HUL Session 1

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What should he talk about, will clarify a few myths, tell a few stories

Read record and raise

Answer questions with the theme of slides

1. Do extroverts make better hr or women or some particular personality

Not really. Himself an introvert. Never a barrier. Duty as hr- do in the interest of biz growth. Deliver
value to biz by mining insights about ppl in business. Where biz heading. How hr can add value.
Every function needs you to talk to ppl. Don’t make roadblocks, each one has own strengths, can
study data closely and then check it and validate with people. Different styles of every one. No
relation to gender. Not only about extroverts.

2. Growth in HR restrictive- only a support function so slower growth

and others he know, don’t differentiate in money or promotion for any function. Management
trainee, every one has same growth velocity. Sometimes, hr may even be faster. Suppose one
joins from xl from hr and bm. Hr trainee would join as branch hr lead, part of regional leadership
and biz partner is the regional head. Now directly partnering with skip level management, access
to top view and strategic conversations better, how to leverage it, have to learn. Nothing wrong
in being called a strategic function. Frontline and those that help the front line. Doesn’t make
intelligence teams any less important. No shame in being called a support function, its critical. No
basis of such perceptions, brush it away.

Snide remarks about arranging Friday parties, would get pissed. No need to do that. Ppl engrossed
in the general perception, very niche field, everyone doesn’t get it. don’t correct the perception,
as long as confident in adding value and raising the bar in what value they can add. Value hr
partner, when people are senior leaders. Grapple with leadership issues, need someone to consult
with as they get more experience. Why bother justifying our profession to others who don’t
practice it, thought by other field people.

In hul, understand the value bring to the table, the close relaation to the leadership and cant do
without us. Respect the profession myself

3. Is hr still at a stage, have to ask for a seat

Every team has hr partner.

4. Difference between hul HR and others

Hr has teeth part of decision making, don’t take it for granted. Can walk to a leader and say we
think this is wrong, hr has own resources, don’t need to ask for money. Businesses reach out for
what they need as talent and then they work together. Culture at organization regarding matters.
Has teeth deep in the business.

Businesses are black and white, roi is pretty clear. Hr is grey, use of ability to draw insights is higher
and started to realize and respect profession.

5. Hr facilitate discussions, don’t take decisions.

Not really like that. One person doesn’t take decisions, in groups. By getting multiple point of
views. One person is assigned chair who takes decisions, but hr also that sometimes. Leaders don’t
want to show vulnerability, role as coach to biz leader. Ultimately leader took the decision but
behind the screen hr partner helped. Build that credibility by understanding business, their
language, concerns in terms of hardwired business KPIs. Not only people management issues.

Will have the ear of the biz leader and can really influence them. For them only HR partner is
neutral, they confide and take decisions together.

6. Automation will take away much of hr functions

Will take away repetitive functions, but true across all sections. But ai cannot do selection because
it learns and starts cloning. Don’t need to worry much. Take away the least. Lot of judgement
involved; tech can’t do that. Bot can mine consumer insights, data etc. But can’t look at leadership
roles and judge whether person good for that role. Facilitator, negotiator, coach, role of judgment,
automation won’t take away

7. Hr can be done by people with soft skills no technical skills needed.

Negotiating skills, etc good to have, technical skills directly relevant are obviously needed but
other things important as well.

Really high performing biz leaders also underperform in other areas; you observe other hr leaders.
Build skills at your stage, behaviour change, psychology, etc. should we have certified HR
professional and what would that entail.

Spend time in factory, with sales team etc as management trainee. Then shift gears and work with
comp and benefit team. Design campus interventions, employee relations, think of future

In the first 5 years, 2-3 roles but not consulting companies. Need to have edge in thinking, need
to make impact and give value. Need to be able to conceptualise, work with team, demonstrate
leadership, deliver experiment, see results and then learn and then add value.

Year 1 will get grip at what is at hand. Year 2 will implement grand plans. Combo of having variety
of experiences and make impact. Fmcg in the business of getting things done. Atleast 2 years in
every role and max 3 because fatigue sets in, then understanding comes what kind of hr leader
want to become.

8. What kind of roles

Leading learning and talent, hr business partner for finance or marketing, employee brand
manager then more complex work, reward and learning etc. get as many experiences in the first
10 years, global experience promoted. Or head down more general hr path.

You are chro of region that you partner, be all end all. Business partner doesn’t care who supports
you. Buck stops with you.

9. How to become ceo

What pressure to do that. Nothing different than doing your best work as a professional not as hr
only. We are all management professionals.

Need to be authentic and act with speed, ppl doesn’t like when you take them for a ride. Be direct.
Speaks truth to power, be the person who is authentic.

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