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Vitamin A is a vitamin . Good vitamin A include , and .

Vitamin A is to keep your skin . It is also the which helps you to see
in . vitamin A your becomes . The , over the
front of the , also gets . This is called . You can in –
you suffer from night .


Vitamin B is really lots of vitamins . The B vitamins are all . They are in
.............., , , . The B vitamins in the of . These
............. take place in every in your body . They the with . So
without vitamin B your cell run short of . One disease from of
vitamin B is .......... . People with have little and very ................


People with ................. being ................. with ................. sometimes develop a ................. vitamin B6 can take
it daily while taking ................. , or vitamin B6 can be given only to the people who develop .................because
of .................. ................. include ................. or ................. in the ................., ................., .................and being
unable to ..................


Vitamin B12 ( For pernicious anemia only ) is useful for ........ ........ ........ ........ anemia that is almost ........
........ in people ........ 35 years old . Many doctors when it is not ........ , just to give their ........ something.
Do not ........your money on vitamin B12 or let a ........ or a health ........ give it to you ........ a blood ........ has
been done and it has ........ that you have pernicious anemia.


Vitamin C is a ........ vitamin . It is ........ in ........ and many ........ ........ ........ potatoes . But vitamin C is easily
........ by cooking . This is one ........ ........ you should try to ........ ........ , ........ fruit and ........ in your .........
Vitamin C helps to keep skin ........ and ........ . Without it , the skin on the ........ begins to ........ ........ and .........
Wounds in other parts of the ........ cannot ......... This called ........ . ........ used to ........ from ........ on long
sea ........ when they had no ........ ........ to eat.


VITAMIN D is a ........vitamin . It is found in ........, ........ and ......... It can also be made by ........ when ........
falls on it . Vitamin D is ........ to help your body to ........ ........ to make ........ ........ ........ . Without vitamin D
the bones ........ ........ , and ........ . This is called .........
If a ........ child ........ to ........from any ........ of his body (........ , ........ ,… ) this may be ........ by ........ ........
........ vitamin K . ........ 1mg.( 1 ........ ) of vitamin K into the ........ ........ ........ ........ . Do not ........ more , even if
the ........ ........ . In ........ who are ........ very ........ ( under ), an ........ of vitamin K may be ........ to ........
the ........ of bleeding .

VITAMIN K IS ........ ........ TO ........ BLEEDING OF ........ ........ ........


Folic acid can be ........ in the ........ of kinds of ........ in which blood ........ have been ........ in the ........ as in the
........ with ........ . An ........ person who has a ........ ........ or ........ yellow may need ........ ........ , ........ if his ........
doesn’t ........ ........ ........ with ........ ........ . ........ who are ........ ........ ........ and ........ women are anemic often
need ........ ........ as well as .........

Folic acid can be ........ by ........ dark ........ ........ ........ , ........ and ........ or by taking folic acid ......... Usually 2
........ ........ is ........ for ........ ........ in some ........ children with a kind of ........ called ........ may need it for
........ . ........ women who are ........ would be helped by taking ........ ........ ........ daily ........ ........

Adults and children over ........ years : ........ tablets ( 5 mg ).

Children under ........ years : ........tablets ( ½ mg ).

Vitamin C is ........ to help the ........ repair itselt when it is ........ or ........ . It is ........ in ........ , especially
........ ........ like ........ and .........

The B-vitamins ........ the ........ ........ healthy and help ........ ........ . They are ........ in ........ like ........ ........and

Vitamin A keeps the ........ ........ and is ........ for good ........ . It is ........ in ........ foods like ........ , ........ , ........
........ and .........

Calcium ........ needed for ........ bones and teeth to ......... It is ........ in ........ like ........ , ........ and .........

Iron ........ your ........ carry ......... If you do not ........ ........ ........, you ........ be ........ and ........ and you ........ get
........ . Iron ........ found in ........ ........ , especially .........

Zinc ........ your ........ ........ ........ so that you can fight ........ and ........ . It ........ found in ........ , ........ and .........

Vitamin D is needed for healthy ........ and ........ because it helps the body ........ ......... Our body ........Vitamin
D when our ........ is ........ to sunlight.

Omega -3 is an ........ ........ acid which helps your ........ function ......... It is found in ........ fish like ........ ,
........ , ........ and .........

