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14:21, 6:50 PME Test: Heart | Quizet NAME. 5 Written questions 1. Beat of the heart as felt through the walls of the arteries. TYPE YOUR ANSWER 2. Circulation: supplies blood to the muscle tissue of the heart TYPE YOUR ANSWER 3. discharging chambers (send blood out) TYPE YOUR ANSWER ‘4, When myocardium is oxygen-deprived, it shifts to TYPE YOUR ANSWER 5, Prolonged (minutes*) coronary blockage leading toa sudden death of a patch of myocardium TYPE YOUR ANSWER 5 Matching questions 1 valves that prevent back-flow into A. S-T —— the ventricles when ventricles relax B. Coronary sinus ©. SA 7 This segment: contraction of htpsiuizet.comi412911668Itest a 14:21, 6:50 PME Test: Heart | Quizet —— ventricles (plateau phase) D. Semilunar E, Systemic 3. Circuit of left side 4, -95% of heart blood drainage is — via the Stretch of atrial walls stimulate node 5 Multiple choice questions 1. Hormone that increases HR & contractibility O© Aeetvenotine O symosthetie O érineptvine O thyroxine 2. depolarize __ times/minuteAV node Ow» only electrical connection between atria & ventricles © ventricular fiorillation htpsiuizet.comi412911668Itest 26 14:21, 6:50 PME Test: Heart | Quizet O bundle of Hs O Frantestarting tow O reervichotine ‘4, a block or delay of the normal electrical conduction of the heart Fae Eee EP Heart block Tachycardia OOO Angina pectoris, O Firittation 5, imbalance: Fluid accumulation in either circuit due to insufficiency of ventricular pumping © Ventricutar tachycardia (V1) © CHF (congestive heart failure) © Pulmonary edema CO, detective SA node 5 True/False questions 1. Foam cells (aka macrophages) absorb _&__. ~» Cardiac reserve O wwe O Fane htpsiuizet.comi41291166aItest aia 914721, 6:50 PM Test: Heart | Quizet 2. This segment: contraction of atria (plateau), time required for impulse to travel from SAto AV > P-@ O te O false 3. Volume of blood pumped by each ventricle in one minute + CO (cardiac output) O Wwe O false ‘4, This wave depolarizes ventricles + R-R I —+ VT (ventricular tachycardia) O ie O fatse Check answers htpsiuizet.comi412911668Itest 4a

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