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Vitamins are only needed in very small amounts.

Vitamin are organic substances . They are only needed in very tiny amounts in your diet. They do not
have any energy value at all . But without any one of them , you are likely to get extremely ill.


Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin . Good sources of vitamin A include fish oil , dairy products and carrots .
Vitamin A is needed to keep your skin healthy . It is also used to make the substance which helps you to see in
dim light . Without vitamin A your skin becomes very dry . The conrnea , the covering over the front of the
eye , also gets dry . This condition is called xerophthalmia . You can no longer see in dim light – you suffer
from night blindness.


Vitamin B is really lots of diffent vitamins . The B vitamins are all water – soluble . They are found in
wheat germ , brown flour and rice , yeast extract , liver and kidney . The B vitamins help in the chemical
reactions of respiration . These reactions take place in every cell in your body . They provide the cells with
energy . So without vitamin B your cells run short of energy . One particular disease resulting from lack of
vitamin B is beri-beri . People with beriberi have little energy and very weak muscles


People with tubercolosis being treated with isoniazid sometimes develop a lack of vitamin B6 can take it daily
while taking isoniazid , or vitamin B6 can be given only to the people who develop problems because of its
lack. Signs include pain or tingling in the hands and feet , muscle twitching , nervousness and being unable to
Dosage of vitamin B6 while taking isoniazid : Take one 100mg . tablet daily.


Vitamin B12 ( For pernicious anemia only ) is useful for a rare sort of anemia that is almost never found in
people under 35 years old . Many doctors prescribe it when it is not needed , just to give their patients
something. Do not waste your money on vitamin B12 or let a doctor or a health worker give it to you unless a
blood analysis has been done and it has show that you have pernicious anemia


Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin . It is found in citrus fruits and many fresh vegetable including
potatoes . But vitamin C is easily destroyed by cooking . This is one reason why you should try to eat fresh ,
uncooked fruit and vegetables in your diet. Vitamin C helps to keep skin strong and supple . Without it , the
skin on the gums begins to crack apart and bleed. Wounds in other parts of the skin cannot heal . This disease is
called scurvy . Sailors used to suffer from scurvy on long sea voyages when they had no fresh food to eat.

VITAMIN D is a fat-soluble vitamin . It is found in fish oil , eggs and dairy products . It can also be made
by your skin when sunlight falls on it . Vitamin D is needed to help your body to use calsium to make bones
and teeth . Without vitamin D the bones stay soft , and bend . This is called rickets.


If a newborn child begins to bleed from any parts of his body ( mouth , anus ,… ) this may be caused by a
lack of vitamin K . Inject 1mg.( 1 ampule ) of vitamin K into the outer part of thigh . Do not inject more , even
if the bleeding continues . In babies who are born very small ( under 2kg ), an injection of vitamin K may be
given to reduce the risk of bleeding .



Folic acid can be important in the treatment of kinds of anemia in which blood cells have been destroyed in
the veins as in the case with malaria . An anemic person who has a large spleen or looks yellow may need folic
acid , especially if his anemia doesn’t get much better with ferrous sulfate . Babies who are fed goat’s milk and
pregnant women are anemic often need folic acid as well as iron.

Folic acid can be obtained by eating dark green leafy food , meat and liver or by taking folic acid tables.
Usually 2 weeks treatment is enough for children although in some areas children with a kind of anemia called
thalassemia may need it for years . Pregnant women who are anemic would be helped by taking folic acid
tablets daily throughout pregnancy

Adults and children over 3 years : 1 tablets ( 5 mg ).

Children under 3 years : ½ tablets ( ½ mg ).


Vitamin C is needed to help the skin repair itselt when it is cut or damaged . It is found in fruit , especially
citrus fruit like oranges and grapefruit.

The B-vitamins keep the nervous system healthy and help reduce stress . They are found in foods like
wholegrain bread and cereals.

Vitamin A keeps the eyes healthy and is important for good vision . It is found in fatty foods like butter ,
cheese , whole milk and yoghurt.
Calcium is needed for children’s bones and teeth to grow. It is found in foods like milk , cheese and yoghurt.

Iron helps your blood carry oxygen. If you do not get enough iron, you will be pale and tired and you may get
anemia . Iron is found in red meats , especially liver.

Zinc makes your immune system stronger so that you can fight colds and infections . It is found in shellfish ,
nuts and seeds.

Vitamin D is needed for healthy bones and teeth because it helps the body absorb calcium. Our body makes
Vitamin D when our skin is exposed to sunlight.

Omega -3 is an essential fatty acid which helps your brain function well. It is found in oily fish like
mackerel , sardines , salmon and tuna.

