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College of Accountancy and Finance Student Council

CAF Review
FIMA 40023: Security Analysis (Final Examinations)


1. DDM is widely used throughout finance for pricing risky securities and generating
expected returns for assets given the risk of those assets and cost of capital.
2. One of the most popular relative valuation multiples is the price-to-earnings (P/E) ratio.
3. Promissory notes are more formal than bonds.
4. The value of the bonds is equal to the present value of future cash flows that an investor
may expect from the bond, discounted at their desired rate of return.
5. Financial statements are required by law.
6. The cash flow statement also takes into account some non-cash accounting items such as
7. Footnotes are the “arteries” that keep everything connected in financial statement.
8. The value of any financial asset is the present value of the expected cash flows.
9. Stock dividends entails reduction in the resources of the company.
10. A mix of assets provides balance and protects against risk.
11. The Notes to the Financial Statements list the important information that could not be
included in the actual ledgers.
12. If the value obtained from the dividend discount model is lower than the current trading
price of shares, then the stock is undervalued and qualifies for a buy.
13. The annual exercise of rebalancing allows the investor to capture gains and expand the
opportunity for growth in high potential sectors while keeping the portfolio aligned with
the original risk/return profile.
14. A completely transparent market is highly efficient.
15. Active management is a set-it-and-forget-it long-term strategy.


1. Which of these is NOT a key element of portfolio management:

A. Asset Allocation
B. Convertible
C. Rebalancing
D. Diversification
College of Accountancy and Finance Student Council
CAF Review
FIMA 40023: Security Analysis (Final Examinations)

2. ___________ generally involves selling high-priced securities and putting that money to
work in lower-priced and out-of-favor securities.
A. Asset Allocation
B. Convertible
C. Rebalancing
D. Diversification

3. Which of these is/are characteristics of a good market:

I. Transparent
II. Liquid
III. Efficiency
IV. Internal Efficiency
A. I only
B. II and III
C. I, II, IV
D. I, II, III, and IV

4. Which of these is/are components of bonds:

A. Face Value
B. Coupon rate
C. Maturity date
D. All of these

5. It lists all the assets held by a company in addition to the portion of those assets that are
financed by debt or equity.
A. Statement of Comprehensive Income
B. Statement of Cash Flows
C. Statement of Financial Position
D. Notes to the Financial Statements

6. ___________ is commonly referred to as indexing or index investing.

A. Passive Management
B. Portfolio Management
C. Active Management
D. Asset Management
College of Accountancy and Finance Student Council
CAF Review
FIMA 40023: Security Analysis (Final Examinations)

7. _______________ is the art and science of selecting and overseeing a group of investments
that meet the long-term financial objectives and risk tolerance of a client, a company, or an
A. Passive Management
B. Portfolio Management
C. Active Management
D. Asset Management

8. ____________ aims to duplicate the return of a particular market index or benchmark

A. Passive Portfolio Management
B. Portfolio Management
C. Active Portfolio Management
D. Asset Portfolio Management

9. STATEMENT 1: Book Value of Stocks is the amount of net assets that a corporation has
for every share outstanding of its common stock.
STATEMENT 2: Stock Dividends is the earnings distribution in the form of shares of
capital stock.
A. Only Statement 1 is true
B. Only Statement 2 is true
C. Both statements are true
D. Both statements are false

10. STATEMENT 1: Cash flow shows us how the company has performed in managing
inflows and outflows of cash.
STATEMENT 2: Income Statements provides a sharper picture of the company's ability
to pay bills, creditors, and finance growth.
A. Only Statement 1 is true
B. Only Statement 2 is true
C. Both statements are true
D. Both statements are false

11. STATEMENT 1: Horizontal analysis compares data horizontally, by analyzing values of

line items across two or more years.
College of Accountancy and Finance Student Council
CAF Review
FIMA 40023: Security Analysis (Final Examinations)

STATEMENT 2: Vertical analysis looks at the vertical affects line items have on other
parts of the business and also the business’s proportions.
A. Only Statement 1 is true
B. Only Statement 2 is true
C. Both statements are true
D. Both statements are false

