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i) Many organs together perform a

particular function : Organ system

ii) Number of bones present in an adult

human body: 206

iii)Number of bones present at the

time of birth: 304
iv)Number of bones present in the skull : 22

v) The important organ protected by skull: Brain

vi) The only bone which is not fixed in the

skull: Lower jaw

vii) The cage of bones around the chest :

viii) The organs protected by ribcage :
Heart and lungs
ix) Number of bones present in the rib
cage : 12 pairs

x) A flat bone located in the front part of

the ribcage : Sternum
xi)A series of small bones which form the
backbone of the human body :
Vertebrae/Vertebral column

xii)Number of small bones present in the

Vertebral column : 33

xiii) The long bone of upper arm :

xiv)The two bones of lower arm :
Radius and Ulna
xv)The longest powerful bone of the upper leg
: Femur
xvi) Soft and fatty substance present inside the
bone: Bone marrow

xvii) The longest bone in our body :

Thigh bone/Femur
xviii)The smallest bone : Stirrup

xix)The strong elastic tissues which

hold the bones together: Ligaments

xx)The joint which helps the bones to

move in one direction : Hinge joint
xxi) The joint which allows movement in
all directions : Ball and Socket joint

xxii) The joint which allows us to bend,

twist and turn : Gliding joint

xxiii) The joint which enables the head to

move up ,down and side ways : Pivot joint
xxiv) Number of muscles present in
our body : More than 600
xxv)Soft and stretchy band of tissues :
xxvi) Strong muscle fibres attached to
the bones : Tendons
xxvii) The strong tissues present in
joints which hold the bones together:
xxvii) The muscles of the heart :
Cardiac muscles
xxix) The muscles that are under our
control : Voluntary muscles
xxx) The last 2 pair of ribs : Floating ribs
xxxi) The jaw which enables you to talk and
eat : Lower jaw
B . Give two examples of each :-
i) Vital organs of our body :
Brain ,Heart
ii) Organ systems of our body :
Digestive system , Skeletal system

iii) Bones of lower arm : Radius , Ulna

iv) Bones of lower leg : Tibia , Fibula

iv)The types of joints : Movable , Immovable
v) The hinge joint : Elbows , Knees
vi) The ball and socket joint: Shoulder , Hip
vii) Gliding joint : Wrist , Ankle
viii) Voluntary muscles: Arms , Neck
ix) Involuntary muscles:
Muscles of stomach and intestine
C . Tick the correct options:
I)I protect the brain. I am made up of
bones which are fused firmly together to
form a shell-like structure. What am I ?
a) Skull
b) Rib cage
c) Spine
d) Sternum
ii) Look at the diagram carefully.
Which are the organs the given
bones protect ?
a) Only i) and ii) i)Stomach
b) Only i) and iii) ii) Lungs
c) Only ii) and iii) iii) Liver
d) Only ii) and iv)
iv) Heart
iii) Look at the picture given below carefully.
Which joints Meera using to move her head ?
a) Pivot
b) Hinge
c) Gliding
d) Ball and socket
iv)Which of the following parts of the
human body has involuntary muscles?
a) Legs
b) Arms
c) Neck
d) Intestine
v) Which of the following movements
does not involve the use of muscles
and joint ?
a) Nodding of head
b) Blinking of eyes
c) Bending of fingers
d) Kneeling down
vi) Observe the figure and identify X
a) Femur
b) Humerus
c) Ulna
d) Tibia
vii) The given diagram shows the upper arm with its muscles.
Which of the following shows the correct labelling of P ,Q and
a) Bone Muscle Joint

b) Bone Muscle Joint


Bone Muscle Joint


d) Bone Muscle Joint

viii) What enables us to swing our arms
as shown in the picture ?
a) Ball and socket joint
b) Pivot joint
c) Hinge joint
d) Gliding joint
ix) The diagram shows a part of the
Skeletal system. Which part of the body
do these bones protect ?
a) Brain
b) Kidneys
c) Spinal cord
d) Lungs
x) Observe the figure .
Identify the part X ?
a) Blood
b) Bone
c) Organ
d) Muscle
xi) We are able to stand upright because
a) We do not have a tail.
b) Our backbone holds the body vertically
c) We only have two legs.
d) Our head bones are light.

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