Protein builds up , maintains and replaces the tissues in your body . Your muscles , your organs and your
immune system are made up mostly of protein.

Carbohydrates are sugars which are broken down by enzymes then stored in the cells as a source of energy .
Grain products such as rice , bread and pasta are sources of carbohydrate.

Fats fuel the body and help absorb some vitamins . They are also the building blocks of hormones and they
insulate nervous system tissue in the body. Unsaturated fats, found in oils and nuts , for example , are believed
to protect the cardiovascular system .

1.Balance - the correct amount of different things.

2.Childhood – the time of your life when you are a child.

3.Diet – the type of foods that you usually eat.

4.Glucose – sugar that the body uses for energy.

5.Active – taking regular exercise.

6.Obesity – the condition of being very fat , in a way that is not healthy.

7.Overwight – to heavy and fat.

8.Snacks – small amounts of food that you eat between meals.

Diabetes occurs when your body does not produce enough insulin , a hormone that controls the levels glucose
in the blood . One types of diabetes appears in childhood , and the orther type appears after the age of eighteen.

It is very common for very over weight people to get diabetes , so the illness is linked to obesity . For this
reason , it is important to get the right balance between food and exercise . It is important to be active , and to
eat a healthy diet, containing plenty of fruit and vegetables . Nutritionist say snacks are better than big meals.
1.When the body cannot exchange carbohydrates ( sugar and starches) into energy because of
an imbalance of insulin , the result is the chronic disease known as diabetes mellitus. The
pancreas usually produces insulin on a feedback mechanism. When the body needs insulin
following a meal or when extra energy is needed , the pancreas is alerted and it pumps extra
insulin into the bloodstream . If however , the body needs insulin and none is produced, the
starches and sugars cannot be converted into energy and absorbed by the cells. The sugar
remains in the bloodstream and is eventually excerted in the urine as waste.

2.People who have diabetes must pills to help their pancreas produce more insulin or they take
insulin by injection . Since diabetics have a regular amount of insulin in their body , their
amount of food must be regulated also . If the amount of food is greater than the amount of
insulin available . there will be too much unmetabolized suger left in the blood . If the amount
of insulin is greater than the amount of the food available . there will not be any carbohydrate
for the insulin to metabolize and this will cause other problems. Diabetics can be controlled but
never cured. People with diabetes can live full and productive lives if they keep to a diet and a
medicaton schedule. Diagnosis of this disease can only be made by a physician following
laboratory tests



Inside the head is the brain, which is responsible for thinking . The top of a person’s scalp is covered with
hair . Beneath the hairline at the front of the face is the forehead. Underneath for forehead are the eyes for
seeing , the nose for smelling , and the mouth for eating . On the outside of the mouth are the lips, and on the
inside of the mouth are the teeth for biting and the tongue for tasting . Food is swallowed down the throat .
At the sides of the face are the cheeks and the sides of the head are the ears for hearing . At the bottom of a
person’s face is the chin. The jaw is located on the inside of the cheeks and chin. The neck is what attaches the
head to the upper body.


At the top and front of the upper body , just below the neck is the collar bone . On the front side of the upper
body is the chest , which in women includes the breasts. Babies suck on the nipples of their mother’s breasts.
Beneath the ribcage are the stomach and the waist . The navel , more commonly referred to as the belly
button , is located here as well. On the inside if the upper body are the heart for pumping blood and the lungs
for breathing. The rear side of the upper body is called the back , inside which the spine connects the upper
body to the lower body.

The arms are attached to the shoulders . Beneath this area is called the armpit or underarm. The upper arms
have the muscles known as triceps or biceps. The joint halfway down the arm is called the elbow. Between the
elbow and the next joint , the wrist , is the forearm , Below the wrist is the hand with four fingers and one
thumb. Beside the thumb is the index finger. Beside the index finger is the middle finger, followed by the
ring finger and the little finger. At the ends of the fingers are fingernails.


Below the waist , on left and right ,are the hips . Between the hips are the reproductive organs, the penis
( male ) or the vagina (female). At the backs of the lower body are the buttocks for sitting on . They are also
commonly referred to as the rear end or the bum ( especially with children) . The internal organs in the lower
body include the intestines for digesting food , the bladder for holding liquid waste , as well as the liver and
the kidneys. This area also contains the woman’s uterus , which holds a baby when a woman is preganant.


The top of the leg is called the thigh , and the joint in the middle of the leg is the knee. The front of the lower
leg is the shin and the back of the lower leg is the calf. The ankle connects the foot to the leg . Each foot has
five toes . The smallest toe is often called the little toes while the largest one is called the big toe. At the ends
of the toes are toenails.

