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14 Days “at Home” workout Plan

This ebook is designed to help you evolve your thinking about

training, so you can easily lose belly fat as much as naturally
possible, and build your glutes.

There are two thing you need to do in order to be able to lose your
belly and start building a curvy body.
1- you have to eat more than what your body burns.
You won’t gain fat!, if you know the right amount of food to eat, your glutes
will grow and your tummy won’t.

2- you must train 4-6 times per week.

NOTE: If you are not following a proper mean plan, you’re not going to see
You will give30 minutes, 5 times a week, and you'll find a side of yourself
you never knew existed. This isn't going to be an easy 30 minutes. Over
the course of each unique workout, you'll sweat every day. You'll get
tested every day.

If you don’t know the exercise. Be mindful and use Youtube for
instructional videos. Don’t let this be an excuse.

Day 1: CIRCUIT 1: (3 sets x 30 seconds)

Perform the exercises in order, resting for 10sec. minimum, and 20
seconds maximum between each round of the circuit.

1-Gorilla Burpee 2-Sprawl frog kick

3-Bear Crawl Hold 4-Alternating Dumbbell Curl

CIRCUIT 2: (3 sets x 30 seconds)

5- Traveling Thigh Killa 6-Spider Monkey

7- Wide Push-Up Plank Hold 8- V-up

Day 2: Superset: A superset is when you do two exercises back to
back with little or no rest between them.

Perform the exercises in order, resting for 10 sec. between

exercises and sets. (4x10)
Superset 1:

1-Mountain climber 2-Single-arm standing shoulder press

Superset 2:
3-Crab toe-touch 4-Dumbbell bent-over row

Super set 3:

5-Tip-Toe Crunch 6-Knee-To-Nose Pulse

Day 3: Rest
Day 4: Today you will perform the circuit in order as usual, but
each exercise is 2 sets only, each set lasts for 45sec. resting for 15
sec. between exercises and rounds.

Circuit 1:

-Dumbbell Hang Snatch -Bear Crawl Hold

-Seesaw Lunge ` -Standing dumbbell shoulder press

Circuit 2:

-Seated Leg Raise -Bear Crawl Up-Down

-Alternating Knee-To-Chest -Single-Leg V-Up

Day 5: Straight sets. Perform exercises in order. Do 3 sets of 30

sec. for each exercise below.
-Kettlebell Swing -Kettlebell Lunge

-Kettlebell High Pull -Two-Handed Kettlebell Press

-Dumbbell Push-Up Row -Dumbbell Crusher


Day 6: just like day 4, you will perform the circuit in order, each
exercise is 2 sets:45sec. resting for 15 sec. between exercises and
-Bodyweight squat -Frog Push-Up
-Alternating lunge jump -Hollow Body Abduction

-Banded Jumping Jack -Standing dumbbell shoulder press

-Standing dumbbell upright row -V-up

Day 7: Rest
Wanna Train with Ahmed?
Shoot me a message “call” and I will get on the
phone with you and see if I can help you with a
game plan.

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