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Chapter 6: Managing Social Media Communications and Planning Cycles

● Time Frequency is a major difference between social media calendars and traditional
media calendars.
● Developing the ___ ___ (implementation plan?) should involve everyone who was
involved with the strategy and everyone who will be involved with implementation.
● What’s your strategy for how often you post? Why did you pick those dates/times?
○ Deanna giulietti
■ 10 stories a day, 3 posts a week, 1 reel per day

1. The Importance of planning

a. Detailed plans for each day, flexible to change as needed
b. 2 forms for planning sm marketing communications
i. Planning for specific campaigns
ii. Planning for ongoing social media marketing activities that are not specific
to any one marketing campaign or promotional cadence
c. Planning accounts for paid, owned, and earned sm
2. The Planning Process
a. 8 stages

3. Implementation Plan
a. Strategic plan is turned into action items, schedule, and efficiently
b. Questions-
i. What should be done?
ii. How?
iii. By whom?
iv. When?
v. How much will it cost?
vi. What non-financial resources are needed?
vii. What are the non-negotiable outcomes vs. the “icing on the cake”
4. Stage 4: Establish Policies
a. Create what can and cannot be said to who and when
b. Heinz superbowl commercial
5. Stage 5: Allocate Resources. Set responsibilities
a. Who does what, allocate decision making responsibilities
6. Stage 6: Compile Calendars, Set Timelines
a. Content calendaring. Time frequency used for SM calendars (daily)
b. Calender will usually start by determining the theme or focus for each week.
7. Stage 7: Evaluate Progress
a. 2 levels to evaluate
i. Measuring performance against strategic objectives
1. Ex daily engagment per day, sales reported monthly
ii. Constantly re-evaluating the implementation plan, owned and earned SM
policies, and communications calendars/ timelines in terms of how well
these plans and policies have been helping the sm marking team
progress towards objective
8. Stage 8: Adjust Strategy

Social media planning

● 24 hour news cycle, you can always receive it
● Understand your organization
● Learn KPIs- key performance influencers (direct sale)
● Know your stars

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