12. STATEMENT 1: When bonds are sold for lower than face value, the difference is called
the bond premium.
STATEMENT 2: When bonds are sold for higher than face value, the difference is called
a bond discount.
A. Only Statement 1 is true
B. Only Statement 2 is true
C. Both statements are true
D. Both statements are false

13. STATEMENT 1: A bond issuer has to determine the value of the bonds - the price at
which investors would be willing to buy the bonds.
STATEMENT 2: The value of the bonds is equal to the present value of future cash flows
that an investor may expect from the bond, discounted at their desired rate of return.
A. Only Statement 2 is true
B. Both statements are true
C. Only Statement 1 is true
D. Both statements are false

14. STATEMENT 1: The management fees assessed on passive portfolios or funds are
typically far lower than active management strategies.
STATEMENT 2: Index funds are branded as passively managed because each has a
portfolio manager whose job is to replicate the index rather than select the assets purchased
or sold.
A. Only Statement 2 is true
B. Both statements are true
C. Only Statement 1 is true
College of Accountancy and Finance Student Council
CAF Review
FIMA 40023: Security Analysis (Final Examinations)

D. Both statements are false

15. STATEMENT 1: Investors with a more aggressive profile weight their portfolios toward
more volatile investments such as growth stocks.
STATEMENT 2: Investors with a conservative profile weight their portfolios toward
more stable investments such as bonds and blue-chip stocks.
A. Only Statement 2 is true
B. Both statements are true
C. Only Statement 1 is true
D. Both statements are false

16. It is the “sexy” portion of the financial statements.

A. Income Statement
B. Balance Sheet
C. Cash Flow Statement
D. Notes to the Financial Statements

17. STATEMENT 1: The goal of the DDM formula is to evaluate whether a stock is fairly
valued when its risk and the time value of money are compared to its expected return.
STATEMENT 2: CAPM attempts to calculate the fair value of a stock irrespective of the
prevailing market conditions and takes into consideration the dividend payout factors and
market expected returns.

A. Only statement 1 is true.

B. Only statement 2 is true.
C. Both statements are true.
D. Both statements are false.

18. _______ in the CAPM formula accounts for the time value of money.
A. Beta of a potential investment (β)
B. Expected return of investment (Eri)
C. Expected rate of return on the market E(Rm)
D. Risk-free rate (RFR)

19. Which of the following information is presented in most financial reports?

A. Auditor’s report telling you that the results are accurate
College of Accountancy and Finance Student Council
CAF Review
FIMA 40023: Security Analysis (Final Examinations)

B. Notes to the Financial Statements.

C. Letter to shareholders from the President or CEO
D. All of these

20. STATEMENT 1: Investors often overlook the balance sheet.

STATEMENT 2: Investors tend to focus more on earnings.
A. Only statement 1 is true.
B. Only statement 2 is true.
C. Both statements are true.
D. Both statements are false.

21. This includes a company’s obligation that will come due within the 12 months.
A. Current Assets
B. Current Liabilities
C. Long-term Liabilities
D. Stockholder’s Equity

22. When bonds are sold for higher than face value, the difference is called _________.
A. Bond premium
B. Bond discount
C. Bond yields
D. Bond values

23. Is defined as a certificate of indebtedness.

A. Bond
B. Promissory notes
C. Contract
D. License

24. Spreading risk and reward within an asset class.

A. Diversification
B. Rebalancing
C. Asset allocation
D. Portfolio management

25. STATEMENT 1: Indexing eliminates additional market risk.

STATEMENT 2: There is a possibility of human error in terms of stock selection.
College of Accountancy and Finance Student Council
CAF Review
FIMA 40023: Security Analysis (Final Examinations)

A. Only statement 1 is true.

B. Only statement 2 is true.
C. Both statements are true.
D. Both statements are false.

26. It involves attempting to beat the performance of an index by actively buying and selling
individual stocks and other assets.
A. Portfolio management
B. Passive management
C. Active management
D. Financial management

27. STATEMENT 1: Stock dividends of less than 20% are taken up market value.
STATEMENT 2: Stock dividends of 20% or more are taken up at par value.
A. Only statement 1 is true.
B. Only statement 2 is true.
C. Both statements are true.
D. Both statements are false.

