. I am familiar with ND-Siena College of
Polomolok because of the contribution of the 1.03 1.72 1.10 - - 3.84
alumni in the locality during the pandemic.
7. I am familiar with ND-Siena College of
Polomolok because of the annual school to 1.51 1.79 0.75 - - 4.05
school campaign.
Weighted Mean 4.08 Agree

Strongly Disagree =1.00-1.80
Disagree =1.81-2.60
Neutral =2.61-3.40
Agree =3.41-4.20
Strongly Agree =4.21-5.00

Table 1.2 shows the influence of advertisement on consumer buying behavior of

first year college students in terms of non-printed advertisement. It is shown in the table

that the statement number 6 is the lowest among seven statements with a mean score

of 3.84. This means that the non-printed advertisement on the contribution of the alumni

in the locality during the pandemic were one of the tools that made them aware of the

school’s offering. According to Dianna Mill (2013) the Findings indicate that future

alumni engagement strategies should address the following elements: Communication,

loyalty, and social professional interactions. The results of this study provide academic

programs with a sound process from which they can successfully launch

comprehensive data driven alumni engagement initiatives While, the highest mean

shows in the statement number one with a mean score of 4.37, which means that the

college students are aware of the school activities implemented every year. According

to Ralph B. McNeal, Jr. (2002) Extracurricular activities provide a channel for reinforcing

the lessons learned in the classroom, offering students the opportunity to apply

academic skills in a real-world context, and are thus considered part of a well-rounded


With an average mean score of 4.08 or described as agree on the influence of

advertisement on consumer buying behavior of first year college student in terms of

non-printed advertisement. This means that the school administration is doing well in

advertising and marketing the school through various activities that is participated each

year and with the help of social media in promoting the school. According to David S.

Evans (2012),  Non-printed advertising is provided by a series of interlocking multisided

platforms that facilitate the matching of advertisers and consumers. These

intermediaries increasingly make use of detailed individual data, predictive methods,

and matching algorithms to create more efficient matches between consumers and


Table 2.1
The Influence of Advertisement on Consumer Buying
Behavior of First Year College Students
Economic Determinant
Total Description
Statements 5 4 3 2 1
1. I am convinced to enroll in ND-
Siena College of Polomolok because Agree
0.64 1.59 1.04 0.19 0.03 3.49
it offers affordable tuition fee despite
the threat of pandemic.
2. I am convinced to enroll in ND-
Siena College of Polomolok because Strongly
3.91 0.87 - - - 4.78 Agree
of the financial subsidy offered from
the national government.
3. I am convinced to enroll in ND-
Siena College of Polomolok because Strongly
1.83 2.13 0.31 - - 4.26 Agree
of its accessible location due to
community lockdown.
4. I am convinced to enroll in ND-
Siena College of Polomolok because Strongly
1.76 2.13 0.35 - - 4.24 Agree
of the no registration fee scheme
offered due to pandemic.
5. I am convinced to enroll in ND- Strongly
Siena College of Polomolok because 2.37 1.95 0.12 - - 4.44 Agree
it offers academic scholarships.
Weighted Mean 4.24
Strongly Disagree =1.00-1.80
Disagree =1.81-2.60
Neutral =2.61-3.40
Agree =3.41-4.20
Strongly Agree =4.21-5.00

Table 2.1 shows the influence of advertisement on consumer buying behavior of

first year college students in the terms of Economic Determinants. It is shown in the

table the three least statements and these are; statement number one with a mean

score of 3.49 statement number four with a mean score of 4.24, and statement number

three with a mean score of 4.26 which indicate that college students are well aware of

the tuition fees and accessibility of Notre Dame Siena College of Polomolok despite the

threat of the pandemic. According to Mironova, M. V. (2019) Designing accessible


courses is important because it provides educational opportunities to all students. While

the statement number two has the highest mean among five statements with a mean

score of 4.78. This indicates that the college students are well aware of the financial

subsidy offered from the national government. According to Micheal S. McPearson

(1999) By subsidizing a college education and covering most of its costs, the

government drives prices higher, increasing the overall price for students—and

taxpayers. Making college more affordable involves a structural change to get the

government out of higher ed and a commitment from colleges to control costs

Base on the result, with an average mean score of 4.24, economic determinants

of the influence of Advertisement on consumer buying behavior of first year college

students. This means that the economic determinant helps the students in choosing to

enroll in NDSCP despite the threat of pandemic because of the government subsidy,

affordability and accessibility of the school. According to Lukluk Argita Munif (2013),

