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Sec: Star SC MECHANICS Date: 29-04-2021

1. Choose the correct statement from the following:
A) Velocity of centre of mass of a system must be equal to velocity of the particle whose
position coincides with centre of mass
B) Kinetic energy of a system is minimum in a frame fixed to centre of mass
C) For a system of particles net work done by all the forces must be equal to work done
by the net force
D) A non-conservative force must be dissipative in nature
2. A car is travelling at a speed of u  10 m / s on a straight road. The driver applies
brakes to stop the car at a constant retardation of 2 m / s 2 . Find displacement of the
car in a time interval of 6s after the brakes started applying.
A) 24 m B) 25 m C) 96 m D) 75 m
3. A body moves along a path PQR from P to R (shown as dashed line in figure). When the
particle is at Q, its speed is decreasing. The acceleration of the particle at Q is best
represented by the vector.(A, B, C and D are vectors)

A) A B) B C) C D) D
4. A particle moves in a circle of radius r  2 cm at a speed given by v  4t , where v is in cm/s
and ‘t’ is time in second. Find its acceleration at time t  1s .
A) 4 cm / s 2 B) 8 cm / s 2 C) 12 cm / s 2 D) 4 5 cm / s 2
5. Two cones A and B of equal base area and height are arranged as shown in figure. A is a
solid uniform cone whereas B is a hollow uniform thin conical shell without base. If
centre mass of the system of two cones lies on the common base, find the ratio of their

A) 3 / 4 B) 4 / 3 C) 3 / 8 D) 8 / 3
6. A block of mass m is released on a wedge of mass 2m which rests on a rough horizontal
surface. There is no friction between the block and the wedge. The minimum coefficient
of friction between the wedge and the ground so that the wedge does not move is
A) 0.167 B) 0.20 C) 0.23 D) 0.33
7. A block A of mass mA  10 kg is placed on a large plank B of mass mB  10 kg friction
coefficient between A and B is  AB  0.4 and that between B and ground  Bg  0.1 . The
block A is given an initial velocity of u A 10 m / s . Assuming that A does not fall off B,
find the time after which the friction stops acting.

A) 2s B) 3s C) 5/3s D) 5s
8. Two blocks A and B of mass mA  3 kg and mB  2 kg are connected by means of an ideal
string which passes over a frictionless pulley. If the system is released, find the
acceleration of centre of mass of system of two blocks.


A) 0.4 m / s 2 B) 2 m / s 2 C) 4 m / s 2 D) 0.2 m / s 2
9. A particle is thrown with a velocity u at an angle  with the horizontal surface. The
coefficient of restitution between particle and floor is e. Assume that the floor is

A) Time of flight of the particle for the entire motion is infinity

2u sin 
B) Time of flight of the particle for the entire motion is
g 1  e 
C) Displacement of the particle for the entire motion form the point of projection is infinity
u 2 sin 2
D) Displacement of the particle for the entire motion form the point of projection is
g 1  e 
10. Choose the correct statements(s)
A) Newton’s law’s of motion is not valid in non-inertial frames of reference
B) Work energy theorem is not valid in non-inertial frames of reference
C) A frame of reference fixed to centre of mass must be an inertial frame
D) A system under external forces violates the principle of conservation of linear
11. Three particles A, B and C are projected from the top of a building of height ‘h’ with
equal speeds ‘u’ each. A is projected vertically downwards, B is projected horizontally
and C is projected at an elevation angle of  . Let vA , vB , and vC be the speeds of the
particles just before reaching the ground and, t A , t B & tC be the times of flight of A, B and C
respectively. Then,
A) vA  vB  vC B) vA  vB  vC C) t A  tB  tC D) t A  t B  tC
12. A block of mass m slides down on a rough surface starting from rest at A and stopping at
B. Vertical and horizontal displacements of the block are h and l respectively. Let  be
the coefficient of friction between the block and the surface. Choose the correct

B  l
A) Loss in mechanical energy of the block is mgh B) Net work done by friction is – mgh
C) Magnitude of work done by friction on the block is  mgl
D) Magnitude of work done by friction on the surface is less than mgh.
13. A particle is moving along a straight line under an acceleration varying linearly with
time. Its velocity time graph is as shown in figure. Its velocity reaches its maximum value
at t  3sec . Consider its motion for t>0s

A) The particle comes to rest at t=7s B) The particle comes to rest at t=6s
C) Acceleration of the particle at t=0s is m / s2
D) Acceleration of the particle when it comes to rest is -1 m/s2
14. Four forces act on a point object. The object will be in equilibrium if
A) All of them are in the same plane B) They are opposite to each other in pair
C) The sum of x, y and z components of force is zero separately
D) They form a closed figure of 4 sides when arranged in order with head of one vector at
the tail of the next vector.
15. A particle of mass 5 kg moving in the X-Y plane has its potential energy given by
U   7 x  24 y  Joule. The particle is initially at origin and has

velocity u  14.4iˆ  4.2 ˆj  m / s .
A) The particle has speed of 25 m/s at t  4sec B) The particle has acceleration 5 m / s 2
C) The acceleration of particle is normal to its initial velocity
D) The force corresponding to U is non-conservative in nature.
16. Two blocks each of mass 1 kg are placed as shown. They are connected by a string which
passes over a smooth (mass-less) pulley. There is no friction between m1 and the ground
and the coefficient of friction between m1 and m2 is 0.2. A force F is applied to m2 .
Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct?  g  10 m / s 2 

A) The system will be in equilibrium if F  4 N

B) If F  8 N , then tension in the string will be 6N
C) If F  4 N , then frictional force between the blocks will be 2N
D) If F  6 N , then tension in the string will be 3N.
17. Two particles, P of mass 2m and Q of mass m, are subjected to mutual force of attraction
and no other force acts on them. At t=0, P is at rest at point O and Q is moving away
from O with a speed 5u. At a later instant t=T (before any collision has taken place), Q is
moving towards O with speed u. Then,
A) Momentum of particle P at t = T is zero.
B) Momentum of particle P at t = T is 6mu.
C) Work done by the force of attraction during 0  t  T is 12 mu 2
D) Work done by the force of attraction during 0  t  T is -3 mu 2
18. The lengths of sides of a cuboid are a, 2a and 3a.If the relative percentage error in the
measurement of any length of magnitude a is 1%, then find the relative percentage error
in the measurement of volume of cube.
19. A particle is moving in x-y plane. At certain instant of time the components of its
velocity and acceleration are as follows. vx  3 m / s, v y  4 m / s, ax  2 m / s 2 and a y  1 m / s 2 .
Find the rate of change of speed at this moment in (m/s2)
1 B 2 B 3 C 4 D 5 B 6 B 7 D 8 A
9 BD 10 AB 11 BC 12 ABD 13 ACD 14 CD 15 ABC 16 ACD
17 BD 18 3 19 2 20 21 22 23 24

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