28. Refers to a decrease in par value per share requiring the issuance of additional shares so
that the total par value of the contributed capital remains the same.
A. Stock splits
B. Retained earnings
C. Contributed capital
D. Stock dividend

29. Which of the following are types of relative valuation ratios?

A. Price to free cash flow
B. Enterprise value
C. Operating margin
D. All of these

30. _________ is based on the understanding that different types of assets do not move in
concert, and some are more volatile than others.
A. Portfolio management
B. Asset allocation
C. Rebalancing
College of Accountancy and Finance Student Council
CAF Review
FIMA 40023: Security Analysis (Final Examinations)

D. Diversification

31. States that share prices reflect all information and consistent alpha generation is impossible.
A. Index funds
B. Passive strategy portfolio
C. Efficient market hypothesis (EMH)
D. Management fees

32. STATEMENT 1: Managers, creditors, and investors all need to familiarize themselves
with the assets, liabilities, and equity of a company.
STATEMENT 2: The income statement is the place to find all this handy information.
A. Only statement 1 is true.
B. Only statement 2 is true.
C. Both statements are true.
D. Both statements are false.

33. The _____________ is a measure of how much risk the investment will add to a portfolio
that looks like the market.
A. Beta of a potential investment (β)
B. Expected return of investment (Eri)
C. Expected rate of return on the market E(Rm)
D. Risk-free rate (RFR)

34. It is a quantitative method used for predicting the price of a company’s stock based on the
theory that its present-day price is worth the sum of all its future dividend payments when
discounted back to their present value.
A. Relative valuation
B. Capital asset pricing model (CAPM)
C. Asset allocation
D. Dividend discount model (DDM)

35. STATEMENT 1: Internal constituents use FS to understand the overall health of an

organization as well as to evaluate financial performance.
STATEMENT 2: External stakeholders use FS as a monitoring tool for managing the
A. Only statement 1 is true.
B. Only statement 2 is true.
College of Accountancy and Finance Student Council
CAF Review
FIMA 40023: Security Analysis (Final Examinations)

C. Both statements are true.

D. Both statements are false.

36. The excess of the purchase price over the fair market value of an asset.
A. Stockholders’ Equity
B. Goodwill
C. Sales
D. Current Assets

37. The final profit after deducting all expenses from revenue.
A. Net Income
B. Gross Margin
C. Net Income per share
D. Net Income before Interest and Tax

38. This is cash generated from day-to-day business operations.

A. Cash from Investing
B. Cash from Financing
C. Cash from Operations
D. None of these

39. Level of efficiency in which all historical information is reflected in the price.
A. Semi-strong form
B. Strong form
C. Semi-weak form
D. None of these

40. Main classification of bond liability according to maturity:

A. Straight, serial, convertible, conditional
B. Straight, callable, serial, floating
C. Callable, fixed, bearer, straight
D. Callable, convertible, serial, straight

41. The written agreement on bond issues between the issuing company and the bondholder.
A. Indenture
B. Bond liability
C. Promissory note
College of Accountancy and Finance Student Council
CAF Review
FIMA 40023: Security Analysis (Final Examinations)

D. Contract

42. Assumes that a large number of profit maximizing participants analyze and value
A. Transparent
B. Liquid
C. Internal/ Information Efficiency
D. Efficiency

43. This type of footnote identifies and explains the major accounting policies of the business.
A. Disclosure
B. Accounting Methods
C. Ratio Analysis
D. None of these

44. Net income divided by total assets

A. Return on Sales
B. Return on Assets
C. Return on Equity
D. None of these

45. Uses important ratio metrics to calculate statistical relationships.

A. Horizontal Analysis
B. Vertical Analysis
C. Financial Analysis
D. None of these

46. Include everything from pension plan liabilities for existing employees to details about
ominous legal proceedings the company is involved in.
A. Disclosure
B. Portfolio
C. Accounting Methods
D. Ratio Analysis