When I go to the doctor , I tell the receptionist my name and take a seat in the waiting room . My doctor is
very busy so I have to make an appointment before I go to see him. He asks me what’s wrong with me , I tell
him the symptoms of my illness , for example high temperature , difficulty in breathing , or pains , and then he
will usually examine me . He’ll listen to my heart with his stethoscope , he’ll hold my wrist to feel my pulse ,
he’ll take my temperature with his thermometer. The problem is usually something simple and he might give
me a prescription for some medicine , which I take to the chemist . Of course , if I needed more serious
treatment. I’d have to go to hospital. There I’d be put in a bed in a ward with 10 to 20 other people. If there
were something seriously wrong with me . I might need an operation.
1. An antibiotic kills bacteria and other germs.

2. An inoculation protects you against infectious disease.

3. A painkiller relieves pains.

4. An anti-inflammatory reduces swelling.

5. A laxative encourages bowel movements.

6. A supplement provides a substance that the body lacks.

7. An antihistamin treats allergies.

8. A stimulant increases activity in the body.

9. An antidepressant reduces feelings of extreme sadness.

10. A sedative makes you relaxed and sleepy.

Paracetamol is safer for children than aspirin. It doesn’t cause stomach irritation and can be used instead of
aspirin by people with stomach ulcers.

Dosage of paracetamol for pain and fever.(500mg,tablets)

Aspirin is a very useful, low-cost painkiller or analgesic . It helps to calm pain, lower fever , and reduce
inflammation . It also helps a little calm cough and reduces itching.

Many different medicines sold for pain , arthritis or cold contain aspirin , but reduce itching. They are more
expensive and often do not any –

ood than aspirin alone.

1.Do not use aspirin for stomach pain or indigestion . Aspirin is acid and may make the problem worse. For the
same reason , people with stomach ulcers should never use aspirin.

2. Aspirin cause stomach pain or “ heartburn” in some people. To avoid this , take aspirin with milk, a little
bicarbonate of soda, or a lot of water or together with meals.

3. Do not give more than 1 dose of aspirin to a dehydrated person until he begins to urinate well.

4. It is better not to give aspirin to babies under 1 year old or people with asthama ( this may bring on an attack )

5. Keep aspirin where children cannot reach it . Large amounts can poison them.

- Do not give aspirin to children under 1 year old.

1.Poisoning and reactions.

Antibiotics not only kill bacteria , but they can also harm the body, either by poisoning it or by causing allergic
reactions . Many people die each year because they take antibiotics which they don’t need.

2. Upsetting the natural balance.

Not all bacteria in the body are harmful. Some are necessary for the body to function normally. Antibiotics
often kill the harmful bacteria along with the good ones. Babies who are given antibiotics sometions develop
fungus infections of the mouth ( thrush ) or skin ( moniliasis) . This is because the antibiotics kill the bacteria
that help keep fungus under control.

For similar reasons , people who take ampicillin and other broad-spectrum for several days may develop
diarrhea. Antibiotics may kill some kinds of bacteria which are necessary for digestion , upsetting the natural
balance of bacteria in the gut.

3. Resistance to treatment.

The most important reason for limiting the use of antibiotics is that WHEN ANTIBIOTICS ARE USED
TOO MUCH , THEY BECOME LESS EFFECTIVE. When attacked many times by the same antibiotics ,
bacteria become stronger and are no longer killed by it. They become resistant to the antibiotics. For this
reason , certain dangerous diseases like typhoid , are becoming more difficult to treat than they were a few
years ago.

In some places , typhoid has become resistant to chloramphenicol , normally the best medicine for treating it .
Chloramphenicol has been used far too much for minor infections , infections for which other antibiotics would
be safer and work as well , or for which no antibiotics at all is needed.

Do not use antibiotics for infections the body can fight successfully by itself.

Save them for when they are most needed.

1. Penicillin works only against certain types of infections

2. Tell your doctor that you only want medicine if it is definitely neccessary

3. With newborn children , be very careful when using medicine

4. Take care not to give more the recommended dose of chloramphenicol.

5. Eating yoghurt hepls to replace neccessary bacteria killed by antibiotics.

6. Take this drug with a full glass of water

7. Never use a medicine that is out of date

8. One of the symptoms of insullin shock is perspiration.

9. She needs to take two tablets twice a day for a week.

10. What dosage of Penicillin is Mr.Oliver on ?

11. How often does he need his medicine?

12. Give Mrs.Muben one 0.5 ml drop in each eye every four hours.

13. He’s on two tablets three times a day with water at mealtimes.

14. Fish liver oil is high in Vitamin A.

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