Advertising provides economic value to society in many ways. It enhances buyer

decision making by providing information and by supporting brand names. It provides an

efficient means for firms to communicate with their customers. Such a function is

particularly important in the introduction of new products


Table 2.2
The Influence of Advertisement on Consumer Buying
Behavior of First Year College Students
Psychological Determinant
Statements 5 4 3 2 1 Total Description
1. I am convinced to enroll in ND-
Siena College of Polomolok because Strongly
it offers quality tertiary education 3.40 0.97 0.19 0.03 - 4.59 Agree
despite the threat of pandemic.
2. I am convinced to enroll in ND-
Siena College of Polomolok because Strongly
it employs competent teaching 2.66 1.56 0.19 0.03 - 4.44 Agree
3. I am convinced to enroll in ND- Strongly
Siena College of Polomolok because 2.40 1.85 0.13 0.03 - 4.41 Agree
it offers in demand courses.
4. I am convinced to enroll in ND-
Siena College of Polomolok because Strongly
it provides up-to-date school facilities 3.65 0.59 0.33 0.03 - 4.60 Agree
to the students.
5. I am convinced to enroll in ND-
Siena College of Polomolok because Strongly
it provides conducive learning 3.97 0.77 - 0.03 - 4.77 Agree
environment despite the threat of
Weighted Mean 4.56
Strongly Disagree =1.00-1.80
Disagree =1.81-2.60
Neutral =2.61-3.40
Agree =3.41-4.20
Strongly Agree =4.21-5.00

Table 2.2 shows the influence of advertisement of consumer buying behavior of

first year college students in terms of Psychological determinants. It is shown in the

table that statement number three is the lowest among the five with a mean score of

4.41. This means that the college students are well aware of the courses that is being

offered despite the threat of the pandemic. According to Simonson et al., (2012) Career

guidance helps learners understand their strengths and weaknesses and then match

them with their skills and interests so that they can get the best suitable career choice.

The main purpose of career guidance is for learners to make educational, training and

occupational choices.

Base on the result, with an average mean score of 4.56, and interpreted as

strongly agree, this means that the psychological perception of the students that the

school offers quality education, competent teaching personnel and up to date school

facilities helped them in choosing to enroll in NDSCP. According to a study by Flynn

(2016), Students had the option of evaluating each professor concurrently during the

course, or waiting until the course ended. Students were allowed to change their minds

before the evaluations were finalized at the end of the course.

Table 2.3
The Influence of Advertisement on Consumer Buying
Behavior of First Year College Students
Sociological Determinant
Statements 5 4 3 2 1 Total Description
1. I am convinced to enroll in ND-
Siena College of Polomolok because 1.06 1.95 0.85 0.04 - 3.89 Agree
it offers quality Catholic education.
2. I am convinced to enroll in ND-
Siena College of Polomolok because 0.99 1.51 1.06 0.05 0.04 3.66 Agree
of the influence of my parents.
3. I am convinced to enroll in ND-
Siena College of Polomolok because 0.61 1.72 1.13 0.04 0.05 3.55 Agree
of the influence of my relatives.
4. I am convinced to enroll in ND-
Siena College of Polomolok because 1.44 1.05 0.83 0.22 0.06 3.60 Agree
of the influence of my peers.
5. I am convinced to enroll in ND-
Siena College of Polomolok because 0.61 0.92 1.19 0.33 0..08 3.14 Agree
of the influence of the alumni.