47. Revenue minus Cost of Good Sold

A. Operating Expense
B. Gross Margin
College of Accountancy and Finance Student Council
CAF Review
FIMA 40023: Security Analysis (Final Examinations)

C. Interest Expense
D. Net Income

48. Which of these is/are included in the Statement of Cash Flow?

I. Cash from Operations
II. Cash from Investing
III. Cash from Financing
IV. Net Increase or Decrease in Cash

49. It is made across various classes of securities, sectors of the economy, and geographical
A. Real Diversification
B. Asset Allocation
C. Rebalancing
D. Diversification

50. It is an unconditional promise to pay a specified amount of money at a determinable future

date and to make periodic interest payments at a stated rate until the principal amount is
A. Indenture
B. Bond
C. Promissory note
D. Contract

51. ________ is the process of analyzing a company's financial statements for decision-making
A. Ratio Analysis
B. Vertical Analysis
C. Financial Statement Analysis
D. Horizontal Analysis

52. A model in which it is a business valuation method that compares a company’s value to
that of its competitor or industry peers to assess the firm’s financial worth.
College of Accountancy and Finance Student Council
CAF Review
FIMA 40023: Security Analysis (Final Examinations)

A. Relative valuation model

B. Capital asset pricing model
C. Dividend discount model
D. Absolute value model

53. STATEMENT 1: A corporation’s capital stock may be divided into two or more classes
to attract different kinds of investors.
STATEMENT 2: Stock dividends refers to earnings distribution in the form of shares of
capital stock.
A. Only statement 1 is true.
B. Only statement 2 is true.
C. Both statements are true.
D. Both statements are false.
54. Also known as Net Asset Value (NAV)
A. Book Value of Stocks
B. Stock Dividends
C. Stocks
D. Common stock equity

55. STATEMENT 1: The only certainty in investing is that it is impossible to consistently

predict winners and losers.
STATEMENT 2: The prudent approach is to create a basket of investments that provides
broad exposure within an asset class.
A. Only statement 1 is true.
B. Only statement 2 is true.
C. Both statements are true.
D. Both statements are false.

56. STATEMENT 1: P/E ratio is calculated as dividing earnings per share by stock price
STATEMENT 2: P/E ratio is expressed as a company’s share price as a multiple of its
A. Only statement 1 is true.
B. Only statement 2 is true.
C. Both statements are true.
D. Both statements are false.
College of Accountancy and Finance Student Council
CAF Review
FIMA 40023: Security Analysis (Final Examinations)

57. Reveals how the remainder of the company’s assets are financed, including common and
preferred stock, treasury stock, and retained earnings.
A. Current Liabilities
B. Current Assets
C. Goodwill
D. Stockholders’ Equity

58. Highlights the financial condition of a company at a single point in time.

A. Income statement
B. Cash flow statement
C. Balance sheet
D. Footnotes

59. STATEMENT 1: Increases in cash from previous year will be written normally.
STATEMENT 2: Decreases in cash are typically written in (brackets)
A. Only statement 1 is true.
B. Only statement 2 is true.
C. Both statements are true.
D. Both statements are false.

60. This is the process of determining the fair value of a financial asset.
A. Valuation
B. Allocation
C. Depreciation
D. Stock split
College of Accountancy and Finance Student Council
CAF Review
FIMA 40023: Security Analysis (Final Examinations)


True or False
1. F 6. F 11. T
2. T 7. T 12. F
3. F 8. T 13. T
4. T 9. F 14. T
5. T 10. T 15. F

Multiple Choice
1. B 21. B 41. A
2. C 22. A 42. C
3. D 23. A 43. B
4. D 24. A 44. B
5. C 25. A 45. D
6. A 26. C 46. A
7. B 27. C 47. B
8. A 28. A 48. D
9. C 29. D 49. A
10. A 30. B 50. B
11. C 31. C 51. C
12. D 32. A 52. A
13. A 33. A 53. C
14. B 34. D 54. A
15. B 35. D 55. C
16. A 36. B 56. B
17. D 37. A 57. D
18. D 38. C 58. C
19. D 39. D 59. C
20. C 40. D 60. A

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