Protein ........ up , ........ and ........ the ........ in your body . Your ........ , your ........ and ........ ........ ........ are
made up mostly of .........

Carbohydrates are ........ which are ........ down by ........ then ........ in the ........ as a source of ........ . Grain
products such as ........ , ........ and ........ are sources of .........

Fats ........ the body and help ........ some ........ . They are also the ........ ........ of hormones and they ........ ........
........ tissue in the body. ........ fats, found in ........ and ........ , for example , are ........ to ........ the ........ ........ .

1.Balance - taking regular exercise.

2.Childhood – small amounts of food that you eat between meals.

3.Diet – sugar that the body uses for energy.

4.Glucose – the time of you life when you are a child.

5.Active – the correct amount of different things.

6.Obesity – the type of foods that you usually eat.

7.Overwight – the condition of being very fat , in a way that is not healthy .

8.Snacks – too heavy and fat.

Diabetes ........ when your body does ........ produce enough ........ , a ........ that ........ the level of ........ in the
........ . One types of ........ appears in ........ , and the orther type appears after the age of .........

It is very ........ for very ........ people to get ........ , so the ........ is linked to ........ . For this ........ , it is ........ to get
the right ........ between ........ and ........ . It is important to be ........ , and to eat a ........ ........, ........ plenty of ........
and ........ . Nutritionist say ........ are better than big .........

1. When the body ........ exchange carbohydrates (........ and ........) into ........ because of ........
imbalance of ........ , the ........ is the ........ disease ........ as ........ ......... The ........ usually produces
insulin on a ........ ......... When the body needs ........ following a ........ or when extra energy is
........ , the pancreas is ........ and it ........ extra insulin into the ........ . If however , the body ........
insulin and ........ is produced, the ........ and sugars cannot be ........ into energy and ........ by the
......... The sugar ........ in the bloodstream and is ........ excerted in the ........ as .........

2. People who have ........ must ........ to help their ........ produce ........ insulin or they take insulin
by ........ . Since diabetics have a ........ ........ of insulin in their body , their amount of food must be
........ also . If the amount of ........ is ........ than the amount of ........ ........ . there will be too much
........ suger left in the ........ . If the amount of ........ is ........ than the amount of the ........ available .
there will not be any ........ for the insulin to metabolize and this will cause other ......... Diabetics
can be ........ but never ......... People with ........ can live ........ and ........ lives if they keep to a ........
and a medication ......... Diagnosis of this disease can only be made by a ........ following ........ tests



Inside the head is the ........, which is responsible for ........ . The top of a person’s ........ is covered with ........ .
Beneath the ........ at the front of the ........ is the ......... Underneath the forehead are the eyes for ........ , the nose
for ........ , and the ........ for eating . On the outside of the mouth are the ........, and on the inside of the mouth
are the ........ for biting and the ........ for ........ . Food is swallowed ........ the ........ . At the sides of the face are
the ........ and the sides of the head are the ........ for hearing . At the bottom of a person’s face is the ......... The
........ is located on the inside of the cheeks and chin. The ........ is what attaches the head to the upper body.

At the top and front of the upper body , just below the ........ is the ......... On the front side of the upper body is
the ........ , which in women includes the ......... Babies ........ on the ........ of their mother’s ......... Beneath the
........ are the ........ and the ........ . The ........ , more commonly referred to as the ........ , is located here as well.
On the inside of the upper body are the ........ for ........ ........ and the ........ for ......... The rear side of the upper
body is called the ........ , inside which the ........ connects the upper body to the .........


The arms are attached to the ........ . Beneath this area is called the ........ or ......... The upper arms have the ........
known as ........ or ......... The joint halfway down the arm is called the ......... Between the ........ and the next joint
, ........, is the ........ , Below the wrist is the ........ with four ........ and one ......... Beside the thumb is the .........
Beside the index finger is the ........, followed by the ........ and the ......... At the ends of the fingers are .........


Below the waist , on left and right ,are the ........ . Between the hips are the ........ ........, the ........ ( male ) or the
........ (female). At the backs of the lower body are the ........ for ........ ........ . They are also commonly referred to
as the ........ ........ or the ........ ( especially with children) . The ........ ........ in the lower body include the ........ for
........ food , the ........ for ........ ........ waste , as well as the ........ and the ......... This area also contains the
woman’s ........ , which holds a ........ when a woman is .........