Weighted Mean 3.57 Agree

Strongly Disagree =1.00-1.80
Disagree =1.81-2.60
Neutral =2.61-3.40
Agree =3.41-4.20
Strongly Agree =4.21-5.00

Table 2.3 shows the level of influence of advertisement on consumer buying

behavior of first year college students in terms of sociological determinants. It is shown

in the table that the statement number five is the lowest among the five with the mean

score of 3.14. This means that the students are aware of the influence by the alumni in

choosing to enroll in Notre Dame Siena College of Polomolok. According to J. H. Meyer

(1998) alumni plays an active role in voluntary programs like mentoring students in their

areas of expertise. An effective alumni network assures the alumni as a significant

stakeholder by making them actively participate in the institution's developmental

activities. While, the highest means shows that statement number one with a mean

score of 3.89, which means the college students are well aware in choosing Notre

Dame Siena College of Polomolok chose because it offers quality catholic education.

According to Adina-Petruta Pavel, (2012 Advertising promote social messages and life

style through illustrating the position of ideal consumer and stimulate social action

toward purchase of that product. Advertising spending also creates positive impression

about a brand in the minds of the consumers. Base on the result, with an average mean

score of 3.57, and interpreted as agree means that majority of the students chose to

enroll in Notre Dame Siena College of Polomolok because it offers quality catholic

education and because of the influence of family and friends who is studying in NDSCP.

According to Hornik and Jacob (2010), Groups that influence the choice of consumers

are typically sorted into workgroups, shopping groups, friendship groups, and families.

Table 3

Relationship between the Influence of Advertisement on Consumer Buying

Behavior of First Year College Students

Variables Computed Tabular Decision Interpretation

Value Value
Influence of
t High Positive
-0.73 0.70-0.90 Reject
Consumer correlation
(-+)0.90 – 1.00 = Very high positive correlation
(-+)0.70 – 0.90 = High positive correlation
(-+)0.50 – 0.70 = Moderate positive correlation
(-+)0.30 – 0.50 = Low positive correlation
(-+)0.00 – 0.30 = Negligible correlation

Table 3 shows that the computed value of (-+ 0.78) was interpret as high positive

correlation. Therefore, reject HO which means that there is significant relationship

between the influence of advertisement towards consumer buying behavior. According

to Hamid and Rashid (2013) Advertising promotes social messages and life style

through illustrating the position of ideal consumer and stimulate social action toward

purchase of that product. Advertising spending also creates positive impression about a

brand in the minds of the consumers.


Chapter V

Summary of Findings, Conclusion and Recommendation

Summary of Findings

This chapter presents the summary, findings, conclusions and corresponding

recommendations based on the result of the study.


This study identifies the influence of advertisement on consumer buying behavior

of first year college students.

One hundred and fifty-six (156) first year college students were the respondents

of this study. These are the first-year college students of NDSCP for the School Year

2020-2021. They were selected through a purposive sampling technique, in which all of

the first-year college students are enrolled in SY 2020-2021 were selected as


This study is basically qualitative design specifically correlational approach.

Quantitative data were generated through a survey questionnaires administered to one

hundred fifty-six (156) respondents of first year college students of Notre Dame Siena

College of Polomolok. The researchers made a documentary review of related literature

and studies in order to provide bases for analyzing data.


For quantitative data analysis, the following statistician measures were used:

frequency counts, mean and weighed mean.


The following were the major findings of the study.

1. Majority of the first-year college students agreed to enroll in NDSCP because of

the flyers and tarpaulins that are given and printed around the municipality.

2. Majority of the first-year college students agreed to enroll in NDSCP because of

the school name and logo

3. Majority of the first-year college students agreed to enroll in NDSCP because of

the activities implemented every year.

4. Majority of the first-year college students agreed to enroll in NDSCP because of

the school activities being implemented every year.

5. Majority of the first-year college students agreed to enroll in NDSCP because of

social media platforms and promotional video posted on youtube.

6. Majority of the first-year college students agreed to enroll in NDSCP because of

the affordable tuition fees offered by the school despite of the threat of pandemic.

7. Majority of the first-year college students agreed to enroll in NDSCP because of

the accessibility of the school during the time of pandemic.

8. Majority of the first-year college students agreed to enroll in NDSCP because

despite the threat of pandemic, they offer quality tertiary education.


