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FINAL Assignment


Department of Biochemistry and Microbiology

North South University


Name: Flora Alam NSU ID: 2012048648

SAQ 15 marks

Advice to Students

 Write your name on the exam paper and on any additional sheets of paper that you request from the invigilator.
 Read the instructions at the front of the exam paper relating to which sections, and how many questions per section, should be answered.
 Read the question fully before attempting to answer it (i.e. understand what is being asked of you. Formats may change between modules e.g.
sometimes MCQ's have only one answer, sometimes several - read instructions!).
 Short answers mean just that - be concise (bullet points, explanatory diagrams).
 Try to answer all the questions that you have been asked to - do not leave blanks attempts at answers may prove to be correct - there is no
negative marking. 
Final Assessment
Marks: 15.Time:24Hours70

C) Answer ALL of the following questions i n the space provided below. [5 X 3 = 15 marks]
1 A . What are flippases? [2 mark]
Ans: Flippases are transmembrane lipid carrier proteins found in the layer which have a place with ABC carrier or P4-
type ATPase families. Flippases are portrayed as carriers that move lipids from the exoplasmic to the cytosolic face, while
floppases transport the converse way.Flippases are portrayed as carriers that move lipids from the exoplasmic to the
cytosolic face, while floppases transport the opposite way. Numerous cells keep up deviated circulations of phospholipids
between their cytoplasmic and exoplasmic film pamphlets.

B. What is biotechnology? Give two examples of successful use of biotechnology. [3 marks]

Ans: Biotechnology is the part of applied science that uses living beings and their subsidiaries to deliver items and
cycles.Biotechnology organizations get their items from the extraction or then again control of living organic entities, and
contain a significant industry area in the economy
The objective of biotechnology is to deliver drugs by utilizing living beings like bacterial cells, yeast, mammalian cells, and
so forth, that are set in culture to create substances with pharmacological movement, like monoclonal antibodies for the
treatment of tumors.Biotechnology is the utilization of natural frameworks found in life forms or the utilization of the living
creatures themselves to make mechanical advances and adjust those advances to different fields. Illustration of
Wellbeing: Referred to as red biotechnology, it has united the assets in nature and man's own hereditary code and cosmetics
to recuperate, just as support further exploration by decreasing paces of contamination, saving large number of kids' lives,
expanding the chances and length of life for those with hazardous sicknesses, limiting wellbeing dangers and results of
therapies, infection location strategies, and fighting genuine ailments and regular dangers in creating spaces of the world.
Food: Green biotech assists with taking care of the world by creating higher harvest yields, decrease the utilization of
horticultural synthetic compounds prompting less overflow of these items into the climate, lessening the plowing of
farmland, creating crops with improved nourishment profiles that settle nutrient and supplement lacks, creation of allergen
and poison free food varieties, and substantially more.
2 .A Write two biological significance of the pentose phosphate pathway. [3 marks]
Ans: Presently compose two biological significance of the pentose phosphate pathway -
(I) It gives elective course to starch breakdown.
(ii) It creates NADPH particles which are utilized as reductants in biosynthetic cycles under conditions when NADPH
atoms are not produced by photosynthesis. It is particularly significant in non-photosynthetic tissues, for example, in
separating tissues, ger-minating seeds and during times of murkiness. Creation of NADPH isn't connected to ATP age in
pentose phosphate pathway.
(iii) It gives Ribose sugars to the union of nucleic acids.
(iv) It assumes significant part in obsession of CO2 in photosynthesis through Ribulose-5-Phosphate.
(v) It gives Erythrose-4-phosphate which is needed for the blend of shikimic corrosive. The last is forerunner of sweet-
smelling ring compounds.

B. Why Citric acid cycle is called an amphibolic pathway? [2 marks]

Ans: Citric acid cycle is called an amphibolic pathway because the citric acid cycle functions in both catabolism and
anabolism , we consider it an amphibolic pathway. The citric acid cycle assumes a vital part in cell breath, has numerous
interconnections with different pathways, and accommodates interconversions of various metabolites. The TCA cycle is
amphibolic it fills in as a catabolic and an anabolic pathway. Responses that use intermediates of the cycle as antecedents
for the biosynthesis of different atoms are as per the following. This response happens in the cytoplasm and is a wellspring
of acetyl-CoA for unsaturated fat biosynthesis.
3. A Write the overall equation of the formation of FADH2 and NADH from the oxidation of one
molecule of palmitoyl-CoA. [2 marks]
Ans: Unsaturated fat oxidation delivers more moles of ATP per mole of CO2 framed than does starch oxidation. Once
inside the mitochondrial lattice, palmitoyl-CoA may go through β-oxidation. The full oxidation of palmitic corrosive (or
palmitoyl-CoA) brings about 8 acetyl-CoA's, 7 NADH, 7 H+ , and 7 FADH2.The full response is underneath:
Palmitoyl-CoA +7CoA-SH + 7NAD+ + 7FAD - > 8Acetyl-CoA + 7NADH + 7H+ + 7FADH2.

B , What is the fundamental difference between oxidative phosphorylation and

photophosphorylation? [3 marks]
Ans: Contrasts between oxidative phosphorylation and photophosphorylation:
Oxidative phosphorylation:
Happens during breath .
Happens inside mitochondria.
Shade frameworks are not included.
ATP is created from ADP and inorganic phosphate by using energy delivered during electron transport.
Sub-atomic O2 is needed for terminal oxidation. .
ATP particles created are delivered into the cytoplasm and these energyatoms are utilized to do different metabolic responses
of the cell.
In, Photophosphorylation :
Happens during photosynthesis.
Happens inside chloroplast
Color frameworks (PS-I and PS-II) are included.
Daylight is the outer fuel hotspot for photophosphorylation.
Sub-atomic O2 isn't needed for photophosphorylation
ATP particles created are utilized to fix CO2 to sugars in dim response.

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