The top of the ........ is called the ........ , and the joint in the middle of the leg is the ......... The front of the lower
leg is the ........ and the back of the lower leg is the ......... The ........ connects the ........ to the ........ . Each foot
has five ........ . The smallest toe is often called the ........ ........ while the largest one is called the ........ ......... At
the ends of the toes are .........

When I go to the doctor , I tell the ........ my name and take a seat in the ........ ......... My doctor is very busy so I
have to make an ........ before I go to see him. He asks me what’s wrong with me , I tell him the ........ of my
illness , for example high temperature , difficulty in breathing , or pains , and then he will usually ........ me .
He’ll listen to my heart with his ........ , he’ll hold my wrist to feel my ........ , he’ll take my ........ with his .........
The problem is usually something simple and he might give me a ........ for some medicine , which I take to the
........ . Of course , if I needed more serious ......... I’d have to go to hospital. There I’d be put in a bed in a ........
with 10 to 20 other people. If there were something seriously wrong with me . I might need an .......
1. ........ ........ kills bacteria and other germs.

2. ........ ........ protects you against infectious disease.

3. ........ ........ relieves pains.

4. ........ ........ ........reduces swelling.

5........ ........ encourages bowel movements.

6. ........ ........ provides a substance that the body lacks.

7. ........ ........ treats allergies.

8. ........ ........ increases activity in the body.

9. ........ ........ ........ reduces feelings of extreme sadness.

10. ........ ........ makes you relaxed and sleepy.

Paracetamol is ........ for children than ......... It doesn’t cause ........ ........ and can be used ........ of aspirin by
people with ........ .........

Dosage of paracetamol for ........ and .........(500mg,tablets)

Aspirin is a very ........, low-cost ........ or ........ . It helps to calm ........, ........, and reduce ........ . It also helps a
little calm ........ and reduces .........

Many different medicines ........ for ........ , ........ or ........ contain aspirin , but reduce ......... They are more ........
and often do not any more good than ........ .........

1.Poisoning and reactions.

Antibiotics not only kill ........ , but they can also ........ the body, either by ........ it or by causing ........ reactions .
Many people ........ each year because they take ........ which they don’t .........

2. Upsetting the natural balance.

Not all ........ in the body are ......... Some are ........ for the body to ........ ......... ........ often kill the harmful
bacteria along with the ........ ......... Babies who are given antibiotics sometions develop ........ ........ of the ........ (
thrush ) or ........ ( moniliasis) . This is because the antibiotics kill the bacteria that help keep fungus ........ .........

For similar ........ , people who take ........ and other ........ for several days may ........ ......... Antibiotics may kill
some kinds of ........ which are ........ for ........ , ........ the natural balance of bacteria in the .........
3. Resistance to treatment.

The most ........ reason for limiting the use of ........ is that WHEN ANTIBIOTICS ARE USED ........ ........ ,
THEY BECOME ........ ......... When ........ many times by the ........ antibiotics , bacteria become ........ and are
no longer ........ by it. They become ........ to the ......... For this reason , certain ........ ........ like ........ , are
becoming more difficult to ........ than they were a ........ ........ .........

In some places , ........ has become ........ to chloramphenicol , normally the ........ ........ for ........ it .
Chloramphenicol has been used ........ ........ ........ for ........ ........ , ........ for which other antibiotics would be
........ and work as ........ , or for which no antibiotics at all is .........

Do not use ........ for ........ the body can fight ........ by itself.

........ them for when they are ........ .........

1. Penicillin works ........ ........ certain types of ........

2. Tell your ........ that you only ........ medicine if it is ........ ........

3. With ........ children , be very ........ when using ........

4. Take care not to give more the recommended dose of chloramphenicol.

5. Eating yoghurt ........ ........ replace ........ bacteria killed by .........

6. Take ........ ........ with a full glass of ........

7. Never ........ ........ medicine that is ........ ........ ........

8. One ........ the ........ of insullin ........ is .........

9. day need take a to week two for twice she tablets a .

10. Oliver what is on Penicillin dosage of Mr.?

11. medicine he often need does his how ?

12.four drop Mis. 0.5 every each hours ml one eye give in Muben.

13. with mealtimes on day two water times he’s a three tablets at.

14. Fish liver oil is high in Vitamin A.

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