9. Majority of the first-year college students agreed to enroll in NDSCP because of

the up-to-date school facilities of the school.

10. Majority of the first-year college students agreed to enroll in NDSCP because

competent teaching personnel and offers in demand courses

11. Majority of the first-year college students agreed to enroll in NDSCP because the

school offers quality catholic education.


Based on the findings of the study the following conclusions were made:

1. Some of the first year college students agreed to enroll in Notre Dame Siena

College of Polomolok because the students are well aware of the flyers that

was given to them and the tarpaulins that are posted all over the municipality.

2. Some of the first year college students agreed to enroll in Notre Dame Siena

College of Polomolok because the students are well aware of the logo and

the name of the school.

3. Some of the first year college students agreed to enroll in Notre Dame Siena

College of Polomolok because the students are well aware of the school

activities implemented every year.

4. Most of the first year college students strongly agree to enroll in Notre Dame

Siena College of Polomolok because the students are well aware of the

school activities implemented every year.

5. Most of the first year college students strongly agree to enroll in Notre Dame

Siena College of Polomolok because the students are well aware of the

promotional videos and advertisements that was posted all over the social

media platforms.

6. Most of the first year college students strongly agree to enroll in Notre Dame

Siena College of Polomolok because the students are well of the financial

subsidy given by the national government.

7. Most of the first year college students strongly agree to enroll in Notre Dame

Siena College of Polomolok because the students are well aware of the

accessibility of the school despite the threat of the pandemic.

8. Most of the first year college students strongly agree to enroll in Notre Dame

Siena College of Polomolok because the students are well aware of the no

registration fee and its academic scholarship offered by the school.

9. Most of the first year college students strongly agree to enroll in Notre Dame

Siena College of Polomolok because the students are well aware that the

school provides conducive learning environment despite the threat of the


10. Most of the first year college students strongly agree to enroll in Notre Dame

Siena College of Polomolok because the students are well aware that the

school has up to date school facilities despite the threat of the pandemic.

11. Most of the first year college students strongly agree to enroll in Notre Dame

Siena College of Polomolok because the students are well aware that the

school offers quality tertiary education and competent teaching personnel

despite the threat of the pandemic.


12. Some of the first year college students strongly agree to enroll in Notre Dame

Siena College of Polomolok because the students are well aware that the

school offers quality catholic education.

13. Some of the first year college students strongly agree to enroll in Notre Dame

Siena College of Polomolok because the students are well aware of the

influence of their family, friend and other alumni


Based on the findings and conclusion of the study the following

recommendations are given:

1. Notre Dame Siena College of Polomolok should invest more on printed

advertisements such as Flyers and tarpaulins and post it all over the municipality

to reach the students on different barangays.

2. Notre Dame Siena College of Polomolok should produce more magazines that

are given to the students outside the school for them to be informed about the

programs and facilities offered by the school.

3. Notre Dame Siena College of Polomolok should create more promotional videos

and post it not only on top social media platforms but also on Youtube.

4. Notre Dame Siena College of Polomolok should encourage more of the alumni to

participate on the activities of the school regarding pandemic.

5. Notre Dame Siena College of Polomolok should do annual school to school

campaign to attract more students from different barangays to enroll.

6. Notre Dame Siena College of Polomolok should not increase their tuition fees for

them to compete with other schools in regards in the affordability of tuition fees.

7. Notre Dame Siena College of Polomolok should continue the no registration fee

scheme and utilize the financial subsidy of the government to attract more

students to enroll in NDSCP.

8. Notre Dame Siena College of Polomolok should continue to offer quality tertiary

education and continue to deploy highly competent teaching personnel despite

the threat of the pandemic

9. Notre Dame Siena College of Polomolok should continue to maintain a

conducive learning environment and up to date school facilities

10. Notre Dame Siena College of Polomolok should continue offering quality catholic

education despite of the threat of the pandemic.

11. Notre Dame Siena College of Polomolok should encourage its alumni and

students to convince other students or their relatives and friends to enroll in


12. Notre Dame Siena College of Polomolok should give incentives to the students

who can recruit or attract new students to enroll in NDSCP.

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