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CHAPTER -3 More About Word 2013
Page no 45-46
A 1. Page Layout
2. Replace
3. Data Source

B 1. True
2. False
3. True
4. False

C 1. Body of letter
2. Recipients
3. Search a word
4. Extra space from the margins
5. Extra space between paragraphs
6. Merging two files

D. 1 Mail merge feature is used to send the same letter to large number of people at the same
time by doing modifications..
2. The process of mail merge involves merging of-
a) Main document. b) Data Source.
3. The shortcut key combination for replace in Ms Word is CTRL + H.
4. The steps to indent a paragraph are-
Step 1 Select the paragraph to be indented.
Step 2 Click on Page Layout tab.
Step 3 Under the Indent section in paragraph tab, specify the distance (in points) by
which you want your paragraph to be indented to left, right or from both sides.
E.1.The steps to merge main document with data source are-
Step 1 Place the cursor in the main document where you want the fields to be inserted.
Step 2 Click on Insert Merge Field from the write & Insert Fields group.
Step 3 Choose the required field and repeat Strep 2 to merge more fields.
Step 4 Click on Finish & Merge option from the Finish group to complete the Mail
Merge process.
Step 5 Choose edit individual document option to edit the documents.
Step 6 Select All option and click on OK.

2. The steps to create Data source in Mail merge process are-

Step 1 Click on Select Recipients from the Start Mail Merge group.
Step 2 Choose Type a new list from the drop down list.
Step 3 Fill the various fields.
Step 4 Click on New Entry option to create new entry.
Step 5 Click on Ok.
Step 6 Save the address list.

3. Replace command is used to find and replace a word with the new word.

4. Steps to find aword in adocument are-

Step 1 . Click on Home tab.

Step 2. Click on Find button .in Editing group.

Step 3. In the search box type the word that is to be searched, the word will be
highlighted in the document.
Step 4. Click on search button to find next occurrence of the word in document.

5. Steps to add space before paragraph are-

Step 1 Select the paragraph whose space you want to adjust.
Step 2 Click on Page Layout tab.
Step 3. Under the Spacing section in paragraph tab, use before option to change the
spacing with respect to the previous paragraph.
sam singh
delhi - delhi
Dear sam singh,


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