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The Victorian

The Victorian Era in British history was the period of Queen Victoria's reign from

20 June 1837 until her death on 22 January 1901. It was marked by a long period of peace,
prosperity, British glory on the international scene, and the high level of national self-
confidence of British citizens. [1] Some scholars suggest that Britain's political triumph in the
Victorian era began with the passage of the Reform Act of 1832 . This era was preceded
by the George era and continued by the Edward era . Half the period of the Victorian era
coincided with Europe's Belle poque era and the United States' Gilded Age .

General Characteristics of Literature in the Victorian Period

A common feature of Victorian period literature is prose. Many quality poems were
produced in this period. The more widespread public education, the greater the number of
readers of periodicals such as newspapers and magazines whose contents are news, ideas,
reviews, etc.

Novels experienced rapid development during the reign of Queen Victoria. During the
reign of Queen Victoria, England was at peace and experienced extraordinary development.
The Industrial Revolution that occurred in England resulted in the advancement of science
known as intellectual activity. The more conducive conditions in England make British
novelists motivated to work.

In this Victorian period, great novelists such as Charles Dickens and William Thackeray
produced many novels, which were followed by the emergence of writers such as Jane Eyre,
Emily Bronte and George Eliot. Although novelists Charles Dickens and William Thackeray
have parallel abilities, there are stark differences between the two. If Charles Dickens came
from a simple family and received a decent education, Thackeray on the other hand, he came
from a rich family and received a tertiary education, he even attended Cambridge University.
While Dickens's works have received a great deal of social attention in society due to
industry, Thackeray has much to say about falsity or pretense, especially high society.

Another Victorian period novelist was Mary Anns Evan or often referred to as George Eliot.
This female novelist writes a lot of novels with moody nuances, this can be seen in one of the
books entitled The Mill on the Floss with the central character Maggie Tulliver. This Maggie
character if the storyline is similar to the life of Geoerge Eliot.

Novelists such as Dickens, Thackeray and George Eliot are considered the greatest novelists
of the Victorian period. This is based on the consideration of the number of his works, both
their characteristics and their influence on society and the development of the author himself.


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